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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1930)
PAGE FOUR THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON MONDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1930 CapitalJtJournal Salem, Oregon Established March 1, 1(M An Independent Newspaper Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday at 1M 8. Commercial Street. Telephone 81. News S3 OBOBOR PUTNAM, SUBSCRIPTION KATES By carrier 10 cents a week; 46 cents a month; 15.00 a year In advance. By mall In Marlon, Polk, Linn and Yamhill counties, one month 50 cents; 3 months $1 25; months $2.25; 1 year $4 00. Elsewhere 90 cents a month; 6 months $2.75; $5.00 a year in advance. FULL LEASED YVIKF SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND THE UNITED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively of all news dispatches credited to it or and also local news published herein. "With or without offense to friends or foes I sketch your world exactly as it goes." Byron $72,500 for a $30,000 Job ' The corrupt practices act provides in Section 4120, limit ing campaign expenditures: No sums of money shall be paid and no expenses authorized or In curred by or on behalf of any candidate who has received the nomina tion to any public office or position In this state, except such as he may contribute toward payment for his political party's or Independent state ment in the pamphlet herein provided for. to be paid by him in his campaign for election. In excess of 10 percent of one year's salary or compensation of the office for which he is nominated, provided that no candidate shall be restricted to less than $100. No sums of money shall be paid and no expenses authorized or Incurred by or on behalf of any political party or organization to promote the success of the principles or candidates of such party or organization, contrary to the provisions of this act. For the purposes of this act, the contribution, expenditures or liability of a descendant, ascendant, brother, slater, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, wife, partner, employer, employe, or fellow official or fel low employe of a corporation shall be deemed that of the candidate him self. According to list of campaign expenditures filed in be half of Julius L. Meier as candidate for governor, items totalling $72,529.22 were filed, an amount greater than nine years' salary of the governor, instead of ten percent of one year's salary. While perhaps, from the way money was be ing spent, many items may have escaped being listed, never theless it constitutes a record slush fund for any office in Oregon. The expenditures are listed as follows: Mcier-for-governor committee, $64,144.01; Meler-for-governor commit tee. $1314.01; United Veterans Political league, by Olen A. Townsley. secretary and treasurer. In behalf of the Meier candidacy. $1500; by Julius L. Meier personally, $150; by William Davis, $1187.12; by Rufus C. Holman, $1187.12; by Estelle Mayer, $507.18; by Municipal Owner ship league, by Abe O. Gilbert, treasurer, $100; by Dan Kellaher, $100; by Elizabeth M. Yeon, use of seven rooms for nine weeks; Louis Block. $2250; Meier-for-governor club of Clackamas County, $89.18. Although Mr. Meier stated at the outset of the cam paign, "I have made my wad and am ready to spend it," if be made any expenditure outside the listed ?150, they were camouflaged and it would take a legislative investigating committee to ascertain what they were by an examination of bank accounts and witnesses. Here then is a clear violation of the intent of the law, if not of the letter. Yet although the reckless expenditure of money in behalf of Mr. Meier's candidacy was a campaign scandal, yet the large vote given him stamped it with public approval. Such a slush fund gives the rich a great advant age over the poor in seeking office and emphasizes the drift towards plutocracy from democracy. More Side Stepping Signs are not lacking that the timidity which has char acterized the attitude of President Hoover on great issues continues to dominate his altitude on prohibition. Though recently the news was broadcast that his law enforcement commission would bring in a report favoring the modifica tion of the Volstead act so as to permit the manufacture of beer, it is now scmi-authoritatively stated that the commis sion will confine itself to recommendations strengthening enforcement, such as the employment of additional agents and minor changes in the law, such as previously made and largely ignored. ' We shall see, what we shall see, but if this is the pro gram, it merely emphasizes Mr. Hoover's political