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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1930)
PAGF TEN BUTTER PRICES YET UNCHANGED DECLINE IS DUE Portland (LP) There m again a lack of change In the price of butter on the produce exchange not with landing that everyone In the trade realizes the weakness and general depression In the local situation. Stocks of butter and accumulat ing slowly at practically all local points. This Is working a hardship on the country creamery which U not a spectacular In cold storage stuff. Speculative Interests with storage stocks to move are much more Interested in getting rid of the latter than In aiding the fresh butter situation. These appear In control of price fixing machinery on the produce exchange. Generally steady trade Is Indi cated on th esurface of the egg market. Whole cold storage stock Is being pushed, demand for fresh goods la Inclined to show season able gain. New low prices established by buyers of live chickens Monday, were continued during the day. Re ceipts are decreasing Inasmuch as the country believes that offers are too low. With prices practically unchanged and with moat of the shops closed for the holiday; market for coun try killed meats was generally quiet for the day. Lambs continue in best call. There Is a somewhat better sup ply of sllverside salmon arriving here. Sales are being made around 14 cents. There Is scarcely enough Chinook to quote. Extreme scarcity of halibut con tinues generally along the north Pacific coast. Trade Is not receiv ing sufficient halibut at the mo ment to establish prices which are expected to rule around 25 cents pound within the next day or so. While most of the houses were open Tuesday, practically all of them closed around 10 a. m. There was scarcely sufficient trading to open at all. Price changes were practically absent for the day. Market for potatoes Is extremely weak at t.e moment. The huge total crop estimated by the govern ment gave a further depressing In fluence to the trade. Primary sales are reported as very small. There Is an entire lack of demand for carlots of onions at primary points. This feeling is shared in all markets of the Pacific northwest. Consumption is limited with the biggest crop in sight. PARADE RECALLS DAYS OF WAR (Continued from page 1) ft rifle and slung a pack in the war days of 1917-18. A firing squad with the sounding of taps featured the final ceremon ies at the courthouse with Major General George A. White the prin cipal speaker. Armistice day opened Monday night with a frolic at the armory in the attraction "Behind the Front." This was kept open all day Tuesday and Tuesday night. The football games between Salem and Eugene high schools and Wil lamette university and Llnfield were the features of the afternoon with all theaters opening throughout the day, stressing pictures that are rem lnsccnt In some respect of the day. The formal closing of the cele bration will be the big dance at the Crystal Gardens In the evening, with both old and modern dances featured. "Behind the Front" Is ex pected to attract hundreds to the armory as there is also a free dance offered In Its connection. Salem Markets Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers, for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dally). Wheat: No. 1 white 62; red, sacked sue Diisnri. Feed oats. $20 ton; milling oats 3t; barley tJO-tJl ton. Ueats: nous, top grades 130-160 lbs. iU.00: JtiO-200 lbs. au 50; 200- 360 lbs. $9; JJ50-3M) lbs. 7.50; sowb S'.OU. Cattle, top steers 6-8 ie; cows, 8 ac; culls and cutters 3 3c, Bheep, spring lambs 6-5'jO: yenr Ings wethers 31 -4c; old ewes 2-3c. Calves, vealers, lop 10c; heavy and thins 6-7c. Dressed meats: Top veal 12c; No. 2 graoe, nc; rougn ana neavy v-iu and up. Top hoiis 120-160 lbs. 14c pound; other tirades 13c down. Pouitry, light to med., hens lt-15c lb ; heavy hens 20c: broilers, all col ors lfi-22c; old roosters 7c. F-vks, pullets 27c; fresh extras Sic. Butterfat 35c; prime butter 38 -39c; Sube extras 36c; standard cube 35c. Cheese, Marlon county triplets 22; loaf 23. Fresh fruit: Oranges, Valrnclas S to fu du cane; mucin 3.-ki swj; inn ons, t060-t7; bananas Qc lb.; grape IrulU Texas 85: Isle of Pine Sb 50 Arts. t4.50; Florida 5 50. Apples vuc 10 iinie do carton, drapes. Emperors 7c lb : Cornish awn $1.50 lug: Tokays ti 50: I-artyfin- Iters $2; Pears $1 box. Urouinlrlierrlrs IKK box. Huckleberries loo lb. Cran berries t5 50-15.75 box. Poingraiiaics mi S3 nig. uuitt dates loc lb. Cocoa Xtuta $7.50 sack. Persimmons $1 50 box Fresh veitetnbles: Tomatoes 50c a box; Seattle. $1.50; hothoue t--! 