10 TOE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY. DECfO.il'.! R 31, llttl REVOLUTION IN GERMANY PLAN OF NAZI FORCES (CoryrtttiL .Ml. w cniuJ 9ttu) Berlin .IP) Adolph Hltter'i "Naz- tr.wm bring ftocuu and eoonomic revolution to Oermany 11 some ot their plans are earned out. Tb Nazis would csabllAh equal partnership between the state and the workers in all German business; they would create a monopoly ol forelfii trade and national banks; they wouJA make Germany Inde pendent of the outside world so far as possible; and they would elimin ate foreigners and all Jews, from business and professions. Hitler's creed Is called "autarcy." It means economic self-sufftclency and comprises many of the prin ciples of fascism, commuum, and ultra-nationalism. So certain are the Nazis of their forthcoming advent to power that their economic advisors are already working out the text of their creed and their proclamation to Impose the new rf-iiinie of the. pcoule. Oddly, although bitter enemies of communism, the Nazis have adopted some Soviet tenets and tactic. Hit ler's actual economic schemes are still secret but statements of his various leader and writings of the party's economic experts Rive an idea or some of tlie novel meas tne Nazis have In mind. Among the most revolutionary schemes advocated are the follow ing: Tlie state and the workers to be come owners In equal partnership In all business In the nation; the plan would be executed by the state taking one third ownership, living workers In factories and business one third, and permitting the pres ent owners to retain one third. Vnc government's share would be In ncu of taxation, which the Nazi economist hope would not be necessary. A monopoly of foreign trade for the government similar to tne sov let monopoly; the nationalization of banks; the Introduction of compul aory Inbor by all able men con trolled by the issuance of food cards imwar to the Soviet rationing sys tern. The government would keep all workers in food and housing. Nazi leaders claim that Jews would be omitted in the ration Iiik system just as the Soviets omitted the former aristocrats. "Autarcy" Is being devised to make Germany self sufficient eco nomically and Independent of the outside world as far as possible. The plans would Include Import restric tion, and violent opposition to all foreign firms doing businCM In Germany. The Nazis claim they would not actually brenk contracts but they admit restrictions plan ned on foreign firms would force them gradually to leave Germany. The Nazis plan prohibition of ownership of property In Germany by Jews or foreigners. They plan to develop home markets with the aid of a high tarllf wall. They would drastically restrict the employment of women in buMncs and industry. They plan ilgid regulation of prohibition of chain stores and de partment stores, against which tlie Nazis are particularly bitter because many of the stores arp owned by Jews. They would reduce interest rates and institute state supervision of land In an efiort to develop self sufficiency. Close regulation of the medical profession would be designed to limit the influence of tlie Jews In the profession. Even now a well developed boycott against Jews Is hurting the practice of many Jew- vn doctors and surgeons. Nlte Nazis are biturlv opuosed to American jazz mistc which they claim is corrupting Germany's Utile. They probably would restrict Jazz. It Ik highly unlikely that some of these schemes won fit be executed mn If the Nazis came Info power because they are confused and con tradictory. Frenchman Claims Credit For Periscope Paris UP) The submarine peri scope was not invented by Sir How ard Grubb, Englishman, as general ly believed, but by a Frenchman, according to a statement made be fore the French Acudcmy of Sci ences. M. Jean Bey, French Inventor, claimed that he himself conceived tlie firfct prrkM-ope and that it was Used aboard the French submanne 0 innate, in 1B91. At that time, he asserted, Pnttland hod no underwa ter craf and the British govern ment disapproved of thun. M. Hey attributed the perfection of the marine periscope to another Frenchman. Jules Cartentier, who constricted his model in 197. He concluded by ravin that other na tions have .tnve copied the princi ple of the Carjen!ier periscope. Persians Invented Mechanical Toys Detroit UP The first mechanical toys were Invented by the Persians 700 years apo. Sir E. Denton Itoss, professor of Persian art and liter ature at the University of London, stated in a recent lecture here. Hons said the Persians devked intricate toys early In the thirteenth century. Elaborate drawings of their devices are Included in books Illus trated by Persian artists, he said. Mistaken Identity Blamed In Murder touta Valley. OkJa. 