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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1930)
THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1930 PACE EIGHT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON TEAMS TAPER OFF FOR BIG BATTLE AT COR ALUS SPEARS KEEPS SILF1ICE0H BALLCARRIER CorallU 'f Oregon State's Of' ngeanen Thursday had reached the fMk of physical condiuoo for the annual "big game wiin uie uni versity of Oregon here Saturday. Coach Sch'jwler announced he would reduce the Orangemen's work Thursday and Frtday would require only a ltsrht workout. -Wild Bill" fcfeKalip. veteran end and Oregon State's leading candi date Tor all-eoast honors, will be field captain Saturday. McKalip Is senior and Saturday will play his lft game at home. Bell field was covered with hugs canvas Wednesday to Insure a fast dry field at least for the tart of the game Saturday. EiMre ne . ,P The Vn I verstt y of Oregon team Thursday expected to stame a leader for the "civil war" with Oregon State coileje at Cor vallis Saturday. John Kuzmilt-r. captain, probab ly wul be on the bench Saturday. He sprained his ankle and pulled a tendon in one leg In the game with U. C. L. A. lost Saturday. Aiifttln Colbert, guard, or George Christen- aen. tickle, are considered moat likely to receive the hoi -or of lead ing the Wt'bfoota. Dr. Clarence W. Spears has not yet matte public bis Ideas of a back- field wuTiout Kitzmilter. John Don ahue will be the only two year let- term an available. Ed Moeller, fall back; Al Browne, half; John Lon dahl and Waily Siiearer, ha Ives; all are one year lettermen. All other ball carrier.", are sophomores. STATION HIGH PEATS ALUMNI Staytort Runnirt wild In the tint two period of the tame. Stayton high schools rootosu team rora dsy ftfunioon defeated an alumni segregation 19 to 0. Tiie high school learn ran the alumni off their feet in the second quarter, aoortnc three touchdown and one conversion. The alumni apparently were unable to cope with the mixture of passes, end runs, off-tackle smashes and dazzl ing criss-crosses pulled out by Uie regulars. Although the high school team was heavily outweighed, their speedy footwork more than made up for this handicap. R. Stnrtnund and Thoma played a fine game for the winners, while Shelton showed up well for th? alumni. The lineup: KTAYION AI.IMNI Darby Bowman Berber Wynn H. Pery May Berry Thorns P. Hosier Welter Heal LE Kerber LT K. Stegmund LO A. Pery C RO RT RE Q LH RH P Ortilen J. Pery Kayes Davis Scranton Ware A. Dozler Shelton Substitute.1;: fUayton. R. Stegmund. Mayo, Perris, Oardner, Ho'fuss, and Berger; Alumni, Smith, Brown. Slaylnti 1U play Dayton high here Prlday. LESLIE JUNIORS MEET EUGENE TEAM With a few changes In lib back field, due to Injuries, Coach Oumee Flcsher will pit his JLesMe Juniors against Roosevelt junvM limn of Eugene here next Saturday. Wheth er the game win be played In Uie forenoon or afternoon has not been determined. A return game at Eu gene may be played latr If Roose velt ;ks for It. Roosevelt is the strong. junior team In Bugrne. having recently defeated Wilson Junior by a good sued score. Young Burns will be given Planar4 position In the back field while El liott will probably play the quar terback position In place of Mason who has been suffering from Injur ies. No changes are contemplated In the line. Plesher states, since he Is iirtng evtny Available msn nave vou nassed the noonday of Life ? Thrn make the down road happy by keeping your strength and health. An unfailing warning of m rundown condition is the diminishing of the red-blood-crUs. A DEFICIENCY of tedelUis) the blood is usually followed by physical exhaustion, loss of appetite, inder wci(ht, nenwiav nesa and pimplas and boila Whew your red-btood-eaUs are only 80 y are NOT woorsetf tt ia rerx danaepoua. Coalman sense larrest that mry pvssiMa ates ba taken to mmrt aaea a rsaditisw. Tska 8 before each aaeaL It wnl a& e in SMSMfM-SM. McGill Tosses Barefoot Swede In Heavy Bout psrtiaad, i.P-It wai Irish against Swede In Wednesday night's beavyweght wreMLng snatrb and Irelicd came out on top when Pat McQUl, Iris a cliaaipaoti, dumped John rn-berg. barefoot Swede from Minneapolis, two out of three 4 all. They are tio of t!ie big gest men in the