Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 20, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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Society, Clubs and Music
EdltnJ bt Ruth Ut Lmwrtnc. Phong 4M1
Mrs. Carson
Entertains at
Complimenting Miss Jessica Todd
of Monmouth, Mrs. Wallace Carson
entertained with a smartly inform
al luncheon and afternoon of bridge
In her home Tuesday. Colorful
llowcrs were used lavishly about.
the rooms and decked the four small
Honor euestj for the luncheon
and afternoon were Miss Jessica
Todd, Miss Maud Mcpherson, tin.
Parker, Miss Laura Taylor and Mrs.
Howard Moreland of Monmouth.
Additional guests at the luncheon
and bridge were Mrs. W. H. Lytle.
Mrs. John H. McNary, Mrs. David
Eyre, Mrs. George A. White, Mrs.
Russell Catlin, Mrs. Don Youns.
Mrs. Frank Chapman, Mrs. Mlltou
Eteiner, Mrs. Tom Wood, Mrs. John
Carson. Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs.
Dan J. McLellan and Mrs. Albert
Prizes for the afternoon of bridge
went to Mrs. Moreland, Miss Tay
lor, Mrs. Allan Carson and a gueft
prize to Miss Todd.
Mrs. John Hunt
Hostess to Club
Mrs. John H. Hunt entertained
members of her bridge club and
several additional guests with an
attractive evening of bridne at her
home Tuesday evening. Prizes for
the evening of cards went to Mrs.
B. w. Starr ana Mrs. uuy Vincent
Smith for the guest group and to
Mrs. C. C. Daue and Mrs. Howard
Rex for the club members.
Mrs. C. W. Belner and Mrs. Carl
Schneider assisted Mrs. Hunt in
serving refreshments.
Special guests were Mrs. Roy Wil
son of Seattle, Mrs. Jack Johnson,
Mrs. Guy Vincent Smith, Mrs. S.
W. Starr and Mrs. Tom Wood. In
the club group were Mrs C. C. Daue,
Mrs. C. W. Belner. Mrs. U P. Dunae.
Mrs. Howard Rex. Mrs. Carl
Schneider and Mrs. J. K. Peters.
Miss Eriekson To
Heatl Eeelesia Club
Miss Esther Erlckson was elected
president of the Ecclcsla club at a
business session and party held by
the club group Tuesday evening at
the home of Ml6s Emma Dell
Schwabbauer. Miss Erlckson,
who served as vice-president last
year, succeeds Miss Velma Rominger
as head of the club. Mrs. Ola Voikel
Hughes was named vice-president.
Miss Alyce Graves was re-elected
secretary and Miss Irene de Lisle
was re-elected treasurer. Miss Emma
Dell Schwabbauer was named re
porter and Miss Mildred Judson,
song leader.
Miss Elinor Dorrance was Initiat
ed Into the club, with Miss Mildred
Judson In charge of the service.
A 60clal evening of games and
music In the flower-decked rooms
followed. Refreshments were served
by the hostesses, Miss Louise. Killer,
Miss Mabel Alrick and Miss Schwab
bauer. Special guests were Miss Molly
Schwabbauer, Miss Amanda Schwab
bauer, Miss Virginia Bergcr and
Mrs. Doris Schwabbauer. Club mem
bers present were the Misses Violet
Bowden, Irene de Lisle, Alyce Gra
Toa, Edna McElhaney, Elinor Dor
rance, Charlotte Homing, Vcrda
Olmsted. Mildred Judson. Evelvn
Paulsen, Marcella Caspell, Esther
Erlckson, Velma Rominger, Golda
Wheeler and the three hostesses.
Mothers of members of Chapter
O of the P. E. O. sisterhood will be
special guests Thursday afternoon
at a chapter meeting to be held at
the surburban home of Mrs. A. T.
Wain. Hostesses with Mrs. Wain
will be Mrs. C. B. McCullough and
Mrs. Ellen Godfrey.
Prof. Herbert Rahe of Willamette
university will be In charge of the
program, which will Include a short
play and musical numbers,
Mt. Angel
Mt. Angel Mlsj Loretta Barr,
bride-elect, whose marriage to Phil
lip Varley of Salem will be a large
church affair of next Tuesday, in
St. Mary'6 church, was honored with
a bridal shower given Monday eve
ning at the home of her parents.
