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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1930)
THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SALEM HI DISPLAYS PUNCH 10 DEFEAT COLUMBIA Willamette Spurts in Final' Period To Win, 34 to 14 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1930 LOCAL TEAM SWAMPS PREP SQUAD, 42-7 Showing greater power than any Salem high school football team has displayed at this stage of the game In a number of years. Coach Hollis Huntington's red and black squad, after a few moments of uncertainty, settled down and gave Columbia university high ox Portland one of the wor&t beatings In Its history at Olinger field Friday afternoon. And when the timekeeper blew a shrill toot on bis fingers signifying that the fracas was over Salem had a 42 to 7 edge. Perhaps the only department the visitors excelled in was forward pasting. Their only score came as the result of a heave from Warren to Crawford, the latter galloping over the goal line untouched. This same combination was quite success ful in its aerial attack but its ef forts generally went for naught in the end, for Salem succeeded In checking the threat before it became erious. Columbian score in the first quar ter was much in the nature of a flit. Oi the play which resulted In a touchdown Salem was offside. The head linesman blew his whistle be fore the play had hardly gotten under way. Half of the Salem play ers ceased their efforts while Craw ford continued to go down the field. Of course Columbia refused the pen alty and the score counted. That fluke seemingly acted as a tonic to the locals, for they buckled down and by the end of the first half had taken a 14 to 0 lead. Three more touchdowns were added in the third, while the second aquad went In during the fourth period and garnered seven more points. Don Sugai, who last year was a tower of strength on defense, dis played unexpected offensive ability during the game and gave evidence of being one of the best line plung ers Salem has developed lh years. His slashes tlirough tackle and his end runs were a delight to behold. James and Lee Weisser showed plenty of punch also, while Fore man showed decided superiority in the punting department. Salem's line from end to end put up an Impenetrable wall on defense while individual players opened up great gaping holes in Columbia's forward wall. Warren, quarterback, Saba, left half, Crawford, right end, and Slos ser, right tackle did the best work for Columbia. After Columbia had gained Its gift touchdown, Salem took possession of the bab and pushed over a touch down after relinquishing the ball but once, and that on a fumble. Co lumbia, nfter falling to make yard age punted. Sugui broke through and blocked the effort, the ball bounding back toward the Columbia line. Crawford recovered the oval but Salem took the ball on downs on the 30 yard marker. After a line plunge or two, Foreman tried a pass. It was knocked down but Columbia was offside. Weisser then made yardage on the Columbia 20 as the quarter ended. On the first play af ter Jhe start of the second quarter. Foreman went through right half, reversed his field and ran for a touchdown. Sugai kicked the goal. Salem gained the ball on its own 38 shortly after the red and black had kicked off. Sutra i, Weisser and James carried the ball to Colum bia's 34. At this point Foreman drifted back and lofted one to Ad ams who after snagging the ball, galloped 20 yards for a touchdown. Again Sugal scored the extra point. The third touchdown came as a result of a well placed punt by Foreman and a blocked punt. Fore man kicked the ball out on Colum bia's three yard line. A Salem lines man got himself in front of Colum bia's punt. The ball bounded over the Une with Oiese recovering. He ran the ball back to the one-yard line before he mas downed. Sugal then went through for the touch down and kicked the goal. After Salem kicked off, Columbia tried a pass. Weisser Intercepted and ran the ball to Columbia's 30. Sugal then, on four plays, carried the ball over, and immediately added the extra point. A long run by Weisser was the main factor in the next score. After being unable to dent the Salem line Columbia kicked. Weisser took the ball and before he was stopped had reached the 5 yard line. After a lunge by Weisser and another by Sugal. Weisser went over for the touchdown. Sugal again made good for the extra point Columbia threatened shortly after the start of the final period. Salem had been set back well into Its own territory after being penalized 20 yards for clipping. Cross made back six yards of the loss, but Sa lem was forced to kick. Warren took j the ball in mldfleld and ran down the right side of the field before being forced out on the red and i black 22-yard mark. A pass, War wn to Crawford tnok the ball to th I MEN'S SHOES $4.95 and $5.95 Oregon, Shoe Co. Next to Ladd & Bash Bank Game Wardens Get Ax; Salmon Netted Illegally, Is Claim Portland (AP) The dismissal of two state deputy ?ame wardens was announced at the afternoon meeting of the state game commission here Friday. The dismissed deputies are W. B. Fellows, sta- tloned at Baker, and D. T. Godsil, stationed at iAkevlew. The com mission said this action was taken "for the good of the service.' Both men will be relieved by new ward ens within a few days. David B. Evans, member of the commission, criticized the work of F. M. Brown, deputy warden re cently stationed on the Rogue. Evans charged him with negligence and with filing