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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1930)
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1030 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE SEVEN DALLAS LEGION WILL SPONSOR FROLIC AGAIN Dallas Spooks, ghosts, clown. Hitches and others of that 111c will hold high Jinks when Carl B. Pen ton post of the American Legion holds ita annual Halloween frolic for the youngsters. For the past week or two, Penn Crum. chairman of the committee and hit aide de ramps have been busy making plans the maturing of which will bring lots of fun to the participants. Following the usual custom the parade will form at 7 p.m. on Main atreet at the Junior high school. It will then march along Main to Court where it will turn to the left and bait at the bandstand where the prizes mill be awarded. Individual prize will be given to pupils in each loom who are Judged to have: most original costume; best clown costume; best ghost cos tume; best witch costume; best Jack Lantern; and uglleU mabk. In addition a first and second prize will be given to the best boy - costume; best girl costume; to the room with the largest attendance; to the room w ith the best group cos tume. All children who take part will receive a gift. A list of the Judges will be made public early next, week. COLLEGE PLANS WINTERMEETS Corvallls, Or. tP The Oregon itate college extension service is scheduling Its specialists and some college and experiment station workers for a number of series of meetings with community clubs and other rural organizations through out the state during the winter months, according to F. L. Ballard, atate county agent. The first series, which has Just been scheduled, will consist of ap proximately 30 community meetings in Polk, Yamhill and Columbia counties during the week starting November 17. Each of the meetings will be given over to a considera tion of one or two of the most Im portant agricultural questions con fronting the particular community, said Ballard. In Yamhill county, for example, four meetings will be devoted to problems in fruit production, two to consideration of economy of ir rigation pastures and best methods of laying out Irrigation systems un der typical Willamette valley condi tions, two will deal with general form crops topics and one all-day farm meeting will be held in Mo Mlnnvllle, county seat. Schedules for other counties will be similar. Power To Be Issue in Legislature Despite Outcome of Election By STKPHENT A. STONE With the next legislative session only three months in the offing the heads of the various state offices know, to a reasonable certainty, what bills affecting their departments me suuik I'j uc oil ere a ior consider- at ion of the lawmakers. Regardless of the outcome of the governorship contest, In which the power question la stressed. It is ap parent Just now that water power is going to be the main Issue In the legislature. If tlie grange's hydro It Is said this Is the law in many states and revenues from this source at the insane hopita!s alone. Ko- ser said, would be about .'50,000 each blennium. Among other things the governor has in mind are: that the funds of electric utility district bill Is ap- ' !J departments and boards go proved by the people in the Novem- through the secretary of state a ot her election it will, to a considerable1 flce rr udit with the poswoie ex- degree, shape the drafting of power bills during the session and its in fluence may be felt in legislation relative to the state's financial scheme. But whether or not the utility district b:!l Is approved in November the power question, ap parently, will be to the fore. This seems particularly certain since the reclamation commissions hearing recently on the Caliromia-Ore-gon Power company's Klamath river application. Doubtless there will be ft drive, initiated by the Klamath irrigation district, but aided by the public utility proponents in the state, to make the legislature memorialize congress to pass the bill permitting the government to be sued by the state to renain title to the waters of Upper Klamath lake and Its tributaries. It is probable that ft measure will be Introduced empow ering the state to lease water power rights so its hold on them will not be lost even when they are appro priated by private interests. Another measure Is probable giving the state the same powers of condem nation over developed power hold ings that Is held by cities. The right which the attoney gen eral says private concerns have to ception of the fair board; a law fully authorized prison pardon board: segregation of prisoners In the penitentiary and a legislative Investigation lntD the subject of compulsory automobile insurance to I make certain respont.ioility for Judgements against motor vehicle owners. In the highway