Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 31, 1930, Page 9, Image 9

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    FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1930
A memorial program honoring the
bu JustlM 'rnomas ja. woiiac
will be held In the supreme court
Cham ben Saturday. Nov. 15. Speak
,n tram rartoua parts of the Mate
will be heard.
Wall paper aale now on at Hut
cbeon Paint Store.
Kev. D. J. Howe, pastor ot the
Pint ChrteUaa church, has return
ed from an extended eastern trip
during which he attended the prison
conference at Louisville. Kentucky,
and the world convention of chur
ches of Christ held at Washington,
D C. A report of the world con
vention will be made at the regu
lar church service Sunday morning
by Rev. Howe.
apple wanted. Gideon
rock hens were stolen from his
chicken house on night this week.
Trie thieves left but on fowl, an
old rooster which was moiling and
evidently not up to their Idea of
The entrance to your home.
corners of your garden make dis
tinctive Xmss cards. Phone OunneU
4c Rabb studio at once.
A Jury In circuit court has re
turned a verdict for the defendant
In the cs&e of W. S. Lauthers
against E. M. Cooper, c. P. Patlon
was foreman of the Jury.
Stols Co.
Rev. B. J. Shoemaker of the
Court strct Christian church, will
occuiiy hla pulpit Sunday after a
month's absence In the east, during
which he visited relatives and
friends In the middle west and at
tended the world convention of
churches of Christ held at Wash
ington, D. C. Rev. Shoemaker ac
companied his daughter. Miss Ger
true Shoemaker, east. Alter the
winter to be spent In an eastern
school. Miss Shoemaker will resume
bcr post as a missionary In Africa
Men's new suits tor fall at quit
ting business prices. Fullerton's up
Lairs store, 124 North liberty 8-
It Is believed that Governor Nor
11 ad Is considering Senator Milton
A. Klepper of Portland as an ap
pointee to fill a vacancy on the state
board of conciliation. A vancancy
will occur when the term of Wil
liam L. Brewster ot Portland expires
In January.
Special blue plate lunch 25c. State
Cafeteria, 461 State.
When the motorcycle he was rid
ing struck a truck making a O turn
at Center and High streets Wednes-
rlv evening. George Myers. 30, lo
cal painter, was thrown from his
mount, fracturing a leg. Myers was
riding south on High street at the
time of the accident. The Injured
man was taken to the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. L. Neumao where the frac
ture was taken care of. The leg was
placed In a cast. The driver of the
truck was not known at police head
auarters. since no report of the
accident had been made there early
Thursday afternoon.
Refinance your car. Pay monthly.
See P. A. Elker, Liberty a rcrry.
Ma lor General George A. White
and col. Thomas E. Rllca left na
tlonal guard Jieadquarters here
Thursday for a tour of Inspection
ot national guard units in southern
Oregon. All units In that part of
the state will bs visited. Including
thosi! at Medford. Grants Pass,
Ashland, and Roseburg.
Your big opportunity: dosing; out.
love, the Jeweler.
Fred Meyers, whose general store
at Talbot wsn recentlv destroyed by
fire, was In the city on business
Thurscay. He will rebuild and go
ba?k into business but not until
spring, he states.
Opening modern dance, Mehama
Saturday nits, Nov. 1. Featuring
Spot dance attraction. Good prizes,
worthwhile, beta's Jazz band. Me
hama la the dance center of 1930.
Be with the crowd. Mehama. 260
with tha unlawful nossesslon of a
still. The men were given minimum
sentenos upon recommendation of
tn state. Officers expressed the
Deuel that Uia men war manu
facturing moonshine not for aale
but for their own consupmtlsn.
When found the still had not been
In use for son time. Th ap
paratus was found Just over the
fence from th stiller farm.
Best Jaa dance. Crystal annex
every Wednesday, Saturday. J61-
The case of R. L. Groshong.
charged with giving a check with
out sufficient funds was continued
In Justice court until Saturday
forenoon after Oroshonf had ask
ed time in which to adjust the
matter with J. H. Hogan who swore
out a warrant for Groshong's ar
rest. The check In question was Is
sued last July for $5.20.
Evergreen shrubs. Prices down.
Plant now. Pearcy Bros., N. Liberty
Just north of Court St. 263'
fendant Johnson and alio provides
for foreclosure on real property and
sam of personal property. rn
court also handed down an order
In the cas confirming th report
of L. J. Vearrler, referee.
Complaint for foreclosure has
been filed In circuit court by the
state bonus commission against
Phillip H. JaskcskL
Regular dance, Yew Park Friday
night. Prultt's old-time Melodlans.
Sena M. Neal has filed suit to
quiet title against J. D. McCully
and others.
