MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, lattO PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON i 4 WILDlBEAUTY read Chapter 7 BOB LOSfcS CONTROL Ttw cnur ot Uia Unite State Into the war made two changes In Fanny's U!e. Pint. Bob DarUfla went back Into the araiT and eventual to Pranee: and Amelia. Havwrt Ma ter, rlsltui In Washington, met a newspaper man named Clark Smith. fell precipitously In lora and. when he waa ordered abroad as a war correspondent, married him at a week's notice, and went with him u far as London. In May. Ml. Bob. now a colonel ot artillery, came back to Clougk barre on a three days' furloucb. On the last uiornlu of hla leave he walked hi on Fanny when ah was In the kitchen making cookies plain ones for Sheila, spiced ones for David. Mr. but It ami Us good In here." aid Bob. sealing himself and tilt ing back hla chair. "What art you cooking ambrosia?" "I don't know Just wliat." laughed Fanny. "MoOier Frost's cook. lona. gave me the recipe and Leon a cooks entirely by ear 'a pinch ol this and a little ot that.'" Fanny was In buff gingham and , while apron. Her sleeves were rolled up above the elbow, allow ing the milky akin of her beautiful arms; a tiny bead of moisture stood on her perfect upper Up: little gotd-?n curls escaped from the vi brant mas of hair, loosely coiled on her head. Bob's eyes brooded on her as If they would never have his fill. I want to csrry the picture of jrou with me to Prance Just as sou are now Into eternity. If the bul let with my name on It finds me." Bob's voice was Imsky. "Oh Bo!) you're going to Franco?" 'Any day now perhaps next week." The quick tears sprang to Fanny's eyes. She brushed tliem away wltn the back of her arm, leaving a smudge of Hour on the tip of her nose, and bent low over the dough she was rolluig out. Shcilj playing nearby, came and tuKged at Fanny'a aklrt. When Fanny stooped down sheila wiped the flour oil her mother's nose with her own small handkerchief. 'All dirty." Sheila explained. 'Thank you, darling. You take such good care of Mother. Now I think some of tlie cookies are done and vou can take a plate to Cousin Bob. Then you must have your milk and Ro to bed. Those tears probably don't mean much I've seen you cry If sheila scratched her finger or David drowned the kitten." aald Bob. when Fanny returned from putting Sheila to bed. "but. aside from my sisters', those are the only tears I expect to have shed for me." ' Bob. how unkind! You know the Browp.becks that It's born In them to feel ashamed of allowing emo tion. Just the same, Leila Is prob ably crying her eyes out tills min ute." Leila Is at the dentist's. She AnoloRUed for leaving me my last morning, but Robert's tooth needs filling and she felt she nuiii go along. You tell Robert to come and see me this alternoon that I'll have something for him," Fanny .said, busily cutting out a cooky man. "Fanny ... If I shouldn't come bark I wish voti'd remind the klcti occasionally tha: they had a father who was once champion fencer at West Point. That. 1 belleie. Is my only cliitui of distinction try no: to fnrwt It" When the war Is over I sup pose tli? men who come back will soon be just like anybody else; bu thaw who stay will lie heroes for ever e.Mii'Ciali? lo their children," said Fanny unsteadily. 