'IP Arrested and charged with killing his wife with an sx, J. O. Loan offered this alibi : "I mistook her for my mother-in-law.1 Jefferson Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle and ion, Richard, left Wednesday for RoM'burg where they will spend several days visiting at the home ol her sister, Mrs. Bess Cooper and family. 278 STANDARD HIGH SCHOOLS IN OPERATION Bt C. A. HOWARD Superintendent of Fob lie Instroeto'B Oregon has 278 standard four-year high schools attended by 49,000 stud ents and taught by 3000 teachers. One hundred flfty-elrtht of these high schools are small Institutions with 75 students or less. Sines the effective and economical adminis tration of these small schools calls for a different type of organization from that usually found in the larg er schools, the state department of education prepared and published a manual for officers and principals of small high schools In the spring of 1930. The manual pointed out that while some of the small schools were effectively handled, many of them on the other hand, were carrying unbalanced courses and were being operated at a per-pupil cost that could not be Justified on the basis of the educational service rendered It was shown that whereas high schools of two hundred students and over were being operated at a cost of approximately $140 per student, half the hlch schools of 75 students or less were costing over $186 per pupil. Twenty of them were actually costing over $300 per pupil. In the manual for small high schools the state superintendent set up a limited but vital course of study and presented sample programs for handling tins course In schools in which the classes are small. Corres pondence of tlie department with these small schools Is definitely re lated to the proposals In the manual and the publication Itself is now used by the colleges and universities training new high school teachers. Reports for the school year closing in Jur e, 1931, the -first full year hi which the manual has been in use, show a very definite improvement In the organization of the programs of the small hK'h schools, and visit; to nearly 100 of them show that a better type of teaching Is being done. Oa the financial lide the reports are no less encouraging. Of the lii8 schools falling hi the classification for which the mnnuHl was designed, 106, or almost two -thirds, show a decrease in per pupil cast of opera tion. Among the 106, the average decrease a compared with the pre ceding year was $42 per pupil. The state department of education will continue to work on this par ticular problem In the belief that through helpful counsel and super vision, the cost of operating many of these schools can be further reduced and the educational service Improv ed at the sump time. Silver ton Mrs. Martin Hannan who has been 111 at her home here for a number of weeks. Is reported much better and will soon be able to return to civic work in which she taken an active Interest and from which she has been greats missed. MPSIONERS COURI The following Ts the official publication of the record ol claims before the Marion county commissioners court for the December term, 1931, with the amount allowed, hills continued, etc., according to the records in the office of the county clerk. ROADS AND HIGHWAYS KIND Road District No. 2 Grant Jones, patrolman 7.98 Road District No. 3 C. V. Carmlehael, spikes 210 O. A. Cone, labor 7.97 Vernon Miller, do 696 J. H. Miller, patrolman 21.92 Road District No. 6 Virgil Pahey. labor 4.97 Carter Keene. do 5.98 J. J. Romer. do 8 95 Rpy Wldener, do 7 96 J. W. Fahey. patrolman 2553 Road District No. 7 Ross Cutsforth, labor 19.95 P. E. Jensen, patrolman 31.92 Road District No. R. L. Hart, chalnman 4 49 Fred R. Miller, roadvlewer ..... 6.09 Paul 8owa, sharpening tools... 5.00 A. Haulter, labor 7.98 Ervln Haulter, do 3.98 J. Tlilea, do 12.10 M. Thlcs. do 10.88 B. N. Miller, patrolman '. 41.91 Road District No. IS Wm. Wengenroth, nails, tlx... 1.15 Ben Baune, labor , 7.96 Bert Butterfleld. do 1.97 D. W. Cutsforth, do 1.99 (ieo. H. Jackson, do 657 Pete Jackson, do 5.97 J. A. McCormlck. do 1197 James Mccormick, patrolman 55.85 Hoad District No. t Howard J. Van Cleve. labor Disallowed 12.00 allowed 23 97 C. V. Carmlehael, shovels .... 3.75 Road District No. 10 Fred Schwab Coin. Co.. posts 3.00 Louis Welsscnfcls, sharpening tools 1.60 Itay Korsler, labor 2 45 Geo. Marquart, do 2.98 Andrew Schmltt. Jr., do 1 49 Carl 8prauer, do 2.98 Jos. Walker, do 9 74 W. B. Annen. patrolman 42.42 Road Distrirt No. 13 Ames Hardware, nails 1.00 Fred Womack, patrolman .... 18 93 Road District No. 14 Roy Brown, labor 11.98 Hubert Elliott, do 10 43 Ray Hayes, do 4.97 John Klmsry, do 598 Ira Loren, do 3 98 Wm. R. King, patrolman .... 1.97 Road District No. 15 H. M. Kucnzi, patrolman .... 