12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON BRITISH PLAN BUSY SEASON IN AIRPLANES london (LP) A record year In British civil aviation is expected as the (lying season opeiu In earnest next month. There are now 20 timet as many licensed civilian pilots as In 1925; lour times the number of subsid ized civilian flying clubs; seven times as many airplanes certified airworthy; and 24 times as many privately owned aircraft. Midsummer will see many more towns and cities In Great Britain with their municipal airdromes. There are 171 already directly in terested; 11 have licensed airdromes, perfectly equipped; and the re mainder are negotiating either with local authorities, the Air Ministry, or property owners. Four hundred new pilots will pro bably be qualified this year. In 1925 the number of pilots holding licen ses was 117. At the end of 1931 it was 2,091. There are 57 subsidized and un aubsidized flying clubs In the country today; .the movement started with five subsidized clubs with 489 flying members. Twenty-two subsidized flying clubs have a civilian flying mem bership of more than 3.000, and other membership of 3,000. The Dumber who qualified as pilots In aircraft number 385 today; there were but 16 In 1925. EROSION LOSS NEW HAZARD Columbia, Mo. (LP) The United States may eventually be forced to ward conditions that exist in some of the barren ports of China; where, every year, devastating floods take thousands of lives, in the opinion of Dr. M. M. Ellis of the biological department of the University of Missouri. Dr. Ellis recently returned from an Inspection trip over the inland waterways system of the United States. He accompanied Lewis Rad cllffe, deputy commissioner of the U. S. bureau of fisheries, on the tour. Road mprovements, cultivation of land, and deforestation are given by Dr. Ellis as reasons for the losses from soil erosion. He estimates that the United States loses yearly from two to four billion dollars from that source. "It takes nature 400 years to add One inch of soil. In some places that amount is being washed away by erosion In from one to seven years," he said. "The study of conditions In the valleys of the Mississippi, Ten nessee and Ohio rivers shows that the problem has become more acute within the last few years as a result of erosion from deforested areas, from road Improvements and from cultivated lands." HERE'S NEW FAD COLORED TEETH! Auocuted Ficss Photo The lateit feminine beauty fad Is colored teeth, and those who practice It say colon should vary with the color of one'e costume or her mood. Dona Camby (left) is shown preparing to color Donna Bonner's teeth. New British Plane 4 Miles Per Minute London (LP) Speeds of four miles ft minute are being obtained by British test pilots with a new type oi single seat lighting airplane. The new lighter, which is known as the "Jockey," is being produced by Vickers Avlntion Ltd. and has been built to meet the demands of the Air Ministry for (treat speed and rapid climb. Nine nines being test ed at Brooklands are showing sur prising top speeds of 238 and 240 miles per hour at 20,000 feet. The "Jockey" Is fitted wUi ft. nine cylinder racllnl air-cooled en Sine, supercharged to yield 530 horsepower. Sunlight Clinics In Planes Possible London (LP) Sunlight clinics In airships arc a possible development of mcdicnl science foreseen by Dr. E. Goodwin Rnwlinson, director of the bacterolofilcal department of the Royal Institute of Public Health. In an article on medicine In Its relation to aviation, printed tn The Lancet, leading British medical Jour, nal, he declares that flying stimu lates metabolism and produces a marked tonic effect, while airmen have noticed that the common cold reacts favorably to flights at high altitudes. HOPES FADE WITH GRAY HAIR Just at ft time when ft woman should look her best... when the fullness of lifo Is ahead of her... 1h hair ktnrts to fade. A liny sprlnk linir of gray , . , ami thru . , ThrJoyB of gay part It the hpplnrnn fif brluK thf t'tntt-r of attention from fcofh twxen nil tinunlly rmi to n halt. Such a pennlty nci-tl no longer hand