'Tliiui I hope to God I stay. "B.b, you're not yourself." t tt oss I. fthoffl , Mnrtarnal nlnml t. Purl l n It ( itllrrllKt f Inn 1L Jiiinnrj wlnli vntiilt IS. I.iitior vikmsI in lion IT. I.iiiiattiln IS, I nit tt we It; lil IS. rimitic fur Irani tS. firfifit II. linn nHmi bird tl. NiUtto ti. Atlnlf t srrli N. niii I'lfl,! 4rtn . . tt. Morr itrti II. I'rrrlylliivt S3, htani tL Shnrrt tC fltff SI. HufU tt. T(kUh mnm it. Kontnn !( St. kind of h 44. Hi iIrMIj ! nifiir Ik. S TKMl It . Ai'fti m firtt l'IC If I. Nrrrnr7 It rrr.lts IS. Cnmf 41. Morf rtfrnt SI. Hlll1rnr Solution ot Saturday's Pun i a w a ter So r d E A RK A TJOInieIIn A T ADDER E233aA S E Rfflw A o shsHIe t SSI PIE A tHmMpHl l A R p LrlLd e fie r m TWe d and i PeRImotHte SSFTe oifiamlaa aig off. In a in e We rie Je RRJnIe ve ri- y e P E tUGlO Af SIJPIEIn ti. Krtarn (S. anfNf(llt Mnt,aiMi Mill IS. hhi.l of I 1st B wlBt . :tll S3. On lit Itftitd'S rhlrt talrra tl. II tin ti-vngi ft. Nhhtr 4H. I'fiknll north) 71. FUm ttttt TI. Imnirlnnl Armrrriirt Tt. niihpfit 12 15 4 J p 7 I K a 'v J P . i, , J A ... S ' ." Zo 2 22 , 2Z Z4 .25 i a. M 3S 3 3f -V 43 41 45 7. i " - . " " 32 F. Zf S3 " T sT IT u 53" 5" TT is " Z Tf T- vF if " P I 1 P 1 t l7 1 I 1 W MATHL HOWE FARNHAM A lartory whistle blew aim boo xlancrd at the clock, cot to hta feet I and pulled down hla Mouse. "Twelve o'clock and I haven't packed ret. Mr train f(t at three By the war, U'a a aecret that I'm due to nit very aoon. Not even Letta know." "Oh. Bob. that Isn't kind" "U I told Leila ahe would beclnl pulllnc wtret to keep me on this I side, aa ahe ns before UiU time! I'm not taking any chances." "You're as unjust aa you can be." "Yes? Well, maybe I am." Bob picked up his cap. twirled It with I nervous fingers. "Pan would youl mind kiss lug me (ood-byer I Fanny hesitated, David wouidl not like It. But how should ahe re I fuse ao nttlt a thine to this hurt. overgrown boy with the beseeching eyes the boy whom the mignti never see aga'n? "Why, of course I wlU," she aald 1 as Ughtl yas possible. Bob kissed her reverently then I Ills arms suddenly tightened about her and Fanny had to hide her lace from his hot lips. Disengaging her self with a little push she hastened! U put the table between them. "There are sopie things---which don t have to be put m words &aid Bob from the door. "Better not put In words, Bob. I You've been so kind we've beenl such friends. Let's not spoil it." "All right, I won't. The doorl banged behind htm. The very next day Amelia camel over to tell Fanny and David thatl she was engaged to Clark Smith and I meant to be married in a week. (To be Continued' PENNSYLVANIA FAMILY SERVE IN FIVE WARS Danville. Pa. ilPh Members of the Heddens family here have served In the five major wars of the Li;lteu States. W. M. Heddens, the prcsen", head of the family, who recently cele brated his 85th birthday, served In the Civil War, as did his father, J. T. Heddens. Tlie lint of the fighting Hcddem was William, a captain In tlie Con ttuental Army In the Revolutionary War. Another fought In the War of 18U and two In the CI. A War. J. H. Heddens, son of the pres ent head of the family, fought In the Spanish-American War and Ar mon Heddens, a grandson, saw serv ice In the World War. MONUMENT BUILT AT OLD TRAIL STATION Syracuse, Neb. lP A monument commemorating the first "Over Night Station" west of the Missouri river on the covered wa?on trail, was dedicated at