EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESl'ONPENTS MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1934 STAYTON GOES TO CLUB MEET WITH PBOGBAW Stayton About U'n members, rep resenting the Btayton chamber of commerce attended the monthly meeting of the Cole community club sot it hof St ay ton Friday evening. Alter a short business session con ducted by Mrs. Elder, president of the Cle community club and teach er of that school, the nice; in? was turned over to Prof. H. E. Toble of Btayton, who acted as chairman of the program committee. He called upon H. J. Kowe, direc tor, who ftave the words of irreet 1:115s lor the St avion chamber of coin metre due to the absence of the president, Grant Murphy, who could pot attend the meeting on account of previous enunjtment. Following this the Wriirht quartet of stayton saiw an appreciative m: lection l?d by Felix Wright which was followed by an address by Edward J. Bell, eecretary of the Stayton chamber of commerce covering hu trip east and attending the Century of Progress eximsition at Chicago last fall. This as followed by a vocal solo by Lee Brown, accompanied by Mrs. V. N. phelps. The Wright quartet, composed of four members of the Wright family of Stavton sang two numbers which Was followed by a short address by Rev. George Cole of Stayton which added the humor to the evening's program. Following this the closing remark were made by Prof. H. E. Tobie and the meeting was turned over to the president of the Cole community club. Mrs. Elder who presented her play cast, staging a five-minute part of their play. "Foxy Cram pa," which play the Cole com jnunity club will present to the pub lic at the Cole school on February The club served a cafeteria lunch eon to those who attended the meet ing and program. The club is one of the most active clubs out in the rural district from Stayton and have Qone much to improve the conditijn Of their community and school dis trict. I showergiyeFfor j ADOPTED YOUNGSTER Si! vert on A group of friends of ATr. and Mrs. J. C. Bonner of the Silverton Hills community recently met for the afternoon at the Bon her home and sponsored a miscel laneous showed for the newly adopted baby bov of the Bonners. Keith Dean, aped 11 months. Mrs. AUa Hull. Mrs. Myrtle Lincoln, Mrs Doris Coufihcnnower and Mrs. Lora puVal were refreshment hostesses. The cucst list included Mrs. Len ta Elliott and children, Elliott and Lou Ann; Mrs. Lora DuVal und children. Morris and Agnes; Mrs AUa Hall, Mrs. Sander Johnson and daughter, Kathleen: Mrs. Fran ces PorUT and Carrol, Mrs. Harvey Lincoln and son, Larry; Mis. Min nie Eijan. Mrs. Josie Mires, Mrs Doris Coughennower, Mrs. Clara Hang. Mis. Kate Morlcy, Mrs. Bes sie Bentson -Porter and daughtei, Lois; Mrs. A. Heater, Mrs. W. Bailie, Mrs. Sarah Mauldii.fr, Mrs. Ole Sunde, Mrs. D. E. Geiser, Vera and Olive Ottoway, Mrs. C. V. Murray. Mrs. E. S. Porter, Mrs. G. H. Otto way. Mrs.. J W. Stay, Mrs. Myrtle Moores, Mrs. Cassie Livingstone, Mrs. John Van Gorder, Mrs. Ella Brooklyer, Mrs. A. Beuler, Mrs. Juliet Davis. Mrs. D. A. Parsons, Mrs. John Wolfard. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Margaret Oder. Mrs. E. Haines. Mrs. Belle Hartley. Mrs. Ethel Lo ren and Naomi, Mrs. Edith BpurII, Mrs. Fannie Gordon, Mrs. Bessie Tschantz. Mrs. Lucy Leslie, and Mrs. Mae Simmons. Silverton Friends Arrange Farewell Silverton Mrs. Frank Hubbs was hostess to a group of friends honor ing Mrs. Iloy Quinn at the Hubbs Country home Friday, with an af ternoon of bridge and a hand Iter- i Chief shower for the honor guest. ' Mrs. Quinn is leaving with her fam- 1 llv for Canby where Mr. Quinn ha i been transferred. I Present were Mesdtimes Hugh Rome. Prank Syring. J. H. McCul- loiiRh. A. L. V. Smith. James Hol jiiiii.sworth, Sum Loreraen, F. Glenn 1 .McDonald. John Wilson, J. E Stran- I tiix, Charles Hart man, Sena Madsen. James Francis. Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. It u bus. Mrs. Wilson scored high at cards. Loading Continues Aurora Althotnh Aurora has not hid a Southern pacific agent here, ft number of carload shipments are moved from this place. One car ot fc'txnl lias just been shipped and two carloads of onions. Many earloocls ot hops are shipped from here i-.i-ry year. ' Men Serve Supper Evergreen The Happy Hnur club members met in regular session at the schoolhou.se Friday evenim? with ft large attendance. Responsible for the procram arran remen ts were Mrs. Harold Roop and Mrs. Otto Dickman. Karl Baiehellor and Fred Kaser hrHded a committee and were assisted by the other men members pi the community In serving supper RKV. 1.1MAN KKTTEK Stayton Rev. W. H. Lyman, pas tor ol the Stayton Church of Christ, who underwent a tonsil operation In Portland and was reported seriously 111. has been removed to his home ntid Is getting along nicely. Due to ft severe hcnimorrhaRe suffered at ter his return home he was taken back to Portland for several days but Is now out of danger. 8 T I MI'S ARE HI.ASTKD Harel Green Andrew Shumate, who ts the new owner of the former Itoyd Hawley farm, h:a been dyna nti'ing stumps from his acreage which overlooks the Puddinn river Shumate plans on erecting a mod ern barn on the cleared ground re placing the old structure near the FRENCH SEAPLANE SETS NEW NON-STOP FLIGHT RECORD I Th French seaplane Southern Cross no relation to Kingsford-Smith's fsmoua ship It shown at Natal, Brazil, after ita transatlantic flight from French West Africa. The ship set a new seaplane record by Its non stop hop ol 2,666 miles from Bsrre, France, to St Louis, Senegal, the western tip of Africa. (Associated Press Photo) OFFICERS ELECTED BY PERRYDALE CLUB Perrydale The Perrydale Good Will club met at the club room for an all day quilting with a pot luck dinner at noon after which the meeting was called to order by the president, E. 8. Stultz. This being the first meeting of the year a complete report was giv en on all committees. The work committee reported that 12 quilts had been quilted by the club for members and friends this past year. and at present two quills are in the frames now to begin tins year s work. The welfare committee re ported a funeral wreath that was :ent for the friends that h..d left us during the past year, and ot bou quets that were sent to the sick, they reported of families that had been helped and stated that in all, over 140 articles have been given to help the needy onus, Una includ ed both clothing and food. During the meeting election of officers was held and those elected to hold office for the ensuing year are as follows; President, Mrs. L. W. Gilson; vice-president. Mrs. J. Fay MorrLsun; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. H. A. Lee. At the close of the meet ing Mrs. Georve Wood gave a read ing on Soviet Russia and an organ solo was given by Mrs. E. 8. Stultz. Those present were Mrs. D. L. Kcyt, Mis. C. L. Gilson. Mrs. Will Stupleton, Mrs. H. C. Gillam, Mrs. Irwin White and small son. Mrs. Henry Keyl, Mrs. Kenneth Kamey, Mrs. Lawrence McK.ee, Mrs. Mattie Mi-Kee, Miss Doris McKee, Mrs. H. J. Elliott, Mrs. L. W. Gilson, Mrs. S. Van Slaavt'ian, Mrs. J. Molenaar, Mrs. Andrew Campbell, Mrs. T. Uoersma, Mrs. J. Fay Morrison, Mrs. E. D. Stultz, Mrs. H. A. Lee, Mrs. Ray Roberts, Mrs. D, D. El liott, Mrs. E. Jennings, Mrs. George Wood. Mrs. P. Zutnwult, Mrs. Chas Bratchcr, and visitors were Mrs. Leslie P. H. Fries, of Forest Grove, Mrs. Lyle Stevens of Hopewell, Mrs Fred Neuman of Junction City, and Mrs. Sharf of McCoy. BRIDGE IS PLAYED WITH FOUR TABLES Mt. Aiigel Mrs. Louis A. LcDoux was bridge hostess at her home to the members of her club and special guests. Four tables of cards were in play with high score honors going to Mrs. Eugene Hotter. Mrs. William J. Kloft drew the door prize and the guest prize was presented to Mrs. C let us F. Butsch. Luncheon was served after a late hour by the hostess, who was assisted in serv ing by Mrs. Joseph L. Wachter. The special guests included Mrs. Otto J. Oswald, Mrs. Cletus F. Butsch, Mrs. Albin J. Butsch and Mrs. Robert