icap the woman wYin unv Cnnule Wnter. Thin ! a rlenr, "lurhllnir, prime-like water of wonderful proper ties whhh urtimlly rtwoima lialr to Jin orlftiiml girlhood sit ail. No com plti-alrd "color-plan". No dmiRiT of J letting bninrtt ulinde whrn your hair n blonde. Not only th on klntl but Iho one bottle I enough. And It dots Hot een Interfere with perinunent Having. It really In utprt!ng what aucresnful. youili-l-fyinareniilln It glvi. Apply Canute YA'mt-r yourxelf In the feritary of your own home. Many om en In town am doing tlwt nam thing. They merely dn not mention It. You Deed not mention It. either. J nut buy a bottle ., , . and get rid of the "age penally" In gray hair. I'aaelt Water la so aafe, eo tM-lfnttfle and fture that Jour dealer knowa It will aatlafy you. C not, km will refund your money. On Salt at Perry's Drug Store, DR. CHAN LAM Chinese Medicine Co. Natural rtmtdtrt for alknenu of itonicn, blood, liver, gland, nerve and urinary -tent. Alao allmeuta turn aa ulcer in itomach, co I 1 1 1 a conitipatlon, rheu matism, bronchi UJ and lalUtooca. Of flea Hours. a. a.o.Ht.. llall IA 14ft N. Com'l. JtooDM 1 a, SaJam. DRUG VICTIMS AROUSE POLICE London IP Attacks "on women and girls by men who surreptitious ly drug them and carry them away have reached such alarming propor tions that Scotland Yard plans to send out a squad of plain-clothes women detectives. Hundreds of women have been drugged by the alight prick of a needle in the last few months. The attacks are often made on them In the most public places, while riding on a buss, or shopping in a crowded store. Sometimes they are unware of the needle. They grow faint and are assisted away by the attacker. Purse-snatching thieves, who knock women to the pavement, have long been one of London's most troublesome criminal types, but the druggcr is even more dan- I gerous and harder to catch. One' even decoyed a woman to a church on the pretext that she was wanted to help with the cleaning opera tions inside. There she was drugged and attacked. A girl helping an older woman cross a busy street was pricked in the arm, and another was drugged as she was alighting from a bus at Victoria station. One was found weeping outside a public house and charged with drunkenness. In court she said she had been drugged. Elephant Seeds Put Beans To Shame San Francisco (IP) Jumping Mex ican beans have nothing on the ! "elephant" seeds, which plant qtiar- I antine officer H. M. Armilape re-! ceived for inspection. He displayed ! the seeds here. Each one is about the &itc of a pea, hnrd shelled and glistening scarlet, with ft large, black helium. ! "Watch closely," said Armltage. I "The tip of a helium comes out." I And out came the black tip of the ' seed. But after it enmc the elephant I perfectly carved In ivory. The seed was only a shell, long since scooped out. As curious smiigKleU Into this ' country, the "seeds" may be worth as mtu'h as n dollar, Armitnge snld. R. C. A. PLANS PACIFIC PHONES Manila, P. I. (IP) Plans for the establishment of a radio telephone service from the Philippines to the United States and Europe, to be followed by service to China and Japan, are being commplated, ac cording to W. A. Winterbottom, vice president and general man ager of the Radio Corporation of America Communications, Inc. The service will also extend to Java and Australia. Winterbottom sees In the project the possibility that telephone users in the islands may talk to persons In America and Europe and other countries of the Par East. ITALY USES U.S. TRADE TO PARE BUDGET DEFICIT Rome im Italy expects to eollect $20,000,000, or one-tenth of her bud get deficit, on goods from the United States. The newest row of bricks atop her tariff wall, a IS per cent ad valorem duty and a few special taxes, was announced as Intended to yield the shortage, running about $14,000,000 a month. In addition it must yield enough to replace duties lost through lowered Imports. The United States, although offer ing uniform tariff to all countries, profits by a "most favored nation" clause in a treaty of 60 years ago. Under It the United States Is