Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 06, 1930, Page 11, Image 11

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One w;.y or another the state, is
going to Lave money on textbooks
Jor Or?von school children.
If it iMi't by proposed adoptclon
of a free textbook law It aill be by
further establish men t of book ex
chants, rentals and other
To this end, C. A. Howard, state
aiilwrinU'ndent of public Instruct
ion is sr-eklng suggestions from cu
perintendenta and principals of
Oregon elementary and high
Howard planned Issuing a new
phamplet urging school districts to
adoiH one or we plans to be in
cluded thereby saving school chil
dren rome of the enormous yearly
expenditures for school texts.
In 1927, the year following adop
tion of new texts by the state text
book commission, $406,343 was
spent for books. A year later, ex
penditures dropped to 1238.361.
Because thk same situation may
again exist following a meeting of
the tate textbook commission for
this year, when some old texts win
be abandoned and newer ones
adopted to take their places, How
ard Is particularly anxious for
adoption of savings ptans.
Already some rental plans and
school text exchanges are In opera
tion. Hood River and Newberg
were two of those "to recently adopt
tlie rental plan. Other sections of
the stats have provided book ex
changes where books can be left
for sale. In this manner used texts
can be purchased at notable sav
ings. The rental plan which has proved
most satLs'atory, closely approaches
a free textbook system, according
to Howard.
Purchase of the desired number
of new or second hand books for
use by four or more groups of stu
dents, is the way this plan operates.
Each student pays a rental fee for
the book by the semester or year,
according to the class or type of
school to which he belongs. Thus
the cast Is widely distributed. Sav
in us of more than CO per cent are
possible, it was proved.
Douglas fir, of which there are
great rich stands in Oregon and
Washington, provides too much
competition for eastern lumbermen,
according to J. H. Poster, New
H;imshlre state forester who was
here recently to attend the annual
convention of state foresters.
The brst lumber of the east can
not compete with the heavy ship
ments of fir that pour in from west
ern state, Poster sai l.
Inventory of approximately 10
million acres of western Washing'
ton and Oregon Douglas fir will be
undertaken by foresters of both
The survey, which will Include all
private as well as national and
state lands, will take two years to
The men will classify Umber ac
cording to species, ages and class
and Its accessibility.
Dayton The union revival servic
es in progress under the direction
of the Dayton ministerial asoscia
tton with Rev. John T. Morris of
Baltimore, Md. set Wednesday eve
ning of this week lor Methodist
night, Thursday as Baptist night
and Friday as Evangelical night.
which will also be devoted especially
to the young people.
Sclo A Halloween party was giv
en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
8. Sticha, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Myers as joint host and hostess.
Ciussts were greeted by Helen My
ers in ghost costume. The rooms
were vary attractive in decorations
appropriate to the season. Six tables
were in play. Mrs. Laura West of
Med lord and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Withers were additional guests.
Hi'4h score went to Mrs, Rolla She
ton and Edwin Holland, and con
solation to Mrs. Withers and Mr.
fichrunk. A lunch was served after
the game.
Hazel Green Mr. and Mrs. Lou
Faist and son Leonard motored to
Pratum recently where they were
guests at the Albert Lelchty home.
Leonard Is a member of an orches
tra which is being organized by
Mrs. Flora Hedrlck, principal of the
Hazel Green school and which met
at the Leichty home for practice.
Additional members of the orchestra
are Texie Bcstrack, Ralph Egan and
Kenneth Asbury.
Orad Island Edward Durkee. tl
of this vicinity. Civil war veteran,
did his duty as an American cltl
sen by cactng his ballot on election
dev. rt Hopewell.
Gall Stone Colic
Don't ootratcl To tnifc a aaa eoatttMB
worn. Trtu Um mum Ib wnMbl, pt
leu. incxpenaiv wr ai boat Writ Bow
Drue Co.. tll-rt UtJonlc Tempi. M lo
ur poll. Mlna.. for a reeotnutd practM
Inc aptcutut'i prrtcrlfrticKt oa Uvtr cod
!) bltddrr trouble, tot Uterattir an
treatment which bu ba ttvtrw inU
frtnc rrottta for M rri Sold nndet
Uonrj Back Oaarant. Clla thti out
Wow ad?
Marion Creamery
m ft. cwni
V- -v'Y ";
, ... - - y .... -
4 J ' -V 'V.. Y ;:.
" ' - .. . St V ?i - j .