J. Welton. Club mem bers Include Mrs. Charles Ullman, Mrs. Fred J. Schwab, Mrs. Paul F. Schwab, Mrs. Clement J. Ebner, Mrs. Fred Gooley. Mrs. Herman Srhwab, Mrs. Otto L. Wellman. Mrs. William J. Kloft, Mrs. Eugene H of fer, Mrs. Leo A. Schwab, J. Forrest Sauvaln and Mrs. Albert A. Ebner. Revival Campaign Will Be Continued Silverton On account of the great interest that has been aroused In Silverton during the revival services that have been conducted for the past two weeks by the Watson vangeustlc party In the Alliance tabernacle, it has been derided to continue another week. So there will be services every night this week at 7 10 o'clock and tonlehuEvanKell.it Watson will preach another NHA sermon, his subject being "The NRA of God s Word." This will be entire ly dilferent from last Monday night's sermon. On Tuesday night his subject will be "God or Gorilla" or "Evolution or the Bible Which?" A splendid musical program will be presented at each service. KERRY MEN ELECT Sublimity The Sublimity Berry Growers' association held ft meet ing at the city hall and the follow ing officers were elected: Herman Ruettgers, president, and Prtrr J Etsel, sec re tary -treasurer. Directors are Joseph Zuber, Louie Hendricks and George Wolf. Marketing condi tions were also discussed. IlKl.I.lNOS ARK HOME Silverton Rev. and Mrs. David Hedltmd are home from a two weeks' visit In Seattle. Rev. Hedlund is pas tor of ttie Pentecostal Calvary chur ch. Rev. Lee Hanson, colored prea cher, was In charge of the services during the absence of the Hedlunds. RtTPER m HUCCESS Palls Cltv "The Oren-on and Nor. th western Products" supper 'served ftt the Methodist church under the auspices of the Ladle' Aid was well attended. Supper was served to WHlig Is Honored Guest On Birthday Marquam Tlus 75th birthday an niversary of George Willig. Sr., was tlie occasion for a surprise party at the WUlig home with a dinner and social afternoon. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George Wtllig. Mr. and Mrs. William Pfaff. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wtllig. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willig and daughter Mar ion of Monitor, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Willig and sons, Roy and Lester of aSlem. Miss Evelyn Hassler, Edwin Wilhg. Mr. and Mrs. George Willig. Jr., Violet, Florence, Irene and Viola, and the honor guest. FLAX POSSIBILITIES WILL BE DISCUSSED Woodburn A meeting will be sponsored by the Woodburn cham ber of commerce Wednesday eve ning at the city hall for the purpose of discussing flax growing and de velopment in the community. The meeting will begin at 7:30 o clock and Ray Glatt, president of the lo cal chamber lias announced that all business men and others interested in the possibilities of flax growing should be present, as well as tne members of the chamber of com merce. A committee has been ob taining information relative to the flax situation and this Information will be given out Wednesday night. The possibility of obtaining a ret ting and scutching plant for Wood burn will also be discussed. NEMO SEWING CLUB GUEST DAVIS HOME Hazel Green The Nemo Sewing club were entertained for their reg ular meeting at the Will Davis home with Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, ; Mrs. Lillian Hyncs and Mrs. Will . Davis as hostesses. The meeting was an all-day affair with a pot-luck lunch at noon. Quilting was accomplished dur- j ing the day on a quilt for Mrs. Da- vis. During the business session an invitation was extended by Mrs. Celia Haselbackcr to hold the next: meeting at her home and the Invi tation was accepted. Mrs. Opal Ras mussen will be assisting hostess and the meeting will be an all-day one with pot-luck lunch at noon. Members and guests present in cluded Mrs. Opal Rasmussen, Mrs. Ivyl Dunizan, Mrs. Ada Faist, Mrs. Bertha Dunigan, Mrs. Mae Tuve, Mrs. Mabel Haselbacker. Mrs. ceita Haselbacker. Mrs. Perle Woods. Mrs. Mildred Klttelson and Mrs. Frank Peyton of Salem. Loyal Women Are Guest