THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1932 the Capital journal; salem. oregon 15 t - .- . 1 i - - -J- An Economical Person Is One Who Wears One Darned Thing After Another, v1 .I. i . i , " -' ' . ... CapitaliiJournal CLASSIFIED ADVEfiTISIMO . . BATE9I Rat per word: On Insertion 3 cents; three insertion 6 cents ono week S cent; one month as cents; on year EW month, 2A Matt; minimum per ad 20 centa, Not taken over "phone unlets advertiser haa monthly account. Mo allowance lot 'phone trrora. Want da muat be in bf 10 a.m, day of publication. Real Eetete and Auto ada by t pjn. day previous to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES fey OWNER 6-room house, tot 60x142. bearing fruit trees, double garage, at 943 s. Hand St. Price 91000. alG2 $2960. Strictly modern 6-room home with beautiful yard and shrubbery, east front, paved St. Located at 1971 Maple Ave. s250 cash, bat terms. Bee this bargain today. 13500. Late built modern six room Ene style home on corner lot, east Iront, paved St. New addition, near bus and school. (100 cash, bal, 30 per mo. $7500. Late built modern seven-room home all on one floor, cor. lot, pav ed St. Hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, best of construction, dou ble garage, located on Falrmount Hill. Terms. $4750. One of the best buys In town, new, never been occupied, acveu nice rooms, strictly modern in ev ery detail, one block from bus. close to school, (800 cash. bal. terms. PRICED BBLOW ACTUAL COST. SEE IT TODAY. REAL ESTATE t FIRE INSURANCE W H GRABENHORST & CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 646S. al04 MODERN Dallas home, cheap. Dial aU3 9302. STRICTLY modern stucco home of 6 rooms and floored attic, shade trees. $3250; cash $50 and easy monthly payments. Mnrim hnm with aoartment UD- stairs, entirely separate. Two baths, garage, bearing fruit, near statehouae. MViou. will consider kwu www. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 8. High St FOR SALE 6-room house on pavement at $1000. S acres one mile out, all modern home at $5000. Good home at only $1400. Well locat ed. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. Salem, Oregon a FOR SALE FARMS TUTR PARM PRICED TO SELL 64 acre farm all in cultivation, with buildings, located on main Pacific highway. 12 miles north of Salem. PripA anftno- a.isoa cash, balance 3 yrs ftt 4 percent Interest. THIS FARM IS AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN AND IS PRICED LESS THAN ANYTHING OF FERED IN THE SAME VICINITY. LET US SHOW YOU THIS PROPERTY Tnnv w. h. GRABENHORST & CO., Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 64e8. D1041 100 A. SNAP rreed to sell or be foreclosed. Only miles from Salem. 3ft A. In crop. Soma good timber, pasture, creek, springs, running water all year, good house, fair bldgs. Price cut for quick deal. Stock, crop and Implements all go for $4500; without $4000 for cash. Don't fall to see this If you want the best buy In a farm you ever saw. See BECHTEL or THOMASON, 341 State fet. Room 4 b PLEASURES OF COUNTRY LIVING Included in this remarkable offer of 6 acres, all In young cherries, good house, only short distance from city bus line. Price for few days 4000. Re duced from $6600. Terms. Choice aero tract not far out on pav ed road with 4-room house, electric lights, garage, woodshed, chicken coops and drove well. Price only $2100 with terms. Another acre tract close to city limits with new 6-room modern house with basement. Price 83000 with terms. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 6708. b WE HAVE a good 135 acre farm, us able Improvements, fruit, running stream, fine timber. 50 acrea tillable, good pasture. Price $3800 aod can use Salem home. If you want to trade, come in and see us, we have many properties for ex change. McGILCHRIST & PENNINGTON 200 V. 8. Bank bldg. b FOR SALE Miscellaneous WANTED to exchange, house painting for dental service. Box 410 Capital Journal. cl03 DAVENPORT, good condition. 1955 Fir Bt. clOtJ FOR 8ALE Leghorn Cochrels 6c each. 7 miles east on Pratum road. mile west of Pratum. Wm. De Vrles, Prat- um, Oregon. C103 FOR SALE Burbank seed potatoes, 60c Ssr hundred; $10 a ton. B. Cunning am. Phone 21F2. C104 LADIES' hats, alterations and repairs. Oreenbsuma. 240 N. Com'L c!22' TOP 6328 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK S CULTIVATOR Horses cheap. 1050 Rural Ave. ( CHOICE long two year old springers, fresh soon. M. D. Looney, RU U Jef ferson. K TEAM mares, harness, wagon, fine big bay 1800 lbs, wears 26-la. collar; 654 Ferry. FOR SALE 1 spotted pony, weight $00. Also Shetlands, 1 registered Pok. dog. Fair grounds barn 13. D. O Welty. HAVE Just arrived with another lot of good horses All broke and gentle. Everyone guaranteed. W. B. Adams. Monmou th . Ore. cioa FOR SALE WOOD GOOD old fir. Phone 8932. ecl26 DRY WOOD all kinds. Phone aJe8105 FIRST CLASS FUEL Screened hog fuel, dry second sTowth fir. old fir mill block. Phone 8847 Fred B. Wells, Inc. WOOD SAWING. $462. . ROBINS. PHONE eel 17 FOR GOOD ie-in old fir t $w. Dhona B. Fenwlcfc. 