THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PACE N1NB People Of The Best Standing Aren't Always Those Who Pay For Their Shoes. MONDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1330 Capital jUournal ClAlMf M-D anVtBTISINO Bate per wart: om liwrrtJasa. f eenic Uiim tnaerttons i esuts; om net ocats. oot month eenUr. om rtrv smooth, SO ubic minimum pa sd U udU Not taken ow pnons on Iras iertlMr hw monthly count. Ho allowance Sue phone errors. Want ads must be In br 10 am. day of pubtiaction. Real Eilals and Aulo ads by 9 -CO-aaj prefious to puMicsUOB, FOR SALE Miscellaneous aiudst tuw UiUTPrkml a:ia raiute. alo few other pieces luruUur. phone 24U3J. CJil OOOD (Iravenitcln annls Cue: peart, kraut cabtMfe. tomatoes and srapes at Thampaou'a stand, niue nurib Pacific bitftiwar- Puoue law. aai ! nnnn inriiht nlauo S100. Call SCI Leslie m. " FOR SALE HOUSES btop payincj Rjnrr 100 down; price J150. Uood Plas tered -r. house, bum in iiiciir". fmnluir. Ilsliu. bth nd toilet. Beautiful b.d. S good lota, Ul eiid t tSS f "onlli. ANOTHER OOOD BUT 1200 down. bal. era per mo. Price .ISM. 4-rooms. plastered, neerly new. fireplace, h.rduood floor. bulls in Ullcnen. nook, bath, tollrt. SjOO down. Hill baemriit. furnace. Ifil modern. Price WIW. Pvc 6t. If you want lo buy r-OT.e. don't fall to eee BEAna sc -tut.ivr.n, UM a. Coml. St; 1 ctrtr TnnV E!tr.LISH TYPE HOME. 8 rooms, bath id nook, hardwood lloors. atucco finish In living room and amine i i. full hiirmcnL KOOd Xuriuire. East front, shrubbery, foun tain in DUCK 7ru. -.-.-. Paved street. 3390. Term. ufv nlfil'mtV A- SOS 1st Nat'l. Bonk Bid. a250 cri HAt.wli-ronm housa with garage. A roal baiRBin II ld at once. Phone 1H7..M Or 04. rw. rivvc., .- 17th Bt RPTTf'I AI. 80500 HOME FOR 45000 Nearly new and aplendldly built, 8 large room, double Barnse. corner lot. Owiie'a illness cause of low price. bfcE Mr. Ellis with ti LEO N. CH1LUS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone nzi. TO TRADE : Wood or bar for a Ifcfht delivery truer, win. a. t-iuioui. em. Puane 3 J so it. ntri.iAWi.K mufllc houae has luat re- puaaeued apleudid Piano In till ter rllnrt and eu-a hsldtfkef Uml In tlOf- ca. Thla ptaao can b purctuaed for amount ot unpaid baiauca and very iioerai ierm. new piutu will b gifva. VVHU till PPCf box ITS. c3l Hi tT tn raletiAjf aiut aaumali. l'.iC Of H vered . PUooe 7?ri. clO uARftiui f. mid Itnnrored Oreaon atrmwbcrry plaitti 3.S0 wck. Kt. 8. DOS low. K. WH'W'' FOR RENT AUTOMOBILES FOR rJOTT LINFUItMlfiilED 778 a. UtU tit. 7 room 12 147 If. ltu St. 0 rooiiiA i8i Ford 8t. 4 ruoni (It 50 iuo4 a. Kir.d ttt. 6 room i U7j s. i-' h at. 4 romii ........ m 319 S. lB'h St. 6 rounu 16 SU Thoinpaoo A. room .... 20 17kt5 S. St. ft rvuou ....... 3 600 N. luth Bt. S rooni 2i 44i S. 23rd tit. 5 room 27.A0 XT20 N. Liberty BC ft room ..... 30 1680 Htnte Ht. 7 rootua 35 3d0 Belle me St. 7 rooms 36 mm chrtnokeytA ttt. 1 room .... 40 130 S. 24th bt. rooms 60 1 acre cloae in on Partite blahway. south, a room nouae fia mo. LEO N. CHIXDS CO, KMltora ISO 5tatp Bt. Pbooe 1TI7. 5 PL'bNiBHEO house close tn. 575 Marion. Inquire BWaTKT Water srapea 2c per lb. Wm. StokiArd. W-tllace road. c253 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK PKC4H cows. aUo aipi. JEIiSEY cow to freaheai Oct. 31. Wal ter H. Brown. ZDdepeudeuc. Bt. 1. box 49. 36bD work horse, .pan of brown muk. extra fooa wor'r mna riy sentlt. Will trade mule for good train tf horses or cows. C. A. CtrUoii. Rt. 3 Turner. fJl VotJNO fresh milk cows. Kt. 3. box ONE furulalird houckeepinaT loom. 435 Division. J253 t-ROOU house 11SS N. Church. Fur nished. Garage and baaetnent. J51 2 -ROOM ept. 445 B. Winter. j270 6 MALL apartment, 642 K. Libvjrty. ROOU 4c BOARD. 405 Marlon. APT . flmlee, prlrate bath. 733 N. Uomutercial. J351 A VERY nice new 3-toom nocne, fully modern In every way. All nice lame room. ThU 1 a real borne, veil lo- cm ted. pnone iviw. jai NICELY furnished -room houae. N. iVinrpr. Rea McLaren. ISO N. Com' merell Bt. 3i30 a ROOM cotttw on Wallace road Water, ranyc, garafe, $7. Phone 50F13 J250 zzz-r.r. t t -n itVo t l.l!fi(iu hama for rent- Phone 67F5 I J rUH. WW. w. .nui 3 KItESll cows 1047 N. Pront. C250 UH, fKEO W. LANOE. Veierlnanao Office bM 8 Commercial Phone lltfa Reside n re phoae lM8j DAIRY cows (or sale or trade. 1-3 down. Dalance one year. Red barn. N Commercial and Columbia. Nelson Rrnn Phone "nr,: 18 N :gh St "urit.ffe' inn AN INCOME Duplex house on fine rorner lot In south Siilcm. WIU trade for small tract close to tialem. Price $7000. NOV.VO" V CIMLDS CO.. Bettor. , 320 State StreePnone 1727. a rsTROOMTouse In two aprtmente. all fiirnlslied. full cement basement and furrace. extra Inrne lot. ptivlitc paid, fruit (.2000. terms. Mr. Painter, this Is your clmnre to paint and make eon-.e ironey. Rented for 334 now. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 S. Hlsb St. FOR SALE WOOD. WOOD B.V.VINCJ. 2062 J. GOOD dry second frrowth fir 4-ft. and 10-ln. Phone 261 day; a785J eve- KURNISHED apt. 15. 