15.46 Road District No. 11 J. P. Coonse, labor 14 92 Ted Jrldricks, do 3 98 W. H. Punzel, do 10 94 Root. Cole, patrolman 2999 Road District No. It Walter Bennett, labor 1 09 W. M. Bradley, labor 59 Wm. Dorcnbush, do 1.98 Glenn Mills, do 1 98 H. D. Nelson, do 1 98 Tom Newton, do 1.98 W. O. Pearmlne, patrolman, disallowed 14 50 allowed 20.94 Road Distrirt No. 19 Max Ratche. labor 1 99 W. A. SI ihrnow. do 3 98 Wm. F. Kapllnter. patrolman. 1196 Road District No. tl A. F. Rahnsen. labor 1 99 Fred Beard, do 3 98 M. M. Mac.ee. patrolman 2693 Road District No. It Fred Hrrscli, patrolman .... 3.99 Road District No. 23 Frank Hurst, libit 188 J. W. Archibald, labor 1.99 George SrhrnlU, labor 1 99 Jacob Schmltt, do 1 97 Robert Sphoon, do 9 99 Henry Btelnkamp, patrolman., 8-49 load District No. 24 E. r Ayers, labor 10.94 P. X. Myers, do 31.(8 Road District Ns. 17 J. D. Odell, labor 1.23 John Fabry. Sr., patrolman . . 22.89 Road District No. It W. W. Westenhouse, patrol man 17.94 Road District No. US Walter Bowman, labor 33.91 Ben Brown, do 9.95 H. Cooper, do 1.99 T. J. Evans, do 3.98 J. A. Hansen, do 6.46 Chris Khia. do 13 93 Lowell Kuebler, do 16 41 Ben Townsend, do 13.93 L. H. Zielke, do 37.90 R. J. Bettencourt, patrolman., 48.87 Road Distrirt No. 39 Paul Bailiff, patrolman 957 Road Distrirt No. 31 Paul Bailiff, patrolman 999 Road District No. 31 Pete Boedlghelmer, labor .... 4.22 Conrad Spenner, do 3.49 Henry Stclnkamp, patrolman 26.29 Road District No. 23 Adam Toepper, labor 1.24 John W. Etel. patrolman .... 3.98 Road District No. 33!i Norval Carter, labor 1.99 E. A. Taylor, do 23 94 W. H. Carter, patrolman .. 10.47 Road Distrirt No. 34 Clifford Case, labor 38 81 R. R. Case, do 3 98 O. O. Fink, do 6.97 Wm. Tynsdale do 1.99 Bales A. Case, patrolman 59.80 Road District No. 33 Lancet Stewart, labor 1.99 E. J. Richards, patrolman ... 9.97 Road Distrirt No. 36 Hamman Stage Line, freight on boxes 1.30 M. M. Booker, labor 76.78 B. V. Davis, do 47.76 Frank Jackson, do 19.90 Leland Jones, do 3 99 Carl Knutson, do 6.97 O. W. Moore do 3.99 J. F. Bewley, patrolman 91.77 Road District No. 37 Independence Sand St Gravel Co.. gravel 16.90 Ed Collard. labor 3.98 V. M. De Cosier, patrolman.. 7.98 Road District No. 38 Dick Allen, labor 1.10 E. B. Stroud, do 9 93 T. D. Trick, labor 17.94 J. S. Turnbull, labor 17.94 O. D. Nccdham, patrolman ... 20.92 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 40 Baker Chevrolet Co., bolus, etc. 2.70 Evans Bros., lumber 11.29 Hammond Lbr. Co., nails .... 1.00 Hill Top Garage, cable, etc. ,, 11.55 Newport Ac Booker, gas 1.10 W. H. Carter, labor 3.48 Ed L. Collins, labor 3. Lancet Stewart, labor 2.98 E. J. Richards, patrolman .. 77.60 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 42 O. I,. Brubaker. labor 13.96 M. H. Utter, patrolman 37.80 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 44 Pohle Staver Co.. shovels .... 2.43 Murray Crowshaw. labor 4.48 Frank Hershfelt. labor .99 Kasper Hershfelt, labor 497 Henry Nleman, labor 3.98 Wm. Nelman, labor 3. Wm. P. Schotllioeffcr, patrol- man 23.92 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 41 L. E. Hennles. patrolman .... 7. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 47 V. J. McAlliMer. labor 597 B. D. Wells, labor C. L. McAllister, patrolman . . 19.93 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 48 D. H. Loonye. labor 2.00 George Looney. labor 2.48 E. W. Hahan, patrolman .... 4.98 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 49 J. W. Copeland yards, lbr. .. 6.10 A. K. Nelson, tile 1.00 A. O. Albln, labor 19.89 O. C. Dixon, labor 39 89 Clifford Hulkenrude. labor .. 22.91 Keubtn Hove, labor 3.97 Clay Isom. labor 25.86 R. C. Kocher, labor 30 92 Win. Licilty. labor 5.97 Jos. Obcninner, labor 2.98 S. P. Ogden. labor 20.88 T. H. Perry, labor 19.89 W. I. Rice, labor 16 91 Geo. Zurlinden, labor 3.99 P. W. Owre, patrolman 53.86 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 53 Theodore Fisher, patrolman , . 9.97 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 50 M. J Lentach, grub h die, etc. 3.20 Starr Hdw. Co., shovel handles ect 195 W. C. Fuller, labor 19 89 Jay Graham, labor 2 98 A. M. Hougcn, labor 9 96 Oscar Johnson, labor 6.98 Herbert Ness, labor 8.45 W. D. Nlchol. labor 1.99 F. N. Robinson, labor 1 99 R. A. 8tagg, labor 1 99 E. Z. Kaufman, patrolman .. 55.83 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 61 Henry Anderson, labor .99 Jess Barkhurt, labor 4.97 Win. Boebert, labor 1.98 Ted Holen. labor 299 W. H. Mlethke, labor 3 47 Jack Pomeroy, labor 3.98 Floyd Stalger, labor 4.97 J, J. Stalger, patrolman 19.94 HOAD DISTRICT NO. 58 Lambert Feskins. labor 4.97 W. H. Haynes. patrolman .. 29.J ROAD DISTRICT NO. 59 Lewis Judson. patrolman ... 