TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL'. SALEM. OREGON PAGE FTVB Society, CLUBSandMusic Evening of Bridge at Scott Home An enjoyaole event Tuesday night will be the informal evenlnft of bridKe and radio party with which Mrs. J. H. Scott will enter tain in her home on South High street. Five tables of cards will be In play, and the guest will stay for election returns over the radio. Mrs. Scott will be assist! In serving a late supper by Mrs. Charles Lowe. Mr, and Mrs. Scott will have a their eutsts Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Probert. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Baldock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Willurd Wlrtz, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Doughton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anunsen, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Roger MyihLng, and Mr. and Mrs. F. F Ford. Mrs. Scott will close the series of turtles for which she has been hostess during the pa.t week with t charmingly Informal luncheon and afternoon of bridge Wednes- day. complimenting Mrs. Lawrence Woodworm and Mrs. Merrill Ohl- Ing. In the group of close irlend bidden bv Mrs. Scott to honor Mrs. Ohling and Mrs. Woodworlh will be Mrs. Oliver Huston. Mrs. c. A Downs, Mrs. Douglas McKay. Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mrs. David Bennett Hill and Mrs. William Mott. Bridge Series Starts Tuesday An interesting event Tuesday was the luncheon for 28 prominent ma trons of the capital city with which Mrs. V. E. Kuhn entertained at Die Kts club. Seven tables of cards were in play later in the af-1 ternoon at the Kuhn nome. The affair was the first of ft ser ies with which Mrs. Kuhn Is host ess. Wednesday Mrs. Kuhn will entertain with ft second luncheon at the Elks club followed by seven tables of cards at her home; and Wednesday night she will be hofiess ftt ft dinr for 34 at the Spa, fol lowed by aa evening of bridge ftt the Kuhn home. - Sponsor Contract Bridge Class An Interesting class In contract bridge, with the noted authority on the card game, Mrs. Henry bior of Portland, as Instructor, will be started Friday night. November 7. t 7:30 clock at the St. Pauls Episcopal parish house. The class, which will meet each Friday night lor five weeks, is under the spon sorship of the women of the parish as a benefit affair for the parish funds. In the flrfat lesson, Mrs. Story will Instruct In no-trump bid and no trump take-out. Mrs. Willis Rough ton is in charge of registering the class and all Interested may secure further Information through her. Mrs. W. M. Smith will entertain members of chapter O of the P. E. O. sisterhood in her home, 1485 Center street. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W. M. Hughes will read a pa per on "Our Educational Fund.'' Members of the Unitarian Alli ance will hold their regular meeting Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Emerson room of the Unitarian church. A board meeting at 2:15 o'clock will precede the regular ses sion. Mrs. Blanche Jones will lead the study period discussion of the book. "Our Unitarian Heritage," by Dr. Ralph Wilbur. Mrs. Frank Lilburn entertained members of her kindergarten claw with a Halloween party Friday morning, and for her daughters. Marvelle Jean, Frances and Flor ence, with a Halloween party Fri day night. In the morning, Mrs. F. E. Mercer and Miss Lois Plummer assisted Mrs. Lilburn in entertain ing the week folk. Friday night, Mrs. Walter Kestley assisted Mrs. Lilburn in serving refreshments to the 18 young giris present. The First Methodist church chap ter of the Epworth League held a delightful Halloween party Friday night in the churcti parlors. Decora tions and games were In keeping with the season. Guests for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kelson. Mr. and Mrs. Foreman, the Misses Barbara Ames. Esther Hunnker. Dorothy KJoep- Stubborn Coughs Ended by Recipe, Mixed at Home Hfre Is the famous old recipe which taillion of housewives have found to be the mopt dependable means of break ing up a stubborn, lingering cough. It takes tint a moment to prepare and eorts little, but it give real relief rrm for tboce dreaded roughs that follow ereee cold rnitlemim. Vrom