Mrs. Henry Saalfeld, Mi's. G. D. Eb
ncr, Miss Helen Saalfeld, Miss An
gela Cottmire, Mrs. Ernest Page of
Portland, Mrs. Emll Wolf and Mrs.
Leo Ban- were Joint hostesses for
the affair.
The honor guest was presented
with many beautiful gifts. A lunch
eon was served by the hostesses.
Mrs. R. T. Bisenius received the
high score honors at bridge. Miss
Hilda Eberie received the door prize.
Prizes for games were awarded to
Miss Dorothy Keber, Mrs. Leo
Schwab. Miss Clara Keber and Mi6s
Marie Ebner.
The guest list Included, the honor
guess Miss Loretta Ban, the Misses
Louise Butsch. Clara Keber, Hilda
Eberie, Helen Eberie. Mrs. O. J. Os
wald, Mary Bigler, Dorothy Keber,
?.ola Holmes, Marlon Holmes, Mrs.
Paul Schwab, Mrs. W. A. Worley,
Margaret Grenbemer, Mrs. L. A.
Zeis, Mary Wachter, Terece Flcker,
Helen Flcker. Hilda Setter, Mildred
Schmidt, Amanda Schwab, Rose
Schwab, Ann Erwert, Marie Ebner.
Henrietta Ebner, Pauline Saalfeld.
Gladys McGee, Leona Meidl, Grace
Smith, Mrs. Ray Ebner, Mrs. John
Stahl, Helen Keber, Mrs. Vrban
S?hmitz of Portland, Georgia Webb.
Evelvn Clouse, Mrs. Otto Wellman,
Claudia Hassir.g, Rose Bichhelt,
Clementine Bernt, Anna Wavra,
Theresa Lutz, Elizabeth Beyer, Marie
Westhoff, Gertrude Keber, Mrs. C. J.
Terhaar, Mrs. R. T. Bisenius, Mrs.
Beri Traviss. Mrs. Herman Schwab,
Mis. E. W. Barnum, Mrs. John Big
ler, Mis. Emil Bochsler, Mrs. Wil
liam Kloft, Mrs. R. J. Welton, Mrs.
A. J. Butsch, Mrs. A. J. Flcker, Irene
Butsch, Catherine May, Carola May,
Marie Schmitt, Elaine Ritchie, Fay
Schultalbers, Mrs. Quentln Holmes,
Elizabeth Unger, Mrs. Leo Schwab,
Angela Cottmire, Marguerite Per?
svn. Rose Hassinr, Mrs. Ernest Page
of Portland, Mrs. Emil Wolf, Miss
Helen Saalfeld, Mrs. O. D. Ebner
and Mrs. Henry Snalfeld.
The state executive board meet
ing of the American War Mothers
will be held Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock at the home of the organi
zations stale president, Mrs. Ada
V. Ski.'.
An open meeting with a program
and dancing will be held Thursday
night In the Fraternal temple by
The United Artisan.
Sessions to
Be Busy
Last minute details for the elev
enth annual convention of the
Oregon federation of business and
professional women's clubs will be
arranged at a final convention
board meeting of the Salem club
to be held Wednesday night at 7:30
o'clock at the home of the local or
ganization's president, Mrs. Mona
Convention committees have been
working smoothly and efficiently
and reports Wednesday night, after
the Ironing out of a few details,
are expected to show that the cap
ital city is In readiness to entertain
the several hundred business women
from all over the state who will rep.
resent the 22 federated clubs a
business sessions to be held Friday
and Saturday in the chamber of
commerce rooms.
Department conferences, reports
and round table discussions w ill oc
cupy much of the business sessions.
Registration of delegates and ex
ecutive council meetings will oc
cupy Friday forenoon. The onvene
tion will omclaly open at 2 o clock
Friday afternoon. Officers will be
presented, convention committees
appointed, and reports will be made
by tne . state corresponding secrc
tary. Miss Goldie Curnow of Port
land; the state recording secretary
Miss Luella B. Callln; the 6tate
treasurer, Miss Ona Renner of Ore
gon City; the finance chairman,
Mrs. Luverne J. Hardwicke of Mc
Minnville: and chairman of special
committees. Miss Grace Elizabeth
Smith of Salem will conduct a par
liamentary law drill.