ineptitude and his failure to sense public opinion. The overwhelming wet vote of the last election has apparently had no more ef fect on him than it has had on Chairman Fess, who continues to declare that prohibition is not an issue and that the Re publican party continues to stand for Volsteadism, despite its rejection by the large industrial states. The lame-duck session will be ruled by the drys or rath er the political drys. And in the new Congress the drys will have a theoretical majority, but a substantially reduced one, and it is questionable how many they can hold in line with public opinion swinging against them and the demand for repeal becoming the paramount issue. It cannot be side stopped, as Mr. Hoover evidently desires and intends. While repeal is the ultimate objective, it is a long way off. What the wets should force as their program is the repeal of the Volstead act, at least as far as wines and beer are concerned, and leave enforcement to the states, whpre it belongs. If this proves impossible the waste of federal funds in the futile effort to enforce the uncnforcible against public opinion should be stopped. Red and White Plots If we have the red or bolshevik complex in the United States the Soviet certainly has the white lor capitalistic complex in Russia, for their discoveries of world wide plots to overthrow the Soviet oligarchy arc even more numerous than our own red conspiracies and far more tragic in their consequences, at least to Russians. In the past few weeks the Moscow super-patriots have unearthed two world wide plots to overthrow the Soviet, in the last expose including Poincare, Rriand, Churchill and other leaders of foreign nations. Foreign gold replaces the Russian gold cited our own conspiracies. In many other ways the conspiracies run on parallel lines. The capitalistic nations arc accused of seeking to rob Russia of her economic resources, just as in America Rus sia is made responsible for the loss of our- wheat, lumber and other foreign markets by dumping. On both sides the plots reveal revolutionary solidalitics. As a matter of fact if we change red for white, we have the same old plots in Russia as in America. All of which shows that, in spite of their whiskers, there is not much difference between the Russians and Americans. Both fall for the same old boloney in the way of propaganda and the same old scarecrows. Both qualify as 300 percenters. EX-SHERIFF WANTS BANK GUARDING JOB Korfolk, Nob., (IP) W I If or d It. Harriott, 70, has a shotgun, and he's looking for bank to guard. Parriott, a retired parachute Jumper and former sheriff of Key Paha county Is to confident of his ability to protect a bank from bandits that he has offered to put tp a cash deposit and guar antee that If any Norfolk bank em Editor and Pilbllfher entitled to the use for publication not otherwise credited in this paper ploys him It will not be robbed within a year. He relies on his shotgun to save his guarantee. ROMANS HAT) Ft It N ACE HEAT In a Roman houfe being excavated at Verulam, near St. Albans, Eng land, has been found a hypocaust, a hollow under the floor. In which the heat of a furnace was accum ulated for (ha ttnrmlng of a house or a bathroom. Dr. and Mrs. Mor timer Wheeler are in chargt of the excavation. Ws S hM. ft B&m'W WAR VETERAN NOW IS PUPPET ARTIST Springfield, Mo. (LP) A world war veteran who withdrew from the profession of designing stage sets and costumes when the talkies captured Hollywood studios, Is now in a new field of art that is one of the oldest and most forgotten In the world. Three years ago with the advent of talking pictures, Joseph P. Peek realized the popularity of the legiti mate stage wa3 threatened, fore casting a corresponding decline In the demand for his professional services. So he turned to the field that had always attracted him but never offered financial compensa tion. It was the art of puppetry. After three years, Peek has achieved a record as a marionette creator that has forged beyond the boundaries of the state and Is steadily winning him national ac claim. As one of Missouri's pio neers In this oldest form of theat rical amusement, he has entered his third season as a professional puppeteer with a list of produc tions ranging from Grimm to Shakespear, interspersed with min strels and revues. Peek served throughout the world war as a member of an ar tillery unit In the Fourth Division. Peek ridicules tho general im-j prersion that puppetry Is anj nmtisement appealing only to chil dren. He points In refutation to Ills last Mason's record when adults composed the major part of his audiences at many perform ances. Several