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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1930)
PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1930 HE ROSE fKw"sl IN THE DARK Chapter M A BITTKK ARCAIS Hallie opened tti tor. "I am here. Sarcly atr said at ooc? end Dr. Lyttaa could hear nothing but cfaeerfulntai In her voice. I My brother hma come. Roae Lester, this Is Miss Conaldtne.' "How do you do?" said Kose. The hand she gave Lester was perfectly Ateadv. 'Suppose I etitertain your broth er, Saxely," Hallie suggest. Dr. Lyuuii and you have your talk?- "I'd be delighted," assented Les ter. Once outside, he began. -What was Uie good If tt. Hallie? Did you Imagine I wouldn't find you? Why, I wight have come down to see Rocks any day in the last month and there you'd haw been. "We thought that a risk well worth taking," she retorted. Now that he was here, she was not afraid ol him and she was going to let him see it. "You wouldn't have come to .see your brother oow If you hadn't hopfd to find me with him "Diirling, what's the use of all thk fuss? This time tomorrow you'll be my wile. She had drawn violently away from him but had not dropped her eyes. She believed that If she could only rcurn his case, she would keep ner couraite. Whet exactly do yam mean when you say that?" 'You're going back with me to night to New York, sweetheart, and tomorrow morning we get married." She was by now keenly aware of the ravages that her flight had caused in Lester. Ravages Just that; he was a man "ravaged by his on; oeer-ridins desire. She recoiled in spirit before the hunger 01 his eyes and his hands, yet she welcomed that hunger. She was going to make a weapou of it, if slu could. "If I stat re use to marry you," she said, speaking very slowly, "shall you give me away?" "Did you think rd go obediently away and leave you to Socks?" "Yes. Many men In your place would do it. "Not I. Whichever way you de cldo, you don't get Socks. Thai's clear." She made a careful move. "Dr. Lytton thinks that to let Saxelr have Uie truth now wouldn't harm bun. He wanted me to to take charge of Saxelr for a month, you see, aud the month Is past. So havent you found me just too late?" That's simply bluff! Too don't want Socks to know you're Nurse Ellesmore!" Ne vert bless, he had been sharp ly Jolted by her defiance. "I'd do a great deal if I could marry him, she admitted. "But as I can't do that anyaway whichever way I choose does tt matter very much to me what he comes to think about me? In a sense it might be easier If I told him I couldn't marry him because I was Hal he Bllesmsre, the girl he hates and despises. At least, then, he could put tub month of of devotion against that one heartbreakuig mistake; and es pecially U tie regains his sight he'd foortve me ne day." "You'll toll him today that you can't marry him because you're no longer In love with him! shouted Lester. "Life wouldn't be endurable." she continued, as though he were be having quite normally. "He'd go on hoping I was coming back. And he'd want to meet your wife. And very probably you'd get bored with all the slit its and evasions and ten nuu everything, after alL "Shall we go back? she asked. She made a vast effort as though she pushed at an Inert body, and rose. "We really haven't and more to sar to rach other" He shot out a hand and gripped her. -No." he said, "you art bluffing me. You'd give anything: for Socles not to know. You'll marry aw all right." Sha had con trailed her volt and' j her eyes, but her body betrayed her. uikht iiu oruusuig gnup, iter mini began to shake aud then her whole body shook. 