1-46 ROAD DISTRICT NO. M M. R Rlngwald. trough 39.00 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 64 Chs.v K. Spauldlng log. co , lbr .72 E. Labren, labor 1 49 Earl Manning, labor 6.48 Henry Manning, labor 1.99 John F. Manning, patrolman 22.91 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 43 C. A. Hannegan, labor 3.98 Pearl Patterson, labor .99 Ray Patterson, labor .99 Henry Stafford, labor 1 99 Richard Patterson, patrolm'n . 11.96 HOAD DISTRICT NO. M It. M. Crane, labor 99 Leonard Walker, patrolman . 9.98 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 49 N Schmaltl & Sons, tile .... 3 06 John A. Otlcs, labor 9 97 Anton Vandercoeverlng, labor 1.99 Chas. Gllles, patrolman 16.94 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 70 Differs General store, handle, etc 4 95 Murphy Gardner Lbr. Co, lbr. 17 93 Edward Berhcart, labor 9 95 Leonard IVerfler. labor 9.95 Remus Lambrecht. labor .... 115 Chas. Stalgrr. patrolman .... 21.94 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 63 J. T. Davis, labor 14 93 Calvin Harral, labor 3 98 O. A. Newmeyrr. labor 14 92 Oeorge Kerch, patrolman ... 13.95 ROAD DISTRICT NO. it Geo. Baker, labor 1 97 D. E. Bllnston, labor 1.98 Fred Wlntermantel, labor ... t-97 Ray Reeves, patrolman 19.95 ROAD DISTRICT NO. M Charles Helni. patrolman ... 8 98 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 90 W. M. Skelton. labor 1.47 MARKET ROAD NO 4 E. I. Ayers, labor MARKET ROAD NO. 1 Ivan Manning, labor MARKET ROAD NO. I Ed Faber, labor Lee Gast, labor Lloyd Hopkins, labor Emlle Van Damme, labor .. 10.94 199 2.98 8.95 1.41 15.91 MARKET ROADS NOS. t I Earl Hecker, labor 17 95 Grant Jones, patrolman .... 23.94 MARKET ROAD NO. I G. E. Crolsant, labor 5.97 J. 8. Hlggtnbotham, labor ... 6 96 C. C. Long. Inbor 7.96 Flarelle Stanton, labor 5 97 Ralph Stanton, labor 3 97 Chas. E. Vrendenburg. labor.. 9.95 MARKET ROAD NO. 1 0 J. H. Miller, foreman 3.98 MARKET ROAD NO. 11 A. C. Snyder, foreman 3.99 MARKET ROAD NO. 12 John Gearln, labor 7.98 Lee Gast. labor 3 98 Arthur Jette. Jr., labor 1.99 MARKET ROAD NO. 13 John Gearln. labor 3.98 MARKET ROAD NO. 15 C. V. Carmlehael, atendlng lanterns 3.50 J. F. Nathman, lanterns 3.60 MARKE TKOAD NO. 18 Dave Swansen, labor 2.99 F. O. Sweaney, labor 1.99 P. W. Owre. foreman 5.96 MARKET ROAD NO. 23 Earl Barber, labor 1.99 Arthur Spilbrlnk, labor 1 99 M. M. McOce. foreman 3.99 MARKET ROAD NO. 24 D. A, White St Son, seed .... 6.00 J. P. Coonse. labor 17.90 Ralph Dulolt. labor 11.94 Peter Engrecht, labor 14.92 Roy Hackenberg. labor 18 90 Harry Haverkemp. labor- 18 90 Ted Jcldricks. labor 17.91 Glen Miller, labor 199 F. R. Nusom. labor 14 93 A. J. Punzel. labor 5.97 W. H. Punzel, labor 14.92 M. M. Shirley, labor 16 91 James Rvan, labor 1.99 T. J. Shirely, labor 1790 Geo. Smith, labor 12 93 C. Tniiett. labor 4.92 Robt. Cole, foreman 85.81 MARKET ROADS NOS. 25 t 26 Union Abstract Co., certifi cates of title 40.00 MARKET ROAD NO. 28- W. J. Brauner. labor 99 P. A. Myers, labor 1.99 MARKET ROAD NO. 33 W. E. Fuller, labor 3 Jay Graham, labor 3.98 M. J. Lentsch. picks, etc 3.85 Leslie Brown, labor 48 87 H. Gladem. labor 21.88 Max Holland, labor 12.43 Jacob Hopflnger, labor 22.13 L. M. Malone, labor 24.37 Ed Reld. labor 24.37 Floyd Shepherd, labor 20 39 Francis Shepherd, labor 12.43 John Tweedie. labor 24.12 W. H. Farr, labor 3.99 W J Volgamore labor 24.12 MARKET ROAD NO. 34 Starr Hardware Co level 54 Waller Borchlers labor 1197 Ed Burbee level 11.97 Theo Fisher labor 15.90 I L Moore labor 11.97 Allen Porter labor .49 MARKET ROAD NO. 35 Paul Bailiff foreman 9.97 Joe Doerfler labor 9!) MARKET ROAD NO. 36 Emlle Van Damme labor 2.98 - MARKET ROAD NO. 45 Ray Loquet welding etc 11.40 Mike Schafer fence 122.00 Arthur Sunde labor 2.99 Hubert Elliott labor 695 Ray Hayes labor 8.95 John Klmsey labor 13.96 Ira Loren labor 6.4ti Wm Mires labor 2.98 MARKET ROAD NO. 44 W DcSart labor 22.38 H K Funrue labor 13.20 Ronald Heater labor 21.94 MARKET ROAD NO. 51 John Kushnlck lumber 1.12 Ted Dobacan labor 11.97 P E Jensen foreman 11.97 MARKET ROAD NO. 53 R J Bettencourt foreman 15.96 MARKET ROAD NO. 67 George J Aicher labor 3 98 Hugh Boyle labor 3.98 MARKET ROAD NO. 61 Vemon Miller labor 1.98 J H Miller foreman 3.99 MARKET ROAD NO. (3 Walter Brnnett labor 75 W o Pearmlne foreman 6.00 Ted Dobacan labor 17 91 Ed Faber labor 15 92 R L Freeberg labor 1117 James Harvey labor 7.96 Joe Hecker labor 133 Bert Knowels labor 7.96 Chas McLaughlin labor 6.95 Chester Pewonka labor 17.91 W W Pope labor 1552 Roy Scollard labor 17.91 Geo Belfer labor 3.98 Gabe Vanderberk labor 3 98 C O Wright labor 17.91 P E Jensen foreman 39.90 MARKET ROAD NO. 74 Le) Buchhelt labJT 5.00 O Edland labor 9 98 P J Gllaiiders labor 3 98 Fred Lucht labor 6.98 C L WUhg labor 1.98 Robert Zollner labor 3 98 Joseph A Van Cleave foreman 1.98 MARKET ROAD NO. 15 W D Nleol labor 1.99 MARKET ROAD NO. II Eugene chick grub hoe etc .. 