PAGE EIGHT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1931 NEW MAP OF SANTIAMFORFST! RESERVE ISSUEP Featuring a red overlay showing Improved forest camps, primitive areas, ram refuges and main motor highways, new editions of two national forest map folders have just been received at the office ol the regional forester, Portland. Ore. These are the Santlam and the Malheur, both In Oregon. j The Santlam national forest cov-! em a portion of the west slope o! i the Oregon Cascades, lying east of i Albany and extending from the r:l'lrAmft-fiAntlAm divide on the north to the headwaters of the Mc-! Kenzle on the south. The Malheur national forest Is located In the Blue mountains, and lies largely In Grant and Harney counties. A new feature of the mans Is a red overlay showing main motor highways, game refuges, and un proved forest camps. The text on the reverse of the maps gives historical notes, a de scription of the forest resources anil their uses, and some of Die princi pal points of recreational Interest. Descriptions of the forest fire fighting organization and sugges tions for care with fire on the part of forest visitors make up an Im portant and worthwhile part of the text, which Is Illustrated with a number of attractive photographs. Single copies of these map fold ers may be obtained free at the for est service library, room 430 new postof f ice , building, Portland, Ore., or from the forest supervisor of the fiantlam at Albany, Oregon, and the forest supervisosftof the Mal heur at John Day, Ore., respectively. CROSS OCEAN IN 133 DAYS FORMULATE PLANS FOR CONVENTION Plans for the successful manage ment of tlie Northwest convention of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors, scheduled to be held In Salem, October 5, 6, and 7, were laid recently when dealers and Jobbers of this city met for the initial organization meeting. It Is expected between 100 and 200 do legates from states of the northwest will participate In the de liberations of the convention. The committee chairmen ap pointed at the orRanlzatlon meeting included: E. C. Bushnell, general chairman; W. M. Hamilton, secre tary; P. E, Halik, treasurer; V. P. McNamara, finance, Georgo Todd, entertainment; D. A. Wright, hotel; C. E. Wilson, publicity; Asel Eoff, ladles; William Meyers, reception; E. J. Summerville, trips, and C. H Gramra, booster. Butler Co-ed Busy With Her Five Jobs Indianapolis (IP) Students at But ler college here have such a diver sity of part-time jobs that it would be almost Impossible for an econo mic depression to hurt them, Mrs, Carie Meredith, director of the stu dents employment bureau, said. The most versatile of the students was Honor Gregory, Oosport, Ind, a co-ed who held five Jobs and was looking for another. Mrs. Meredith said. The girl was housekeeper, sec retary to one of tho professors, waitress In a lunch room, taught stenography classes, and minded children. She had an hour and half to herself in the afternoon and was looking for some odd-Job to fill this. ISI.ANI MAY BK I'AKK Eagle River. Mich. U Isle Royale. the largest islund In Lake Superior, may soon be a great na tloual park, the only one of its kind in the government system. Presi dent Hoover lias signed the bill creating the xirk providing the state of Michigan will vde the land free of eost to the ITnttrd States. i . .... i- .C Jiil' 4,! i.. i ui.. I? lit B "iic'." iiiliShdilli i EDNA WALLACE HOPPER Th. On Woman In Th World Wha N.v.r Craw Old Telle Radio Ue tanara Mora of Har Secrete af Baeutr, H.alth and Dial. Watch yaur lacal N. B. C. chain avacrame. TUNE IN (Car Oml Thh Sohedilo) trery Weal, TrU ROW, rartlana; It noon as'- r-..-'ie)mR Aueciated Press FoI Crossing th. Atlantic from Finland In 133 days, two brothers. Atrta and Kou Waltera, IB and 23 years, respectively, arrived at Miami. Fla, In their 2-foot motorless aallbaat, Th. exalt It shown In Biscsyne bay COURT TO HEAR ALASKAN'S APPEAL San Francisco (LP) The United State circuit court here decided Wednesday to hear the appeal of John Frelhager. convicted In Fair banks, Alaska, February 21, 1031, of tha slaying of Mrs. Dig Joe, In dian woman. Frelhager previously asked Dis trict Judge Cecil Cleeg of Alaska to hear his appeal without Frelhager being forced to pay legal costs. Frelhager claimed to be a pauper but Judge Cleeg held his claim to not be In good faith and refused to hear the appeal. Tuesday action reversed that of Judge Cleeg. Frelhager la under sentence of 20 years to McNeil's Island. MACDONALD ON EASTER -VACATION Lossiemouth, Scotland, (P Pre mier Ramsay MacDonald arrived here Wednesday by air from Lon don to spend his Easter vacation. Traveling In a Royal Air Force plana ha made the quickest flight ever recorded for the journey, aver aging 135 miles per hour for the dhtance of 4fto mites. FREE-FOR-ALL FIGHT IN LEGISLATURE Annapolis, Md. (IP) Free-for-all fighting Interrupted Wednesday's meeting of the Maryland house of delegates when 25 alleged com munists Invaded the chamber