1 She raised her voice and scream-1 ed. Instinctively, Lester's muscles relaxed. She wrenched herself away (ran him. "I'm not afraid of screaming now," rhe panted. "I've no no patient to disturb. .... You shall not touch me. Lekier. until I give you leave." He was getting sulkily to hi feet Hallie knew, with the Hushing knowledge of despair, that she had snatched back the ascendancy. 'I will make a bargain with you. she offered. It is a compromise. I will come with you tonight and X will marry you and then you must let me come back here." "Say. Is that likely?" "Alter a week no. two weeks, X will come back to tou." . "AH rltfht," he mgreed, with his lyaack of suddenly surprising her, "you wouldn't break your word. But whets the good of it?" he drmatided. suspicious onoe more. "Why two weeks? Why one? Why a day or an hour?" "In one week your brother Is to undergo an operation for his eyes It will be months before they know for certain whether It has given him back his stent but quite soon they witt see whether oertain symp toms have vanished or not. I must be with him during that time. "Bluff!" muttered Lester. But she knew she had struck her bargain. There was so much of tbe woman in Lester's mentality. She had, in some fashion marvellous to hcnelf, contrived to force lus rea soning Into line with hers. They went back to Orannock's room. "I am here, Saxely. "And there's Lester with you,' said Orannock. "Where's Lytton?' "Gone for a walk. dear. Docs he think you have made progress?' "He thinks you have performed a miracle. In due course tt was explained to Orannock that Hallie must return to New York for a short time to attend to an urgent business mat ter. "You will come back," repeated Orannock. "Come and feel my lugcaBf," ahe directed him. "Just swing It on one finger your little finger will do very well and tell me If what I am taking with me Is meant for two nights In New York or for ever and evermore? ''Rose. be wispercd, "you're go ing to watch over me after they operate: and for that reason I be lieve the operation will succeed." "I believe It too, Saxely. "Rose, will you marry me wlien you come back from New York?' She started away from him. She had boon utterly unprepared. ' Saxely. why do you suddenly ask me that? ' "I'm afraid I've put It badlv. he said. "But what I wanted to sug gest was that we shouldn't postpone our marriage through all Uiose months of supense." "Yes yes. I know." She hoped desparately for an interruption but none came. How cowardly ahe was! "Rose, I've a sickening sense that I've offended you.' She could think of absolutely nothing to say. "I can't explain anything but I can't possibly marry you In Baltimore." He fell back as though she had struck him. "For a moment I thought you were saying that you could not pos sibly marry me at aU." I I can t explain, Saxelr, never teleaa. I am coming back,' she In sisted. "I shall be 'there when you (Continued on Page T AGIOS 1 !it" Mfraw S. t.mpimy t. i' n. senary it. ay IL rttr la rmaajlraala Ik Opto 17. im Mar Mrlrra IS. Lmii It. Oawlrra ta Hi nx tt. I llrra wr4a ML Wi.r1l.lna ln tacs tc. ii Mir m 17. I' tWar M. r-aflliralWa Si. mrt r xrula ti, Maa roaa 7. ftW4-t I BUftH . Mlarrl , ffraiiae Sltlallf It, Malta a 4, Wrtf f fear rrM af IS. I IIH Solution ef Yesterday's fuzz la QAjS S AlfPJE O A LlfD E 5 am!o u rIIa l i c ee r n tIaTl l e s 