50 W25. Lettuce, local $1 25 crate; Calif. $3 25 crate: cucumbers, hothouse 75c $1 35 dor. celery, dov. bunchra 60-80c; heat 80c; $176 12 25 crate. Cabbatre. J"iC lb: green Deoers 10c lh red lin- Hplnach 9c crte; cauliflower 90c- Si.iu. t-Mjuash, Marblehead 2c lb -Hubbard So; Danlah 3c. Pennuts 2c Peas 8c lb. Artichokes $1 10 doen Brussels sprouts 14c lo. Etftrplant 10c Bunched vegetables: (do, bunch sal urnlpa 40 60c: parslry 00c; car rou 40c- beeu 40c; onion 40c; ra dishes 40c. Backed TegeUblea, potatoes. Bur banks $1.75; others. $150. Onions Yakima $140: pick linn 8c lb; local i; carrots ac id.; Dee is a,r. ruti bacaa 2'; turnips 3'c; parsnips 2c; garlio Ibc lb. Sweet polatoea iq. WOOI MOIMIR Market nomlual. Wool, eoarae 16, medium 20c; lamb 16; mohair kid 25; tone staple 30o Jb. MARKET QUOTATIONS POKTI-AND l lf sTO( l Portland Late sales at north Portland stockyards Monday register. ed declines of 25-50C on steers and ahe stock sold unevenly from steady to 25c and more lower as compared wim last week. Steers 6O0-D00 lbs. good $7 25 $S; medium $e25-$7 25; common $5 $0 35; 4o-ll00 lbs. good $7.25-$8: me dium $6.25-$7 25; Common $5-$fl 25; 11001300 lbs. good $7-$7 25; medium $5 75-$7. Heifers 550-850 lbs. good $0.7S-$7; medium $5.75 SS 75: com mon $S-$5 85. Cows. food $5 50-$: common and medium $4 S5 50. Calves, common and medium $5-$8 50. XJvcatock market closed Tuesday. POKTI.4ND IIAIKV J HN( R Following prlcea are rlfectlve lues day. Butter (juotatlons for shipment from country creameries and ',ac lb. Is deducted as commission. Butter, cube extras, 36c; standards 35c; prime first 33c; firsts 31c. F-Kirs, poultry producers' prices: fresh extras 35c; standards 31c; fresh mediums 2ftc, pullet ltfc doz. PORTMND HHOI.hStl.E PMC I S Thew are price drftit-rs pay whole salers except as othrrwlne noted: Butter, beat extras 30-37c In car tons. Butterfat: direct shippers, track 32c No. 3 grade 27c; atktlon No. 1, 31c; No. 2, 26c. Portland delivery pric es: No. 1 butterfat, 36-36c; No. 2. 30-31C Milk, buying price: grade B. 12 25 2 65 per ceuUl. Portland delivery and Inspection. :hrru. llln nrlce to retailers : Tillamook county triplets, 30c: loaf 21c Pit lb. f.o.b. Tillamook. Selling prices rortiana; triplets 4s. iori uoultrv: heavy hens, colored. over , lbs. 19c; 3';-1 lbs. lftc; unan a 1U. UC, wrunris. uiiun 74 lbs. 21c: roasters 18c: old rooalers 1X Ih. Ducks. 15-I8C lb. Turkey. 1B-20C. Dressed turkeys, 10-13 lbs. and up 28-30c. Fresh fruit: Oranges. S3.15-I7.S0; navels S3-S7.00: grapefruit, Florida, So Jo; Texas awo; urnei u-uuz, ti tons; Bananas oc id. Lemons, Calif. SH-S7. Cabbaue. local 1-1', C lb. Cucumbers, outdoor Brown, slicing stock. 60-75c box; hothouse, extra lancy S1.10-S1-7&. Ti.miitnci local 25-50C: Cnllf. SI 50 box; hothouse, standard. S'J.ou; laucy SJ; extra fancy sj.zo craie. Potatoes, Oregon Deschutes 2.10 1 IS: local tl.S0-sl.75: Klamath Uems SI. 75-12; Yakima tl.10-tl.fl5 cental. unions, sell 1 nit Drlce to retailers: OTCKon, No. 1 grunt ooc-ti cental., caui. ow-ai aou. Lettuce. Or fit on. tl-tl.25 crate for Si. Spinach, local. 00-66c orange box. cranberries, jucrariune is au uu, Huckleberries, fancy 10-lUc lb. Melons, ca&nbas, lt-Qc per lb. flr&nps. Calif, seedless, lug tl.10- Sl 35: Tokav. Grants Paw. il 25: Calif. S1.25-S1.35; Lauyflnijcrs S1.65-S1.75 a lug. concoras c 10. rresn iign wi.o iiau. Celery. lancy 0-05c per dor. Peppers, bell, green 6-8c; red CC lb Sweet potatoes. Calif. 3-33c lb. Cauliflower, Ore. 76c-l 25 crate. Beans, local 8-8c lb. Peas, Calif. 12c. Green corn, local 10, Garlic, new 8-ioc lb. Country meats: aelllnB prices to re tailers: country-killed nous, best but chers, under 150 lbs. 14-15c; vealers 70-80 lbs., 14l'j-15c: lambs 12,-13c; yearunRB s-iuc; nnvj ruts -" ner oows 6c lb. The Portland eastalde farmers' mar ket remained closed for the holiday. Quotations remained unchanged. uenerai prices ruien: Bunches, carrots 20c doz.: turnips 30c doz. Spinach, rancy tw-a&c orange dox. Potatoes, local, lame $1-$1.10: small 75c oramte box; $1.25 sack. Cabbage, flat type 80-BOc crate; Ted 76c cantaloupe crate. Green beans, best b-ioc otners ic lh rirpen corn SI -SI .25 sack. Tomatoes No. l oo-oac; ho. 2, w-ouc box. Celery, local. 5o-55c doz.; hearts aoc-$i doz. ouncnes. Cucumbers, No. 1 pickling 60c; No. 3, 60c; No. 3, 40C; slicing. 40c box. Cauliflower, No. I, .o-eoc; no. d, 50-60c crate. Concord grapes. C5-76C nig. Broccoli, iireen Mc peach box. Apples, lumble pack, large G5-76C; small, 60-flOc box. SAN FKANTIsrO APPI.r. Han Francisco (S1) iFed. state mkt news service : Apples, Cnllf. Belle flownra. uacked fancv $1 20- 1 40 box 60-85c Iuk. Newtowns. loose 75c-$1.10 box, packed fancy $i.4()-i.u.'. smiui, lower, sioriitte sioca u mi nw. w llploiia. Hacked fancy, la rice $U-$2.2A small $1.50-$1.75: Spltzenburgs. fancy puclced $1 .25-$i.50: loc-i.iu nm. CJrrifnn Winter BnnatiHS. fancy $1 25 to $1 50: small Blwh lower; XF $1.75- $2. UcllciiuiH lancy ;u. npiii-.- i-nhiiras XF Sl.75-12 10' fitlicy $150 Si 85. Washington .Tonathana XF $1.76 to $185; fancy $1 5U-$1.65: IJellcious XF $2.75-$3. tipUzciibuigb AI-' -a.JO. I1Y, C'AM AKA flKK nnle buying prices, delivered Portland: Clover $l(i: out nay it; siraw mt-fo ton. Bcilinir prices more. Cascara bark, steady, 6c lb. ik hi ii nviiiY San Francisco U'Pi Butter. 02 Score 35',: 01 score 34: 90 score 33',c Egas. extnis. large 4i;2; mediums 20';; small 22'ac. Cneese, Calif, fancy flats snd trip lets lO'.ic. RAN FKNCI.I O POl l.TKV Ban Francisco (fr'ed. stute mkt bur.t Hens, Leghorns 3',4 lbs. and over 23-24; under 3' ins. m-au: col ored 5 lbs. and over 25-27: under 6 lbs. 27. Broilers, Lrghnrna, 12-13 lbs. per dozen, 33-34; 14-u iob. per noz jh-jw Fryers: colored ip to 3 lbs. 26-27; Leg horns 2-3'a Ihs. 27-20C. Boasters, col ored 3-3 lbs. 25-27C, over 3'j lbs. 25-27C Roosters, old Lehtiorns 13c; colored 12-15c. Turkeys, young per lb. 24 -25c; old nominal. mum Ftti it. hops New York & Evaporated apple, steady; choice eu-10c; fancy ll'j-12 Prunes steady. Calif. 