Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 14, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1933
An appeal to the public for do
nation of prizes to be offered for
competitive sports at the state pen
itentiary on the Fourth of July is
being made by the committee In
The prison's amusement fund Is
depicted, but prison authorities do
not want to forego the usual Inde
pendence day celebration, and suc
cess of the event depends on public
Interest and support.
R, Avery, chairman of the inmates
Fourth of July committee, has sent
out the following letter:
"It is the custom of the officials
of tliis institution to permit the ob
servation, by its inmates, of the
Fourth of July each year. This cel
ebration is comprised of various
athletic contests and exhibitions and
Is greatly enjoyed and appreciated
by the men confined here, the re
cults undoubtedly being beneficial
to the morale of the institution.
"In order to encourage a general
participation in the contests, it is
our desire to offer fitting prizes to
the winners of the various events.
Due to the fact that our amusement
fund is depleted and that the in
mates themselves have very little
money, it is again necessary that we
ask tha donation, by our friends, of
most of the necessary articles.
"Last year, through your gener
osity, we received a substantial re
sponse to our pica for similar gifts
and it would be greatly appreciated
If you were so kind as to again as
sist us at the present time. In this
regard may we make the following
uggestions: .
"We realize that a donation of this
nature Is simply an added expense,
at a time when such additions are
not desirable. In order that the cost
to the contributor may be kept as
low as possible, we suggest that any
wticles you may see fit to send be
of a class not readily saleable, due
to changed styles, etc. Any decrease
in monetary vaiue will certainly not
influence the gratitude and appre
ciation felt by the men here for
your assistance in making this day
a successful one.
"May we again express our sin
cere thanks to you for the gener
osity shown by you in the past. We
all hope for the return of an eco
nomic condition that will make such
appeals as this unnecessary. Mean
while, in the event that you find it
possible to accede to our request,
will you kindly ship same to the
Oregon State Penitentiary, Commis
eary Dept. Prizes'?"
Contributions to this col
umn must be confined to 3(10
words nd signed bj writer
To the Editor History is the basic
loundation of our education. Ex
perience is the test by which we de
termine the value of events record
ed In historical statements. Educa
tion is the reflex image or mirror
of the attainments Individuals
strive to secure under the condi
tions which they are living in. If
the objective aims of the individual
are beneficial to the wellbeing of
society, then education Is also bene
ficial and will steadily increase in
its importance and need. If the
objective aims of the Individual arc
destructive to the wellbeing of so
ciety, then educational activities
must of necessity diminish and be
come narrow in its teachings. We
see this in glancing through history.
Those who control the methods of
production by which the masses ob
tain their living, will also control
the schools and what is taught in
those schools. If their objective aim
Is to secure individual wealth, then
the schools will teach that dominant
thought. Only the test of experi
ence can demonstrate the benfi
cial or destructive results of that
ideal. As society developes into an
aristocracy of wealth there are but
lew who care about education for
the mass of the people. As wealth
becomes centralized in the hands of
a lew Individuals, education of the
m?.'s of the people becomes a men
Br" "i their control of wealth and
New Whim For Summer
Summer Is drawing near and movleland Is getting its warm weather
togs all ready. Here's Sari Maritza with something new a matching
turban and summer muff. The combination, made of velvet violets In
gray, is worn with an afternoon frock.
Vancouver Barracks, Wash., June
14 (Special) With continuance of
the citizen's military training camp
here assured by an order reversing
the recent cancellation, camp auth
orities today were ready to revise
their lists and Issue travel orders to
such Marion county applicants as
are eligible under the new restric
tions as soon as more detailed orders
are received.
The cancellation of the annual
summer course at Camp Hurlburt
here, ordered a few days ago by
Major-General Malln Craig, ninth
corps area commander has been re
versed by him and he has directed
that the camp be held but on a
somewhat curtailed basis. It will be
limited to such applicants as have
completed at least the basic or be
ginner's course. According to pre
liminary estimates by Lieutenant
Thomas J. Cross, camp adjutant,
this will cut the original quota
down from 590 to about 425. How
this curtailment will affect Marion
county, however, had not yet been
determined today.
Final orders and letters to elig
ible applicants, who were advised
a few days ago by the adjutant to
stand by in case of further devel
opments, could not yet be issued
today because information is lack
ing as to when the camp will begin
and how long It will run. It was
scheduled to start June 23 and run
four weeks, and unofficially this
date and duration Is expected to
stand, but definite word had not
yet come. Eligible applicants, how
ever, will be advised as soon as possible.
Moorhead, Minn. (LP) The rod
and gun clubs and other sportsmens'
organizations of western Minnesota
co-operated In a drive today against
commercial fishing in the state. The
sportsmen charge that the com
mercial fishermen destroys game
Historic Articles
Gathered In Texas
New Braunfels, Tex. Mementoes
of the settlement here of a German
colony before the middle of the
last century are being assembled
by descendants of the pioneer fami
lies. They will be displayed In the
Sophienburg Memorial Building.
Soph ien burg was the name given
the colony's log fortress. Prince
Solms, founder of the colony, had
given the fortress that name in
honor of his intended wife. Prin
cess Sophie, of Salm-Salm.
