SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2T, IPSO PAGE SIX TTTE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON By Harold Gray, LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE Th Turninr Point HE ROSE fsg PS Lrl".' IN THE DARK mm -a Chapter S3 AN ANONYMOIS W4RVINO - At the Broon mansion Lester found only letter from Dr. Lytton eaylng that be had taken Graiineck to Baltimore for treatment by Dr. Downing, the eye specialist, accom panied by Nurse Casey. Thre was no word of Halite. Lester assumed she must have gone bark to New York and so re-' turned there, but after week's search of hospitals and nursing homes wbers she must of necessity seek employment, he was foroed to admit htanaeU beatro. The strain was beginning to wear him down. In desperation he went back to fioutnclta and aoucht out Dr. Lyt ton, who already had written that he had returned. '"Moraine. Broon. I was Just to- lnc to wrtce to you. Dr. Down trie considers that Ms latest treatment intirht be ot value to your brotlier." He led the way Indoor. -You're looking a btt off color." continued Lytton. "P'raps I've been worrying about old Socks. suirseJtrd Lester. "I suppose I stiall hear how he, gets on?" "Certainly.- , Well, look here, what I really came about waa Miss EUaamore. D'you know where she Is?" Stie went back to New York." said Lytton, fixing nil eyes upon Lester. Oh yes I suppose siie did went to huy clothes and net all ready to marry Socks when lie comes back! That's a nice little yarn, but you know well enough that if Socks gets Ills sight back hell find out siie's the girl he's got such a grudge against; and If he doesn't you'll separate 'em some how. You told me yourself that you'd get her out of Socks' life as quickly and quietly as was safe." "Well?" glowered Lytton. Tm merely reminding you that she's engaged to me, that she's go ing to marry me and that If you dont want her to marry Socks, you might just as well help me to find her." "If she wanted to marry you, you wouldn't have to look Xor her. I Imagine . 8ne wanw to marry me all right. At any rate, she'd far rather marry me than bare me explain matters to Socks." ."That's a specially rotten way of blackmailing a woman!" "Think so? Somehow. I can't see It. It's simply presenting my point of view." Lytton turned his back and stared out of the window, "You may find it hard to believe." he Jerked out, at last, "but I won't help any man to force himself upon a girl who doe&iit want him, what ever my private opinion of her may be." T tell you, 1 shall make her per fectly happy. There'll be an ample Income and nothing to do but spend it. And very likely there'll be Socks with his sight as good as ever and nothing for any one to worry about." "She announced. In your pres ence, that she had no intention of marrying you. Unless she assures me she has changed her mind ' "She changed it when she decided she dtdn't want Socks to hear her sad little story. And X dont doubt you'll come to admit that she showed sense." "Blackmailing me. too, ure you?" Oh. don't be that way, doctor! I'm only looking at the thing from my point ot vie. The Teins were standing out In Lytton's face. Hts hands were clenched tnd his shoulders thrust forward. . . "Are you dtflnttely t?illng me that you'll write the truth to your brother if I don't help you to find Miss ConaJdine? ' he shouted. "I suppose it comes to tliat.' "It's you that your hrotliAr ought to know the truth about, you cur!" "Weil, tell him If you think lt'D cheer bun up. I wont stop you." Lytton strode back to the window. There was ft long silence. Lester pleased and refreshed, lit ft cigaret. He had hall finished u before the doctor came away from the win dow. Lytton's face bore no expres- blou whatever. "Very well," he said. 'For Gran- nock's sake. Miss Ellesmcre Is In New England. Whereabouts in New England?" Boston." The doctor gave street and number. "Siie Is In cliarge ftf an elderly lady a mental Invalid she travelled with her and arranged t stay with her until ahe Is accus tomed t ber new surroundings. . . I ujapose it's uo use asking you to I leave her in peaceT" us at ail. I shall bscome ft mental invalid myself tf she dodges ine much longer. I cuppas you got her the lob? "I recommended ber in the first place. Though I fail to see why X should have to explain myself to you." "Only," eaclalmed Letter grace fully, "so that I may thank you on Iter behalf. It must have Jarred your conscience horribly. "Oo on get out of my house!" returned Lytton with violence. A quarter of an hour later. Dr. Lytton sent ft telegram. It ran as folio as: Broon probably starting north today." It was directed to Cor Id ine at the address he had given Lester, but he did not sign it. (To be continued SHAW CLUB WOMEN TO DONATE FRUIT Shaw TTe women of