12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1933 MONTANA HAS NEWEST CLUE TO STONE AGE Butte, Mont. (LP) Tracej of "atone age" civilization which ap parently prevailed many centuries ago In northern Montana have been unearthed by Brof. H. M. 6ayre of me iwonrana ecnool 01 Mines. Prof eayre, on a 1,400 mile ex ploration trip through the north- m, ' eastern and central sections of the state, found hundreds of circles, eight to It feet In diameter. made of stones. No evidence was Obtainable regarding the use to which these circles might have been devoted. He also Investigated long rows of stones one to three ftet high, Which In some oases were a mile to length. It Is thought the stones were placed by a tribe that occupied the plains section before the Grow, Cheyenne, and Blackfeet Indians took over the territory. Ancient fctenda of the Blackfeet, referring to a tribe "that lived without fire," are believed to concern the stone Builders. Prof. Eayre also found a giant (tone hammer, weighing more than 10 pounds too large to have been wellded by a man of ordinary Strength. Near the town of Hinsdale, In Northeastern Montana, the pro fessor discovered a layer of buffalo tones three feet deep and 18 feet wide. The bones lay at the bottom St a steep bluff. Prof Eayre be eves this to evidence of a buffalo hunting ground used In remote period so remote it is not even Chronicled In the legends of more Modern tribes. It was the custom of the In dians to drive buffalo over a sharp bluff or cliff during their hunting, forages, then destroy the crippled animaia witn cows ana arrows. NEGRO'S PLANS UPSET BY JURY Mansfield, O.. (IP) Miscarriage csT the "best laid plans of mice and men" Is not always the harsh mis fortune contemplated by. the Scotch sara in nis lamous poem. Witness the case of James Al len, Cincinnati negro, who planned to spend the rest of his days behind we wails of Ohio penltenltary. Be cause his plan misfired, he now finds himself cleared entirely of a charge of first degree murder. Alien was one of a group of four convicts at the Ohio reformatory, who were charged with murder In connection with the killing of a guard during a Jail break. Under the Impression that mercy would be extended If he would save the county the expense of a trial, Al len entered a plea of guilty. To the surprise of all concerned, the court sentenced him to the electric cnair. Court of Appeals, however, re versed the Judgment, on the ground that the trial Judge had accepted the guilty plea without fully advls alng the accused of his rights and Of the possible consequences of en tering such a plea. The case was then tried again on Splea of not guilty. The Jury stood Ine for acquittal and three for conviction. Recently, another Jury voted un animously for acquittal. ' WANTS MORE GLEE IN WELFARE WORK Hartford, Conn. (LP) The need of humor In welfare work has been Overlooked, William W. T. Squire, secretary of the state department of Public Welfare believes. "There Is medicine In a good laugh," Squire said, "and workers chould seek to stir up the humorous fide when working with the poor, the needy, and the old. "It Is safe to say that old people don't get much enjoyment out of laughter," he added. "For that part, only children are really merry. But humor has Its part. It did much to keep up the morale during the World War. There has been little humor displayed however, in the fight on the depression," Kilgorc, Tex. (IP) Billy Clearey, 10, and Truett Mcgason, 13, both of the Laird Hill community, must belong to tho same lodge, or some thing. They fell from the same trolly, at the same place, on the same day, recently. Each broke his left arm above Uie elbow. Asserts Folks Live Longer When Rid of Unhealthy Fat ''Look and Feci Younger," Physician Declares A body burdened wit fnt Is not k honlthy one. Fnt limits activity It nmlcos you look nnd feel older becnuse It slows down body orgnra It oltcn gtuts unnecessary strain ou the heart. Insurance companies constantly Warn of fat's dangers and Just re cently In a lecttiro before the Am erican Academy ot Medicine