TH UKSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1931 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN It's The Motorist Who Never Stops To Think, Who Never thinks To Stop. CapitalJtJournal CLASSIFIED AliVEBTISINO BATES: Rat. per word: One Imw tlon. I cents; thrft Insertions ft cents: one week 8 cents: one month 2S renin: one year per month, 20 cents; minimum per at ti cents. Not taken over phone unless advertiser has monthly account. No allowance1 for phone errors. Want ads mint be In b; 10 am. tlar of publication. Heal Estate and Auto ads by 1 tuo. day previous to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES NEW 3-room house, line location, close to statehouse, $1500; New 4-rm. house, double garage, close to uni versity, $2800, easy terms or will take good car. F. L. Wood. 341 State a44 " WALKING DISTANCE In desirable district, natural trees In view. We !yve a pleasing modern 5 rooin English type house to offer at an Interesting figure. CLASSY SPANISH STUCCO on Center street, a house that will please you in appearance and arrange ment, Price e&500. CLOSE TO STATE STREET modem 5-room. nicely located. Con venient and comfortable. At 3500. S?o OE1SER with ANDEIISON & RUPERT 169 8. High St. ' a43 A HOME THAT'lS A HOME REAL BUY! $4000 Home lor 63600. Strictly mod ern, J rooms, built in 3 yeurs. Most Ideal location. One of the beet resi dential districts. Shown by an ap pointment only. Phone 750 or see BECHTKL or THOMASON, 341 Biate St. KOOtll 8-ROOM modern house, line location. Deal with owner. Call 2156B eve- tttnga. a47 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR HOME $2000 buys a good 6-room home, large CttDl lruui iuv iv ----- ty ot bearing Irult. A large barn on Saginaw street. $150 cash, bai. $25 per muimi iu uiwuuo . $2450 buys an attractive late built 4 inent basement and furnace, garage. CiUsI, HUIIt, line. $g:0 cash, bal. terms at 6? Int. Immediate possession. Located in east Salem. $4500 buys a very attractive new mod em home consisting of 6 rooms, lo cated on co.ner lot with cast front, both streets paved, has tile drain board and tile bathroom floor, hard wood floors throughout, lull ce ment basement, furnace, laundry tras, fireplace, large celled attic. $1000 cash, bal. reasonable terms. IP YOU WANT A REAL BARGAIN, IN v lift noma ino "v . .t.. 13600 buys a very attractive late built 7-rooni modern .home with hard- WOOU IlOOr-S tlirUUKUUUt.. Bumwvuu finish in front hull, living room dining room, all large rooms. A complete home in every detail, has largo double garage, attractive flow ers end shrubs, extra largo lot. $2600 cash. bal. terms. ONE OP THE BEST BUYS IN SALEM. LET US SHOW YOU THIS HOME NOW. Real Estate and Fire Ir-surance W H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors is Lihertv St. Phone 6U. a43 . . . ...... . T TC DVMT1 WHEN YOU CAN BUY A NEW HOME ON RENTAL TERMS? Strictly modern atucco home ot 6 large cheerful rooms with hardwood floors In part, clothes closets, plenty of built Ins. fireplace, full basement, furnace, laundry trays and garage. Street paved, worth $4500. Can be had for short time at .2600. 7-room plastered house, modern ex cept basement, garage and woodshed. Best ot materials and workmanship throughout. Worth 43500. Reduced to 83200 for quick sale. 5-room plastered house, electric lights and plumbing, two lots for $1150. 5-room house on 18th street, electric lights, plumbing, fireplace, garage and woodshed. Street paved and paid. A S'old'Touse. lot,. With some repairs will make a comfortable home. Immediate possession and easy terms on any ot the above properties. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtor! 330 State JJtrect Phone11i7. a " WORKING MANS CHANCE! 4-room house In East Salem, best of condition, paved street and walks In. nice garden spot, choice fruit and nut trees. Price 81800. cash 20. bal. 30 per month Including Interest at 8. Employment can be furnished right party to make part of payments. LEO N CHILDS CO, Realtors 830 State Street, rnone LOT for aale or will trade for wood. Ilnqulre 1195 N. 14th 8t. ej)3 1850. Nice living room, fireplace, 2 good bedrooms, pav. pd. garage, 8100 down. 130 per month. ,. 13350. Nearly new home at a r". 3 good bedrooms, hardwood floor in living room; fireplace, full base ment, furnace, garage. Twins. 2700. A snap In a beautiful home, fully modern, large living room, oak floor. 3 nice bedrooms, nook, full biisement. furnace and fire place. Oarage, large lot. near Khool. 13500. Fully modern five-room home. Good reason why It U cut from MS00 for quick . Money to Loan Injurant MKI.VIN JOHNSON 930 TJ. 8. Bank bldg. Phone 837, a FOR SALE FARMS CHEAT SACRIFICE 100 A. Farm. Equipped: Stock, crop and Implements, furnl- ...... A 1 tiMfrr. larue team harness, 3 brood bows. CO ciilckcns 4 turkeys, 3 plows, oisc. mower, i...wn. .vnoV no a. cultivated Innd, 40 a. In crop. All fenced. Good well and spring water, o-r. i.u-o.. Barn, poultry house. Priced for a i.i. ...i ..("m T.h. snnn trade Best buv 'in the valley. See BECHTEL or THOMASON, 341 State St. Room Piny nANflAINS 37 Acres. 20 a. cultivated. 8 a. bearing prunrs, 1 a. lccans. good pprtnir. 4-r. house, basement and lighting sys tem. B.'.rn hnu large poultry house Cow, 3 heifers and good u-ani. All for 84500; 1500 down. bal. easy. 73 Acres. 6 r. house, barn, f.'mlly or chard. Price only e:i5':0: esm down, or will lease thu place for 17o per year. - 1 Acres. 