any drttnrit, get 2' onneen of Finn, pour it Into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar yrnn or ntrained honey. Thna yon make a full pint of better remedy than joa eould buy ready-mode for three times the t. It never apoit and tastea so good that even children like It. Not only does this simple ntxtnra Soothe ana heal the Inflamed throat membrane with nitrprining eane, but alio it ia absorbed Into the blood, and aeta direct)? upon the bronchia! tube, thaw aiding the whole RTtero in throw log off the cough. It kwweni the germ laden phlegm and eaaes chert aoreneaa la a way that Ht really a(onihmjr. I'inet it a highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norwa Pine, eoo taioing the act ire a rest of creoaote. in a refined. ialatahl form. Nothing known in medicine iff more helpful la cae f ditreiNing coughs, chert colds, a ad bronchial trouble. Do not accept a iubrtitnte for Plner. It In guaranteed to give prompt relief f none refunded pinf, Josephine Anderson, Ranan Eyman, Esther Hawlejr. Cleo Wood, 1 Violet Van Cleave, Esther Cook, Willa Ames. Helen McElroy, Betty Parker, Helen. Skinner, Pearl Lokam. Marlon Stone, He I tan Holliday, El eanor Yarnee, Ethel Wigle, Mar- Jorie O'Dell, and Messrs. Jack Nel son, Oetirge Waterman, Telna Ey man, Hal Lehman. Robert Holliday. Lee Ell-natter. Edwin Smarts, Ted Parker, Marion Kumler, Arthur B&ssfield. Forrest Holliday, Will Urn DePew, Edwin Seams ter, and Ronald Hewitt. Mrs. Glen Adams will entertain members of the Sweet Briar club in her home on Glen Creek road Wed nesday afternoon. Members of the Delphian Sigma Nu chapter will be guests of Mrs. George Ross man at an evening of cards In her home next Monday night. The Invitation was extended chapter members at their regular meeting Monday. Mrs. Foster Cone and Mrs. Wil liam Bennett will be hostesses Tuesday night to Kappa Alpha Theta sorority alumnRe at Mrs. Cone's home. The group will sew for the Salem General hospital, The November luncheon of the Salem branch, American Associa tion of University Women, has been advanced to this coming Sat urday, November 8, when the mem bers will meet at the Elks club at 1 o'clock. Miss Harriet Long, the new state librarian, will be the speaker. The third card party In the ser ies of "500" parties with which women of St. Vincent de Paul par ish are entertaining this fall will be held Wednesday evening at the St. Vincent parish house. Following several hours of cards, an old-time entertainment will be held. Hostesses or the event will be Mrs. M. Engel, chairman; Mrs. L. A. Grantz, Mrs. F. McAllister. Mrs. M. Phiefer. Mrs. C. 8. McFadden, and Mrs. Charles Keen. Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Altar society will meet Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the parish hall. Following a brief business session, a social hour will be held with Mrs. E. A. Pniltt and Mrs, B. F. Dimeler In charge, The Lincoln Parent-Teachers group will meet Thursday evening at e o clock in the Lincoln building for a reorganization of the Lincoln Parent-Teachers' association. Miss Dorothy Taylor, principal of the school, will speak, and Kenneth Abbott will give vocal numbers. Wayne Greenwood will preside as chairman of the organization meet' . . . Mrs. L. H. Barnett entertained members of the Baraga Philathea class of the Calvary Baptist church at her home Friday night with a Halloween party. Miss Doris Barnett assisted by a witch and a ghost, re ceived the guests at the door. Dec orations of Halloween novelties and yellow and orange flowers were used Ask for Kotex if you want real comfort in sanitary protection Don't think other sanitary pads can give you the same wonderful absorbency, the perfect t and lasting softness Kotex provides. IF you want perfect comfort and a real feeling of security, you must specify "Kotex" when you buy sanitary pads. - Kotex, the original sanitary pad, is actually five times more absorbent than surgical cotton, by test. The wonderfol material of which it is made (Cellucocton not cotton absorbent wad ding) is laid in many air-cooled layers, each individual layer a quick, complete absorbent in it self. Kotex is guaranteed to give more ptotection, longer protec tion than any other sanitary pad. That unique