Special for Friday and Saturday.
broken sizes In Vlvette bloomers and
French pants, values up to 11. SO,
and sizes 5. 7, 9. Special 8C. How
ard Corset Shop. 200
Dr. E. S. Hammond, chairman of
the Golden Rule committee for re
lief of Porto Rlcan children which
will take contributions at au
churches during the week of De
cember T. has named the following
committee: Hon. O. P. Coshow,
honorary chairman: A. W. Smith-
era, treasurer: Rev. Hugh B. Foukes.
August Huckesteiti. Dr. M. C. nna
ley, George W. Hug and John U.
Old time masquerade dance, Cas
tiuan halL Sat. Chemeketa and Lib
erty, 25C-50C. 261
Fog at the Swan Island airport
and an almost dry gas tank caused
Pilot Miller, flying a southbound
Boeing airmail plane, to land at the
Salem municipal airport shortly be
fore 10 o'clock Thursday night. Two
passengers returned to Portland by
stage while the third remained with
the ship which left a little after
11 o'clock. Miller was enroute to
San Francisco from Seattle and
when he found he would have to
make an emergency landing, used
his wireless equipment to locate
field with landing lights. While
the Salem field has no boundary
lights, it has emergency field lights,
which coupled with the landing
lights on the plane, make landing
a simple affair. One hundred gal
lons of gasoline were purchased.
Pilot Miller spent several hours at
the old airport two years ago when
he was forced to land on account
ot a heavy snowstorm.
Don't forget Saturday, November
1 is the last day of the Capital Jour
nal Bargain period. You can renew
your subscription by mall only for
(3. Office will remain open ur.til 9
Virtually every town and city In
Oregon reports a surplus ot labor,
according to the U. 8. employment
service bulletin received here Fri
day by the local agency. Comple
tion of seasonal work Is largely re
sponsible lor the surplus, the bul
letin shows. The local employment
agency will In the next few days
issue 500 circular letters which will
be mailed to every possible employ
er oc labor asking that repair Jobs.
wood cutting and other tasks be
gotten underway as soon as possible
in oraer tnat some or tn unem
ployment slack may be taken up.
Nice tender rabbits. We raise our
own. Schlatter's Rabbit Shop. 190 s.
Commercial. 259
Events of our time, and future
tribulations aa told in the scriptures.
Sunday morning and evening, Salem
Baptist Temple. Robert u, ray.
minister, "
A basketball tournament among
the women at Willamette, will be
played off November 24-35-34. Wo
men an having dally scrimmages
under Kcho Balderee. Instructor.
This Is a form of Inter class rivalry
but will not give participants points
towards earning a sweater.
Closing out suite and overcoats
Sale now on. Serial's, 344 Stat. 260'
Plans for a women's athletic
field are being sponsored by the
womeni Athletic association at
Willamette. The university noaru
will be approached at Its next meet
ing with th proposition that
the ground behind Kimball hall b;
turned over to the women's asso
ciation for It to Improve.
See us first closing out suits and
overcoats. Schel's.
A. J. Paris was Issued a permit
to construct a gasoline filling sta
tion at the corner of North Com
mercial and A street Th plant
will cost 13000,
Suits and overcasts 114.15 and
J19.85, close out prices. Schel's. 200
Charged with the theft of three
bicycles, police Friday arrested a
boy living, on North Commercial
street. The bicycles were taken
from the Parrlsh Junior high
anlmaL The large amount of white
places th deer in a partial-albino
class. Th specimen, bagged by Mel
vin ChrUtenson ot Carlton, on th
first day of th season after hunting
about 15 minutes. Is exceptionally
larg for coast rang deer.
Frank Durbln. Sr. who has been
seriously ill at a local hospital, has
shown such decided improvement
In health that he was taken to his
home Friday afternoon.
Two thousand gallon of water
an hour are being obtained from a
otto wcii wii mc . oaxvrr paw i . ,
in the Prlngle district The well For sale. 1929 Chev. coupe. In good
was sunk 146 feet, ot which 60 feet Lrondltlon. Big bargain. Ore. Hnanoe
... .. . . . . I r . , im tjf.cnnl hM. MS
were through solid rock. Water
fsoin the well, which apparently
has an unlimited flow, will be used
for irrigation purposes.
Dance at the Gray Belle Silver
Grille, Halloween nit to 12. $1.50
per couple, covers dancing and re
freshments. 260
Ex-service men of the district
are invited to attend a meeting of
Marlon post No. 661. Veterans of
Foreign Wars, at the chamber of
commerce rooms Saturday night.
J. U. Campbell, of Oregon City, will
be the speaker.
Dry oak, off car at (7: 16-ln. mill
wood, dry slab and second growth.
16-ln. hog fuel burner. Fred E. Wells
Inc., Phone 1542. 260'
Corporation, 20 Masonic bldg. 25'
Mlsa ndna Garfield Is expected
to return Friday night from Chi
cago. She has been visiting during
the late summer and fall with re
latives and friends tn Chicago and
other parts of the middle west
Dance. Mellow Moon every Sat.