The Salem Lions club will not
hold its weekly luncheon Thursday
but will join a caravan passing
through here with Charles H. Hut
ton, president of Lions Interna
tional, and attend a luncheon In
his honor at Corvallis in conjunc
tion with the Lions club of that
President Hutton will arrive at
the office of the governor at 10
o'clock and will be presented a box
of choice cherries by Justice George
Rossman, of the state supreme
court, a member of the club. The
fruit is the gift of the chamber of
commerce.. Following the CorvaUis
meeting. President Hutton will pro
ceed to Roseburg for the state con
vention of Lions clubs which opens
Thursday and closes Saturday. Fri
day night will be "stunt" night
with the Salem Lions featuring the
Haywire orchestra as their con
tribution to the program.
Liberty The Harry Smith family
who have been living in the Deitz
man house, have moved from the
Lyons Mrs. William Bidwell and
daughter, Jacqualine have returned
to their home in Portland after
spending two weeks here, helping
care for her father, L. H. Lewis.
we see on every side restrictions
being placed upon the schools.
Teachers are being spanked by hav
ing their salaries reduced. School
terms are being shortened and many
are closed entirely. Under this test
of experience the education which
the schools of the present day has
taught, of individual control of
wealth, shows it is not the correct
thought to teach. It forces educa
tion to run race with catastrophe.
There can only be two lines of
thought taught: private individual
welfare of gain and social public
welfare of service. The teaching of
private control of wealth means so
cial ruin. History proves this. On
the other hand social control of
wealth shows increased educational
activities in addition to its other
benefits enjoyed by the masses of
workers. Society cannot advance to
higher levels as long as private own
ed wealth controls and restricts its
educational facilities. Only a change
of economic control from private
individual wealth, to social control
of wealth, can increase Its educa
tional activities to allow every in
dividual to attain his greatest de
velopment which is due to every
Rickreall, Ore.
Man's Dresses Are
Stolen By Thief
Hollyvfood (LP) Detective Lieut.
William A. Rathburn rubbed his
eyes in surprise when a well-dress
ed man stepped before the desk and
"A thief stole four of my best
dresses." ,
"Hmpf! You mean your wife's
dresses," corrected the officer.
"No. I mean my dresses," per
sisted the complainant. "There was
a green dress, an old rose dress, a
purple dress and a black dress."
The stranger paused a moment
and then explained:
"You see," he said, "I am a female
Oklahoma City, Okla. (LP) Mrs.
Lenora Little, found guilty of smug
gling a house off a mortgage lot,
must spend 18 months behind bars
unless the supreme court takes her
side. District Judge Sam Hooker
denied her a new trial. The accu
sation was that she d isposed of
mortgaged property.
"I'm so glad
you have a
RUTH: Oh dear, I can't wear this dress again unless
it's cleaned and I hate to spend the money.
BABS: Why don't you save the money by
washing it with LUX? I'll tell you how .
FIRST I test a bit of the dress
in lukewarm water such as
the end of a belt if it's safe
in water, it's safe in Lux.
Then I whisk it through
rich lukewarm or cool Lux
suds, and rinse. I press on the
wrong side with a warm iron.
It comes out like new!
Lux has none of the
harmful alkali ordinary soaps
often have, and with Lux
there's no cake-soap rubbing
that's why Lux keeps
fabrics and colors so new
ij Save cleaning bills with safe LUX
Half a million miles
at H4 $ a mile for service
If you want a car that will stand up, the Essex
Terraplane must stand first on your list.
Daily records of expense have been kept by
hundreds of Terraplane owners, and sworn to
before a notary. They show only onc-fourtecntli
of a cent for service, including tire repairs, for
nearly half a million miles of driving.
Fludson unit'Construction has built into the
Friends are quick to feel that way, and to welcome you
into the circle of the casy-to-reach.
It will mean so much to you, too: saving your strength;
aving the nickels and dimes of unnecessary errand-doing
in person.
Tire Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
BusiMES Office 740 State St. Phone 3101
no other car can have because the Terraplane
is the only unit-built car.
We believe that Tcrraplanes are more severely
used by their owners than any other cars
and for one reason. Owners have proved that
a Terraplane can take any kind of punish
mcnt with a smile, and without repair bills.
AVhcn you feel the smoothness of the Terraplane
engine, and sense the solid construction of body
and frame, you will know why.
Essex Terraplane a degree of ruggedness which
"314 miles in one day through those mountains?
You must have been exhausted, Molly!"
"jVol in a Terraplane, I'hil.
No gear-shifting on lulls. No bumps,
No vibration. And lovely cushions.
You ami less will never know
till you try one."
- fcr..ttit I ... ,
State Motors, Inc.
525 Chemekcta Street Salem. Orejjon
Danee to R. A. Holle's Terraplane Orchestra Saturday Xltfht
Parts (LP Paradoxical as It may
seem, the French wine industry
counts upon the German popula
tion of America for an important
part of its trade If the United States
lifts the liquor ban.
Italy exported the largest amount
of wine to the United States before
the war because of the great propr
tion of Italian-Americans. With the
liking of Germans for French wines
and the Increasing number of German-Americans,
it is hoped that
France will be able to wrest the
honors from Italy.
Germans, trade statistics Indicate,
have a liking for wines from the
Bordeaux region, although Burgun
dies also are hi considerable demand.
Lyons Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul
Johnston and daughter Carol of
Lyle, Wash., arrived Sunday eve
ning to visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. F. Johnston.
' see yf .
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All Beef Hamburger Lb.
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Beef Roasts Pork Steak Bacon Squares
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Best Grade Pure Pork Choice
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Beef to Boil Pork Roasts Sirloin Steak
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