entit led to the lowest tariff applied to any other country. Germany and America are the countries most affected by the rais ed customs because they do most business with Italy. Italy sells most to Germany with the United States second. Italy is a good customer be cause the United States sells her about $130,000,000 worth of goods and buys about $70,000,000. The vigor of Mussolini's action In putting his financial house In order when the storm of the pound ster ling blew over the Italian lira. Is shown by the sudden drop In the adverse trade balance. In a decade Italian imports have ranged from $250,000,000 to $400,000,000. FREE TEXT BOOKS COST $1 .69 A PUPIL Harrkburg, Pa. IU) It cost $1.67 per pupil to supply free school text books In public schools throughout the state last year, according to records submitted to the state de partment of public Instruction. The cost has been declining 6lnce 1027. when each pupil's supply of books cost on the average, $1.71; but in 1921 they cost only $1.19, It was shown. Total cost of supplying free text books last year was $3,189,977. a counter-irritant Mueterole wanna and hdpe draw outcongeeoon. Apply thie tooth inc. eafe "counter-irritant" very hour for 5 boon. All dniaaute. Ir9 um lyjiyjiLiyj tnis lira Ilrad hot and stuffy from eold'f llistol, quick I A few drop. In the no, from the handy dropper; quickly feel better. ApproYed by physi cians at any drug (tore. Mistol l "save "at the" 'CAPITAL DRUG STORE I STATE AND LIBERTY STREET ! -CUT PRICE DRUGS- I FRIDAY and SATURDAY IHrce you find only the pure . . . the clean . . . the fresh . . the rrputable . . . and at a new scale of cut prices. Thus, through a personal and individual service, do we protect and serve you and B your family. Tooth Pastes 50c Ipana 8.1c 60c l'yrolac :17c 60c Anklent 2.5c 25c Orlis l ie 60c Pebeeeo 88c 50c Colcates 38c Miscellaneous 75c Orlls Mouth Wash. 16 ot 48c $1.00 liillette Blades... flllc 60c Theatrical Cream, . ,2Uc $1.50 rinkhams Veg. ComiountI ....ROc $1.50 Klectrlc Clocks... Ode Rubber Goods i i)t. Hot Water Bottle. 4fc $1.50 Laiiica' Douche, . ,70c 50c Rubber Gloves 28c $1.00 Hath Sprays IMc 75c Rubber Aprons, .. ,3(lc Sundries $1.00 Alarm Clocks. .. .Rflc $1.00 Watches site 1 lb. Acar a .(9 $1.00 Chamois Skins.. 811c Face Powders $1.00 Coty Face Towder -and 65c Coty Terfume Roth for 89c $1.00 Hoppers c $1.00 Amellta ftftc 75c Three Flowers BOc $1.00 Iloubigants eoc Remedies (Oc 1 pint Milk Mag nesia U. 8. P. quality. 200 100 Aspirin Tablets. .. .8o 0e C. R. Cough Syrup. 80c $1.69 Petrolagar ,,,,,.700 $1.60 Petrosylllutu ....7tfc Soaps 15c Jcrgens Big Bath S for 18c I Bars Crystal White.. 18o 10c Palm Olive 8c 15c Cutlcura 19c 10c Lux 5 for 20c 4 Coca Almond . . Sac Fact Creams 1 Pond's nee IOC Woodbury'. ......20c $1 Milkweed nDc 60c Melba S9e T6e l.uiurla Me $0. Tompelan L.i,.....80e Woodbury's Soap, "I 7 25c Bar lit Listerine Tooth 1 P Paste, 25c tube XtJC Ovaltine RH n $1.00 size Ol t - Phillip's 50c Milk of Ol 0 Magnesia O JL C Lifebuoy Soap CI 10c bar D 2t Cod Liver Oil rQn $1.00 pint Wtt Fnlmolive Shaving t)Q Cream, 35c tube uut "NO MORE WRINKLES' $S Jar . , The Original Uarlene" TURTLE OIL (gl AA CREME iJJl.Ulf Kotex, specially Q7n priced w I C Vick's VapoRub, QQ,- 35c size OL lodcnt Tooth Taste, O Q 50c tube WC J. and J. Talcum, - 25c tin 1UC Maltine rrepara- QQ tions, f 1.50 value tOt Sprrlal Selling- of Full site. 60 Inch REDEXMOTH Oft. BAGS 2 FOR.... 6DL Almond Lotion, 50c size 23c Mentholatum, 30c size 19c Psylla Seed, regular $1.00 . 