Wed. Admission only 25c. 201
Don't forget Saturday, November
1 Is the last day of the Capital Jour
nal Bargain period. You can renew
your subscription by mall only for
(3. Office will remain open until
Governor Norblad Thursday re
voked a parole that was granted last
March to Martin A. Lombard! who
was serving a two-year sentence
from Washington county for opera
tion of a still. State officers recent
ly picked up Lombardi In Portland
with liquor in his possession, and as
a result he will be returned to the
state penitentiary.
Now Is the time to have your fur
coats cleaned and repaired before
the holidays. Capital Fur Shop. 1328
Rtste. Estimates Bladly given by ex-
nerienceri furrier. 260
Three permit for small Jobs were
Issued Thursday oy tne cuy imuu-
Inv IncTWtnr They were to F. E.
Roberts, to alter a dwelling at 157j
Noun 18th street. $50; O. C. Comp
ton. repair a dwelling at 1677 South
Yew, (25. and to the Albert estate
to erect a garage at 1235 Rural ave
nue, 350,
Photographic silhouettes of you
or the children would make delight
ful Xmaa cards. Gunnell Robb
The estate of Marion Palmer Is
valued at $11,000 of which $1000 Is
personal property, according to let
ters of administration filed in pro
bate. E. 8. Palmer and Winona
Hatteberf have been named to ad
minister the estate.
Don't forget Saturday. November
I is the last day of the Capital Jour
nal Bargain period. You can renew
your subscription by mall only for
(3. Office will remain open until
Mrs. Jessie Lane of Route. 2,
Turner was fined $5 tn police court
late Thursday. She had Been ar
rested for allowing a person to
operate her automobile who was
under the a3 limit as proviaea oy
state traffic regulations.
When ordering cider from your
merchant say Gregory's Ketchy
brand. 260
In the final account of William
R. King a balance on hand of
$5233.02 Is shown, in addition a pe
tition has bn filed stating that
the h:lrs do not wish to sell
shares of the Multnomah Box
Lumber company held by the estate
and asks for their aisinouumi
funong the seven heirs.
The Beauty Box moved to 30$ Ms
tonic Temple. Phone 1955. '
Order has been filed In circuit
court In the caw of L-.'a.iure
Roth giving until November 13 hi
which to "file a motion for a new
trial. Dsmages were given the
plaintiff m this case to the amount
Of $500$.
Marcelling, finger waving 50c: ti
ept Frl, Sat, 399 ', Court Phone
Charles Zerzan. who lives a few
miles out on th Frultland road,
Claude Mack, of Cascadla, and
William M. Munkers. 22nd and Ox-
ford, his brother-in-law, were cut
and bruised and Mack received two
fractured ribs when their automo
bile skidded and overturned on the
Pacific highway near Sunnyslde
about 9:30 o'clock Thursday night.
Mack was at the wheel and was
blinded by the headlights ot an ap
proaching automobile, the machine
overturning wnen oe was attempt
ing to get back on the pavement
The two men had been working on
a bridge construction crew and were
returning to Salem.
Wm. A. Delzell, candidate for con
gress, Elton Watklns, candidate for
United States Senator; Ex-Gov.
Walter Pierce and other prominent
speakers will address the voters at
the Armory tonight at 8 o'clock.
Pd. adv. 260
A. N. Murzy returned to the city
Jail Thursday night after two or
three days absence. He was ar
rested on a charge of drunkenness,
the same which landed htm In the
bast lie earlier in the week.
Halloween dance. Tumble Inn Fri
day Entertainment of the most Joy
ous kind. Gobs of fun. whoopee for
all. Come! Two mucs nonn oi Al
bany on Pacific highway. 260'
An unidentified boy was struck
but not Injured by an automobile
driven by Ethel M. Nues Thursday
evening according to a report in
with the police. The boy who was
rirtin a hlcvcle without lights, at
tempted to pass to the right of the
Miles car after the driver had sig
nalled that she was about to turn
Into a driveway on North Capital
street. The boy bumped over onto
the curb out departed after saying
he was not hurt.
For rent light airy balcony In
center of shopping district. Suitable
for professional' offices. Floor space
35x1$ feet. Box 134 Capital Journal
Having whittled down th deficit
to approximately Slaw, worac hi
the Y. M. C. A. membership cam
paign which has been under wav
for a couple ot wu ii t 11,1
association at noon Friday for fur
ther check on th situation. The
campaign this year has been the
most suacessf ul In recent endeavors,
it was stated at the Y. An effort
trill he made to secure another hun
dred members, thereby reaching the
goal of $18,000 which was set i uic
start oi tne worx.
rtMt. hurvest old time dance. Crys
tal Gardens. Wed. Saturday. Mas
querade Saturday, Nov. U 261
Phones throughout the city were
In demand a little after 11 o'clock
Thursday night when It appeared
that there was a serious prison
break under way at the peniten
tiary, a steam whistle In that vi
cinity giving the alarm. Hundreds
ot persons were attracted to the
eastern part of the city by the
noise, which originated with
steam locomotive hauling hog fuel
Into tile prison enclosure, when Its
whistle became "stuck" and resisted
efforts to muffle the shrieks. The
noise continued until after the en
gineer left the yards and was head
ed tor the main railway yards.
