SATURDAY, JULY 23, mi PAGE TWO EXCLUSIVE NEWS DliPATCH3 WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS by special coeeespoxdent IRRIGATION IS TOPIC OF TOUR IN 2 DISTRICTS &s Xrra J2 tot ytfX rw weap wrvaesi -. next Vttdrxxdarr M W T toe VAX'-l areKsrs ecne. x - day at Wcta lu iwiw e-jl be 1 is Teat fit djSXTJCl a&df ThteaUr ssarcrsr at weiork w-Ji w-a- at wc j-wrryxsjr-rnew o- trtrL Zr-d.iocVual trraxuan pro)ert ar 7m to be rr eoceearfal rer m P-yx eotsrty. tlfxtt asxmner of Imm ar ttmsvtzt such rra tnu oc toeir cra I ., lor toe en - "3rt.'.T tiaeas 4 &xit2t to t-'X-? on yfeu. Ekk of tbtae Tr aawrtai next ek - tor toe VJT-sMt A 'jUmrrat mat of ao t& owne toe reaa. T'je ceeuu aral oe iavi tea 'ida- 4t 00 toe Aitert BVjajneor rar We Kam Ic t-e pv-pce o! fc.'.'le.r la tad ixzsnxzii -ssl 1'jtVM m im we.i opera wa a taa an rv.xit tnm..Aoft I'X pr.?s. "A.: eoie rr.:erete4 to (r'joi a H. or t& terrry tr-T.n-vx. lisjjxS VXnA the retir W1.v!i4a7." ravea Mr. fcett Tre V-.r Tr;-irda7 w.H lrtiwoe irniEAU peot'irea and trjere lore :S be o partievjar tr-tereje to da:rTum. Trt Imt atoe aiii ue at t-- J. A. CarspoeU ara!. et of peryriA at 1 ocyxc ajd wui In cjxie to? larme 4f J D Ca.Tit ar5 C. ''. b-a.vlKe-.veT. Ai! o! Ir.eae toree i't r.e VaA-zs .'" er pai t aea u &le.- lrTatAi by tKMCit. DONEY WILL PREACH FOR DALLAS CHURCH p.-wsrit of'wiJUmetle univrrH7, ixtvh h-rr Sunday evening in t.T UetbodM church. Thi anu be a li-ie PreafayterUn conEreKatlon. tirf two churchc having insd IVrcea whale toe Rev. Jamea Alkt fe&-tr. a on 1 afjort vacation. A au.uar ar rariemer.U will prevail wren Ear. J. W. Warrell, Mthodlnt KUC-ler. toea on hla vacation. Trie vm-'jj?. I'x Sunday evenmt Is Jack V ' : A Wnt aervlco will be b-'-J F,.Tjtay ttsx r 1: w tn the PretiTTteri&n rr.i.-T-ri with her. jf.'arrea oorjpj-trjf toe yitt. Minnesfjta Pastor Asked To Preside fstrverton H wwa armounoed y.'li?s.ij that Uie ETa.telical Free axd Ue Kaecexer Lutlwrcn Free chrrri had asei'sentl to merre ar.d w:ll be kxoaa a th Calvary Lutoeraa durci with an aproal rra rjerribenhlp of 200 peopj. Ker. E. Peterson of Feriui FalU, Mjrj. . haa been Invited to take the paatorate of the new church. Birthdayg Observed Jefferson W. L. Joivs and Rom Green attended a pirate supper tn Bryant park, Albany, Thursday erenlrti, honoring Mrs. Dora Mor gan and Chester Boys, whose birth day anniversaries occurred on that date. Other rueAts present were: Mr. and Mrs H. O. MerrlU. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gorr and son, Bht, Mr. arid Mrs Jack Inman, A. W. Mn and Mrs. Chester lVyes arid daoghiier Oeneriere and Mrs. Dora Hornn. BADIOtt Altit KTRRKE.H btivritan -The troobie llh the electric power aervlcs Uirouxltovt ftijverton the fore part of the w-k ruined Ue radio belotiCirii to Mr. and Mn. IW Alfred and set lire to a srarf Mrh had beet) draped over the top of the radio. Many residents and some Vaerchants had the lamps burn out during ths sud d.n biterruirtton. HKIII-H IKOM NORWAY fillverWjn Mra. M. O. Gtinderson rently received a letter from Mra. Carrie Lvhutx, wlio left anveral M-)aj aro for her old fuvme In Nor a ay, hr shie Itad vUitd sev eral timet living in Uiivcrton. In Uie li-ttrr Mrs. Lrn that hr fater died shortly before hr imul