TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINls la. i fflTLOCALSlj) Franklin T. Griffith, of Portland. president of the Portland Ueneral Electric company, will speak at the Kotary club luncheon Wednesday noon. He lias not been assigned a subject. Now Is the time to renew your mall subscription to the Capital journal, at Bargain Rates, $3 per year. Lamberts Orchards, Inc., will hold a meeting In the auditorium of the chamber of commerce be dinning at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday ntxht. t. A. Hamilton, adjutant of Cap ital Post No. 9, American Legion, has left the services of the water company and Is now connected with the Pacific Merchants Exchange, loom 415 First National bank. Refinance your car. Pay monthJy See P. A Eiker. Liberty & Ferry. Plans for Armistice day will be furthered Tuesday night when the general committee meets at the of fice of E. M. Page, commander ol Canttal Post No. , American Le sion. In the U. 8. National bank offices. The Capital Journal Is -ow receiv ing subscription renewals at Bargain rates $3 per year by mail only, in Marion, Polk. Linn and Yamhill counties. tf seventh grade Leslie group wtU meet Thursday. Meetings fue Rich mond and Garfield Girl Reserves have been set for Thursday. Wash ington and Parri&h Junior high school groups met Monday, and the Englewood group met on Tues day. Girl Reserve group will be organised soon at Grant and High land schools. Keck at Yale, Leah Fanning at Northwestern, Ttruye utsukl at Columbia and Joseph Silver at Haverford. Tickets for the Shrine hospital benefit football game to be played by O. A. C. and W. S. C. in the stadium in Portland November 1 are now available through tlie A. A. A. bureau at the Marlon hotel, accord ing to Miss Mildred Welch, who has charge of the bureau here. Reser vations for other of the major foot ball games Including the O. A. C.-U. of O. game can also be made through Uils bureau. Your big opportunity: closing out love, the Jeweler. Men's new suits tor fall at quit ting business prices. Fullerton'a up stairs store, 125 North Liberty St. ' Pete DeGuire, from the north end of the county charged with violation of the liquor law, enter ed a plea of not guilty before Judge McMahan Tuesday morning. His case will be set for trial at the next motion day. DeGuire was ar rested with hi brother Joe DeGuire by federal and state officers. The brother Joe, pleaded guilty in jus tice court while Pete pleaded not guilty, was bound over to the grand Jury and indicted. Special blue plate lunch 35c. State Cafeteria, 4fU State. A motion to strike certain parts of the complaint against F. W. Foulkes and others brought by an assignee of several lien holders on tlie santlam Lumber company's plant above Detroit was heard In circuit court Tuesday by Judge McMahan. It was taken under ad visement. Dance every Friday night, Albany armory. Ebony Berenaders. New York night club entertainers. 253' Le Roy Crocker of Salem, who has been acting pastor of the Christian church at Scotts Mills during the summer, delivered his last message there Sunday. He and his family will leave soon for Salt Lake City. Utah, where he has ac cepted a call for pastor of the Second Church of Christ at that place. If you want a Meier for Governor sign for your car, call at 310 ' State St. Homer D. Foster. 251 Parts were received Tuesday by ' Roadmanter Johnson for repairing the engine on the Buena Vista ferry which has been down for about three weeks and rork of repairing was started at once and Johnson hoped it would be in shape for op eration by night. In making the repairs the propeller on the boat will also be raised as it is lower than the boat and has been scrap ing the bottom in the shallow water. Marcelling, finser waving 50c; ex cept Fri., Sat. 399 ',4 Court. Phone 74J. 281) Dont tall to subscribe to the Cap ital Journal at Bargain rates, 13.00 per year by mall. Only in Marlon. Polk, Linn and Yamhill counties, tf Circuit Judge Hlil who was in Salem Tuesday stated he was still waiting for briefs in the case in volving validity of issuance of bonds for the proposed purchase by the city of the water plant here. Tuesday he heard a motion in the case of Claude A. Johnson against Anna Luthy to bring other par ties into the case and took It under advisement. W. M. Garner, barber in the lob by of Hotel Bllgh. 