FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON PAGE FIVE Society, Cl ubs and Music Pre- Nuptial Shower for Miss Savage An Interesting event In the series of gay affairs which Is feting Miss Nancy Belle 6avne before her mar riage to Ell j Von Eschen Novem ber 24, will be the pre-nuptlal show er to be given by employes of the Automobile division, office of the secretary of state, with which Miss Kavage has been connected for sev eral years. The shower will be held Friday hIkM at the home of Miss Louise Bryan on North Fourteenth street, and Is sponsored by the girls of the license department. An Informal p roc ram will be a feature of the evening, and follow ing the presentation of gifts, re freshments will be served. Employes and former employes who will attend the affair in com pliment to Miss Savape will Include Carrie Flannery. Betty McFarland, Vivian Lefflngwell, Florence Bosch, Florence Burkhart, Leo! a Beall, Esther Erick&on, Ruth Moore, Elva Ault. Verda Olmsted, Marcella Caa- pell, Bernlce Humphreys, Grace Quackcnbush, Hazel Harper, Marie Pillette, Leolyn Barnett, Marguerite Crosson, Marguerite Wann, VlcU Morlarty. Mrs. James Young, Lena Cox, Evelyn Poulsen. Esther Hilmer, Mardette Heenan, Mrs. Dave O'Hara, La Verne Kantner, Florence Waldo, Bernlce Strand. Ruda Quamme, Frances Feller, Cleo Walker, Rosena Kerber, Cora Talkington. Ruth Cole, Viola Lottls, Mrs. Watere, Audra Winship, Mrs, Ben Ramseycr, Vurty Orant, Louise Bryan, Mrs. Arthur Montgomery, Katie Rhtnehart, Mrs. Horning, Alene Phillips, Edith Llbby, Ola Huphes, Dorothy BJork and Winnie Albrlch. Other events to compliment Miss Savage In the near future Include a family dinner Sunday, with two of her sisters, Mrs. Ben Ramscycr and Mrs. Rasmussen, as hostesses; and a bridge party Tuesday night with Mrs. Max Flannery and Mrs. Vivian Lefflngwell as hostesses. Capitol Club Entertained Mrs. Oliver Locke entertained at dinner Thursday night in the all ver grille at the Gray Belle for mem bers of the Capitol card club, Col orful basket of oranpe and bronze chrysanthemums, flanked by or ange tapers, centered the table. Favors marked covers for Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Baker, Mr. and Mrs Frank W. Durbin, Mrs. L. F. Grlf. flth, Mrs. George Rodcers. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee 6teincr, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Dr. and Mrs. Carlton Smith, Mrs. George L. Rose, Mrs. W. Al Jones, George Brown, Joseph Baumgartner and for Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Locke. Later In the evening, several hours of cards entertained the group at the Locke home. High score prizes went to Mrs. Baker and to Dr, Smith. Mrs. George Rodgers will enter tain the Capitol card club at the next evening meeting, and Mrs. W. H. Dancy will be hostess to the Capitol bridge-luncheon club mem bers in a fortnight. An Interesting event Friday eve ning will be the November dance of the Wisteria club to be held In Castllian hall. Several Interesting features will entertain the members. The committee In charge of the dance Includes Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Dough ton, chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Barrett, Dr. and Mrs. Es till L. Brunk, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilbur, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Feldman. Evtrywhert you g, you will hear glowing trihutei to tkt new Nash. Some refer to the car's tmootli, flashing ipeed and delightful ease of control. Others stress its finer beauty and luxury. All marvel at the wholly unexampled value now Six-6o Eight- 70 rkt 6-Cjl..ii4i;Wbftr I C.!.,ii6.VWbIUx S 795to845 945to995 f Pri r. e A N K W DEAL FOR JAMES niui kr HH TENNIS STAR AND HIS BRIDE V.::' : : S Cesrg Martin Lott, Davis cup tennis star, and hit bride, the for ir Abigail Stapleford Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clayton Allen of Philadelphia. They were married recently In Elk ton, Md. Mrs. Uaue Hostess To Dinner Club Mrs. Elmer Daue entertained members of her dinner club in her home Wednesday night with an en joyable affair. Bright fall flowers and tall orange tapers centered the attractive table, where covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Harley White. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Fisher, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Can field, and for Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Daue. Several hours or cards followed, with the high score prizes going to Mrs. White and Mr. Fisher. Eola The Eola Woman's club held Its regular meeting at the home of Mi's. Leda Maggee Wednesday afternoon, with a good attendance. An Interesting business session was held. The question of a new com munity clubhouse, which Is being iipoiisorcd by the Eola Community club was discussed and the mem bers support. A committee consist ing of Mrs. Walter Maggee, Maxine Ferguson and Leda Maggee wae ap pointed toi purchase material for making Christmas stockings for the children of the community. The next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. L, Pugh, will be devoted to the making of the Christmas stockings. After the business meeting cards were In play. High score was won by Mrs. Mae Harrell and consola tion by Mrs. Pugh. At a late hour refreshment were served by the hostess. The Salem branch of the Ameri can Association of University Wom en has voted to hold the organiza tion's December meeting on the sec ond Saturday of the month, because of the proximity of the Christmas holidays to the regular meeting date. Mrs. U. O. Shipley will entertain members of the O. T. club with a luncheon in her home Tuesday. ezv NASH Afftsrt mad ttnftrt rt atuhy mdvtmtd Ttrftrmtaer it m99thtrt mtrt thrilling iksn ever "toinl.t Motorist Momty C BT t'M" H. MADEN 365 N .Commercial Phone 1260 IU Uwraua. FtD a 1 AX , vN V- 1 ie V Aa.ut,tuttU thotO St. Paul's Auxiliary Sponsors Silver Tea Hie woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church will spon sor a silver tea next Friday after noon, November 21, from 3 to 5:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank Spears and Mrs. Russell Catlin.-A large committee under the direc tion or Mrs. U. G. Shipley wiu be in charge of arrangements. The tea will be a benefit for the Japanese work at Lake Labish in which the auxiliary Is taking an active part. t Okl-Fasbion Dinner Novelty Wednesday Members of her pinochle club were entertained with a novel old fashioned dinner Wednesday night by Mrs. O. A. Laird in her home on the Garden road. A red -and -white checked cotton tablecloth, dinner ware and silverware which Included heirlooms more than a century old, and kerosene lamps provided a set ting for the dinner, and service was "family style." Covers were placed for Dr. and Mrs. R. Lee Wood, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Raffety, Mr. and Mrs. Max Abst, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mea ney, Mr, and Mrs, I, L, Darby, and for Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Laird, club members; and for Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Laird of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Follis, additional gueets. Following the dinner, cards were In play for several hours, with Mrs. Darby and Dr. Wood receiving the high score prizes, and a second prize going to Mrs. Rallety. Miss Xzora Templeton entertained members of the business girls class at the First Methodist church In her home on South 12th street. Plans were made for a Christmas party In December. An Informal social hour followed the business session. The regular meeting of the Wom an's Relief Corps will be held Sat urday at 2 o'clock In Miller's hall. offered by Nash. Beyond these tributes, there is the unmistakable fact that every one who rides in or drives the new Nash desires to own it. A courtesy demonstra tion will make you, too, one of the new thousands now turning to the new Nash. F.ifrht-lo Srtit. Eight-90 Scries C.I., m WbrriUK l-Crl., 114' uxl ijj' WbteW 1245to1375 1565to2025 TODAY'S DOLLAR CO., Inc. Mrs. Scott Heads McKinlcy P. T. A'. 