1 1 aTc tIIa s o E53 LOPEOESCftOW E-lPJG EREELSREtS clcy REjA Hp i s c s E3 l3lEMtlf rVrl A i R E T I P aJs McjofM S E NjT E OflN rk bNfl TSA!ftSKUE pAlfei E Sflu TTER.S EAR NBl R EME U SEIS ver, sJeis dJoIs e s EES aIWte i q" a c i sin N Llls E L tJSR AN E E tieIe Ue Iniait ie ImSInIeIeIr L PrMrally M. atraaiatitpt I, Oml Mr tt. aa4iBiaa 1Mb oown M. Mwfnil 1. Nat tail airrrtaa a. Anlaat Ml rim f aakri um etar ft. Maaarvl ?. riarfe . Kitrana Iter sa. At mmf Urn ft. Allt aa, Wtoirr fekl a. ttttmrn f. a mutat . ft. tlarU x 9. yutmt af aarfae It. Kin- r fat IL Hoaaal4 animals IC Kal rn. it aieea" ft, At t. cbf aiatar t;. Atifm aii II. Jlnclaraal lri tft. I'hararlM la "Tha a aria Qara" tL linns af a wIM aalaial tt, Kiht Ift. Mairallaa Iriaaaia It. Tmi aaaaltr 41. J bit at 44. Ntrntrt ro(tf 44, lartlv f4a4 44. Htaaa thai arlrr 41, AarUal atara 45, Araalaa aaa port at. I MMar wart lhaa St. r far a Mlatla M. p-Ift frail tt. far rat LITTLE OEPHAN ANNIE r- " t In The Act B.T Har:d Cray mnq onto Softx I LJ ok wotno E n 0v, 1 enough vow. I 3 ench pti e novvv L m uu. r w- just I wwe? f vl-vH. r tone tPCi. ootiu-l 1 ooo K non h jp f " ; EEG'LAR FELLERS Ii.-bclual Giant n.v Ccr? L'jraca WWELL, AWHOT ofTlS THm YES ' SHE SAID v A ,M gp" ( 301 . j ( 1 AM! I : m I SSF XA )r , . I SPOSE VOURE ( SHE EVEN WM t 1 y JIMMIE DUCAU'. , A3 SMART AS ) I SAtD SO :- ME . - "- J tA'L8?!L2( TOMMY A Whale To Starboard: z b U K is i 7 If o ,i v y.' m i2 73 tr 7i t, ,J , . ;S zftfzf "Jo STWxT 35 if 7,43 ' ' yes w , ,- 44 45 4 4 4! 4f So Jl Z IT JT T S4 55 ' . ttr (ii.rNN 'iii-kin Ulld HAL rOKHtSI 1t times muggins km the mexican SHORE Lme AT OTHER TIMES CUTTINS COPtlBja ACROSS COUNTRY WHERE A FORCED LANDING SPELLS WS ASTER AND AGAIN FLYING SEVERAL MILES OUT AT Stfl , TOMMY AMD SKEETER ARE WlNSINS SOUTHWARD T0W4RD THE SAN NICCOLO ISLANDS, A PRIVATELY OWNED GP0UP OFF THE COAST OF CENTRAL AMERICA ! THE THREE -POINT-AVIATORS AW DELIVER ING TWOPIANES-A Small sport seaplane ANOANAMPRtBIN"TO AVVEZ MARTINI BANANA WRONSPORRMAM. THIS WEATHERS GETTING ;Jfi. X'.-'V.' f i I W BcTTER GUESS I :v'WCh.VV awhile ! wait i r our for ! A ."life:.- v ;Vsr-'fc7i'10r?rN riA '"'SI w-'ra w 'hr wip wham n .-J-'jfVlA.lntl.TWNl OF LKACKIN6 INTO A STEAMER,' I FIGURED irwAsn'r ANY USE RISKING ALL THE CHIEFS HURRY i LET'S DO A LITTLE FISHIN' UNTIL THIS BLOWS OVERt !M&f SPEAKING OFV FISHING ! HOW V AM NOULDY0U LIKE A LITTLE WHALE i, STEAK FOR LUNCH! DEAD ONE ! HE ISNY 'BLOWIN'ANY BUBBLES- Q&V TOMMY THAT AlMT A WHALE, ITS" GREAT VA bttLLOKIN W5LIN5, IT'S A fillRMABIUP THE PIRATE SUB: DUMB DORA Willine To "Douh-Nate" By I'aiil Vang f Tug OMuV TUinIO t cw . i SoooesT. aaV oeab. axyohX-x I f That t G;V6 Vou A J V. COUPLE OP V1ILLIOJS TO T A BiT fio- X" V WHlC MOW r yvVlLTOJ. SOAABTnifJCSS Jfcf 2 VOU CAV AFFORO TO everiiMa Vea )rea:ECTLy ,J Gotta be done - tms nI-J buy her sjell tmimos ) no, t M'SS DORA. I a,o OtHJ5MTFUL ( WAV THIfJaS ARC NOW ) -- ANDXW6 HEBTO JPPOSC Thought W tdo' )rLL PUTTWEaa I X MAV6HT A CMAMce SVJELU PLACE . T7 ITlSfJT- l rtuHAKi a i i t- rnuDcniJA AiAiij:r v I -- -'r"- - rr I r. . y. , t-r .iv j I " t I . . . - - j . 1 a 1 rtJ- i s( "V BRmsiii-rs up father f tiL P' rjfj MUTT AND JEFF Higher Education On A Lower Level B Bad Fisher CKeRo,Yov STN AN tCHOOL I I IU MeP (W AT I -T I fd-Mt WHCKC 1 I X IWIWTWAJ L (THUTtVCMA (tMATI f OR SAVIN 1 Lint a mop nr a BoKCrj HeMe am Tevrt IK ARe. Trte J IINVOURA colomwu." 1 Qocen wouLft bismaucv ts a J I ' - 1 rtfAjLW. (nn tWNtwi4 1 a.a.a.aa . - .. : . N