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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1930)
PAGF TEN TIIE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON MONDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1930 TWO PILOTS ARE KILLED IN AIR CRASH Trenton, N. J, (LP) Two pilots wre killed ln their planes crmihed la the air during tnt-for-all rare at the Lrglon meet nere Sunday. The dead were Richard W. Mac kle. 3. of Valley Stream, L. I., feat pilot at the Curtlss-Wrlfht air port at Valley Stream, and George zinn, 36, a-rajthy tport&man- avi ator of Rydal, Pa. The men were piloting two planec of eight entered In the race. As tney rounded a pylon In full view of the 25.000 spectators, most of the planes were bunched. Zinns craft atruck the wing of Macule's and koth fell. Mackie's ship nosed over and hit the ground with terrific force, scat tering parta In all directions and throwing Mackle clear. Zlnn's propellor was twisted by we cra&n, but the plane appeared about to make a landing. It was guuig uk last, nowever, and no sooner had It hit the ground than It burst Into flames and Zlnn, airappeo in the cockpit, was burn ed to death. The meet, which closed Sunday Bight, wai held by the New Jersey division of the American Legion for the purpose of raising money for a proposed "cathedral of the air" at Lakehurst as a monument w woria war aviators. CRADLE ROLL TOTS AND MOTHERS FETED Monmouth Mrs. c. P. Bracken And Mrs. B. L. Sr Iters were Joint hostesses at party to compliment the members and their mothers of the crade roll department of the Evangelical church Friday after- noon from 1 to 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Sellers. An unique feature of the after noon was an original nurst-ry rhyme given by each mother In which Mrs. Dell Ted row of El kins won the prize with a Jingle. Rev. L. H. WU lard added to the program with a vocal solo. Mothers and babies present were Mrs. Ellis Stebbins and daughter, Jean Ella; Mrs. Winn and son, Dennis; Mrs. B. L. Howard and son, Conrad; Mrs. D. Tedmw and son. David: Mrs. L. H. Wlllard and daughter, Dorothy May; Mrs. B. L. Sellers and daughter, Janet and Mrs. C. P. Bracken. Mrs. Bracken Is superintendent of the cradle roll department Dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Sellers. HAPPY HOUR SEWING CLUB ENTERTAINED Sllverton Hills Mrs. H. A. Elliott and Mrs. Lenna Elliott entertained the Happy Hour Sewing club at the Lenna Elliott home in the Cervlng addition Friday afternoon. At the business meeting", with Mrs. Dersy Haggerty, president, pre siding, it was voted to hold the an Dual dinner, at which families and close friends are Invited November 1 In the Hills community hall. The women sewed after the close of the meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Henry Duval. HOUSEWARMING IS - GIVEN HAN0F0R0S fiilverton Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Randfard were given a housewarai- lng at then new apartments In the Ina Harold house on East Main street the last of the week when friends gathered with well filled hampers. Two tables of bridge were played. The guesta presented Mr. and Mrs. Hand ford with a mantle clock. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Rey Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwab. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lorenarn. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Handford. READING CLUB HAS AFTERNOON&SSION Dayton Mrs. O. C. Goodrich en tertained the Pleasant Hour Read ing club of Dayton at her home Fri day afternoon. Mrs. M. P. Hastings of Portland and Mrs. Lou Girth of the Web foot vicinity were guests of the club. Art was the subject of the meet- In gand Mrs. C. D. Conn and Mrs. Harry Sherman presented a pic ture study. Mrs. Lott of McMlnn-, ville gave slides of pictures which, she had taken on a trip. Mrs.: David DeTiere was the leader. I Members present were Miss Catherine Burnard and Mesdames! W. O. Barnard, Louis Burkhart, Ella Coburn, H. G. Coburn, C. D. Conn, M. R. Cooper, David DeTiere. Leslie Duzan. Mary Gilkey, J. W. ; Lorett, And r in a Matches, Fred Matches. O'Della Miller, Iner Mort- ensen, J. E. Melllnger, Emily J. Nichols. H. O. Ogden, J. G. Park, J. E. Proffltt, Harry Sherman, C. E. - Smith and the