times, perform-! ances were given exclusively for j adults, SINGLE WOMEN EARN MOST IN BUSINESS Ann Arbor, Mich., (LP) Single women have the best chances to earn large salaries In business, or professional career. Dr. Grace E. Maiison of the Michigan bureau of business research believes, after making a four-year survey. Dr. Manson used the answers from 4rt,f)Q0 quest InmHcs In dr.w- Sore Lame Muscles Quirk relief Is what von want you'll get It with JOINT-EASE Just rub It In. For painful, throb bing, swollen Joints nothing better than Joint-Ease, Rub it in for achr.v pains, barkache. neuritis and lumbago tube for 60c at all drug stores. adv. Joint-Ease "I CAN'T TAKE THAT FISHY OIL GIVE ME TABLETS" TA9TSLKSS tablet now offer an eaiy, pleasant way to enjoy all the bene fit of purest cod liver oil without the oily, fishy taste. Doctors agree that there Is no finer food than cod liver oil for fighting colds and other winter sickness. And now. In McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Eitract Tab lets, you can get all the health-building vitamins of ths liquid oil. McCoy's Tab lets are tested and approved by Qood Housekeeping Institute. Try cod liver oil In this modern, tasteless form. Simply aik your drug gist for a boa of McCoy's. SIMON LEGREE AND UNCLE TOM rvm.r4.ltt P..M PublUblR lng her conclusions. With allow ances for age and experience, he said, single women are almost In variably better employed at high er salaries than married women. The average salary of widows. divorced women, Is about half way between the averages lor single and married women. Earnings of women Increase dur ing the first 20 years, remain sta tionary for the next 10 and then decrease, the survev revealed. Average annual wage of salaried women was placed at 11,548, com pared with 12.043 for independent workers in business lor themselves. AMERICAN COUNTESS HITS COUNTRYWOMEN Paris (LP) Countess Aldebert de Chambrun, nee Clara Longworth of Cincinnati, sister of speaker of the house. Nick Longworth, is hard on her American sisters in her latest novel, "Ring on Two Fingers," wnicn sue has written nd Just published in French. The American-French author has done nothing to glorify American womanhood in her book. In fact she paints her heroine as a beauti ful doll, with sawdust where her brains and emotional glands should be. The moral of the book. If there is one. Is that American women are not moulded to be jwrfect wives and the husband must take time off to change them to his own ideas. 4.500 M1I.ES IN MOTOR BOAT After a voyage across the Atlantic in his ninety-ton motor boat Cap tain E. R. West more and six mem bers of the crew of the Sir Charles Orr have arrived at Liverpool, Eng land. Westmore left with his small crew on the voyage to Nassau, Ba hama Islands, on July 10, and though for seven days very rough weather was encountered, the 4.500 miles were covered In only 19 days. LOW FARES Thanksgiving Holiday For only a third more than the regular one way fare you can buy a Southern Pacific round trip to your Thanksgiv ing Holiday destination. These tickets are good leaving Nov. 25, 26, 27. Return limit Dec. I. Vour Southern Pacific agent will gladly give you the fare to the place you want to visit. Phone him today. Southern Pacific CITY TICKET OFFICE 184 N. Liberty St. Phone 80 PASSENGER DEPOT 12tri rtrd Onlc-Plmr.e 41 or nMHaf IKcw fork World, ituo AFRICANS LEARNING BREWING SECRETS Geneva (LP) African tribes may soon be able to give the cleverest American tips on how to prepare alcoholic brew. This Information reached the League of Nations permanent man dates commission that Is charged with seeing that natives in man dated territories do not have access to spirituous beverages. Despite their efforts the granting of concessions In Africa to Ameri can and other concerns has brought with it not only the taste for drink, but the necessary prosperity. Finally, the African tribesman has learned how to use the still and with the Introduction Into Africa of sugar can he can now manufacture his own private stock. AUTO CRASH COSTS $850 j Schenectady, N. Y. (LP) An auto-1 mobile accident cost LeRoy Lamed, 51, of Schenectady $850 In fines. He was assessed $300 at Colonle for leaving the scene of the accident and $330 here on his plea of guilty to driving while lnnxlcatod. Act in Time! Deal Promptly with Kidney irregularities VF bothered willi bladder Irrl and constant backache, don't take chances! Help your kid j ' ir n - I'.r. HCT. VH wu a Successful for more than SO years. Endorsed the world over. Sola by dealer every where. 