1.06 Pure Iron Culvert & Manuf. Co. culverts 29.24 Bert Barkhurst labor 3.48 Jesse Barkhurst labor 6.97 A L Bradfleld labor 8 48 Shirley Brown labor 36 68 R W Davis labor 6 97 Loren Dunagan labor 9 48 Jay Graham labor 6 97 Berlrand Iversen labor 11.97 Geo Klllan labor 6.97 P L Lscey labar 9 98 R C McGinnls labor 9 91 F N Robinson labor 6.9' R A Slaggs labor 6 97 Jake Van Arnum labor 9 4e J L Van Arnam labor 9 John Ward labor 8.97 J 8 Korb foreman 33.08 MARKET ROAD NO. (6 L A Dumond lab 497 MARKET Rtl.tD NO. ID J H Baldwin labJT 41 12 Merrltt Brown labor 40.08 Harvey Colson labor 25.86 Geo Crook labor 44 81 O E Davis labor 56 81 F J Fog labor 23 92 Dan Klntl labor 35 90 T C Nichols labor 40 06 Frank Simpson labor 9.95 Leonard Snyder labor 3858 Robert Sphoon labor 1.99 Henry Stelnkamp foreman .. 7-9? MARKET ROADS NOS. 34 A 4 F E Armstrong labor 1751 W Copple labor 17 91 8 Harmon labor 1592 H M KKuenal labor 23.92 Earl Rosa labor 15.42 Ed Rvan art labor 1194 MISC. M R ENGINEERING The Frederick Post Co level rod 37.96 Floyd L Siegmund rent of transit 5.00 F F Ford engineer 149.77 J P McOee engineer 174.77 H 8 Swart county englnecrN212.19 Wlllard Brown engineer tu n F W Casey chalnman tl.77 Robert Drager chalnman .... 87.78 M E Gdeeson chalnman .... 87.78 D E Hardcastle chalnman .. 81.77 J H Herren chalnman 91.77 Carroll M Romtnson chalnman 91.77 A C Shaw chalnmun 91.77 NEWKERG BRIDGE ACCT. Electric Supplies & cotitk Co electricity 2.63 Yamhill Electric Co. elec 1.50 ADMINISTRATIVE EXP. ACCT. U O Boyer Cash adv for frt... 2 Al'TO MAINTENANCE ACCT. Albright Motor Co cable .... 2.55 Douglas McKay Chev Co light switch 1.50 CATERPILLAR NO. 4 ACCT. J A Burns labor 2354 MARION CRUSHER ACCT. Capital City Transfer Co oil 36.19 Otto Hoven labor 94.81 L B Malm labor 64.56 Arthur Morgan labor 66.31 Ervln Wagers labor 64.56 Robert Wagers labor 64.56 STAYTON CRUSHER ACCT. Champ 8 Garage thread shaft 1.00 Moutaln States Power co elec tricity 247.16 Stayton Hardware Co Inc nails etc 2.27 Bert Kelthley labor 85 50 Gus Neymier labor 69U Tom Qutlhot labor 85.50 Ralph Splccr labor C C Stayton foreman J I, Cook labor Malcolm Cooke labor . Frank Doner labor .... F A Du'ton labor Earl A Evans labor ... Ben H Hawkins labor .. J JJ Hollett labor Bertrand Ivcrten labor Robert Judson labor .. Wm R King labor Alba Lowman labor .... Wm Mcllwaln labor ... E McMayhlll labor , 48 8 . 17.9'J . 4.48 . 95.76 . 21.27 .119 76 . 24 37 . 21.SH . 29 84 . 80.28 . 50 83 . 95 76 . 24 37 Alvle Myers labor 5.95 Gus Neymier labor 2.96 Lyle Sacre labor 47.76 Nick Schab labor 50.83 Harvey striker lubor 5.97 Walter Striker labor 41.28 L M Van Cleave labor 115.28 Leonard Walker labor 62.34 W C WoDlbrldge labor 75 81 C Wyldcr labor 34.37 A C Snyder patrolman 34.89 First Natl Bank Trust Dcpt gravel 106.75 Chas H Hoyt gravel 3254 35 Ladd it Bush Bank gravel 80.78 Elmer Lorence rock 551.55 Wm Mires rock 30.53 Oregon Gravel co gravel .. 893.14 E L Kigdon gravel 2547.10 J 8 Rislcy rock and gravel ..8469.45 Fred Womack gravel 130.17 Allen Bellinger lnc haul gravl279.2y L M Case haul gravel 1139.04 M Crouser haul gravel 29.04 W J Davenport haul gravel ,.541.62 V M De Cosier haul gravel .. 63 83 S W Harper haul gravel 580.90 Ronald E Jones haul gravel. .274.55 JJ A Kapphahn haul gravel 2078.25 Cleo Keppinger haul gravel. .598.62 177288 ..250.38 . .278.24 .. 25.77 ..560.79 ..284.88 Hulda Stripling, rrllrf 8 00 Mortis M. Syphert, relief ... 10 00 Mrs. Walter Tlnnel. relief . . . 25.00 Addle Topper, relief 1500 Savilla Waldron. relief 15 00 Mrs. Anna L. Wheeler, relief 15.00 Hatlle Wllbanks, relief 30 00 Alice Bertha Williams, relict . 201" Mrs. W. H. Williams, relief of self and husband 10 00 Chas. W. Wirtz, relief of self and wife W00 Alma Zuercher. relief 3000 YMCA, maintenance free em ployment bureau 5000 Dr. V. E Hockctt. pliysicUm , 65.00 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE ACCOUNT R. Shelton, deputy 115 00 A. W. Jones, deputy 115 00 Eva Roberts, clerk 100 00 Alma Ackerman, clerk 100.00 CI.EK'S OFFICE ACCOUNT V.'l Itore. Woixl- 115 00 115.00 1101)0 1110 Oil . .'.000 Cotes Red A groceries I'c aerd, et al C. F. Curtis. M:l'!4l!lT Wlrta hour Sal' Dracor" Fred P (: .-o Amell-i c l .ire J. J. C' .i Care Frank t i ' Care Elizabeth McAfee Care Margie ! :'i me Care August H ::ibrecht Carp Arthur Ii vnilton i l-rspltal r .'II '"her 35 00 ttl 45 00 45 00 45 00 31.00 45 00 30 00 30 00 45.00 Care Sarah Smith 45.00 8.38 2.40 .50 III ENA VISTA FERRY ACCT. B A Snyder operating ferry . . 59.70 Gilbert M Snyder operating ferrv 39.70 GENERAL EXP. ACCT. Capital Journal publishing claims 47.60 Oregon Statesman publishing claims 47.60 John B Nathman pipe 6.00 MOTOR PATROL ACt'TS. Bochsltr Hardware funnel etc 1.72 Feenaughtly Machinery Co ball racer etc Paul Sowa sharpening tools.. N B Traviss labor and parts.. Valley petroleum Co gasoline. 94.71 Omer Barlruff labor 95.26 John Grlensenauer labor .... 97.10 Lester Mcllwaln labor 83.29 Raymond B Miller labor .... 