Mrs. Larson arote Uiat she it. ay remain there a year, al-tt.o-jsrh Uie climate Is not so a ret. ab to her as Is Uie Oregon arjit.rfr. , MOO UK IIOMK West Balfm-Mr. and Mrn. r. M. Moore had an dinner gtKA at tlielr home on K-Jtr'-watr trrt. their son and dfi', Mr. and Mn. En- Mw-re of Atrlte 0hr rcent yl'itors were Mra, C. M. )V hulls of Aurora and Mr and Mm. Ollle Batbr and rranlvm Bobby Wechter of Canbv. AHTKKV IH hK.VKRKD Ba 11a ton Mra. Lira Buwll Ml and struck her let just abov trw arkle on a sharp mud scraper and cut a large deep gah, severing an artery. Hhw was give,, ftrnt aid by a neighbor and mahed to Dallas to a doctor by her daughter. VACATIOMHTN AKK HOME West r3alem-Mr.nd Mrs. J. M. FUlier of Plata street, who have been on a six weeks' motor trip and visit to friends aad rrlatlvea tn Missouri and other states, arrived home Thursday evening. f AU r O TO rtiwi RM. Pratom Relative and friend alio attended to funeral of E O Co at the Keeney funeral horn In Corvallts were Mr and Mra Wal lac Wlthsm. Mr. Lydla Wltham and son. Theodorp. Mra Klla Miller and Mrs. C. O. Hrpra. Sola Corsnell Prrguaon visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R J. Frrfuaon of West Salem recently. fjefferson Church Services Scheduled Jetorwxo Tke Mxoox Serjtsj uvx I De assd at Vk ft uxk to ur swraaog wjto Ma J. D. V w&u, txer4ax.dexa. so cr-arBt-MOTTst w-trwL-O a te karld as 11 oca T wr, Eev. 7. H ImrrLt wi ii ex Tr Cse--I . r nfifi A : 7 r. s- z- nr Lnn wa be ii AH rr-f trrrted to t lyhe tor lu ftjr aer-nee at 7 -xk wC be "Aa Lrr;rr-. atm " GRANGE FORMED scons MILLS . C... ' . V "'. TV - . - . ! rru-e xiJi V.i Ber an Ht-Trrvx., H'jc.:vt. Sap io A.- nr KJTJL-a xrsrr. S'. Brtk; Ore. Mirr r--": I"j. E-ijz R-ci; i at u L O. O. F. r tfe Sir-. REPAIR FOR BRIDGE IS NEARLY COMPLETE T repalrt to toe Mar- i tf-an.T r n fi'r hrbri aTTCafA tr I Ov..lm ntw. vhlch J-uti? on ( rs.. hirirar onti cotrd d a; wwrc- on. 1 3-ja! of i ic-dr a.- ,r MrA rp U l ur-wij-'ati.rr. w.'. t wt.liOD IlOU.Se lO t5e juiat. t.ti-e arj I TfrrT A w rauc f-a jo ! aeejl w-ii- irie i-t-t ari i jreorj wweq were i maif-a o .raa-;os i.j:ot 01 iijina weea ui oe rroi u- i4Kioc:Ea wi toe brjt, wcvra hate beoorre 1'jt tvjih. wul be worked down. atCf Snake IJlteS . . . Young Berry Picker Moialla w-hile Louis Der.rJs and 1 his suter. Mrs. Charie Warner of Jt RusaeUriile dtrKt were pick:r 1 r(wm- mac-r'f vw berrl In a awamy diwrict. Lou,h1K locuteps ap- was bitten by water snake. He proa'.hjng. had reabCtvri, dxrm alter aocne berriet ' m f and tne naice ww coiiod andatnxkt PlCniC JS Planned hun on the wrist. They bound tbej irpendence-Tfce arinual Penn arm tlrhtiy srvj as soon ax t;iey Kl ty .rntA picnic a ill be held this to the bouM; they si it hi wnst and , )W in thit c.:y prk. Sunday, sucked the Uood oat Ho wwa.u., 2 Mrs. Irvm Baun and Mrs. damage seemed to hare bn done. , HuiJn Hanna. of this city are tn Birthday Observed Sihervan Mrs. Laura as jiven an afternoon tea foJyed by a d) Wednesday at the home of her son. Gernte Huboa. honoring her i)th - btrthdsy ar.n)verry. Hostesses were her two daughters-rn-law, Mrs. Prank H-Jbbs and Mrs. George Huhbs. GOING TO CALIFORNIA flidney Mrs. L. B Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whttaker