SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, mi THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE Women Desire Clothes That Are In Style; Men Are Satisfied If They Are Comfortable. Capital j&Journal CL ASS IT I Ml APVEatTlSISQ BAT: Rate per word: On laser, lion. S rents; three Insertion B rents; on week S rents: on month ts rrnu; on year per inuulh. ZO cent; mlnlmuui per ad M rent. Not taken over phone unlet advertiser hat tool lily arrount. No a Ilea a nc for phuua errors. Want ads must be In b It a m. de of publleatloo. Keal KUte and Aula ads by 1 P-aft. 4aj preiloua la publication. FOR SALE HOUSES YOIT CAN BUY A HOME WITH KM ALL PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE L1KK BENT AND BE YOUR OWN LANDlAJRD Hera are a few with special reduced price for quick sale: I turned 1 ale pLtbActutton of 4 -room plas trH i.ui'.nalow In East Salem. gar age a lirt woodshed. Rood lawn and i shrubbery. Price 1450; cash $20 and 20 each ntnnth. ! SUM with paving estra for comfort able 6 -room home In South Salem, rloae to school. Choice corner lot with fruit and shade trees; $15 down ud $15 per month, ami KXTltA SPECIAL Beautiful 4-nn. Hptmlsh stucco home with tile roof, hardwood floors, plen ty of built Ins, good plumbing, nook, hall, basemeut and furnace. Located In one of Salem's best resident l a .dis tricts. Price reduced fiom oOO to FurC.ood Buy" In Homes. SEE LEO N. CHILDR CO, Realtors 320 State Street. P hone l 727 FOR SALE WOOD WOOD iiAWINt.. ItOtiLNS 2Jd2J. 2i WOOD for aale. atcoud growth fir delivered, anr length. Farm prices. Phone 1637. ee ORDER your wood now. Beat 18-lnch inside slab wood mixed at Cobba Ac Mltchel Co., ftA.60 per cord fiom rar. Phona 813. 3411 UUi St. REAL ESTATE 22 ACKKb all iinod sail, new buildings. I'httriL.iy. paved hiwav. near achool. Would uialce fine chicken farm, fully a'.o'.ked and equipped, I1U00. Will take city property or larger farm in exchange. j Acre near Paclf'.e highway, 5-room nouse, iumaee, electricity, plastered, b.ith and built-in, garage and small bam. all In cultivation, $4500. Wants c;.eu nome in saicm. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 176 8. High St. FOR SALE POULTRY tiviii -rmi-N HtmllY 0-room modern apartment house. In come fi4 per month from 4 room!. Located fl block from the Monmouth Normal collcse. Double nam:,, on paved street, clear of encumbrance. Price Mftoo. Have photo of house at thl ofllce. Will trade (or good house In Salem. Better hurry and BfcE HKAHS & TUIiKEH.JMB. Com 1. " LESS THAN VALUE Modern home at 905 H Summer, larse living room, dining room, kit chen, nook. 3 bed rooms and elng room, oak (loom, bath room on first irr ...n. a nH lavatory upstairs. Fireplace, piped furnace, double ga- a'S-rooru home at 1363 . Church St Modern 3 bed rooms, baaement, fur nace fireplace lots of fruit. Nice lawn. ......... tn arhnnlR hilt. etC. Five-room house In N. Buluin. mod ern except fireplace Lre lot, nice '"y." .F'.i .". r,HA,.to Ins. MFLVIN JOHNSON. 320 U. 8. Bantt biutf. rnoneuj.. GOOD 4 -room house, cstub. Walk Ins businev. In Port lit nd paylnil v.vll. faar- rllice an inr "r u V V.,r bacc particulars write P. A. Laur ivcc .tin.', 7Mh St. F E Poitlnn''. WH EDUCATIONAL vate icsaom to grade nncl junior high school pupin. o,, i io4i v,uti. v. Uruj.ii. Phono 118UJ. 1045 rrnre St. aaia GOVERNMENT JOBS Men and wom en m to 4D. aiou w '""'"i"' vv We coach you for examinations. AsK Tor pamcuiars, iw w-.. "rj, TIFVl. L-L- FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE: Purebred It. I. Red hens; 2 pure bred R. I. R. roaster; also one pure bred Shrpard attain Ancona master, jura, u u. Wallace. Kt, 1, aox 178 Sale -it -Dallas highway. UJ l'-'S CHOICE White Leghorns, breed ing btock. Two years o.d 7Cc. Phone 1201-2 f21 The Willamette Valley H-ttc.-iery Chlika every week. lU-dn, Barred Rox. White Rox, Jersey Black Ctiaiita. Jet Bey White niaiits, Buff Orps., Hunson Lfgnoins. ah u. w. u. tested, u us torn hatcliing. 410 8. 24th St Salem, Ore. Phone 3776W. f42 OWING to the low price of eggs I win sen my pure Hanson ana Holly wood chicks at 12c In large or small quantities. Large selected hens mated to pedigreed roosters. Ruby L. Wood- wara. Kt. , oox rn. rji. xia- WYCOFF White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red babv rh cks. 115 hundred. 145 thousand. Write for prices on pcclsl matliigs, Guy's Chick Hatcnery. Rt. 3. box 106. Dallas. Oregon. f29 HE LI WANTED IF YOU art a salesman and wilting to work eight hours a tin v. I can give you a joo wuicn anouia earn you from one hundred to two hundred per month, depending on your sales ability. If Interested p.ior.e 2422 af ter S pin, for appoint Qient. gjl2 WKE 75 WEEKLY placing carded " D Y M -A-LYTK S ' ' on atore counters. No se'.l:ng. Write for unique distrib uting pldii. "tiufetyco 8J", Huntington Bi'itc.i, i am. F1EN and women to m11 direct to homes. Call room 22b Elian hotel eve' mug 5 to fl Sunditv 12 to 3. K'Jl SITUATIONS WANTED r.Jtaie.voric or nursing WANTtO. hot! to work, itood home small wanes. Call 245 South Cottage. Miscellaneous WANTED USE of Dlano for storage. Box 97; Capital Journal. lii FOR SALE: $800 Equity In modern 6 room house. Furnace garaiic. Win trade for good acdan. Box 2-1 CapjtM fl', ACRES. House and barn. S a. tlm ber, bil. cult. Good gravel road, 10 ml. east of Oregon City. Will trade for property in or near Salem. Price DUPLEX. 