at Moores' Silverton Mrs. Isaac Moores as sisted by Pearl Moores, Mrs. F. Sim mons, her daughters, and Miss Sun de, was social hostess at her home to members of the Loyal Women's class of the Plrst Christian church Sunday school. Mrs. Mary Jones and Mrs. fcjia Brookler conducted devotionals. A committee consisting of Mrs. Jones, Mrs. William Haverneck and Mrs. Lucy Wray. was appointed to form ulate a class membership code. The February meeting will be held ftt the church. Officers serving were Mrs. John Wolfard. president; Mrs. John Con rad, tice president; Mrs. W. O. Li vingstone, secretary. nd Mrs. Har vey Good, treasurer. Club Entertained Silverton Mrs. Lewis Hall enter tained the members of her Stitch and Chatter club at an afternoon tea at her country home, with Mrs Carl H.uigen assisting In cut ting ices, and Mrs. Elbert DcGuire, pouring, others present were Mrs. A. A. Hall, Mrs. Henry rorvend. Mrs. Silas Torvcfid, Mrs. Martin Hatteberg, Mrs. Harry Bentson. Mrs. L. G. McDonald, and Mis. George Ellon. Shaw Rev. Father Perry, who Is pastor of the Catholic church ftt Newport has been visiting the past week with his sister, Mrs. C. T. Gil bert Sr.. and other relatives here. bfHUAJUfttKAUV 0 -rxaa.e;" SILVERTON CHURCH OFFICERS GATHER Silverton Miss Hannah Olson, newly elected superintendent of the Immanuel Lutheran Sunday school held a meeting of the executive group ?t her home on Oak street during the week, and was assisted In formulating plans for the year by the church deacons, Sunday school teachers and other officers. Miss Selma Storaasll was made secretary-treasurer, and Miss Inga Thorkildson, pianist, with Miss Ed na Overlund as assistant pianist. The next meeting of the teachers will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Aarhus on February 12. Miss Ol son served refreshments to her guests. LEGISLATIVE WORK RELATED BY WALKER Dallas Members of the Kiwanls club and also of the chamber of commerce were treated to an ex cellent 40-minute review of the special session of the legislature by Representative Dean Walker of In dependence. Walker dealt with the four major Issues which confronted the lawmakers at that time in a forceful, convincing manner which kept his listeners' attention from start to finish. The combination meetings of the two organizations started off with a bang and augurs well for future occasions. It was announced by Maurice Dalton, president of the Kiwanls club, that these joint meet ings would be held on the third Friday of every month. In addition to the speaker, out-of-town visitors for the day were Howard Hulscy of Salem, Hal Howell of McMinn ville, Percy Murray of Klamath Falls, Frank Mosier of Corval!!s. Kenneth Poole of Portland and Mr. Waibrklge of Salem. DALLAS AUXILIARY SPONSORS BRIDGE Dallas One of the outstanding events ot the week took plfice Thurs day afternoon when Mrs. Ray Scott, hostess at her home to the bcnellt hostess at her home to the Benefit bridge party held by the American Legion Auxiliary. Assisting Mrs. Scott were Mrs. lred Stinnetts, Mrs. Prank Friar, Mra. Roy Cooper and Mra. William Blackley. High honors for contract were awarded to Mrs. A. J. Cleve land. Mrs. Ralph Beck held high score for auction. Those attending the affair were Mrs. E. Pebvet. Mrs. A. W. Palmer, Mrs. R. C. McKnliht. Mrs. A. R. Harttnan, Miss Grace Hartman. Mrs. Maurice Dalton, Mrs. P. J. Walton. Mrs. J. K. Holllngworth, Mrs. Ralph Beck. Mrs. Laird Woods, Mrs. E. Bossatti, Mrs. E. W. Cruson. Mrs. A. J. Cleveland. Mrs. Charles Watson, Mrs. Flovd McCann, Mrs. Warren Oilbert, Mrs. O. A. Archibald. Mrs. Albert Bennett, Mrs. Harold Rich, Mrs. William Reiser, Mra. c. L. Poster. Mrs. William Hlmes, Mrs. Tracy Savery, Mrs. John Wick, Mrs. Carl Bales, Mrs. Roy Donahue, Mrs. Bruce Spalding. Mrs. Elwyn Craven. Mrs. Dorothy Johnston, Mrs. Jack son end Mrs. Weaver. Taffy Pull Given Brooks Miss Bemadine Wheeler entertained with ft party and taffy pulling at the home of her parents. The evening was spent playing games. Those present were: Miss Thelma