1 Mrs. J. H. Bcotl was eieciea presi dent of the McKinley Par en t Teacheri association at the organi zation meeting of the group Thurs day night tn the McKinley school building. Other officers named were Carl T. Pope, vice-president; Mrs. R. R. Boardman, secretary; and Miss Esther Long, treasurer. Committee appointments vtil be announced later. The first Monday night In each month was selected the meeting date lor the new organization. Douglas McKay acted as or ganization chairman. Dr. B. F. Pound, president ot the county parent-teacher council, outlined tlie work, and Miss Dorothy Taylor, principal of McKinley school. spoke of the assistance the P.TJt. could give the school teachers. Mrs. Gordon McGUchrtet gave several vocal numbers during the program hour. Mrs. Gardner Honor Guest at Bridge Tea Mrs. L. W. Davidson and Mrs. L. J. Stewart entertained In the David son home on Shipping street Wed nesday afternoon with a smart bridge tea In compliment to Mrs. Ira Gardner. Chrysanthemums In the bronze and yellow hues of fall were used effectively about the liv ingrooms where cards were In play. The tea table was centered with pink and white chrysanthemums and tall pink tapers. Mrs. H. Stan ton cut the Ices and Mrs. L. E.Tlu ball of Portland, mother of the hon or guest, poured. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Davidson served Prizes for the afternoon of cards went to Mrs. Ira Gardner for high score, and to Mrs. Roy Adams of Portland for second score. Out of town guests for the event were Mrs. L. E. Tidball, Mrs. Walter Whltcomb. Mrs. Roy Adams, Miss Alma Straycr, and Mrs. William Meaney, all of Portland. Salem matrons bidden by Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Stewart to hon or Mrs. Gardner were Mrs. John Stimpson, Mrs. Reed Rowland, Mrs. E. 8. Thayer, Mrs. Reta Calhoun, Mrs. Ray Jones, Mrs. H. Stanton, Mrs. Edwin Armstrong, Mrs. Ward McReynolds, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Clif ford Maison and Mrs. Merle Gar nett. Woodburn Miss Gladys Haugen, bride-elect, was the guest of honor at a pre-nuptlal shower Wednes day afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, N. Haugen, on Young street. The wedding of Miss Haugen to Robert McClure will take place Sunday at the Haug en home. Scio Mrs. J. F. Wesely and daughter, Angelene, attended joint birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wesely in Salem last Sunday. The event commemorated the birth anniver saries of Mrs. Gordon Wesely and Miss Fiances Wesely, the latter Is a junior at Willamrtte university. No sanitary pad can give you the same wonderful absorbency, perfect fit and lasting softness. TAKE no unnecessary chances in this important nutter of sanitary protection specify Kotex. Kotex first of all sanitary pads remains best of all sanitary pads. Every month, every year, scientists adJ details to perfect its comfort, to give you the fcclir.g of being well groomed, at ease; to offer you inconspicuous pro tection. First, tit amtQiig ahiTocncy The absorbent of which Kotex is made Cellucotton (not cotton) absorbent wadding is unique. It is five times mote absorbent than Sons and Auxiliary, Hold Installations The Sons of Union Veteran and t..:ir auxiliary mere Installed In an nipre&Mve ceremonial Tuesday night in the Woman's clubhouse. Mem bers of all patriotic orders In the city were Invited to be present at the Installation services. Charkc Fessenden Installed the officers of the Sons of Union Veter ans and Mrs. Mary B. Uckel In stalled officers of the auxiliary. Mrs. Emily Prescott Is the new presldeut of the auxiliary. The other ol ficers are: Rose Re illy, vice presi dent; Hattie B. Cameron, treasurer; trustees. Alice Adams, Marnetta Da vis. Louise King; secretary, Mary B. Llckel; chaplain. Myrtle Patton; pres corrc$imndnt. Can dace Bu chanan; patriotic instructor, Clara T. Adams; guide. Mettle Schramm; assistant guide. Esther Kruger; first color bearer, Nellie Pierce; second color bearer. Mae Ile; inside guard. Alma McV.'hortor; outside guard. Lu'ia BorVng; jnuiitVan, Mgat Fessenden; councellor, Glen Adame. Installing officers assisting Mrs. Llckel were Ida Traglio, Lena Rob ins, Gertrude Remington, Jtnnle Y amiss and Gtorgle Shearer. L. C. McSn&ne was installed com mander of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. Otlier officers were: sen ior vice commander, E. L. Buchan- lunlor vice commander. A. G. Walker; camp council, G. L. Adams, Charlea Fessenden and B. J. C. Pat