4-8'c; Ore 6-7. Apricots easy, standard 0; choice loi,; extra choice 12V Peach es steady, standard 8; choice 8j; ex tra choice 10. Hops steady, state 1030 10 21c; 1929 15-18; Pacific coast 1VJ0, 17-20; 1929 1518. MVI KPOOI, 1MII T Liverpool (UPl Wheat ramie. TJec. open 79; high, close 79 3-8; low 78V March, open, low 78; high, clone 78',. May, open, low 79V high, close 79V PORTI Wit Sl fitR. FI.Ol R Portland Suitnr, steady backed b.iMs, cane, fruit or berry 15.05 per cwt. Beet sugar 94 85 cwt. Flour. 20 cents lower. City delivery price: family patents, 40a. 6; whole wheat t5 10; arahnin S4 90; pastry 95.50. Baker' hard wheat PHs, 96 40, bakers' blueslein pntrnta 98s 95.15. Nt T. HOI". WOOL Portland. U'P Nuts. Oregon wal nuts 18-26c; peanuts. 12c lb. Brazils 18 20c; almonds 14- 18c; filberts 20 22c; pecans 20c. Hop, nominal, 1929 crop 5-6c; 1930 crop 10-13C Wool, 1030 crop nominal. Willam ette valley 13-17c; eaniern Ore. 1616c. SIN VHIM IM O 111 TTIH1 T Ban FraiiriM-o uT, Butterfat f.o.b San Francisco 38c. (HH'tdO i.iwhtoi k ChtcKo a-) tU. 8. D Al Hops, slow, mowtly lO-ISc loaer. Top 99 10 for choice 250-270 lbs. Bulk, all weights 9AH0 9B95; good and rholce light weight 140-200 lb. 8 75-9W: medium and heavy weight 200-350 lbs 980-99 10. CatUe 7000: calves 9000; yearlings scarce; no dependable market here for weighty steers; unevenly 25-SOc lowr: lower undertone on Usht veal- era: early top fed yearllncs $13 40 slaughter cattle and vealers, steers. ood and chokre eou-1100 lbs. $10 50- $14: 1100-1500 lbs. $8 $13 25: vealers. mux led. gtoa ana cnoice u-iiom. Bheep 11.000. steady to shade lower Good to choice native lambs $-$tJ 50 to packers; some held blither. Best vtanmions neid around $e 2o; feed ers $7; lambs 90 lbs. down, good and choice $7 76 $a B6; ewes 00-150 lbs. medium to choice $2 25-$4: feedlitg lambs 00-75 lbs. good-choice $0.75 $7 50. BUSINESS GAIN CAME IN WAKE OF ADVERTISING Los Angeles (IP A report on cur rent trade conditions by Marc N. Ooodnow, Journalism field repre sentative of the University of Cali fornia, lust made public, reveals that advice of business statisticians to business houses to Increase their advertising appropriations already had been reflected In retail lines in California. "Perhaps the most Important things that face the Independent retailer today, Goodnow's report said, "are competition from chain stores and the necessity of getting 0 message consistently before a lar ger body of people. Not only are the chains growing in number of out lets, but a number of them are In creasing their advertising appropri ations. "One of the largest mall order chains Stars-Roebuck & Co.) will spend this year $4,250,000 for adver tising in 544 newspapers, an Increase of 25 per cent over 1929. This ap propriation is about 1 per cent ol gross sales. Other houses have main tained their customary appropria tion of 1 per cent of gross sales for advertising purposes and are con ducting aggressive newspaper ad vertising campaigns. Even In many Instances where chain volumes have not equaleld those of last year, the advertising appropriations have not been ma terially changed," Goodnow's report said. "In general, the Independent merchant whose volume has de creased has neglected to maintain sufficient advertising space. Un doubtedly, this policy of the Inde pendent merchant whose volume has decreased has neglected to maintain sufficient advertising space. Undobtedly, this policy of the independent has been responsible for a part of the Increase In chain volumes. The fact that the national chain stores recognize the value of local newspaper advertising should mean much to the Independent merchant. With the same medium of advertis ing at his command, he has a dif ferent message to publicize one that Is local and personal In nature. With merchandise that meets the quality test, together with all the service features which he may offer, the independent merchant is by no means limited In his advertising or his merchandising by any form of competition LARGEST POULTRY FARM IS LAUNCHED Portland, (LP) Representing an ultimate investment of about $250, 000, O. W. Weatherly, Portland capitalist, has started construction of what eventually will be the larg est poultry farm in Oregon at Springdale, on the Columbia high' way. He plans to run about 100.000 chickens, both egg-laying and meat .stock. He will raise about 15,000 or 20.000 pheasants to satisfy a nation al market and thousands of trout In pools that will be fed bv a small stream that runs through a 100 acre wooded tract. A crew of 20 men Is working on construction of large poultry houses of the most modern type. The first unit will be 300 feet long and will be ready within a month. REPORT HOP SALES AT THIRTEEN CENTS Portland VP Market for Ore gon hops continues to show im proved trade actlvitv and nrlce