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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1930)
SATURDAY. OCTOBER 18, m,0 PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON By Harold Gray LITTLE ORPHAN ANNTF: At l HE ROSE iXV? OH T. IN THE DARK Chapter It BLACKMAIL Hallie wet Lester again od the cliff summit. She did not answer his approaching hall as In former days, and remalr-ed motionless as he earae near her. "Hallie. you're on your high horse about something or other. Come off It. sweetheart I've got a lot to ttU you." "It's no use, Lester! Slie had not meat lo say It. but now that the words had forced themselves out she might as veil add to them. "I'm to blame In way, but when 1 said I loved you I was wrong. It wasn't love that X felt for you." Her words came rushing now she could not stop them. "It umt love that yon feel for me. You made me madly, desperately happy when you held me and kissed me but now I know that happiness like thai tent love." -You Uked It. sU right ! "No. Not really. Mot with the best in me. But I knew all the tune that the best In me wasn't of any Interest to you. Oh, I'm ashamed'' her voice broke "I'm ashamed that I could know myself so clearly and yet not be content to wait for the real thing to come to me last!" "The real thing being poor old Socks?" asked Lester and chuckled. "It Is amazing." said Hallie slowly, "how easily I can stand back now and see why I thought I loved you! Perils pa I am the only girl who has ever escaped the spell of you. Lester. "Finished the little lecture, dar ling?" She made no sound and no move ment. "I love to watch you holding forth, you funny Utile thing. That one eyebrow of yours goes up and the other stays down. You can't do that to order. Can you, Hal lie? ' Her gaze had not left his, yet she was unprepared when he dragged her into his arms and be gan to kiss her long, hard kisses, msking nothing of her struggles. At last he let her go. "I love your brotlier and I'm go ing to marry him," she said. "Is this insult your wedding gilt to "You can love Socks U you like " "X do love him. You know I f&! When you won't believe it, you are simply acting to yourself. "Oh, biM I believe it all right. I didn't at first, I admit. Poor old Sorts, he's a good sport but as flaming youth well! However, you were always a quaint, Impetuous kid. And, anyway, you'll forget him, after a while. It's mostly be-i you're sorry for his blind- i new." I "What In the name of heaven are you trying to say?" "If you hadn't Interrupted me. youd have understood by now. I was going to tell yoji that you can love Bocks If you like but you're going to marry me." "But" 'I wired Socks today that we're poing to be married as soon as pos sible. He'd been told that youd none back to New York, you see. so I had lo let him tninn I weed thing with you up there." "I think you're insnne and at that moment Halite did think It. A group of p"ople passed the shelter. They looked curiously in as thev strangled along and Hatlte seized upon th'ir protecting pres ence. She Etsod up. "I'll go back home. I think. There's absolutely no sense In this kind of discussion. You'll have to explain away your tekgram as best you cah. And, Lester ' she paused. "Well?" "T bsve n-nrie inniiiries and mv real name is Coualdlne. Rose Oon- aldlne. That is the name under which your brother knows me. Yoall have to remember that care fully. It's easiest tf you just forget that Nurse gllesmorc over existed." Lester smiled at her. "Charming little thing, aren't you 7 'Just forget that flur&e "E lies- more ever existed.' uite simple. Only, yra