89.26 Dan Scharf labor 95.76 Lee Wells labor 85.78 Frank R Woelke labor 95.76 ST. PAUL PAVING PI.T. Floyd Siegmund timekeeper.. 2.34 SILVERTON PAVING PLANT Salem Portland Frt. line freight so W R Massey labor PILE DRIVER Priem & Caspell gas 6.47 Salem Bargain House loading Ing block o.uu F O Johnson salary & exp.... 181.46 Pac Tel (c Tel Co telephone . 12.55 Lila Antrican stenographer. . 50.00 Zclpha Whi'e stenographer.. 6.00 TOOL HOUSE ACCT. Capital Second hand store Jack 1.50 Geo Lawrence Co pump etc.. t.o Oregon Wash Water Serv water 2.64 Pac Tel A; Tel Co telephone.. 10.20 Chas K Spauldlng Log Co lights .u TRAFFIC OFFICERS ACCT. B R Smith salary 124.70 TRUCKS ACCT. Monitor Garage gas etc 17.23 Walter F Wengenroth gas etc 6.58 Lyle Sacre labor 4.00 MISC. BRIDGE ACCT8 Phillip Fischer traveling exp.. 40.43 Linn county Oregon half exp. on Stayton bridge 446.89 Gilbert Anderso nlabor 31.41 Roy Brenner labor 31.41 Robt Bye Jr labor 27.9? Wm Dunnlgan labor 20.94 Albert Hennie labor 31.41 H W Hughlett labor 3141 Ted KKuenzl labor 27 92 Greg A Robl labor 27.92 Frank Schampler labor 31.41 V D Scott labor 31.41 Joe Wolf labor 31.41 Phillip Fischer foreman 65.62 MISCELLANEOUS ACCTS. J D Adams Co Hub caps etc .. 16.90 Geo E Allen faucet etc 6.90 Ames Hardware nails etc .... 1.40 Associated Oil Co gasoline ... 20.55 The Austin Wcsccrn Rd Mach Co bits etc 110.35 O O Boyer cash adv for stamps 6.00 W E Burns plugs etc 34.78 D G Drager cash adv for frt. 6.93 a A Ehlen nails 6.75 C H Ernst Hardware nails etc 7.75 Ray L Farmer Hdw spikes etc 14.19 Gabriel Powder Si Supply Co powder etc 10.48 Hal ns Top At Body Shop re pair curtains 4.25 Honeyman Hardware Co screws etc 23.04 International Harvester Co, repairs 6.68 Ira Jorgensen polnte etc 356.15 M J Lentsch repair mower etc 3.10 Loggers 4c Contractors Mach Co fan belt etc 6 72 C B Elhaney roadvlewer .... 6.89 Mercer 8teel Co Inc steel.... 600 69 Chas P Mulkey shingles 7 SO E M Nlles typist 3.00 Oregon state highway com bridge plates 17.12 Oregon state highway com parts 195.06 Portland General Elec Co electricity 111.49 Robertson Heavy Hard Co Ssttel 1053 Salem Hardware Co shovels etc 36 05 Shell Oil Co gasoline 560.73 Silver Falls Tbr Co lumber ..247.77 Silverton Appeal Tribune publishing notices 350 Chas K Spauduig Log Co br 59 8 P A Ktnx haul gravel. Lloyd Moser haul gravel John Nag haul gravel . . . Carl Pflatim haul gravel L R Tweedie haul gravel W Walking haul gravel .. State Industrial Acc Com ins 286.66 W. P. Collard, gravel 103.35 Walter Bennett, labor 17.92 W. M. Bradley, labor 10 94 G. W. Casebler. labor 3 98 Glenn Coffey, labor 1.99 Wm. Dorenbush, labor 16.90 W U U..rw I.W , nn 85.50 Harry Heath.'labor '!'.!! 122.25 ' jack Mav. labor 1.99 16.90 16.1)0 13.110 8 95 Glenn Mills, labor . . . F. O. Muckrldge, labor Ed Myers, labor Geo. B. Nelson, labor 15.92 H. D. NeUon, labor 1C.90 Tom Newton, labor 15.91 Ed Wilson, labor 199 George J. Crook, labor 7.98 Union Oil Co. of Calif . fuel oil 414.80 Alfred Hersch E.state. damages 160.00 C. M. Hill and C. J. Ramsden, damaites 34.00 A. E. Johnson, damages 6.1.00 W. A. Jones, damages 62.00 C. J. Ramsdep. labor 183.00 A. T. Savaiie, damages 46.00 H. O. Taylor, damages 116.80 Myrtle C. Taylor, damages . . . 45.00 J. A. and Addie Young, dam ages 34.00 Phillpi. use of car 14.40 Gilbert Anderson, labor .... 26.17 Roy Brenner, labor 19.19 obt. Bye. Jr., labor 26.17 Win. Dunnian. labor 26.17 Albert Hennles, labor 26.17 H. W. Hughlett. labor 26.17 Ted Keunzl. labor 22.68 Greg. A. Robl. labor 26.17 T?ror.V Q.h.nn!m Inlu,. 1 11 3 49 , Phillip Fischer, foreman 52.42 GENERAL FUND December Term, 1931 rOOR ACCT. Mrs. Rcsanna Aicher, relief . . 15.00 Lena Bartruff. relief 32.50 Mrs. May Bedient. relief 10.00 G. W. & Kate Beeman, relief . 20 00 Rutn Ben y. relief 17.50 Emma J. Bigler. relief 17.50 Mary Robson, relief of Martha Bllieu 15.00 Chas. P. Boies, relief 15.00 Boys and girls aid society, rel. 25.00 Geo. Braugh, relief of self and wife 15.00 Elizabeth Brlnegar, relief .... 20.00 Mrs. M. E. Brooks, relief 15.00 Mrs. Amos Brown, relief 10.00 Edwin F. Jc Anna Butterfleld, rener 25.00 Mrs. Maggie Cave, relief 10.00 Mrs. Belle Churchil, labor .... 10.00 Ed Condon, labor 10.00 Mrs. Effle Coodcr. labor 15.00 Mrs. Edith Cratsenberg, relief 15.00 Clara I. Dlmlck. relief 25 00 Ulyssa Ellen Dodge, delief ... 10 00 Johanna Dunn, labor 17.50 Mrs. Margaret Eder, relief ,. 25.00 Mrs. Anna Engelhart, relief , . 10.00 Leonard Fleischmann relief of self and wife 15.00 John Fowler, relief of self It wife 15.1,0 Florence L. Furman, relief of self and husband 20.00 Carrie Gilbert, relief 15.00 Mrs. Ada L. Golden, relief ... 