3.1 a. In bearing prunes. 3 a. in walnuts and cherries. Good prune dryer on plpcc. some timber Price reduced to value. iSOOO. Will take a horn. In Salem. Prune prlca are looking better for next year. One good crop at fair price ahould pa' for this place. BEE ,. PEARS ft TUCKER, 104 S. Com'l. b' 6 A. 3-room house, out bulldlnis, electric lights, 2 ml. Salem. $11W0. Terms. FARMS 147 A. good building, water system, sprinis, aot!. 180 A. good buildings, 120 a. in cult., good soil. Several other goods buys. 256 A. Oood buildings, elertrtc lights, 4 springs, fine view, estimated 3000 cords of wv.. loo a. la cult. Priced to sell at $4600. Term. MKlVTH JOHNSOW 8 20 P. S. Bunk bldg. Phone 637. b OOOD valley farm for sale or trade by owner. MS Saginaw. Ph. 1!MWR b FOR SAKE Miscellaneous I'.BCl.EANED clover seed lc lb. Ws- ter Illy roots. Phone MF3. c46 FOR SLK. all Tcckmie rf house, 555 Ferry St. Good i'.ulf. I furnaca, 8. V. Hall, a.?! MM Sr. c4S HALP TON Red Steer C Fertilizer U0. or Ul trade tor oats or bay. S&SS Locust. c' FOR SALE Miscellaneous GOOD typewriter and 3 desks, chairs, cheap. Phone 3B18W. c44 FOR BALE late cluster hop roots $6 thousand. Yew wood posts 30c each. Butler and Paquette. fills City. c43 til . -W A I lr. Inhn Haiti Rt 7 Dox 0. rnone uori.. SHEEP MANURE. 651 Ferry. Phone OREGON and Marshall atrawberry nlants. Phone 61F15. c4fl TUNINO lor a few days reduced to $3 by our factory expert tuner. Oet your pianos tuned at once, all work fully guaranteed by Tftllman Piano Store, 88$ S. 12th St, Salem. Phono 1059. ptanor lsttii ot them .iiood condl' tion. aaa. a 59. $69. $70. $80. Terms $4 or $6 per month or will rent and ap ply rent paid on purtnttnc, ur win discount lor cash. See these snaps at once. Tall man Piano Store, 365 South 12th St.. Salem. cw fertii.I7.EH. coed measure. Call eve nings, 2305 N. Liberty. C45 GARDEN SOIL. Phone 2513W. APPLES, walnuts, delivered. Phone 17F12 evenings. c47 WRINGER ROLIS and part for wash era. Phone 3702. c98 MACHINERY, atock and equipment, complete for small shoe shop at sacri fice. 410 Bank of Commerce. Phone V160. 5" APPLB3. PHONE 17F15. c48 SEAGROVE & HOLDER Furnacca, 348 ChemfURta. piiona aawHK or i.i-fre c- NURSERY STOCK 100,000 EUerburg strawberry plants for sale. C. L. Miller, route 7, box 179A. . 1'3 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 1400-LB. MARE 8 years old. O. H. Stephens, Marlon. ' C44 SMALL pigs, weaned, call Ray March and. 08P5. e45 HORSES, work single and double. 510 N. Front St. c45 WANTED 25 fresh cows. Must be AB and TB tested. Testing not less than 4. Hazel Dell Dairy, Inc. Phone 1814. e45 16 GOOD young cows and heifers, fresh and coming fresh. Guernseys. Jerseys, Holstelns. White's Farm, Tur ner. Rt. 1. e43 FRESH or tfprlnger cows for sale or trade. Terms if desired. Nelson Bros, market. 185 North High. Sales stable Red Bam, Columbia St. between Front and N. Com'l. e- UR. KRBD W. LANGS, Veterinarian Office f'JH tt. Commercial. Phone 1108. Tinier r phone IPfifl FOR SALE WOOD . SAWDUST. PHONE 13S9W. 16-INCH second growth fir (4.50 load. Planer entla $3.50 load. Ph. 2435. ee47 DRY WOOD, 2ud growth fir and oak. Phone 203UM. E. J. More. cc52 16-INCH old mountain fir 86. Phone 26H)2. eo43 DRY 2nd growth fir 85.50. Phone 1573J. ec53 13 AND 10-lnch mill and planer wood 85 per cord load from car; 85.50 from yard delivered. Cobbs & Mitchell. Phone 813; 349 South 12th St noon fir and oak wood. Stort: Phone 2939J. ee6ti WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1131. ee53 DRY 16-ln. old fir and second growth Phono 110F4. ec56 SPECIAL, dry. all kinds, any length, Phone 3739. ec5G DRY WOOD. PHONE 1625R. WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1C25R. 16-INCH old fir, and hardwood. Phone 1524W. eeo OLD FIR 16-1N. WOOD 86 cold. Phono 19F4. ccoa it-inch nt.D Fin 87. B. Fenwlck. Phone 2471J. cc46 Phone 1637. ' WOOD SAW1NQ. Phon. 1818. Colwcll McCrackcn. ee44 SHtD DRY WOOD A COAL. SALEM FUEL CO. Phone 13. vaa -iTao. as. ee- FOR SALE POULTRY 100 WHITE Leghorn hens 60c each. Phone 120F12. Rt. 7. box 83A. 144 TAOTtf RAT1Y CHICKS 10C. Pure Hanson and Hollywood White Leghorns. Selected old hens mated to pedigreed males, vraer enriy. Ruby L. Woodward. Rt. 9, boa 69A Phone 44F31. f HEL1 WANTED wanted 3 hleh class men on stock issue. State of Oregon. Real future for those who qualify. Apply after 0 p.m. Olympla Apt.. 305. g45 WAtvTFm wood cutters at $1 DO' cord Phone 3S2HR. g44 WAVTRD SALESMAN-DEALERS Selling experience unnecessary, but only reliable people need apply. We supply everything. Products, sales outfits. Sidles and service methods that get the most business everywhere. Su perior Rawlelgh Quality, old estab lished demand, lowest prices, guaran tee of satisfaction or no alc. makes quick sales. 200 nome ana inrm no Lt.0s nil uunrantccd bent values. If you are willing to work steady ev ery day for good pay, write for infor mation how to start your own busi ness witn our capital, vv. i. auwinsn Co, Dept. OR-X-44-R, Oakland, Cal. B43 BE your own boss. Vegetable truck and route for sale. Sacrifice at $100. Sickneso is reason for sale. 1180 North 10th street. K4 WOOD Cutters, shares or nlumpage. some irco wooci. riiunc WANTED: Middle aged woman to care for elderly lady. Light work; 298 care JnurnM. 83 V." ANTED, refined woman, nulling ei- n.e'a-pnH In itit rtxillCfi Dr Hinkley's Pelva-Tone Spray for wo men. Absolutely new. Ciood proposi tion for lifht v.