and sought to present a petition In be half of the unemployed to Speaker Francis A. Michael. Several other of the demonstrat ing party obtained a non-violent hearing In the office of Governor Albert C. Rttchie and offered their plea. Fifteen of the demonstrators were arrested, two of them pain fully Injured. At Ritchie's sugges tion the lone demonstrator remain ing after the riot was permitted to address the speaker of the house. NEW WAR PLAY SHOWS MARCH, SOLDIER DEAD New York, (IP) A none too happy mating of the talking pictures and the flesh and blood drama Is the result the Theater Guild has achiev ed with Its presentation of tha late Hans Chlumberg'a bitterly satirical post war drama, "Miracle at Ver dun." It Is the first production In this country In which the motion pic ture has been used to gain e fleet In a serious drama. Pictures se quences have een used before In musical comedies, however. In "Miracle at Verdun" the pic ture sequences are used four times. There are three screens, two aver age sized ones on each side of a long screen. Pictures are shown simultaneously on th three screens, on two, or on Just one. The pic tures are used to depict large bodies of marching troops and tremendous crowds listening to speakers. The trouble seems to rise In the fact that what should have been the roost Impressive use of motion pictures In tha play was the least impressive. That was the march of the dead soldiers of the great war. .supposedly 13,000.004 of them resurrected after 2C years of death. Chlumberg's play contains grand and weird Idea. These dead soldiers return to life to sea what their nations have done to forget hatreds and to prevent future wars. They are sadly disillusioned. Kurope is armed as never before Germany has not forgotten, France Is mili tant, Great Britain. Italy and the rest are armed to the teeth. The risen dead swarm tha fields of France. There Is no place for tnem. It Is economically Impossible to take care of them. TUey were heroes yesterday In their graves, but they are unwanted pests to day, walking the earth. The foreign offices of the great nations are thrown Into an uproar. The word of the miracle spreads Gall Stone Colic AoM opmtlmt If possible Trmt tha eUM ta asnsibtt DtUaleHi toexpeulv at horns. Writ fioo, Dm, c., ai it Maaools Temple. Minneapolis, ioan tnmbla, far mantel and tnmuZSi whleU haj baea clriar gnntrta ra bou utter BiaBcr Ctta tfala oat NOW. 'Stomach trouble? drink "Ficgo" The most wholesome palatable Mealtime Drink "Instead of Coffee" Cood for your Stomach and your Nerrea A natural mild Laxab'vet Your grocer sells it It always pays to buy the Beat 9jhe NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Is Now Being Distributed 'Wt v0 . but please do not use it until MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY, APRIL 4 The hundreds of new loloplioiif hers tlo not become effective numbers required by (he in- uulil icrviee u opfned at slullulion of modern sen- , . ... , . . o i i- i i .i niuliiiimt, Suliiiilav, April 4, so let In Snlem are luled in the ' new grey-covered, April tele- ,lie n(,vv directory cannot 1 phone directory. Thcw num- used until that time. Destroy Your Old Directory The numbers listed in the old your old directory and all otj directory cannot be used nfter calling midulglit Saturday. In the in- If you do ol y01,r ncw tercst of accurate telephone grey-covered directory plcaso service will you please destroy notify our Business Office. II. V. Collins, Miintujer The Pacific Telephone. And Telegraph Company throughout tha world. Tha govern ment dignitaries meet at the Qual dOrsay to find a solution. The dead soldiers send their delegates and tliey learn their nations have not kept faith. They trail their ragged garments and broken bodies back to the graves which gave them up. The scene In the Qual d Orsay b the best of tha play. The author has spared no nation from his sa tirical barbs pointed at economic greed, militarism and religious cant. The whole thing, of course. Is the vision of a bitter German soldier on a visit to a French bat tlefleld, where the Germans and French who fell at Verdun are burled In common graves. Despite the imperfections of the produc Uon (these are In the use of the motion pictures onlyi the play Is well worth seeing, something to re member. The cast Is extremely large and individual acting teats therefore almost an Impossibility. The nearest thing In this line was achieved by Claude Rains as tha fire -eating Belgian Prime Minister. Englaud is to have a new training college for film, artists. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin to Go If yoa fed sour and Mink and the wori4 looks punk, don't wallow a lot of a<a, BUBtftl water, oil, l&utirv csvady or chewing cum and expect tbem to maks you uddaoly awaet and buoyant and lull of ayUDaoiaa. For they can't do It, They only mora tho Dowala and a nert movvment doesn't cat at tha came. Tha reaaoa for your dowo-and-out feelinr is your liver. It ahould pour out two pound of liguid bil Into your Doweb daily. If thia bila U not fl&winr freely, yov food, doesn't dtceat. It Just decays ia tba bowels. iiu bloatA up your stomach. You bar a thick, bad UU and your braath la fouL' kin often breaks out la bletntthes. Your heari aches and you (eel down and out. Your whoio aystaot is poisoned. It take thoaa rood, old CARTER'S LITTLE I-IYKR PILLS to got these two Ktunds of bila flowinr freely and make yoa el "up and up." They contain wonderful, 1 harmless, gerjtle vegetable extracts, amazing ! when it conica to making tha bila flow freely. I But don't uk for lirer pills. Axk for Carter's tit tie IJrer Pills. Look for tha name Carter's little liver PiUs a the red label. Reaut a I substitute. 4HH DAY DROUGHT IS STILUJNBROKEN Los An;eles i. Agricultural leaders expressed eoneem Thurs day over crop conditions In south am California a tha 41th day of an unseasonable drought passed without prospects of rain. Col. H. B. Kersey, government meteorologist, said the period was the longest dry spell at thia time of year since lall normally, heavy rains fall In southern California at this time, followed by a dry period extending from late spring until early (all. Germany sent 10.000 tons of eon. structlon machinery to Russia last year Studebaker is all set No Mid-Year Model Changes DR. CHAN LAM Rrantti Office Chines Utrdlcln Ce. Is Salem Scientifically p r pnred natural rem edies for ailment of t o m a c b. liter, blood, skin. Denes, kidneys, and urin ary bladder of men end women. Reme dies for rheumatism and bronchitis with chronic coughing. Office tioure Tuesday and Saturday 8:00 to ft:30 P. M. ISO N. Commercial St. 6alenj FREE WHEELING with positive gear control was introduced in The President and The Commander July 10, 1930. It was added to The Dictator Eight in September and to the Studebaker Six in January, 1931. Today, every Studebaker model has (hi greatest automotive advancement since the electric starter, plus the utmost in chassis improvements and body refinements. THE PRESIDENT EIGHT Tae unchallenged Champion tooldt more official recordt than any other Mock cor 122 borttpoww. Free Wheeling 1W Wheelbu RoaclrtrTt fiojo SW 1S50 State Sedutt , , 199) Coupe, for2t. .,,,, 1830 State Coupe, for 4tt 199) Tourer, for 71 ..,, 18)0 Stite Victoria tr 229) Brougham tt 229) Sedan, for 7t 21)0 Stat Sedaa, for 71 1 , , , , , . 229) Limousin. It. .,,, 2600 Therefore, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, Studebaker has decided to introduce no new models before next winter. - No other make of 'car offers such complete line of chassis and body types as does Studebaker. Here It the proof; THE DICTATOR EIGHT $1 horitpower, eight-cylinder performance, tafe, rfu. tincthe steel otMTf. demote-drop from, comfort, ttamma, free Wheeling Coop., foe 2 . . , S109S Coupe,for4 ........ 1110 Sedan ......... 1150 Regal Sadao 12S0 THE COMMANDER EIGHT More porter per cubic inch than m any other car under f 14001 124' Wbeelbue, 101 hoewpower, Coup., foe 41 . . Victoria . . . BrmghaaiMtt , Sedan! . . , Regal SedaaH . Free Wheeling , 1)8) . 17)0 , 1M) . 17)0 THE STUDEBAKER SIX Lowett priced car in the world with Free Wheeling mott powerful car at its priceStudehohcr Champion quality throughout 70 honepower 1 14' Wbeelbue Tourer fS9i Rosdtter f'f" Coupe,for2 , t ..... Coupe, for4 ,,,,,.. .- Sedan , , . . , tit Regal Sedan '1 All prices at the factory 5rx wire wheels and trunk rack standard. S wire wheels, trunk and suit cases, stm - J. t Safety glass windshield, ft Safety glass throughout at no extra cost. How fins' i any "New Car" without Free Wheeling? THB STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OP AMERICA Builder of Champions Pioneer of Tret Whetting .Tike Wind-nap of the lyjuY Two More Days of Auction Bargains Saturday night will wind up the AUCTION SALE, as tho Btock must be closed out by then. It will pay you to attend the last two days of AUC TION as wa must dispose of everything in the store by Saturday night, including all of our FERFECT BLUE WHITE DIAMONDS, ELGIN, WALTHAM, HAMILTON. IL LINOIS and BULOVA watch es in Men's and Ladies', all grades. Everything must go, regardlo m of cost. Grab Package Sale GRAB Beginning: Friday at 9:00 a. m., Sharp We will offer the public a real treat. A GRAB PACKAGE SALE at $1.00 a -grab. The packages contain merchandise up to $33 among them will be Diamond Kings, Gold Brooches, Cuff Links, Scarf Pins and Pearls, Sterling Sil ver Pieces, Leather Goods, Art Goods and other merchan dise too numerous to mention. It will pay yoa to come and take A GRAB FOR $1. You may be the lucky one to get a watch or diamond. In order to clean up our stock bv Sat urday Night we have decided to give the people of Salem the biggest bargains thev ever hai. AUCTION SALES AT 2:00 and 7:30 DAILY A DIAMOND GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY Free Prizes Given Away at Every Sale saw .(rm JSL To LVE9 JewBllei? 335 STATE STREET J. H. PLANT, Auctioneer In Charge SALEM. OREGON