business. Fve berg weighing 231 pounds, McGill 230. McOUl took the first fall in 30 minutes with a a-rtcs of revene firing head locks. Preberg won the second with a perfect body slam In 9 min uses, 10 seconds, in the third fail went to McOUl In lsss than one minute when lie Jumped In the air, wrapped his legs around Freberg's head and brought him down wli-li a flying scissors. Sammy Vangler, middle weight, took on? fall and a decision from Jack Gardtneer In Uie M-miiinte preUiuuiary. INJURED KNEE TO KEEP GRETCH OUT OF GAME Although- Coach Spec Keene's Willamette university Bearcats suf fered several minor injuries as a result of diubblng Llnlield Armis Uce day. It Is believed but on? of the entire squad will be laid up for any length of time. Pete Gretch, apparently suffered th most seri ous Injury. This slashing halfback was taken (row the game suffering from torn ligaments in the knee. The Injury will probably keep him out of the Whitman game and pos sibly for the rest of the season. The remainder of the squad, two or three bearing black eyes and sore spots, felt good enough to go through an hour or : a of scrimmage Wed nesday evening, although Fred Smith, guard, who stopped several well directed kicks from cleat ed shoes with his knees, was given a chance to rest a bit. Keene was not satisfied with his men's defense against forwara pass ing attack and will devote the re mainder of the week to bolstering this department. Coupled wl h this will be several hours of hard scrim maglng. With the Whitman game 10 days In the offing. It Is believed the en tire crew with the exception ot G retch will have plenty opportunity to get In physical trim as well as in the proper mental state ft r tills big snot. BULLDOGS TAKE ON NEWBERG FRIDAY Woodburn Tl Wood burn Bull- does will Dlav Newberg on the New- berg field Frtday afternoon In what promises to be an interesting game of foot balf. The game will be called at 5 o'clock and a large number of students and townspeople will ac company ttie team and help to win their seventh game, Sellout wm oe dismissed early in order that tne students may atterd the game. Prospects for win look very good, as the team Is in good condition, with Uie eKceittlon of minor bumps and titer should bring home the ba con If they show their usual fight. The probabie lineup will be Klam re; Orady it; Dtrltson rg; Hastie. c; Koch, lg; Barstad. It OUlanders, le; Schooler, q: E. Oberst and Ousts (sun. halves; G. Oberst, full DAYTON WINS AGAIN Dayton Dayton high school foot ball team defeated Carlton high school's team here Armistice day. The score was 3 to 7. The next game will be at Stayton Friday, SHOOTING MATCH SET North Howell A shooting match at the J. D. Drake farm known as Jimmy Bateson place, will be held Sunday. Shooting will begin at t o'clock. Lunch will be served on the grmtfwK bofld up and enricH your blood, eriva you aew life and Titalityt Your appetite will pick op yoa will feel like yourself s grain ! Keep tha dowa road bright by keepinsf your red4ood-etls fichtiiur for yaw. Cet tha larre siie. At all dracatorea. (utni Build Sturdy Health ? ' 1 VOtyEs. 1 ft' , Phelan TELLS HUSKIES FORGET CARDS, THINK OF WSC Seattle (P The Ualrereity ol Waslilngton Huskies have an idea that they inieht upset the mighty Wusiiingtan State college eleven Saturday when the Cougar come to Seattle in quest of the Pacific coast conference football champion ship. And they have begua to work accordingly. They threw off their leUiaray Wednesday after a little tali; by their coach, Jlmm Phelan. The mentor told them to forget the Stanford defeat, to think only of W. S. C. and in his speech he hinted to his boys that they had a chance to down the "wonder team" of the northwest. Phelan has been polfehing up his offense all week which seemed to indicate that the Huskies would try Co win and not Just attempt to livid the score down. "Who says we will be satisfied to hold Washington State to a low score?" as'.:ed the coach. "We will be after victory in this ball game Just as much as we fought to win In any other contest." The Washington State varsity and frer.hman grid teams were due to arrive In Seattle Thursday with a light workout on their program for trie afternoon. The Cougar year- un"3 piay tne wasnutoa pups siuuraay morning. PARRISH