10.00 Lizette Oobln, relief 12.00 Jacob Gotthart, relief 12.50 W. L. Cobb, relief of Chas. Groenlng 8.00 Chas. Hardwlck. relief 10 00 J. H. Harper, relief 8.00 J. F. Bewley, relief of Levi A. Harris 10.00 Alex Hasvol. relief 150 Mrs. Mabel Hendrlcson. relief 8.00 Lillian Hill, relief 20.00 Mrs. Pauline Clark, relief Newt Hnrnbuckle 10.00 Wm. F. Horrom, relief 10.00 Mary Jackson, relief 15.00 Sarah E. Kepliart. relief 15.00 Katherlne Kopf. relief 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Prosper LaCha- pelle. relief 20.00 Ruth Larson, relief 32.50 Bessie M. Elofson, relief Em ma Lundeen 15.00 Eve Martin, relief 10.00 Mrs. Delia M. Shaw, relief of Harry Meeker 2500 Carl H. Johnson, relief Chas, A. Miller 10 00 Reglna Moffenbler, relief ... 15.00 Mrs. May Nelson, relief Wm. Nelson 10.00 Mrs. Alvlra Northcutt. rellfe. . 12.50 Mrs. June Nussear, relief .... 25 00 Mrs. KIrsti Odman, relict .... 20 00 Anna Ott. relief 15.00 Mrs. Louisa Paquette, relief of self and Nora Pluard 20.00 Wm. H. Parris, relief 10.00 Mrs. D. A. Parsons, relief .. 15.00 B. A. Borrevtk, relief of Ole Pederson 15.00 Anna Pugh. relief 18.00 Mrs. Annie Renlck. relief 15.00 Frank C. Clark, relief of Cath- rine Rhodes lS'.OO C. C. Ward, deputy W. S. Lnmkin. deputy J. H. Ward, deputy, . . . A. M. Presnall. deputy H A. Judd. deputy DOG LICENSE FUND ACCT. H. A. Judd, clerk 50.00 COURT HOUSE ACCT. A. H. Wyatt. Janitor "0.00 L. llobson. Janitor "000 W. VI. Hill. Janitor 70.00 Teresa Kirscli, elevator opera tor to0 DIST. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Lyle J. Pace, deputy 100.00 Josephine Maulding, stenog rapher 50.00 JUVENILE COURT ACCT. Nona White, probation officer 109.70 RECORDER'S OFFICE ACCT. Eva C. Lenhardt, deputy .... 100.00 Myrtle Beecroft, deputy 100.00 Ava C. Sundborg. deputy .... 90 00 Louise R. Poujade, stenog rapher 90.00 REGISTRATION ti ELECTIONS H. C. Mattson. clerk 90 00 SCHOOL SUPT'S. OFFICE ACCT. Cora E. Reld. assistant 100 00 Wavne D. Harding jsupervisor 120 00 Cora E. Reid, truant officer.. 15.00 SEALER OF WI S. MSRS. ACCT. SHERIFFS OFFICE ACCT. J. F. Jones, soaler 42.27 S. O. Burkhart, deputy 124.70 W. T. Barber .deputy 124 70 W R Richardson deputy ,...109.70 F T Wrlghtman deputy 114.70 S J Butler deputy 109.70 J H Roland deputy 100.00 ritOIII ENFORCEMENT FUND ACCT. W W Harklns deputy 124.70 TREASURER'S OFFICE ACCT. W Y Alchardson deputy 115.00 JUSTICE COURT ACCT. Alma Johnson stenom'iipiier. . 75.00 SCALP BOUNTY ACCT. John Var. Gorder bounty .... 1.00 POOR ACCT. Andrew Yot relief 15.00 INDIGENT SOLDIERS ACCT. Irl S McSherry relief of Glen Ferguson Irl S. McSherry relief of H. P. Merrill Irl S. McSherry relief of Mrs, L Evenden Irl S. McSherry relief of C. H. Edgett Irl S. McSherry relief ot Mrs Kenneth Vincent . . . Irl S. McSherry relief of C. G. Purslev POOR ACCT. F A Pike relief 800 CIRCUIT COURT ACCT. Marion Hunt Juror & Exp .. 4.40 New Salem restaurant meals - for jurors 10.75 Thatcher Printing Co letter. heacj 6.50 CLERKS OFFICE ACCT. BcrteLson & McShane printg. 34.00 U G Boyer exp. re completion 12.70 D A Larmcr Tfr Co freight. . 10!' H F Marsh freight 50 Remington Rand tne filing cabinet & totalizer 106.60 Typewriter Exchange type writer 70.65 E Russell White Ink 1 50 CO. COURT A COMMISSIONERS ACCT. U G Boyer cash adv for stamps 3.00 capital journal publishing claims 21.20 Oregon Statesman publishing claims 21.20 J H Porter salary 4e Exp 124.00 J E Smith salary & exp 1)9.20 Brownell Electric Co. repairs on lights Capital City Laundry Idry .. COURT HOUSE ACCT. D G Drager soap Graber Bros repair work .... Oregon Wash Water Scrv Co water 14.00 Otis Elevator Co maintenance of elevator 6.00 Portland General Elec Co. electricity 150.92 Scott Hosfeldt Co powder .... 19.11 DIST. ATTORNEYS OFFICE ACCT. H J Bratzel reporter 7.00 EMERGENCY ACCT. F E Dodele invest Iversen case 146.30 Luke S May Invest. Iverson case disallowed 216.43 Luke S. May, do 216.43 disallowed HORTICULTURIST ACCT. S. H. Van Trump, salary and expense 101.12 JAIL ACCOUNT O. D. Bower, board of prisoners 500.35 O. D. Bower, lights 50 H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., repairing cots, etc 42 95 JUSTICE COURT ACCT. M. 12.00 25.00 15.00 25 00 25.00 2500 399 3.14 .50 3.45 H. J. Bratzel, reporter Emma Murphy Brown, do .. S. C. Catlin Ac R. K. Page, rent W. E. De Long, use of car . . Thatcher Printing Co., envelopes 11.25 Bon Ton Restaurant, meals.. 8.95 JUVENILE COURT ACCT. O. D. Bower, cash adv. re- Jorgensen case 15.03 Ireland's Service St., gasoline Western Union Tel. Co., telegram LAW LIBRARY ACCT. West Publishing Co., sub scription POOR ACCOUNT Geo. E. Allen, nails American Red Cross, ticket to La Grande for Smith family 15.48 A. L. Brother, groceries for Mrs. Berkncr 6 53 Dr. Fred W. Burg.r, care L. C. Stoutenbcrg 1.00 1550 1.50 4000 16.58 3.14 6.00 3.25 too 601) 1360 600 1.00 I.IM 19 90 600 too (GO 1.00 3.00 too 00 tot 17.50 34.66 1500 430 1355 MM 3.13 15.60 440 13.00 1376 450 15.04 3.00 . 3500 1.1 3.40 400 Lucille Rogers, relef 15.00 S D. Carver, groceries for Standard Oil Co of Calif oil. . 