ton; secretary, c. B. Perrin; treas urer, H. R. McWhortor; patriotic instructor, G. R. Stover; chaplain, E. C. Holladay; color bearer, Eugene T. Prescott; guide, J. A. Remington; inside guard, C. T. Reillj; outside guard, W. A. Carey. U. G. Boyer, retiring commanoer. thanked the officers and members for their cooperation during his term as commander and plcdtied hi support to the incoming ol fleers. Miss Margaret Brown and Miss Charlotte Brown, who are on their way from San Diego, California, to their new home In Baker, will be gueeU In Salem for severnl days. The Mlssea Brown, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lot D. Brown, were popular members of the younger set before leaving for the south. Mlsa Charlotte Brown will arrive late Friday to be a guest of Miss Jeanne Lunslord, and her sifter will arrive later to stay at the H. H. Corey home as the guest of the Misses Margaret, Dorothea and Katherlne Corey. Mks Margaret Brown at present Is visiting with friends in Grant and Eugene. Pretty Wedding At Monitor Church Monitor At ft beautiful ceremony In the Seventh Day Ad vent 1st church Wednesday evening, Mise Alma Thornton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j T. O. Thornton, became the bride , of Paul Bartholamew, of Boise, Ida., 1 son of Mrs. Jennie Bartholamew of i Altuna, Wash. The- wedding took place at 8 o'clock, with Elder Shire-1 man of Hopewell, officiating. The church was beautifully decorated with an autumn effect. The aisle was lighted with candles. The bride was charming in an elaborate gown of eggiliell satin. Her veil of embroidered tulle was In cape effect with coronet of oranne blossoms. She carried a bouquet of Ophelia rosebuds. Mrs. Harry Rushold, matron of honor was attired In a dress of nile green georgette. The bridesmaids Be sure ivhen you buy sanitary pads specify Kotex - -as' 1 surgical cotton, by actual test. Five times more lasting for that very reason. Kottx it luarmteed to lit hngff, to ittf lojl longer than tny other junilurf (ml. Hospitah Hit it Do you know that 85 of our leading hospitals use Kotex ab sorbent today ? Yes, ehey specify Kotex, they insist on Kotex ab sorbent in eases where the utmost safety and delicacy are necessary. Never is safety more vital, never is comfort more essential. a m . . sr: Acctp' K O T 6 X Kotex Company, Chicagat The New Sanitary Pad which cUodor iaca MUs Elaine Bat tin of Portland and Miss Carol Mlnaker of Gervais wore pink georgette. Both carried a bou- guet of chrysanthemums and as paragus ferns. Shirley Ruid, and Dorothy Krucger, of Oregon City, were flower girls and Jlnunie Jtnten was Bible carrier. Raymond Thornton, brother of the bride acted as best man. Mrs. Woodruff, of Portland, sang At DunliiK," accompanied by M Ruth Shrock who also played the wedding march. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held at the X. O. O. F. hail. A short program mas given. Miss Vera Comer of Salem sang a solo accompanied by Majory Lewis. Miss Kropp of Laurel ood gave a reaaing and Mrs. Woodruff sang a solo, ac companied by Hies Woodman. Refreshments were served to about one hundred seventy-five guests. The recounting of the history of the Loyal Women's Bible class of the First Christian church from the organlratlon ol Ihe chvs in 1W1 was a feature of the class meeting held Thursday afternoon In the First Christian church parlors. The his tory of the class was related oy Mrs. O. J. Hull. Mrs. Hull also displayed a quilt, the prized pos session of Mrs. George Downey. which was made 32 years ago by the women of the church and on w hich is embroidered the names of more than 400 women who belonged to the church group at that time. Dur ing the biiine;5 session, class mem bers voted to make a simitar qui it. Rev. D. J. Howe, pastor of the church, spoke briefly on church work, and an hifomiol discussion of class Interests followed. The nominating committee, consisting of Mrs. A. D. Welch, Mrs. Viola Flint and Mrs. Miranda McDonald, was appointed. Refreshments were served by a committee which Included Mrs. Ed win Nlsfcen, chairman: Mrs. D. H. Taylor, Mrs. Almlra Reed. Mrs. I. B. Stewart and Mrs. M. M. Ransom. Mrs. Almlra Reed Is president of the class, and Mrs. Laura