1040 Lenlle. J250 SMALL furnished apartment, private baih. 816; 590 Union. J250 POH BALK. Oakland roadster and rwkUnrl tuurlttdi. '24 models. BoO real bui. souA UxutS. 2773 Brook a1, rnue. h FLNANUAL LOANS LOA1SB TO UALARiKO PKOPLS oa plain notes, endorsed notes furniture and piano. All tr&ua actlons strictly cunltdroUaL BTATE LOAM COMPAfTT 912 Oregon Bide, 2nd flosc Corner Stale and Ulch. Office hours 10 am. to 0J0 .. Telephooe MX Licensed by State HO TOO mko liomcY Wa loan on llva stock, automobile. houae how anode aod other personal property, tenuis vv suit iuur cuavcu lence. Nation! Loan Finance Compear. 410 Baak of Commerce Bids, r PKIJCKAL PAKU LOMHH ftVtft. 9, Wilkinson. V. 8- Bank bldi. Wm H VF ntrnt at DfUiZI to loan on farm and city property Low Interest raism. Hudktna Merle ace ft Investment Co Millers Store bldg Phone 3319 UK HAVE THE MOM3Y To refinance your present home or farm loan; also to assist you to buy. build or Impiore. Long terms. li rates. ry on any mc. oee us uw. Ufiunnu m cl.l.4o 390 M. Church Bt. Phone 1S30 HAW Kms ROBERTS. InC, for city and farm loans Mates end costs low est avaUsbte. Prompt ecrrice. XM Ore coa Bulldlnc! CLOSE In front apartment with fire place. 65a Center. J250' LOVELY furnished heated 3-room opt. Sleeping porch, fireplace, garage, 359 N. Liberty. Phone 1700. 1 HALIK'S npartmenta. furnished or unfurnished, 461 Piont SU Phone 156HR or 2. y 16-INCH dry old fir $7. Phoue 18'J0; evenings 3743M. i1 16-INCH sound old fir 86.50 and 87; 12-iU. 83. 0. Fcawlci. 2171J evculniis. I 7-ROOM modern house for rent at RAWEf) OAK wood. In field or dellv- 380 Bellvue St. Phone aazaj. J STATE apurtment. 1320 Bute. Desir able 3-room furnished spu. Hot wir, hf.ii t rrrt-laerHtlon. iraraee. 8 JO to 840. Adults. Phone 2011 or 2UI&J. 288 MnnPRM liniiBn. anLa- 735 N. Com mercial. J204 FOR SALE FARMS SALE OR TRADE A fine 70 A. farm, half plow land. bsl. pnstuie and timber, ir. ck. ah. tiood -r. house, fair bcrn. A irse nnd Rood hop house, poultry indh house, on a (rood road; on cream route; school bus. Good eo 1, 13 mile north of Salem. Price 8800. Take some trndr. Bi dl9toun f?5' One of the bft buys n the valley. bee BM.n . cu 111 . " :vti state oi. " 1U0 with 115 Acres PaldiUp..Watrf.t Rights. Ceiitittl Oregon Irrigation DhU. This ranch haa never before been placed on the market, the government appraivu Is 322.400. Most of the land 3R000 p"r 'year. There Is" no BONDED LEIN other than the mortgage pay ing off at the rate of 8030 per year. The ranch has fair building d Is considered one of the best In Central Colon. The price' of thin ranch has bc-n reduced to the small sum or. 813 000- 44400 down. If move infor mation Is desired. See rny Agent Homer D. Foster. Salem. Ore. b257 ered. Plione 17F12evenlngs. eel57i welL furnished modern room for CALL STAFFORD FOR WOOD SAW- rent. 1577 Court St. 3281 1NO. PHONE 16J5IL ce2Sa 1 fl-ROOM modern houses, garage, w- ec252i ter. laundry room free, 65 Uerta Ave. Phone 332d&i. jj PERSONAL LOANS on aalarles. furniture, car, endorsed notes, repayable 1-20 mootha. Borrow safely from Sulem's own and largest rinmce company, muick ana uones. service. Licensed by ft ate. OENEIIAL FINANCE CCillT. 2nd floor 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 Office hours 8:30 to o p m. stomach eonvutaloiij and sifwrent- ly laid beea struck with ibe bmwy Instrument to quiet her while the slayer enu enrauU to the laka to ooinplet big ob. Her atefsmothor, Mrs, Pearl O Loucultn, arrested Swaday oiter noon and closeted with A, T. Clark, captain of detectives, aeversi boors, repeatedly denied that she knew anything about tt aiaylisj or the presence of glass tn the child! Botnaeh. Here the official lrmsttcation mud the woman s story became contra dictory: Mrs. CLtaurhhn Band te had been sick lor two days prior to Leons's disappearance last Tues day, or early Wednesday, aod be lie red it vas Trorn eating gius. Doctors said they found do forrixn subfctance she had eaten and that site ohowed no serioue sympiotm other than weakness xrom f 4 bour fast. Tb Sroman said she believed son by her trrst hu&baod bad eaten some of the class, but doctors said the boy. Douclas Mil 11 can, 8, vas not ill and displayed tutte of the symptonu cnaenoed m bis step- UUver. Police counted amonc one of their most potentially raiuabis dues bloody tosvel. found wedged between the cubiocis of the O'Louguiio automobile, but Mrs. O'Loughlin asserted the blood resoHed from her son's having used It to quench a nose bleed. nriHunw monev on your personal property. Pay back in monthly In struments WILLAMETTE 15 A.N CO ANT Licensed by State 503 Bank of Coar.n-.eroe Bldg. MONEY to loan on real est at. Prlv ate money, loveet rates. T. UL Ford. First National Bank. r OAK. akh. fir. Phone 2 IF !'. DRY WOOD: Fire, oak, aah, old fir. mill slab, any lepgth. Also plainer wood at 84 per load. Jiarbutigh Fuel Co. 3 biks. west of bridge. West Sa lem. Day phone 3449; plte FOR WOOD BAWI0 CaU ZANDER. 3485M. 370 W OOD, L, C. KeUr. wood aAwiaa. PUOKE 1131. 