Y . - ; . , '- j . . ' - (
....S'I!m"iy !" pf ln "l,d ,,,r,,l P wit rMlIlM pmnaul In Ut. cat. Hit O.rman
i u P..T " "ni Rl J""'" hwbor mulling In th. daith, ol 27 armn .nd
' .i1- ',,II,B "cll blamed th. (hip's comm.nd.r (r not following written lMtnictlon
regirdlng the depirtur. l eteimere. . -.-
Oregon State college students rel
ish the open hearth and Uie cheer
fulness afforded by a good wood
In a survey of social groups on
the campus it was shown that 1200
cords of slab wood, 525 cords of
oak and 76 cords of ash are burned
during the winter months.
To supply the fraternities and
sororities with their wood needs, or
ders must be taken a year ln ad
Because this type of heating Is a
greater expense than the house
budgets can stand, modern heating
equipment has been installed dur
ing the last three years.
Twelve houses have oil burners
and four have sawdust burners.
Six houses immediately adopted
gas for cooking upon its lntroduc
lion In Corvallis this year.
Providence iJP) Rhode Island re
mained In the republican column
Wednesday after one of the closest
political battles m her history. On
the face of returns from all but one
the face of returns from all but one
of the state's 222 election districts,
United States Senator Jesse H.
Metcalf, republican, will return for
another term ln Washington with
a lead ot approximately 2,000 votes
over his democratic rival, former
Senator Peter O. Gerry.
With him will return republican
Congressman Clark Burdick from
the first district and Richard S. Aid
rich from the second district, both
of whom were relected by comfort
able margins. The third congres
sional district elected Francis B.
Oondon, democrat, to fill an unex
pired term and also a full term.
Molalla Mrs, Henry Da hi, who,
with her husband and small son ar
rived here last week from California
to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Engle, and was taken to a
Portland hospital, was allowed to re
turn here Monday to rest up for a
very serious operation. Mrs. Dahl
has been poorly for some .time.
first aid for jfatigue
Rbceht experiments among
btuinesa men and women have
proved that a sweet of some
sort eaten hi the afternoon
will renew vigor in a most
speedy and satisfactory way.
The reason for this is that
the sugar in the food or drink
sopplies the system with quick
nourishment The value of
40$ mMnst foods art more deUtinna 9ritk refined n(arm
Refined urge? h SMnvfectwred by ve fottowtnf tvgar coneenres who see
tpomorinf this edvtrtisiae i
Lib iml mr m
Range Cattle
All Puffed Up
Over New Shoes
Ely, Ner (IP) Many range
eattle now boaM new foot
wear steel shoes made nec
essary by heavy livestock loss
from sore and infected feet
The loss was so severe that
cattlemrnt were finally com
pelled to shod their cattle
even as they did horses.
Marked decrease In eattle
deaths has been the result.
Molalla Rev. Wayne Wright, pas
tor at Stayton. who was returning
home early Tuesday morning after
bringing his wife to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaver
in Molalla, ran his car Into the
Eastern & Western logging train at
the crossing west of town and es
caped serious Injuries. His car was
damaged to a large extent, break
ing one front wheel and smashing
the radiator and fenders. The fog
was so dense that he did not see the
Mission Bottom A msjiquerade
party was held at the Col lard home
Saturday evening with Miss CUtre
Collard as hostess. Appropriate dec
orations graced the room. The guests ;
entered by crawling through a con-1
venlent window instead of the coo-,
ventional door. Considerable merri
ment was provoked by William Col
lard masquerading in a girl's cos
tume. Refreshments were served at
midnight, after the guests bad par
ticipated ln Halloween stunts and
Those present were: Georgianna
Slmerod, Mildred Daw, Hlldegard
Erpeldlng, Magdalene Brpeldlng.
Claire Collard, Sarah Noftsger, Ca
therine Noftxger, Cleo Ellis. Monroe
Penny, Charles Allbrfcht, Paul Pat
ton, Edward and Ernest Naftxger,
Sam Ramp, William Collard. Ken
neth Burnett, Evelyn Oaln. and Mr.
and Mrs. W. P. Collard.
in it
Mid-effiroooa fatigue cea be
overcome by eatiai a piece
cdy, a cake or a sweetened
drink. A gists of water
sweetened wHh refined safer
h larlajoretlaf.
refined sugar as presented la
candy, sweetened beverages,
and small calces all readily
accessible is therefore worta
Prove for yourself the valoe
of refined sugar as "first aid
for fatigue. Take time out fof
a sweet food or drink. Tha
Sugar Institute,
w.j.MtotM a. c iftf.t.c
run.! a a 11,7. w n. f.