4627. eell$ OLD FIR, second growth, ash. oak. Phons 3671. 14 DRY 2nd growth sawed 13 or lO-mctr boas Bowman. Phone 6030. eelOC 18-INCH old fit $5. C, J. Pattison. eel 06 Phone 8V40. BHED DRY WOOD & COAL. SALEM FUEL CO. TeL 5000, Trade Cottage FOR SALE POULTRY CUSTOM hatching 3c per egg. Phone 133FJ. Lees Hatchery. tlQ A-l HANSON White Leghorn chicks $7 SO per 100, R. I. Red $$ per 100 . Ruby L. Woodward Route $, Box 69B. Phone 44F3L 1 ma mat.k Its aid and started chls, also voiine pullets. The WUemette Valley Hatchery. 410 8. 24tn St. nrni r n.Kt, rhirk rm Tueadav and Wednesday. These low prices wUI surprise you Salem cbtckerlee, 364 M. Cottage St. FREE CHICKS: With each order oi loo Hanson pure bred White Leghorn chicks. 16 tree. Custom hatehtne. Call or -phone lor bargain prices. Ruby L Woodward. Rs. $. boi Phone 44F31 f'OO BABY Chicks. Wartnert Hatchery. UM North Fifth St. Phone WU fiai HELP WANTED WANTED,, saleslady. Apply 467 Ferry St. gl03 SALESMAN wanted, prefer young mau, tiuigie. Answer this ad in writ ing. Bos 403 Capital Journal. g!02 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED, housekeeping by middle aged lady. Wages or raise poultry on shares. U. O. Z Rt. 1, Albany. M02 GUARANTEED painting, kalsoaxlnlng. repairing. Cheap. Phone 7393. hU7 REFINED lady would like housekeep ing position tor gentleman. Telephone StiTtf. h!04 MIDDLE aged widow wants house keeping for widower. Call 70S. South 22nd and Lee, hi 03 ELDERLY woman wants position in small family or will care for Invalid. Town or country. ' Small wages. Box 407 Capita Journal, hl03 PRACTICAL nurse, fully qualified. General and maternity cases. 209 Jefferson street. Dallas. hi 02 Miscellaneous WANTED DRESSMAKING, ladles' talorlng, al teration. 703 North High. 1104 WANTED used furniture. Phone 5110. WATCH WINDOW Allen's Hardware Store. Big surprise Sat. April 30th. The New National Health Drink. 1104 TO BORROW on Improved real pro perty. $2000. private money, box 3 ia Capital Journal. 1103 WILL do painting for car, 16 iO Kan aas. 1102 J. A. SNEED, well driller, 815 N. loth. Phone 4467. 1124' LAWN work, landscaping. Phone 4477. low rates. iiva WANTED. 5110. used furniture. Phone ALL KINDS of fire arms, watches, old gold teeth and bridges, musical Inst, and Jewelry. Condition no object. Name your price. Reiner's Jewelry store. 150 N. Commercial St. 1 PAINTING. oaDerhanging. kalsomin ing. repairing, all work guaranteed. Prices right. G. Wiley. 804 8 21st. 1112 USED Furniture. Phone 5110. 1103 FURNITURE repairing, upholstering, reflnlahing. Phone 8453 Depression prices A. L. McDowell. . 1107 LAWN MOWERS sharpened. 16th St. Phone 7905. 565 S 1105 WANTED Chean horses for fox feed Write Box 387 Journal U04 FOR RENT 3 -ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat, electric .range. Frlgldaire. 555 North Liberty. , - J1Q21 ONE-ROOU and kitchenette Cottage. 381 N. J 104 FOR BEST RENTALS See BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State St. Room 4 Houses and Apts. for $8 to $40. Furn ished $14 to $30. FOR SALE 4-R. House Completely furnished, 2 lota for $50 down, $15 month. Price $1000. J FURNISHED bungalow apartment. Adults only, $25. Enquire 847 Mill. Phone 3296. J104 MODERN 6 room bungalow, 2050 Myr tle Avenue. jiu FRONT apartment, private baths, sin gle room, private shower. 2005 North Capitol. J 104 4-R. modern bungalow at 1130 Madi son. $18. Phone 4907 J1CS TO LEASE furnished 4-room bunga low. Crolson Creek:,. Phone $738. jiua 4-ROOM furnished apartment, lights, water, garage, electric washer, $18.50. 1126 Jefferson. J 103 CLOSE IN beautiful new modern home Would lease. 670 North Sum mer. J 103 SMALL furnished apts. 690 Union. J 103 NEATLY furnished apartment, private bath. 545 Court St. J106 4 ROOM furnished cottage, garage, $16 month. Adults only, 689 N. Cup Itol. J 103 SMALL furnished house. Inquire at service station, 21st and Market. J103 SLEEPING rooms for rent; rent. 145 Miller street. garage for J 106 FURNISHED 2 and 3 -room apartment. 444 South High. heated J103' FURNISHED Apt. Reduced rates. 1040 Leslie. J 103 NICE apartment. 696 N. Cottage. J104 FISHER APTS. 336 Oak, cor 8. Coml. One two and one three-rm. apt. J 106 FISHER APTS. 836 Oak, cor. S. Com'l. One two and one three rooms. J 1 03 PATTON apartments, down town dis trict. Nicely furnished, private bath, etc. For Inspection call Patterns Book Store EDGEWATER Court apartments, mod ern stucco 3-room furnished, mater, garage. Gerth Ave. Phone 3520. J 112 CLOSE in modern steam heated fur nlshed apartments. Phone 8490. 1110 FOR RENT Upstairs apartment at 260 North Liberty. $15- Phone 96F2L PIANOS. Phonographs and sewln$ machines for rent H U SUA Furni ture Co. FOR RENT, Sleeping rooms for gen tlemen. 