Reed. Robert Bishop. Miss Jean Hawkins. BilUe Bishop, Leo Reed, Miss Pearl Jones, Alvtn Reed. Miss Evelyn Becknor, Miss Mina Mae Beckner, Leslie Vaut, Miss Lavonne Harris. Miss Mary Clark Albert Harris. Miss Leone Wheeler. Miss Bernardino Wheeler and Mrs. Wheeler. CARD PARTY PLANNED ' Sham- The second or m series of card parties iponanred by the Udles of the parish In the new year will be (tlvn Wednesday evening In the schocthouse. At late hour lunch will be srrred. PILES rnranteed rrmorfi without knife m aeedle. OLD SORES t any kind. STl HMORN SKIN IRRITATIONS, mad ATHLETIC FEET. If yew bad failed lo heal then fcy ether meant, wlU awkkly reap d nder our Dew method. Oar herbal remedies are cvarmntce ua far tie o for lallttonea, cewcha, bron chitis, aathmm, rhemmallsm, ailment f the liver, etomacb, ilandfl and the rtnary tyatem of tnea and women. 15 years la business. Licensed N. D. shy lieians. DR. CHAN LAM Chinese Mfdlrlne Co ltto N. Commer cial St.. Salem. Office hours :M A. M. to 1 P. M. and i to 1 P. M. TtswaU; and Saturday onlf. T. T. Lam, N. D. . Or. GRANGERS TAKE STAND AGAINST PROPOSED PLAN Union Httl The Union Hill grange meeting Friday night was preceded by a 7 oclcok dinner served by Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ollmour. Mrs. W. R. Heater, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hum phreys. County Grange Deputy W. A. Jones and Mrs. Junes and several stayton grange members were vis itors and there were also number of people from the community guests of the grange at the dinner and for the program after the meeting. During the business session com mittee reports were made by the chairman of the home economics and agricultural and relief commit tees. Several resolutions favorable to the ?al?s tax from other granges were read. All were tr.b'd and Union Hill grange went on record as op posed to the tax and heartily in ac cord with Pay W. Gill. naie master, and his co-workers in their opposi tion to the law. The committee to arrange for or ganization of a juvenile grange here were continued with instructions to further investigate the possibility of organising the grange as soon as hall improvements are completed to make a meeting place available. Clair Morley was installed In his office of assistant steward by past master J. O. Darby. Following the meeting Mrs. Floyd Fox presided over the program which included a talk by J. O. Dar by, "The Cost of Law Enforce ments Per County"; a talk by W. A. Jones on grange work and short talks by other visitors. A play In three acts, "The Dark Town Garden Party" was directed by Mrs. Geneva Hubbard with the principal parts taken by Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hum phreys. Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott. Miss Eleanor Paddock, Floyd Fox and W. M. Tate. The next regular meeting will be February 16 with the following com mittee serving: Mrs. H. E. Hubbard, Thelma Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jaqulst, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones. At the Pomona grange meeting at Stayton Wednesday three members of Union Hill grange were installed to Pomona offices for the next two years. They were: Pomona. Mrs. Floyd Fox ; assistant steward and lady assistant steward, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tate. Mrs. J. C. Krentz was appointed county Juvenile matron and O. W. Humphreys chairman of the Pomona agricultural committee. NEW SEWING CIRCLE ORGANIZED AT SHAW Shaw A group of women of the Immaculate Conception parish met at the school house to organize a sewing circle. The organization will be known as the Catholic Women's Sewing circle. A small annual fee will be charged for membership. The purpose of the circle will be to work for the benefit of the par ish. The circle will meet every two weeks. The first meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Edward Amort. Thereafter the members wil entertain in alphabetical order. Officers of the circle elected were: President, Mrs. Edward Amort; vice-president, Mrs. Joseph Perry; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. John Am ort. Those present were Mrs. Edward Amort, Mrs. Joseph Perry, Mrs. Frank Schneider, Mrs. Edward Gil bert, Mrs. John Batliner, Mrs Erne 11a Schmidt, Mrs. Mary Goffin, Mrs. John Amort, Mrs. Fred Gil bert, Mrs. 