see. I taut forget her. As for ail this Hose Conaldine business with ocks, I shan't give you away. Why shoold I? You can go oa playing mlnlsierlng angel for a while after we're married and then fade gently out of hit hie like utey do in the movies. But you are going to marry me; and quite soon." "You're simply persecuting me; she said In a low voire. "You wouldn't dare you wouldn't dare If your brother were here! Lester laughed. "You're getting mixed up, aren't you, little one? Its you, not I. who are so anxious that Socks shall trunk this, that and the other tiling. Personally. I think it would be bet ter to let him see how things really are. It would be a shock to him. in a say, of course, but it wouldn't last and he might even come to see tiie funny side of it." "Bully and coward," Hallie whit pered. "bully and coward, Lester. And I thought I loved you!" "You did love me," Letter said, breaking fragments off the rock fsoe. and letting them clatter idly down to the shore below. "And you will again? Don't you worry your head about that." "You're blackmailing Die, you know." "Oh. blackmail nothing! Why at that rate, every time you make someone see tne oilier side o question you're blackmailing em." "You're blackmailing me in the most cowardly may possible. It seems that in spite of your pledge to Dr. Lytton in spite of the fact that you as well as I were to blame for what happened tliat night you're threatening to tell Saxely who I am. Unless I marry you. "Oh, don't be that way. Look at it from my point of view. Here I am, tied by a crazy will to Socks apron-strings. I've got to have his consent before I can touch a penny of my own money. And when Socks finally signifies that he ap proves of marrying you go and back out! It's- " "Walt! Hallie broke In breath lessly. "Nurse Casey told me, but I didn't believe It then, that you'd been talking to Saxely about me, worrying him, slie said, for his con sent to marry me." Slie nas eavesdropping, was she?" "That was after I'd said I wouldn't marry you?" pressed Hal lie. "After I'd refused?" "Oh, lord, darling, forget It! Let's go in town, and have some fun. I'm going back, anyway. Socks doesn't want me around and as you1 say, I may give the show away. i What did you say your name was? Oh, I remember. Conaldlne Rote Con aldine. Suits you. In a way. But where have I heard it before?" "Lester, is it passible tliat all you want is the relriuc of your money? Because surely surely you don't need to marry me before you can get it? Why a mou h ajo you talked us tlioutfh it was very doubtful whether Saxely would approve or in. And now ; ou pretend he wouldn't approve o: anyone else. " He wouldn't! You don't know how resectable Socks is. Accord ing to him. you're morally bound to marry a girl if you take her out after dark. And you and I. darling by which I menu Nurse Elleinore and I spent quite a little time In the drawing-room on the night In Continued on Pae 10 S (ROMS lit mi UNI hlmtf Prwul r4 r'm trrm !- Item a HhIInm m4 mi m IHMHlt'R sl Uf Mwrk KriHlnUrt at Ptkri Sn l.ttt-r. lrard m fcrarl . I Hr ! kay . Cam , !- ihm tunvar atei . Utoirarli , Ttr rarU . :si . ovrrgtona Im j . N w f ra I . I ahaptr . ThfXi'ig hfarf I . tiflr , I ktrrh rnt . saati atril in fwrmlnx Mrittail KaMl'f-r . tvrrrWr by Ikr tirh . Till of Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle t. SiwIih a Miiilralloa ' ARlAlBBR0'TSHRAiPl D MjOjRjE'BlelC H OHO P E R A opA LMpt lHt ot a l R'EiiA TJEHs'ETABa T E ESESf a'nisHIs'e t til e's A C;C!E PjrlEiDHN'6 RQ M A R BISJE P JO lYBRjO TOR eVIeirHd'A'N'EisHcve m;e M E WERBLfe lAlP SS Ai IXSJN EpEjE'RR AlNTRlY g u i idJe R.sBma v eBBB R'A mHnWm.eHy EISjTiER AjV AlSITnElLlSIEBTjAiRfo e I s ; S I Aj Y B CI Alg-S $ P E E P I1. I'M rKt tnlf II. AiiImIiI ftrrlvl nl bin I orv fft. ft.illnrt htw Zrnlnnil fctrS 41. tWIhlrm nn.r It. 1 imtirii rol led fl, ArtFRMa aOor 4S. Nl mmf Kf-rlnlr1 fcj amiirrallai it. Ham animal ka llwihlkt ot DOWH L Prnanaa t. t'aatiaral S. Haiif 4. ('Nff! BkO 5. 