1 ft -room apt-. 1 4-room apt. Full basement, fine corner, paved St. E E ROBERTS W. O. ORANT 310 Ma ;oulc Bldg. Phone 808. n22 RARE opportunity: Must trade or sell for beni'flt of heirs 100 acre farm. AduiluUtrator. Box 2 CO, Capital Jour nal. n22 GOOD 170 A. dairy farm, half In cult. oai nmoer ana pasture, run sou. bides., timber, water, $05 per a. Take rra.uence ior pari. 5A. Sub home close In, bldgs fruit, nice location. 12600. NICE acre tract close In, ft-r. bunga low. Karaite, fruit. S20O0. 3 OOOO Mouses for rent. PEKKINE tit MAKSTER9 212 Gray Bldg. D WILL TRADE equity In $3000 home for Rood auto, ace us at once. IF you have $1000 to pay down on new nioaern nome. last wora in ueau ind style, we will surprise you or nrlcc 50 ACRES west of St. Louis, nrlce i200; equity $2200. Will trade for; home in Salem. Houses furnished and unfurnished. LAr LAH V M YKlta Ladd A: Bush Bank Bldg. n22 PICK YOUR CHOICE Ail Good Bargains 15 Acres. Extra good land. 5-r. house, smaii Darn, oarage ana poultry nouse, a. in raspoerriea, o a strawberries. l'J. a. Evernrcens. LO' cation fine. Price $D500. Trade for srrvlcp stntton In good location. 09 ACHES. Good soil. Rood Improve' menu. All in navlnit crons. Lokbiis. ftt raw berries, 2 a. cherries, 8 prunes. 10 a. oats ana vetch. 4 cows. J Hors es, chickens and all tools and ma-1 rhlnery. Only 7 miles of Salem. I price sflOOO; $3000 down. bal. easy.! HERE'S A DANDY PLACE j 189 A. River bottom sand loam land. 80 A. cultivation, 18 a. In clover. Good 7-r. hollow tile house with bath, toilet and water sjsLem, and basement, Biun. Large potato cellar. Poultry house, machine house etc. Separator tot clover sued, hay bail er. Tractor plows, disc, hai'iow and all tools mid blacksmith shop, 2 cows, 2 good horses and chickens. Will trade for good securities or Income property, or will tell for $22,000; 810.000 down. Income this year over H000. B-tter looic this over before buying. SEE SEAItS A: TUCKER. 184 S. Com'I. n EXCHANGE Real Estate 85 A. $4000 All feneed woved wire. 14 ft. cult. Bot land, lot of alder, maple, fir. Cteek. tan irrigate, i rm. uuiu. uuu, bfdgi. 7 year old. S milt town. Trade tot Salem house. $20,000. Clear N D. Income properties Exchange for what have you? vr a ha.tkkihisUi. Hcutt Mill. Ore nroa WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on farm and city pi open;. Low interest ratea. Huaktns Uortgag ft Investment Co. UiUera Store Bldg. Phone 2219. r HAWKINS & ROBERTS. InO., for City and farm loans. Ratea and coal low est available. Prompt aervice. 208 Oregon Bui 1 ding T" tuiiiii is -room house, atore bldg aerrite station, garage and camp ground S mile north on Pacific high way, for Improved 40 acrea or leas, or Salem home to $4500. C. L. AHuwu. Brontes. Ore tijii. AUTOMOBILES UcKAYS POIl L'HFD CAHS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 1929 Chevrolet sedan, fully equip ar.M. M.n) tlrM All O. K.'d r H5 1829 Chevrolet cpe., wire wheels, fullv eaulpped 1927 Chrjfiler coupe, new rubber, riiu nutcli&iilcal Ihane iooa '-i.rU) a rill. uter landau sedan, perfect condition . . 425 ned. An O K.'d car MS lata Uiln rfitrh svnod tlreS. Hood paint, good ehape . . . 150 1020 Chevrolet acdan delivery. n..i.t. Mtir tf wnrlf VOU can't beat it 450 mm rnA U.uIaI A nnrt Cdtina. Run only 9000 miles 365 1929 Chevrolet 0 coach, look ana runs perfect 50 1930 Chevrolet coach, run very llttla " mi? tiAiititr finno ortoti nalut. new tires, fine condition . . 285 DOUGLAS MCKAY CHEVROLET CO 233 Center street. iei. ioua. m- r.yi TTY TIRED CARS Priced Low Exceptional Value imh n. Cnin VlLrtit Rs.f1n. JuSt like New. Only 895 1930 De Soto Eight Sedan, o wire wheel eouloment 1930 Finer Plymouth Sedan. Run only 4000 miles. Un usual Buy at ... 1929 Do Soto 0 DeLux Sedan. Five new tires. Only .... 1929 De Soto 6 Roadster. A sac rifice at ... 1929 De Soto 8 Bus. coupe. Just think of it. only 1929 Chevrolet 0 Cab. Coupe. In perfect condition .... 1928 Chrysler 62 coupe. Rebuilt ID27 Dodite Bus, Sedan. Rebuilt 1(J26 Bulck Coupe. New paint. New rubber Chevrolet Touring 1095 700 750 1595 095 473 375 295 395 40 W. L ANDERSON. Incorporated DeSOTO and PLYMOUTH 3G0 Marion St. Sitlcin. Oregon. q21 mi.Trrvifvif. va wm buys 126 acre farm 7 miles out on Pacific highway, fair sot of buildlnits, part In cultivation, balance pasture and timber Price i educed to $aouo to close an e3tulc. cash $1500. bal. good loan 80 ACRES 5 miles out on Rood road, 20 acres cleared, bal. pasture and some timber, all well fenced. Small nouse. good barn, chicken coops. drilled well and spring D'P" buildings. Price $4500 Will accept null house or vacant lots a pan. LEO N CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. b FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Good Burbank potatoes. . , j iCfl w rul Anv tlftV lUt fjunday. V.l. Oerlg. &. B. No. . box HA ft CiJ aiTfalfa hay reasonable. 2428R. - ALFALFA HAY: Ton or half -ton low $14 per ton at ranch. Phone 51-13. W. TT t?-nil.hFllit C"J GOOD PIANO for sale cheap. 