8PKOEO BROS. ee2C8 OOOD lS-tucU old Ur 87 per cord. FROM timber to you. Phone 373y; SHED DRY WOOD At COAL. SALEM nc T pinnu K3 38 A farm, fine level land, all In cult. Fair set blds.. about 25 A. In hou fine locauou, sacrifice 85000; 8500 80 a' ranc. stock and equipment. Kood new bldgs. Fruit, lota t mher "prthRs. creeits, 81500. Take residence 5BOOM bungalow, furnace, bullt-lns. large lot. fruit. 42000: 8200 down. 212 Gray Bldg. o WHY WOT BUY A FARM? 4 68-100 Acres. Oood 3-r. hem with cellar, family orchard berries. All good bottom land, good for "dr5nJ Coon" rosd. Close to schools. Price SUM: 8i08 down. bal. trms. 6 ACRES. 3-room house, good aPIjnt. barn 1 cow. and some hay. price 82250: 3'- miles from Salem. .-..iru Heishts. 8-r. house. bam. garaKe. poultry home, some clifrrie. walnuts and apples. Good well. Price 83000. s ACRES Close in. 8-r. house. rn. l,cn house, some fruit. Priee Hw Trade for house In Salem. 73 Acres, good soli. Modern 'a house. 3 ym. old with basement and furnace. Bath, gooa oarn j tiL.VwiJ ..rnf.n i noultrv houses, well and water system. 3 living springs and trout stream. 45 A. plow land, some timber. 3 cow. 3 horses. All chickens, hay. grain and enough wooa in nasenieii- Price only 83500 for nil. uiuy i'4 ORDER your wood now. Best 16-locb inside slab wood mUed at Cobbs St Mitchell Co.. 35 50 pei cord from car me BI3 a p' 2 MODERN atore rooms, heated. 401 Front Bt. L. THREE garages for tent, do WO town section pnone i- 'PATTON apartments, down town dis trict. Nicely furnished, private bath, etc. For inspection call Pmt ton's Book store. S POR HUNT, newly renovated houae. 827 50. Close tn. 368 North Liberty St Phono 1M4J. I PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing machines for rent. H- L. Stiff Fuxnl- rcre oo. j MISCELLANEOUS FOU SALE POULTRY CLEAN YOUR FURNACE: Our vacuum system eliminates oust sum suut. phone 686. Roaebrstuth Co. m251' AUSTRALORP cockerel for sale, baby chicks got Xrom Ooddard in AprlL B. F. Tucker. Rt. 1. Turner. Ore. f251 FOR 6 ALE 15 Bron7e turkeys. AprU hatch 86 each. Mrs. Margaret Corbett. Rt, 2. Independence, Ore. 1250 WANTED market poultry, any kind, any time, any quantity. Phone I33f? L'-e'n Hatcher;. " HELP W ANTED WOMAN to work few hours per week toward rent of close lu hotisekeepins room. Phone 1175J. .. g252 WANTED. Immediately, six smart ap pearing girls to act as demonstrators, working under team manager on clty- .ala and mihllC'tV Camuailtn. Present crw making good money. Ex perience preierreo. app r. Koff Electric. , rOJ A PERMANENT CONNECTION may be made with manufacturer op era ting s eatee branch in fialem. Ap- S Meant must have car and should are somt sales experience. Promo tion assured to sincere and ambitious man. For interview apply at Hotel Senator Tuesday at f A) am and ask Tor Mr. Bcnnetaetj r WANTED experienced collectors. Give age. quaiiiicaiions, xc.cfcuic. 176 Capital Journal. g251 a t -imi-aiuon rear. Government iobe. aien. woenen. 18-50. Steady work. We coach you for coming examinations, full particulars and list positions free. a inmiAriiafaiiy Imi 171 caro Cno- Journal. B251 REAL ESTATE WE HAVE a 5-room hoitse, basement and furnace, prtoe 83000; with 314O0 encumbrance and win xraae lor va cant lot. WIU exchange w ciear acrea. a Dawn home and securities for s farm. 100 acres stocked and equipped worth 810 000 ror improrcu imui iarm. A very good 5-room house for 81300, cany terms. . McOILCHRIST PENNTNCTTON 209-10 U. Si. Bank bldg. Phone 140. n annnn for fnllv rnulnnd chicken ranch. Good buildings. llhts, wa ter. An Ideal place to start mu $3000 for 50 acrea fine strawberry land, 25 under cultivation. 8 In ber ries. Trade for city property. 82OO0 for 4-rm. modern house, close to scnooi. lcrmn. mam Ant. house In eood location. Income 8190 month. Furniture In cluded. Accept good S or 6 room bouse as part payment. RENTALS TNSUR A NCE J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 323 State St. Phono 1354. n252 LOANS OH AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Keducrd You keep your automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce your payments. Ad' dltlonal money loaned. Strict ly confidential- W handle our ova paper. EIKER AUTO CO. Corner Liberty and Perry At. Phonn iai Balem. Ore SNOWFALL BRINGS WINTER TO BUFFALO Continued from page 1) CASUALTIES OF INDUSTRY EQUAL TO WAR'S TOLL DIRECTORY CHIMNEY FURNACES and chimneys cleaned sod repaired by expert furnace man. 1 uae steel brushes and a vacuum cleaner. Five year experience, call 2838J. 0260 BICVLLtS LLOYD K RAMS DEM. bike accessories and bicycles. 37 court street. CHIKOPOIlISY FEATHERWEIGHT Arch Supports. Build from your Impression. E. W. Pierce. 775 Ferry St. 0278 rillKOPlLVClOKS DR. O. L, SCOTT, chiropractor. 256 N High street Phones 87 & 2104J. o DK. H. B. SCOriKLD. X-ray. Phone 2104. 414 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. CAH1NLT WORK JACOB WCJZEL, Cabinet work and renal uing. f urniture repairing, en. 1501. 