Convention sessions will be re
sumed Saturday morning at- 9 o'
clock, when Miss Martha Gasch of
Portland, state president, will make
her report.
Ten minute round table discus
sions will be held as follows: Edu
cation, research and health, Miss
Josephine Shade of Salem; mem
bership and emblem. Mrs. Belle R.
Gould of Coquille; extension. Miss
Ellen B. Rudnas of Marshfield:
program, Mrs. Leona G. Bryant of
Coquille: international relations
and public relations, Mrs. Elizabeth
Helnllne or Koseourg; legislation.
Miss Jane E. Olson of Pendleton;
forward. Miss Dora N. Sexton of
The Dalles; publicity. Mrs. Emma
C. McKinney of Hillsboro; maga
zine, Mrs. Madalenc Callin of
Salem; presidents round table,
Miss Martha Gasch.
Reports and recommendations of
state chairman will follow the
round table discussions. Reports will
be maade by the following special
chairmen: editor of Oregon Busi
ness Woman, by Mrs. Madeleene
Callin of Salem; business manager
of Oregon Business Woman,. Miss
Clara McNeil of Salem; extension.
Miss Ellen B. Rudnas: forward,
Miss Dora N. Sexton; the creden
tials committee report, Miss Phebe
McAdams of Salem; the national
convenetion chairman report by
Miss Cecelia Mae Beyler of Astoria :
the report of the transportation
chairman by Miss Ada M. Coles of
Portland: the report of the national
building gift campaign by Mrs.
Henerletta Hacker of Albany.
The convention will reconvene at
2 o'clock. Occupational round tables
will follow. The are: business own
ers and managers, Mrs. Jennie T.
Fink of MrMinnvllle, chairman,
with Mrs. Hnrrlett Underwood of
Eugene speaking on the response
billty of manager and what Is ex.
pected of employees and Mrs. Ida
Belle Hughes of McMinnville speak.
ing on plans of advertising your
own Business, and Mrs. Belle R.
Gould of Coquille on "Why I Like
My business.": office, with Miss
Alice Hutchinson of Portland as
chairman and as speakers, Miss
Evangeline Philbin of Portland,
Miss Emma Summerfleld of Albany,
Mrs. Leda E. Parker of Klamath
Falls, Miss Mildred McLeod Horn
ecker of Hillsboro, Miss Bertha
Singer of Portland, Mrs. Florence
Dreher of Klamath Falls, Mrs,
Edith K. Falbe of Roseburg, Miss
Helen Louise Crosby of Salem,
Miss Eha Piimcr of Gresliam, Dr.
Florence 8. Manlon of Portland,
and Mrs. Kenh L. Fale of Rusrbuig.
New business, final report of the
credentials committee, report of
tile nominating committee, election
of officers, report of resolutions
committee and Invitation for 1932
convention will close the business
session for the state convention.
An Interesting list of breakfast,
luncheons, a reception, an annual
banquet and a mldnlte frolic have
been planned for the entertainment
of delegates.
Drama Class Ends
Year with Luncheon
Mrs. Carl Nelson and Mrs. Rob
ert Brady entertained members of
Mis. Robert Gatke's drama class
with a luncheon Tuesday at the
home of Mrs. Nelson. The meeting
was the final one for the drama
class this season, the sessions not
being resumed until next Septem
ber. Appropriate entertainment
was provided by each member pres
ent telling of the play she enjoyed
most of those she read this season,
and her reason for her choice.
Covers as the attractive lunch
eon were placed for Mrs. Robert
Gatke, Mrs. Leonard Nelson, Mrs.
Clifford Farmer, Mrs. Willis Rough
ton, Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Wil
liam Everett Anderson, Mrs. Her
bert Rahe, Mrs. J. E. Law, Mrs. Ed
gar Fitzgerald, Mrs. Clifton Mudd.
Mrs. E. T. Pierce, and the hostess
es, Mrs. Brady and Mrs. Nelson.
Engagement Told
At Dinner Partv
Thc engagement of Miss Dorothy
C. Gutckunst to Atwood P. Foster
was announced at a dinner party
given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Gutekunst at their home on
Chemeketa street, Monday evening.
Tlie guests Included only Immedi
ate relatives of both parties and a
few young married couples, very
close friends of the two.