20S Oregtm Bids I FOR BEST RENTALS See BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State. Room 4 Houses and apts. $6 to $40. Furnished $14 to $50. $100 down, $15 month buys 4-r. house completely furnished. a iocs, price iiww. j n.ROOM house wltU heat and water 1 , 0 floors, oil heat, tile drains and bath. Phone me at 8.40. Emma Murphy Brown. Jiw FURNISHED Winter. modern house. 006 N J 105 STRICTLY modern 4 room partly furnished $20. 8. M. Phone 067B. 208 N. High. house. Earle. J" houses from $5 to $17. Inuuire at 494 North Capitol street. J102 2 AND 8 BOOM apartment. Church. 428 N. tec .ion Pnone $6PaJ ONE room and kitchenette apartment, 1411 State at. rnone hp iv. . j: BOARD AND ROOM uj-tABn nd ROOM and table board, n.ta. K7 nr .k with three meals a day. 33ft N. Summer St, 1J 104 TMff UrM twwrt with board for two. FlF... Knm, Ph 74.00. M102 -irvtrt mnriMTi rnnmi and board res sonable rstes; 360 N. Capitol St. JJ104 nnrtu a himIi. saraes S24. 1445 Oak PERSONAL NATIONAL-AID prottct. Uf, nd ham.. 8r. no a n form ot protKtlon. Boi to Cplt.l Journ.1. U0J th. Madl Beauty pmrlor: .m BW t 4QI o, a. 0.OK nia.. .w. h. r-' .w tu u.ii 1103 MISCELLANEOUS fiwiNn arui diacine late and ear- dens. Phone 5103. ml 07 REAL ESTATE HAVE buyer for modern residence, nn,ih sim nrfrhtv near Holly wood. Three bed rooms, garage, and paved streets. WlU pay up to $12O0 down payment. L. A. Beckman, 341 State St . room I. nl02 ar-nwanH tnds sne eiu nroDertT Phone 3$O0. nl03 fry Journal Want AOS REAL ESTATE so acre tract close to Salem, fair house and barn, all under cultivation, Price $3000. sxenange ior nouse l acre of around all under cultivation. new small house, on pavement, close to Salem. Price $2100. Small payment down, oaiance use rent. 105 acres, su stocked ana equippea, 16 head cattle, nous and horses, fair house and barn, running water and timber, 60 acres la crop. A give-away at $6500, $1500 or $2000 down, bal ance can be arranged. 100 acres 16 miles from Salem, very good Improvements, all stocked and equipped, 70 head bogs, cattle and horses, all In crop. This farm alone cost the owner $18000 and as be In tends to leave the country he will sell everything tor $1200; must have $4000 down at least. This farm should ap peal to $ farmer who wants $ going concern, 9. M. EARLE Phone 0678208 N. High. nl04 EXTRA SPECIAL RANCHES 5 acres 3 Mi miles E. of Salem, 4 room house. Price $1600, $300 down. 62 acres modern with bearing fruit, nuts, berries. An Income place, with tractor and tools, reduced to $4500, close in. Has good house, barn, etc. 18 acres. 5 room house, barn, garage and large poultry house, 2 acres berries. Bargain at $2750. 100 acres, ft room bouse, barn. etc.. 50 acres In cron. ft cows, ft heifers. 3 horses, poultry snd Implements. Price sou .a. wui consider a smauer piace as part. 166 acres. 8 room house, llshts. wa ter system, septic tank, good barn. etc. 40 acres bottom land. 5000 cords wooa. Traae ior 40 to ou acre piece as part. now is me Time ana tne piece ior trades and bargains. SEARS tb TUCKER, Realtors 132 S. High St. n FOR SALE $4500. fifteen acre tract, 0 acres choice beaver dam. 12 miles N. Salem, For particulars see Bechtel or Thomason, 341 State SU Room 4. n LARGE 6-room house, garage, large corner lot, N. Com'L St, $2 UK), easy terms. 8 A. suburban home, good bldgs. elec tric lights. Phone. Half in berries and fruit. $2200. Terms. 100 A. timber, est. 2M feet fir. Lota wood, timber, 12500. Terms. 10 A. prune orchard clear $1700, take clear small residence. All kinds of farm bargains. PERRINE ac MARSTERS 125 N Liberty St, n $150. NICK 4-room bungalow In N. Salem, bath, woodhouse. fruit vault and garage, 2 bed rooms, $1350. $2300; 5-room home on N. Summer, in irooa conaiLion. oaicmrui. dou ble garage, lots of fruit, lot $6x183. A eood buv. $100 down, bungalow, living room 13x 22; 3 bea rooms, oasement, xurnace, flrmlsee. double saraee. $2600. $500 down, a nice home, oak floors In living ana aiuing rooms, oreaaiaat room, 4 bed rooms, large lot, base ment, furnace, fireplace, etc Fine Inratlnn onlv 84300. $3300. English style borne In good conaition, oac iioor in living ana dining rooms, basement, furnace, fireplace, 3 bed rooms, lawn and shrubbery. Terms. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. 8. Bank bldg. Phone 6706. & EXCHANGE Real Estate OOCO TRADE NAnt-Tv ft tract varv beat of SO 11. 4 a cuitivntjri land. bal. Dasture and nice little oav grove, aaoaern e-r. bungalow, haa water system, bath and elec. lights, not far out. Trade for 3ood home in Salem. Price right. Bee BECHTEL or THOMASON. S41 State St.. room 4. nn TEN acre orange grove, Valencia, 1ft years old. Modern o-room numw, chlcicen equipment for 1200; one block from school. Like to exchange for Opeaon farm. Ernest Haase, Bloomiugton, Calif. nnl03 FOR SALE OR TRADE 180 acres near Florence coast, house, wuai nave you? 710 N. High. nn!02 HXHHANOE We want the best 40 to 60 acre ranch near Salem, that a good duplex locat ed close to business dlstilct will buy. Submit your offer to Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 6708 an ESTABLISHED box factory to trade for improved acreage or clear farm. Box 408 Capital Journal. nn!03 GOOD TRADES 434 A. farm, finest In valley .over 300 A. line bottom land, $42,000. 