251 An order approving sale of real property has been entered m cir cuit court in the case of Murden A. Reed against Everett A. Logan. Photographic silhouettes of you or the children would make delight ful Xmas cards. Gunnel! & Robb studo. The Journal is in receipt of a complete set of a new series of Columbus postage stamps just is sued by the Spanish government. These have been forwarded by Edu ardo Navarro of Madrid, Spain, who has been named by the Spanish govenment in connection with. the distribution of this Issue. The issue contains 12 different stamps illus trating various features of the pro gress of Columbus to the discovery of the new world, some of them stressing the part which Spain played In making the voyage pos sible. Boxing, armory Wednesday night. Teddy Pox and Joe Marcus. 28 rounds of boxing. Tickets on sale at Hogan's Cigar store, Adolph's Cigar store, Bligh"s Billiard Parlors, Cen tral Cigar store. 252' GEORGE ABLISS STARS AGAIN IN CHARACTER ROLE George Arliss, remembered for his artistic characterizations in "Dis raeli" and 'The Devil," brought a new bit of his artistry back to the Elsinore for Salem's enjoyment Monday in the first showing of "Old English." which Is to be the headline attraction there through Tuesday and Wednesday. The picture is another triumph for Arliss, ranking with bis big achievement of the past. In the hands of an exceptionally able cast the screen version of this greatest of Arliss stage successes, bids fair to become his greatest mo tion picture. The Galsworthy story concerns a venerable gentleman with a colorful but indiscreet past. In the final three days of the life of this re markable old rake ths threads of the double life he led as a younger man became entangled. The climax is one of the really memorable: tilings of screen history. 1 Through the Intensely dramatic scenes runs the tender love story of the old man and the grand daughter for whose sake he dares to make himself liable to the cal amity that eventually overcomes him. George Arliss is the only actor who could so faithfully transfer the Galsworthy hero to the screen. The state board for vocational education has received a certifi cate of allotment of federal funds in the amount of $13,668.82 to be used In cooperative vocational edu- cation. This Is the first quarterly payment of the total to be received for the fiscal yec.r under the Smith' Hughes act for the promotion of agriculture, home economics and trade and industrial education hi Oregon. Based on affidavits of prejudice. Jude McMahan has switched over to department No. 2 of circuit court to be heard by Judge Hill the cases of Prudential Savings & Loan as sociation against Ralph J. Stevens and against Blanche B. Huffman. Don't tail to subscribe to the Cap ital Journal at Bargain rates, $3.00 per year by mail. Only In Marton. Polk, Linn and Yamhill counties, tf President Kofc. head of the United States Products company of San Jose, one of the largest can neries in the Santa Clara valley, has been in Salem as guest of E. T. B, Hill pheasant hunting. Hill was recently in San Jose as Judge of the Central California dog show. President Kok Is a canine fancier and has large kennels with about $16,000 worth of highbred dogs in thsm. Royal Russian Chorus will sing Oct. 27, First Congregational church $1; 50C. 1 249 The O-W Water Service company has filed an answer to the com plaint of S. M. Endicott in circuit court stating that Endicott owed the company $3.59 for water which he did not pay and the water was shut off. Endicott Is suing the company for damages for an alleged wrongful turning off of the water at his residence on North Church street. Wall paper sale now on at Hut- cheon Paint Store. In a return made by William C Kantncr, executor of the estate of Anna S. Kantner, it is shown that property of the estate in Polk coun ty was sold to Laverne and Con stance I. Kantner for $1500. Don't rail to subscribe to the Cap ital Journal at Bargain rates, $3.00 per year by mall. Only in Marion, Polk, Linn and Yamhill counties, tf Iris H. Butler has been named executrix of the $8000 estate of Elva E. Botsford. The Beauty Box moved to 208 Ma. sonic Temple. Phone 1985. 