The Salem Prayer band will meet
at 10 o'clock next Friday morning
at the Free Methodist church,
corner of Winter and Market
street to open the lust session CJ
the annual three-day missionary
mnnrntkm held each year by the
Free Methodists. Rev. J. T. Tayior
will be th leader.
Dance. Mellow Moon every Sat. &
Wed. Admission only 25c 261
Mrs. Fem C rosier was Installed
aa treasurer of Willamette auxil
iary, Fraternal Order of Eagles, at
their regular session weanesaay.
Mrs. Croxier fills the vacancy
created bv the resignation of Mrs,
Mlna Mvers who is making her
home in Portland. Mrs. (Hazel Mar
shall and Mrs. Julia Smith receiv
ed nrlzes for games during the
evening, played under the direction
of Mrs. Sibyl Roberts. The social
hour at the auxiliary meeting No
vember 5 will be supervised by Mrs.
Inez Holbrook.
Wm. A. Delzell. candidate for con
gress. Elton Watklns, candidate for
United States Senator: Ex-uov.
Walter Pierce and other prominent
speakers will address the voters at
the Armory tonight at ociocx.
Pd. adv. 260
Ralph Clark of the dairymen's
organization Friday submitted to
the county court a list of names of
77 dairymen with herds In Marlon
county and also a number In Clack
amas county which require inspec
tion for tuberculosis and urged the take steps toward reestab
llshnient of the county inspection
plan. He told County Judge Bleg
mund that petitions were being
circulated by the dairymen in
which the court was urged to In
crease the inspection fees so that
the plan for a general county in
spection could be reinstated.
The county Judge told Clark that
the court was more inclined this
year to reduce expenses than In
crease them and that this move to
Increase the Inspection fees with
the portion paid by the county
made greater Instead of being an
aid to th county court plan to
reduce expenses was. on th outer
hand, a move to Increase them.
The Judge Intimated that tne
court may take rather seriously the
application oi a Washington coun
ty veterinarian to move her in
event he can- be made county in
spector and install him for inspec
tions as provided under the original
charges made by the court One
other veterinarian. Dr. Simmons, is
already working In the sllverton
district and has contnlued to un
der the old fees. Clark told Judge
Sierfmund Friday that Dr. Patter-
son. another veterinarian, had ex
pressed a willingness to work if he
was not required to put up a bond
and stated this bond seemed to be
somewhat of a stickler with the
"Of course. I do not know wheth
er there is any connection in the
matter." said Judge Siegmund.
But It appears quite a coincidence
that about a year ago Dr. sorenson
of Hillsboro was here and made a
proposition to the court to take up
the inspection work tor tne county.
When this lesked out a similar
campaign to the one being maae
now sprang up and when Dr. Sor
enson didn't move over here the
movement seemed to die down
again about as rapidly as It came
up. Now the Washington county
veterinarian has written over again
renewing the proposition and by co
Incidence or otherwise the verterl-
narlans seem to be busy again re
newing their demands. Anyway, X
am not mre but the court will take
the matter up lurther with tne
Washington county doctor to see
what arrangements he may wish to
Work on th Clarion annual, Sa
lem high school rar book, has
opened In earnest with th an
nouncement of staff editors by Ruth
Chapman, editor ot th publication
for this year. Betty-Ma startling
Is th assoclat editor.
Clara Lyons, editor of the Clarion
newspaper, has been named as ad
ministration editor for th annual.
with Marlon Fisher and Valmer
Klampe as assistants. Th section
devoted to th classes wUl be edited
by Gwendolyn Hunt, assisted by
Rachel Pemberton and Gladys Han
son. Organisations editor is Esther
Keusher. with George Corey and
Betty Vaughn named as assistants:
and editing of activities section will
be Mamie Crltes and assistants,
Howard Amend and Harryette Beall.
In charge of material to be placed
in the athletics section ot the year
book will be Jack McCullough, edi
tor; Werner Brown, Win Jenks and
Gordon Whlttington. Joe Darby.
features editor, will be assisted by
Carl Collins, Louis Cramer and
Margaret Burdette.
Snapshots to Illustrate the annu
al will be gathered by Virgil Harri-
asslsted by warns wins. Marl
on Johnson and Peggy Wagstaff.
Indexing th book will be done by
Kate Corey, with Jos Voight and
Margaret savage assisting. Wllla
Ames and Jo Anderson have been
named as copy editors.