230 Court Bt, Salem. CnNTHALTOKH A. J. ANDERSON, contractor, shop. Phone 857J c. w. NIr. Builder and Repairing Call 3681J. 0274 S. A KAFPHAIIN. General team and power shovel contractor, excavating and eradlnc Office ohons 1290. Bes, 124FI1 O batiBAVIXl BALEM EN O RA VINO CO. Cut Of all purposes. TeL 343. ISO N. CoainexcUl street. Ll.tCTKtCAL St PPLU1S FOR SALE: One fine acre and good modem 6-r. house, close In. Very reasonable terms. Good modem 5-r. house, close In 33200. Terms to suit. For RENT: Good new 6-r. house, two lots, north end. 820. Wanted: Good listings on some small and large farms. Have some cash buyers waiting, SQUARE DEAL REALTY I 202 XT. S. N. Bniilc. Phone 470. n SITUATIONS WANTED mile from Pacific highway, north, orn and 200 ft. from a paved Jilghwiy 1 nai. YOUNO lady wants Typing or general office work. Bjk 177 Capital Jour- Fine location. Will give terms or trade for a smaller place. See SEARS & TUCKER. Realtors Salem. Ore. TJY OWNER, Phone 2-10.1J. 04 EXPERIENCED man wants work on farm or upuld take ranch on shares. Box 178 Capital Journal. h251 YOUNO woman wishes part time work for room and board, 1129 Broadway. h250 HOUSEKEEPER and practical nurse, 1235 .North 18th St. Photic 413. Ms trUi Martin. ri-'A Misccllaneoos WANTED FOR SALE Miacellancoua RED juicy apples. King. Spits. Jon athan. Petite prunes 2'7c Ten m n nPii m River road. Walter Pearmlnc. c25? SO YOUNG Barred Bock bens. Phone 5nrn .wlr.ff machine. Call between 8J0F1 1. ?i 3 and 5 p.m. 3(10 Oak. cjJj? J. A. 8NP3ED. well dnUer. 015 North IS:H Sirt-Pt. rauiif CARROTS 88 ton In field. Bring sacks John Henny. Rt. 1. Brooks. c51 CABBAGE, onions, potatoes, feed and table carrots 2 miles east. south of Brooks hear Lblsh Center store. Wm. V. Harris. Brooks. Ore. c252 rminrc inr ml. SI ner tmshcl. XL. A. West, well driller. Garden roatiL TOMATOES of Rood quality at Brown Tent on Riverside Drive. C252 SWEET water and Concord grapes 3c per lb. Puritan Cider Works, West BBieni. r , NEW CROP pure Flrrweed honey. Pur- ltan Cider Works. West Salem.ci53 FRESH Concord and Sweetwater grape Juice dally. Puritan Cider Works, West ftalem Phone 2374J. 5J FOR KENT von RFVT 12", acres 3 miles from Salem, south. I l'J a. in loganberries. 1 a. lor garden ana c,iKMu.t, 'i" .i. v...-..- lights- 8-room plastered house in fair condition. Owner will rent to good re liable party for 815 per month. 3-Hoom house In Hollywood partly fur nuhed. good kitchen tove, bed. tables, chair etc. 810 per month. SEfc Homer D. Foster, 370!a Btate St. EXCHANGE Real Estate 5 and 10 acre tracts near Salem, clear. for house equities. 9 acres improved near Salem, want eastern land. 115 acres Improved, 16 cows and equipment. Want larger place, an p.rres imoroved near Woodbum. Flr.c place. Owner wants house In Salem, or small place. . 2 acres near Hubbard Improved. Own or wfliitr. small house in Salem. For exchanges see Mr. Lynch. Tripp CT Hogan. 160 N. Commercial St., Salem. nn2it3 EXCHANGE equity In partly furnish ed home for elos?d car. A bargain for somebody. SuinrlslriKly small pay ments on balance. 2775 Brooks Ave. nn256 IIAL1K ELECTRIC CO. 337 Court ST. Electric contracting and repairing. Appliances and fixtures, rnone a. ' PLEENER ELECTRIC CO, Electric lighting fixtures and electric ranges Phone 980. 471 Court street CUT flowers and floral pieces. DellT erg. C P. Brelthaupt. florist, 012 State street. Phone 3 SO. PI.I .MHINtl PLUMBING and general repair work. Phone 650. Graber Bros. 154 South Liberty street. THEO. M. BARR, Plumbing, heating sheet metal works. 164 3- Commercial street, SCAVANfiMt CITY GARBAGE CO. Prompt service pnone 22fJU. PIANO TtM.R GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phonographs, aewlnR machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phonographs and sewing macnincs. olsis ov- Satem. OreKon. OVLS AMI STOVE HI. PAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and rrnatred h e-Dert- All kinds OI wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop baskets and books, logan hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 363 Chcmeket St. R. B. Fleming. o SALEM SCAVANOER. Phone 167. INTRODUCING our own brand OI House Paint "Busco." 81.95 per gal lon during October. Also door, sasn. roof inn, unfinished furniture, mould ing, shingles, lath and lumber at low est prices. Building Supply C, 170 N. Front St. Phone 47. c252 TWO excellent White Rotary sewing machines at 835 each. 35 down, and as monthiv. Cost S120 two years ago. White sewing Machine Co. across from Elalnore theater. eaai wivtfp ,nniM hMirli CoMland Lbr. vard. Rt. 1. c2 APPLES several varieties 50c and up. rin. rr, Ha ur.ll.r rnarl bna 45. Phnne 0F2. Bring boxes. Pratt Bros. C267 APPLES. Cottage and Hoyt, Phone 2533W. C267 GRAPES 2c per lb. at Plank s rlne- yard, you pick them. Ph. 81F83. caoi ALL ELECTRIC Kolster radio, like new. Beautiful cabinet, cost new 3310, tMrlni !rati will crtfire for S8S Trrrt tn r1ht nartv. Call 9895W Of fer 8 C250 CARROTS and green tomatoes ' milH imI rf ftlm on Dallas httd - way. Valley View truck gardens. Bring containers. C350 u.'Rt.i. f tirnLihed comtortnble room- adjacent to bath. Good board, home privileges. 332 N. Church. 12 FOR RENT HOUSES 5- r. modern 2W N. U:h 810 6- r. modern. 1585 Ferry St. ... 