1 Transcript of judgment from Polk county has been fled with the coun- ty clerk here in the case of R. A. West against Arthur R. Wilson showing Wilson as Judgment credi tor for $100.50. Now Is the time to renew your mall subscription to the Capital Journal, at Bargain Rates, $3 per year. tf Rafael Bega, Mexican, arrested Sunday night in a section house belonging to the Southern Pacific company, on a charge of contrib uting to the delinquency of minors. asKed time in whicn to consult an attorney when he appeared before Judge Small in Justice court late Monday. Bail was fixed at $1,000 which Bega failed to furnish. He is being held in the county Jail. Officers raided the place Sunday night after they had been tipped off that two girls had been seen to enter the place. A small quantity of liquor was seized at the time of Bcgas arrest. Don't fall to simscribe to the Cap ital Journal at Bargain rates, $300 per year by malL Only in Marion Polk, Linn and Yamhill counties. Vlnecar Stoiz Co. apples wanted. Gideon Danee, Mellow Moon every Wed. & Saturday, AGmlsslon only 25c. 251 Jack Fisher, who fell from third story window of the Miller apartments early Sunday, was re ported Tuesday as slightly improv ed, although the ultimate outcome remains in doubt. Fisher's head struck the concrete sidewalk, frac turing his skull. Will sacrifice my home, take trade for automobile. Phone 2584R. 2ol NewYorkStocks (Closing Quotations) 112 5-ft ... 30 . at a s . 3fl 3 8 63 ... 30'A . 3S 3 -3 100 Volleyball practice for girls at the senior high school opened Monday night, when senior girls met for practice. Junior gins win practice weanesaay nignt ana the sophomore group Thursday night. Captains and class teams will be picked out later. Myrtle Burk is heading the volleyball schedule. Dr. B. F. Pound, practice limited to oral surgery, gas or local for re moval -of teeth, and dental x-ray. New location, 303 First Nat'J, Bank. Phone 2040. 2ol A classroom motion picture ma chine has been purchased for use in Salem high school. Visual in struction, recognized as one of the most effective methods or instruc tion, will be used In a number of classes, particularly those In the machine shop and science depart ments. Films on various subjects will be bought outright for class work. A permit to construct a dwelling at 205 Richmond street was issued Tuesday to Claude Darby. The cost of the structure Is placed at $3500. This is the first permit for the construction of a house to be issued by the city this month. Mme. Spensicre, psychic, readings daily, 642 N. Liberty St. 253 For those who enjoy red-blooded dramas of action and tense situa tions the Capitol is Tuesday for the last tune offering one of the stage classics of this order in Rex Beach's "The .Spoilers," done this time in sound. The talkie version is even greater entertainment that the or iginal production of the silent screen which, while made back in 1913, was always recognized as one of the classics of the soundless films. The big fight scene is as impres sive as ever, with Gary Cooper and William Boyd, he of stageland's "Quirt' renown, tearing, lunging and clawing at each other; as the critical shadows of Farnum, Sant schl and Sills stand apace. Other emotion-punishing moods, too, has the narrative and romance, fem inine charm, comedy and willful rowdying. Kay Johnson and Betty Comp son, each fighting for the same man, each wish the slinking and alert fascination of a panther, silken claws loosed from the velvet veneer of convention, ready for the vital "strike" which spells exultation or hunger to the passion -starved lady heart, "click, New York (UP) Tha m&rkt dncad higher: Air Reduction 100 S-B numnauy iorp AUUt-CUalmer Mfg. Co, 40 ' nmtnraa Lin company .... American Car Foundry ... American Foreign Power.. American Locomotive Am. Kad. St Sand. Snltary.. Am. Rolling Mill American Smell Refining. American bteel Foundries.., American augur Helloing.. ... American Tel. Sc Tel American Tobacco B 1114 Anaconda Copper Mtn. Co. .. Atcblson. Topeta St &S. Ft.... Atlantic Kenning a-" Auburn Automobile 