303 A fine farm, 3ft A. Clover, some alfalfa. 284 A. for smaller farm. Price $14,000. 160 A. Block ana nuuuunery. seouu. for acreage, snap. 70 A. farm, 45 A. In crop and seeded to clover, ratr Didga. 12 A. K. of Salem for house. 4 A tract best of soil, mod. B-r. house, barn, water system, not far out. Trade for mod. house In Salem. ror oesc iraaes See BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Room 4 nn TRADE: Beautiful modern 7-room home for acreage. 125$ a, ota. nniuu AUTOMOBILES MUST SELL: very special buy in my Studebaker $ late model sedan, or '31 Ford Delux sedan. Both like new. Call 25F4. q!04 LATE 102$ Essex Sedan, good shape, 8165. Phone 7469. 680 N. Liberty St., Apt. ft. Q104 OLDSMOBILB 1029. perfect condition, driven seventeen thousand miles. For sale reasonable. Call 6137. ql05 VALLEY MOTOR CO. $5$ Used Cars Sold In 1031 125 Bold This Tear (Ask the Person who Bought one) 1030 Tudor Sedan 1030 Std. coupe, rumble seat 1B31 std. Coupe 1929 Phaeton 1929 Roadster 1926 Chrysler Coupe 1927 Olds Coupe 1923 Bulck Coach 1931 Standard Roadster, (new). All uooa cars ana uouu duji Come in and look them over. Trade In your car VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 3158 Phone 7910 ; Center street. i a Mnon ez idocrty on, q- FINANCIU STOCK Tourltuj It Pord ... ... tut ...1123 ...1173 .833 ...100 ...K)S3 25 Ford 8lan 2S Ford Roadjtr 28 Pord Coup. . 30 Ford .Coacb . . 27 Chv. Tourlnc 30 Ch... Coup. , 2H rora iruc. EH sruru iruu .....,. . . vaw U OTHERS TO CHOOSi FROM ,100 PRICED V10 TUSWU CALL AND 6FB XIKIH AUTO COM PANT q REPOSSESSED Autos for tale. Oener aTUianreCorD Jg FINANCIAL LOANS "BELL OF HABalONT" Heard over KOIN daUr nnf ' put a loan wnttc. that Is really, really "''.. TOO GET THE FULL LOAN IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST! QUICK AND COURTEOUS SXRV1CB BXNKrlCIAL LOAN SOCIBTI nr BA1.KU Boom 11$ N.w Blujb Bldf.. 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATE $18 Stat. St T.1 8-T-a-e NATIONAL LOAN AND FINANCE CO Loans mad. on UTestoca, automobiles, household anode and personal pro perty. $11 Otiaralaa Building ,1 lMnu. h. BIKUI FINANCIAL LOANS ' FURNITURE AND AUTOMOBILE-IAANH You obtain ft cash loan without fees or discounts at legal race ox interest, ivn made aa auicklv aa you reauire II furniture or car is not yam ot, will refinance-end give iou additional Anh if vnu naed it. Renay to suit your convenience. Amount $10.00 to $150.00. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION A LOOM iwnpsny 9M Wlrct Msf 1 Bank Bid. Ph. 6551 Licensed by State. r PKHflDNAI. INSTALLMENT LOANS We advance cash to salaried people oa plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture. pianos, etc. Quick .courteous, eonll- denuai service. Dl A l fi UJAfl I SU Oregon Btdg 2nd Floor riirnar serf tat and Hlffh Telephone 778S. Licensed by State HAWKINs) ROBERTS. ln& for City utd firm loans. Rales and costs, low- avalleoie. rrompt service, dm Oregon Building. BORROW money on your personal property. Pay been in montnij in stallments. WlUtAMBiTTB WAR UUBUT&BM licensed by State DOS Bank of Commerce Bldg T AUTOMOBILE LOANS ANY AMOUNT ANY TIMS CONTRACTS REFINANCED ADDITIONAL MONEY LOANED PAYMENTS REDUCED . STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL NO MORTGAGES P. A. EIKER Loans and Pinanclng Dial 47:i2 Ferrv & attfcertr tat License M-US r Business Opportunities FOR SALE Auto camp grounds with cabins, service station, garage, store and living quarters. 2 acrea of land with nice erovs of trees. Located N. on Pacific highway. Price $6500 for IMMEDIATE SALE, terms. A REAL RinnAIN FOR SOMEONE. W. H. GRABENHORST Ac CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty si. rnone oioo. uuu- DIRECTORY LLOYD K. RAMSDEN. bike accessor ies and bicycles. 143 3. Liberty. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnaces and chimneys cleaned by expert furnace man, 1 use steel Druaaea ana vacuum civanv. uii 717$ 119 CHIKOPttACTOJRR nn ft. L. flCQTT. ohironractor. 258 N. High street. Phones 4027 si ooia. o CUT flowers and floral pieces. Deliv ery, o. P. Breitnaupt, uonst, Stste street. Phone W04. MATTRESSES AND RUGS New mattresses to order or old ones remade. Carpet cleaning, sewing, slav ing, fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug At Mattress Factory, Otto F. ZwTclrer, 8. 13th and Wilbur St. Dial 8441 Established 1011. o4 FAINTING A DECORATING o u. knodahl. nainter. decorator. Phone 3430. oioa PLUMB1NO and eeneral renalr work. Phone 6594. Oraber Bros, 164 South Liberty stroess THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, heating. sheet metal worxs. 