a prom inent doctor said that persons not gat live longest. Certainly yoti're going to do some thing about this dangerous monster PAT? Don't you know physicians prescribe a half teaspoonful of Kru- fchen Baits first thing every morning n hot or cold water to reduce fat lately without discomfort or loss of trength? Rather you gain In energy and pep feel and look younger you'll probably enjoy better health than you have In years. And don't forget when you banish xceas fat you're pt to live years iniio., mni ttimn ant tn ha fres from those aliments so prevalent In fat folks high blood pressure, rheuma tism, shortness of breath, acidity and Indigestion. ... . . A Jar of Krusehen last 4 weeks and Coats but a trifle at Capital drug store and Perry's drug store or any drug tore the world over maney back If not Joyfully satisfied with results, But protect your health make sure you get Kntschen the ORIGINAL the ogmriNE the SAPB way to re luce, adv. Fish Drained Away From Private Lake Bait Lake City, Utah (IP) There Isn't anything funny about this fish story. If you ask Salt Lake county commissioners. Nels Peterson, of Murray, planted 88,000 trout in a private pond. A county culvert be came dogged, flooding the pond. With drainage, it was learned that the fish had been drained away also. Now Peterson has a bill lor 119 against the county. EDUCATOR SAYS RURAL SCHOOLS ARE NEGLECTED Washington, (IP) Problems and difficulties connected with rural secondary education have suf- rered from neglect because too much attention hat been given by edu cators and the publlo to the large city high school, declared Dr. Will lam R. Oaumlntz, senior specialist In rural school problems, U. 8. Of fice of education In an address be fore the Conference on National Survey of Secondary Education. The meeting was held under the auspices of the George Washington University school af Education. "Educational literature and the study and publicity given to the large high school would lead one to believe that secondary education Is largely a matter of comprehensive city high schools with large student bodies, highly trained teachers and elaborate plant," Ot Oaumlntz said. "As a matter of fact," he added, "the latest data available shows that two-thirds of the four year high schools In this eountry en roll fewer than 100 pupils." Dr. Oaumlntz also criticized the policy which has placed the young est, least experienced and least paid teachers In the small rural high school. It la these schools which Impose the heaviest, most complex and most responsible duties upon the teacher, he said, and therefore call for our beat rather than our poorest leadership and support "As wc get away from the mis taken concept that mere bigness means worth and success, we shall be able to change the situation and secure and retain better lead ers In these small schools," Dr. Oaumlntz predicted Italy expects a larger corn crop last year. ZAZU DISAPPEARS FROM ROCK GARDEN Montreal (LP) Zazu," American born crocodile and one-time pet of the Washington, D. C, too, has mysteriously disappeared from his home here. "Zazu" who Is six years old and measures three feet In length, Is the pet of Mlas Mary Maxwell, who received him as a gift from the keeper of the reptiles at the Washington too some time ago. so far as it known be Is the only crocodile who has ever been driv en In an automobile over a dis tance as great as that between Washington and Montreal. "Zazu" disappeared from his at tractive rock-garden home at the foot of the Mount Royal about a week ago and a frantlo search for him by detectives, police and it owner, has so far been futile. The seaTch Is continuing. HERE'S REAL NEWS from Bishop's For EVERY COLLEGE & HIGH SCHOOL MAN Never Have We Offered Such an Enormous Fine Stock of Smart Togs and Nowhere, When Quality and Assortments are Considered Can You Find Such Values Look Your Best... That's what you'll all want to do this fall . . . 