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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1931)
EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS by special correspondent THURSDAY, OCTUUUK 1 1931 PAGE TWO SHERIDAN PT A TO JOIN STATE ORGANIZATION Sheridan The first meeting of the year for the Sheridan Parent Teacher association was held In the high school building Monday eve ning, with Mrs. Floyd Hamstreet, president, presiding. The association went on record as favoring affiliation with the state and national organisations, and elected representatives to the state gathering in Eugene, October 20. The president and Mrs. Roy Malo will represent Sheridan at that time. Hie new committees for the years were announced as follows: Pro gram, Mrs. Leland R. Sackett, Mrs. William Brandt Jr., and Miss Altha Chandler; social. Mrs. Ntcol Mem tyre; publicity, Mrs. Harold Had ley; membership, Mrs. Lee Ladd. Thrift shop work will be carried on u year by the association in ( -a of Mrs. Roy Malo. v. -s uy Smith reported concern li help to be received from t.i u association. W. Huntley ,-ut details of progress made i ..gttation for a union high -Nv,j and stated that all districts it hin the radius designated were f t or i:.7 with the exception of w.-'c cr four patrons In one. A rt'totion for the city teachers be lield in the city hall Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. R. C. IVM ' chairman of alt arrange nmiMvith Mrs. Malo and Mrs. T a.iM .. ststing. Teachers in the out Iwm: : tricts-are also included in tin; it-'t -f honored guests. The gen eral public Is Invited. STEVENS FAMILY " 1EUNI0N IS HELD The country home of ;.nd Mrs. Peter Stevens of Al w..s the scene of a family reiji -'H. Sunday to honor Mr. Stev- rnta birthday anniversary, Mi. All- rift;; -f'l'-- H 1 . u! ; . mis. L tiid IV. rs. r. Char -r ' : for i. Mrs Mr. t- . hi.s soi' nv.'diat : he ceremony of presenting mer was served for the , guests, Mr. and Mrs. H. , Evelyn and Norma June 1, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slev . and Bertha Stevens, Mr. . H. 8. Creasy, Mr. and jrles Creasy and sons, Jr., and Raymond, and Mr. . Clifford Walker, all of em. and Miss Grace Stev- motored from Portlund occasion. Mrs. Boles and ens are the daughters ol ens, and Roy Stevens is the other guests are im-relatives. Tim- Link Club A t Bodeker Home t -. .; -The Three Links club met he home of Mrs. Alex Bo ot., esday afternoon. The aft ernoon as spent in quiltintf. Plans wore n; le to meet at the home of Mrs. i a Berlnger October 13 to quilt i ullt for Mrs. Roxie Trask, a VMi-. !r who recently lost her btudi'.-f y fire. Refreshments were tn-i c(S .1 the close of an enjoyable' af ho ; to the following mem ber.. M Kdames Inez Ring, Alice Huin-r, Adella Bradshaw, Eva Hrw.w Clara Brown. Theresa C rfbtrc Rosa Bevy. Margaret Bo ct 'Kr. , ina Berry, Lula Beringer. V Alton were Mrs. Nellie Hiatt, M--f. Kl zabeth Westenhouse, Mrs. v ( ill. Miss Doris Huber and the I e s Mrs. Bodt ker. liarr. hi: i ' hav Mi. bMit Yuk in r .-. hi M iUESTS DART HOME tla Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wil and daughters, Betty Jane lyn, of Redondo Beach, Cal., een visiting at tlie home of Williams' parents, Mr. and J. K. Dart. At present Mr. rs. Williams are on a trip to a. Wash., and the children tying with Mr. and Mrs. Dart. Jane has started to school alia. THURSTON IH ILL rson . S. Thurston, local - s man who has been serlous at his home on South Main for some time, was taken to bany general hospital Wed His condition seemed better. Three K Club Has Meeting, Molalla Molalla Mrs. Reg Pemble enter tained the member, of Uie K. K. K Sewing club at the first meeting of the fill season at uti home Tueaday allernoon. Trie time mi spent quilting a quilt for the hosteaj. Those present were Mrs. J. H. Bow lln, Mrs. Emll Gross, Mrs. Mar garet 