10 d. commercial street. STOVES ANI FHNCE Renalra and coatlnss for 1600 stoves. ience ana posus. uepair an stovea B. Fleming, 263 Cbemeketa. Phone 4771. o WATCH REPA1BINO WILL repair your watch regardless of shape for $1.00 plus materials. Reiner Jewelry store, lao a. commercial St. OUA RANTEED watch repairing or money Pack. Tne jewel box, lit n. uoerty. WATER COMPANY OREOON-WASHINOTON Water Ser vice company. Offices corner Com mercial and Tde streets. Bills sy- soie montniy. rnone eiai. LEGALS SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE Notice U hereby given that on Friday, the 20th day ot May, i32, at the polling place, designated by the County Court In each ot the twenty-tour precincts In the City of Salem, Marion ounty, Oregon, SPECIAL ELECTION will be held lor the purpose ot submitting to the electors ot said precinct and city, for their approval or rejection, the following proposed amendments to the Charter of said city,- to-wlt: "An Amendment to the charter ot the City of Salem, Oregon, to be known and designated as 'Section 92 providing for and establishing the fire department of the Cty of Salem, Oregon, under civil service rules and regulations; for the ap potntment of a commission to ad minister such civil service regula tlons, and prescribing the powers and duties of such commission and fixing the term of of lice and method of appointment or election of such commissioners. "An Amendment to the Charter of the CUy of Salem, Oregon, con. sistlr of a new section to be dea Unatcd as Section 84 (a), providing for the use of tax funds collected under the provisions of Section 4. of the charter of the City ot Salem for purposes other than those men tioned In said Section 84, and pro viding for a submission of such amendment to the electors ot the Clyt of Salem, Oregon." Said election will be held at t o' clock in the morning and will con tinue until 8 o'clock In the afternoon of said day. Dated (his 27th day of April, 1932 MARK POULSEN, City Recorder. 105 NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I hare Impounded the following described dogs under the provisions ot Ordi nance No. 140. to-wlt: one ponce pup, six months old. One black and tan fox terrier, female. The above described dogs will be killed If not re deemed by owners on or before May I, 1933, as provided in said oral, nance. Dated April 7, 1MJ. FRANK A. KINTO. Chief ot Police, Salem, Ore. 106 Lusty Sneeze Locks Mayfield Man's Jaws Mayfleld, CaL (IP) Be earerui when you sneeie Is the advice ot Al Men. clear store Droorietor. Mesa sneeaed the other day. Faur of his front teeth dropped out as his laws came together. But that wasn't all. His Jaws wouldn't come apart, hard as he tried. At the hospital a physician pried them apart. LEGALS NUTICE TO CKKD1TOKS Tm th rmintv Court. State of Ore gon. County of Marlon Probate de partment. . . m In th matter of the estate of Charlotte Louise Gooding, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un- irind hu been aooolnted admin istrator ox tne estate im vumwho Louise Gooding, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Marlon County, and has qualified. All persona having claims against said estate ere hereby notified to present the same to me at St. Paul, Oregon, with vouchers and duly verified, with in six months from the date hereof, Dated ana nrsx pumuaw Lest publication 4-28-32. UxUUfLJw el. "Im Robert R. Rankin and Bert 0. Good ing, attorneys. Ho. $107. ONE BANK SYSTEM URGED BY MEYER (Continued from page 1 Interested In the unified system, Mever mid. More than 00 per cent of the busi ness ot the country Is oone through checks, asserted Meyer. This widespread use of checks was considered by Meyer as the one real argument for a unified banking system. "Do you think the country could stand a reasonable and proper ex pansion ot currency at this time?" asked McCormack. "There Is a proper expansion oi cerdit going on at this time," re nlied Meyer. Meyer said he "hoped it was a fact" that In the last few months there has been a loosening up oi credit. McCormack asked if the reserve board had any knowledge as to "the lmnositlon of nolltical conauions in connection with requested bank loans by cities. All I know is what I have seen In ths Darjers." Meyer replied. McCormacks questioning along this line was cut short when Acting Chairman Ralney replied that they were not pertaining to the subject at hand the bonus DUl. Meyer said he believed "artificial" currency expansion would result in driving gold out of tne country. He believed that the reserve sys tent has in its power any necessary and controlled expansion. Ralney said he had been uname to get an opinion from the depart ment of Justice on the legal aspects ot ths bonus bill as it affects cur rency. Meyer agreed to submit the "legal question" to the counsel ot tne re serve board. Meyer, questioned by Representa tive Dickson, democrat, Missouri. said an Increase In gold has occur. red throughout the world and tnat $20,000,000 worth has come out of India in the last six months. "We have the largest gold supply In proportion to the volume ot business in the history ot modern time," he added. Meyer said he felt congress would not do anything "so Incompatible with public Interest" as approving such a new currency bonus