405 Cen ter St, FOR SALE carrots 25 cents sack; by the ton $8. Dig th.m yourself, bring SaCK. Wlgrititt svauvu. - . "If.. C1 WRINGER ROLI and pert washers. Phone 3792 C98 CHOICE clover hey. Phone 10F2. W. HAY and old Ilr wood. Phone 91F21 FOR SALE, fine 1h;niS49M Flake's , Petund Farm. Pacific h!h- way. - MUST sacrifice Maytag washer. South cottage. DOGS boarded In a real dog hotel. E B. Flake's Pctluud Faiai, Pacific hiKU way. north. 121' WANTED Good fresh tested Jersey cow. Wm. S'oddard, Box 75. Wallace road. 121 WILL piy cash for good hemstitch ing machine If priced right. Phone FOR LOCAL or long distance hauling call lWtfd. Harbaugh Transfer. 142 FOR RENT 5 -ROOM house, furnished. In the rear of 233 S. Church 1 block south of Courthouse. $15 month. Adul:. 123 house. Inquire 1598 m SPECIAL BUY IN tiO ACRES 7-touiii house end outbuildings. pcre of cherries, 2 acres of family fruit, spring water, small crelt. some timber. Will consider Hood town lot as mrt payment. will sell on cxcent.onal easy terms. Located on good road and close to school, 4 miles from Salem. Price $5000. 5 ACRE SNAP All under cultivation, small orchard.; 3 room house, well, end chicken house Price $1800: $50 down and $10 per mouth, interest 6", payable monthly. prtirED TO SELL 20 acres located 10 miles from Salem on market road, close to highway. 8 acres of orchard, several acres or line timber, spring water, small house. Price $3500; $100 down bal. $10 per month, Iut. 6 . 10 ACRES OF PRAIRIE SOIL 8 -room plastered house with water, bath, and lights, good garage barn, best of dark prairie soli, located on good road, close to school and close to Salem. Price $5500; $500 down and balance terms, or will consider a good lot as first payment. If you are looking for a small farm at a right price, SEE W. H. GRA3ENHORST Jfe CO. Healtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515. naa NICE, clean two-room front apt. Heat ed, furnished $15; also 1-rooin apt. aiu, im court, rnone iiia.-w. jj 4 ROOM inDdern apartment, 416 Mar lon. J26 ROOM and BOARD. Modern home, 2 block from atatehouse. 1144 Center. Phone 1544M. J26 FEB. 1 Modern 4 -rooms and nook, furnace, garage. $25. Paved street and alley. 2145 N. 4th. 125 4-ROOM house, also furnished house Phone 1I56J. j22 HEATED 3-room apartment. Refrlger atlnn flpctrlc atove. 607 N. CaDltol 125 STATE street residence, eight rooms. iiitnhl fnr commercial DUr Doses Phone 1318W. 122 3-ROOM Furnished apartment, D St. 132G 125 2 AND 3-room heated apt. 444 South High. Jai 5-ROOM house, lOvS of fruit, good lo ni ion rinnct well, automatic pump. Call Lltwiller, 1142. J21 LARGE 4-room furnished apt. Close In. Inquire 694 N. High. 124 irn D.iv i-jno trillion redwood water tank and 9000 gallon P hour pump. City of West Salem water dept. - HAVE $190 White Console electric sewtiw machine. Mav be bouB.n for balance due of $89. See It at While Sewing Machine Co., across from El- slnore theater. Ci CHOICE clover hay. Phonejilr"; ?J HAY for sale cheap. Phone unru- Lt hoiisr. fl rooms and bath. Garage, like new, $10 partly furnished. Phone. 226IW. i21 GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED 1329 Hud.wn Standard sedan 1028 Studebaker sedan 1928 Buick 2-door sedan 1930 Esex 2-paasenger coupe lti;:0 Essex coach 10211 Whippet nedim lt):!9 Ford sedan 1920 Hudson 7-passenger sedan 1H28 Essex coach 1020 Dodge sedan ll2fi StudcnaKer ota. a-wi. 1K20 Hudson cootit 1925 Hudson coach iy?5 Bulck 4-pass. coupe ..... 37j 1927 Ford roadster, with pick-up body - "5 1930 Hudson Standard acdan e- monsiraioc - 8TATE MOTORS. INC. wrrnsoN esse x studeb aker. High and Chemekcta. Tel. 10OT. BRAND new 6-rm. strictly modern house, close In. $4500. Terms 25 A. 5-rin. house, barn, chicken house. Some stock and equipment, service station, pump, confectlon- fj S'liWs T'nn B0 A. all under cultivation. Tunning water, no bldgs. $0000. Trade for house or iota. , t.rm nlsfitered house In N. Salem. Price $3500. Will trade for acreage of same value. RENTALS INSURANCE J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 325 State Street. Phone 1354. n23' EXCHANGE Real Estate 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Division St. Phone 623W. 435 J23 642 North 13 FOR RENT: Good 4-f. apt. 20. Good 5-r. house, well furnished. Ph. 470, J 8EAOI-WE Al HOLDER Furnaces. 348 Chcmeketa. Phona 256BU or 137F2 C NURSERY STOCK TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HAUD TIMES PLANT NOW! m 50.000 choice trees, all varieties. 70 market price. Terms. Reduction large lots. Write Tualatin Valley Nurseries. Shrrwmd, Ore. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 1941 IB 3-mo. old McCoy Ave., pigs. John D. Bay, salem. TWO-YEAR old registered Durham ..ii . i,nri. niri hull White n tnrlt ranch. Turner. e20 rrn tim fPluht 31 OO IDS Auburn Nursery. 1 mi. east Salem. e12 HORSES and mule. Team black Per cheron. wt. 3250. Come try them, W H. Street. oS4 Ferry St. 6 -ROOM modern 575 N. Cot tage. Inquire at 1st house south. R noo cr. SLEEPING room and one apartment cheap and very pleasant. Phone &JfM. TWO small houses. lJJbO-1854 N. win ter. Inquire Chas u ir.en. Caoltol St. J2'- NICE furnished front apartment, 6S8 Center. JJt HENDERSON Furnished apartmenta. Phone 1005. -a BOARD St ROOM. 593 S. Com'I. J23 PATTON apartments, down town dts- rir-t- Miroiv r.tmlshed. Drlvnte bath, etc. For Inspection call Patton's Bfc store. THREE garages for tent, down town section. Phone 90F21. FOR RENT. Sleeping rooms for gtn tlemen. 