ad vancement with sales of several lots In the Aurora and Indepen dence districts reported on a 13 cent basis, a definite half cent ad vance over the week-end. Options have been taken at the same price. New export orders are credited with stimulating the Improved demand. The 13 cent sale reported at In dependence was a lot of 208 bales from Sloper brothers to Ray and the sale at Aurora was of 105 bales of the James Kyle lot bought by Seavey. It Is stated by men In on the know that there would be plenty oi 13 cent business and even some 13' i cents If the growers would sell at those prices but they are report ed to be holding. In fact. It was stated, that out of a possible 18,000 bales In the state 8500 bales are In the hands of nine growers none of whom are yet In the mood to sell at present prices. Considerable biwlness il said to have been transacted recently In California In the Sacramento dis trict at 12's cents and one offer of 15 cents was reported Monday In sonomas. SUverton Mrs. Henry Bock and son, Ous, of Garibaldi, spent the week end here on a business and pleasure trip. They made their stopping place at the George Hubbs home. Mrs. Bock stated that among Sil verton residents now at Garibaldi are Mr. and Mrs. WUlard Robblna, Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. 8 McCoy and Mrs. Myrtle Carter. Carl, the youngest of the Bock children, la a senior In high school There are about 9X1 high school pupils and five teachers. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. BERRIES MAY BE SAVED BY SPRAY METHOD Hundreds of blackberry growers In the Willamette valley who lost from 60 to 90 per cent of their crops this year through the action of a new red berry disease may save thelr crops next year If a spray program Is carried out In the early spring, though much work remains to be done on this disease under Oregon conditions. This Information is contained in a new circular of information to be issued by the state college experi ment station within a few days based on Its studies and ohserva lions ever since tlie college was ap pealed to last summer by growers suddenly faced with enormous losses. The red berry disease has been prevalent In California, for some ten years and It is now known that the trouble was present In southern Oregon and to limited extent In the Willamette valley before this year, though not fully Identified as the redberry trouble. This year the normal develop ment of the crop of evergreen blackberries, grown for canning, particularly in Marion, Clackamas and Polk counties, was so suddenly and seriously checked soon after the beginning of harvest that inves tigations by the college were called for immediately and revealed the nature of the trouble. Caused by a tiny mite (eriophyes gracilis nalepa), visible only through a microscope, tlie disease stops the ripening at the red stage. Berry fields many acres in extent had their vines weighted to the ground with tons of hard red ber ries, utterly worthless because they would not ripen. Until more experimental work Is completed by tlie Oregon investiga tors, the experiment station la rec ommending the California control practices with such local adapta tions as may be necessary. These consist first of using a dormant or delayed dormant spray of lime sulphur Just as the fruit-stem buds begin to swell or crack a little In the spring. Lime sulphur is used at a strength of from 6 to 8 gallons of concentrated solution to 100 gal lons of water. An application of this strength Is believed effective even before the buds start to open, the main consideration in either case being to cover every bud, as several hundred mites frequently overwinter in a single bud. , In case examination later in the : spring, but before berries set, re veals mites still present, an appli cation of wettable sulphur 6 pounds to 100 gallons Is recommended. If this spray program Is carried through It is expected that further serious losses will be avoided. When the' experiment station was appealed to for aid this summer, an entomologist was taken from other work and placed In the Infested district to try emergency methods of control. Applications of several summer sprays gave good indica tions of "curing" the disease even after It had attacked the berries, as some test rows ripened up normally, to all appearances. Fruit from these tests has been canned and is being observed this winter to determine if the spray ap plied to the fruit will have any det rimental effect on its flavor or keeping quality. While it Is certain that spraying before tlie fmit sets is the more practical method of control, knowledge of later possi bilities may prove valuable in emergencies. All varieties of blackberries are attacked by the mite andeports of It occurrence on loganberries and raspberries have been received. In California, where the disease was investigated this summer by repre sentatives of the experimental sta tion and of the Woodburn Fruit Growers' union, it was found that no commercial crop of blackberries can be produced without the pro tective spray. Growers in Oregon have pointed out that, in one respect, the disease may be a blessing