payment plan. He said he also felt that otner bonus payment plans, such as the Owen and Thomas proposals would have "almost the same effect" on public confidence as the $2,000,000,' 000 pabnan bill. Meyer said, however. It was pos sible for $3,500,000,000 in credit ex pansion under present gold reserves. FOUR ENDORSED BY HOP GROWERS (Continued from pas. 1) ally and disbursing over $l,s00,000 In production expenditures, and sets out that enactment ot the 18th amendment and the Volstead act has "seriously curtailed our market for hops, with the accompanying low prices, and has caused the de struction of 11,000 acres once hi hops which has been planted In oth er crops In competition with other farm products." Stating that "the hop Industry Is in grave danger ot being destroyed. unless the loth amendment Is pealed or amended," tne resolution goes on to state that the hop grow ers association will "support only such candidates for the United 8tats senate and house ot repre sentatives ... who will support our efforts to bring about the re peal of the 18th amendment and. or modification of the Volstead act ." The full text of the resolution reads as follows: Whereas, The necessity for the concerted action on the part ot the hop Industry Is essential for Its preservation and, whereas, the 15.000 acres under cultivation represents an Invest ment of $8,000,000 which pays a tax in excess ot $100,000 annually and employs upwards of 80,000 people during the growing and harvesting season, expending over $1,800,000 for production costs, which immense sum ot money finds Its way Into the pocketbooks of a worthy but needy class of people and which eventually Is expended among the merchants and store-keepers of the state, thereby contributing to the general welfare of all and 'Whereas. Adverse leguistion throueh the enactment of the 18th amendment and the Volstead act has serotusly curtailed our market for hops, with the accompanying low prices, and has caused the des txnction of 11.000 acres ooos In hops which has been planted to other crops lo oom petition with other farm products, aod "Whereas, Ths future oi ins nop Industry is In grew danger of be ing destroyed, unless the 18th amendment Is repealed ot amend ed, therefore be It, "tool red, That the Oregon Hop Growers, appeal to the good citi zens of our state to protect the hop Industry, recognised as on. of ths "big money crops" of the ralley from destruction, and to this end support any such candidates for United States senate and house of representatives In Washington, D. O, who will support our eirarts to bring about the repeal ot the 18th amendment and -or moouication oi the Volstead act, thus permitting the manufacture and sale of 8 par cent beer, as recommended by the American Medical society as a wholesome beverage, which will re sult In the employment ot 1.250,000 people m the allied mausmeav toe consumption ot 100,000,000 bushels of grain, 200.000 carloads ot coal. 900,000 barrels ot gas and oU. bring In a revenue ot $300,000,000 annual ly to be apportioned: among the states and federal government, thereby reducing taxes, put an end to speakeasies, atop racketeering. divorce brewing and distilling from the home and promote a better respect for all our laws now so flagrantly abused, and. above all raise the standard ot our citlaen- shp In general. Therefore be It further. "Resolved, that w endorse the candidacies ot the "Hon. Robert N. Stanlleld, tor U. 3. senator, "Hon. James W. Mott for mem. ber of congress, first congressional district. "General Charles H. Martin for member of congress, third congres slonal district. "Francis Galloway for member of congress. 2nd congressional district, and use all honorable means to bring about their election." TWO BIG WAREHOUSES BURN DURING NIGHT (Continued from pege 1) straw. Other materials were fer tilizer, molasses and peat moss. The molasses, of which there were five or six barrels, exploded when the fire was at Its height, causing some confusion to firemen and excitement among the specta tors. The great crowd of onlookers that gathered to watch the fire added to Its spectacular features. Tne alarm was sounded about 11:30 o'clock, about the time when P trans of second shows were leaving downtown theaters. No one went home. They all went to the fire. Hundreds of other persons rushed downtown, attracted by the repeated siren calls and the glow over tne downtown area, and In a short tune several thousand persons- were on the scene. They lined the inter county bridge until traffic was al most blocked, iney cum Deo atop boxcars and commandeered points of vantage on the porches of near- ta residences. - Parking space In a radius of naii a douen blocks was all taken, in their hurry to get to the fire many motorists stopped their cars at any angle, violating all the traffic reg ulations pertaining to parking. Some cars were parallel to the curbs, some headed In, some backed In and many taking up space enough for several cars. There was ample