74 A Baldwin Locomotive 2d Baltimore & Ohio 80 5-8 ueouix Aviation lS'-l oniiivncm omi Ti &-B I Brooklyn Union Oaa 110 Byera (A.M.) &o Calumet Sc Arizona 34 '4 Canada Dry so "J Canadian Pacific V2W Case (J. I.) Co Ul'A Perro de Pasco Copper 30 Chesapeake Sz Ohio 42 3-8 Chlcano Great Western T,i Chic. Mil., at. Paul Ac Pac 9 Chtcatro Sc Nortliweateru 46'4 Chrysler Corp 17 Colorado Pucl & Iron 36 5-8 Columbia Uas 43 4 Columbia Graphophone 11 Commonwealth Sc Southern 10 Consolidated Gas 94 3-8 Continental Can 46 Curtlsa-Wrlght A DnPout de Nemoura St Co 94 Electric Power Sc Light 45 6-8 Erie Itailroud 35 Fox Film A 37 General Asphalt 30lA General Electric 51 General Foods 49 General Motors 34 Gillette 38 3-8 Gold Dust 31 Goodrich (B. F.) 15 5-8 Gootlvear Tire As Rubber 37 "A Hoiiston Oil 47 Howe bound 22 3-8 Hudson Motor aur Hupp Motor Car Corp 8 Indian Refining 6 Inspiration Cons. Copper 8 International Harvester 59 3-8 Interna tlonl Nickel 17 International Tel. St Tel 28 Johns-Mnnvllle 08 Kanana City Southern Kennecott Copper 25 Kres;;e (3.3. i 2fl Llgnptt Sz Myert B B6 iews. inc di CIVIC LEADERS TO ORGANIZE RELIEF WORK Morse Stewart, the 17-year-old youth who late Saturday lost four teeth as the result of a crash with a telephone pole at the Broadway and Hood street Intersection, had his driver's license suDended for a period of six months by Judge Poulson late Monday. OBITUARY For rent light airy balcony In center of shopping district. Suitable for professional offices. Floor space 35x16 fe?t. Box 184 Capital Journal.- Rexall One Cent Sale, Thurs., Fri.. Sat., Perry's Drug store. 251 Nell M. Doege, Instructor at Les lie Junior high school, was absent from classes Tuesday through Illness. Chicken dinner 50c. 25c, Wed. nlte 5:30, Knight Memorial church. 251 Mrs. Ada Wilson returned to Sa lem Monday after two months spent at Leslleville, Alta, Canada, with her daughter and aon-in-law. During the last few weeks of her stay In Canada, that section of the country was struck by a hail storm and the large wheat ranches in that district suffered severely. For that special dinner party call 2133, Mrs. Bowen, cateress. 231 lira. Elizabeth Gallaher, Y. W. C. A. secretary, and Miss Hazel Bruner were In West Salem Tues day afternoon organizing one o: two new groups of Girls Reserves in that district. Best jazz dance. Crystal annex every Wednesday. Saturday. ' 254 Willamette university has heard from 40 students out of the 72 who graduated last spring. Twelve of tiiw number are taking up further studies of which three are at wn lamette. Harold Hauk, Margaret Pro and Lillian Scott are members of Salem school faculties while 18 others are teaching in all pirts ol the state. William Mumford, pres ident of last year's student body at Willamette, is with the Bell Tel ephone company In New York, while Edward Stadter In In the Ladd ft Bush bank at Salem. John J. Trachwl left last week for China to be instructor In a boys' school Marjorle Miller Is teaching music In Ketchikan, Alaska. Thoe at eastern universities are: WendcU A membership drive was started at the regular meeting of the American Lexion auxiliary Monday night, with the chairman of each standing commit tea In the unit having five workers appointed to assist them. The local auxiliary unit is making an effort to have au 1931 memberships paid up yet this year. Reports of child welfare work was made by Mrs. M. J. Meicnior ana of a "hospital sew" at the home of Mrs. Willis Vincent Friday af ternoon. A social evening followed." The office of the Salem Fuel company, 752 Trade street was broken Into Monday night by an unidentified person who broke the bolt from the door to gain ac rsa tn the nlace. The office was thoroughly ransacked but nothing was reported missing. The saie in the office is left unlocked at night. Papers taken from this strong box were strewn about the floor. Boxlnff. armory Wednesday night. Teddv Fox and Joe Marcus. 28 rounds of boxing. Tickets on sale at Hogan's Cigar store, Adolph's cigar store, Bligh's Billiard Parlors, cen tral Cigar store. 