In future, as It will probably mean the elimination of the wild evergreen blackberries from competition with the cultivat ed acreage. This year, however, the cultivated patches seemed to be hit harder than the more remote wild berries. Meanwhile, the Oregon experi ment station has Initiated a com prehensive spray control teat pro gram and plans are being made to conduct these tests until such time as a positive and safe program for Oregon conditions is established, In case funds for this project are pro vided. If or when any new mater ial is developed it will be passed on to the growers through the press and over the college radio, say the experiment station officials. RURAL CLUS WILL MEET WEDNESDAY Woodburn The Woodburn Rural club will hold It first fall meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. E. Morrison on the Pa cific highway. Mrs. Morrison will be assisted by her daughter. Miss Wilma Morrison, and Mrs. Nick Scire. During the program hour the club will take up the study of Ore gon history and Oregon laws, which they expect to continue through the winter months. Sewing for the Albert ina Kerr Baby home will oc cupy the social hour. FLOUR PRICE REDUCED Portland i As mult of lo frinir grain prices, lowrr nrlcrs wnr In fffrct Tuesday at Portland flour mills. Family patenta nrpre marked down 30 ornta a barrel. Quote: Fam ily patent 49a, M: whole wheat. 49a 5.10; itraham 49, $4 90; bakers' hard wheat 8. 15 40: bakers' blue tem patent. Ma 5.15; and pastry Dour 49a, $5 50. SALEM. OREGON PROJENY OF FAMOUS TREE TRANSPLANTED TREE TRANSPLANTED Cambridge, Mass., tip A "grand son" of the famous Washington Elm, under which General George Washington assumed command of the Continental army, soon will be thriving In historic soil here. The Washington elm Itself, long a local landmark, was cut down several years ago after Its great age had made it a hazard to motorists and pedestrians. In 1896. however, one Arthur J. Collins, while a Harvard student, took a clip of the historic elm and planted it on the campus of the University of Washington. a grandson" sprig, taken from that slip, has now attained a height of 16 feet, and the Cambridge para board has accepted the offer of the far western university to trans plant the young elm near the spot where the original elm once wood. FEED DEALERS WILL MEET HERE The feed dealers of the Salem district of the Oregon Feed Deal ers association will meet Thursday, November 20th, 6:30 p. m., at the Marion Hotel, for a discussion of problems of the Industry. While the primary consideration at uus meeting will be given to the tech nical matters concerned with the operation of the industry Itself. there are also to oe consiaerea matters affecting the farming com munity in whlcr the feed men may exert an influence. One of the most Important of these is the question of the existing tariff on oil cake and oil cake meal. Prior to the Imposition of this tariff i $6.00 per ton), tlie associa tion took an active stand against such a tariff, pointing out that it protected no American industry and did affect farmers In the entire Pacific coast territory. The asso ciation Is now actively planning a campaign to secure a reduction of 50 per cent In this tariff, under the flexible clause. A great deal of work is involved in this program In or der to present the data satisfactor ily to the Tariff Commission. Plans to that end will be considered amongst other things at this meet ing. RUSSIA ALLEGES WORLD CONSPIRACY (Continued from page 1) Ramsin, is aleged to have been tlie prime mover In the plot. His asso ciates, three of them educators and the others engineers, are charged with having formed a central com mittee of the so-called Industrial party in the Interests of the Intrigue. The alleged Russian leaders, who will be tried on charges of high treason, for which the punishment is death, are alleged to have im plicated more than 200 others in confessions on their parts in the plot. The Indictment goes on to say the accused persons maintained contacts with the French headquar ters "through persons in the French service, K' and 'R especially ap pointed for this purpose," and re ceived and executed its orders. Later, it alleged, they apied on, and obtained, In accordance with head quarters' orders, "necessary infor mation of secret character relating to the military forces and defense of the U. 8. 8. R." "Upon instruction of the same headquarters," the indictment mv tinues, "the accused organized a special military group aiming at demoralization of the Red army and preparation for separate acts of treason on the pert of the vari ous detachments during the Inter vention, j "Upon instructions from the samr headquarters the accused organized a special group to assist the foreign military interventionists by under mining and disrupting the social structure, electric stations, railways and military works. The charge of plotting with the former president and premier and the foreign minister of France is one of a long list of accusatolns contained in the indictment, which names Mm. Ramsln, Kalimmikov, Laritchew, Tcharnosvky, Fcdotov, Kuprinov, Ochkin and Sltnin. The