services at the Methodist church here recently. The monument was erected on Nursery Hill, one of the celebrated stations on the old Steatn Wa?on road from Nebraska City to Den ver. It waa the first stopping Mint for most of the freighting outfits and stage coaches on the road, and later was the principal point on the stage Hue between Nebraska City and Lincoln after the capital had been located. PROFF.SSOR HUNORIvD Belolt. Wis.. tiP Dedication o! tlie new $150,000 Wright art hsH at Belolt college, named in honor of tlie late Pvof. Tlieodore Lyinan Wriqht, was Iwld recently with representatives from more than a score of colleges and universities in attendance. VOI1NO RATX l H f K I HI SMIE Cambridge, Miss.. (LP To Mar ian Taylor of Stamford, N. Y., goes the honor of being the youngest freshman to enter Radciiffi college In recent years. Sl.e is only 13. ll. Itmln coitf last Is. I.nrsr rlnrlk Amrrlt'iD last trim I IS. Kiprrolns af cpairwpl . I'm m tl. Ituip nf art nl tl. Inijiiur y. l.lrUb for BU. Conii'Uiti polftj St. Clrui 31. rinl rrrtUcl Si. "llurli Almat fliitti I" IT" SI. t h nr profit SS. AhlQl II. i:iiMrp amoaal 4ft, Unlfblti L rfimitna t. I tini hiittnini 41. DnllT fwiMl aa rlh 4S. I'riM-rattoai 4;. rarlrd K Jumt.lfit trpa tft. Tn. t tit fabrit tl. I Ult K. l al o UL Hllifln fftlft IL MfrrnnMI eilnhlUhmrat U, l.ara IrraB if. Dnvlltih rhtr SH. Krnint SI. HfUl ti. Ilerora tl. ttfiihitf plnet tS. Toiit tinra nlnff bltJ T. TtralKM ? Arum I. richlt I. lUlMarf S. Ilrnrtrl )!. Ma t, Nntii rnna a. ritt Iron a prrtnn S. Ilnrln nnl t. on Hi ttlRhril rolnl of ntlirmfitlnf a. Throb IS, Huh Innlfin itlilnllf LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE tZ--.T V .'.3X I 1 It, lTri-rU --l' Lr A- I V VUJ(fl --' n. t m i KazMfif&iti i rrh'y ye isa i kT- - uK.t i wwirisaa is..:s-...... i IK.Mi.A K. JTJlxliJiJttB ur.iit.r .atar.ti.!.c vy urne nyrncai rp A TT CJT3TXT "PrmTF.fl'-cr T I.. r'i.: c :.: i B til.KNN rilktriN I1 'i inian i tmrnw ts , S.MAmvAvW W,,'J Bjlr... 'lIUIiniiJiil''M ttST' -t,.- ",vSrqAir HP WAS fWFP W U'rrJ iif pi amf BWS ON THE, SKEETER SU 1 M W?L THROUGH. T3-;-'LSS: I HAVEN'T EVEN HAD k ONUS, . L A " r YOHSAYr w . -7 Ku wJvr r-k . yM AMY DUAL J sWin. IV SKEFTS! -V"" 7'""V1 DUMB 13 OKA '9 ftr-narT BRINGING UP FATHER Ort dear- r-W DEV&UOFRO AN TEMPER- HE TREATS ME T6ffISUE-l VAiMT TOO TO -TALK TO t-llrv). MUTT AND JEFF "V and if i Meviee st 1 I I JCf fA wtFe Docswt kuiw tw I K"J mutt, tm law pjt -m fingrj wt throw we bok at I aim-t a K VI boo A6A.M. HELLO!! rJ WAR IJ R- SH4 T.eB M W6 W R PfeStiyriNSj P5S"TTrl1 1 SRTR, ZZZI MeAjSAiM mw B't TELEVISION !j ? DESRtIr!; V pC'c?,CBl Nothing Aiding ussMMiiaj I 1 ' I if r WW rti h r t -M J " J- --vr-r i i wnniim.. -nw Left n n. ThEWiPAS VVLL-'LU CO RIGHT OVEf TO Mt? OFTICE , EFFORTS-J II. o Hc'a A Xon-l'cicib.ttant pSPliil ESlfeS eff'-w1 Or Right? I ?TfAM5El LjV V ? Ll hew At- I tlEll,Sl5Lv', r-.;irRcvlr.. Inp.Cr..! Rritaln ric' w MWrvftl MR-JIGi'- I'M DOCTOR I NOW CUTTOP--YOOR VJIPE )) LITEM. EWTME HERE- fTI OOM'T 1HE TE.UV-'b ME WANT AMY vou a,re SETTiNq novice 0 CRO"bb- SH6. FROM VoO HA,"3 MO COKl- y I'UU ROM IMV TOO , J V V J I I ( J OM--3VR'. I'M MOT OFFERlMu AMY AOVlCE I VJ'MT -t0;lE - TEUV. V kmow iVe eeeisi I LIKE WHAT i EWSTENCE! EWSTENCE! V By Harold Crajr Bv P'il I'fng WOULD ACCEPT 3 2,000,000 55? '- r- Tle HA HA! A.M ' WHAT A.M ' u ' Bv Bud I'.sher