49c Mineral Oil, 75c size 38c 50c Ambrosia Flask Ftar ckn4 bag or purse 25c Ambrosia Funnel For tilling Ambrosia Flask 25c J. & J. Couettes SO pads of sterilised cotton With $1.00 Ambrosia $2 Value AAA For Only UyC We Always Save You Money on Your Druga and Prescriptions 11 if Men's Broad cloth Shirts Fast color, well made Dress Shirts for men While they last 39c msiwi The Great Final Sale to make a real Cleanup of our Entire Stock The time b limited. The stork Is large, It must all be sold out completely In a short lime. Wa have to prepare to surrender the premises to the landlord and we must be entirely sold out by that time. In order that our man ager can fulfill bis contract and clean up by (he re quired time, we are going to the limit, so get busy Come, and tell your friends the Phenomenal Reductions hare never been equaled here or elsewhere, Young Men's College Cords A well made, good Qual Ity corduroy for younj men. While An they last, pair... JOC - MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Full .cut, fast color, values to 69c While they last 39c Broadcloth SHORTS Fast color, full cut, 35c value While they last 16c BLAZERS Men's and boys' all wool blazers in plaids or plain colors while tbey last 98c TURKISH TOWELS 22x44 Double thread, colored border, Turk ish towels. While they last, e:ich 10c Boys' and Men's Rockford Socks While they C -last, pair 0 SPORT OXFORDS One Lot of Ladies'. High Grade Arch 4 AA Supports, Pumps, Straps and Novelty 1 nil Ties. Values to $4.98 While they last liVV . SAMPLE SHOES One Lot of Ladies' High Grade Pumps and Straps, all good styles. Values to $3.95 While they last 69c MEN'S ARM BANDS Good elastic. Values to 15c. While r they last OC ONE LOT OF" CHILDREN'S SHOES x Oxfords and Straps, in black, brown and jcQfa blond. Values to $2.95 While they last WWW Men's Leather Faced Canvas Gloves 25c Values. While O -tbey last, pair. . . IOC 3 ONE LOT OF BOYS' OXFORDS In black and brown, all leather. Values to $2.95. While they last , 1.47 ONE LOT OK CHILDREN'S PATENTS Straps, Oxfords and Shoes, all leather. Values to $2.95. While they last 1.39 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES MEN'S WORK SHOES One Lot men's work shoes. While they last, pair ... ....... 98c NO GOODS SOLD TO MER CHANTS AT THESE PRICES MEN'S AND BOYS' GENUINE KEDS Values In the group to 1.35, While they TQa last I VW Men's EXPRESS STRIPE OVERALLS Genuine "Blue Buckle" express stripe, big Q j overalls; While they last I OU Canvas Gloves red Heavy weight, wrist. While they last, pr. 7c ONE LOT OF MEN'S FINE DRESS OXFORDS In genuine calfskin, kids and gunmetal, also English style brogues. Values to $5.95. While they last 2.69 Engineer and Fireman Socks A wonderful value. While tliey last, fi pair 1C WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS Values to Satin Mule styles and Felts. $1.00. While they last, pr. .. ALUMINUM ROASTER A full size, heavy weight, aluminum ADt roaster. While they last, each Twif MEN'S DRESS SOCKS Regular 35c ralue, part wool Dress Socks. While they last, pair 6c MISSES' RAYON HOSE A fine quality heavy weight fancy rayon hose for girls. Value to 50c. While they last, pr 10c Children's Outing Sleepers While they 1Q last, each IOC WOMEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATERS All wool slip-on sweaters In a variety of Qxa solors. Values to 2.98. While they last vOU MISSES' COAT SWEATERS All wool in coat styles. Values to $2.98. While they last 1.37 MEN'S RAYON SHIRTS Non Run Asst. colors, each 16c WOMEN'S CREPE GOWNS Full cut permanent crepe gowns at a fraction of their. worth. While they last 49c MERCERIZED ELASTIC 4 yd. lengths asst. col ors, 10c value. While ibey last, bnni'h 5c WOMEN S ARCH FOOTWEAR In elastic gore pump style, also dozens of other styles. Values to 4.98. While they last, pair , .... 1.98 WOMEN'S RAYON UNDERWEAR Good quality, Non Run Rayon Panties & Bloomers. Value to 50e. While they last 16c LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC Regular VOc ilse. While they last, bottle DC MEN'S STAG SHIRTS All wool "Boss of the Road" and "Hcrsch Weiss" brands. Value to 9.85 4.85 Women's Fabric Gloves Karser Brand. Value to Sc. While jq they last, pr. .... IOC 100 SILK HOSE Full fashioned pure silk dull twist. CD While they last, pair vUw MEN'S DRESS AND WORK PANTS Whipcords Dress Moleskin tional values. Value to 1.69. kins Excep- QQa While they last VVV WOMEN'S PURSES One lot bags. Values to 1.00. While or they last twC Fixtures or Sale Cash Registers Paper Cutters Counters Tables w, Rugs Chairs Electric Fixtures See manager for price Women's Handkerchiefs fteaular le values, r While they latt J tor DC 1 William'G Gclfi Service Store