8mlth, Mrs. Olenn Harvey. Mrs. J. O. Staats, Mrs. Ray Austin. Mrs. Gilbert Noe, Mrs. John Rid ings, Mrs. Otis Foglesong, Mrs. Ray Pem ble, Mrs. Howard Pemble and the hostess, Mrs. Rex Pemble. SUVER STORE AGAIN ROBBED OF GOODS 8 Liver Suspected of tlie robbery of two stores in this district, county and state police are seeking a man and woman- Some time between midnight and 2 o'clock Wednesday morning the back door of the Fred Stump store was forced and tobac co and drygoods estimated at $200 stolen. Efforts were made to open the safe. The store was robbed June 10 and about $300 worth of merchandise taken. The Airtle store was also entered Tuesday night and It to believed the work of the same couple. Tracks indi cated that the looters were a man and woman. CONFERENCE IS HELD AT SHERIDAN CHURCH Balls ton Nineteen members of the Ballston community Sunday school motored to Sheridan Tues day evening to attend a quarterly conference and church banquet of the Methodist church. Rev. M. M. Marry, district super intendent of the Salem district, gave a talk. Those attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hen ton. Mrs. Lillian Bowman, Mrs. Emina Bartholomew, Mrs. Luella Lenz, Mrs. Francis Gregg, Mrs. Cassie Sechrlst. Mrs. Delia Edson. Mrs. Hose Fude, Mrs. Carrie Gregg, Misses Vallette Ree, Dorothy Covey, Agnes Rich ards, Murjorlc Sexton and Edith Lenz. and Kenneth Sexton, Ernest and Rudolph Lenz. and Jesse Butler. NORMAL RECEPTION FOR FACULTY HELD Monmouth The large living rooms of Jessica Todd Hall, taste fully arranged with colorful au tumn flowers, made an appropriate setting for the annual reception given by the faculty members to old and new students of Oregon Normal school. In the music rooms a pro gram was offered. Including selec tions of vocal, violin and piano solos by the members of the music deportment Another social affair of the week was the large ta given Saturday for the Associated Women students. Mrs. Addle Robard, dean of women, assisted by Mrs. A. Parker, poured during the afternoon, while prom-1 inent girls on the campus acted as hostesses and assisted about the rooms. In the receiving line were officers of the Associated Women's league and presidents of the clubs and organizations. Jefferson Plant To Expand Its Quarters Jefferson W. L. Cobb of the Cobb Manufacturing company, has leased tlie Whitfield property fac ing the Pacific highway at Hazel street and expects to erect a build ing in which the company will con tinue to manufacture newspaper boxes, mood carriers and other ar ticles. At present the business is conducted in what is known being as the Llbby building. and Bilyeu garage KfcNNS ARE HOME Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Ed Renn and daughter, Gladys, returned Thursday from a ten days vacation in their car. On the trip they visited Louis Renn at Klamath Falls and alflo visited Crater lake and the Oregon Caves and other places of Interest. Tlie return trip was made by way of Bend and over the lava beds on the McKenzie pass. LAST TIMES TODAY il syf "V P i J mVs Noa'1 Beery If f Raymond Hatton I i A June Collyer -j?JTrtt- Warner Bros. Newt Selected Short Sabjeclt CHURCH HOLDS BIG RALLY FOR ALL MEMBERS Sheridan Over 150 members and friends of the Methodist church and Sunday school, including church or ganizations. Boy Scouts, and Camp. ; fire girls, enjoyed a pot luck supper In the church dining room Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. i It was a rallying day for church! organization, and a similar gath ering was held last year. Superin tendent Marcy was present and held quarterly conference preceding the; supper. After supper reports from the var ious organizations were given. Le land R. Sackett, Sunday school su perintendent, presided. Rev. R. A. Feenstra reported for the church, Peri Mark for the trustees, R. B. Skinner for the official