department a bill Is In preparation to enlarge the powers of the commislson and or the counties In condemnation pro ceedings. The proposed measure which would be known as an "ex cess acreage act'' would authorize the condemnation of an entire par cel of property instead of only the portion needed for the highway, the excess to be offered for sale by the state or the county. Tne reason for this Is that owners of the prop erty condemned often charge that the entire property is ruined by the procedure. Some other states have the lax, Some counties want the right to condemn property In incorporated towns and a bill probacy will be introduced to give it to them. Gar den clubs and similar organizations are making a drive against adver tising along the hiuhwavs and i bill contemplated to make It un- mandainus the state engineer to I J'Jul for advertising to be placed act on applications for power rights. I unn wj ieei io me nignwty or to mandamus the reclamation commission to call hearings is re garded by the municipal utility people as a menace and there is talk of legislation to remove or restrict this right. The public at large does not know t lie re is a boundary dleuute between Oregon and Washington. But this bobs up quite frequently in an official way and Governor Nor blad Intends to have proposed leg islation introduced to fix definitely the line in the Columbia river. The governor sees merit in Bud get Director Kozer's idea that in mates of state institutions who are financially able or whose relatives are able should pay for their main tenance while wards of1 the stute. SC0TTS MILLS TO HEAR EVANGELIST Srotts Mills Jimmy Love, the Molalla evangelist will start a vival campaign at the Christian church here Sunday morning and continue every night through the wee, ne wui be at Bible school at 10 o'clock, preach at 11 o'clock Sun day and at 8 o'clock every night. Waconda Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Manning, Mrs. George Ramp and Henry C. Stafford, motored to bilverton on Tuesday and attended the funeral of the late Marian Pal mer. Eugene Manning and Mr. Palmer were boyhood friends and schoo'.mntrs. GOOD BUSINESS FOR WALNUTS IN CALIFORNIA In walnut the California Wal nut Growers Association reports an excellent business s having follow ed its naming of owning prices last week, savs the California Fruit News. Sales Manager Webber of the Walnut Growers Association ad vises us that they feel sold up to their present crop estimates on Me dium Budded, "Diamond" Large Budded and "Emerald ' Babies and are at present declining further Also, he says, the Walnut Association has sold considerably- over 90 per cent of its estimate of the balance of its standard paras. No. Is and "Emerald" Large Budded and may find it necessary to go off the market almost wnere they stand in supplies, which as ft who. are falling down in quantity, ine California Walnut Growers Associa tions sales of fancy varieties that is. Concords. Eurekas, Franquettes. Mayettes and Paynes it reports. have also been most gratifying and have exceeded expectations. The as sociation. Mr. Webber acnises, has already sold more c' its packs of the fancy varieties in walnuts at tnc opening that ever before and would be off the market for most ol them now if it were not for the fact that the fancy walnut varieties this year a larger crop than usual. Unlike the southern California crop of stan dard walnut varieties, which la not over two-thirds of last year 'as it is now flgured, the association says the northern California crop, con sisting almost entirely of the fancy varieties, is quite large. Notwith standing this more than 75 per cent of that crop In the association's sup piles was sold during its confirma tion period of the first three days. This condition In walnut sales, the association tells us, it feels particu larly gratified at under the general ly low prices and slow movement of mot other products at prpnt. INCREASE SHOWN IN APPEALS TO COURT The number of appeal to the state supreme court have Increased during September and the first part of October as compared to previous months of the year, according to Arthur S. Benson, clerk of the su preme court. A total of 50 apueals have been filed during that period. The prior average per month this year has been 15, which is 20 per cent less than last year. Gl'ESTS NEAR BltOOKS Waconda Mr. and Mrs. Prank Felton and their two children. Duane and Velle, mere recent din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barker near Brooks. The Barker family lived in this section for several years before moving to Brooks. PRIVATE HOMES ARE RAIDED FOR SALE The state prohibition force does raid private homes and residences when it is ascertained positively that liquor is being sod and ft search warrant has Deen obtained, says George F. Alexander, state