'Joseph Sherman, Mrs. John Heinert, Mrs. Mike Gossner. Mrs. Joseph HorUch, Mrs. Peter Klein, Mrs. Andrew Stegmao and Mabel Sherman. Rehearsals Start For Stayton Play Stayton Work on the PTA play, "Listen to Leon" Is progressing nice ly. The play is being directed by Miss Martha Jindra of the high high school faculty and It Is plan ned to give the play February 9. The cast is: Archibald Darby, ft friend of Leon's, Bob Ross; Ann Cushman, Carolyn's friend, Mrs. Vic tor Phelps: Carolyn Jamison. Colonel Bryan's ward. Lulu Lewis; Leon himself, Kentln Thompson; Qui seppe, his man, Lee Brown; Colonel Bryan, Leon's uncle, Willis Brown; Babe, Leon's step-daughter, Mrs. G. F. Kortnek; Nellie, Babe's maid, Ed na Fery. VISIT IS rOSTPONED Woodburn The official visit of Mrs. Esther Bond( president of the Rebekah assembly, to Home Rebek- ah lodge, which was scheduled for Tuesday night, has been postponed until some time in March. LAST TIMES TODAY! "Curtain at 8" Octavos Roy Cohen's Mystery Story with DOROTHY MACKAIIX PAUL CAVANAGH J. AUBREY SMITH Dr. Ooldle B. Chtm, N. p3 Conscience Coin Returned To Man For Repair Bill Albany. Ore.. Charles Evans, Albany automobile re pair man, had a pleasant sur prise when he received ft $10 bill in the mail accompanying an unsigned typewritten note from ft person who evidently "obeyed that impulse" and returned the money after Eans had shortchanged him self. The note read, "some time ago you made ft mistake In making change and gave me too much money. Have been unable to see you so send it to you." Evans has no idea who the author of the note is, nor whence it came save that It was mailed in Albany. MGNMQUTH IGOF LODGES ELECT Monmouth Normal lodge. I. O. O. F installed officers for the term ftt its meeting last week. Harrison Brant is the new noble grand and W. B. Eleston vice-, grand. The other officers follow: , Walter Smith, treasurer; Paul Tach eron, secretary: Ben Muhleman, warden: F. E. Murdock, conductor; H. K. Sickafoose, chaplain; Charles Bowman. R. 8. N. G.; Laird Linder man. L. S. N. G.; Cecil Price, R. S. Charles Stanton, L. 8. 8.; . W. Godell. R. S. V. G.; Paul Riley, L. S. V. G.; George Crofoot, I. G.; and P. M. Roth, O. G. Model Encampment No. 35, I. O. O. F, has installed officers with Claude Boothby district deputy grand patriarch officiating. Officers are Ed Rogers. C. P.; W. J. Stock holm, H. P.; E. M. Lerhty. 8. W.; C. O. Allen. J. W.: Paul Tacheron, scribe; Walter Smith, treasurer: C. W. Price, guide; P. O. Black, first watch; V. Guild, second watch; Ho mer Woods, third watch; Ben Muh leman, fourth watch: L. N. Lindcr- man. I. S.; Charles Bowman. O. 8.; E. W. Slaats, G. O. F. T.; H. H. Brant, O. O. F. T. CARD PARTY CALLS BROOKS RESIDENTS Brooks Six tables of "500" were in play at the card party given at the clubhouse Wednesday night. High score prizes were won by Miss Bessie Aspinwall and Al Potts, low score by Albert Hants and Kay DeRoche. Refreshments were serv ed at the close of the piay. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Ramp, Mr. and Mrs. William Cottew, Mrs. Carl Aspinwall, Miss Arleta Wood, Miss Lavonne Harris. Miss Hattle Aspinwall, Miss Bessie Aspinwall, Al Potts, Ray DeRoche. Del Vibbert, Mrs. Virgil Loomis, Mrs. Mary Hawkins, Mrs. A. M. Dunlavy, Mrs. Sig Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Mike White. James Riggi. Al bert Harris. Billie Cottew, Hurry Loomis, Alfred Louraine, Frank Henny. George Harris, Mrs. Mary Martin, Oren Sturgis, Francis John son. Paul Riggi, Leo Ramp and Clifford Wright. Another card party will be held Wednesday night at the club house. Forbes' Report Is Offered For Lions Monmouth Dr. L. E. Forbes re ported to the Lions last week con cerning the activity