PLAYS 3 MOJEGAMES Three games remains on the Par rlsh Junior high school football team's schedule. The first of these will be played next Friday after noon at Dallas. The players to face Parrlsh will be the Dallas squad minus lis eight seniors. Early In tlte sear on the local junior coacnes decided to play no senior high squads during tbe year, but Dallas was taken cm with the un- dersranding that none of Its senior players take the field. The next contest for Parrlsh will ba played against the Woodburn second squad at Woodburn. Satur day morning. November 23, and the last battle of the season will be with Leslie Junior high the day before Thanks.,! vine. Coach Hauk has mace but one change since his squad defeated Leslie. Hobbs, who baa been play ing guard, has been moved Into a tackle position, taking the placs of dray, who has left schooL Oreen has been given Hobb's o4d post. Hobbs is making a much better tackle than his predecesssor, Hauk states. SANTIAM FISH CLUB SHOWN GAME SLIDES Sclo The monthly meeting of tha Santlam Fish and Game Pro tective association at St. Francis hotel In 'Albany Monday night was presided over by Dr. A. O. Prill of Sclo, president of the organization. The Illustrated lecture, "Seeing Oregon First." by W. S. Raker of the state Audubon society, was a leading feature of the meeting. About 150 slides were shown, giv ing alt who saw them a close-up and first-hand view of fish and game activities In Oregon. Several Sclo members attended this meet ing, this community being well rep resented In Uie association's mem bership. Your Safety And tbt Safety of Your Tamil Demands rOCLITES HOW in any rimes have you aar rowly avoided accident la the fog because yon could not see tha way ahead? Why ukc tbe tech a nee whea SAM Fog Lite will give yoa edeqatte illuml ados, for every driving coodl tioft. Bfmp Var $9. AT ML CAR DCAUftS AND ACCtflOtY ITOtCl Points To Rockne Keeps 5th km Bia m axiea Horseman In KM M MK as tOI CDt KM B IBM For Use Next Year By FRANK GETTY New York (UP) Out at Notre Dame, it is said, there is a fifth horseman who isn't riding this year. Report has it that he U a better back than any now carrying the ball for the Irish. The report may be merely hearsay, but it points to a condition existing CameaW foundation uivmugaiors- seem to har overlooked in their famous bulletin No. 13. One of the chief difficulties con frontlna a football coach In tils ef forts to perpetuate the success of his teams aside iron, certain ac ademic prejudices against proselyt ing and subsidizing is the three year rule. The letter of this rule is observed strictly In practically every important university and col lege in the country. The spirit of the rule is neatly evaded by the simple process of having certain students who are good football nlavers remain an extra year in school. Most universities and collegies are forbidden to play freshmen on var sity teams, and the rule In question limits a student to three years of varsity competition. Under the spirit of the rule, a student ts available for football during his sophomore, Junior and senior years. But many football coaches, with plenty of good material, have conceived tbe Idea of keeping certain star players off the field entirely for a season In which they are quite eligible, schoiastlcally and otherwise. The boy stays in school an extra year and completes his three years of varsity foot bait The charge that Knute Roclcne has one of his best backs under co ver while the present combination carries on through the 1930 season may be quite unfounded and cer tainly is unsubstantiated. Everyone Is familiar with a cer tain chagrin expressed in South Bend over the fact that Joe Savoi dl, the best Irish fullback, was un wittingly permitted to play a couple of minutes In the Georgia Tech game In 1928. This means that Sa- voldt. having played last season and this, cannot play next ytar. they y regretfully In South Bend. Why should he? Tf he has been eligible In each of the past two seasons and the present, he presumably has been up in his studies and Is ready to graduate nest June. The Inference is that he would stick around South Bend for another year's education i If he were available for football. Fares and Trains to California that combine economy, speed, comfort No worry, oo strain of getting there when you choose this conunoo-sense war to travel. Speed to California in all-steel can ... a smooth, easy trip that gets row there rested and ready lor work or recreation. These tares bring you economy, pUu the natural advan tages of train travel ... speed and com fort. Tickets art on sale every day. Roond trips to Los Angeles and Saa Nms rttlim mttmfUt ti Southern PaciSic CTTT TK-UT (Wilt 1M ft. Usattf at.