have returned from a trip to Trout Lake, where they were vUitir.g relatives and also pkked huckleborries on H'itTkleberry mountain. They report tie berries to be very plentiful this yv-ar and of an excellent quality. Mr. and Mrs. Whttaker and two son. Allen Gene and Dale, will leave for California Monday after a several weeks' visit here with Mrs. Whit akrr'i relatives. TAKE OVI.H AIRPORT Clar Lake Earl Bransen and Keith Smith fiew by airplane to Vancouver, Wah, to have Bran ;ns plane overhauled before going to P-OM-burg the laat of the aeek where they will take over the air port there for the coming year. Kfith will attend hurh Khool tleere the coming year, havlr.g gone two years in Ea;n. VISITING IN PORTLAND Turner IXue! as B Parkes ipnt tbe -ek s?.d at kt. home in Tariier. following vvrral seeks ipent In Portland, wher? he b iunian for an aecr.ey m Multnomah, coynty. Mra. Pirkf ar.d children. Eleanor.' Marlon and Arthur, accompanied Parfce ba-g to Portland for two1 weeks' rt'lt. where they will be giieati at the home of Mrs Parke fcs one of the t-arhers in the Tomer rrarte school. MRS RAYMOND III. Weft Hallm Mrs. Hope Trainor of Sulsun. Calif . Ls vl-itlng at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs K. A. flA)mond. She Is also a-ftut-tng In the care ol her grsndmoth-r. Mrs. Hayrnond. who Is 111 HOME I HUM M.lllE Jetlerson-Mrt. J. o. Van Winkle 1 sna i. Hichard. have rrtumsd . from Olide. where they spent two weeis at the home of her sister, Mra Hen Cooper, who Is conval escing from a recent goitre oj ir ra tion BHI Nrt t AMII.r Bs( K West 8lem-Mr. and Mrs H A flruns have relumed from Orande Konoe lie re Im has had employ ment for some time, to their home on Huge street. rH I.I.I ING NEARLY READY Klckey The large modem home which is being built by C. C. Mor ris will soon be completed. Tills is the second house Morris has built In this communltv PLACE l IMPROVED lUrker-Bert Slaco I remodeling and building an addition to hu home. Mr and Mrs Harvey Mc elroy ire Urlng la tlx place. INDEPENDENCE RANCH IS SOLD TO COAST MAN nas inrsxrjrma 07 Dewey H-i aul spot nazZj laem as to Taip . actio, of idee, cossuaaw aooas r-ti- ni percoaard toss west 97 Car-; u Dans Tyiwwmr- T trai ler ra ule frva p. W. Eddy t Ccsroas, to deal oetof totat torwaen TVnoofc rra. eaxai 1 firm smb. tot iw)fffCT w. D. i TayVjr 0 tin Parsner-s Eta-. back. Tirr are tyra S acre of iy-w oxt tot ?-ace S-'yJ two scud cr&ttam , . . v. g,.;. ss-v.-.-jf. clJxlJ.. ... t ym .-. tr , m ' Tr.rr Lire s v fM iwo . . !ia7 tZyx vj u p-- M lit Bora were v:- MTE?ar d here or toe:r M.' T.-i. of -'q-Xt. Cajf. He j, ar. exse.-ited oL crrr ar-d ex- a jrea: e: of L-.-jrrw crer toe etyrripia-.-d e! oc-rraoMa tr toat Le w-- brto? rj SaxDy at toe tarr-e -.L-rje toar toe Bocrxa IrerOT tsrl toe f.-M of text &-rr-..-it tie pa year cce of toe izsz H'xrjn Lr.ix-. taer Tr Uii.trct J. PtaKnilf Qhnrtlv L'yjncet: The top hrji oc ir i. rorwr.-i.irni laiii iu. town warra au swxflw r wnm r-urriia, -1 vi ranch. Carper.! wl beam work . maes Bee ard Battae Asyia aa soon as Mtenala can be rotter it- Mra Bntt Arjmwaii on the rrounda. 'aril eiillren Circue a&d in-eiyo. The ortrln of the fire is still tin- at Wacorida. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. known but the xianaaer aus&erta tttAspir.aa ara daieater Miss Lu- was the work of cnlkiren learnlr I " mok. and beine lira Id of beinf iugnt. w :t s.uds om, m a charge of arrangements and exn 'si.e plaris are under way to care for all who come. Woods Lease Ranch West Sam Mr. and Mrs Harry Wood. on-in-".aw and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tt. J. Bowers, have leaned a ranch near Ir.dio, Calif, where they will engajre to the tur key and chicken busine. LD WARDS ARC HOME Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. WUI R Edwards have returned from a week's vacation at Nsckowin where they camped. While away they made several side trps Ttsiung fnerids, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Petty john at Grand Ronde. spendJrif the night with them and picking wild MaJikberrles at that point, and Sunday they spent the day visiting st Road's End where D. Hendndu, formerly a resident of Ltnooin. ts liMr.g. On their return trip they viuted st the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mann at Ocean Lake. LI. VIS I-OH HAWAII 81 1 vert on Mrs. Kthel Mc&wanson and three yomg sons of Hawaii, mho have been visiting at the home A Mrs. Mifiwaruon s parents. Mr. ar.d Mrs Ed Smith, left Wednes day for Ban Prsnckvco where they Bt:i her suter, Mrs. Ernest Johnvm and family before leaving for H lio. Ham all, where site has been teaching for several years, IOTV GILTS LEAVE' ?jjn Mra. Psjy llarriaon and da'-iffhtrr Shlrlev. and Mlss Naomi Bryan of Kan Dipko, Caiif . return-, ed to their home Thursday after vbit at the home of Mrs. Harri- sor.s amt, Mrs. H-Ien Doty and f-rnlly. live mil's northwest of town. They also vLMt-d friends and rela tives In British Columbia and Ws-hlngton while on Ihelr trip north. ALLS AKIr.H II VI ARS I Jefferson William Thompson of Oakland. Celil., arrived recently for a visit wltn Jefferson frlensd. 1 Thompeon is sn old-time resident ' of this community and this Is his j first visit In 27 years. At Dresent i he is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.' Earl Lynea Gl EST IN HI VCR Sliver iuests this week of Mr. ; and Mrs. T. P. On lea bee were Mrs. I Taylor, Mrs Slllln and Mn Cherry. I all of Eugen. and Mra Horn of Junction City. I BAKER Bl lUIING HOI HE I Palls CUV Oliver Baker I build-! ing a new house upon his property In the southeast part of town. This) house will be located upon the Lewistllle road near tlielr orchard Harry Davis of Htllsboro and Bak er's sons, Raymond and Irvine, are, doing th carpenter work. IIERKIXiToM TRIP I Eola Mr. and Mrs. E. L. HerreUI nd son. Junior, left for trip to Washington. Th Herells will visit I rrlatlvea tn Seattle and Spokane and 1 expect to use several side trips ) while on their vacation. Chimney Drips Honey; Nelsons Dislodge Bees Woodan A rm. at Ivor? beev jejoci aawt tie e3ed acoe lev toas urrtes! toe teat or Mr. BTrard eaaa aa aa Mteai praceeoto lrto-wt-. to iaj i a aprj t Tie Ktinoa brara tot piTr.Lg of aafj wartea bet tzsi: rrr-'-Mif at s ov ta axe; beac to dro 2s tae are -wvx- to Txe of toe iyje. T!u waa eouoere ,-jk a St'e too caczt o! a r- tJr-? arjd KkA 10 ctidfe toe UiKrt en Tre lwrrart b toe tae aat km aa eafT out. &ererai reiauiea arid oearh Vjn were caiied in Ttmcar ard arw Tar.'jo aetrjodi tad faued a coLecaoc o ol aoaked no buroed ic toe c&mr? iroed toe te-ar-tt to vaca:e. iea-rtr-f le .