The color scheme of pink, white
and silver was used throughout the
dinner party. Pink ribbon stream
ers running from the center piece
of tiny pink rose buds to each
guest's plate, tying the tiny pink
rosebud corsages concealed the
small cards bearing the names of
Miss Gutekunst and Mr. Foster,
announcing the bethrothal In
clever verse.
Between the courses the guests
were entertained by expressing
their wishes for the bride-elect In
Miss Gutekunst Is a graduate of
the local high school, class of 1928
and at present la employed part
time In the Salem Clinic.
Mr. Foster Is the son of James
E. Foster, also of Salem, and a
graduate of Salem high school, class
of 1926. Mr. Foster who Is a grad
uate of the Glad Tidings Bible In
stitute of Ban Francisco, Calif., ex
pect in the near future to enter
the ministry.
Both young people are active In
the church work at Evangelistic
tabernacle, 13th and Ferry streets.
No date as yet has been set for
the wedding.
Writers Entertained
At Fargo Home
A program of original work that
varied from poetry, essays, radio
broadcast talks, and a pageant-play,
to general discussion entertained
memebrs of the writer's section of
the Salem Arts League Tuesday
night at the home of Mrs. William
Fordjce Fargo. Material gleaned
from two professional magazines
subscribed to by the section was
submitted by Mrs. John Clifford,
section leader for the past two years,
who. closed her term Tuesday night.
Mrs. F. G. Franklin was named
leader in a close election. It was ar
ranged to continue monthly meet
ings throughout the summer, the
June meeting to be a picnic supper
at the country home of Mrs. C. A.
The program Tuesday night was
opened by Perry Pre6cott Reigelman
who read the fourth scene of his
pageant-play, the action taking
place at the Methodist mission on
French prairie In May, 1863. Mrs.
Blanche Jones offered an essay,
"Morning With the Robins." Lynn
F. Cronemiller, state forester, read
a most effective radio broadcast
which he gave over a radio station
earlier In the day, the speech being
entitled, "Lest We Forget" and
dealing with fire prevention. Mrs.
Fred Alban Well led in the discus
sion that followed.
Mrs. Jessie Singleton read two
poems, Including a humorous one
entitled "Optimism." Mrs. Edna
Dally read her poem, "The Rain
Mood," which has Just been accept
ed by an eastern publication. Mrs.
C. A. Lytle read an expressive poem
"The Deschutes." Dr. F. C. Franklin
led In the discussion that followed.
Mrs. Fargo, the hostess, served re
freshments, assisted by Mrs. B. L.
Steeves. Those present Included Mr.
and Mrs. Lynn Cronemiller, Mrs.
Jessie Singleton, Mrs. B. L. Steeves,
Mr. and Mrs. John Clifford, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Albaa Weil, Mrs. Edna
Daily, Mrs. Blanche Jones, Mrs. J. C.
Nelson, Mrs. C. A. Lytle, Dr. and
Mrs. F. O. Franklin, Mrs. Robert
C. Paulus, Perry Prescott Reigelman
and the hostess, Mrs. Fargo.
Hostesses Named
For Art Exhibit
The entire list of hostesses for
the art exhibit being sponsored In
the fireplace room of the public li
brary each afternoon and evening
this week has been announced by
Mrs. Clifton Mudd, art director lor
the league apH In direct charge of
the exhibit. Unfortunately the ex
hibit will continue only to Friday
night, since the large collection of
original paintings loaned by the
Oregon Artists' association of Port
land must be returned to Portland
Saturday afternoon.
Wednesday evening will be a so
cial affair, with refreshments serv
ed by the hostesses In charge. The
hostesses will be Mrs. L. H. Tarpley,
Mrs. John Clifford, and members of
the league's art committee, Mrs.
Mudd, Mrs. Gustav Ebsen and Mrs.
EUa Hathaway.
Hostesses for the remainder of
the week are: Thursday afternoon
Mrs. W. E. Anderson and Mrs. J.
M. Devers; Tlmmlay evening Miss
Alice Brown, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks,
Miss Mirpah Blair; Friday after
noon Miss Luclla Baker and Mrs.
Carl Gregg Doney; Friday evening,
Miss Maud Covington and Mrs.
Ora Mclntyre.
Hostesses who have served at the
art exhibit for the past several
days were: Monday evening, Mrs.
Richard Cartwright and Mrs. F. G.