327 50 6-r. new strictly modern 337.Su 5-r. mod 1795 S. 12ih la Others 86 up to i75- 341 State St. Room 4. y SLEEPINO room close in, heat, telephone 812. . Call Church. Phone 2H65M. furnace 655 N. J251 HERE'S YOUR TRADE3I One thousand dollar garage equip ment. Including two Visible Rapid-' Dayton. Air-lift gasoline pumps, ten Bennett oil-dispensing Htohboys. Pur ox welding outfit. High-pressure . s reading outfit, etc. A1d hmall furnished house In Dallas. Ore. well located, renting for 610 a month. . . . : Alto fine large home In Salem, strictly modern, located within six block of main bustnsa center of city, renung 840 a month. Also 155 acre hill land, on main line Southern Pacific, containing Million feet Oak saw-Umber and five or six thousand cords wood, besides some Plr, yellow and sugar pine. Will sell any or all. or will trade all of the above for equipped farm, or will consider trade for any part of above. Address F. O. bos 884, Dallas. Oregon. ruxlbO SOOS GAJiBAOE CO.. reliable service. Phones, office 3125: Res. 8P8J. o SALEM CARBAOE CO. for prompt and continuous service. Charles Soot and Carl Soos Phone 3125 or 608J. TRANSPORTATION A MOHAOL CUMMINS At UORTSCJJ. local and long distance naming, rnone Re 12jpa or 1WI7R, TRADES What have you to exchange for good eastern Ores on farms or for south ern California property? See BECH TEL At THOMASON, 841 Stats St. Room 4. tui FURNISHED 3-room house, 1609 N. 4th. Phone 374 HENDERSON furnished apt. 1005. 4 -ROOM duplex. Phone 1005. ntirmm nartment. 89 month. In clude garage, rood, light, water. Klng- ood Apsnmenis, writ wnm. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house, cor. Cot tage and Union Sis. Phone 355 hi. J251 STEAM heated apt., private bouse 66 N. Cottage. Phone gas. J. jai 3-ROOM house. 35S1J. 3430 Lee SU Rione tub w imm furnished house, with garage. 1135 Rural St. South. J250 FARM FOR RENT 8 A. suburban home 125 mo. See BECHTEL THOMASON 341 State St. Boom 4. fxt-hamok Clear Income property In good town in Wyoming to trade for Willamette alley, either farm land or elty. Will pay or assume some difference. ALSO, good 6-room houae and 3 lots in Gladstone, fine residential dlatrlct and near good school. Owner wants home in Salem, wnai nave your Two fine residence properties In Eu gene to trade for Salem. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors :r20 State Street. Phone 1727. nn AUTOMOBILES 2g Dodge Truck ............ .830 n Ford Rdstr. 36500 29 Ford Coups 885 00 28 Essex Sedan 81600 ft rhi CAiirjS) ... 360 00 24 Overland Sedan 85 00 Ford Sedan witn Lisc 4500 EIKER AUTO CO. Cor. Lib. 4 Ferry St, HAULING. Quick service day or night. Phone 2987M. Q275 HATK COMPANY 04AEOON-WA3H1NGTON Water Serv ice company. Offices corner com mercial and Trade streets. Bills pay able monthly. Phones 3 4 and children slept on floors from cellar to garret. The chamber of commerce of Silver Creek took steps to find accommodations for 1,300 persons marooned at that hamlet. These people mostly were motorists, from many different states. Their cars Here caught in drifts, which in some places rose as high as ten and twelve feet. About 400 cars were stalled in and near Stiver Creek. Workmen who set out to repair broken wires had to travel on horseback in some cases. In ter urban bus lines and heavy transportation vans were abandoned. Several of these bij trucks stalled at rarlous points between this city and Dunkirk, A Cleveland-Buffalo bus and a Buffalo-Chicago bus were among the vehicles stalled at Angola. Unseasonable snow storm was of freak variety. In this city snow plows plunged through a nine Inch depth m the southern part, while in the central and northern por tions the ground showed not even a trace. In places it was reported that thunder and lightning ac companied the snowiaiL The heaviest fall was In the vt clnity of Angola, where a four foot depth was attained on the level. In many places wires and trees were down. The unharvested grape crop in which western New York) prided itself, was ruined. Orchards were wiped out. B Chicago (IP) Continued cold was forecast Monday as thermometers throughout the northern half of the nation dropped to the lowest Octo ber temperatures on record and chilling winds added to the suffer ing and discomfort. Temperatures throughout the Mississippi valley and the north and central great plains ranged from 18 to 30 degrees above zero. United States weather forecasts said there would be no change for at least two days. One of the coldest places on the continent was Edmonton, Alberta, where it was two degrees below zero. Agricultural experts said that one-third of western Canda's wheat crop is buried under snow and much of never will be harvested. It was believed that at least 20 persons have lost their lives since the frigid wave started last Friday of causes directly or Indirectly due to the cold. Charitv organizations estimated that 50.000 men slept outside or walked the streets of Chicago Sun-1 day night in temperatures of 12 de- j grces below feezing. ' Snow flurries continued In the Great Lakes region Monday, but weather forecasters said thtf buz zards and heavy