'dress up and pep up ,. , , good clothes are a real help in school jpr business. Dress for the Occasion.. And choose your clothes where you Enow you get tK5 most for the price you pay. You'll appreciate our find quality merchandise and our better lvalues, Hundreds of the Smartest SUITS & TOP CO ATS ! i io cnoose rrom; nere in urns great; block. you win una uiem easy, 10 cnouae.. Every new fabric . . . every, new colo r and style. Hart Schaffner & Marx,; Michael Stern and others, purchased months ago. and now offered at: these surprisingly low prices . 20. TO 3 So LARGE SHOWING MEN'S TRENCH COATS iTKe lamouS U. "S. make. Very finest coat oif .the market at this low price, Double breast ed, full belt, leather buttons, full cut, and rn extra fine fitting coat. All sizes from 4 to 46, Don't wait, but get yours now i una low price; $3,95 NEW FALL HATS Tea ilr, all the new ones are here. Plenty; Of map and plenty of value. Hardeman , pteusuu w jueo manes, zou can t go wrong on uajs jrom (hops'' thii fall $3.50 $7.50 iARROW SHIRTS The shirt with real reputation. Made for particular men, The new ones are here in all the smart Qf up patterns ipAeaD Other makes ........fl & $1.83 CANT BUST 'EM CORDS gome slightly imperfect and taken from the tegular (5 grades. Here they are just at a time when school opens. Light colors and medium weight, Special ui ,.$2.85" HEAVY SKI OXFORDS. .The real shoe for school .wear, now more popular than ever, gxtra well made fine duality leather. ( up Moderately priced tpU.OU SUEDE LEATHER JACKTS Hundreds in this large stock. Extra' well made, and a real coat for $er- d a qp vice. Some as. low. as ... 5'70 i&thers tip to - f 8.9$ SHIRTS AND SHORTS Broadcloth', all. patterns, full int.. Good Special ... 35C fo? $1 .The speed limit is off, so Step lively now, while selec tions are complete. " . SWEATERS .The famous Jerry J. and Columbia Knit pull overs and sleeveless, The new brush' wool in all Bmart shades, (ft- Ar up Others, in plain weaves , tpl.tvO TIN PANTS The popular pant for school. Well made SS&L .: $1.95 & $2.95 SMART OXFORDS Friendly Fives, all the new ones are here, New shades, new styles that you want. Fin. 1st leathers top, Don't pass up a pair ior lau rDii.iiii BISHOP'S BOYS SHOP OFFERS BY FAR THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE SELECTION OF SCHOOL' TOGS IN SA LEM MOTHERS DELIGHT IN SHOPPING HERE, FOR THE GREAT CONVENIENCES AND THE PLEASING COURTEOUS SERVICE . A" Boys' Sweaters Every new one Is here In our large showing. All wool, pull overs In every color. Every boy will want one or two for school. Let ua show tiow ....:......;...-.:.':;:.... $1.39 $2.95 Boys' Knickers. Cords & Wool In all popular colors. Best makes. OK M n every smart fabric, Now. ? l.D Boys' Shirts Fine broadcloth, all new shades. Extra' Well jnade, full cut, r & O-i nn Now at real values .... jOVC b 1 .00 Boys' Cords and Tweed Longies Can't Bust Em Cords. The real school pant for every boy. Extra strong and well made. Bra&2g- $1.95 $2.45 Boys' Suits Boys' Moleskin Blaziers ITan fabric, well made, and a real coat for QK school wear ... -1OC Boys' Oxfords Fine leather, good weights, black and brown. A real shoe for school dn OK up Now .. . J4.i7J A most exceptional large selection" In this fine Stock. All the styles that every boy likes , , , smart fabrics, tweeds, cassimers and cheviots. Now at real Values tits nrr, up too, 2 pants .. JO.lD. ' Boys' Suits Our finest quality. Excellent tailoring, 2 pants, virgin wool In CM 1 OK UP smart weaves and colors pXXD Boys' Top Coats All the smart coats are here In our exten sive showing. Every new .style and fabric, Tweeds, Polos, and others &rr QK up All smart colors . ............ tj) I D Boys' Horsehide Coats Very finest leather. Extra well made. Blanket lined and a real coat for .wear and comfort. And this Is the best value flJK OK' offered, anywhere $0.U. Boys' Wool Blaziers Heavy weight, blue wool, a real smart looking Mazer for school. A coat for " vj, lervice and comfort -.....'.-.....2)A70 136 N. Commercial St, Salem m mafe 1 If III! h4i1,JKIByBniA Boys' Sweat Shirts .White with comic characters'. &t 79c Boys' Caps You'll want one of these smart caps for school. New colors and every new style in snappy f7(A patterns f Up