2 65 I Alfred Rore. relief 15 00 ' Win. Lynch 5 00 Stayton Mall publishing notice 2.50 Union OU Co or cam g.tso- line and asphalt 4964 05 Valley Motor Co recharging batteries 41 83 West Coast Powder Co powder 30.73 Woodbury It Co pipe etc 33.17 O D Blnegar labor 5 76 Noah Carter labor 43.77 W H Carter labor 55 S3 Henry L. Sasvold. relief .. 10 00 1000 25 00 500 F. X. Saucier, relief Joseph At Rosalia Schauer rel. John SchlehubcT, relief Lucy M. and Newton M. Sew- ell. relief 21 50 Thomas Risley, relief 1000 Mrs. W. R. Slyter. relief 15.00 Hugh B. Smith, relief 10 00 Mrs. Mary R. Steward, relief 15.00 Chcmeketa Ixlge No. 1, 80 00 cemetery lots 80.00 Mrs. Dsra Chllds. care of Ca'.hrine Frank Leper .... 21.00 Frank R. Clark, bjard of Inmates 31766 Clough Barrlck Co., funeral Frank Gallagher 35.00 E. W. Cooley. groceries for S. T. McAdams 6.00 Care Alice Mc:'od , Care Harold limit Care Bertha K.'.ve Care Walter Merns .... Care Robert Ml r .... Care Dorence Y!!ler ,. Care Ernest Valll'ig .. Care Alberta Bau-;hcn , Care Orver Bau"lien Cure Bob Baurtlicn Care Gerhard Ho'.rhel ... Care Sigurd Dlescth D. G. Drager, cash adv. for script book D. G. Drager, cash adv. for ticket to Seattle ft. L. Evans, groc. for Mrs. Viola McElroy 1000 Fry 's Drug store, prescriptions t.96 C. Hodges, shingling wtru house t.tl Ross Houghton, shingling county farmhouse 4.60 O. G. Hurley, milk for Swan- son family J. MeCannell MJ3 care of EXsie Sandberg , Miller Mere. Co. clothes tor M. Klensrhmitt, et al Mrs. c C Mitchell, care Robt. Hall Montgomery Ward & Co., clothes for Teddy Ryai .. Mt. Angel Lbr. Co., shingles for Jos. Schauer , A. C. Nelson de Sons, groc. tor Jas. Fields . Mrs. A. W. Nusom. Sr., groc tor Mrs. Shively Mareta Palmer, registering unemployed Phil Pirnnett, shingling Sch auer house Jas. Plant, digging graves ... Portland General Elec. Co., electricity Prudential Insurance Co., pre mium on John Drone Insur ance policy 10.35 St. Vincent hospital, care of Wm. V. McBee 34.50 Salem Hardware Co. nails for Wirlz house 60 Siilem Ti.xi Services Inc., am bulance serv. for Gerhard Hoest hel 12 00 Sum Smith, sawing wood for poor Chac.. K Spauldlng Log. Co, lbr. and shingles The Table Supply, groc. for Fred scolickl Terwilleger Funeral Home, burial of G. Hoeschel Thatcher Printing Co, printing Typewriter Exchange, rent of typewriter Win. Wengenroth, groceries for Frank Busure Wm. Wengenroth, groceries for J. Jcoudoin 15.40 Woolpert Ac Hunt, medicine for poor 10.t0 CO. PROPERTY ACCT. Hugh Fisher, surveying lines., 66.64 M. G. Gunderson, street Im provement on Pederscn property J2J5 REBATE OF FEES ACCT. E. L. Crawford, refund 5.09 RECORDER'S OFFICE ACCT. Mildred R. Brooks, expenses re convention t.60 Mildred R. Brooks, cash adv. tor stamps 6.09 REGISTRATION & ELEC. ACCT. The Gervais Star, printing .... 27 JO R.ihn McWhorter Paper Co, envelopes t.40 E. M. Nlles, typist 16.00 SCHOOL SUPTS. OFFICE ACCT. Four-H Club department, ciud pins 30.00 Mary' L. Fulkerson, cash adv. fos stamps 65.04 Mary L. Fulkerson. use of car.. 50.70 J. K. Gill Co, books 1431 Wayne D. Harding, traveling expenses 23.10 Rahn McWhorter Paper Co, twine 1.73 Cora E. Reid, 4-H Club clerical work 16.60 Cora E .Reid. expense re truancy case 3.M Jessie Smith, clerical expense. 3650 SHERIFFS OFFICE ACCT. W. T. Barber, traveling expense 45.60 O. D. Bower, do 10090 8. O. Burkhart, do 4.52 W. W. Hasklns. do ISO B. R. Smith, do 2.00 O. D. Bower, cash adv. for envelopes 32.44 Hubbard Enterprise, printing. 17.00 Portland Gas Ac Coke Co, gas. 44 Western Union Tel. Co, telegrams 6.49 Paul Grlbenow. tax clerk .... 88.00 Will Thlelsen. do 67.50 STOCK & HERD 1NSP. ACCT. O. F. Korlnek, Inspector 15.74) Dr. W O. Morehorse. do 20.60) SURVEYOR'S OF"-E ACCT. The Frederick Post Co, hangers 405 WOOD ACCOUNT Leo Crown, labor 6.00 A. Kittson, do 29.00 DOG LICENSE ACCT. Paul Mamach, collecting delinquent licenses 139.04 Farris Linn, sheep killed by dogs J7.00 MISCELLANEOUS ACCTS. Atlas Book Store, transfer files, etc U. O. Boyer, cash adv. for stamps, etc Pacific Tel. tt TeL Co, telephone Patton Bros, erasers, etc. ., Unruh-Knapp Printing Co, printing 4150 State Industrial Acc. Com, Insurance 9350 P. E. Ciayton, expenses re Iverson case 19.75 disallowed Allona Alison, relief lo ot Genevieve Foster, do 25.et Christine Howe, do 15 09 Mrs. Maud Kime, do 17 10 Mabel Lily Ross, do 1750 A. J. McSherry, relief of Mrs. A. J. Mccannel. reiirf of Norrts A. Hansen . 90 00 Irl 8. McSherry, relief of Mrs. L. Evenden " The Todd Company, aarrarpj Irl 8. McSherry, rell -f tor rvr. Elwin Booth . j'n-Wash-Irl S. McSherry. relief furred re- E K. Stewart that Call in 8. McSherry. relief aD0V. aver. Mrs. K. Vincent Irl s. McSherry. rel If Mrs n n rj,,--.' .. 4433 .. 30.60 .11159 , 4 JO Mrs. C. O. Pur. Irl 8. McSher--W. C. 15..:. ... - ttly arrived from Aua 103 boxr of