Osbom has been Its teacher for many years. Chadwlck assembly, Order ol Rainbow for Girls, will hold a so cial meeting Saturday night at the Masonic temple clubrooms, follow ing a brief business session of the order. An Informal dance will be held for members and their guests. with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Millard as patrons. The assembly Is planning a I Thanksgiving dance November 28 at the Masonic temple. A number of the college set, home for the vacation, will be Invited to attend. Twenty-eight tables of cards were ; In play at the benefit card party sponsored Thursday afternoon In the Masonic club rooms by the so cial club of the Eastern Star, Ad ditional guests came for the tea hour. Prizes for the afternoon went , to Mrs. R. C. Hunter and Mrs. R. A. I Gridlcv. I Mrs. Ida Nlles, Mrs. W. P. Fowle, Mrs. Rex Davis. Mrs. William A. Merrlott and Mrs. James Imlah presided at the prettily appointed tea table. Mrs. Lome Olson, so cial chairman for the year, was assisted in arranging the benefit by MJfl. J. C. Tlbbits, special chairman, and a large committee. Members of the Rebekah lodge were entertained Monday night with a program sponsored by the Past Noble Grands association under the KOTEX IS SOFT.., 1 Not a deceptive softness, that loon patkt info f htf iftfl hardness. But a deli cate, luting softness. 2- A'or.r filler is (it lighter nd cooler thsn cotton, yet absorbs 3 times as mucb. Deodorizes, safely, thor ough lr, by t tpeciil proc ess. 4 Disposable, Instmdr, complete It. eu!tr Kotn-4)c for 11 Koiti Supci-Su- )c for 11 krimft ntuv ideU of tm'tttry eemforf! Wot em to fit, entirely new patented printU pit. Urm yet light; mil not ettrl; jerjett-fitlingo direction of Mrs. Hochstetler. The program followed a brief business session. Program numbers Included a pia no solo by Ma line Case; a vocal solo by Mrs. Fred Fargo; a reading by Mrs. Mary Gosser; a novelty stunt by Mist Eugenia Slegmund, Mrs. McElroy, Mrs. Wolse, and Mrs. Mc Neill; a harmonica solo by Mr. Er ick&on; a reading by Mrs. Clifton Mudd; and a solo and reading by Lyman McDonald. Refreshments were terved later. The Willing Workers class of the First Christian church met at the home of Mrs. E. W. Cooley Thurs day afternoon for a business and social session. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. E. J. Reasor, Mrs. D. B. Simpson and Miss Virginia Lane. Miss Nellie Clark spoke on train ing for leadership In the church. and Rev. D. J. Howe, pastor, out JOHNSON'S LVj3 4C6 State Kay's Semi - DRESS SALE Continues Tomorrow (Saturday) SCOOP !! Just Unpacked 75 New Winter FROCKS to be Sold $H Tomorrow at With Purchase of Additional at Regular Trite. Canfon Crepes Flat Crepes ChiiTons Satins Chiffon Velvets Georgettes -At $1.00 Mack Illack and While Brown, lilue (Jypsie Green Pntou Green Voppy Red -At $1.00 75 OF THEM In advance winter Rtlcs the season's most charming fashions fealurinic tunics, boleros, wrap-around models, peplums. new sleeve effect", and a hundred other new 1930 details. $16.75 DRESSES S22.75 DRESSES 2 for $2:1.75 $21.75 DRESSES 2 for $25.75 You select a dress at the regular price . . . then choose another at $1.00 Hf.O Stale Street lined plana for the coming year. Special guesta for the afternoon were Mrs. O. J. Landenn and Mlsa Virginia Lane. Others present were Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Hoe, Mr. Ear Wood, Mrs. Irene Wirtx, Mrs. Beta Wagner, Mrs. C. R. Pritchard, Mrs. Arthur Flint. Mrs. Bernadtne White, Mrs. Mary Tracy, Mrs. O. P. Rellly, Mrs. B. A. Shoemaker, Mra. Bert Macy, Mrs. H. Con kiln. Mra, M. . Foster. Mrs. A. A. Carper. Mrs. A. F. Noth, Mrs. K. Smith, Mra J. D. Sears. Mrs. Dorothy Mc Dowell, Mrs. Carl Feller, Mrs. Cyril Gibson, Mrs. Harry Hunt, Mrs. W. M. Mc Morris. Mrs. C. C. Cole, Mra, Albert Cox, Mrs. Clifford Bow en, Mrs. W. H. Gardner, Mrs. D. R. Hlckethier, Mra A. B. Seeley, and the hostesses. Scio J. A. Voting and Raymond Chromy have been In the southern part of the state on a prospecting trip and may remain for the winter. ALL SILK FULL FASHIONED Grenadine (dull llnnh) HOSE JOHNSON'S Street Annual for .OO Each DRKSSES For: Sports Afternoon Business Kveninsr -At $1.00 01 Pa'rS 2 for $17.75 I