Portraits for the annual are al
ready being made and the book will
be profusely illustrated. Margaret
Mage Is portrait editor, with Fern
Harris and Donna Bishop as assist
ants. Chuck Reed and Frank
Spears are In charge ot the staff
Dorothy Alexander and Doris Me-
CaUlster will assist Jean Eastrldge.
technical editor; and the staff poets
are Rachel Howard and Mary Jane
A marriage license has been issued
to Werner M. Beck, 23, and Eleanor
Kcskl, 13, both of Portland.
Demurrer has been tiled with the
county clerk In the case ot R. D.
Gray against M. T. Molsan.
Indemnity Insurance company of
North America has filed an action
for money In circuit court against
Frank Money.
Rummage sale Saturday, 130 S.
High. Order ot the Amaranth. 260
Interclass debate tryouts were
held Friday afternoon at the sen
ior high school, with seniors. Jun
iors and sophomores meeting In
separate rooms. Following the se
lection of class representatives, a
series of debates bewteen the three
classes will be staged. The varsity
debate teams and alternates will be
selected at the conclusion of the
series. Both interclass and varsity
teams will debate on the subject,
"Resolved. That chain stores are
Ui-uimental to the best Interests of
Special: Tulips 20 cents per dor.
and up. Gold banded lilies and all
other fall bulbs. Plant nof. Salem
Seed Ac Orchard 8upply Co. 173 S.
Com'L St. Phone 063. 261'
Dr. crorer C. Birtchet,
of the First Presbyterian
spoke on Colombia before students
of Willamette university at the
regular Friday chapel exercise.
Dr. Birtchet spent several years as
a missionary lor tne cnurcn.
ittillm. Dreamland Tuesday. Fri
day. Sunday. 7 to 10. Masquerade
Friday, Oct 31. 2"
Changing their pleas from not
guilty to guilty. Chas. Usher and
ru Miller of the Hopmcre dls-
trine were sentenced Friday In
justice court to pay fines of $100
and serve 30 days In the
Members of the county court who
were In Pirtland Thursday at
highway commission meeting made
no progress on the matter of the
North Santlam highway ana ap
propriation ot federal road funds.
The highway commission was
busy It was Impossible to get In a
word In regard to the matter, mem
bers ot the court stated, other than
that the meeting to allocate funds
would not be held until late In No
vember. It Is likely an effort will
be made again by the court to meet
with the commission before the No
vember session and discuss the mat
ter when the commission's hands
are not so taken up with routine
In articles of Incorporation filed
with the county clerk th name of
F. W. Pettyjohn incorporation
changed to James H. Madden, Co.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Morgan, ac
companied by two of their children.
Pearl and Ivan osterman, nave re
turned from silver creek talis
when Mrs. Effle Morgan painted
some pictures of the south falls.
Special Imported European and
Oriental fancy Jugs, values to $4,
now $1, 11.25 and $1-50. see them in
our Liberty street window. Hartman
Bros. Jewelers. sw i
A home where a high school girl
can work for her room and board
and small wages and be treated
like a human being la being sought
by Xlus Mabel Robertson, dean of
girls at Salem nign scnooi. 100
manr Salem housewives wart high
school girls to work eight hours a
dar in addition to their studies at
school, and get paid for their work
with their meals and a place v
sleep. According to figures pre-
nared by social economists, a cer
tain number of hours of work each
week Is sufficient to pay for room
and board, and for all other hours
of work put in over that quota it is
onlr fair that the girl should re
ceive compensation. Positions that
are open may be referred to Miss
Robertson at 402-J.
Circuit Judge Hill has handed
down a decree In the case of W. H.
Vearrler against L. A. Johnson In
which he decrees that the plaintiffs
shail recover $?5i.0f from tn a
Motion calling for a bill of par
ticulars has been filed in circuit
court in the case of Carl O. Har
vey against Louis Momerak.
Petition for the special road dis
trict meeting tn district No. 57 to
be held November 29 at 7 o'clock
In the evening at McLaughlin school
house has been filed with the coun
ty clerk. It is signed by W.
Hicks and others.
In an-appraisement of the estate
of George U. WhlteseU, insane,
report by Arthur W. Smlthers, Clark
Jackson and K. C. oearin says mat
the estate amounts to nothing.
Copy of the budget for th city
of Oervals approved at a recent
mass meeting has been filed with
the county clerk and shows expen
ditures for the coming year for the
town are estimated at $53M lnclud
Ing some $1200 In unpaid bills. The
budget copy wss filed by O. J. Mol
san. mayor, and M. D. Hennlng. re
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bonesteele
returned Thursday night to their
home on Market street alter apena
lng tlx past Hire months with
Mrs. Bonesteele's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Shannon, on their large
cattle ranch In Montana.
(Closing QaataUanaJ
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FOR $405,000
An effort to put renewed life In
the Bov Scout work In this com
munity was the major accomplish
ment Thursday night of a group of
persons interested in scouting wno
were called together by Justice
Harry Belt, president of the execu
tive council for this area. A sec
ond meeting to outline a member
ship campaign will be called as soon
as a tnorougn survey oi me auua
tlon ia completed.