-n. 'Sj.z.tx y Bxjxr be- REUNION GIVEN BY ASPINWALLS E-x H or Ji"T Fxnr . O -" J of -A Caf. wr ! fr a rears aasrsre a rj.rj ! reUT ar :r.rja Crer xu I rrjx. taftoe JaeJrf a as ; ro-.c Vn. Ga aad fa7 t! ' a rrxto rai t Orer:c toe oa-tn-er or Mr t-eti nia J-jt tiirw ynn. trit Gtri errpwrreri a cyjrff o a J. C. P-t&e iwre. He ai enipicnwJ 07 toe Capi.! bffoee )o- toe Perey iE'rerj. itr et- n Diiia.. T:sax a:tercjaf Tere tie hor.-cc attecc tx borrw Mrs. F'-Trest Gilt-' arl kjci .vmTa-i, Mrs. Bxy. ana cr-iren iea aria c an:. Mr. ar3 Mrs Ovaries Cnafiee, Lxiyd De - merest. Mr. anad Mrs. Ear Arn- wail ard ciiiafiren Ean ard Bar - rra. Ka MauV Poir.r, Ixxofrj ry, Mra. Jaace Do. CrTKia riT, Mies iUr?rt and Caroi ( Btnap. Mrs. Lep-or Daily. Mr. arj uor. AiraiTaj. Mr. ar-S , in. car. AJjKiiwai; arjd oauxoters dlie AssmwaU. Mr. and Mrs. Har- lold Asptcwall end son Denny, of Mill City, Mrs. Eva Wtiilanison andM:Laizb daugiuer Miss Grace Wiil-am- fjc and Miss Madm Bracy of Port ;aaj, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bump, George Pointer. Harriet Pointer, Mr. ar.d Mrs. C. E Newhouse, and son of Dayton, Mrs EtntTaa New house ol Kewberg, Mias E-1e Fae F.eck of TViamook. Mr. and Mrs'jer Manning and B jrr.p of GerraU Infant Is Injured Mollis Thomas C'dall. 14 months oid eon of Mrs MarJn LdaU. had 1 to nnter nail of the second f.hger of his right hand rcashed off Wed neulay ruaht whild piayint a; tot home of Mrs. Anu ftoobin. He lot hi firiter cauht In the fat. He,.4 expecta that he win hare was taken to Oregon City to a doc-1 tor and toe rxail was removed sxd a part of the flesh, tt Is thoufnt that toe nail will grow back ar.d the finger win not be disfigured. Mrs. Gdan whose borne Is In San Fran cisco, is Tisnrrtg with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bcherd. CAMP MEETING REPORT Clear Lake Mrs. Roy Smith w the first to report from the Evan gelical earnp meetlnf at Jennings' Lodge. There is the largest atten dance la the earnp ground that they have bad for several years and more than 20 people alter. ded the banquet given Tuesday evening. VISITORS AI FEATHER 1 Turner air. and Mrs. Earl S. Prather enteriaur,ed as toelr f jests Wednesday evening Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Michsux aul Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wright of MrMinntille. the former home ol the Pra titers. Trie party were en rout home from Breiter.b'ah cot springs, where they had been for Dr. MJcl.aax" health and are anticipating another two we-k- at the resort soon. For a ncrr.l.- of years the doctor has practised In McMinntil! ar.d has a rj-ft-'k-e in Yamhill c.:nv LAST TIMES IODAT Lorelta Twastf John Wayne TEN DIRECTORS ARE ADDED FOR NEXT BUCKEROO Moiala 7e oinrvxa ad uez ' rjoMen of tot Mu ixkmo aa-' ! loria-jEic ie'A torrr ax-a: rrr-j rear aaa a f-a-rmi aacceu. An See aad C. O arrm. t tar naiaed tae oodL tare beer, (ma a encswrt J tot IBS arw JiT I , 4 aad i I A of toe of;rm aere reVecsed. ! aru, toe excerpuoa of Loaia Da Jtriv- ertT no terted aa aecTetarr tck rear. 7 M Beamaen waj ejected , orovlect: GCMrrt Harm o! Po.t- ' vk preaer.:; E- H. WaUaoe. atre4a.