Fan? 3t CatBMH
a,M H K.Am-TT
.k h-- BiSpIm drat
Tim kain Cflaw.
Oklahoma City, OkJa (AV-Oklahoma
had returned Wednesday to
its status as a democratic common
wealth as reports from Tuesday's
general election continued to pile
up the convincing lead of the party's
candidates from United States
senator down to minor state of
fices. The state continued its unbroken
habit of electing democratic govern
ors and for the first time In a dec
ade, both of Its United States sen
ators ln 1931 will be of the demo
cratic faith.
W. H. (Alfalfa Bill) Murray
Ira A. Hill, republican state sena
tor. Murray's lead. If continued In
scored a sensational triumph over
the proportion it held when two-
thirds of the votes were counted,
would finally total about 100,000,
and unprecedented majority for
Oklahoma gubernatorial candl
dates. Hill conceded his opponent's
victory early Tuesday night.
Thomas P. Gore, blind man,
whose eloquence echoed through the
senatorial chamber from 1907 to
party because he was branded an
1920 when he was repudiated by his
obstructionist to the World war
policies of President Wilson,
turned to party favor In a triumph
over Senator W. B. Pine.
Molalla Mrs. Frank Dickens un
derwent a serious operation ln the
Oregon City hospital Monday morn
ing. She is reported to be doing nice
ly. Her mother Mrs. Kate Adams,
was operated on In a Portland hoi
pltal last Saturday.
Critical America demands
mild, pltoting flavor la tea
difforctt (rem bland
popular la ottior countric.
Especially blended to lite
It V steVi
The United States Health service
slates in a bulletin released here
that If all totters were benign ln
character, the treatment of the di
sease would be comparatively sun-
pie and satisfactory. Indeed, It
might be possible to refer a patient
to the corner grocery or drug store
lor some simple remedy wtucn
would, promptly and without fail.
alford complete relief. In fact, many
misguided Individuals have adopted
such a course without waiting for
competent medical counsel. Alluring
advertisements of proprietary goiter
curer and unwise recommends -
tims for the use of this or that
home remedy find too many ready
followers. Not only Is valuable time,
lost in this way, but It Is entirely
probable that considerable damage
ts inflicted. Certain It Is that mis
management of goiter in its early
stages often Intensifies minor symp
toms and makes later scientific
treatment more difficult.
The differentiation between ben
ign and poisonous goiters requires
clobe observation by a physician fa
miliar with the various manifesta
tions. Certain tests, among which
may be mentioned the basal metab
olism or "breathing' test, are of ma
terial assistance In reaching a con
clusion as to the mode of treatment
Indicated. Maintenance of a cheer
ful disposition by the goiter patient
and ready compliance with Instruc
tions Issued by the medical attend
ant assist in insuring the success of
The success which has attended
the use of minute quantities of io
dine In preventing simple goiter has
led many to conclude that this drug
j likewise useful in curing all forms
of typhoid disease. This erroneous
belief has been responsible for much
unnecessary suffering and perma
nent damage to the vital organs of
goiter patients. As iodine Is a po
tential poison It Is capable, when
improperly used, of converting
simple Into a poisonous goiter, with
all of the difficulties attending the
latter condition. It follows, there
fore, that Iodine Is not a so vert gn
remedy for all forms of goiter, es
pecially when used by laymen. On
the other hand, when Judiciously
prescribed by skilled physicians in
appropriate Instances, iodine may (
prove of dlsttnct value in allevlat-'
lng the symptoms of goiter.
For some goiters operation Is an
accepted form of treatment. How
ever, patients confronted by such
an ordeal will be buoyed up by the
knowledge that recovery is usually
rapid, the results quite gratifying
and the possibility of an unfavor
able outcome rather alight. For oth
er goiters medical treatment Is In
dicated. Wnatever the mode of treat
ment, It is encouraging to know
that the condition can usually be
held In abeyance or entirely reliev
ed by competent medical guidance.
The progress which has been made
ln treating goiter successfully Is
easily one of the great achievements
of scientific medicine.
Tea Specially I
Blended For
Different Taste
American caste, Tree Tea I
created from the teat ef
finest flavor, (elected by our
oirn experts In the Orient
Bay this blend today.
School Subway
Safety Factor
Waterloo, la (UP
Baating a primary highway
past the site of a propun
cw achool building broaght
I how U laswe safety af
children going to and from
A subway was the
V I the
ercctrd an
scr.-sy beneath the highway
will be mada io eliminate
danger m enasing the heav
ily travelled road. It will be
wide enough ta aveid conge-
Coudercport. P, (W Th. Ttl
lace oc Oleou tai Potter county.