snow falls have ended temporarily. Chicago was one of the few cities which escaped a heavy snow, six inch falls being reported in several other localities. Temperatures were dropping lower steadily in the eastern section of the cold belt Monday while ther mometers In midwest and north west remained steady. Among the cities which rcparted new low temperatures for October were Charles City, Iowa, 18: Madi son, Wis., 22; Des Moines, Iowa, 22; Evansviue, ind., 30; Cincinnati, Ohio, 28, and Indianapolis, Ind., 26. Almost as many men wer "kill' ed In action" while efloployed in Oregon indtisuies during- im past 19 months as there wex Oregon asen killed in action during the IB ths this naUkon was in wc World War. There were 387 Oregon men kllied in action during the war, sAconUng to the Oregon Blue Book. There were SOS workmen killed In Oregon industries during the same length of time, according to Ralph E. Jsckaon ssslsunt elalm agent of the state industrial accident commission. Two hundred persons saennced their lives at the altar of the mod ern industrial Juggernaut during the last fiscal year ending jone as, lfiso. of which the sogging Industry claimed more Uian half of its share of the total. Logging claimed 101 Uvea during the year, sawmills 33 lives, quar ries and catutrucOon 12, road con struction IS, building construction 7, farms I. and miscellaneous .. These tiexsons left 233 depend ents who are now receiving state nMuiAns under the tndustnsi in surance act. A total of 137 children vers left fatherless and 131 women were widowed. There were 21 other persons, such as mothers and other relatives, made dependent upon the state. Palling snags and limbs caused 41 fatal injuries, 28 rere crushed bv logs. 19 killed by fans irom scai- folds and other neiguts, is wee killed bv blasts. 14 by logging trains nine were fatally struck by lines and seven by tracks and cars, five died from infection received In the line of duty and four were electrocuted. state of Santa Catharlna, still held the ions government point la we southern rebel territory. Oswalds Aranha. president of the state of Rio Grande do fiuL sent a message to the Santa Catharlna saying riorlananous would not be bombarded if the federal forces. which are surrounded, would sur- sender. Otherwise the city will be attacked. The 14th battalion of chausseurs from Flerianapohs sent out against the revolutionary troops, reached Itajahy, on the northern coastal region of Santa, Catharlna and de serted, joining the Insurgent there. the rebel headquarters announced. BUREAU LISTS CHILD RULES BIRTHS, DEATHS. MARRIAGES MlUUm LICENSE! and Violet Henry. 26, Baiem. Jacob Arthur Wlebe. 36. Baiem. ar.d Rots Eleanor Harrison. 18, LaCombs. Harris A. Lletz. legaL and Mao 18 Hunter, legal, both of Salem. PEAT US Bratsel Tn this nu rvtth is Frederick H. Bratsel. 33. of Balenk rout S. Husband of Augusts: fath. er of sirs. Ahoe Hooper and Hatts Bretzel. both of Salem: brother oj sauirra sratael of Hebron. Bt. D Freds Bratsel of Chicago, ILL. alia. Auna Walter and Phillip Bratsel of Hebron, N. Ow Ernest Bratzel of Ha van. Cuba. Funeral service Wed nesday at 3 o'clock from ths Amerl can Lutheran church. Rev. P. W. Ertksen officiating. Interment Bel crest Memorial park under direction of W. T. Hssdoa and Son. 2 DROWN AS CAR ROLLS INTO RIVER (Continued from page 1) Washing: ton IF What the TJ. 8. children's bureau considers the nine etamtial practices of a good parent are contained in a recent publics. tion ox that vtireaa entitled "Are you trsiaung your child to be hap py?" They are: 1. Tell the truth to your children. 3. Keep your promises, good or bad. 3. Decide which things are most' important for a child to do and then be consistent about seeing that he does them. Do not nag bim about little things that do not matter much. 4. Do not say "No" one time and "yes" the next time for the same thing. Your child will never learn that way what is food to do and what Is bad. 5. Break up bad habits by keep ing the child so busy with Interest ing things to do that he forgets the old habit. 6. Pay no attention to him when he tries to get what he wants by temper tantrums, by whining, or by vomiting. 7. Keep cool and quiet yourself. speak in a quiet voice. a. see that he gets things (If they are good for him) only when ne is quiet and happy and polite. p. fa how the child you are pleased wnen ne tries. Dough ton Near Eola October 18, Charles Hortou Doughton, 33. Path er of Mrs. 6. O. Robinson of Salem and Dora Hamilton of Portland: cousin of Mrs. R. K. Ohllng and u M. Doughton. both of Salem. Fun era! services Tuesday at a o'clock from the chapel of CLough -Bar rick company with interment CUyvlc? cemetery. Bennett In this etty October 18, Margaret Bennett, 18. Funeral ser vice Monday st 4 o'clock from tht Cleufu-Barrtck company. BIRTH 9 BarkerTo Mr. and Mrs. John William Barker, 1060 If. Mth street, s son, Bruoe Also. October 18. Kent To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Paul Kent, B23 North Commercial, a daughter, Dolores Doreen, September 18. Vnrhamnner To Mr. and lfrS. Henry Mathew Murhsmmer, route 3, Balem, s dsugbter, Martha Beta. Oe tooer a. WATMI RKPAHtlMl nnARiMTFFn WATCH REPAIRING or money back. The Jewel Box. 178 n Lioerty. uaiem. ; I.KGA1.S VnTH'E Vnmlnttlrtn fnr fortified Puhl!C Accountant of Oregon will be held at Public Library, 185 Tenth Street. Portland, Oregon, at 9 a m. Thursday and Friday. November 13 and 14, 130. Applications must be filed with secretary on or neiore nownwrr . a n Hiurrri.l, ftecretarv. 