eight men. members of the so-called "Industrial party," counter-revolutionary organization, are accused of participation In anti Soviet activities. Industrial and po litical, and of preparing favorable conditions for foreign armed inter vention. APPLE BUTTER NEW CANNERY PACK HERE Reld. Murdoch & Co.'s local plant Is working on another experimental pack which from the production end has proven very successful after some slight changes made in the handling of tlie pack to determine just the manner of proceeding. The new pack is that or apple butter being made along with the regular apple pack. The company has a won derful quality of apples which it is putting in the apple pack and the apple butter. While apple butter has been one of the regular lines handled by the Reid, Murdoch company through Its thousands of independent grocery outlets. It is the first time as far as Is known, that it has been packed on a commercial scale here and It Is only one of a number of new Items which has entered the field through the new local plant of the company. The local plant is also continuing packing fruit salad and it i likely this Item will continue to be packed well up to the first of January when tlie plant will 4m closed down for renovation. Tatooing Is being used by Europ ean beauty specialists to produce permanent rosy cheeks and ruby lips and to tone down noses of too vivid' hue. Ipfll I CPC Dl MWC UULLLUC fLANO CONFERENCE OF PRUNE GROWERS Corvallis Prune growers seem to be finding life Just one thing after another, and now it is government pure food regulations to raise the quality of dried prunes. Some think this is an additional hard&hip on too of low Dricea. while others hail it as a "good calamity" which wdl help the Industry by giving recog nition to high quality and keep ing poor stuff off the market. I Regardless of this argument, uir horticultural department here has arranged, at the suggestion of lead ing prune growers and packers, to hold a three-day prune growers' short course at tlie college Novem ber 24 to 26. when every phase of the question will be discu&sed by specialists. The detailed program Just Issued by W. 8. Brown, chief In horticul ture, shows that all the highlight of prune production, drying, and marketing will be included as well as those features Intended primar ily to help growers meet the pure food regulations. Tlie first day will be devoted to management problems, such as prune soils, fertilizers, irrigation, rejuvenation and pruning. Such specialists as C. V. Ruzek, O. T. McWhorter, C. E- Schuster, M. R. Lewis and W. S. Brown are on tlw program. Spray methods and materials win be the second day s subject, cov ering prune insects With emphasis on thrlns. brown rot control, and demonstration of spraying equip- P. Duruz, H. P. Barss and Joseph Wilcox are staff members in charge. Marketing and grade standards will bring the course to Its climax the third day when the world-wide outlook, improved prune grades, marketing principles, fresh prune market outlook, and drier manage ment will be discussed by L. R. Breithaupt, E. H. Wiegand. George C. Gatlin, Paul V. Marls and Dr. M. N. Nelson, all of the college experiment station or extension staff. LEGGE DENIES RESIGNATION Washington IP Chairman Alex ander Legge of the federal farm board Tuesday denied reports that he had resigned and stated he had no immediate intention of giving up his post. The chairman pointed out, how ever, that "I have already stayed longer than I at first agreed to." He said he would resign some time before the expiration of his six year term In 1936. At the same time C C. Teague, fruit member of the board, announ ced he had advised President Hoov er he would remain until July 15, 1931. Appointed for a one year term, Teague agreed last July to remain until December, and now has con sented to serve another six months. Teague explained he did not wish to leave the board at a time when It was developing its organization and policies through the critical formation period. He had extensive farm interests In California, where he is Identified with the grape in dustry. Officials at the farm board Tues day nltimated Legge might resign within the next year. The chairman originally was appointed in 1929 to serve one year, but was reappointed this year for a six year term. (Continued from Page 51 Roy Remington, conductress; Mrs. W. L. Moorman, guard: Mrs. J. Mc- Kinney of Turner, historian: Mrs. George Lewis, patriotic instructor; Mrs. H. A. Pederson, Mrs. W. L. Moorman, Mrs. J. McKinney and Mrs. A. D. Hcrbster, color guards. A late supper and social hour fol lowed the Installation ceremonies: New officers and special visitors made short speeches, and the retir ing president of the Marion post auxiliary, Mrs. B. H. Conlcy, was presented with a gift. Mrs. H. M. Ba.tcr, assisted by Mrs. Roy Rem ington, and Mrs. W. L. Moorman, was in charge of the supper. Members of the Englewood com munity club were entertained at the home of Mrs. O. A. Chase one day last week, with about 20 present Mrs. J. C. Hill led in the devotional service and following the business meeting Mrs. L. W. Biddle told of her summer trip to