evidence, ac cording to Fire Chief Harry Hut- ton, that the fires were deliberately set. Persons living in tne vicinity, awakened by the flames before the alarm was turned In, said the fire started In two places, one In each of the bulldogs. Officer William New of the city police, who was early on the scene, said there was a distinct ordor of on. Recent in cendiary fires at Medford and Eu gene, and at the Starr Fruit com oany's Salem plant were recalled. The fire department laid six lines of hots. The start made by the fire before It was discovered, and the nature ot the contents, made It Impossible to save the buildings, but the firemen success. fully kept the flames from adja cent buildings most ot which are of frame construction, and from boxcars on nearby switching tracks. Among large buildings' that were endangered were the Chemeketa apartments and the Oregon Elec tric properties. Big cinders carried high over the district, fall lng on other buildings. Electric COWBOY DIVORCES HEIRESS '-) pi S t, J) S 1 voir y .v fc?rz Paul Inowstter (left), Arisen sewboy, h bsck en the range after obtaining a diverse from Csrellne Jeckson CrWendea Show alter, heiress le Pittsburgh steel fortune. They were wed last March II after courtship st s Tucson riding academy where hewslter wse s Inetrue. tor. He M shewn talking ever Ms decree with trlen. tmest Huasmaa. light and telephone poles caught fir and were hceed fry lb firemen. H. O. White and nova White went In doubt today aa to rebuild ing plane. 'Itu smaller Of tne two ecstroyea buildings, the one nearest ine river, has played an Important part m the development ot Salem industry, ac cording to Frank Welch, pioneer resident who worked In the building In 1884. Bow long before that the building was erected he doss not know. The building was then owned by Squler Farnut at Co., who were nt the grocery, shipping and packing business, and Welch recalls that Farrar't. father lived tn that block between the warehouse and the bridge. From this building the rarrar company shipped vegetables and fruit east and south. There, was no railroad south of Roeeburg and most ot th shipping from Salem went by water on Willamette river boats to Portland, thence by ocean ship ment. She boats piled on the river, some of them leaving Salem every day. Among them were the "Isabel," under Captain John Smith; the Occident," the "Orient," and the City ot Salem." The bulk of ths Willamette ral ley potato crop was shipped from the warehouse, much of u going to Los Angeles. Among men who worked for the Squler Farrar firm besides Mr. Welch were E. J. Swatford, Charles and Ed WeUer, Will Morris, Sam Barcndrlck, William Evans ana Joe Ramseyer. Hood River, Ore. April 38 W Fire early today destroyed the large cold storage and packing plants ot the Apple urowers elation, and the fruit packing plant and warehouse of tne American Fruit Growers here. The origin of the fire was not immediately de termined. A high wind caused the fire to spread rapidly throughout the struc tures. Much valuable washing and packing machinery was destroyed, and two adjoining cottages burned. HISTORIC H&U TO BE Frederlcksburg, Tex. 0B Efforts to preserve the wood and stone. 'Sunday houses" ot early settler days here are being made by mem bers of the American Institute) of Architects. Before the days of automobiles, farmers came to town Saturday afternoon and remained throughout Sunday to worship. Hotels were scarce. "Sunday houses" appeared on slds streets, in ths churchyard, and on the outskirts ot th town, These one-room structures served as living quarters for farmers on week-end trips. Generally the roof was gabled, providing sleeping quarters for the older children. It was long Deuevea Sunday houses were peculiar to Fredericks burg, but in Mlddletown, Conn.. "Sabba Day Houses" were In use as early aa 1660. Game Birds Starve In North Carolina Ocracoke Island. N. C, (IP) Wild fowl, geese and brant are literally starving to death by the thousands along the outer banks snd sounds ot the North Carolina coast this year. Lack of rood In this section Is due to absence this year of eel grass, sea lettuce and other forms of flora. In past seasons a boat crossing a shallow shoal would have to stop several times to clear the propeuor of grass; but this year there Is no grass, and the game birds are dying. It Is against the law to shoot game out of season, and therefore rasldenta ot the banks country art unable to ase the birds lor food. A Cape of Oood Hope four-cent 1863 stamp printed In the wrong color was sold in umaon recenuj for $1,050. ilMIIIri PMSPM APA lira" 1 1S ST 1 U 1 RADIO PROGRAMS rttiDAT r KOW Kilocycle 6:90 Trail Blaewre 7:40 Van aod Do 0:00 Nws 9 :1ft Beautiful thought ' tt:15 Parra hour 5:30 fltebblns Boys S :a ThooiDklns ComsfsV S : 00 Orchestra T:00 Amos n Andy . 