11 S. I.aray S. Hall I. Narir'nn'i U Irumral . Ik. Omr-uaag llrr II. lMt trial tt IS. tuU I!. IUii bring tl. tolit ottt oa tt. Aug ft tl. Ultn bollaia Ik AtiailUa cva aarika tt. animal's Iwmnt h fA. Lattrkal tt. 4rrqa Ml Tml-l this II. Srtkla It. Hind of ftoaag IS. Hapi-llralhia SI, nam art aot tht an-irraai Sr. llaW an af frnalva IimII ft, tal btuj U (lar'i aKuag pot tK Hurrt StOtch 4ft. Miarll 41, Kanrkf 43. airaMr rs- olvrS lata a llrkrrft Irlka 4L Anrrtraa kaannial 41. Net at tkt 'I2 I3 I 4 s I4 I7 h1 1 '0 " T32 "T55 m yj To jt AWT I-Kk To A? SxVA. OiXH -bt MPrAT SNVtCH- v. . sunt tO CHT tvv' ' l ' k '- - rv wv'jf m ail' rm - mm --, a -1 1 vi rum v ri BEG'LAB FELLERS llwx Minus Garden By Gene Byrnes M &ardek k hwe roses n .,:.( jot YvA KNOCKED H wA Uk SSVS Mo ( CARNATIONS U 1 MJ a651Uk W' ,5,1 l mLAEQ $VVEET PEAS n rlC aw mor! Jj- WINOE.R J ZiMrLb I BLUE BELLS J -SrrMr .la htJES&hr TAILSPIN TOMMY You'll Hear More Of This Ut .I.KVS CIIAt'tlN UAL lUUKLbl lloMMYANOSKEETER HAVE BEEN LISTENING IN WITH VIC I EE, THREE -POINT RAWO OPERAT0R,OVEftHIS PERSONAL SHORT Wave set.' vies, having a great Time, but the only part of the enter" ta1nment that his visitors have enjoyed so far is the coffee? Stl I'LL LAY MY CASH ON TUP LINE FOP RUOT VAtUEE OR GEORGE OLSON BUT THIS A TRAIN DISPATCHER MAKIN' rVQUFLYgPSHAlffwnnn. I W lM.i:iyc T.,.TMIIlli ll llilff',,'lllllMl'.lllillll!lli--. - .71 IHmSWWftiHilHilllllttrni .lit-- V T 1 SFA UJKTOro RFDoor I i'lllfeV nrn f r HOLD EVERYTHING; ) AM HQ? ) B EAVESDROPPED V . v75 h"S!S IH1-S M - Us ' L A CHINESE; f; S DUMB DORA The ICeceplion Committee By I'aul Fung WBtL.,SlMCE OOCA'S CAD HAS FORBIDDEN MiOAS To SEE DORA . IT SURS LOOKS aooo FOR AHH '. AMD "TSJ HAVE A OiRl SvvFATHER FOP. ICAMX TLl.yOU MOW W OH . DAD. THE RE S HAPPy I ANA THAT (THF DOOtt BEL-U AMD ACE f.,, . .... X AM&WEB. IT AU LOW I NO ME TO CALL WISS DOCAL LESSOM To A(3AIM SlR'. . HELLO.POP' HERE'S VOUR. y'lH WHITE -HAlCSD COV V LITTLE RODNEY J AIM' T VOL) 3LAD TO SE6 I : '. VOL) 3LAD TO SE6 J I LET T 6E A TX-p5r 11; 'l - I TT " - J LESSOR to j ; mts '- Tfei I' HI Wd M 1 'mi Pll . r I.M:r. l W Tl Vbu B&t'. PeughtetpH -f AMD STAV J-'iit BRINGING UP FATHER Bv Ccorce MrManua DOCTOR CO U WEi DOCTOR; ll "OWJJU'&T Mq j,CCb- ID TUE FEWER VJOROS f) CHEAT ""J OQOO THIMK Tl ?EBHmAo.OG?. 1 XI VHw. Tl O&NKV- UKE TO HAVE YOO MAVE WITH (hES- U OOT THlb I'd THE WAT TO TALK TO !, UM6EM?- IGJEbb- VJITHVOO M SOVOOHA.O S I"--- V.' l?l'l OUT OF A ROOM? hm-heVbeen 1 Issle ruFiy ReCaroto better stop - SVg J "D trmmce- P J- S T A i rn 1 11 rf V-i MOW- r ' 'ftvT fi J a doctor-he I LftTEl r-'V" A TT? -r-i 'SKMfMl Vl1 needs uom- MUTT AND JEFF Honest John Sleets His Match - And It's Wet By Hud Fishe' WELL. IF XeuB VMCL (Ut-t MtT JoHWlj THAT WUJT HAWt I ITHl Mf WAS CALltOI I ; ONCtfe JxO 5 I HA HAi PwT II ! YP. BUT THt OTWtR. tT VKAS CAU4D HOMtST I I !?." fiV BfcfelJ THfi GUY OfT JOHM TO-IF 1 Th OTHCR HOMCsr I OMCOUCK. A I GUY WAS SO CKoOKeO OWM-Yoo must r TZZ C YtHoSToumt ONCLt hab KMOWM J I John A 1AD J DAU HoSS:.' T. WM . ,,. "J HAwt 64tM NAMtl CRoatccntRJ umiskcrs off THAT h (uooLftN-rJ I Hossel r ha"ha:: ( "1 I H6 VJON A RACty AFTER AUfT I LpAM HIMiy TOfe BARBER Wt TN6 J-V " .. V HA-HAy fe ,'l V VU.TH IT.' . jIs fiy p