-7: Otact 1. Caie, Btasirtr. Tier t--rnc ol tot aisotiioc aere torreaaed to totrrr. Tbere were anr-iar 2. A v-e oa cureevjes er re-tXvH acd iab new eta iddr Derv.r are: Mr. Kecr-Ju, Mr Earr Mr Waiate Mr ce. atTor H. N. aemart. . E. Rj&Gt&l, W. J. Ar Ciar Fgejewct. Prati Dirxen. Leo tSirer. Ar-Jstir . ' SJrSJLlTjSl -... 'c. .-"!.; -. :z zr.' . - o 1- iTc- r- 4ir.""Et3ae. CHer firaurst,!" tr E-ar.?ral ci'jrch 47, Ei-TT Ptxh?t 5nLttF t-ht -jx-c JTi 41 Atjk Jz UtJtr nw- ece barH frri! tbe rr.'jsjC SACRED CONCERT AT WOODBORN, SUNDAYS TS woogo-utt. The Ovr. rj j r-ir.rt alu.r.rJ of th Lu'Ujeran B1-; ATnthpi, f irrl t scr.xl at Grand Foriu. K D.l" x"1 "a YTa x. a sacred cor.:n a. -Ji I.t.-j JtS Annual Outing it.-. Lv.r.t:ac c-':h Sjidiy. Grand uiid-Tne arual pl.T.ic 1! n r'-.-r Tr. j i the'.a - t--.j u..., ---- o this famaos trjzrxini' I-t rait to tne vest, con- Cr.;a?o. Clevtlad, B: : 4r.d jrte c;aes. 1 rne prczram rendered : urred rr.ic o ol sonzt in the En? ; ; -j. sech and liorwetjiar: ian i truaze. Tne aers-Jiinei of tne ouanet ( lEei'jdea Ote Vetmiat. first ten or: I y.:, V-UTuSt, tecotd tenor: E y;., .ar.iihi. lrt bass; arid Harms Bjri 'jt. second baia. 1 Market Is Glutted Independence K. L. WCliams, a local inerchant, shipped three car loads of sheep and lambs to Port- and Monda; nint. In the consign , ntent were j&4 bead from the C. A. ranch; lambs, wethers and old e es. WUIiams diwered. when he am.ed in Parti and with nis Srtock, that he was up against an aer-stockd msrka. He rtsna-ned over for a day in u hope that there would be more ayers, but Itii part unsold belore ret'nung. Thumb Is Damaged Indeoefidence Torr. fcrslth ser. rw1 h. larter In hk th'jrr.b or ' i hu !ef- hanH with a laree hoo kr.ife 1 .1... v irh wn e..i&. a lav ni hi, r,.v . dlrs h will apeM most of the next few days at the Newport beaches errs- ' tot a sore trrarr-.b He expected to to ftshteg and clammln- this week to forego that pleasure now. Van Oulld and far-iiy win svocompany t tae Bmitns to Newport where they 1 will spend th next week, rataenaf I sea food and A-rJrjj. I MBS. tLUHrlOX HOME Sidney Mrs. Thomas Hampton, who has been in at to borne of ber daughter, Mrs. Jesse McComuck. of Satn. for the past few months , has returned to her country home near aere. Mrs. Hampton's health is some improved, but ah la still vr.ab to do her wutk. VACATION AT BEV1ET Llncoin J D. Walllnf and daugh ter, Gertrude, of Portland, and his dajchtr-!n-law. Mrs. Jesse Walllcf of Zecta. are vacationing at Bretten buth springs where they expect to remain for two wev.s. Mra Tina Kilbee of Salem h a house guest of Mrs. J. D. WaUutf during their absence. TAKES OVLIt GARAGE Woodourn J. J. Hersl.oerger of Hubbard has taken over the J. W. Berkey garage In Woodbum. In the deal Berkey takes po-ssesssion of a loo-acre farm eat of Hub- Mrd ITTLE , Caesar (Dwano o ROBINSON OOuOkAS sus.-Mtt.