It was brought out Tnursaay
night that live of the 13 troops
which at one time luncuonea in
Salem have become defunct
through lack of interest of the or
ganizations behind them. These
five trooos Include two sponsored
by the Presbyterian church, one by
the United Brethren cnurcn, one uy
the Klwanis club and one by tne
Leslie church.
New York (IP) Tim Mara, suing
Gene Tunney and Billy Oibsoa for
$405,000, In supreme court Friday,
depicted himself as a greatierted
Irishman who could not bring him
self to accept -25 per cent of Tun
ney s earnings, but insisted on tak
ing only ten per cent.
It la Mara' contention that he
was responsible for obtaining the
bout at Philadelphia whereby Tun
ney brought about ihe downfall of
Jack Dempsey as heavyweight
champion. Gibson, formerly Tun
ney 'a manager, has been declared
mentally incompetent and now Is In
a sanitarium.
Most of the morning session was
devoted to identifying telegrams ex
changed between Tunney and Mara
while Gene was on his way to Cali
fornia in 1920 to make a motion pic
ture. Mara said he conferred with
Tunney before the fighter left for
Hollywood and at that time Tunney
offered him 25 per cent of his earn
ings in the Dempsey fight and 25
per cent of his income thereafter.
"That wouldn't be fair to you.
Gene," Mara quoted himself as say
ing. "I'll just take ten per cent of
your Dempsey purse and 25 per cent
$77,000 FOR
IfeW YMtt fUP Th mjUfcatt lAaaal
air Reduction 100
iiiviiaiaT lyorjt
All u -Chalmers Mfg. Co.
AmcrtCsau Can Comptinr .
American ir m Foundry ... ,
American J. Foreign Power..,
American jjocomout ,
Am. Rtd. 4k Sand, fi altar?..
turning juu
American knelt Raflnlnc,.
American Steel Foundriea...
American SuKar Kefuung....
American Tel. Tel
American Tobacco B
Anaconda Copper Mln. Co.. ..
Atchison. Topefca b fcS.
Atlantic Refining
Auburn Automobile .......
Baldwin Locomotive
Baltimore & Ohio
Bcndix Ariatlon
Bethlehem Steel
Brooklyn Union Gas
By era AM.
Calumet A Arizona
Canada Dry
Canadian Pacific
Case (J. I.) Co
Cerro de Pasco Copper
Cheeapeake it Ohio
Chicago Great Western
Chic. Mil- St. Paul A Pac..,
Chicago it Northwestern....
Chrysler Corp
Colorado Fuel fe Iron
Columbia Oaa
Columbia Graphophone ....
Common wealth tt Southern
Consolidated Gas
Continental Can
Corn Products
DuPont de Nemours CO..(
Electric Power At Lisbt
Erie Railroad 33
Pox Film A
General Asphalt 28
General Electric SO Shi
General rooas
General Motors
nui ft
Gold uun
Goodrich (B. P.) 17
Ooodyear Tire St Rubber 41H
Houston OH . 44
Howe Bound -
Hudson Motor
Hupp Motor Car Corp. ...
Indian Refining
Inspiration Cons. Copper..
International Harvester ..
Internatlonl Nickel ,
international Tel. Tel. .
Kansas City Southern ...
Keunecott Copper ........
Kresge (8S l
UBitett Myers a
Loew'a. Inc
Mathleson Alkali
Mack Trucks
Miami Copper
Mld-Contlnent Petroleum.
Ulssourl-Kansas-Texas ...
Montgomery Ward ......
Nash Motors
National Biscuit Co
NUonal Cash Register A..
National Dairy rroaucu..
National Power & Light .
Nevada Cons. Copper ....
New York Central
N. T. N. H. Si Hartford..
North American B3
Packard Motor 6
Pacific Gas Si Electric t0
Pnn American B. 48 6-8
Paramount 'Public
Pennsylvania Railroad GSfe
Peoples Gas
Phillips Petroleum
Pierce Petroleum aU
Public Service of N. J 8l,if,.
Puro OH Company
Radio Corp. of America.. iBlk
Radlo-Kelth-Orpheum A. 214
Reynolds Tobacco B
Scars Roebuck 4
Mholl linirm OH 10i
Simmons company
Sinclair uonsoiiaatca un -
un..lh.rn Pacific 104
Southern Railway H1
atandnrd Oaa St Electric
standard Oil of California 61
atnri.rri nil if Nna Ji rsev C25i
Standard Oil of New York... 28 3-0
Stone St Webster . -JJ
Studebaker Corp f
Texas Corp
Texas Gulf 1
i- . onr. Lnnrl Tru.qt 15
Tlmken Roller Bearing .... 50
Transcontinental Oil Elliott Fisher 67
Onion Carbide at caroon wv
ltnltod Aircraft 31
United Corp 21 3-8
Tinitmi r.aa improvement,
United State iiuoocr u
United States Steel 144
Utilities Power St Light A 254;
Vanadium 48
Warner Brothers Pictures
Western Union 13"r
Westlnghouse Air Brake 32
Wcstlnshouse Electric 101 tfc
Wlllys-Overlftnd i
wool worm c. v.