Colorado, New Mexico and California. At the tea hour Mrs. Henry Schulz and Mrs. WUltam Reed assisted Mrs. Chase. Armistice Program At Leslie Chmvh The woman's home missionary so ciety of Leslie church will enter tain with an Armistice day program Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the church parlors. All war mo thers are invited to be special guests. Mrs. Eugene Eckerlen, Sr., gold star mother who returned recently from a pilgrimaee to Prance, will be the speaker of the afternoon. Mrs. Emma Whtaldon will lead In the devotional services, and Mrs. S. M. Laws will give the leseon on peace. There will be musical num bers. Tea will be served by a com mittee headed by Mrs. E. A. Rhotcn. The Rainbow club of the Neigh bor of Wrtcdcra ft hr Id a short BUTTERMILK FOR FEEDING PURPOSES Marion Creamery tM S. C.m'l Tbone CM meeting at Mrs. Halite Lynch' home Monday evening. Tliose present were Hallle Lynch. Louise Kayser, Ruth Dake, Velma Teeson, Vonah Herring, Pearl Har ris, Helen Danlson, Florence Bress- ler, Dorothy Stafford and Cora Smith. Shortly after the meeting the girls went to the Hollywood theater, seeing "BUue O Glory." Club To Study Oregon History ' Ktngwood Mrs. Ernest Anderson, with Mrs. Albert Bouffleur assistant hostess, entertained the memebrs and a few guests of the Orchard Heights club at the Anderson home one alternoon last week. Mrs. C. H. Fisher, president, pre sided at the business meeting and program. Mrs. Ammon Grice resign ed as secretary, because of ill health and Mrs. John Simmons was chosen to fill the vacancy. It was decided to make a study of early Oregon history for this year's special work. Mrs. John Simmons gave a paper on early Indians, and Mrs. Fred Gibson one on how the Columbia river was named. During the program and business session the matrons stitched on a quilt that they are beginning. The next meeting was dated for Novem ber IS, a couple of days ahead of the regular date, because of the meeting of tlie Polk county federa tion of rural women's clubs which will be held in Ball? ton on tlw 20th. An all-day meeting in the Oak Grove grange hall, with a pot luck dm ner at noon, and quilting in the afternoon ' will feature the next meeting with Mesdames Frank Far mer and C. H. Fisher Joint hostesses. GucAis included Mrs. W. L, Rob bin. Mrs. Phlll Filner of Salem,, daughters of Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. J. R. Chapman. Mrs. Ben Beltz and Mrs. A. A. Withers. Members pres ent were Mrs. Edward Reed, Mrs. C. H. Fisher, Mrs. Cash Roberts, Mrs. C. S. Matthews, Mrs. C. S. Cox. Mrs. J. W. DeLap. Mrs. William E. Know er, Mrs. William McDowell, Mrs. A. R. South wick, Mrs. M. A. Schneller. Mrs. John Simmons, Mrs. Ammon Grice, Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. L. D. Gibson. Mrs. Burnham South wick. Mrs. William Bouftleur, Mrs. Harley Moon, Miss Mary Wait, Mrs. Albert Bouffleur and Mrs. Ernest Anderson, I hostesses. I Surprise Shower for : Gervais ISiirtc-Elect ! Gervais A surprise shower was given for Miss Teresa Ditrick re cently at the country home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ditrick. east of Gervais, by Mrs. Josepn Zellner and Miss Rose Hauptman. The evening was spent in playing cards. Miss Ditrick received many beautiful and useful presents. Those present were the honor guest. Miss Ditrick; Mr, and Mrs. Martin Ditrick, Mr. and Mrs. John Ditrick, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doran, Mrs. Anton Hauptman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nosack and small daughter, Betty; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Debacan and small son, Theodore; Mrs. Katie Ditrick, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Welsz. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kelso and mall daughter, Virginia Lee; George Hauptman, Mr. and Mrs. Mike En- glehart, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zellner and small son, Everet; Mrs. George Kuschnick, Mrs. Anno McGuire. Mrs. Thcreso Schlndler; Misses Ray, Victoria and Pauline Schlndler; Euphemia and Angela Bean; Ciel, Agnes and Alice Prantl; Dorothy Miller, Eva Zellner, Catherine Nut ter, Ann Doran, Rose Ditrick, Vema Vachter, Genevieve Hauptman, Ter esa Weisz, Elizabeth Messer, Rose Englegart, Roe Hauptman; and Joseph Richtcr, Tony Greisensuer, Anton Hauptman, Jr., Joseph Dor an, John Ditrick and Anton Engle hart. Refreshments were served at a late hour by the hostesses, Mrs. Zellner and Miss Hauptman, assist ed by Mrs. Katie Ditrick, Mrs. Rob ert E. Kelso, Ann Doran and Ro&e Ditrick. Miss Ditrick will become the bride of Joseph Richter of Mt. An gel on Thanksgiving day at the sjacreu Heart church In Gervais. Liberty The regular November meeting of the Liberty Woman's club was held at the community hall Friday afternoon. During the meeting the committee on books re ported about various means that had been used to further the sale and distribution of these books. It was voted to send copies of the books to William E. North, presi dent oi tne Oregon commercial sec retaries association, to be distribut- eq to the various chambers of com Facts For Fat Folks Mrs. Mame Carey of