50,000 Users Publicly Endorse Doan'ss UPS. T. C. COOK. 3238 DARWIN DRIVB, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., say:" I had Hull, d-ai-tinn paint in the small of my back and sotnetimei aharp fiai, too. Headache anJ diizinea were almost ft daily occurrence. The fait work tired me ao that I could hardly get about. Doan'i Pilli. however, relieved roc of ail Ukm symptoms and 1 fell better la every way after using Doan's." 's REDUCED 3V' to all points in OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO MONTANA I I jutd Union Parii-e points' in, m UTAH umon OENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. 637 Plttock Block, Portland, Ore. I HI III ITTsMWTYnrn PARENTS SEE SONS DIE IN PLANE CRASH Pittsburgh VP A father and mother, eagerly awaiting tlwlr turn to fir with their boy. Sunday saw hit plane soop crazlly, clip the top of a trc aim crasn to rami in fames. The boy died Monday of hLs Injuries; his brother broken body was found In the wreckage and the brother's sweetheart died before rescuers could reach her, Casper McCune, 24, a pilot for Just three weeks, shot his plane Into the air at an angle to the wind above tlie Greensburg airport. He failed to gain altitude and plunged. In the twisted, burned machine rescuers found the body of the pi lot's brother. Edward McCune, 20, Horrified spectators heard the girl Ttcram as the plane crashed, but she was dead when they reached her. The aviator, wno rolled clear of the wreck, his clothes aflamr, u restrained with difficultv from plunging Into the burning wreck age. In their automobile the father and mother followed McCune to the Westmoreland hospital here. They were at his bedside when death came. A freakish swerving of the plane as It crashed prevented It from landing where two children played in another field. FIGHT TO SAVE BABIES OPENED Washington. (LW Faced by one of the highest maternity death rates in the world, the American Red Cross Is preparing to intensify its efforts to save the lives of mothers and babes. According to an announcement from national headquarters, tin Red Cross now employs nearly 800 nurses, the majority In rural dis tricts. Last year these nurses made almost a million visits, a consider able port loin being In maternity cafes. Statistics published by the Red cross snow tnat two out oi every three maternity deaths In the United States could have been pre vented by proper nursing and med ical at tent lion. Last year 15,000 women died of some type of ma ternal disease. 10.000 of them be cause of the lack of proper care, The Red Cross hopes to material ly lessen this tremendous mortali ty rate during the present year. A large scale educational cam paign among young women is also being undertaken. Last year 56, 145 students were instructed in the rudiments of hygiene and care of the sick, and It Is hoped that an even larger group will be reach ed under the expanded program. WORTHWHILE GIFT Los Angeles, Cal. (LP) Op tome trie equipment valued at more than $2500, gift from an optical company, has been received by the physis-op- tics department of the University of Southern California, Dr. E. A. Hutchinson, chairman of the de- lt?, J 2:f-Smf v. . SYX Ifv A Diuretic lor the Kidney pacirx man SlfF Departure dMet-miiimifi partment. announced today. Precision Instrument for meaa uring the vUual defect of the eye, apparatus for curing aquliitlnff In amali children and equipment for the manufacture of spectacle lenaea are Included In the gift. "Wilh one of the finer instru ment we may examine the Interior of the eye and determine the con dition of the lens system," Dr. Hutchinson said. MENTAL WIZARD FORGETS BIRTH Paris (LP) Jacques Inaudl. light nlng calculator and memory man Is going to retire, because he forgot hi own birthday. He Is known to thousand of American vaudeville fans. For 50 years he has toured the world, adding up and subtracting and recalling date and now be lias forgotten to remember the most Important date tn his own life, "It utts my wife who caught me In this my only mistake in my ca reer as a memory man," Inaudl &ld 4-9 imervlewers. "I have baf fled audiences In every quarter of the globe, but I was stumped when my wife gave me a knitted tie and X couldn't think what It was for until she told me." In his career, Inaudl has tied fig ures In knots, so to speak, finding in a flash the square root of awk ward total, dividing, subtracting, multiplying. "If you write down figure for me X find calculations more diffi cult," he says. "Tell them to me instead, X find that easier. My memory Is an audible one, so to speak, not visual." NEW RAIL CAR SETS HIGH SPEED RECORD Youngs town, O., (LP) The world's first oll-electrlc rail car has been put Into service on the Erie rail road, between