816 Plttock Block. Portland. Ore. 351 GROUND GLASS FED . T0 10 YEAR OLD (Continued from page 1 TRY SPENDING SPREE AS DEPRESSION CURE to a dd stop when the ritirt tront wheel slid over the lde. As the car rolled into the water Bhindtll cried out, "Break the giass." Pnrtland (ipi Charlei J. Clear, who. with Charles E. Roberaon. drowned Sunday In the Clearwater river when their car ploughed into the stream, had lived in Portland 19 years. Clear was presiaem 01 Bie Oregon Packin company, and Robenson, secretary ol u com' nativ. ciear Is survived by his widow and two daughters. Marjorie, 10. and Dorothy. 8. Robenson Is survived by his widow. They had no child ren. Forest Grove JP Oeorge Buzan 19. formerly of Pendleton, was killed by an automobile eunnay night as he was crossing tne nignway neai the Masonic Home lor the Aged. at which he lived. Buzan was engineer at the home, and had lived there since 12. He was a member of the Pendleton lorire Ko. 52. He 1. survived by his widow and a son. Clinton, and two daughters. Laurel and Myrtle, ol Portland. Percy Blundell, plant manager o( the local Oregon Packing company cannery, lives outside the city lim its on South 12th street. He left here last week tor Idaho where he is interested with other cannery men In a mhnng proposition. MEN PREFER BLUE WOMEN PICK RED Milwaukee. Wis.. (LP) Blue Is the most attractive color to men. while women show preference lor "warm" colors in merchandise and coiorea advertisements, Ferdinand Aumuel-1 ler, Milwaukee, told delegates to tne 13th annual convention or tne in ternational direct mail advertising association. Aumueller emphasized the differ ence in color preferences of the Mxes in revealing the results of per sonal tests. He sold 44 per cent of all men chose blue as tne color Uiey liked best tn all fields of pur chase Including clothes and auto-1 mobiles. Bed was the next prefer ence and purple third. Red headed the list lor women followed by purple, blue, green, orange and yellow. REBELS CLAIM NEW BRAZILIAN VICTORIES NEBRASKA STUDIES ROAD AID PROBLEM Lincoln. Neb. UP) The problem ol Nebraska to meet additional fedeal highway aid ot J5.0O0.0O0 in the next biennium is called to the at tention of Governor Arthur Weaver by State Engineer Roy Cochran in the highway department's budget request. During the 1931-72 biennium, fed eral aid available to Nebraska will total $7,438,551. State appropriation to meet federal funds during the present biennium was 2,095,44, ol which $1,981,430 was expended dur ing the first year. The appropriation for mainten ance received from auto license fees for the present biennium was more than $1.2tW,O00 of which 31.240,000 was spent the first year, for the next two years $2,200,000 Is requested. OBITUARY (Continued from page 1 tier father. Lea O'Laughlin, was also fed the a-bus. but is expected to recover; a blood-stained auto- n.uu m ,rwk hMrin. prints and wisps of the child's hair. and a bloody towel wer iouna in the family automobile. Physicians said the child suffered because it needed things, but just to get the money circulating and end the business depression. Reltdyke pointed out while awaiting the final report of the auditing company that there are 500.000 members of civic clubs In the United States and that U his plan spreads to other cities, as he believes it wm, more than, 000 can be put Into circulation in a short time. He believes such a movement definitely would end the depression throughout the country, getting the country's money mov ing, establishing business confi dence and ending what he calls the "buyers' strike. CATTLE RUSTLING BOTHERS OLD WEST Slim Buttes, S. D. (in Cattle rustling In the Slim Buttes coun try Is worse today than it was In tne am wild west days, Abe Jones, pioneer rancher, declares. "In the odd days we used to lose an occasional cow or half a oozen calves to rustlers, but the modern rustlers are much worse. Using trucks, uiey can carry away many calves at a time and be hundreds of miles away befc e we miss them' Jones said. Jones bsi been In the Blim Buttes country since 1&S6 when he took up a claim after coming west to prosepct for gold In the Black HiUS. CANADIAN REPORTS FRANCE PROSPERS (Continued from pas. I Oreat Brltlan's safest place, s regards road accident, last year was the Isles of Solly, blow at the defenses of a. Paulo state and be an Important victory for rrael troou. In tlieir most dif ficult and most vital campaign to capture Sao Paulo and the capital Harare la located on the Sao Paula-Parana border, about IM miles from the coast. It Is rail' road center acid lederl traope have been concentrating