the Shaw community club met at th- home f Mrs. William Brownell. Wednes day afternoon. The annual election of officers was held. Mrs. John Bat liner, was re-elected president: Mrs. Ed Golfin, vice-president, and Mrs. Eton Brownell, secretary -treasurer. It was decidfd that a box ot can ned fruit should be donated by the members to the Salvation Army at Salem for distribution at Thanksgiving. Tne hostess. Mrs. William Brown ell, a-ssisted by her daughter, Mrs. John G rue how. served lunch to Mrs. Ed Goffln. Mrs. Joe Schraman, Mrs. Fred Gilbert, daughter Georgie and son Eugene, Mrs. Loyd Keen, Mrs. William Berg. Miss Amanda Ma thews, Mrs. John Batliaer, Mrs. Elton Brownell and Mrs. Ed Amort. Mrs Fred Gilbert will entertain the club at its next regular meeting. Moo von ote- a so its k HwotWi a Mi VfcfcA feKTt VO. voc t00- i " - r re: J REG'LAR FELLERS Vo9T Werkmaiiship By Gene Byrnca VCAN i'jWeT n " '-Ja THERE'S SOMEN. ToON'T UKJEVttbw- s. ll mfi:- TAILSPIN TOMMY Geojraph While You Wait ! Rr iliA'V f ll.M TIN and ihl iuri:li ATTENDANCE GOOD AT CHURCH RALLY Monmouth A delegation ot forty! young people of the local Evangel- 1 leal church participated In the semi-annual Salem district rally tn I Oorvollls Sunday afternoon and I evening. The attendance almost 1 reached the 300 mark. Places rep-1 resented were Florence, Mapieton, j Kings Valley, Albany, Sweet Home.l Jefferson Sodavllle, Salem, Labishl Mission, Dallas, Monmouth and I LewlsvUle. Lablsh Center A number of peo ple from Lablsh Center attended the Christian Endeavor rally at Cor vaUls. A pep" meeting was held during the afternoon. A pot luck supper was served at 5:30 o'clock, followed by servicss In the evening. Those attending from Labish were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Klampe. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Starker, Miss Naomi HurnaUiucu. Misses Grace and Fauces Klampe and Mus Irma Hornschuch. MRS. JONKS BLTTEft Jefferson Mrs. Marie Jones, who was very ill the first of the week, Is gradually Improving. A ( BOSS L Chldrt rtat- aitntt ft. ttiti-tlrlfi brirS IS. t to in tall- II. AlltldV . MIUar; IS. Atl 1 lh Mil la, Lrrai etetai f. IT..H ei. Mud ot ititirt ti. ltmlun ti. ran ( ths Irlrh-a CI. II nil n Kk Fiwfl era urn H. itm.ri.nti Iran ;. Allonitat r m rtttitnlner IS. biiTltlrhlly la, OfiM la the IS. Iirh.nslnt It It. I HrnttrrA St, Htnihel (of rhlam tl. Thri Mat; olifl Sotut'on of Vesterdsy's Puziis "TAlTlAt5goRiOPfflt JDIEIS A D U UtHR E A RUMf I R e P o s in aim e In' t 0(6 A j n EHNflPAsHHeE LO r eisieiL, u sEw o RiPKra pia Niefe sScia R a tB pJei et 0'nH tiE t cklnu en t r!6'oJBdiuJnJe,5 BwIe e-o s tp sjtiar T'sBlc) i InQSoQ a3M5H r!sMi;o. TBm uq ppIxjAmofflp i It hh a n a JR USwEvT&lEjri NIG siArJeiJE yli lJJrLa ne e, "aJueis HelABiii5lEi6lSi5 . aiiita it a ulldln . I Ut . Walar . TMfinrS la akllrr aid k An tar at . . famine I. I.Ulae . t'nmpvaBC Ihrr li. MM U aa 47. rrranrr 41, ram at ftonm nown 1. ArtUllr Daara ft, lh III malS f AMolat" a, Kaahrd 4. II ft. lartcai ariflx a nnf ii www m j I. Baiir a. FaallMi aiBtl daa ft, ftralrk rtTPt la. A Soil IL rrctlaaaly It. Rib aal II. I'allra ta, Matttal L alral aarl tS. Tnlalav ttra 14. atnaaalM tS, Kot aaa t;, raiirs ararl fiaai airai n, ri ta. Halla SI. Hhlannrnt tl. l iill.all irsai is, Lt lira all II. arnlih faag J KpoU SS. Ina Faat llaaaraa It, Htaail fowboal St. Atlrlnftal ait II. i.mA4 It, Hnalh Art aa rlrtr It, Hraitnl tat UalalaM It. Sail Lalla u 3 u s iu r if I7 J" Z jLi -p 43 44 r4S"tS' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I ' SUGAR IN BANANAS IMMINA f FOR ir IN A BIG WAY' , 0MhMW OF ISLANDS OFF IIAW -jBSSpaaT : iFOMFGRowBsrjw ) MI-Mli,7He man who's Ruvwd mnk . k5lAy Panama somewhere! JEiaJSa'" V"ir;-: BWPywm1 ; I order two planes HHRm these smw nW M VI hereSthe chief? V?m ' tAMT K LIKE THESE I X&,yVK imwl ( BANAHA KING OF tm ftlfJ. V45Wfif fWBE "ECANGIVE" 1 ykjzj jt.:L 6ttOW T f DUMB DORA An Expensive Outlook By Paul Fune TCRW9LV j 6 0FWB LEASES 6 'T iBy -" BRINGING UP FATHER Bv Qcorw McManua 6QT WOONEV A JOS AS VM.ET E.UlO. COUMT- HOW WOT SO IStTT MB J f f HEOUSMT TOaE-HPS A TO COUMT SH6AP-0.1. STOP IKJ jt IS TUB NEW VAUEX? I GOOD A GOOD f f 1 SOKIB A.WO aO AB li MUTT AND JEFF . Yalebnrsh Should Have Trained On Camphor Balls By Bud Fishe. Boy,w( ihust scat tmt I 7nec u I Trt Purc HuftOL I tr A uttl4 1 1 1 MMRm, twee RKcwJE-HALt, tt;l i JC""tT TTToh.oh.oh; what o V' MOV HuBac TBhSY I I H0"l I WT A TWt- t CAN CLOttR, BoYt, 1 TH URU HOVDIC. I "VM CAN T f ,'. 1 f- I m Knu AOuT THAT. ot DitsAMk f( , ' I rmffTM sc m r -nt -( wcm J op u ci?K ( -JTJ I eerees cve J i -we sca-so-' nweet' mcs. i I vtMNwo'. i u,ir,e.5?!.N.I. uST. I i SaapHJakl PoR0 TH SAM If IctMMHW M j J- J 1 LwP'Uli-' k.J S luHM A tAOTHd at. ,Z ' 4 0"25 a na f afi a, a. a wa aa. an tintw,,