prohibi tion com in l& loner. However, the force devotes most of its efforts to the "Big Shots" In the bootleg business, the sources of supply, and the state "probls' do not go snooping aroung peoples homes with distended nostrils seek ing th odor of liquor and the ex cuse to ra:d private homes, he said "Common s?nse and intelligence guides the activities of the state prohibition fore." Axinder ays. For Those 5 Ft. 5 In. or Under B safe! if I RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A Battle Creek physician sav "Constipation Is responsible for more misery tfean any other cause." But Immediate relief bas been round. A tablet called Rexall Or derllce has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the sys tem Into the lazy, dry. evacuating bowel called the colon. Tbe water loosens the dry food waste and causes m gentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexall Orderlie at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c today at the nearest Rexal Drug Store. Perry's Drus Store, ad. Smart Fashions with Larger Armholes Shorter Sleeves Wider Hips Fuller Bust Belter Sleeve Girth Proportioned Skirts Draperies in Scale Sizes U'i to 2G'i FOR SORE THROATS HALF SIZE DRESSES! BC& U $ PA1 01 1. Prompt relief from HEADACHE S, COLDS, LUMBAGO RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA NEURITIS, SORE THROATS, ACHES end PAINS Does nor harm the heart BAYER AS PI Rl Nl SHIPLEY'S M W. I I 11 4 Oualitv Merchandise Popular Prices Accept only "Bayrr" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" I boxes ol 12 tablets. Also bottles ol 24 and 100 All drutiiista. To Put On And Wear Home $17.50 What about the small miss and woman who Is pleasantly plump? Must she be the victim of style destroying alterations? The very latest styles are presented in HALF SIZE DRESSES. One of the best makers devotes all his time to dresses created just for you. Put them on and wear them home. Satin Canton Crepe Chiffons Georgette OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 8:30 t WJlUMIllj.ittM 82 Sails Money Refunded If Not Satisfied Boys' Corduroy Pants Longees, 4 to QQ 14 size, pair UQ L Our First This Fall 3 Big Special Bargain Days Friday, Saturday, Monday Oct. 24-25-27 Lowest Prices Best Merchandise Courteous Service Money Back Guarantee that is our motto Boys' Part .Wool Sweaters Pullover style, QOp blue, each OL BLOCK'S GOLDEN RULE MOTTO Do unto others as you wish others to do unto you Children's Flannel Sleepers .6l....98c Our First 98c SALE This Fall Salle Open Saturday Nights Until 9 P. M. Ladies' Flannel Night Gowns Full sizes, first quality, 98c Percales Fancy prints, guaran teed fast colors, 1000 yards AO. 1 yards for tOl Ladies' Part Wool Hose Black only QQ, 3 pairs for JOt Ladies' Rayon Bloomers Guaranteed non - ravel quality QQn 2 pirs UOs Ladies' Rayon & Silk Hose 73c value 3 pairs for 98c Baby All Wool Sweaters Pullover sacques, button fronts, QOp each JV Men's Broadcloth Dress Shirts Each 98c Sheet Blankets 98c Fancy,. 66x76 and 72x80, each Men's Sweater Coats Brown knit QQj- Each VOX, These Prices Are the Lowest Since 1914 3 Men's Fxtra Heavy Cotton Union Suits color 98c Cotton Batts 72x90, 3 pounds QQ stitched, a batt tOL Men's, Engineers' and Firemen's Work Sox Black, brown, QQ blue, 8 pairs foriOC Boys' Blazer Fleece Jackets Elastic knit QQ cotton OC Men's Sox Plain colors, black, blue, tan-12 pairs Qft Children's Wash Suits i!:i!L..98c 1 I 1 I 1 f 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I ! ! I : U I ! 1 I I 1 T T I : I : 1 I I ITTI 1 1 1 I l 1J Ladies, Misses Raincoat Special Values - Each While they last i: 98c f: Ladies' House Slippers 3 u Buy now for Christmas. Special values to $2.30 jj 2 Pairs for 98c I c - Make Your Dollar Go Further! Ladies' Dance Sets Rayon, non- QQ ravel, a set wOl Boys' Flannel Dress Shirts Grey, khaki 2 shirts 98c Ladies' Union Suits Cotton and silk mixed 2 winter wght QQ suits for tOv Boys' Wool Blazers Knit bottoms, values Kittoms, QQ p to $3 at..OL Ladies' Silk Scarfs Square panels, 3 corners, all colors, value QQrt to $3.00 at Ot Caps Boys' leather Aviation Each 98c 3 BIG BARGAIN DAYS ONLY BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY Pnrfn'in Q ta Mc' Ladies' Part Wool Men, . Children's Washable Table Damask I Serpentine Crepe Congoleum Rug Curtain Sets All Wool Sox Union Suits Flannel Pajamas Dresses and Beautiful patterns, JXlsTLgTg Set 5-piece, rayon ftQ , , , Ensembles- white with colored bor- kimona Value 35c a 24x54 Ruir, 18x36 Rug b-te'" 98c ry:......98c tr98c 'cgh.98c ::l.98c gr,98c u'.u"".98c lf9(K Those Who Trade at tFhfFi jtt JHf BLOCH'S GOLDEN RULE OTORE J WSIIUS Salerrt, Oregon . 220 N. Liberty -St. Phone 1606 S)2uU ' '! ' ' ' Save a Substantial Difference ' 4 4 I 4 4 J ; 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i i i 4 II mwan mwwmnwnwmwmmmmnf