there recently, having tamed back several rebel .frjirks Simultaneously with the reports of success on the Sao pauw iron tier, messages were received by re bel leaders at Porto Alegre confirm ing that the city of Victoria, capi tal of the state of Ksptrtto Sant. had been taken by rebels frota Min es Oeraes state. The message aatd the rebels occupied the entire stale of Esperlto Santa, which lies north of Rl. e Janeiro and rate off the capital from the loyal federal state of Bahla In the north. The loyal tederal forces at the Island city of nonanapoiis, on tne Victoria, B. C. UP) France won the war and England lont It, ac cording to Ur. Clem Uavles of Vtc tnrai who has Just returned from a 10 weeks trip of Europe. trance, he said, is the most pros perous country in the world today with not a single man uncmnloved and so mach work that she is forc ed to send to Belgium for laborers. England, he sold, has two million unemployed and thousands starv ing. Conditions tliere are pitiable and unless she receives help from the countries of the Empire she cannot muddle through, he added. The burden of paying M.000, 000.000 which she guaranteed for Prance and Italy has crippled her. Prance by grabbing Oerman mines has stolen her iron and steel trade. I would Just as soon Oermany had France as France had Oermany. It's tune for Canada to decide if ahe wants a commonwealth of the United States or a common wealth f Nations," he saM regard lng Canada's relation to the Bri tish empire. APPLE MAkKETINO EARLY Springfield. 111. 0P Marketing of fall and winter varieties of ap- plea grown In Oerhonn county and other orohara eeetioiis of western Illinois, has begun fully two weeks earlier than usual accord ing to a report by the state depart. ment of agriculture. Early anartet mg f the fruit, department offi cials sav. Is due to the recent droaght which caused premature rlpening. GEORGE MOORE Sidney Oeorge Moore, one of the oldest settlers of this district, was laid to rest beside bis wu. in the community graveyard on ths J. o. Parr farm near here Sun. day. He leaves no relatives. Moor, died in Oregon City Thursday. H. came to this vicinity in 187S where he continued to make his home. At one time be was an extensir. hop grower. FILM BATTLE OF YORK TOWN Among other Interesting thlngl in the nrocram to be given Mon day night In the legislative hall at the capital building by th Sons of the American Kevonmon, will be the showing ot motion pic tures ot the battle and surrender at Yorktown. This contest was a most pictur. esque one. A writer describing it states that "the cannonading wag kept up incessantly for four days; tlie bombshells from the besiegers and the besieged crossing each other's path In the air. At night they appear like llery meteors with blazing tails, most beautifully bril liant; some of the shells readied tlie English shipping, setting It oa fire. The conflagration seen In th. darkness with accompanying flash and thundering of cannon, burst lng of shells and tremendous ex plosions of the shins all presented a scene of mingled magnificence and horror.'' The gallant assault on the Brl Ush redoubts by the combined French and American troops is stirring Indeed. The surrender when the British troops sallied forth and passed through the Al lied armies with shouldered arms, slow and aolem steps, colors cased and drums beating a British inarch makes a great picture. PRODUCTION OF DRIED CORN HIT BY DROUTH Harrisburg, Pa. IP The mid summer drouth greatly affected ths production of dried corn, a product peculiar to only five sections of the United States, two of them in Cen tral Pennsylvania. Shlrentanstown tn Cumberland county and several sexrtioni in Lan caster county produce the only dried corn In tlie east, the other center. being in California. This year, because of the drouth production is only about one-sixth of normal, the Cumberland county producers reported. Corn-drying is a process witn which very few are familiar. The kernels of corn are shucked from the ear and placed on a metal screen above a system of steam or hot-air pipes until Uiorouglity dried out. BOOK DKSCRIfUS STATE Beloit. Wis. P WiscooRln is noted for various things today but in 1&26 its chief claim for reconil tion was limited to the name Ouis consin and a brief description, ac cording to an old geography book now being held as a relic by Chief ol Police B. F. Lanphear. His great uncle originally owned and used tlie book, published In Boston in 1TJ8. NKVTliPAPEKS BIG AID Mllwsutoee, Wis. LP The news paper wss cited as one of the two ouutanding media of greatest value to retailers by Sidney Carter, St. Uhiis. who spoke before the 13th annual contention of the Interna tional Direct Mall Advertising association. PLAN REt'-MON WaalilnetMi. D C. UP -Plans to hold a reunion of the families and descendants of alt former Presidents of the United Bta s at the capital is being fostered here in connection with tlie 133 Washington btcenten nal program. Bennett Scott author of the pop ular song. Taa Me Back t Drar Old Blighty." died secently at Cask Ham, England.