7:43 La Roberts. ft: IB Orchestra 10:00 Nawa flashes 10:15 Dance orchestra KBX llBt KlleereJee 7:00 afornloe Sereoaderi, 8:00 Floanelat aerrlce 15 Croat cuts 11:49 Rhythmic Serenade 8:00 Who cares 4:30 Twilight tune 8:00 Book revue 10:00 Great momenta ta hist. 11:30 Organ music KOAC M0 Kltotyefes 7:00Oool morning mectita tlons 7:111 Sattlng-up exercises 7:30 ScannliiH the headll 10:00 Home ecooomlcs 11:00 Chat with weather man 11:10 ' Morning matinee 13:00 Farm hour 12:35 alarket reporte, veather 1:00 Around the campus 1:30 Organ program 3 :00 Homemaker houc 5:58 Market reports 0:30 Farm hour 6:45 Market reports, weather 7:15 Water Right In Oregon 7:30 Business Institute 6:00 Future Farmers of Am. BIRTHS, DEATHS MARRIAGES BIRTHS VcKlm To Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mc Kim, 395 Rural avenue, a son, Darrell Wayne, April 21. North Santlam Ur. and airs. Rus sell Kelly are the parents of an 8-lb. daughter born AprU at at their home here. Mt. Angel Mr. atfid Mrs. E C. Oer- Btt. are noalvlniv aonaratl ifSS arrival HjeTbabr girl, born Sun. day at t&.Mjemta country name, a w nueuwest oi aat. aosvi. inald A daughter was born to Uunnl Bldlea (Ooodvardl Monday evening. Mrs. Bldlen Is at the home of bar srandmothar. Mm. Clare, Johnson. Lablah Canter Ur. and Mrs. Ed Milter are the parents ot a ten pound daughter, born to them last weak. This la their fourth chud, and tliltd daughter. DBATlta Clough Aldina U. C lough, aged 81, pae&ed away at the residence. B50 North Church etreet, at 1:30 o'clock Wednesder morning. He Is survived by his widow Adells. three daughters. hm tiariey rugn, oaiem. ears. w. a. Bishop, San Francisco, and Mra. W. L. Bryant, Portland; two grandchildren. Artnur oianop. nan rranciaco. anov Howard Pugh, Salem; and two broth ers, William of Des Moines, Iowa and Fernando of Blk Falls, Kansas. The body will He in state In the parlors of the ClouKh-Barrtck comDony Thursday. Funeral services will be held Saturday, April 30 at 2:30 p.m. from the chapel of the Clough-Bar rick company, with Rev. Kantner offi ciating. Muslo will be furnished by thb Clough -Banick male quartet. Oraveeide eervloee wilt be held by Chemeketa lodge No. U l.O.OJf. at Lee Mission cemetery. Krause In this city. April 38, Glor ia A. Krause, aged 33, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Krause of Murohv. Ore., alster of Francis A. and Eugene B. Krause of Murphy, and Mra. uoromy Howard oi sjugene. tfemains will be forwarded by W. T. Rlgdon and Son Thursday evening to Md ford for funeral services and Inter ment. OBITUARY ANDKKWT Ol'AI.L, BR. 811 verton Andrew Quail. Sr. 7t died early Thursday morning at the Coffey Surgical hospital tn Portland where he had been alooe DeoMnbw a. The femur bad made Its borne In aod near BUvertoo for the past 33 rears. Quail moTlns from the farm Into the city 1ft years ago. Hs was born In Norway. He Is survived by the following son. and daughtera: Carl oi Portland: Mra. Nona atorUa, Port land: Mra. Emily runrue. iMlvenoa; Come Quail. Kuftene: Andrew Jr. ot McMlnnvllla, Mra. Marie LamXrom. Portland and Mrs. Myrtle Loreozeo. Sllverton. Funeral services will be held from the Emanuel Lutheran Rhureh Saturday afternoon at a o' clock with burial In the Evans Valley cemetery. The remalna are In chars. of the Larson a son enapn. MRA. MAK1R RTt'lOTE Selo Marl. Eltmbeth Btuntes. SS, mother of Fred Slurves. formerly or Bclo. and of Mra. Cecil Wllhurn of 8nlem. N. C and Mra. Kvm unm w Marahfleld. and slater of Price Neal of Scto and Ben Neal of Portland, died a few days ago In West Salem and was burled Monday afternoon ot this week in the Miller cemetery near 8helbum. Her widower. William, sur vives. Mrs. Btuncea had been In de cltnlns health for several years. The family lived near Bclo In the early days and the children were reared In this vicinity. msn, vnMii.B Sllverton Urania Vonil., 0 years old on July 13. died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Warner four mllea south of Star ton, Wednesday mornlns Her hUHband waa John VoMle who died manv years airo. She waa thotifrht to be the oldest realdrnt In the Stayton and Sllverton com munities. Surviving are the dauehter and one son. Jake of Stayton. funeral services will be held from the Meri dian Lutheran church Prlday at 1 o'clock. Interment will be In the cem etery at Meridian. Jack St Btman la cbarve of amusements. MRA. B. 9. rnRIIKA, RE. Wood burn Mrs, Benjamin J. Forbes 8rH 67, ot Ml South 13th .trset, Sa lem, died st a hospital there early Thursday moraine. She Is survived by h.r widows: one daughter, Mrs. Arinlph (Halt of Woodburn and a aon, Benlamln J, Jr., of Vals: and three grandchildren. Remains are la oharvo of the Woodburn Funeral home, with funeral services to be held from the St. Luke's Catholic church Saturday moral ng. Burial will be here. Tltusvine, Pa, lf" A eonunemor. atlve stamp Issue to bonne Colonel Krtwtn L. Drake, who drfsrd the first commercial oil well ta the world near here, Is to be soueht by TUusvllle business and etvte leaders. It a proposed to have the post of fice department Issue the memorial stamp on the completion of Drake Well Park, now under construction,