Worthlnston Pump
Yellow Truck. St Coach 10 "4
e n
... nvt
, 28 5-S
... SSU
... M
. .. 34
i -
. M 'i
19 3-8
.. sis
. ... 10
Flllna- of articles oi Incorporation
bv the Salem Communltv Hotel cor-
DoraUoa with the county ciera u
another step toward the hotel which
Hal D. Patton has been working on
for a number of years to be estab
lished on the old Patton property on
Court street. Incorporators are Hal
D. Patton, Charles L. Pa rm enter and
H. M. Rollers.
The capital stock Is placed at
200.000 and provision Is made In
the articles that the corporation
shall not begin business until at
least 1100.000 Is subscribed, ine
stock Includes MOO shares of 1 per
cent preferred atock and 1000 shares
of no par common atock. Trie pre
ferred has a par value of 100
share. This stock may be taken up
at $105 at any time on K days' no
The Oregon Electrio Railway
company Friday filed witn in
public service commission a copy
of the brief It hss filed with the
Interstate commerce commission In
Its move to acquire the Valley A
aileta railway. The southern Pa
cific company Is seeking to acquire
the same line, which extends from
Independence. Polk county. Into
the Coast Range timber belt.
After several months of compar
ative Inactivity, building in Salem
during the month of October took
on new life and as a result over
(77,000 v worth of construction was
started during that period. This
figure Is over twice that of October,
192. and is nearly four times tnat
of September of this year.
Three construction Jobs, two of
them churches and the third a new
store building contributed heavily
toward the total. Permits for these
structures which include the United
Brethren church, the Evangelical
church and the Schunke store build'
lng on High street call for an ex
penditure of $64,767.
But two new dwellings were start
ed during the month at an expense
of 14300. One Mling station added
UO0 to the a, -int. Ten -r-vite
garages were built at an expense of
$1205.45 while alteration and repair
Jobs totalled (7387.
September of this year nrougnt
a total in construction of but aw.-
363, while tn October, 1029, $11,04
was expended. The total for Octo
ber this year up to noon Friday
was (77,05 u.
Portland. Or... Tha Keah
Kab-Nle mountain highway from
Hehalem to Cannon Beach was
adopted as a part of the Roosevelt
highway by tha state highway com
mission Thursday.
This link will take the highway
along the open sea for a distance
ot several miles instead of Inland
as at present. The road will lead
around the end of Near-Kah-Nl
mountain 600 sheer feet above th
ocean, along abort Sand beach.
around Cape Falcon and will con
nect with the Cannon Beach road
at Arch Cape. This Is considered
one of the most beautiful stretch
es of the Oregon coast and has
heretofore been accessible only to
Clatsop and TUlainook counties
will maintain the present Inland
road as a county road and will con
tribute (25.000 a year each to tn.
highway commission for four years.
Construction on the Neeh-Kah-M
link will not atari until the other
gaps In the highway are completed
but It will probably be sot utter
than 1931.
To meet the federal requirement
in regard to the maintenance of
the Salmon river highway, the
commission decided to make th
highway a part of the state sys
tem. Heretofore this highway has
been on the federal aid system but
not on the state aystem aa la the
ease relative to the Umpqua high
way and the projected branch of tha
east side Pacific highway between
Oregon City and Portland.
Among projects to be put under
contract at the next meeting ot th
commission Is a three mile exten
sion of the Santlam highway east
of Cascadla; widening and surfac
ing 14-mlle section of the John
Day highway between Vale and
Brogan; surfacing 19 miles between
the Oregon caves and Redwood
Junction In Josephine county and
re-surfacing 13 miles of the Oregon
coast highway between Lakeside and
North Bend.
The following contracts were
Deschutes and Crook counties
Middle unit Bear Creek-MUUean
section PiinevUle-MUUcan highway,
3.11 miles grading, Rust Bros, (19.-
Jackson county Eagle Point-Trail
section Crater lake highway, re
gradtng 9 & miles and resurfacing
s miles, Morrison Trucking Co,
Lake county uncom county iuw
China creek section Oregon coast
highway, 8.3 miles grading, north
unit. William Endlcott. (98363.
Hendricks brldge-Doyie nm eec
tlon McKemle hlshway, 9.3 mllea
surfacing. Sexton and Looney, (79,-
Umatilla county Pendleton-Eml-grant
htll section old Oregon trail,
furnishing 21,000 cubic yards main
tenance material, Claude R. Selts,
Adams-MIIton section Oregon and
Washlnston highway, furnishing 22,
700 cubic yards maintenance niater
lal. Kmlte Lien. (30.220.