board, Mrs. R. B. Skinner for the World Service, Mrs. Leland R. Sackett for the choir, Mrs. Henry Sundberg for the Sun day school and Mrs. Feenstra for the young people. Mrs. George Payne reported for the missionary society, Mrs. March Russel for the ladies' circle. Bobble Wells gave the Scout oath and a group of Campfire girls gave the law of their organization. Singing by the entire gathering added to the general good feeling that prevailed. Rev. Marcy gave a stirring address at the close of the meeting. A large number attended from tlie Ballston church and tliey were seated at one long table. LADIES' AID WORKERS PLANNING UPON SALE Woodburn At a special meeting of the Ladles' Aid society of the Presbyterian church It was decided to hold the semi-annual Friendly Service sale Saturday, October 3 and Monday, October 5 in the Ogle building and the following commit tees were appointed: Dinner: Mrs. Sidney Foster, Mm. H. F. Orr, Mrs. Clarence Wamtxle and Mrs. R. L. Freeburg; cooked food, Mrs. E. J. A.tcn, Mrs. J. J. Hall, Mrs. M. J Miller, Mrs E. W. Blew and Mrs. Paul Mills; notions, Mrs. H. Overton; salesladies, Mrs. H. F. Butterficld, Mrs. W. L. Bonn. Mrs. S. W. Maupin, Mrs. Lestfr Smith, MrsTrank Wright. Mrs. C. R. Faul coner and Mrs. Jack Hanson; cash iers, Mrs. O. W. Noyes, Mrs. Maude Mochel and Miss Lake Watson. Lyons A number of friends from Lyons attended tlie funeral of Mrs. Bertha Patterson In Salem Monday. The Pattersons were former Lyons residents. For Hatr amd Scalp t u A inrrte bottl corrects sctn frrita- W-trrac Baiter all Dogs at Molalla Victims of Poison Uolalla "Prince," the pollca doc belonging to Chief of PoUe J. J. Waller was believed to have been polaoned or given ground glass and died Friday. He had been Ul for several days. Waller had the dog for three months and was training him to help him in hk work. A dog be longing to J. B. Ballah died and It Is believed that they got the same poi soning. CHARITY BOARD GETS START AT WOODBURN Woodburn At the call of Mayor Broylet, chairman of the charity board, a meeting was held at the city hall Monday evening, which was attended by delegates from each church, lodge and club of tlie city. to work out plans for systematic charity work during the winter. Miss Mayr Scoilard was elected secretary-treasurer and a central committee was also elected which consists of Mrs. R. A. TrulUnger, Mrs. H. L. QUI and Mrs. C. F. Whit man. This committee will devise me thods of raising funds to carry on the work. Miss Thora Boesen of Salem was present and gave a talk on the Red Cross methods of handling charity work. Miss Boesen will be in Wood burn every Tue&day to investigate needy cases and will work in con junction with the charity board. Pamful Piles Go Qulik No Cutting No Salves It takes only one bottle of Dr. J. S. I.conhardt's precrtptlon HEM ROIU to end Itching, bleeding, pro truding pllea. This internal remedy acta quickly even In old. stubborn cases. HEM-ROID succeeds because It heals aiid restores the affected parts and remove biooa congestion in me lower bowel the cause of piles. Only an Internal medicine can do this, that's why salves and cutting fall. Perry's drutt store says HEM-ROID Tablets must end your Pile misery or money oacK. tiav. Modern Science now makes it Uwsslble for you to easily and what's best, to SAFELY obtain a slender free -from -fat figure and ac tually enjoy ex hilar a tod health and Increase your attractiveness while doing so Simply take a half teaspoon lul of Kruschen Salts In a gasa of hot water every morning before break fastyon can hasten the reducing action of Kruschen by going light er on potatoes, fatty meats and pastries. Mrs. fcthel Smith of Norwich. Conn, writes: -I ltst ltt Jo., with my flnt Iraltle of KruftMirn. I feel mi food In many whs. Ilelitx on nicht duty It aas hard to sleep days but now si ore am uiKiiic Kriiscnen