252' Three dozen chickens were stol en from the T. E. Brunk place at Brunk's corners Monday night, ac rarrhns to re oo rt filed with Sa lem police by Walter Gerth of west Salem, deputy Polk county sheriff. Best, biffgest old time dance, Crys tal Gardens. Wed., Saturday. Mas querade Saturday, Nov. 1. 254' Lewis Bates of Seattle, of the Y. M. c. A. northwest council, physi cal department, was expected in Salem during the day to confer with local association officials in recard to oroeram work for the enminff vear. Dr. Frank Brown, chairman of the northwest council nroaiam committee and C. A. Kens, local Y secretary conferred with Bates. Piob'esm of physical educa tion work were discussed by Bates and R. R. Boardman during the afternoon. Mary B. Hargin has filed an af fidavit with the county clerk In connection with her divorce suit against Roy D. Hargin in which she asks for attorneys fees and support money stating that the de fendant came into possession of sev eral hundred dollars October 14 and is able to afford to provide such funds. Dance to New York night club music. Albany armory. Every Friday night. Ebony Serenaders. 2o3 Hih school Oirl Reserves will meet Wednesday after school for work on the second chapter of their book project. The girl will make notebooks under the direction of Margaret Nunn, ho worked on the project at tlw Seabcrk conference and Theresa Ulrich who took craft ork at the Girl Rerve summer camp. The Leslie Girl Reserves alii aLa meet Wednesday while, the "V011I nlomljttu?n1 Indoor Burial LLOYD T. eiOliON. at. MRS. ANNA DAUGHERTY Molalla Funeral services for Mrs. Anna A. Wlngfield Daugherty, wife of W. H. Daugherty who died at the Oregon City hospital Satur day evening following a two years' illness was held Tuesdny afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Everhart funeral home. Rev. Henry Spies of Clackamas officiating and inter ment In the Adams cemetery. She was born June G, 1877 near Molalla and at the age of two years moved to the Wlngfield farm in the 1 Russellville section where she lived until In 1898 she married W. H. Daugherty. They-lived at Molalla until about eight years ago when they moved to Oregon City where they have made their home. Surviving besides the widowcrer is a daughter, Bcrnlce, at home, and three sisters, Mrs. Maude Marts of Molalla; Mrs. Mary Boyles of Brownsville, and Mrs. Jane Law- son of Glendale Junction. Plans for a safety lane series of automotive tests vill be presented the Salem Lions club Thursday noon by J. E. Shelton, general manager of the Oregon state motor association. The club will prob ably be asked to sponsor the safety campaign movement here. Coop eration has been pledged by Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state, who will authorize state traffic officers to assist la the test. Mnthicson Alkali 34 Mack Trucks 44 Miami Copper 8 Mid -Continent Petroleum 17 Missouri -Kansna-Tcxa 281. Montgomery Ward 23 3-8 Nei.li Motors 28 National Biscuit Co 75 Ntlonal Cash Register A 31 national Dairy rroaucis.. ...... tJYt National Power fc Light 33 ncvaau uons. tapper w-r New York Central 135 5-8 N. Y. N. H. Sc Hartford 80 V, North American 84 Packard Motor 0 5-8 Pacillc Gas & Electric 47 Pan American B 47 '4 Paramount-Publix i 474 Pennbylvanla Kallroad 6514 Peoples Gas 215 Phillips Petroleum 21 'A Pierce Petroleum 3 PnhUc Htrvlce of N. J 80 Pure Oil Company 58 Radio Corp. of America 21 Itadlo-Kelth-Orpbcum A. 20'4 Reynolds Tobacco B Sears Roebuck & Sheli Union OH u Simmons Company 15T-i Ktnlali- rnnen11r1tl fill 131.' Southern Pactnc 10H Southern Railway 71 Standard uaa bc Eiecmc t-m Standard Oil of California 51 U Stndnrd Oil of New Jersey..., 63 5-8 Standard Oil of New York 20 Stone Si Webster 55 Vi Studebulccr Corp 21'? Texas Corp 40 Texus Gulf 51 J4 Texas Pac. Land Trust 15'4 Tlmken Roller Bearing bQV Transcontinental Oil rinHnrurnnil Flllrttt. Ftflhr 00", Union Carbide St Carbon 60 5-8 Tint.. A Imp ft 33 United Corp 2l4 United States Rubber 12 United States Steel 146i utilities rower as i-iimi a Vanadium 48 wornop Rmthprs Pictures 20'i Western Union 1304; WHtinchmixR Air Brake. . . WaatliiiiUouse Electric 106 Willys-Overland ..4 wooiwortn r. vi-t Worthlnvton Pump 75 Yellow Truck Sc coach H HI'IFCTKD Cl-nn KTOCK3 American Light Sc Traction..... 