improper reports. "I, personally, have seen steel head weighing less than four pounds, whose flanks were scored with net marks indicating that they had been taken with a net with meshes less than two inches square," Evans declared. "A num ber of persons have reported to me they have seen whole truckloads of steelheads being taken from the river at night, yet Mr. Brown sends in a report of this nature." Evans said Brown's report de clared there as no law-breaking on the river. SILVERTON BEATS WEST LINN, 21-0 Silverton The Silverton high school football team won Its sscond game In three starts when it de feated West Linn high, 21 to 0 on the latter's field Friday afternoon. A feature of the game was 65 yard run by Norman Kolln of Sll verton. The dash started from lateral pass. A large delegation of Silverton students attended the game. The next game for Silverton will be played here next Friday after noon with Oregon City. GERVAIS HI WINS HARD FOUGHT GAME Gervals In a hard fought con test, Gervals high school's football team defeated Tlgard high here Fri day alternoon, 20 to 13. Gervals scored two touchdowns in the first four minutes of play, the first com ing on a triple reverse. The other two scores were made as the result of forward passes with Manning and S. DeJurdin handling the ball. This made the third victory In four starts for Gervaie, the locals having lost only to Woodburn by a 3 to 0 score. The lineup: Tlgard Gervals Turnbull Boyer Anderson Dural Myers Blankenship Smith B. Ciif tell J. Cirf tell Jones Tilton VBR S. DeJardin LOR LTR C HOI, RTL REL Q LHR KHi, F C. Naftzger Ed Naftzger E. Naftzger Shell Woods Schlechter Manning L. DeJardin Prantl Susee COLONIALS, CHANT TIE Portland (if) The largest crowd ever to attend a night high school game here, Friday night saw Wash ington high school hold the Grant eleven to a 12 to 12 tie. Hard plunging line plays and fierce tack llng featured the contest. 15. Saba made eight on a line play and first down. With seven yards to go for a touchdown and four downs to make It in. Columbia could not make a foot against a line com posed for the most part of substi tute players. San ford, playing at centsr, finally broke through the line to throw the Columbia ball car rier for a loss. DeMarls, a replace ment behind the line, broke loose on the next play and went around left end for 30 yards. Sugal advanc ed the ball to Columbia's 30 where DeMarls again displayed his ability by going to the 6-yard line. Sugal then hit center for a touchdown. He made good on his seventh straight kick for goal. Columbia then unleashed a belat ed aerial attack and had the ball on the Salem 30 as the game ended. Lineup: Colombia Salem Sheahan LER Oiese Pearson LTR Coomler Casperry LOR Coffey Goodrich C Read Horgen RGL Query Slusser RTL Otjen Crawford REL Adams Warren Q Foreman Saba LH Bugal Beers , RH James R. Kelly F Weisser Referee, Hauser; umpire, Cranor; head linesman. Barnard. WOODBURNTOPS , M'MINNVILLE Woodburn Woodburn high school won over McMlnnvllle in closely contested football game by, a score of 7 to 6 on the McMlnn vllle field Friday afternoon. The first half was scoreless but McMlnnvllle returned the opening kickoff In the second half for touch down but failed to convert. Woodburn rallied strongly In the fourth quarter and the touchdown was made by O. Oberst on a line plunge after Woodburn carried the ball from mid-field on a series of downs. After faking a place kick, O. Oberst carried the ball over cen ter for the extra point. In the final moments of play Woodburn staved off a McMinnville rally and held for downs on the six yard line. Woodburn encountered a shift for the first time this sea son and as a result their playing in the first hair was rather ragged but showed marked improvement in the second half. The game was attended by I large crowd of McMlnnvllle sup porters and a number of enthusi astic Woodburn fans. The next game will be at Wood- burn with Gresham next Friday, October 24. WOODBURN McMINNVIlXE Oillanders LE Slmerly Bars lad LT Small Koch LG Phelps Hastie C O. Stephenson Klamp RE Parsons Dlrkson RO Blxler Grady RT Bltton Schooler Q. ........ Barks E. Oberst LH Hill Gfitaf5on LH... Youngberg O. Oberst F Hagan Subs: Woodburn, Stevens for O, Oberst-, Conyno for Koch. Mc Mlnnvllle, shelton for Hill, Roscoe for Blxler. WOULD ASK PUBLIC LINKS GOLFER IN Portland (LP The State Golf as sociation in convention here Satur day considered Inviting public links players to compete in the annual state tournament. During Friday night's session, di rectors were chosen as follows Harry G. Thompson. Waverley; Ed win I. Neustadter, Tualatin; and Phillip V. W. Fry, Columbia, re elected. George P. Hitchcock, Eu gene, and Dr. T. W. Watts, Port land were chosen new members. The association went on record favoring annulment of the 10 per cent federal tax on golf clubs, memberships, dues and assessments, the resolution of the United States Golf association. Erie, Pa, Larry Mardge, ' Cleve land, outpointed Joe Trlppe, Ro chester. N. Y., 10. There's No Place Like Home for a Real Hallowe'en and spooks will soon be here. Indoors will become a spectral spree with witch ery and youthful spirits all about. We all enter into the spirit of Hallowe'en and will gladly suggest decorations and help plan a successful party. This year's Hallowe'en dis play includes a larger variety than ever before. Make us a visit, first, then plan your good times. Commercial Book Store A. A. GI'EFFHOT 163 N. COMMERCIAL STREET EARLY COYOTE LEAD OVERCOME