-oman. Write today lor complete ir. formation. Dr. Hiuk'cy'a Labjrntorlrs, Columbia Building, Port land ,0; efion . WANTED, l.idy ttwk snd housekeeper. two In family on iarm, wt caie jimr ml. lil SITUATIONS WANTED LIGHT housework for room and boaid. Kmall wages. Phone 1W1J1 be tween 8:30 and i. h46 H OL : SCKEE P IS O by middle aged wo men m chiiuic home, farm or ciif. Box SO0 Capital Journal. h45 WArrrEDT'kaomining, painUng, odd jorn or any kUid of work. Phone 1939R. 14 WANTED kaisominlng. painting, odd Job or any kind of work. Phone ldSR. ,-b5 FOR Landscaping snd gardening call Wyle the gsrdcper. Phone lana. h45 FXPErIenceD pruning and grafting W3 J 14 Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED a small farm from owners. Boi TA CwpltslJournsl. 145 WArrrEDTAUike snd Red Clover seed. Hartman. 169BB. Liberty. 145 THE SALXM Brick U Tile Company can umc a quantity of blue clay. Sub mit simple and prices at the office of the cmpsny. WANTED Spaniel puppv. I27F21. WANTED eherrf grafting. W. H. man. 1760 Waller St. ftnleni. EXPERT dreaa making, remodeling repair, men's and ladles', P Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED, cream shippers. Premium Erlce paid for quality sweet cream, asel Dell Dairy, Inc. 1330 State St. Phone 1814. 145 WANT good combination male. 1445 Oak. 143 WANTED 40 h p. boiler and 25 h P engine. Call 275. Turner, Ore. 146 J. A. SNEED. WELL DRILLER, 016 N. 18th St. Phone 2464J. 161 WANTED all kinds of used goods. Call American Exchange. 324 N. Commer cial. Phone 327W. 152 FOR RENT IP YOU MUST RENT wt have houses and apts. in all parts of the city, $10 to $45. Bechtel -Thorn - ason, ai ptate t. rtoom a. j MODERN house furnished, close In Garage $14. Inquire 1486 Ferry. J43 FIVE-room furnished apartment. First floor. Garage. T. G. Albert, 860 Mill. J245 FOR RENT, three Willamette valley farms, 300 to 400 acres each. Only re sponsible tenants with sufficient cap ital considered. Do not reply unless you are prepared to handle a farm of tins size, write i. j. riippin jr., ii E. 11th, Sugene. Ore. J45 NICE furnished apartment, 690 Un ion. J47' 4-ROOM furnished house, garage, close in. Inquire 368 N. Liberty. J44 FURNISHED 3 -room apartment $15 montn. Sleeping rooms vivid ween. 345 Marlon. J44 5-ROOM house, Owner, 1178 Worth Commercial. J47 FOR RENT Good sheep pasture with large barn and running water, 75 acres end 125 acres ruining water, and shed, and 120 acres of plow land to rent on crop rent. 10 acres and up at the North Santlam stock farm. -6 miles cast oi mayton on tne nisnway. I will be here until 2 p.m. Friday tills week. Kirk Hoover. Stay ton, .Ore. J43 DESK SPACE, office room, light, heat, water and phone. Inquire room 200. 381 State street. i' 4 ACRES, 4-room house, 8 miles north $15 per month. Phone 104F24. J46 5-ROOM modern house, fine location. Deal witn, owner, call aiatK eve nlnirs. J46 NICE small house, 2430 Lee. FURNISHED Apt. 340 N. Liberty. )45 FOUR -room modern furnished apart mcnt $18 at 1944 Hazel. Ph. 591 J. J 43 FURNISHED apartment, 445 South Winter. J06 TWO-rooni apartments, vacant at liaseidoix. 173 s. cotuse. rnone la a 148 FURNISHED 5 -room house &J2.50. In quire 605 N. Capitol. . J15 VERY desirable heated apartment rea sonable, 658 Center. J45' FURNISHED apt. 340 N. Liberty. J45 PARTLY furnished house, garage, $16. luio aouni Higti. jta FURNISHED 2 and 3- room heated 8ils. 444 S. High. J43 MODERN house. Opts. 2058J. J58 3-ROOM modem furnished house.-? Call S320M. J46 PATTON nuartments. down town dis trict. Nicely furnished, private bath, etc. For inspection call Patton's Book store. j THREE garagea for rent, down town section. Phone wurai. y FOR RENT, Sleeping rooms fur gen tlemen. 205 Oregon Bldg. J PIANOS, Phonographs and sewing machines for rent. H. L. Stiff Furni ture co. i LOST AND FOUND LOST, lady's small bl'ick velvet hat, leit trimmed, witn rnmescone orna ment, in down town district. Reward Phone 2237W. k43 LOST, bunch of keys In brown caae. Reward if left at Capital Journal. k43 PERSONAL I WILL not bo responsible for bills contracted by anyone except myself after this date. Feb. 18, 1931. George Rnlle. Jr. 14 MISCELLANEOUS WE plow and fill your lots. Also fur lsh two kinds of flrtllizcr, sheep and barnvard. Phone 108. m43 REAL ESTATE A BEAUTIFUL 20 aero farm 6 miles Salem on paved road, fair Improve ments and owner will take Salem home or sere tract near. 120 ACRES stocked and equipped worth $8500, and owner will take Sa lem home or small valley iarm. 2 'A ACRES close in on naved road for only $1250; $10 down and $10 a montn. 350 ACRE stock ranch well Improved. stocked and equipped, on good road. and owner wants small inrm. MCQILCHRIST & PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank bldg. Phone 140. n' GROCERY STORE Stock and fixtures, will except $9000 in clear city tots or residence, $500 cash, on aeai. COZY 4-ROOM HOUSE Oarpge and wood house, close to state nouse, years oia, eiow; fiuu easn, balance $20 per montn. ONE ACRE ON GARDEN ROAD Nearlv new. 4-room house, garage and woodhouse. Price $2200. Terms $200 cash, balance $22.00 per montn. 10 ACRES Sockrd and equipped, also furniture. 5 acres in berries ana mut, bjbuu, See GE1SEK with AXDERSON & RUrERT 169 S. High St. Tl43 1 ACRE of good soli, a tore building, all furniture, stocx 01 goous sou cam MTfi mnrtcsiirt. 4 vears. 