Frame storage building at Red
mond, J. Thompson. (3882.
Frame storage building at John
Day. J. Thompson. (3562.
Frame storage building at Hebo,
O. M. Douglas. (3075.
Construction ot frame shop build
ing at Salem. J. Anderson, (17,930.
SEi.ErTEi crim rtock9
. 14't
21 ft "
.. 414
American LlKht At Traction.
American Superpower
Auoclateo uas A.
Brazilian Traction L. at P...
Cities Service
Cord Corp
Crocker-Wheeler ,
Electric Booa fit Bnarc.....
Ford Motor Ltd
Pnf Theaters A.
Ooldman Sachs Trading 1
ouir on cm n -
Humble Oil " .
....,... t nil n. 22 A
Newmont Mining S7.8:8
Nlasara Hudson Power "V
Ohio on
Shealfer Pen
Standard Oil of Indiana
United Oaa Corporation
United Light St Power A..
Utilities Power St Light..
The balance of the week In cir
cuit court is expected to be con
sumed In trial of a case sent over
here from Yamhill county Involving
condemnation of right of way for
market road purpoiBS In that coun
ty. The defendant ia Laura Oumm.
Taking of testimony In the case
started Friday morning, the Jury
being selected Thursday afternoon
alter which It was taken up near
N.aheiY and viewed the premises
4(1 which, are In dispute, ine aeienu-
ft ants were awarded (10 damages for
land to be taken and in turn as
for (1850 In damages and (350 la
attorney's fees. The aftalr being
longer drawn out than expected, will
put another case or iwo "UM
for this week, over until next week.
Judge McMahan Is sitting in tha
20 S
A buck bearing large splotches of
mtM h.le m hark- fl.nka and FlimD
Is being displayed by the Angora Mlddleton and Midge HeweU fur-
Mmn-nw .hlrh imntinted th ' Blshed BQUSlC tUT the d 010.
Full cooperation in themovement
to secure 10,000 attendance at the
Whitman-Willamette football game
here Saturday, Nov. 71 was promised
by the Salem Ad club at it luncn
eon Friday. A committee was ap
pointed to work with the group
which Is behind the movement. Prof.
Jones of Willamette university, ad
dressing club members spoke on
merchandising pointing out the ad
vantages an Independent merchant
may derive from studying chain
store methods. The Delta Phi trio.
consisting of Edith Flndley, Jean
Lansing, Mich. (IP) The career of
Michigan's foremost tree sitter, Ed
gar Stckler, came to an abrupt end
Thursday nlnht when pre-Hallow-
een enthusiasts climbed to his perch
and pulled him from the branches
ot the maple tree that had been his
sole companion for 3448 hours.
Edgar who had been up to the
equivalent of 102 days, "took off,'
July 21 and since then has built suf
ficient shelter to ward off winter
wtavil. HU record surpasses that of
Anna Koskl's, Cleveland trec.sltter.
his nearest rival, by some 1350hours.
The Cleveland girl was forced down
at the start of school by truant of
ficers but Edgar was past the school
age, being 18,
Medford. Ore. 17 Henry J. Kar
thelser. 20, of ftptrlt Lake. Idaho,
was Frldsy sentenced to serve ten
years In state prison without bene
fit of parol for robbery of the
Farmers' and Fruit Orowers bank
her October 7. Karthelser entered
a plea of guilty following his Indict
ment Thursday.
According to a divorce complaint
filed with the county clerk by Otto
H. Hunt he alleges that his wile.
a. K Hunt, not only called him a
'hnit" hut went a ateo xuixner
and called him a "pup." But It
seems, according to the complaint.
she didn't spend all of her time
calling him names as It states she
would so for days at a time with
out speaking a kind word and that
she was constantly making sarcas
tic remarks.
One time, he avows, she threat
ened to break his head with a
heavy piece of cut glass but there
Is nothing to indicate thst she put
the threat In to effect. He states
the defendant's maiden name was
O. E. Martin.
Mrs. K. C. Ooodwln is gravely 111
at her home In in Royal Court
apartments. She has suffered sev
eral atrokea within th past few
weeks. Her brother and aisier-in-
law arrived from The Dalles two
days ago to be with her.
Washington W) -Senator Frasler,
republican. North Dakota. Friday
advocated the election of P. W. Lan
ier, democratic candidate lor con
gress In the second district of his
state In opposition to Representa
tive Hall, the republican Incumbent.
a rarioad of 50 natlenta from th.
stat hospital for the insane left
here Friday to b transterreo 10 a.
eastern Oregon state hospital at
Pendleton. The transfer wss nec
essary to rellev a congestion ot
population at the Salem Institution.
iStlcruit iHemorial
to .JMl rms
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
J art tea aa urates frasa lb
smart towm
Yotttt jstombtflotd
Iisdoof Burial
has reported that over 100 barred
county JalL Ther wera characd