Youngstown and Dayton. The car 1 capable of a speed of 85 mllea an hour and can maintain a speed of more than SO miles an hour with four 40-ton trailers. The new car ha double Diesel power plant to drive two genera tors which produce current for the traiction motors. It measures 75 feet in length and weighs approxi mately 100 tons. It can travel 1, 000 miles on one filling of Its fuel tanks. The car was built at the East Pittsburgh plant of the Westing house Electric and Manufacturing company. Seven Helps In One For Difficult Coughs From Colds Crcomulsion it a better help than some coughs need. It combine! seven , major helps in one, to do the best that men! know for any cough from colds. There -is creosote the world's su preme help blended, emulsified and palatable. There are white pine tar, wild cherry bark, menthol, ipecac, etc Each is best for a certain type of cough. But even doctors might disagree on what it best for yours. So experts have combined in Creo mulsion all major helps in one. This to deal with all conditions in a most effective way. No narcotic In it. Creomulsion is for people who wish to do the utmost In coughs Mental advance ment precedes ma terial progress. As a man thinkcth, so he Is. W wish to be thought of as ca pable, courteous, and fair. Fraternal Tha ability and skill required In carefully carrying out the wishes of all religious and fraternal bodies Is the result of long experience which enables us to serve faithfully and economically. W.T.MGDONaSON MomruAUY . levi ILCMJ T P'GOOM J pMB TAYUOQi VNiFSfn o tcomx-Evwt r t anvrt PLOT TO KIDNAP NIECE OF MARY PICKFORD TOLD Beverly Hills, Cal. (LP) The Bev erly Hul police disclosed Monday a police escort had been provided for Mary Pick ford's adopted nieoa consequent to threat to kidnap the child. A policeman guarded the little girl to and from school last Friday, and again Monday. The police, Mis Pickford and her noted husband. Doug la Fair banks, refused to reveal the nature of the kidnaping threats. They would not aay if they were received by letter or telephone, or If learned thraigh underworld channels ol in formation. The girl, daughter of Lottie ford, has been ttj ward of Mm Fairbanks for some years. Recent ly her name, Mary, was changed to Gwynn upon her foiler mother request to the court. The police said they had received report ' of no other kidnaping threats against the children of the Beverly Hills motion picture people. They denied report of uch threat against the small daughters of Har old Lloyd, film comedian, explain ing current rumors had been cir culated a the result of his obtain ing a new watchman for his estate recently. GRAND OLD MAN DILS James Stewart, known as the Grand Old Man of Tientsin, died recently In the Chinese city. He was an engineer, and joined the Chinese Imperial Service 60 year ago. He built the first steamboat for the late Empress of China, and was governor of the Arsenal of Tientsin in 1900 at the time of the Boxer re bellion. Stewart was born In Scot land 69 years ago. Way to Get At a Cold h Through the Bowels As soon as you cntcb cold, the pores close; persplratioo Is checked. uaea and waste can't escap uirougn the ikin That's wbr four doctor's first advlc la caae of colds I b mild laxative like cascara Medical author ities agree It actually strenfUhena bowl muacles You get eascara Id its most pleasant form in candy Cascar- Remember this when rou cateb eold; whenever breath la bad: toniru coat ed: or you're headachy, bilious, con- itipatra. Why resort to harsher thinirs when Cascareta activate the bowels so quickly to harmlesftly and pleasantly and coat only a aline? hot. from colds that hang on it is essen tial. One dare not trust such coughs to any lesser help. But don't you think that any cough calls for the best help known? Creomulsion costs a licle more tliaa some helps $1.25. But your druggist guarantees it. So it costs you nothing if you think it fails to render help that is quick and com plete. Careful people, more and more, demand this misimum protec tion. Use it promptly. CIIEOMULSIOX tor Difficult Cough0 from folds AMKHIC'A. MOGRAPHIES In Miniature Andrew Orncftlo 1887-1010 ionH to Hunftie HDTIIMI.KOTUW ON NOV 2. 18!?. CtMt TO SMCRtC IN IBIS Nt ITARHD work MA M(eiN tor IN k (OHON FACTO m TEIEOMPH OPtftaTOn WHEN tnnon v t a. ott of PENNSYLVANIA It A. Utvtt IN 'HI (IVUWAJt AHS tATER INIR0DUUP UttlIN AR ONRAIIKOAOI Kit NEW INNOVATION WA( A6REAT. AN (AftNEGIC INVEVTW THI PSOFIW IN TH OIUNR ITtfl INtHjTRIlV FORESEEING THElEt. IMPORTANCE; In 1001 HE 0l Hl U(INES fOR f 500,000,000 ANF tCVOTEP THE REMAINDER OF HI IIFE TO ORE AT (HARITASLt WORKS.'' f W . r U ST. ITRrr BEE Mr J