2-KOOM house and 2 good lots, Price $1450: $50 down, balance $20 a mo. 4-roora house clear, will exchange for hou,e with 3 bedrooms and assume 810O0. AO acres In S. Dakota, Irrigated, fair butld nns. Price 46000. No mortgage. Will exchange lor Salem property and assume. 40 Acres close to Salem, several good springs, old buildings, some timber. A'l frncfd. Price $11,50; $260 down, ( balance ea,v. , S. M. EARLF. Realtor Phone 2242; 224 N. Rich Bt. VAb FOR SALE 700 acre stock ranch, fair buiidinra. good road, 4 miles from town and Pacific highway. Well fenc ed. A snnp at $20 per acre. F. L. Wood. S41 Bia e St. n44 FOR SALE or TRADE 80 acre sheep ranch. Will accept City property or anything of value. M Acres, good land. Will recept city or suburban property for equity. Oood 6-r. houae. well located. Will ell on easy terms. SQUARE Dr.AL REALTY 203 TJ. S. N. bank. Phone 470. BEAUTIFUL suburban horns with large modern house, furnace, fireplace In living room, den and master's room. Creek and trees. About 16 scree of wslnuta Thin unusual property can be sold with alt or part of acreage, snd will take In an expensive city home as part pnrment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 8. High St. n DES1HEABUK acreage. See Oieuu Art- fin-.' EXCHANGE Real Entate FOR EXCHANGE: B-room rooming houae in Monmouth, rented for good Income. This place la furnlahed and In firat class condtlon. Prlo $4tvoo, Will exchange for Salem home hi-. BEARS V TUCKER 1B4 SConVl. nn SALFM ! FOR SPOKANE Modern home by owner, 710 Moo 8W I'ti. 28I8W. nu49 EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADE 100 acre farm $9000. and will take a modem five or six room new house. Ten acre tract. Just outside city. $2500. will take car. lot or cheap nouse. r. l. woon. ai oiaie at. mi FOR EXCHANGE OOOD 89 ACRE DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. 40 Acres valley and bottom land In crop, 1-3 goes with farm; 45 acres pasture: 6 acres timber, running stream for stock. Good 6-room house- barn, all clear. Owner will take aooa Salem house for part and loan back on rarm lor balance, or sooa lmprov ed small acreage near Salem. Price $7000. FIRST CLASS 10-ACRE FARM, OOOD LOCATION, Handy to school, 2 miles from Salem, good 8-room house, hot and cold water in bouse, plumbing In batb room, also I or isunary trays, other fixtures not installed. Electric lichts in house. Nice electric water system ana pumpnouMj. uwuu iu Darn ana garage, uooa ur oun wuu, All faH-seeded. Price $6000. Owner will trade for larger iarm. TVM THESE AND OTHER OOOD OF FERINGS For sale or exchange, SEE WELLS TALLMAN, 11 wregoii xjuuu lng. AUTOMOBILES McKay s for used cars with an o. k. that counts toiR wh(nrwt Sedan. nr- ' feet shape $285 1090 Vnrtt MnrlM A MUDB. Ufied very little 335 1929 Chev, 6 coach, almost new 450 1029 Chev. 8 Coupe, Hydraulic snubbcrs, run very little .. 450 1929 Chev. 6 Sedan, fine shape, new rubber 1927 Bulck Coach, reconditioned 425 in. 10 r-cr-Vi MfVainlltlnned. t yt.vv. Hew tires 1928 Oldsmoblle Sedan, A very fina looklniT car &50 ln4A i-i,ait A Cra fh new Car guarantee 635 1927 Chrysler 60 Coupe In very finia Mhane. new tires 3oa LV&V V. V .Q. feet DOUGLAS MCKAY CHEVROLET CO ana Center St. Phone 1802. Q45 PLEDGE STORE SUPER VALUES A DAYS FREE DRIVING TRIAL oa mrncrirj fipvT ft Rtd Sedan Run less than 6000 miles . . 1050 29 GREATER HUDSON STD. SE- . , DAN. Considered by authority the greatest 6-cyl. car ever built new car service $92o '28 STUDE COMMANDER SEDAN New tires and paint over haulednew car service and guarantee B '28 HUDSON CUSTOM BUILT BROUGHAM. Overhauled from stem to stern. Mew niit.t mrl tires. Guaranteed 650 28 BUICK STD. G SEDAN. Orig inal finish insiae ana out. e trr (.find. A-l mechanically .. 625 29 FORD TUDOR SEDAN. Orlg- tlres '29 WHIPPET SIX SEDAN Karl Vn trunk npw rx nlv tires. original finish good 495 28 UOUUK oKLIAri f rto i no i a-i.l Teiink nnrl manv other extras 395 28 EGREX COACH LATE SEtt TWJ4 Kw nslTit nnd tires. OV- aiflintirort frnm HtPUl to Stem . 3G5 23 WHIPPET 4 SEDAN. Like new. 325 "25 DOLKiK a o ED A IN -ar. Ihor iinholtPrtd finish X- trn. ornnd 265 26 HUDSON COACH New' paint motor overnauieq MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM THE PLEDGE STORB STATS MOTORS, INO. Tel. 1000. 625 Chemeketa. Q rj.i Dinn .1. wuo, ... .... ".- tlon, original paint, good tires, motor O.K. Will trade on light car and give terms. Phone 3779J or writ. C. D. French. B10 Electric. Salem. Ore. q44 COMPARE OUR PRICKS DONT FORGET, WB ALWAYS STAND BEHIND AND GUAKflnitE a-vcrti USED CAB AS REPRESENTED THE FOLLOWING NEW AND NEAR LY HEW CARS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Was Nov niirvel.r dan Demonstrator (1838 11450 1931 Chryslar 08 Royal Sedan 1JM 850 toai nhnnl.r miw Rnv.l Sedan 1089 835 1QR1 Plvmnnth Roval Bedan 788 73 1030 Hunmoblla Model C sedan 81S0 1350 lOAfl mrt.mohll. four. door Sedan 1128 890 loan OldsmobU. two -door Sedan 1118 800 LOOK OVER ON OUR LOT 1028 DeSoto Coupe 8000 1939 Ford Sport Roadster 335 1938 OldsmobU. Landau Sedan 650 1938 Studebaker Victoria 450 1937 Oldsmoblle Sedan 350 1938 Packard aeveu oassenaer M- dan 850 1937 Oakland Landau Coupe ... 800 BARGAINS LOOK AGAIN 1934 Oldsmoblle Coupe 8100 1924 Oldsmoblle Special Coup. . loo 1934 Dodge Sedan 135 1034 fttar Tourtng 1934 Chevrolet Touring 1933 Packard single six touring . 