50V Associated Gas A 24 3-8 Brazilian Traction L. & P 33V4 Cord Corp Crocker-Wheeler ; : . Electric Bond Si Snare ; & PVirH HMntnr Ltd " S'B Fox Theaters A A Formal organization of the Com munity Service, recently inaugurated by a group ot business and civic leaders, will be effected Wednesday night, October 39, at a meeting which will be held at the chamber of commerce. The 17 men who signed the first appeal for organ ized help to take care of needy families and individuals during the winter, together with representa tives of business and professional firms are expected to take part in the organization meeting. Any body Interested, of course, will be welcome to attend the session, it was stated. Response to the first circular let ter sent to 500 Individuals and bust ness firms has begun to come In. I R. A. Harris, one of those backing the project, stated Tuesday. Re quests for 931 plt tee cards have been received to date and consider able money has already been made available. The fact that 100 cents on every dollar collected will be devoted for relief work, none of It going for overhead, should appeal to every body interested in the project, back ers of the Idea point out. "Those who suffer in silence and often refuse assistance are the ones whose mute appeal brings ac tion and also anxiety lest others may be similarly suffering," said a Community Service worker Tuesday. "That fact gave rise to one of the seven distinct objectives of the new service plan. Objective numbe four provides for division of the city into districts each of which will be manned by an agent who will con trive without affront or ostenta tion to keep advised as to the prob ability of need within such district in order that necessary relief may not be delayed. We want volunteers for this service." It was explained that the dis tricts would be small enough to make certain that each such agent could cover the work with a mini mum of time and effort. Each on being assigned to his or her dis trict and note the possible two or three families most likely to suffer. Such agents can work as neigh bors without divulging their connec tion with the service, and, with a little diplomacy, can become quanted with their less fortunate friends. In the forbidden clubs, or to lose their offices. Wolf Tuesday save a clean bill ol health to officers in the senior class, saying that those who bad formerly belonged to the secret so cieties were now "all right. The same applied also to Frank Cross. president of the Junior class and known throughout his sophomore year as one of the leading spirits In a forbidden fraternity. What will follow refusals to give up secret society membership Wolf did not say, other than that class officers would have to leave their posts. It is anticipated that any further steps will be put up square ly to the city school board who at their last meeting questioned the handling of tlie situation. The secret society is settling down quietly, for the most active mem bers in the bannc 1 clubs graduated with the class last year, and the members of the sophomore class now in high school are not Inter ested in the orders except as friend ships were formed before the stu dents entered the senior school. It kaown that two girls organiza tions have appeared before Wolf and stated emphatically that their groups had swung iway from the hush-hush status and were now merely social clubs, with all meet ings slated for the evening hours or for non-school days. The girls organizations have never Interfered with school life and student body politics to the extent that the boys' group nave, according to wolf. Nearly 1,353,000 acres In the Neth erlands East Indies were planted to estate rubber this voir. ULTIMATUM TO SCHOOL FRATS Officers In the Junior and sopho more classes at the senior high school who are known members of secret society organizations have been given until the end or tnis week bv Principal Fred wolf to make decisions to either hold their offices and abjure their membership Marriage licenses have been Is sued by the county clerk as follows: Mark C. Klmmertck. 