of the school masters club including representa tives In Washington and Oregon, which meets In Portland. He says the club has found the minimum teachers' wage to be 40 cents ftn hour and expects to see this raised. He also stated that prospects are good that the federal government will contribute to elementary schools expense as it now does to roads which should the sales tax be adopted may eventually relieve real property from taxation for elemen tary school expense. High Silcott, ft newcomer to town. was present as ft guest, it was i nounced that Col. Robertson of West Salem, ft traveler of some ex tent, will speak at the next meeting. Ends Tonite Two Feature Aro Adnlph Menjou "Blame Th Woman" TUES. WED. The Police ef Ten Countries Souaht Him "The Solitaire Man" lips MARION FARMER UNION GATHERS Marlon "Cost of production plus ft reasonable profit Is all that is needed to raise the purchasing pow er of the former and hasten nation al recovery." said O. W. Potts, slat president, Friday evening at the reg ular meeting of Marion Farmers' Union No. 227. According to Pott's report from the national convention, Congress man James Mott has referred to John W. Simpson, national Farm ers' Union president, as the but In- formed man appearing bemre com-1 mittees pertaining to agriculture ac tivities in congress. Potts said that Ihe fanner is now closer to govern ment administration than ever be fore, through men who are sympa thetic with the farmer. Potts also spoke of the existing harmony be tween the Farmers' Union and oth er farmer organizations, especially on legislative matters concerning the farmer. I Harley Ubby. president of Marion local said "we realize that the gov ernment Is undergoing ft substantial change and we, as farmers, want our share In the shaping of it. As Lib by welcomed visitors and political members he said that whether in or out of the Farmers Union the help of every farmer was needed. Greetings were brought from Rlv- ervtew local by John Shepard and James Johnson; from Talbot by C. L. Blinston; and from Bethel by w. L. Creech. Community singing was led by Jim Wilson and readings were given by Jene Mary Redmond. Miss Helen Kihs and George Kihs. Mrs. Lee Smith has been appointed chaplain and Mrs. Selmer Lee pianist for the year. Nearly 100 persons enjoyed tne social hour and refreshments wnicn followed the program. OFFICERS TO WEAR CHAPTER REGALIA Silverton At the first meeting of the year with the newly selected officers In charge Tuesday night Ramona chapter, O.E.S.. a new plan is being introduced which prom ises to be very popular. The offi cers will appear in semi-formal gowns of pale green, satin-black flat crepe, made on long lines and being identical as to style and length. The women will also wear silver colored slippers. They plan to wear the costumes at each formal meeting during the year. A surprise musical program will be given as entertainment Tuesday evcnini. The worthy matron and worthy patron of the Woodburn Evergreen chapter, O.E.S.. will be special guests. The meeting will be held in the Masonic temple. Mrs. G. B. Bentson will serve as chair man of the entertainment commit tee and Lucille Skaife of the re freshment committee. MEN'S SODALITY GUEST FOR PARTY Mt. Angel New officers and new members of the Young Men's sodali ty were honored at a social in the St. Mary's school auditorium with the Young Ladies' sodality present as honor guests. The evening was opened with a program consisting of a one-act comedy, "Ask Me Anoth er," with Dolores Aman, Raymond Terhaar, Eustelle Bauman. Sylves ter Schmitt, assisted by Raymond Terhaar; and "Flying Down to Rio" by Gordon Bucknum and Raymond Terhaar. Following the program ft banquet was served In the dining hall of the school by members of the men's so dality. Rev. Father James Koessier, O. S. B, moderator, was toast mas ter. He called on various members for talks. Assisting in serving Included Gerald Zellner. Gilbert Mickel, Cle tus May, Edward Ebner and Louis Wavra. The remainder of the eve ning