hostess. ! Mrs. Goodrich served refresh ments. The next meeting will be held at the W. O. Barnard home east of Dayton and the general geographical study of Africa will at that time be the subject. FEED IDLE WITH SURPLUS WHEAT IS M'ADOO PLAN New York, (LP) William O. Mc Adoo, former secretary of the treasury, has proposed that the farm boards 130.000,000 bushels of surplus wheat be used to feed un employed persons this winter. "I note constant suggestions that since there Is a shortage In the corn crop the surplus wheat can with advantage be fed to cattle," McAdoo said. "Why not feed this wheat to human beings?'' The farm board, using the money of the taxpayers of the United States, has bought some i 000,000 bushels of wheat, which It a holding presumably for a higher price. This can come about only- through a general lifting of the price level for wheat Certainly there Is no prospect that the gov ernment will soon be able to mar ket its holding of wheat at a high er-price or even at the purchase price. Why then should it be hoarded iu&tead of being used for the bene fit of the people? When congress reconvenes m December, the first thing It ought to do to authorize the use of as WOMAN IS BRUISED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Gervals Two cars, one a sedan driven by Mrs. Robert Harper and the other a large coupe owned by Walter Tooze and driven by Till Brown of Broad acres, collided at the cross roads of the new market road and the St. Louis-Fairfield road in town Friday evening. Mrs. Harper, accompanied by her small son and sister. Mis. Zeno Schwab, was driving into town when the Tooze car, driving at a high rate of speed south on the market road, failed to stop at the stop sign and met the Harper car. causing it to run into a telephone pole, badly damaging the car, Mrs. Schwab receivrd minor cuts and bruises while little Bobby received head injury. The occupants of the Tooze car were unharmed and damape to the car was slight. More Profits In Substitutes That's why druggists try to sell you substitutes. Genuine remedies, cost more to make, but give you sure, safe relief. Take Carter's Little iiver Pills, made of pure vegetable calo mel, tried and true remedy for tor pid, siuggisn liver, stirring up bile, flushing liver clean of all waste. Ask for Carter's. Red bottles. Take Car ter's, adv. DR. CALDWELL'S WAY helps any Child's Bowels Often, this simple prescription brings the first natural, complete bowel action a child has had in weeks. And th entire system ben efits from its gentle aid! Feveri&hness. billlousnef. head aches simply disappear when Syrup Pepsin is used. The bowels become regular and remain that way. Ap petite becomes hearty; the digestion becomes more complete, energy and strength are restored. Nothing you can give a bilious, half-sick, constipated child or take yourself when your bowels need help will do as much for you. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a prescription for the bowels, writ ten by a famous physician one w hose record of over 3500 birth cases without loss of one mother or baby is believed unique in American med ical history. No wonder Dr. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin is ideal for women and chil dren. But it is equally effective for the bowels of robust men. Whether you're only occasionally constipated or chronically that way. It will cleanse, regulate your bowels, harm lessly and in a hurry. All drugstores have the big bottles. adv. Da. W. B. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN , A Doctor's Family Laxative By Jonathan mgrwood Cct men who won our proud jeehim Jy ad dervind of their fame. Vre once lilt you ilh untried handnd mind With purpoe and future undefined.; reat men were babie once like you - In youth they all were puzzled, too nmehed by life they faltered by the way Advancing and reheating day by day.. reat men were tempered by the fire And pain of unfulfilled deirc (reatoul tmirgit Ihrough bitter uffering To peace a-free v bird upon the wing. Creat men were made of tuff like you, from them -you learn-De jut and true" w right Be trong Re unafraid -uch 1 the way great men are made! TO "American Biographies In Miniature" to be published in this paper in serial form is an inspiring eolleetion of illuHtrated