Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 04, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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Wlllamlna An enthusiastic
ftoup of women attended toe tea
(Wen at the city hall Tuesday In
the IntereiU of the establishment
el a public library. Mrs. Rant
Neely and tin Kenneth ehetterly
poured the (tret hour, Mrs. Paul
Fundman and Mr. Hugh Planery
presiding the second. They were
assisted by the Misses Margaret
Fundman, Maxine 8hetterly, Mil
dred Drake and Christine Jensen.
A start ot 15 very desirable books
was collected at the tea. Every
one present seemed most enthusi
astic In regard to bringing the li
brary back to Wlllamlna. Different
plans were discussed and It was
llnally decided to meet next Tues
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
the city hall, to complete the or
ganization and make further plans
Mrs. P. o. Drake told of the start
and growth of the library at Junc
tion City of which she was In
charge, showing a picture of the
newly completed cement building
In which the library has a conspic
uous corner.
Mesdames Drake, Rant Neely,
Paul Fundman, Glen Wilcox and
Kenneth ehetterly were chosen as
a committee to attend to the de
tails of organization. They were
Instructed to draw up a petition to
be circulated in the community
whereby everyone may become li
brary boosters by the payment of
live cents and a member of the
organization by the payment of 10
cents. This money Is to be used
for the supplies necessary to the
start of the library.
First Quarterly
Conference Opens
West Salem Dr. M. A. Marcy
ot Salem, district superintendent
ot the Methodist church will
preach In Ford Memorial church
on Sunday morning. This will be
the first quarterly conference of
the year and a large attendance Is
expected. Rev. C. L. Dark will
preach In the evening taking as his
sermon subject, "Prayer and Op
portunity." The Epworth Legaues
will meet at the usual hour.
Withee Family Has
Picnic at Grove
TJnlonvale The annual picnic of
the relatives of Mrs. Fred Withee
and their families was held at
Wheatland grove. Present were: W.
D. Baker and children, Wllma, Er
ma and Raleigh, of Manning, Ore.;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tatnan and
son Lawrence, and Mrs. Flora Bak
er and son, Earl, of Laurel; Jim
Baker of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Joost of Hlllsboro, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Magness and son and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Withee and family.
Labish Services
Continue Sunday
LabLsh Center The services of
the Evangelical community church
will be held as follows Sunday: Sun
day school at 10 o'clock. Christian
Endeavor will meet at 7 o'clock In
the evening. The topic, "Jesus'
Teaching and Example," will be dis
cussed with Mrs. Hornschuch as
leader. Prayer service Is at 0:45 o'clock.
Woman After Water
Greeted by Cougar
wuiamlna Mrs. Claude Bawtell,
who has charge of the Doran Peak
lookout near WtUamlna went down
the trail to get a pall of water.
When she got there she encount
ered a big cougar. Mrs. Sawtell
had only her dog with her so she
telephoned to Ira Yocum who left
for the mountain with his dogs.
The cougar made his get away in
ine meantime.
Brooks The Brooks school board
met at the school bouse Thursday
evening with all members present
and elected Clyde Holer of Salem
as principal of the Brooks grade
school for the coming year.
Miss Lett Wallace will teach the
intermediate grades, this being bar
fourth year as teacher In the Brooks
school, and Mrs. Emily Van Banten
will have charge of the primary
room, this being her first year In
Brooks school will open Septem
ber 31, and all the pupils are asked
to bring all their old books and do
nate them to the district.
Dallas Marguerite Thrash and A.
R. Thrash have filed suit In the cir
cuit court seeking a Judgment
against Hugh Walker who la Polk
county fire warden. The complaint
alleges that the defendant was
driving in a westerly direction on the
Dallas-Falls city road on the morn
ing of May 18 at 8:40 o'clock, oper
ating a Ford truck which Is the
property of the state. The plaintiff
Is the owner of a 1931 Chevrolet se
dan and on the morning In question
it was being driven In an easterly
direction on the road. The plaintiff
further claims that the defendant
failed to keep a proper lookout, and
that his car was not under proper
control, that it was being driven at
a dangerous rate of speed, and that
he carelessly ran Into the plaintiff's
auto causing it to be damaged to the
extent of 1117-80. As a further result
the value of the automobile has de
preciated to the extent of $200.
While the car was being repaired, a
period of seven days elapsed. Loss
of use of the car Is set at $10 per
day. The total Judgment asked
amounts to $387.90 with an addition
al $35 as attorney's fees together
with the costs and disbursements oi
the suit.
Telephone Office
In New Location
Willeii ;. The Pacific Tele
phone u..ipany's men have been
here the past week making chang
es In the lines. The telephone of
fice has been changed and will be
at the home of Mrs. Wilson Fox,
hereafter. Mrs. Fox will have
charge of the switchboard. The
change was effected September 1.
West Salem Word has been re
ceived from Mrs. Frank Einfeldt,
who went to Minnesota a short
time ago on receiving word of her
mother's serious Illness that she
arrived there in time to be with
her mother for a while before her
MOlalla The Molalla grammar
school will open September 14 which
la a week later this year than usual
In order to give all the pupils who
are working In the harvesting of
crops the advantage of the extra
The grade school faculty for this
year I the same as that of last year.
Miss Beryl Blosser and Miss Louise
Andrus will for the second year
teach the primary grades and have
charge ot the music. Miss Bdna
Welch for the fourth year will teach
the Intermediate grades. Miss Edith
Baker for the second year will have
advanced grade work. W. X. Dillon
for the fourth year will be back as
principal and teach advanced grade
Because of the heavy enrollment
which Is to be taken care of without
addition to the teaching force. It
will probably be necessary to rear
range the grades In the different
rooms. The primary grades of last
year numbering 38 ordinary would
go Into Miss Andrus' room with the
second grade numbering 23, making
a combined enrollment for that
room of 60. The seating capacity of
the rooms Is from 35 to 38. It will
therefore be necessary to split the
second grade, part going In the sec
ond grade room with the third grade
and part In the primary grade room.