-laesv 'V HayesTille Board Sets Opening Date HaiesrZc Tiia of the Kauai kaartt Bet at tt borne a! Maa Zxzsst. tfat-irt trk. Tbe cater tot new booes to be toed tea a pprw ed as tot date tor J o--r of toe fa3 ten of KtoOoL ru an be Mosrlar. fiea-ierr-arr 2a. Otoer rajsor teuee ex- oerat toe atoao: m oroatjr: be at tre aoars at u aserBf. daytb1e school closed Darua Mr. ar.d Mra, Cr-ar:at Soutt. Mra. Era Baxter aM Mn. Pracjc He of Danorx Mr. aod Mn. Asa S.nixA aand Mai Erher Strhoij iwt jx yt-tM at Oiaripcer? "TjeidaT.!,,;,,! Beca me of toe daily Baae Know -"ea - "eorrin!jEian wui m ui?eatea at tarr craua not aiie-j. , Mn. H. C. tad ehar of ! tot biixeu-r iort Rer. A. Kurd Tii i rrtar:ual trar toatrunor; 1 ! Rooert Sta:t3(k bad charae toe ; : Mri Bar. kt. r. n. rtasez. M-i Bar. Ber. F. E. Fiaher, U ti- BJ.i irjxrjr!iocia.theBiiiel. 7-, h. w. i irhmi wii s studerita mroid. "i Th. tv-.i rv4 Fra!ii bat iai!! he eiveii at toe ec semces s! jata&p.ts of the Dar-i nunivtr -'W xxtii? Diytor. loeir raw j salt at toe bjrrrjrsioe rrieriGs fcich selves at a o'ekek ati toe wivrri oi.r iifT-!' flTer toe ...-r ..'tw. vi-ir h.r . -h- o.- Is a former ide Frads A j- .rove on tr.e E. A. t - n,r i.vj.r Wo Wiiey and three ch:'.dre. ree chndre: Mrs MArtha K'&z and three grand - cmicren. Mrs. ijaniei lotnpcms a&a fnT c-s ra Powier. Mrs. HaroVd Tomscns. Mrs. Jake Tcunptms. Mrs. Mortor. TotcDkaa. Ellen and E'lse tr aE-sfat ?J- vT. IVj '21 1 . I VJ- acd two ci-irer,. Mrs Boy E. V. .f' 0 pn Pfv An VHrthAaV .rJ three chorea. Mr.. WiUaai ! 2:. r. -r V .'. Is atricCy ' 7. w - ar.d e-je-r Mrs. ;' ta C. A. . P.easar.t :er-rK.,t:vf o: Mra. Badger. Marearet Swaraoc. Pearl aiiemooa aca everur wn-r. toe wal WVace and w M-r-Berjer. Era acd Ei Leo-1 larulty o: toe Ore?on .KorarrJ stioo: 4 B-e-"i -aslt-i- a"d nard and Louise WiE. tract ltd M tf .w Frsck WK!d tud tl.w mr.d. Park Proves Popular Saver Mr. acd Mrs. W. J. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conkey. Mr. O J. Ba?y. Mifses Yronne Kerr arid Betty Peine aad Bare Stiver held nurJc at He'.nuck park Wedrjeaday evernr-e. Many petle from here are enjoying the awixctnir bo.e at the park been, oi tot short (bs taace fora: Stiver. Eo WLJlm Trer.t of McMiir. - vu was la Eola recest-v rui rel-:ves. rJ 8H01LYW00DS 25c Boas c SWL Talkie A HOMB OWNED THEATRB Last Times Today A Thrfiier of the Sea FH 'jed With AcMoo aad Coxedy Final Chapter of Phantom of the West" Starring Tom Tyler and Summemlle Comedy, News, also Mickey Mouse Corredv Coming Sunday t moving picture thai moves! fighting pfc-lars that Ogbts! A talking ptetwrs that mya sorae thing: rjlyW.- EDMUND DUQNI A cTrTMPAUt UT DtrmstflTs st 1 ANNUAL SERVICE IN PARK SLATED DALLAS, SUNDAY atvajai eneot aiwof tot CtncUaa aurcrje In toe cotxetr, S be ceu tarn acaooi vffl be beld a i o'ciaek aid tot rariovi daaaca i be located at atlected pitsla. AO'jlt troerai at tou tttte are to btw a( Bea&j. Aana: 2. wttfc speaker C. F. BaarxSer of Portlaod.1,0 m 4,, ,,,740, g!1, , wtrl and Waiver Mrert of E-eae. I Mmrr Trje 11 o'clock terrace prorcea to. be Terr laiererunj arth Hatm UMht'X a mianourr (rrxn tot ZJ.-1 l3CfO, trriTit a -t m trje uaw t.-ia; d-itrxt. rier. ira 1 ki'm rtr i- ; nli preacii tbej pwin-trj ha-.ket dtner a-, imd I:M oeSwi .nh Haf. MiVrte ail t-or-roa-e ianj meoeia aw A mX4aDu7 coaler-,necdi of toe Wlam Aideraao t3c, 0; t;.rf wctr.:i Mfji -'facilljr mocorea to CaacatU nark i be e-rliKted 07 Mra. Ea-ier aod Mra. Dt at toe Cose of toe 0- ' k .ire ; rrjoj aervlre. A! tr.e ever-j aerre la c.i... .-- . aii , ' .1 ... ni .- - AFTERNOON IS SPENT AT BAILEY RESIDENCE ,l- a. v. .