stories of the lives of great Americans. Clip them for jour serapbook. W.T.RIGDON &S0HM0RT11AHY W.T. RIGDON.PRES. " 1S91 IXOVD t. RIGDON J DALE TAVLOfJ WINIFRED R.HEBI2ICK - EVEQfcTT T: COUNT Corner Church and Chrmeketa. Telephone 183. much of this huge wheat store as mj be needed to feed hungry and distressed human beings during ana coming winter. It win ba i travesty If deserving, but unfor tunate people ant permitted to suf fer hunger or starvation because tbe government hoards more than 60,000.000 bushels of wheat pur- cnaaea wiui UN people s money." USE REPAIR CONTINUES Eclo Repairing of the Eclo tele- phone lines In the south part of town la In progress and will be con tinued until the properties are la good condition. It Is announced. Eclo At m regular meeting of the Sclo Rebekah lodge last week the committee on constitution and by- lawa presented a report, drafting resolutions to be acted upon by the lodKe. Rerreshmeuta were served and a social hour enjoyed. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sher. man who have been guesta of their son John in Seattle, for several days, returned home Saturday. Xow You Can Wear FALSE TEETH With Real Comfort Fasteeth, a new, pleasant powder, keeps teeth firmly set. Deodorizes. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. To eat and laugh in comfort Just sprinkle a little Fasteeth on your plates. Oct tt today at Capital drug store and other drug stores. adv. THE ROSE IN THE DARK (Continued From Page ) whits (ace trembled and she put up s hand to hide tt "because his mind Is twisted to that one par ticular thing "Marriage with you?" -Yes." -He's pretty vile." "Yes." "And not so Ion ago," went on Lytton, kicking himself for the words, "you were going to marry him of your own accord. 'What In the name of Ood possessed your" She sat silent, her eyes lifted to his. -What was it? His face? Hh manner? His money?' He stood over her, his hands gripping the keys and coins In his pockets. "What is there about a man like Broon that can make a girl like you do what you did that night? I know well enough that there are poor fools who'd leave their dying moth ers if he whistled them out! But you you?" "Why do you ask me? It's over. It's done. It's too late. Oh, It's too laic late Lytton, rigid, looked down on the abandon of her weeping. To be Continued) Glycerin Mix Removes Cause of Stomach Gas Simple glycerin, buckthorn bark, saline, etc., as mixed In Adlerlka, acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisons you never thought were there and which caused gas and other stomach trouble. Just ONE spoonful relieves OAS, sour stomach, sick headache and constipation. Don't take medi cine which cleans- only PART of bowels, but let Adlerlka give you a REAL cleaning and see hew good you feelt It will surprise you I adv. FERRY'S DRtif. STORK MRS. KIIOWALTEK VISITS Kinewood Mrs. John fihowalter of San Burnard i no, Calif., who has been visiting relatives in Clarkston, DR. CHAN LAM Itranrh Office Chinese Med I clue Co. In Salem 'Scientifically pre- . dm red natural rem. s edict for aliments of rattnmarh llvstr JCm. 3 blood, skin, nerves, :2 kidneys, and urln- 'fiLf l!lld women. Reme &T-- dies for rheumatism iQbJfc snd bronchi us wtta Offtee Itnnn weekly: Tuesday 1-1 p.m.; Hat urtla j 1 to 1 p.ns. IS N. Camiiierctsl at. Sale as lluoia S Wash , for the past fortnight, stop ped off en route home for a brief visit with the Avery L. Applewhites at Bonnie Briar. She is a sister of Mr, Applewhite. Oervais Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cutsforth and son, Glen, of Canby, were here Sunday as dinner guests of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cutsforth. Oervais Mr. and Vrs, M. D. Hcimlng and Mrs. Johanna Clark drove to Portland ' unday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. C. M Saunders. Finest Toric Read ing Lens $4.95 , TORIC K) rf lata Insuraaw aa4 laa uab sjuuMMaikHi brMca. "IT TAKIS TWO HANDS TO lKV M PLATEN I.OOSfc" DR.C.A. .Same Frie CaAh er credit nlf CREDIT Nrt extra rharne Tnr Uila prlt llrgr. Ar muse crin ro Mitt jttur own fiiineti- 1 vr UMMidily. 1'IT lil.iH.lNTEED COME IV NOW FOR A FREE LXA.H1NA1 ION ELDRI EDGE, DENTIST 3t3 STATE STREET SALEM, OREGON -IP IT III Itrs IMINT r- GASOLINE SUNSET PACIFIC OIL CO.