- as Check, Held in many universities which the DUNDEE-BORDEN SCRAP AROUSES KEEN INTEREST Salem boxing fans will be given the opportunity Thursday night at the armory to determine for them selves wliether the bundle of press clippings Pat Dundee brought back with him from California recount ing bia ring battle In the south. contain accurate statements or are Just another bunch of waste paper. For Dundee, who. If appearances count for anything, is W per cent better than when he left, will en gage Chuck Borden of Eugene In the main 10-round event. Information brought back with Pat indicates that he won 19 out of his 20 starts la California. Several men of more than ordinary ability are Included In the list. If this In formation proves correct Mr. Bor den la probably due for several In teresting sessions Thursday evening. The remainder of the card lines up as follows: Bobby Ambrose of Salem and Jack Young of Siletz, six round semi- wlndup. Buddy Ambrose. Salem and Guy Hickman, Salem, lit pounders four round special event. Jack Jones, Salem and Del Rus sell. Salem, 133 pounds. lour rounds. Norman Par re. Tillamook and 81- lets Chief, Siletz, 135 pounii, four rounds. COLONIALS SKCOND Portland (rlWashlngton high's football team which got oft to such a poor start at the opening of the football season, Wednesday assumed second position In the Portland ln terscholastlo standings when ' the Colonials defeated Benson Tech IS to 0. ' Francisco have a return limit of 16 days. Tickets are good in day coaches, new reclining chair ran or in Tourist Pullmans. Choice of four fast trains every day, with direct tnrougn service to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and . Intermediate stations.. Phone or call on us for farther de tails and far my imt rhJn trertlmjormMttn. ,0M 9ttU rssr.NO DKFOT Uth Oak St-flMw 41 Upset SALEM COURSE IMPROVED BY SHIFTING TREES A force of men has been busy for some time making marked changes at the Salem Golf south of the city and the result will be a materially improved course the com ing summer. The Improvements are bHng made largely in the way of moving trees onto various places on the course, which will not only make a decidedly sportier layout when the improvements are finish ed, but will lend considerable beau ty to many of the fairways and change some of the open fslrways Into long tree-lmed and shady aisles of greens. Both of the fairways to and from the water holes on the course have been ..lined with tress which will make them some of the most beau tiful fairways In the 6tate when the trees gain a little growth and leaf out. Also trees are bring moved at the rear of various greens to add a sporty touch to them and at the same time add to the beauty of the course. The improvements will not take any great time to show up, as full sized trees are being dug up and moved by tractor and replanted. COLUSON SQUAD OUT FOR REVENGE Ebgenr f.P Oregon frosu and Oregon State rooks resume then football feud on Hayward field Fri day night. Prink Calllson. frosh coach. Is out for revenge for the 7 6 defeat suffered at the hands of uie roots a lew weeks ago. u has withdrawn his team from scrimmage and will mass the full strength of tne wehioets, with the exception of Ed MeClelian. center, who ts out with Injuries. McKelllgan will occu- py the o-nter position. Stop Read 30 Days FREE Trial You may try a piano for 30 daya and If not satisfac tory you may exchange at no additional cost to you. We assume all the risk and safeguard your purchase. OR PAY NO MONEY DOWN Purchasers during thia great sale may trade in their present organ, phonograph, radio, piano or musical instrument at extrra liberal allowance on a piano as down payment. You need pay no cash. Start pavnVnts Jan. 1st. Act At Once For Special Priveleges NEW PIANOS at Pre-war Prices We buy for cash at big dis counts! You get the benefit. $559 NEW PIANOS... $325 $525 NEW PIANOS... $J15 $450 NEW PIAN03....