was spent in dancing, the mu sic for which was furnished by Lais, Alex Seharbach and Winters, who directed Nate's rhythm artists ot Silverton. I ifirUyj 3s) ki i ANOTHER RECORD SMASHER! CROWDS! CROWDS! COME EARLY! The most Important screen event of jronr lifetime! WITH 12 GREAT STARS tt-O-M's AIIJTOCtAT OF THI SCltEt g Hie Cosri anil ptittiaa I JOHN eaiSTMOIl I wanaci aiiar 1 I HAH HASIOW . I I HONK SAMTMOK I I til react I 1 lOMUNO IOWI 1 emu auaai I No Advance In I 1 f" 1 25c 4" f Student Loan Fund Roosted by Donuts Silverton Reports from the doughnut sale Saturday sponsored by the Silverton Woman's club, re ported as highly satisfactory. A group of members fried the dough nuts at the home of Mrs. J. N. Bal laiityne, president of the club, and the young women of the Junior Woman's club were in charge of the sales from the Electric store. The funds realized from the sale are to be applied on the student loan fund of the club. AUTOS COLLIDE; SEDAN BUM Dallas Automubiles driven by Allen Hartrhler, of North Dallas, and Mrs. HaiLson. of Portland, col lided at the Intersection of Court and Jefferson streets Sunday after noon, resulting In facial Injuries to Mrs. Hanson and tne near obstruc tion of her sedan. Hie HartclUer touring car appar ently rolled over once nd finally assumed an upright position while the Hanson car was turned over on its side. Noise of the collision, which oc curred about 2:30 o'clock, attracted a large crowd and a bystander care lessly tosed a match to the pave ment after llshllnn a cicarette. Gasoline was Icnltcd and the tank exploded, throwing burning gs around the crowd. Fortunately no one was Injured though R. R. Van Ordsdale and his small daughter are reported to have had a narrow escape. LEGION AUXILIARY PLANS FEED, SALE Woodburn The American Legion auxiliary of the Woodburn post Is planning a rummage sale which will be held In the Masonic build ing at the corner of Front and Ar thur streets Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The public is invited to patronize both tlie dinner and the sale. The following committees will be in charge: Food. Mra. Gerald B. Smith, Mrs. C. W. Oathout, Mrs. John Glatt. Mrs. H. F. Butterlield. Mrs. Nancy Johmton; sales girls, Alice Glatt. Margaret Whitman. Allee Beck, Leona Stinson. Minnie LeFebvre. Retla Schooler, Mary Seollard. Mary Miller. Nellie Yates, Mrs. Claude Brown. Mrs. Cornwell, Mrs. C. J. Push. Florence Johnson, Binnie Olson. Ella Hall: soliciting, Jessie Suns. Bertha nentley, Veua Dod:e. Lydia Voder, Virginia Aus tin. Vera Bojc, Nora Broylcs, and Mary Adams. Sliaw Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stcg man and family who have been liv ing the past two years on tlie Frank Musscr place, have moved into the building formerly occupied by the Rha-.v Pnnl hall. Help Kidneys If poorly funrttontnc Kidnry. ana KliuMt-r irrilie you .u!Tc-r f nim Ottina Hp Nitrht. Nervou.nM.. Rlium.tle t'aini, Stitrnr.it, turning, Sninrliiifr. Itching, nr Aridity try llio (niftruit-jtsd DucUjr's Prw-rriptimi Cy.tex I3ia. text o . r4a Muit fix ynu up or maitte S YOU CAN N DEPEND ONrA 1 TZZW IT1 ALL-Vff.FTRLEi."5!.J Bright Eyes , No Bad Skin Fh iRarncd loan go bnw nftwn Hull nvH tnmnlv kin. norvounims had it-k of pep enme from lnwfl (,lugRishnfi id amstipaiion. Now NR (Nature's Kerowiyi i her errot of fpftrklios tovttit-ntss tvito vital httaUh, No more inttffnrtive partial reliirf for her alh VfiroUblK NR TjihltM-n Rive thomiiRli rfoanaV Inc. Rnnilr timuUutig the entire bowel. Miltioni take NR for thomu;b. Affective reliuf from cotultp&tlon and bUlouanoM. VlfTl a Z.'tC BOX. All dniitvljU'. Pleasant-safe A ImH nn4 huh- I it-rormina. aja-bs TUMS - Our rH-W for acid iwiiK- lion, nrarinurii. vnj HAMorwOrod ltadttr Ft Today and Tuesday 15c HIE LAUGH TEAM IN THEIR FUNNIEST PICTURE! SUMMERVim ZASU PITTS MR FIMTMATe Willi Una Merfc.1, Henry Ar setts, Berton Churchill, War,,. Hymer, Corse Marion. Special Added Attraction "HEY POP" Metro Colored Review News and Cartooa Comedy IB Bp road. about 55 people.