205 Oregon Bldg. T PIANOS. Phonosrapha and sewing machines for rent. H. L. Stiff Furni- ture co - l ELROY NASH guarantees his horses and cows. Auction sale aepou FRESH or springer cows for sale or trade. Terms If desired. Nelson Bros, market. 185 North High. Bales stable west approach Polk county onag. LOST AND FOI ND DR. FKSU W LANOK Veterinarian Office b39 8 Commercial Phone 1198 Residence phone ! " FOR SALE WOOD DRY WOOD 10-INCH old Ilr. hard wood. 1524W. DRY fir. oak. ash. any length. Prompt delivery, phone 1388W. W. F. Brown ee22 WOOD sale now on Planer trimmings at $4 per load. Co id wood at $4 50 per load. Prompt service, honest measure Davis Fuel Co. Phone 2435. ee36 OLD FIR WOOD $7 Cd Ih. 1&F4. ee26 LOST: Pair of lady's hrown auede glove at state House Monanj, ward Phone nnr MISCELLANEOUS Healthful warm air heat engineered lno your home. Furnace repairing Estimates furnished without obliga tion. Call woiJ. PIANO JAZZ, Short method. Popular niinii mwiprn lurmonv. Demonstra tion free. Ls.ons given at your home In Salem Address Waterman P.ano School. 403 Aiaegiy pr-rimd. re : REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Good 4-room house, almost new, we GOOD S-'r. house, well furnished FINANCIAL LOANS III SINESS Opportunities LEASE and furnishings of apartment ho'iae, will aell very reaaonable for ca'Ii and equity In email place. Phone 11 47 U22 DIRECTORY BI( VCLES lea and bicycles. 387 fcourt atraet. t llIMM Y SWttP FURNACE and chliunevs cleaned by expert furnace man. I use steel brushes ana a vacuum cicaner. tiu vuru, om CIIlltOPB ACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, chiropractor. 25$ M Hltfh street. Phones 87 it 2104J. o DH. H. B. SCOF1EUJ. X-ray. Phone 2194. 414 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. CABINET WORK JACOB WE1ZEL. Cabinet work and re finish lug. Furniture repairing, ea iavk. ourt Pt-, oausm. w- CONTKAC'TOHK A. J. ANDERSON. shop. Phone 657. contractor, open KAPPHAHN. General team and power shovel contractor, excavating and grading, iinice phone iwv. ne. fcM.HAVINO SALEM ENGRAVINO CO. CuU of U purpose. TeL 343. 180 N. Commercial straei. ELECTRICAL SI'PTLIES HALIJC ELECTRIC CO. 337 Court St. Electric contracting and repairing. Appliances ana fixture, rnone , MATTHESSEM RENOVATED LEGALS CALL frOH BIDS Tlie undersigned IU receive eetl' ed bids up to 7:30 o'clock, pjn Feb ruary is, 1931 ior One 500-QALLON CENTRIFU GAL FIRE PUMPING) ENGINE, equipped with 300-gallon Water Tank and Auxiliary Pumping Unit; engine to be equipped with 10-foot soft auction In Addition to regular suction. All bid must be accompanied with a certified check for two per cent of the amount of the bid as a guar antes of good faith. The right is reserved by the Com mon Council to accept any or to reject all bids in the Interest of the city. MARK POULSEN, City Recorder Salem, Oregon. 33 VALSETZ ROAD TO BE ASSET TO CITY (Continued from page 1) OBITUARY RADIO PROGRAMS mattresses renovated. We renovate all kinds of mattresses, called for and delivered. Best of work guaranteed. Capital City Bedding Co, Portland" road. Phone IB. o floulst CUT flowers and floral pieces. Deliv ery. O. P. Brelthaupt. florist. 6U State street. Phone 380. PIANO Tl'NKK GEO. C. WILL, piano, phonograph, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stuiies. Repairing pnonograpn and sewing machines, 432 State St- Salem. Oregon. I'M MH1NU PLUMBING and general repair work. Phona 550. Grabcr Bros, 154 South Liberty street. THEO. M. BARR. Plumbing, heating sheet metal work. 164 S, Commercial street. ltIHOS & Itl.PAlKlNO RADIO REPAIRING FREE TUBE TEST I NO Majestic and Wes'dng house dealers VIBBERT and TODD 408 State St. Phone 2112 O NCA VAMiEU d Sedan ? 935 295 70 75 lono Foi 1929 Ford Roadster 19U8 Ford coupe 1927 Pontlac Sedan 1920 Chevrolet Touring ..... 1920 Jewett Coach REPOSSESSED 1929 Chevrolet coupe, fine condition, all around. Easy term. Also Model T Ford truck, take It for the balance due, $00 cash. Mw-onlr BUlt;. Phone 3381 Q2Xm FINANCIAL LOANS PRIVATE money to loan. Short tlmr on mat mortgage, do -o nal. SALARY LOANS To People Steadily Employed BTATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Orison Bldg. Second Floor Corner State and High riffle. hnnr Itl-Ort am. to 6:30 P.m. Teleuhone 932. Licensed by atate. t MONEY to loan on real estate. Priv ate money, lowest rate. T. K. Ford, First wationai nana. DRY second growth fir $5 50. FDon I proremenU. $1000 SPECIAL HOME BAHOA1NS on hnv an nrrn home In the Cit7. located on paved street with ft 150 loot front, cement walk, 4-room plastered cottage with plumbing and electricity. A REAL BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. 1 acre of good gar den land, only 1 blk. from bus. $50 cash bal. $25 per month to Include Int. DONT NEGLECT TO SEE THIS BARGAIN. $lf)00 buys an attractive 4-room home wnn a nroiwu, ij.ih.