90 WILLAMETTE MOTORS, INO. LIBERTY at CHEMEKETA TEL. 1153 BUY HERS WITH CONFIDENCI q4V 10:10 Ford Sedan 1405 1029 I'ord Roadster 3Q5 198 Ford Coupe 3115 1927 Pontine Sedan 395 1920 Chevrolet Touring 70 13118 Jewett Coach 75 ElKL'Ii AUTO CO. q' FINANCIAL LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY For a loan on your home or to refi nance your preint mortgage, .t a very low cot, and on long rm.r terms. P. O. DELANO Salem Representative of th. Ben). Franklin Savings Loan Assn. 330 K. Church. Phone 3830. r CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS Loans on short notle. repayable In munthly Installments, are of fered to persons of Integrity at legal Interest. Combine all thrjse pereona! or household debt, snd pay only us. We shall b pleased to explain our service to rou. SALEM'S OWN P1NANCI COMPANY General Finance A; Investment Co. 1st Nat l. Jtuik bldg. Salem, Or.. Ph. 1300. Hours 8 JO to 8 o'clock SALARY LOANS To People SMadilf Employed STATE LOAN COMPANY 911 Orrgun Blug. Second Floor Corner Sta'e and High Offle. hour. 10 M am. to 8:30 p.m. Ttlephou. 933. Licensed by .tat., t FINANCIAL LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS. Inc., for city and farm loans. Rates and costs low est available. Prompt service. 308 Oregon Building. r AUTOMOBILS LOANS Contracts Refinanced, Payments Reduoed Confidential and courteous service Ott your money today pay back monthly EIKER AUTO CO. P. X. Ktkaz Corner Liberty and Parry Bis, MONEY to loan on real estate. Priv ate monev. lowest rates. Bert T. Ford First National Bank. r UO TIME IS WASTED Our service la quick, courteous and private on all LOANS $10 to $300 Coma in Phone or Write I BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY of OREGON 119 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor 018 Stat St. Phone 3-7-4-0 (Licensed by State) r EASY PAYMENT LOANS Refinance your present home, to buy, build or Improve. Long terms. FLOYD ELLIS, 411 Masonic Temple. Phone 155 r51 DO YOU NEED MONEY We loan on live stock, automobiles, household goods and other personal iroperty. Terms to-ult your conven ence. National Loan & Finance Company. Licensed by State 410 Bank of Commerce Bldg. r BORROW money on your personal property. Pay back In monthly In stilments. WILLAMETTE LOAN C OK? ANT Licensed by 6t'e 608 Bank of Coinmerce Bldg. r FARM LOANS small expense. P. L. Wood. 341 State St. r WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on farm and city property. Low Interest rates. Hudklns Mortgage & Investment Co. uuiers store mat. roone it. r BUSINESS Opportunities GARAGE, service station, stock and equipments, suitable for cablna. Town on nwnway, ,ou: aouu can. vnuey Land Co , 104 N. Liberty. u43 DIRECTORY CHIMNEY SHEEP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Phon. 110. R. E Northness. o49 FURNACE and chimneys cleaned by expert furnace man. I use steel brushes and a vacuum cleaner, call 3B3BJ. OS9 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, bike accessor' lea and bicycles. 387 Court street. CHIROPRACTORS High street. Phones 87 & 3104. o DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. X-ray. Phon. am.. .14 First nai l Hans uiog. CAHINET WORK JACOB WEIZEL, Cabinet work and rctinlshlng. Furniture repairing. Ph. lorn. a.j uourt at., oaiem CONTRACTORS A. J. ANDERSON, contractor. "pen shop. Phone 857. o J. A. KAPPHAHN. General team and power .hovel contractor, excavating and grading, office phone 1399. Rea. ENDB.WINO SALEM ENGRAVIUO CO. Cuts Ot all purposes. Tel. 343, 180 N. Commercial street. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 837 Court St. auectrlc contracting and repairing. Appliances and Fixture. Phone 3. SALEM GARBAGE CO. SOOS & SOOS flion. a 135 or U9BJ. MI SIC TEACHKRH Edward W. Tlllaon. piano. All grades. Teachers' course.. Advanced coaching. Formerly principal piano dept. WU lamette university. Spokane College. 754 Ferry Bt. Phon. 107. oSO M.1TTRKS3E8 RENOVATED MATTRESSES renovated. We renovate all kinds of mattresses, called for and delivered. Best of work guaranteed. uapitai city Bedding Co. fortune row. rnon. iv. ri.OIIIST CUT flowers and floral piece.. Deliv ery, o. F. Brelthaupt, florist, fill aiai atrest. rnon. Otto. PIANO TUNER sewing machines, aheet mualo anal piano studies. Repairing phonograph. in sewing macmncs. .34 mat. ot. Balem Oregon. Pl.l MIIINO PLUMBING and ff.naral renalr work. Phon. 850. Oraber Broa, 184 South THEO. M. BARR, Plumbing, heating sheet metal works. 104 S. commercial atreet. RADIOS Si KIIPAIItlNU RADIO REPAIRING PR EE TUBE TESTING Majeatlo and WestlnKhouse dealers VIBDERT and TODD 488 State St. Phone 3113. o HCAVANGEK CITY GARBAGE CO. Prompt service. fiione auu. SALEM SCAVANGElt. Phone 187. SOOS GARBAGE CO.. rel'able service. Phones, office 3125; Res. BHUJ. o SALEM GARBAGE CO for prompt and continuous service. Charles Sooe and carl sons. Phone 3125 or B98J. STOVES ANII HTOVK HKl'.WIllNO STOVE3 FOR HALE REBUILT and repaired by expert. All kinds of wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop u""i ana nooks, logun noocs. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 303 unrmcacta at. K. B. Fleming. WATER COMPANY OREGON -WASHINGTON Water Set Vic. COmDitnv. Offices corner fvm. meretal and Trnde streets. Bill, pay nutw inuiimiy. rnones 3-4. l.KGALS NoTfri: to i ifMiiifiitv NOTICE IB HEllf.DY GIVEN thst by an order of the county Court of th. ttute of Oregon for the County of Merlon, duly made, rendered and entered of record In said court on tne iwenry-eighth day of January, IW3I. NJMiUE I.ANTIM WBS duly SP pointed a. admlnlHtratrlx of the es tate of LEWIS C. MrCOY. deceased snd that said Matide Lantls has duly Qualified as such administratrix. All peritfm. having claims against ssld lat. are hereby required to present th. same, with proper vouchers and du. verification, to said administra tis at 314 United Statea National Bank Building. Salem. Oregon, within six (8 months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated snd first published the twenty-ninth day of January, 1931. MAUDE LAM IK. As Administratrix of the Estate of LEWIS C. MCCOY, deceased. cakhon c CARSON, Attorneys for Administratrix. Jan. 39: Feb. 8. 13. 19. 38 I M C I rillt'N NOTICE Harry E. Brown. Executor of f. of of L. A. Deppen. Order signed Feb. IR. 1931. Claims presented to of fice of Helen Lolilne Crosby, 4 Bush Brevman lildg. Hnlem. Oregon. Attorney for Estate, Helen Louise Cronby. Date of first publication. Feb. 18, 1931. Lat dst. March 19, 1931. Journal Want Ads Pay LONDON GREETS CHAPLIN AS HERO London On A shy little man with eloquent feet was England'! greatest hero Thursday. It vaa Charlie Chaplin, of course, coming home for the second time slnra he left his London attic to seek his fort une twenty years ago. Ever since It became known that he was returning, the newspapers have maintained a barrage about him and they followed him with bulletins from his ship to London. A tremendous welcome began the moment he stepped off the boat at Plymouth and it continued as the boat train sped through the coun tryside on a schedule the movie fans knew by heart. Chaplin was In holiday mood, par ading before the cameras at Ply mouth with Captain Campbell, the automobile racer, and Steve Don- oghue, the Jockey, the great clown calling olf the step like a sergeant major. "I'vs got four months to spare," he told the reporters, "and I'll prob ably visit Paris, Madrid and Berlin." England hod more heroes than she knew what to do with Thurs day as Chaplin and Campbell came in together. captain Campbell went from Plymouth to Southamp ton where an official welcome had been arranged. He said he would go after a new speed record If the one he set at Daytona is broken. There was a tumultuous crowd at Paddington station when Chaplin arrived, and policemen surrounded the little movie star to protect him from the enthusiasm of his admirers. From the station he went direct to his hotel where the royal suite had been reserved. As the policemen convoyed him to his automobile, Charlie waved his hat at the crowd and, climbing on a fender, scrambled to the roof of the car. The cheering people surged around and scores reached out to shake his hand, almost pullinir him from his perch. He regauicd his balance, however, and as the car moved away he squatted on the roof war lng his derby and cane. OFFICE BLOCK BILL PRESENTED BY MOSER (Continued from page 1) the convening ot the legislature sought to negotiate such a lease with the board of control. The nil tlal negotiations with the board of control ended when the board was advised by the attorney general that It had no authority to negotl ate such a lease under existing au thority of satute. At the present time the stats Is leasing approximately half of the office space In the building, lnclud lng all of the first floor, from the W. H. Paden estate for an annual rental ot 829.190. Figures compiled by the board of control In examining the proposal made by Glenn place the operating expenses, maintenance, Insurance, taxes, improvements assessments. (Including depreciation), at Jtj for the year 1930. Glenn asks a net rental or KiB,eo a year for the entire building, with the state to pay lor an power, neat, light, taxes, assessments lor lm provements and betterments and all kinds of Insurance necessary. Out of the annual rentals of 13s,- 900 the state would receive from 812,000 the first year to 134.000 the twentieth year, the credits being so graduated as to pavs the way for argument during the closing years of tli. lease that It would be cheaper for the state to buy th building than pay rent on It. Accepting: Glenn's minimum val uation of $490,000 at which the state could purchase the property as be lng the amount of his Investment, should he exercise the option he holds, the lease would return him slichtlr better than I per cent net, But the lease pronerea oy uienn does not guarantee the state the right to purchase at th S4o0.000 figure. That Is the minimum, ana it is provided that In the event of purchase by the slate tne purcnasc nrice shall be determined by a board of appraisers at a llgure not less than 8450,000. Glenn submitted to the board of control a valuation made by Hiram U Welch, countv assessor of Mult nomah county, placing the actual vnluo of the property at 427,jnti. An appraisement made by L. M. Phillips & Co., Portland, placed the value of the property In August 1027. at 8550.000. The lone bid for tlic property at a trustee's sale In October, 1928, ac cording to an item In the Oregonlan at that time was for 8442.000. Simultaneous with the appearance of Senate Bill No. 258 In the legls lature Glenn appeared In the lobby and has been a conspiclously active member of the third nouse since. BUTLER TO RETIRE FROM SERYICE SOON (Continued from page 1) forces In the United States with substitution for them ot state police organizations. These organizations would be composed of unmarried men enlist ed for four year periods as a safe and sane cure for our racketeer and gangster evils." "In our smaller cities, our