Franklin; Tuesday afternoon, Mrs.
A. A. Gragg, Mra. A. A. Slewert.
Mrs. W. T. Jenks and Mrs. Wayne
Merrlott; Tuesday evening, Mi's. C.
K. Spaulding and Mrs. Morton
Peck; Wednesday afternoon, Mrs.
William Fordyce Fargo, Miss Lil
lian Applcgate and Mis. Blanche M.
The regular session of Hanna
Rosa court. Order of the Amar
anth, will be held Wednesday eve
ning In the M.isonlo temple. The
annual memorial service will be a
feature of the meeting.
Mrs. Charles T. Howe and son.
Tommy, of Eastern Oregon, left
Wednesday after being the house
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Wood, since Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.. N. F. Morrison left
for their home In Pasadena, Calif.,
Tuesday after spending the past
four days as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Max Rogers. Mrs. Morrison
will be remembered as Dorothy
Brock, a former Salem girl. Sev
eral Informal affairs entertained
the Morrisons during their brief
stay here. Miss Ruth Moore was
hostess In compliment to Mrs. Mor
rison one evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Brock were hosts, and Mr. and Mrs.
Rogers entertained the Morrisons
with a dinner party and trip about
the Mt. Hood loop road.
The special hole tournament Fri
day at the Salem Golf club will at
tract a number of society matrons.
The regular no-hostess luncheon
will be held and plans will be made
for the annual luncheon. The
spring handicap semi-final match
es will be played off.
A number of P. L. E. and F. club
members motored to Silverton Tues
day night to attend the meeting of
the Silverton lodge. A program and
refreshments were additional fea
tures of the season. Those motoring
from Salem were Mr. and Mrs.
Verne Comnton. Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Burk, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Vinson,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tekenburg, Mr.
and Mrs. E. G. Knighton, Mr. and
Mrs. L. B. Hlxson, Mrs. Walter Lan
sing. Mrs. Hester Hogan, Mrs. Otto
Sliellburg, Mrs. Laura Johnson, Mrs.
Mary Atlln, Mrs. Lettle Hanson, Mrs.
Sylvia Furlough, Mra. Norma Ter-
illlger, Mra. Anna Borkman, Mrs.
Mamie Callaway and Miss Beatrice
The Fldells class of the First
Baptist church will meet on Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock In
Marlon square, weather permitting.
If the afternoon is inclement, the
meeting will be held In the church
The regular meeting of Barbara
Frtetchio Tent, Daughters of Union
Veterans of the Civil War, will be
held Friday night at 8 o'clock in tlio
Woman's clubhouse.
Edwards Clau'
ITolds Keuuion
Roberts The annual reunion of
the Edwards clan was held Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forest
Edwards In honor of Henry Ed
ward's "3rd birthday anniversary.
After a short business session Mrs.
Claud Edwards, W. C. Pettyjohn and
'Additional Society on Page 7
We linve decided to discontinue several
numbers of from our regular stock.
These arc all first quality in every re
spect, pure thread silk, full fashioned,
1031 summer shades and may bo had in
chiffon, semi-chiffon and service
weights. These are all well known
makes and sell ordinarily at much high
er prices.
1 -IH and
Beige Clair. Walersnake, Puskee, Gun
metal, Chloe, Daytime, Yagamond
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CHEF JOSEPH MEYE R of Morl Wopliiu Hotel
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satisfying. Blended by on American firm for the
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Here's Quolity Tea At Lowest Price.
Now in Progress
The modern mot.l at Its loveliest is presented in this exquisite dia
mond engagement line, with Its sparkling solitaire brilliantly en
hanced by six side diamonds. Millions have seen It advertised In the
Saturday Evening Poeu-have admired It rich beauty. A superb
ring uliich mil tell an eloquent tale of devotion to " the only girl."
Pomeroy & Keene
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Sale of New Spring
PA fk
Setting a New Value Record in 1931 Coals
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$19.95 CoatS on Sale at $9.98
$22.50 CoatS on Sale at $11.2$
$24.75 CoatS on Sale at $12.33
$29.75 CoatS on Sale at $14.83
$34.50 CoatS on Sale at $17.25
$39.50 CoatS on Sale at $19.75
$44.50 CoatS on Sale at $22.50
$49.50 CoatS on Sale at $24.75
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