U .11 that remain, of Ol. Bull',
dmm to bruit . put ot Norway
to tha United BUtm.
BuIL celebrated Konrcrlan Ti-
ollnbt ot th. last century, brought
over several hundred Norwegian
Immigrant, and laid out lour town.,
almUar to thoae ln lua bomleand.
Th. uucoetslbilltr of th. Penn
sylvania mountain country, com
bined with the type of settlers that
ha brought over, mad. the venture
a failure. Bull lost his wealth and
the colony gradually dlaappeared
LUw iririiceo imeire
That Every Valne-Wiso
Shopper Will Appreciate!
Yards and Yards oS
Pure'dye silk crepe In
lovely plain colors
Rayon crepe In
new printed patterns
JIVo popular members of our siOc hsdAf. The pure
lj stQk crepe comes ia practically every modish shade
And is washable. The rayon crepe is already wdl
fcaoirn for Hi smart appearance and excellent w curing;
dualities . , , and the new prints are more attractive
than ever. 39 laches wide. Take these splendid
Values into consideration when you plan your new.
With French Reel
Ask let Ne. 444
Kbesf eootsgb to ba sasxrt a
peeey own sib, to be sarrieeaMe I
Twn silk left mercerized top,
uawimi tola. Stavt pbidetb
Washington Urv America's first
line of defense In maintaining
world peace is Its string of 1,000
foreign service offices stationed at
important posts all over the worldd,
former Secret ry of Slate Frank B.
Kellogg, asserts in an article ap
pearing in the current Foreign
Service Journal.
A host of little misunderstand
ings capable of developing Into ma
jor causes of irictwn are dealt with
The Extra Cough Help
Extra In Power And Price
CreomttUiaa Is a super-bcle for
coughs from colds. It is far deep
coughs where yau dare nt risk a
tvesk help. Seven snajar helps are
embodied ia it, udadiaf tee best
knowa ta medical science.
The creosote blended, emulufieal
and palstabf. It ia to sotxhe tlr tmcwr
branes and combat the germs. It pr
seati the world's beat help fur cough
ef this kind ia a pleasant form.
There are white pint tar, wild
cherry bark, menthol, ipecac, etc AU
the greatest help ia aae, but with
qo narcotic Despite ell ia power and
efficiency, at is aarroleM to a child.
Some coughs call far one kelp, sow
Grenadine Hose
Ask lor No. 448
Lore! Grenadine twist hose In the
smart dull nnlah that smart women tr
Vearlnf. furs silk throughout . . . wldj
th. new enmd toe and cradle sole, and
the dauttar French heel Ficot top, tool
Faibka-aavored shades.
to wear with
winter coats
tfuede-finish felt makes these very smart "BETTY CO
ED" hats . . . with nattering youthful lines showing th
forehead and the hair. The soft quality of the felt is wa
kdapted to the draped silhouette of this season.
by them each year without ever be
ing heard of, the ca-author a the
pact of Parts says.
Tha American government, ha
goes on. "which has been and is to
day a leader in the endeavor to
make world peace a permanent
reality, must always strive to get
for the promotion of understanding,
able, and rt itourcef ul men. I,
therefore, ask for our foreign ser
vice the interest of our peace-loving
people and the approval of
public opinion, as well as constant
government support that it may
become bicjeasingly effective as an
instrument for dally accomplish
ment in the maintenance of tha
peace of the world."
Kellogg also praised the men for
their perseverance against "bitter
odds at the world's outposts.
bine the best ia Creomultion to be safe.
Creomuluoa com $1.25 a fcttM
anore tbaa leaser helps. But all drag
?;iitt guarantee it and return the
ull price to anyone not atufiod.
It nay be toe good for your cough.
A Water help smgtst serve. But ta
It wite ta take the riak when coughs
are danger signals? Anyway, a
cough from a cid which hangs a
calls for this uper-aelp. Do the
beat mce know ta be sace.
lor DUItemtt Cmmghm
ram tMda
W group of important new f ash
Ions . . . including all-around
belts, semi - princess backs)
eeaoted effects, boleros, el bo
fls. cape treatments, ikirt
res and deep, becominc collars
of fur ... at an important low
price, tool
Silk-and -Wool
Ask for No. 590
Ideal for outdoor wear! i'ure
silk plaited over pure worsted
.yarn, mack and
foiors. .i'air....
lliiHll M Ul1