towns and villages, the polios are all but worthless. They seem to know nothing, see nothing, hear nothing and do nothing. Most of them do not even look like public defenders. LE(.AIS NOT 14 K I will not be woofi-rtble for njr bills, drbtn, Contract or sgrermenis msf.ft ot snvniie exrroT mvneir. W. O. M OH HOW, Intfwitdrnet, Or They are fat and puffy or aged and decrepit. They are untrained and undisciplined. They have no morale. They are Just village constables. Too many, alas are politically con trolled; too many art grafters, even though most ot the craft is of a petty nature," Tne state lores as urged would be controlled by a stats police commissioner appointed for a per iod oi 10 years or longer from non-political ranks. The general told his Buffalo au dience that "all crooks ars afraid of federal courts. Ws need federal men to do nothing but follow from stats to state all men who commit serious crimes X don't mean by that, prohibition." These federal men would func tion like the Canadian Northwest mounted police, he added. REE TEXT BOOKS YOTED BY SENATE: (Continued from page 1 I floor with a majority of the educa tion committee. Senators Fisher, Schulmerlch, Johnson and Dunn, recommending that It not pass, and minority. Woodward, Eberhard, and Wheeler recommending that It pass. It was a special order for 10 o'clock. When Woodward moved that the minority report be substi tuted someone, to save' time, moved that the rules be suspended and the bin immediately be placed on third reading and final passage, thereby making but one debate necessary. This was done. The vote on the bill was: For Bailey, Booth, Carsner, Eb- erhard, Crawford, Dunne, Francls- covich, Hall, Jones, Kiddie, Kuck, Miller, Moser, Spauldlng, Upton, Wheeler and Woodward. Against Bennett, BlUlngsley, Brown. Burke. Dunn, Eddy, Fisher, Johnson, Mann, Schulmerlch, Sta ples, Strayer and Marks. Senator J. O. Bailey, opening the debate, explained that the bill ap plied only to the elementary grades. Under present laws, Bailey said, books are furnished free to Indigents which Is In the nature of acharlty and therefore embarrassing to them. Free text-books. Bailey said, were endorsed by all the candidates for governor In the general election, and were favored by the Grange, labor and similar organizations. OPPOSED BY STAPLES "I have tried ever since I have been in this senate to conserve the pocket book of the state." said Sen ator Isaac E. Staples, opposing the bill. "I am opposed to paternalism in any form. We are drifting to ward the time when, if we do not change our ways, our children will be taken away from us and edu cated by the state towards social- Ism. When Eugene Debbs ran for president he got 13 votes among the professors of the University of Ore gon." Staples said there was danger in ninlng up taxation until the coun ties would own the farms. "With a huge state deficit Is It a tune to take on mors frills?" 'What are you going to do about the districts that are barely able to nay their teachers?" he asked. Oregon has several districts wnere unpaid warrants aro floating around covering last year's teachers' sal aries." He said th bill would fine the pocr man to buy text-books for the folks who attend tne movies, have radios and wear silk stockings. JUST PATERNALISM Senator B. L. Eddy said that free text-books was "simply another step towards paternalism and socialism and a getting away from the prin ciple of self-denial. The wnoie trend of our national government Is in that direction, but we should get away from It as far as possible by avoiding such legislation as this." He asserted that a time when no step has been taken towards reliev lng the property taxpayer was not a time to vote further taxes through a free text-book bill. Senator James W. Crawford spoke for the bill and Senator Jay H. Upton was for the bin though ne said he was sorry It was not broad enough to reach private schools. We compel children to go Jo school," he said, "but refuse to fur nish them the machinery witn which to get their education." Sen ator Colon R. Eberhard Bald he considered the term "free text books" a mlshomer, but would sup port It for the reason that the grange and other organizations In his district that represent taxpayers were for It. Senator Earl Fisher spoke against the bill from the point of view of a school teacher, having taught In Washington county for a number of years. He opposed the bill with the assertion that It was unconstitu tional, would cost the taxpayers 11,- 000,000 a year and would not apply to several thousnnd children In the state who attend private schools. ADVOCATKI) BY HALL As a boy in Pennsylvania Senator Charles Hail said he probably would not have had the privilege of an education had It not been for free Uxt-books. Later, as a teacher In that state, he said he observed that the free books furnished by the districts engendered a spirit oi economy among the pupils. Senator H. C. Wheeler said that In former years, when his children were In school, he voted against free text-books as a member ot the house, but since his children were out of school he felt that he should help furnish books for children "who may now be poor but who may have to help take care of me In my old age." "This kind of legislation will low er the stamina and weaken the fibre of the human race." declared Senator Schulmerlch. "If that Is going to be done I am glad I am past th meridian of life " 8enator Moser spoke for the bill. Senator Crawford cut tlie debate short by moving the previous ques tion and Senator Bailey was direct ed by President Marks to close the argument. Sir William Boulsby ,aged 79, saw his fifty-fifth Lord Mayor of Lon don elected this year. RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY HOW t3 Kilocycles 8:00 -Birthday parti 8:30 Melodlea 7:00 NBO. N. Y. 7:30 Svmphony 8:30 Amo. 