-u oucv Flustered, fireplace. $100 cah. bal-.iii-n ajfi nor mntuh tn Include In terest. An EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN THIS HOME. $21fi0 buys ft neat 4-room plastered East front, on bus line, located south, immediate possession. Any reasonable terms excep'able. It will pay you to I N V E J TIG ATE THIS. xin huvs a oood comfortable 6-rm home witn home lunmurr, ui lots, located at 2075 Center St. Easy terms. $2500 buys nn attractive 5-room mod large rooms, garage, part basement, in liood condition, only $100 cash. bal. J24 per month to Include Inter est, inis proper i-ir iu1'11' K i ntl wood Paik. West Salem. A wonderful value and offered for a short time only. 4500 buys new. attractive 5-room I modern nome wun iari(c aim., .im tile diain hoard, tile bath, full base ment, furnare. hardwood floors throughout, garage, corner lot, bath streets paved, eest front and locat ed close in. In ft first class residence district. $1000 cash, balance terms. DON'T NEGLECT TO SEE THIS HOME. $55' buys an attractive 6-room mod ern bungalow, located close in on sou?h Hish street, ha;; not water heat, fireplace, hardwood floors, base fumin tirnilr double car- ae, large lot with east front. $25 rash. bal. term at 6', interest. NO BETTER BUY IN SALEM. For Bargains, see us. timI Eatate and Fire Insurance W H. ORABENHORST CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 615. nn2i' wir" HAVE 150 acres good location, nar town, fair improvement, some fine timber. 20 acrrs tillable, all bot nm land. Price $7000, and can use clear Salem home. OOOD modern 7 room house worth $4500 to trad (or laim ana w.n as SPLENDID 8 -room modern house In Sulem wortn sow a nur w. ...u.. is c- tisT't? aViO in Bood 7 securi ties arid Income property to trai'e for raim. in iroM fair Imnrovemtnta. a- ea tillable, some limber, running stream, worth $'.5O0. equipped and will take Salem home or small acre- fAw-in t.rnnm llrVltt TTKVtfn. riCBr.V new f.r onlv $12''0 or will trnt for $25 MrCill .CHRIST Ac PENNINGTON 209-10 U 8 Manx bldg. Phone 140. nn' vr vrtn NVltn MONEY XTTm Innn nn 11 If It ntnflr SUtomOblle. housenoia coci a is. uiuw ik-ibuhbi property. Term to suit your conven ience. . National Loan & Finance Company Licensed by Stste 410 Bank of Commerce Bldg. f CITY GARBAGE CO. Prompt service. rnone aaau. SALEM SCAV ANGER. Phone 107. SOOS GARBAGE CO.. rel'able service. Phones, office 3125; Re. B98J. SALEM GARBAGE CO, for prompt and continuous service, cnaries booe and Carl Boos. Phone aiaa or bijbj, STOYI.S AND STOK KEPAIK1NO STOVES FOR BALE REBUILT and repaired by expert. All kinds of wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop basnet ana noose, logaa nuuu. Solem Fence and Stove Work. 202 Chrnieketa St. It. B. Fleming. o TR.1.NSPORTAT10N Si STORAGE CUMMINS & HORTSCH. local and long distance hauling. Phone 3462; Res. 129F2 Of 1287R. HATER COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Water Ser vice company. Office corner Com mercial and Trade streets. Bills pay able monthly. Phones 3-4. WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money hack. The Jewel Bos. 178 N. Liberty, Salem LEGALS BORROW money on your personal property. Pay back tn monthly In- Lallmenta. WILLAMETTE LOAN COKPANY Licensed by Stat 60S Bank of Commerce Bldg. f NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed agent of the Lincoln County Bank of To ledo, Oregon, to foreclose a certain chattel mortgage, and as uch agent the undersigned will sell, at private sale, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, at No. 387 State Street In Sa lem. Marlon County, Oregon, on the 26th day of January, 1931, at the hour of 11 o'clock a.m.. all of the fix tures, stock of goods, equipment, fur nishings, hats, ana otner personal nronertv In anld nlace of business be longing to uave u. rtouzman, w.r same, however not to include any goods held by aald party under consignment. Dated this iist aay or January, iwai O. D. BOWER, Sheriff of Marlon County. Oregon Agent ior Lincoln county pans, ui Toledo, Oregon. READY CASH $10 to $300 Within 34 hours. Here you get full amount of your loan in cash. No Deductions! Only lawful interest charged on the No otlier chaigeal Amall mnnthlf rrnivmPtltl You control the cost of your loan One day to almost two years to repay If you wish. Quick Service 1 Strict privacy! Come In Phone or write Our representative will call. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY of Oregon 219 New Bllgh oldg. 2nd floor IS State St. Phone $-7-4-0 (Licensed by the State) 1573J WOOD. L. C. Kelly. Phone 1573J. ee322 I SQUARE DEAL REALTY 302 U. 8. 2f. Bank Phuuc 470. r BORROW MONEY at NEW LOW LEGAL RATI $10 00 to $1,000.00 Let us combine all those little payment and you pay only us. 1 DAY TO 3 YEARS TO PAY t LEGAL PLANS OP LENDING Interest reduced as you pay. No fee or additional Charge. You get entire amount of note and can pay It anytime. tnrpMi-niRV TrTrfc4nl LIVESTOCK oc PERSONAL NOTE with endoiser. . Any worthy person ceo borrow. If inconvenient to call, phone or write, we will call. Dealings atr'ctly confidential Salem's Own Flnanrs Co. Offers money AT LOWER RATES Oeneral Finance A Investment Corp, 1st Nat'L Bank bldg. Salem, Ore. Ph. 1300 Hours I to o'clock " .. .. .... i fnr hAiiW 1 KltiU IDINS B imlll UDtDW in Box 270 car Journal. nn23 P. L. Wood, $41 State SU f CALL FOR BIDS The undersigned will receive seal ed bids up to 7:30 o'clock p.m., Feb ruary 2, 1931, for ONE FORD CAR for the City of Salem Fire Depart ment. Bid to be submitted as fol lows: Ford Coupe, equipped with Bpare tire and tube, and painted Fire Lie Dartinent red. Ford Roadster, equipped witn .spare tire and tube, and painted Fire Department red. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for two per cent of the amount of the bid. The right Is reserved by the Com mon Council to accept any or reject all bids In the interest oi the city. MARK POULSEN, City Recorder. Salem, Oregon. 33' that freight from the Vaisets line would simply pass through Salem on a through routing and the ac qu Uitlon of the road would mean no more to Salem than It would to Claxtar or some other flag stop along the Oregon Electric. Espee officials state that the road under present conditions, when operating to capacity as In the middle of the summer, will handle as high as 40 cars of freight daily. It is figured around 26 cars of freight a day move over the road and Salem handles this every other day, the odd days the freight being routed out of independence. But, they say, with acquisition oi the road by the Southern Pacific and Its operation directly as an Espee line, the entire routing will be Into Salem. Salem, In fact, they state. Is the only town with terminal facilities in this section equipped to handle the freight traffic. It will probab ly mean, they say, the addition of two crews here, at least, when the new plans get under way. All of the freight must come into Salem, they say, because the Val setz trains must be broken up for rerouting of the cars and this will be done here, with some going north, some going south, and some routed for eastern shipment. When the big new Inman-Poulscn devel opment comes on there is no telling to what extent it may increase the freight trainc over tne vaisetz road and it may mean an entire rehabilitation of the lines between here and Independence to handle the heavy business which will roll down the Vaisetz, into Independence and on into Salem, and from here to oe broken up ior destinations all over the country. The present business oi the Vai setz now Includes a considerable number of hog fuel cars, the most of them routed directly Into Salem for either Industrial or domestic consumption in this city. Some of them go elsewhere but mostly In this Immediate section. The Vaisetz road is 40 miles long from Independence to the Vaisetz terminal at the head of the Luckia mute. The Southern Pacific already operates some summer excursion trains up Into that section for fish ermen and outing parties. With the Inman-Poulsen Lumber company development promised by the big er com pony development promised by the big timber buy of that con cern, there are chances of Vaisetz developing Into quite a little town and with all of Its business routing directly down Into Salem virtually all of its development will be more or less reflected in new business for Salem, state railroad officials, The possibility of developing through train service between Sa lem, Independence and Valsetc said to be a very strong one, with but one small thing standing tn the way. that being a matter of prior ity service for train crews which have been operating lor years on the Vaisetz line. It is thought, how ever, this can be worked out and It is considered likely the through ser vice may become a reality the com ing summer. The train. If operated, will be both for passengers and freight. The Oregon Electric, If It had ac quired the road, had plans of bridg Ing the Willamette at Orville and hooking the Vaisetz onto the main line at that place. This, say Espee officials, would have meant only through tralfic through Salem. But the Espee. they state, will bring the cars to the main line at its nearest place Salem, and break up the trains for re-routing from here. MRS. MART BILLINGS West Salem Mrs. Mary Scovell BUllngs was born May , 1851, In Iowa, and died Friday, January 16, 1931, at her home, 1375 plaza street, West Salem. She crossed the plains to Oregon with her parents when she was two years old and with the exception of a short residence tn Corvallis spent 70 years of her life in and near Salem. She was tlie mother of W. P. Mc Adams. who Is special delivery ear lier for the Salem postoffloe and also mailing clerk at the state house during the legislative session, and of Miss Lot t a W. McAdams, both of whom made their home with her in West Salem. She Is also survived by a sister, Mrs. O. A. Nye of Salem, a brother, Cobb HInkle of Lake view, two nieces, Mrs. W. A. McCollum of Portland and Miss Vivian HInkle of Salem; two nephews, J. C. HInkle of Portland and Sichel HInkle of Salem; two cousins, Mrs. C. A Gray and Miss Alda Scovell of Salem. Mrs. Billings was a daughter of Loren Scovell and a niece of Cai. Scovell, both of whom were pioneer stage drivers from Portland to the California line. She was married twice, both companions preceding her In death many years ago. She suffered a broken hip three years ago, since which time she has been confined to her home. She was a member of Ford Mem orial MethodLst church and was called "Aunt Mary" by a host of friends. Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Billings were conducted by her pas tor. Rev. M. A. Groves, at the Clough-Barrlck chapel, Monday af ternoon. January 19. He preacnea from the text found in II. Timothy 7,8. Mrs. Guy Newgent and Rev. F. L. Cannell, a former pastor, sang two beautiful duets with Miss Ruth Bed ford as accompanist. Interment was in the I. O. O. F. cemetery, baiem. Relatives and close friends at tending the services Included Mrs. Klttie Evans of California, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hinkle, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eley, Mrs. W. A. McCol lum, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Foley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tom, Mrs. Carrie Strong, Mrs. Mary Lowell, Mrs. Mary Butler, Mrs. Ollie Miner, Corvallis: Mr. and Mrs. Plov, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Williams, and Miss Lavelle Williams, Airlle. STYLE SHOWS HAVE TROUSERS FOR MISS CALL FOR RIDS The undersigned will receive seal ed bids until 7:30 o'clock p.m., Feb ruary 2, 1931, for the following equipment for the City of Salem, Oregon, Municipal Airport: Three Landing Lights Each equipped with a Three Thousand Watt 32-Volt Incandescent Lamp, and furnished with louvers and i rectilinear spread lens having a hor izontal beam spread of not less than 100 degrees and a vertical spread of no more than 3 degrees, together with a sulUble transformer having a primary rating corresponding to, the current available at the Airport and a secondary rating suitable to a 32 -volt lamp. One 40 -gallon firt extinguisher,! foam type, mounted on rubber tired wheels, and two 2'i-gaUon hand ex tinguishers of the loam type, and to bear the Underwriter's label. Ail equipment to be priced f ob. Salem. Bids to be accompanied by a certified check for 2 per cent of tlie amount of the bid. Tlie right Is reserved by the Com mon Council to accept any or to reject all bids In the interest of the Citv. MARK POULSEN, City Recorder. Salem, Oregon. 25 (Continued from page 1 Yachting pajamas are one of the newest items of trouser dlspla; They arc made of white with light blue shirt and dark blue jacket. Stylists predict great success for dinner pajamas of definite sophis tication. One such model has gray sequin trousers worn with a tight bodice which has a strap decollete. An other is pale pink silk crepe with high necked bodice made of the open silk mesh which Is new and much used for spring. All pajamas feature wide seml flaring lines tight hip and bodices which are generally attached te tne trousers. Pa jama costumes have loose hip length coat. ROY REEVES' HOSTS AT BIRTHDAY DINNER Sidney Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeves entertained with a six o clock din ner recently honoring their son, Fred Win term an tel. on his birthda; anniversary. Those present were the honored guest and his wile, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bllnston and daughter. Ilene. Miu Elds Winter- mantel and the ho.t5, Mr. and Mrs Roy Reeves. SATFRD4Y m KOW- tuiocrrlee $00 NBC. New York 7.00 NBC Hew York 8 00 Amo 'a' Andy 15 Circus 8 44 Vocal 9 00 Minstrel 0. 30 Spotlight review . Hi. st nee Kilocycles 00 Orchestra. 9 00Ntte In India 9 30 Tucker's band 10 00 Sunshine hour 10:20 Orchestra 11:90 Orchestra, NBC 12:00 Midnight revellers San Franclsc. KUU 790 Kile. 4:00 Vocal. 5: 15 Varieties 6 00 Symphony 7 00 Orchestra a oo Amo 'a' And 8:16 Circus 0:00 Minstrel 0.80 spotlight review BF NO AY ROW 20 Kilocycles B 00 American Legion 8:30 Orchestra 9:30 Bible study 0:4$ Nstlonal oratorio 12:00 National Youth confer. 1:00 Dr. S Park Cadmau 3 oo National Vespers 3:00 Catholic hour 4 :30 Concert 5:15 Playlet, mualt 7.49 Beth Parker 8:45 Vocal. NBC 9:00 Studio program 0:45 Hook chat 11:00 Organ. kex line Kilocycle ft:00Orga nconcert 8:18 Funny papera 9:00 Tenor and soprano 10 00 Trio 11:00 Organ concert 11:30 Oregon Rambler 12:00 Orchestra 1 :00 Quartet 1:30 Family Altar 3:00 JuvemT-; ) cheatra 3:00 The Song bag 4:30 Sunday school 8:00 Or chest 9 :00 Tucker's band 10:00 Lyric Trio an Francisco. Kilo 790 Kile, 6:00 News servlc 8:1 5 Hawaiian trio 7:115 Orchestra 7:45 Seth Parker B:15 Vocal selections 9:00 Male quartet 9 :4ft Readers' Guide 11:00 Orchestra WILLIAM E. IIORTON Independence William Elisha Horton, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Horton of this city, died Friday morning. January 23, at the Salem geenral hospital, loliowlng a serious operation. His condition was re ported as somewhat Improved on Thursday and the report of his death came as a shock to the com munity. "Bud," as he Is familiarly known here, was quite a favorite in the community, was active in boy scout work. About five years ago ne was afflicted with infantile paralysis and while he recovered somewhat from the malady, has never had the rugged constitution of former years, but was always cheery and affable through all his misfortunes. He was born in Koanone, va., in 1913, and came with the family to Oregon a few years ago. He was a Junior in the high-school and a fav orite among his classmates. Funeral services will be held Sun day afternoon under the direction of the Keeney itinera! nome at i:ju o'clock. Besides his parents he. Is survived by four sisters and one brother, all living in this city. I .visa v (Continued from Page 5) BIRTHS, DEATHS MARRIAGES DEATHS Wooton At the Methodist Old Peo ple's home, Jan. 23, Mr. Mary E. Wooton. 