-v ... - taed In fcer tJrne Thursday after- : noon hooxizz ber sUter. ilrs J. E.IMri- "-7 ars. v. WaiL Til airemiKn was arjent aa - ciaT. ai toe close o: to atterrxoii ! rre cream ar.d caxt -rrr served ' Mrs. Sylvester A. Esrrj. Mr A J. Ra.VT.uasen, Mrs. Jor.r. Lr.t. Mn. A. E. Hams. Mrs. Merrlr. Br. too. Misses Eair.a Irtiiier. Laror.r. Har.-A Itji Lthr. Mrs. Ka.-tt K-i-br, Mrs R. R. r.elfer o: 1'. Mrs. Wayr.t G:oa. Mr. Rirjjr.i Elir. ton Jr and cruldreii rE::a a-d I -rr .trs: y-. r"- ! MonmOUth FaCUltV Picnics at Resort! S-er HeinucE tatk wis the scene of a gay crowd Wedaealat ? The c-.. from Sa.err. ff r'Hi.J2 w the psrac. The Ome wis sper.t ir. .irnirrr. owsenwu ano norseanoe ard at T o ciock a dyter was served, DOCTOR HOME AGAIN Indepeoer.ce D.-. K. Charts Dursmore arrrred horr.e here T:".-rs-day after a five weeks' tnp east. vislTine re'julvos and fnends in Toronto. North Bay. Seafonfc. and other easrm it- m.r vim ; br rte Caradian Itorrie rrc: tn - 1 Vancouver and V:rrorta. then lifjwTtii-t. k.c . . -. .. ... the mw. to Or;-i 1 - 'Jiuaaiisdkdt here no first frreat starring enter tainment! And what pic ture! A thrilling (tea drama made with the co-operation of the U. S. Navy. You must j STARTS SlT Sa I LAST I I, y 1 ' I rtuce V IV "Bora He's here now T!Tl I P in his first ureaf Aft) i jo. 5 tr n r-'xA.vr- Revivalist Meeting With Much Success Scacta lira Thr mrral Eeet xa beta; coDdtictejd a: toe Cane ;an etjjrda vtta W. E. Straa, j era -re. jc, arjd Caara Cnaoo, iKnotat aad aocif leaser, are Ete- ) avd are mmtef om earn err- 1 T--I Mexuert trom tot Moa 'a, ar. a: ware a Mfiwwfn,. K-iertoB Mm Cm ai4 Huboard Cnravoan cafcea bar . atteuVed at eXUfereai uaea rhf'tlrj aito tot KTTtte. Berexi artrtltt-ca to toe chare 'nay htftfn ma4 ao far. Tl aMax : , rfamrrt nrit SIX DAUGHTERS 1 1 HOME AT ONCE for a re-xuoo and p-.rcK. Vertoia) arr.ufr7x.etiu were pamnrjavrd ut i basket diriaeT aerred. alerrj- 1 aad Mrs. William Ar-ierioc. W.i 1 Gertraae ArJeraxi. Besax Easter acd aoM, Eaward. Pa-Ji, 'met: Mrs. w Berjrf a-.d toaa, Herscfcel r.d Dotald. o! Hcebrj) Mr. aul Mn. C. Lee ar.d carter, ArrCU. arid Mr. and Mrs. J. Ar- u-t - .- - - l.t. Ucnr T.KM 1 nd Mariorie. of Ventura. Calif.! Mr. acd Mn. E. Euessr oi Port latd. Trie fneMj ea'.ftered werw . , , Mr Georee Arc;tt of ---ex, Hietrr i : arj Mra B.jbert -"-sw - T re'mra was held in boar o tiie six ciuhters are al at j-.e of uieir parent. Mr. ar.i ! Mrs. WaUs Ar.derso-i. Jsr i' jr! 1 tru:e nsiti. TT-ey are Mss Gert 1 rjde Andr:-cr. and Mrs. I c! T-mer Mrs Nora Ber. i l cf Mrs Cira Lee a&4 Mr? Kae: Amr.t oi Ventura. Calii and Mrs. N-S Ktiesx? of Portland. Mrs, Plummer Given !::ends eatnered at t;e home of Mrs. Mary F Cole, daughter of M- p;-f- wi tl r ' t WoVi" tocltided St-, ar.d . Laco-;, OI j!!rTsoa: A:t?rt Pl'er cf Ec:o. S. L. Keiiy of startor.. M-s. ,r.d j,rs vtn F Cn ad ch .d- i -- ren. Zor.a arjl A!tert Jan-.e. MrCEE Cl'ESTS LEAVE Ri:cv Mrs H. M. Cuihars. and son BJb of A5ton3. acd Mrs. Cul harr.'s lather. W. A. Brown ot lVrw istown. Mcnt., who have been visit ing at toe M. M. Ma?ee home Ijii e returned to Mrs. Cull-am's horr.s i,-- Mr? A-irjsra E Hs . Dorothy Jordan Hobart aa Bo worth' cm .W Edward. BABRT POI.tARD arodactloa lIcsrojfciiwfMr MCTVU a 1 I