features Kotex deodorizes a fact of su effectively about the rooms. Garnet and fortune told in the barn on the Barnett property entertained the group. Ethel White and Alice Zilke assisted Mrs, Barnett In serv ing refreshments. The Piety Hil klub will be enter tained Thursday afternoon, begin ning at 2 o'clock, at the Edgar Hart ley home on North Capitol street. Hostesses will be Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. S. P. Kimball and Mrs. J, T. Whit tig. Mrs. Faye Sherman was pleas antly surprised by a group of friends Friday night. The guests piayea games and had several Halloween stunts, after which Mrs. Sherman was presented with a gift. A lunch eon was served. Among those present were: Edna Black. Owen Lambirth, Helen Trin- die. Ella Wahlberg Ernamae Stur- gls. Elite Thomas. Mae Ellis, Syl via Harvey, Olive McCormick, Katherine Aronson, Eunice Sturgis, Ruby Vogl, Mae Carter, Mary Mai- can. Helen Danison, Gladys Mace. Lorena En nor, Eula Bailey, Sadie Aronson, Gladys Kronen. Mildred Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. H irons. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Orcy Mastin, and Jackie Woods. The choir of the American Lu theran church gave a surprise party Monday night for Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrist, Sr. The eve ning was spent informally with music and conversation. Mrs. J. Al bert Sholseth and the male quartet san, while Mr. McGilchrist gave special numbers on his concertina. Refreshments were served and later the group presented Mr. and Mrs. McGilchrist with a gift. Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Fred Withee were honored with a sur prise party in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary at their home Sunday. They had been Invited out to dinner but before dinner was served were called home 10 find tables decorated with bouquets of dahlias and covers placed for 16. The dinner was furnished and pre pared by the guests. A wedding cake decorated for the occasion was a feature. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Withee and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Appley and two child ren, of Amity; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graham of Portland. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. T. Par- rlsh and son, Leslie, and Mrs. Nel lie McCoully of Newberg. and Mrs. Bertha Larson and son, Mervin, of Portland. Gervals Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sun- berg and small son of Salem spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lilac. o Jefferson Miss Virginia Mason, a teacher in the Woodburn high school, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Mason, other guests at the Mason home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. i Lloyd Mason and family of Salem ana John uoyte er corvams. preme importance to women who consider daintiness essential to charm. It is rounded and tapered in such a way as to fit perfectly un der the tightest fitting or filmiest of frocks. Hospitals specify Kotex Great hospitals have given their approval to Kotex by actually using 1 3,000,000 pads this year. Just think what a tribute that is to its hygienic sjftry! Nothine else is like Kotex. Be safe. Specify Kotex" when you order sanitary pads. iucx vjwipny. uiicaga. MacDowell Club Opens New Season A pleasing program Monday night at the studio of Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts opened the MacDowell club scries of musical events for the winter season. About 60 interested members and friends of the organ ization attended the concert and the reception which followed. The Droirram Dresentea rroi. i. 3. Roberts, popular Salem organist, the American Legion auxiliary quar tet, and Prof. William Wallace Gra ham, violinist. Prof. Roberts opened the program, playing one of the most delightful organ groups given before a local audience. The 'our seasons of the year, as Interpreted bv Kinder. Stebbins. Johnston, ana Kullak, were given in the musical group, each number being represen tative of the distinctive season which it portrayed. For his second appearance, Prof. Roberts played the colorful overture to "Stradeila" by von Flotow. He responded gener ously with encores. Prof. Roberts