67 Survived by son, Celer niont Updegraff of Spokane; three granacnuaren, Anna May upoegrair of Spokane and Mrs. Mabel Wilson and Lewis Updegraff of Salem; one sister. Mrs. Lydla H. Bowerman of Salem; one brother, Richard Battey of Puyallup, Wash.; niece and neph ew. Jay Bowerman and Mr. E. A. fierce oi roruana ana Dr. Mary Pur vlns of Salem. Funeral aervlcea Sat urday, Jan. 24 at 2 p.m. from the chapel of W. T. Rlgdon and Son, Rev, r. T. aims oinciaung. interment city vlew cemetery. Bonney In Wood burn, Jan. 22, Mrs. Eunice Bonney, 74. .Survived by the following children: Mrs. Ca&sle Havea of Ban Dleso. Calif.. Hartlev H. Roy Q., and WHIard. all of Woodburn; Mrs. Nellie Thomas of Salinas, Kan sas, Mrs. Ethel Cole of Salem, Wiley of Grants Pas. Harrv of Portland: on brother, Jake Nash of Buena Vis ta. Funeral services Sunday, Jan. 25 at 2 D.m. from the Woodburn Metho dist church under direction of W. T. Rlgdon and Son. Interment Belle Paasl cemetery, Woodburn. Rodger In Balem Jan. 24, Earl Roditers. age 45. Funeral announced later by Clough-Barrlck company. Meltof At HoDmere. Jan. 23. Wil liam Meltof, age 66. Survived b? fol lowing cnunren: jonn ana Joe ox Brooks, Peter of Sllets. Nick of Cal ifornia Mrs. Lizzie Hoberton and Mrs. Anna Sharp of Frazer. Minn, and Mrs. Mary Diem of Salem: also nine grandchildren and four great grand children. Funeral service Tuesday at Catholic church, St. Louis under di rection of Terwilllger Funeral home. tlie biography of Princess Jose phine, Mrs. M. J. Davidson fur nished the entertainment hour and the first prize was awarded Mrs. Sidney Howard. Refreshments were served at the tea hour by the hostess to the following members: Mrs. A. H. rhomnson. Mrs. Eugene ruuey, Mr a h. Marlatt. Mrs. William Wiederkehr, Mrs. Sidney Howard, Mrs. C. F. Johnston. Mrs, uen Watts, Mrs. L. B. Smith, Mrs. J. O. Fair, Mrs. M. J. Davidson. Mrs E L. Hampton and the hostess Mrs. R. H. Farr. Independence Announcement of the engagement of MLss Fay Janice Irvine, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. C. a. Irvine of this city, to Loren Mort, brother to Rev. Howard w. Mort. former pastor of the Meth odist Episcopal church of this city, received bv Irlcnds nere wis week Tlie anouncement was made at a or idee party in Marxhileld, where Miss Irvine is engagca ms teacher in the high school of that city, in conjunction with that of a fellow teacher. Miss Alice Alverdes, w1k will wed Howard Page of Stay-ton. Miss Irvine is a graduate of Wil lamette university and teacher of biology In the Marsh field high, and Miss Alverdes is a graduate of Ore gon State college and teacher oi commerce In the Marahfleld school. Mort Is a graduate of Wiliametie university and is athletic director in the Redmond high, while Howard Page U a graduate of Oregon State college and the director of athletics in the Stay ton schooL Sheridan "Birds and Wild Flow ers of Oregon" proved an Interesting lesson topic for the Woman's Study club, which met Thursday alter noon with Mrs. Floyd Hamstreet as hostess. Mrs. Norma Green, leader, read an instructive paper on the wild flowers ot our state and Identified each one described by use of colored plates. Mrs. Roy Malo gave a paper on birds of Oregon. The final paper was given by Mrs. William Brandt, Jr., on birds of Waldersee, which is the name of Mrs. Brandt s country PROPER PIG DIET TOLD TO FARMERS Grand Island "The Proper Feed ing of Hogs for Profit," was the subject discussed at the third of a series of ten meetings In the Smith- Hughes adult education night school held at the Grand Island school house Thursday evening In charge of Prof. Burris L. Young of Day ton high school. Ernest Douglas, who in 1927 rais ed on his farm here and exhibited a record litter of Chester Whites at the state fair, is a member of the night school club and was present. Mr. Douglas' record ton-litter of 15 pigs Is outstanding beciuse of rais ing 100 per cent ol them. They were raised on alfalfa and milk and fat tened on corn and at 180 days of age weighed 32C3 pounds, and at the time of exhibiting weighed 4033 pounds. They captured the record of being the largest litter of six months old pigs ever exntuitea at any Oregon state fair. The next meeting will be held at 8 o'clock next Thursday evening and all farmers are Invited to attend. SENATE TOLD HOOYER MOIST (Continued from page 1) lltical awreUry ot Mr. Hooter. Wal ter Newton, that the president Is moist to mv the least." Benator BrookharT. renuDiican, or Iowa, aald he understood from the newspaper stories that the president was In lavor or revwon to ma tne law stronger. "I am with him, added btooi hart. "es." uld Wheeler, -I understand the senator from Iowa want to think the president Is aa dry as he ' Is. He surely will be as disappoint ed In the president's dryness as he was In the president's progresslve neas two years aeo." home about a mile west of town. A larae number were present. Ouests of the club were Mrs. Jack I-aflen and Mrs. F. 8. York! of Sheridan. Mrs R. . Neeley of wills mina, Mrs. W B Nutting of Port land and Mrs. Walter Dickey of Arr.lty. J t 2