i 25c Home of f-uli. Talkies A HOMK-OWNKD THI ATRB LAST TIM 1-3 TODAY It's a Thriller You'll Talk About Tod Browning's Greatest Production MCULA Also Comedy, News, and ' Cartoon Comedy " COMING IHIDAY TIFFANY presents ami Pfeifvi it; sra POOL" LAST TIMES TODAY 1 Her Father Had Million! but she wanted Love! jl ... . s. j"5 asssaw fW JS- TI win hr greatest triumph la the talkie from Fannie Hurtt't daring novel POISON LIQUOR TRAIL SOUGHT Albany Sheriff Herbert ahelton stated Wsdneaday evening- that Linn officials were on the trail of the bootlegger who sold poisoned liquor to Fred Bomke and William Dorian, the liquor causing their deaths after a party Tuesday night They both died Wednesday morning. A sample of tha liquor which the men had been drinking was sent to the state oollege for chemical anal ysis, but no return had been made late Wednesday evening. Officers stated, however, that ether could be detected lu the liquor. It is alleged that tlie man who sold the liquor to the men left town upon hearing of their deaths. Bomke and Donan came to Al- Loses 16 Pounds of Fat Eats as Usual Fat Folks Here's More 1'roof One Bottle of KruHihen Salts and Sixteen Pounds Gone Eats As Usual Sleeps Better Costs 85 Cents Unlike other sal 1a, Kruschen doesn't aim to reduce by rushing food through tlie system rather it's a superbly blended combination of SIX separate mineral salts which help glands and body organs to function properly that's why Its so amazingly successful in cases where everything else lias failed! Get an 85c bottle of KRUSCHEN SALTS at Perry'a Drug store. Cap ital Drug store, Woolpert & Hunt, and Opera House Pharmacy, (lasts 4 weeksi. If this first bottle doesn't convince you this is the easiest, saf est and surest way to lose fat If you don't feel a auperb Improve ment In health so gloriously ener getic vigorously alive your money Hladly returned. adv. bany several years ago to work In tha tanning and harness factories. Both died at their respective room ing houses within an hour aptrt. Lyons-Mrs. Louis Trask and daughter. Donna of Albany spent a few day at the home of lier parents. Mr and Mrs. Will 8wank. f Last Times Today ReH.V CiHllllAOll in 'The I adv Refuses" TONIGHT IS FAMILV NIGHT rriaay I LeV" J 3V M ( . LOUIS WOLHEIM MARY ASTOR ' AN KEITH One Week Starting Sunday "Daddy Long Legs" With Janet (laynor, Warner Baxter Greatest Since "Seventh Heaveo & m i ' r " ""i f. I. K5 Do you know that any gasoline you may buy other than violet colored Violet Ray may contain naphthenic and sulphur-bearing acids without your knowing it? Do you know that these acids corrode the carburetor needle valve, the pistons and piston rings, the valves, the cylin der walls, the bearings, the crankcase ... all metal with which they contact? Do you know that this corrosion is largely responsible for many of your costly repair and overhauling jobs; for the constantly declining performance of your motor. and ihe decreasing mile age of your car as it grows older? Why continue to pay this penalty? Seven U. S. patents' protect the Violet Ray process of refining which elimi nates these damaging acids. NO OTHER REFINER CAN USE THIS PATENTED METHOD WITHOUT SPECIAL LICENSE FROM GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION Your one sure protection against the possibility of putting acid gasoline in your motor is to use only H 6 II 7 ABE mm -CDCclfewe im-FREElGa&OlIN - Its violet color is the guarantee of Science that it contains no in iurious acids. Even the least trace of acid would destroy the violet color of Violet Ray gasoline and turn it back to white. The proof that it is add-free is right before you. It is the proof of Science. COSTS NO MORE THAN WHITE GASOLINE GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION vioirr rat OASOUNI oiNiRAt mm DOUIU rowitiB OASOUNI socont etWAr.iD toon PAtAMINI KM K-OTOR Oil