30, BirdsTiew, Wash., and Mary Field, 28, Lafay ette, Ore.; and to Claude B. Car- nine, 21, and Dorothy M. Doty, 18, both of Salem. Now Is the time to renew your mail subscription to the Capital Journal, at Bargain Rates, $3 per year. tf Burglars broke into ft general merchandise store in Brooks Mon day night and departed taking with them a small quantity of cigarettes and candy and $2 in change, ac cording to a report telephoned to Sherui Bower. The poxtomce io cated In the structure was not mo lested. Offclers were investgating Tuesday. Goldman Sachs Trading. . Gulf Oil of Pa -Bp Humble oil i"ivi Indian Ter Hum Oil B 23 3-8 Niagara Hudson Power 12 uino im HhPiifffr Pen a Standard Oil of Indiana 40 ;2f ,,Tyzz:ri 28 mill tie Power St Light 11 s"8 The entrance to your home, or corners of your garden make dis tinctive Xmas cards. Phone GunneU Sz Robb studio at once. " SMITH SPEAKS ON POWER BILL Menaces of the so-called grange power constitutional amendment before the voters November 4 were presented the Kiwanis club Toes day noon by A. A. Smith, attorney of Baker, who analysed the bill and pointed out the numerous defects. dwelling chiefly upon the total ab sence of protective provisions to the resiaenu ox aisuicu tnat might do formed. Adoption of such a measure, that cannot be changed by legislative enactments, was held to be a sur render ot rights and outside the rights of the legislature to limit the activities of any district that might be created under Its provisions Such a law creating such districts is not to be found in any state, be asserted. Alarming provisions pointed out by Smith included the selection of a board of five directors with no residence restrictions; power to levy taxes upon all assessable prop erty and power to sell bonds and assume evidence of indebtedness. The amendment, he said, has noth ing to do with filing on water pow er sites; license fees, capitalization for the public service commission, ; though these angles are mentioned ; in connection with its adoption by I those supporting the amendment. ! Skating. Dreamland Tuesday, Fri day, Sunday, 7 to 10. Masquerade Friday. Oct. 31. 254 CHILDJLEN CRY FOR ii Intuitu 'i'il c I liiiii v; .,si'w . I MB Xl I T I FIVE million modem mothers will tell you that children DO cry for Fletcher's Castoria. For mothers always give a few drops of this pure vegetable preparation when a child has any of the symptoms that tell of sluggish bowels, colic, or other upsets. When tiny tongues are coated and breath is bad. When a child is restless ; irritable. Always soothing and comforting to an infant yet it is effective for children in their teens. You never have to coax children to take Castoria; they love its taste. Be ready for the next case of sour stomach, constipation, or other need for Castoria! When buying look for the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher on wrapper. . I I JStUwgt itlemorial Miont lafb KodtraUly tSDft VClla FrlJ A Park Cemetery with perpetual care Just tea minutes from fbe heart of Iowa Eieetrictiilij cooked foods... QJS 1 ilk tablets ate food. itigue to III II children. here. I N I N I BMMBi Compare a ham or fowl that has been cooked electrically with one cooked just the ordinary way . . . vou'U find about 20 less shrinkage! You'll also find a finer flavor... a jucier, more tender result! Do you know why! Because electricity does not consume the oxygen from the air .. . forcing the nat ural juices of the roast or fowl to supply the lack of moisture. The health-giving juices and vitamines are sealed in and thoroughly cooked. You'll find electric cookery more economical for several reasons. Less expensive cuts of meat will have a finer flavor than finer cuts cooked the ordinary way. Practise real economy ...use an electric range 1 lletfrlfij tjour hUtbenZ A modern Electric Range . . . Water Heater Refrigerator will be Installed for only ?23 Down . . . Balance on easy terms . . If you buy now! llntpclt Hl-SpMll Calrod unit heau ilmoit liuuntlrt Here's a new and better confection Out delicious malted m more than just sweets. Concentrated they bring quick relief from golfers, shoppers, travelers an Sold at better drug stores everyw HORLIC ACINI, WIICO POKILlD GIAIRIL ILECTRIC CO SUCCESSORS TO gPatificQlorthwesfr PUBLIC SERE COMPANY mi ST. JOHNS CRE9HAM MUU ORiooN cm 9 Mr ST. HELENS VANCOUVER HILLSBORO ft