$276 $495 NEW PIANOS....$295 NEW SHOP WORN AND SLIGHTLY SOILED PIANOS ELLINGTON G ABLER STYVESANT ..$213 ..$187 .$17 ..$183 ..$175 ..$172 SMITH-NIXON Kl'RTZMAN STORZ A. G. ROSS $165 KRAMCH-BACH $17Q WHAT YOU RECEIVE Special low prices Extra low special terms Years to pay Exchange trial 30 daya Free service Tuning Delivery. Store Open Evenings Phone. Call or Write Tallmatt Piano Store 395 South 12th St, Salem Phone 1659 Heavy Grapplers Go Three Hours And End in Draw Los Angeles. (J"! Everett Msrsnail. La JunU. Colo, heavyweight grappter and lfc-nrl de Glane ot Pranu. Wlflslled tore hours. minutes and 30 sxouds to a draw here Wednesday nlght Kach had Ufcen one rail wlien tha match was stopped. De Giaue won the fl:st fall In one hour. 20 mlnuK-s. with an army body slam and Mar shall cauit tuck to taJte Bccond hi another 21 minutes, 30 seconds with an airplane spin. Neither wrestler was able to secure the winning fell and the match finally wus called a draw. Ed 'Strangler" X?wls used deadlocks to crush Jose Dom Inquez. Latin American. In straight falls. The first came In 16 minutes. 38 seconds, and the second hi four minutes 32 seconds. ROCKNE AGREES ASSEMBLE GRID STARS FGR GAME New York ( Knute Rockne as sured Mayor Waiker of New York over the telephone from South Bond Thursday, he woulJ definitely assemble a team o( former Notre Dame football stars and send them into action against the New York Ofants here December 13 In a game for the benefit of the unemployed. New York P' A game with the "Pour Horsemen" of Notre Dame on one side and Benny Friedman and Red Cagle on the other U one of the prospects under guidance of the football division of Mayor Walk er's, committee on unemployment relief. A battle between Nev York uni versity, which already has offered the services of Its team, tnd Colgate, high scoring aggrega'lon of the t. Is another. TALLMANS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS AMAZING OFFER DOWN Secures a Iiano. WEEKLY Pay in one dollar weekly until XntxH. This Beautiful $600 ITayer Piano Only $260 FREE 30 Mmie Rolts Player-Piano $193 I'SED PIANOS Make it a Piano this Xmas WELLINGTON WELLINGTON ESTEY MEISNEER $ 90 . 7 $145 . 89 KROEGER KAYTON LENNOX SOIIMER BREWSTER ... KNABE, Sq. ... CHICKERING . 153 135 100 149 . 113 . 27 32 4:gsMI WARFARE AT BEAR SCHOOL IN ABEYANCE Berkeley (V The verba! football warfare at the Univernlty ot Csllf orals was In a state ot official trues Thursday. But uidleatlws ere th battle would be rruewed with til firing of the tinal gun iu Uie an nual 'big KJme" wtlh fciantord November 2J. Confidence In the football team was unanimously expressed by the executive commtitee of the asso ciated studrnU In a resolution adopted Wednesday night. A. M Arle.t. editor ot the Dally CaUforiilan. student publication, whose editorials demanded an Im mediate and sweeping Investigation of California athletics, changed his taciics. In an editorial Thursday he urjed students to "pull In the frayed edttes of oi:r enthusiasm." In timating the edges could fray again after the Stan turd game. While William W. Monohan, giaduate manager, said the resolu tion was no mere gesture, student members of the executtve commit tee indk-ated it was adopted to stave off dissension for the remainder of California's footbsll season. The resolution, diplomatically sorted, made no mention ot Coach Clarence "Nib3" Price, the con sistent defeats of the Bear eleven, or the 74 to 0 trouncing by the University of Southern California Saturday which brought things In to the limelight. CRIMSON COUGARS TIGHTEN DEFENSE Pullman ' When Cougar meets Husky anything might haptwn but Coach O. E. Holliniiix'ry has decided It won't be through the air. In answer to reports from tha home of the Huskies of the Univers ity of Washington that Washington State's "wonder team" might bump into something in the game Satur day, Hollmgbery surnitsed that as persions were being cast on his natttlne. defense Delivery now or Xmas Start Monthly Payments Jan. 1st Grand Pianos Chickering Parlor Grand $575 KRAMCH-BACH Man. Med. Size $250 LIDWIG GRAND Fine condition $447 SOMMER GRAND 5ft. Man. $040 B.VLDWiNGRAND Special $1850 $1500 I Think I Act I