'n' Andy 9:00 Demi Taas. rertsw 10:00 Sport talk 11:00 Dane, orchestra KKX 116 Kilocycle :30-r-Pancbon Marco review 9:30 Melodies and Memories 10:00 Sunshine program 11:00 Whit. Wizard 11:30 Orchestra 13:00 Midnight revellers San Francisco, KGO 790 Kile. 4:30 New. service 0:00 Birthday party ?:30 NBC :00 Orchestra 7:30 Symphony 8:30 Amos 'n' Andy 9:30 Drama 10:00 String and piano ensem. 11-12 Dane, orchestra FRIDAY KCW ;o Kilocycles 7:00 Devotional service 7:15 Louie's Hungry Flv 8:00 Happltlm. hour 0:00 Lumberjack. -3. 00 Matins. . .. 6:00 NBO 8:00 Amos n' Andy 9:00 Hill Billy Boys 11:00 Hoot Owls KEV 1180 Kilocycles 7:00 Whit. Wizard 7:46 Family Altar 8:15 Organ concert 13 :00 Orchestra 3 :00 Mardl-Gras 3:00 News casting 8:00 Light opera 8:15 Legislature notes 9:30 Hockey game. NWB3 13 :00 Midnight revellers San Francisco. KGO 790 Kilo. 6:30 Irvln S. Cobb, humorist 7 :00 NBC 7:30 Vaudeville atar. 0:00 Amos 'a' Andy 8:15 Soloist 9:00 Hill Billy Boys 9:30 Mystery serial 11:00 Dance orchestra OBITUARY JACK MIYAO Mill City Little six months old Jack T. Mlvno died late Monday eve nlng at the home of his parents. The child had been recovering from the wnooping cougn ana was mucn Det ter. but he developed a sudden cose of pneumonia which caused his death. The body was taken to Portland Wed nesday wncre tne iunerai wiu do neia. MKS. MARTHA JANE Ml'I.KEY Stavton Several Stavton Deonle at tended the funeral of Mrs. Martha Jane Mulkey which was held at Me- hama Wednesday morning. Mrs. Mulkey died In Portland Sun day, Feb. IB, aged 60 years, 8 months 17 days. She was one of the pioneers of this section and spent most of her life here, but had made her home la Portland for the last few years. The services were held In the Me hama church with Rev. Stewart con ducting the services. Interment was made In the Fox Valley cemetery be side her husband. W. A. Weddle was la charge of the funeral. Jl DOE II. H. HEWITT Albany Judgo H. H. Hewitt, 84. dean of Albany attorneys and one of Oregon's oldest native residents, died at his home hero Wednesday night after an extended Illness. Judge Hewitt was born on his fath er's farm near Wheaton. Yamhill rvmnt v H wax a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hewitt, Oregon pioneers of lt43 Alter receiving nis elementary educa tion In Yamhill county schools, he attended Willamette unverslty, where lie was graduated In 1870. For nine years he was engaged In educattonal work as principal of the Baptist col lege at McMlnnvllle, principal of the Sclo and Amity schooLi and Fayette Tllle academy and finally as Instruct or of Greek and Latin at Albany cel iac here. He was elected district at torney In 1868 and circuit Judge of the third district In 1894. He retired from office at the end of one term and resumed the practice of law. He had been senior member of the law firm of Hewitt tfc Son, one of the oldest such firms In Albany, since 1898. In 1873 Judge Hewitt married Mag gie J. Rowland at McMlnnvllle. She and one daughter, Mrs. Olga Bushneli of Toledo. O.. survive. Dr. Loren Hew itt and Dr. Jasper Hewitt of Portland are brothers. DOG OWNERS SLOW TO PAY FOR LICENSES Albany Linn county dog owners are slow In paying their dog taxes this year. It was announced by the county clerk, with only 11 days ot grace left, before the taxes become double. Only 378 of the 3500 dog owners have remitted their fees for 1931. A year ago Tuesday 750 owners had licensed their dogs. I'MMI.S HOLD SALE Liberty The pupils In the seventh and eighth grades are sponsoring a candy sale at school, Thursday and Friday. The pro coeds will be used to buy baseball equipment. ENJOYS SNOW SPORTS Hazel Orecn Mrs. Louie Dunnl. Iran and her sister, Helen Davis mo tored to Portland over the week end nnd on Sunday sient the day enjoylne. the snow sports on Mt. Hood. Mrs. Dunnlgan, who Is re maining with her parents, the Will DnvLses, tills winter, is a member of the Cascade tiki club. TH NNKiANS III'K SOON Hazel Orcen Word has been re ceived from Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunnlgan Sr., who have spent the winter In California, that they are planning to retun to Balem March 1. The Dunnlgans who made tbe trip by motor, will be accompanied on their return trip by their niece. Miss Morletta Stltely of Los Angeles, who will remain as the houseguest of the Dunnlgans for several weeks. STINfiKKS ENTERTAIN Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. John Stinger were hosts at dinner Sun day when they entertained the fol lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Lucht, and son Raymond, and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Willlg and Ed and Helen Willlg. Hazel Oreen Mrs. Lou Pslst of this community Is In Amity with her motlier Mrs. Buttrick, following the death of her father, Saturday. The funeral arrangements are awaiting the arrival of two daugh ters from Batlleford, Alberta. Auburn Wilms Councilman ot Mill City la a house guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Percy Mc Elroy.