Buffalo, N. Y., writes Since I beRan taking Krusctwn Salts, I have lost 20 pounds and I feel as If I had lost 50 pounds I feel so Rood and the best part of it all Is that I eat any thing I like." An 85 cent bottle of Kruschen Salts lasts 4 weeks. Get It at Per ry's Drug store and Capital Drug store or any drug store In the world. Take half tea&poon In glaa of hot water before breakfast every morning Millions take this little daily health dow. ady PILES CURED WITHOUT OPERA TION OR LOSS Of TIM8 DR. MARSHALL S29 OREGON BUILDING DR. CHAN LAM nntnrh Of fin Chinese MrilUlne Co. In Balem P-.j-T Sclent If lenliy pre- A0fk Prert natural rem- B edies for ailment of W fitomacn, liver, J M ? blood, akin, nerve, r i kidneys, and unn- t ry bladder of men I ?'XT" nd omen. Reme I t; ' I die for rheumatism libr , , and bronchitis with Ir-, ' 1 chronic coughing. Off tee Rnnea weekly Tuesday 1-7 p. m.; nitiraajr r m.; nMiiirnaj n 10 1 p. nt. 1M N, lontmerrlal Nt. Sakru STOCK MARKET MAKES STRONG UPWARD CLIMB New York (LP) The slock market Tuesday overcame several obstacles and advanced under the leadership of U. S. Steel, which broke below 140 for a time, but came back to above U2. Industrial leaders generally fol lowed Steel. Several amusements notably Warner Bros. Pictures, Fox and General Theaters Equipment, were weak in the morning, but they firmed up from their lows. American Telephone and Tele graph made a new low for the year at 181 s, off 4V and then came back to 164. National Biscuit, an other weak feature, also rallied. General Foods hit 48, off J, and rallied a point Elsewhere gains of fraction to nearly 0 points wete recorded. J. I. Case ran up nearly C points to HO'a and other high priced Is sues rose I to 4 points. Best gains were made by Auburn Auto, Van adium, Westlnghouse Electric, Am erican Can, General Motors, snd Bethlehem Steel. Aside from Telephone, the utili ties showed an upward trend in the afternoon. American Water Works spurted nearly 4 points from the previous close to 62 ;i, while North American gained 2'i to 64 and Am erican and Foreign Power rose 1 to 38'. Copper shares held steady to firm. It was reported that producers In the domestic market were unwilling to sell at the 9 a cents a pound rate In force at the present time. They expect to fit Into the demands of the Clayton anti-trust act, It Is re ported. merce throughout the state. The club also voted to take out membership in the Marion county health associaon and to send a resolution to the county court pledg ing their support of' a permanent health unit In this county. The program for the afternoon was devoted to gardening. Mrs. C. W. Stacey read a paper on spring gardening, and Mrs. W. R. Dallas read a paper on fall gardening. A special meeting was voted to ds held at the community hall Thurs day, November 20. Members present were Mesdames, William Westenhouse, C. W. Stacey, L. C. Brotherton, Mary Seeger, P. Judd, W. J. Fair, R. A. Erixson, F. L. Scott, M. E. Gunnel), Harold Lane. William Zosel. Al Brown, W, R. Dallas and B. Cunningham. Pre-Xuptial Shower Honors Miss Kinmett King wood There was a delightful miscellaneous shower at the Sanders home just off the Wal lace road at the foot of the Glenn Creek road, held for Miss Vina Km mett. whose marriage to Arnold Coffle will be an event of the mid winter. Beautiful and useful gifts were showered upon the bride-elect, by the Misses Lola Belle and Ermal Sanders. Mrs. Harold Fielding, Miss Edith Welburn, Miss Hazel Emmett, Miss Beth Noland, Mrs. E. W. Em mett and Mrs. Sanders. A pleasant evening was enjoyed and the hostess served refreshments. Carnaton club members will be entertained Wednesday at the homo of Mrs. George Schulz, 1270 Marion street. The November meeting of the P. M. club was held Monday in the Elks club, with a luncheon for 16 followed by several hours of bridge. Mrs. Charles Pratt and Mrs. L, A. Grote were hostesses. Special guests for the afternoon were Mrs. C. L. Blodgett, Mrs. Fiinnie Wain and Mrs. Russell Pratt of Heppner. Quniaby Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brnnett who operate a nursery at Salem were recent visitors at the home of Herman Hahn, assisting Mrs. Hahn in planting some choice shrubs. The Henry Glrod home has also been artistically planted on an extrnsive scale. Gall Stone Colic Don't CPfratt! You mtke a bad eondlUoB or. Trot the cause in a rnatblt', paia Irss. inrxper.Klvr war at homr. Write lleaM Drue Co. 811-97 Masonic Tempi?, Min neapolis. Minn., for a rrcotmtcd prattle int kprrialist't prpxrripUon on llvtr and rail t la defer trouble, for literature t irralmt nt which haj been elfin f raU fym r suits for 2S jcart. Bold uder Mrney Back Guarantee. Clip UU wnt NOW adr. SCIIAFFER'S CANDY SPECIAL For Wednesday and Thursday Only Peanut Brittle In tarre pieces, made frvm the best tockV freshly roast ed peanuts with pare aajrv. This brittle. Is made especial hr for its and lives up to the filth standard of qnality set by u for our Candy Specials. 18c lb. 2 lbs. for 30c told only In lb. Iota ar larger at Schaefer's Drug Store Original Yellow Froit and Candy Special Stort of Salem US No. CoraX Phone 117 Ptnslar Agency