also accompanies the auxiliary quartet in their first number, the exquisite "O Bone Jesu" by Palestrina. Mrs: Vern Suko accompanied the quartet aunng their other numbers, Beethoven's "Hymn of Night," and "Life's Joys' by Speaks. For an encore, the quar tet gave the delicate "Fairy Pipers." Two violin selections of Prof. Gra ham dosed the program. Miss Ruth Bedford played his accompaniments. Mrs. C. K. Spaulding was assisted about the rooms by a group of ac tive and associate members In the informal reception which followed. The spacious livlngrooms of the Ro berts home were decorated with great baskets of vivid autumn leaves for the event. Mrs. Carl Gregg Done? and Mrs. C. P. Bishop presided at the coffee urns. Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Miss Lois Bteinke and Miss Helene Price assisted In the serving. Mis Frances Vlrglnle Melton, pres ident of the MacDowell club, spoke informally of coming programs which, the club will sponsor during the winter months. The December program will present the MacDowell club chorus, under the direction of Miss Lena Belle Tartar, and the Portland string quartet in a Christ mas program. Silverton Mrs. Earl Adams of Silverton and Mrs. Russel Scott of Salem, gave the second of a series of pvties at the Adams home Fri day afternoon when four tables were played, Mrs. P. A. Loar win ning high score and Mrs. Ernest Ekman, consolation. Mill City The wedding of Miss Florence Nystrum and Joe Muise came as a complete surprise to their many friends. The young couple (Additional Society on Page 7 KOTEX IS SOFT... 1- Not a deceptive softness, tbti soon picks into chaf. ing bardoess. But dcli cue. Us ting softness. 2- Kottx filler is ftt lighter and cooler than cotton, yet absorbs 5 times u oiucb. 3- Deodorizes, stielt thor oughly, by special proc ess. 4- DisposabU, ioitiotly, completelf. ftcrdar Kors-49c ft 11 Komi Supea-Sue J hi It bringt mew Uetli tmiUrf torn fort Woven to fit, m am entirely new patrntedprtutt Pie. firm yet liht; will mot ttrl; perie:t firthg. J "T "N W The New Sanitary Pad which dcodoriies UW- ASeUS Buy Direct From R, A V MbWVw F f Ml CW Mk, Fred Benioff, Furrier p- ffJgJ l : Oli "IS" jifr3 WAYS T0 PAY i ill tJrjF tn'1 f 0"rI purchases pay In December I capa ' Jg Smlt&mioff LEADS THE WAY LLOWER FUR PRICES this aale of Fred Benl- Mfi cH1 .v"". tf & V at tint tor. iml " . by . r-rantee 1 depend- ol ts, . . rt jfs Fred Benioff styles are fashioned to retain their usefulness I I I I I I I iijtw XX e .ss-4J9fa 1 Ki t SU M aJ UTaW) SwlJr FJlaYS I I B" """" s' unusually f ' &tfm.-j&i4T RJaWytflr ' I FH ,outhtuL iMffvaf j I 3 Deferred payments snay b. arranged f0 jj t lSAtffM Grouped here is a selection of the season's most popular S"iBnVl y LSj4H . fur slylt' outstanding in a year when furs mean more f j affit , than ever before. In the afternoon, for evening, at the Trsy? j -opera, for formal or informal wear the well-dressed l TZffl woman will be dressed in fur. Coats, silhouetted, fitted and flared to accentuate i the individual loveliness makes furs at these prices an fcJW mJ f&' epochal event destined to be the outstanding Fur Sen tps Kta lation of the year. Hudson Seal, Japanese Weasel, ls5.CN ! Caracul. Muskrat and Calyak Pony are among the & r3j)3ft favorites for those who appreciate beauty in rashions. Moire Oat- xi ' AC.,y.k Wednesday is the Lt,st Day of This Sale t '"j , '&4 MM. mMme!sz fel V.1:- aet-.S,; .t0.i erf-ptf-...V Wa jjg M and beauty tor several seasons ot smart wear. Ihey are ttie tp'V3 I ,i ji F Jw creations of Master Furriers and Fashion Artists combining iJlJll f if select quality pelts, painstaking workmanship, finest of lin- B.S3filf If 1 I IS "J ings, and into these garments are 58 years of knowing how. rJ ritv4 For 58 yean the Benioff Fam ily hat endeavored to bring fine quality fun at a price within the reach of all, by quantity buying of pelts, at original sources, our own manufacturing and our low overhead expenses without sacrificing quality. "Thus we say, 'Fred Benioff leads the way to lower Fur 9N TOUR RADI0-TU Fred Benioff Stylist Bakes a Social CaD at your koaa daily aver KJBS . . , KYA KFRC...KDCM. W. lope you enjoy this cn tcrtaiament, Sufges- boni welcome. Editorial reprint front Baa Francisco paper