The same situation holds for the
sixth and seventh grade room. Part
Going Strong
Subject Sunday After
noon 2:30
"What Will Happen To
Salem When Christ
Sunday Evening 7:45
North High at Union
Correctly Styled Dininy Room
Miss Ye Verba tells us that dining room furniture reflects the true Charm
of its owners even more than a pretty face or a lovely form. We are de
lighted to receive Miss Vc Verka's stamp of approval on our dining room
suite placed on the stage for one of her lectures.
of the seventh grade will be with
the eighth In Mr. Dillon's room. The
division of these grades will be made
by lot This plan has been approved
by Brenton Vedder, county school
superintendent. The enrollment In
the grammar school last year was
This Is the first year under the
new free text book law. The order of
new books has arrived. Together
with the old books which were do
nated Vo the district it Is hoped that
most of the new text books can be
supplied. Because ot the limitations
under the law It will be impossible
to secure all the new books required.
8ev nth graders will be asked to se
cure their own geography which Is
a new adoption this year. The fifth
trader will use the old fifth grade
readers of last year and all pupils of
that grade should see to securing
reader as there were a very few left
with the school last spring. There Is
bound to be complications In sup
prying every pupil with text books,
but the very best will be done for the
pupils under the free text book law
Monmouth Sunday evening
marked the opening of the custom
ary aeries of union services of the
Monmouth churches for the brief
vacation period between the clos
ing of summer school and the open
ing of the fall term of the state
normal, when each congregation
reverts to Its own church to care
for Its student attendance.
The Initial gathering this year
which has Its limitations, according
to Mr. Dillon. Miss Welch will arrive
this week and with Mr. Dillon will
label the book. Bach book will be
numbered and assigned to a pupil
This pupil Is held responsible it the
book I lost or destroyed. If It Is
marked or torn a tine win be lm
posed on the pupU.
to the Eye
to the Foot
Good to the Pocketbook
says Eve Ve Verka
VERY woman loves a smart foot. That's
1 eve appeal. Style ! That's why every woman
who knows Naturalizer shoes wears them. But
"good as they are to the eye," Naturalizer Shoes
are also "good to the foot" they support the nat
ural arch of the foot perfectly. But that Isn't all.
Naturalizer shoes are also "good to the pocket-book."
In presenf-day traffic
demands ef f icienf brake!
The braking efficiency on your car
ihould be scientifically tested every
month for your protection and
the protection of your family. Take
advantage of our free brake exam
ination. Drive in today tomorrow
may be too late.
Dynamic Brake Tester
This famous machine will instantly show
the exact brake pull on each wheel and
tell you how many feet It will take to
top your car. We have installed this
equipment for your benefit and you are
urged to use it.
Firtjtone Gum-Dipped Tires. ..Tire Repairing
, , , Scientific Brain Testing, Adjusting and M
HnlnJ... Scientific Lubrication. ..Complete El
tncsl Service ... Gu, Oil and Accessories.
Smith & WatkinS
"Open 1.160 Hours Each Tear"
Center A Liberty 8treet Phone 9 144
was held In the Evangelical church
with Dr. Victor P. Morris ot the
Christian church giving the ad
dress. September the service will
be held in the Baptist church with
Dev. A. L. Lonsberry In charge.
September 13 the services will be
In the Christian church with Rev.
F. C. Stannard bringing the mes
sage. The arrangements for the
final Sunday evening service nave
not as yet been made.
September VI has been set as
promotion day in the Sunday
school of the Evangelical church.
The following week will be Rally
week with Sunday, October 4, as
the annual Rally day.
Bllverton A telegram received
Wednesday by Mrs. Joe Kercher
said her son Dwlght, who Is em
ployed near Klamath Falls, was ta
ken to a hospital there and had an
emergency operation for appendi
citis Wednesday. His son Lloyd, who
has been recuperating here from a
bad accident In which both Ms I
were injured, left Thursday morning
for Klamath Falls to be with hi
Waldo Hill Mr. and airs. John
Goodknecht and three ctaaghters,
Edna Mae, Martha and Beam have
Just returned lrum a six days' trip
to Neskowln and Newport. Miss
Edna Mae will teach this coming
winter In the 8Uverton Rills dis
trict. This Is her first school.
Women do not talk much
... hit tiey . htumr . them factL-
Even when they aay little, most women
know that feminine hygiene is a health
ful and necessary part of the toilette
Modern standards of dainty living
demand a real, surgical cleanliness.
This much the woman of today does
know. But usually she is not so clear
about the choice of an antiseptic for
the purpose. This question has now
been solved by the new preparation
called Zonite. Hiis antiseptic is fast
replacing caustic poisons such as bi
chloride of mercury and compounds of
carbolic acid. No woman need fear to
use Zonite herself or to recommend it
to her friends, for it is absolutely non
poisonous. Zonite is as safe as pure
water and far more powerful than any
dilution of carbolic acid that may be
allowed on the body.
All druggists sell Zonite. Get a
bottle and read the directions.
famous lecturer oa
Charm and Health . .
recommends Zonite
The eomplaioa
Hair and scalp
Teeth and gums
Finger nails
Breath odor
Cut and scratches
Bleaching skin
Boils and pimples
Foot odors
Body deodorant
Feminine hygiene
la bottles i
We, 60., II
jjJ C.',.VTOtt.W M -: I
ana tne
Lx. w
i m fx
All New Styles
Complete Sizes
mm. value-tht
ieues tompeuuuii