BY BEARCATS Caldwell. Ida. Xt Willamette university's football team overcame It first obstacle In Its way toward a second Northwest conference title when it rallied here during the fourth period of its game with Col lege of Idaho to win 34 to 14, Friday night. The teams battled on fairly even terms during the first three periods with the Coyotes holding a 14 to 13 lead at half time. The Bearcats, fin ally hitting their stride, unleashed . furious attack witn Ericmon, half back, making long gains. A for ward pass aided in making the third touchdown for the winners. Cardinal, left end, was largely responsible for the final scores for Willamette when ne Intercepted passes deep In Coyote territory. Idaho's scores came in the first half with the Coyotes mixta? run ning plays with an aerial attack. The game dedicated the new bowl here. Governor H. C. Baldrldge was present and tossed out the ball The lineup: College of Ida. Willamette Campbell Miller Roberts Tucker Smith Barger Carlson Rutledge O'Connor Whitney LE Cardinal LT LG C RO RT RE Q LH RK Carpenter Oottfrled Ackerman Phil pott Jones Haldane McLeney (C) Gretsch Etickson Lang Sapp F Score by periods: College of Idaho ... 7 1 0 014 Willamette 7 6 0 2134 Scoring: Willamette, touchdowns, Erickson 4, Lang. Try for goal, Er ickson 3. College of Idaho, touch downs, Whitney, Sapp; try for goal O'Connor to Rutledge, passes, 2. Skits and Scratches The scene at Olinger field Friday afternoon during the game between Salem high and Columbia of Port land doesn't speak very well for the so-called self-government of the student body of the local school. We have reference to the crowding of the sidelines during the contest. At the start of the game virtually every spectator was in the stands with a group of boys making a determined effort to induce a few Individuals to take their seats there, too. But lack ing any more authority than a pad dle they didn't make much headway. Before the contest was over prac tically all the students In attend ance had parked themselves on the east and west sidelines and were tramping back and forth with play on the gridiron. Townspeople who had paid their money to see a con test, either had to follow suit or remain In the grandstands to catch a glimpse of the contestants now and then. Along toward the close of the game a person on the "outside" couldn't tell whether there was I football game or a dogfight In pro gress. If the students have no more con trol over their movements at a ball game than that displayed Friday, It might be a good Idea to hire a few Plumbing Supplies BUT ON OER EAST FATMENT PLAV TRADE IN jour old fixtures a a down payment on new modern fixtures. Bring Your BATH KITCFIEV LAI : KURT l'P-TO-DATE for a small monthly payment Visit our showroom and see our display of modern plumb ing flxturea. We also carry In stock all pipe and fittings necessary to install a complete plumbing system. Mesher Plumbing Supply Co. 171 8. COMMERCIAL PHONE 37H policemen vested with real author ity. It seems like the heignt of fool ishness to spend several thousand dollars for a grandstand and then not use It. Jim Reed, center on the Salem high line, displays the brand of fight that has a lot to do with winning ball games. He la In there all the time and never lets down and is a hard man to take out. Hi under study, Glenn San ford, is imbued with the same determination and given a little more poundage would make a highly valuable man. If the fight displayed by Coach Huntington's squad is a sample of what may be expected during the season, home fans should have no misgivings .concerning future con tests. Given a little better defense against forward passing they will make any of the valley Uams work ior meir scores. LESLIE JUNIORS WIN FIRST GAME Scoring a touchdown In the first period and two more in the third, Leslie junior high school's football team Friday afternoon defeated McMinnville Junior high, 20 to 0. After being halted in their first drive toward the goal. Coach Flesh. ers youngsters buckled down again and succeeded in bucking the oval across during the iirst period. Straight football for the most part was responsible for the two touchdowns In the third period. Each side sent in numerous sub stitutions during the fourth period. The starting lineup: McMinnville Leslie Baker LE. . . Grabcnhorst McMullen LT Converse White LG Crumb Potter C Halvorsen Querry RO Hastings Meekers RT Hoss Mulllkin RE Shaw Small Q Mason Brogan RH Flagg Peterson LH Allport Beard V Eckstein I ENTERTAIN PLATERS Turner Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Prather entertained Willard Hut chens of McMlnnvllle and four of his classmates at dinner on Friday evening. All five boys were stu dents of th Dayton high school and had been to Aumsvllle where they participated in a football game with Aumsvllle high school result ing In a tie gnme. GREATER GILMORE CIRCUS SATURDAYSi I p.m. to 8:30 p.m. K P Son Francisco KFI los Anqefet KGW'. . Portland KOMO Stoitto bud FRIDAYSi 9 p.m. lo 9:45 p.m. K N X . Hollywood O THE ONLY I gJ 1 1 w" TOURNEY DATES FOR HOOP GAME ARE ANNOUNCED The board of control of the State High School Athletic association, meeting here Friday, set March 18, 19. 20 and 21 as the dates for the annual murscholastic basketball tournament at Willamette univer sity. Twelve teams, each the cham pion of a district, wlU compete for the state title. District committees were appoint ed by the board as follows: District 1, Harney, Malheur, Ba ker, Grant, Union and Wallowa counties E. D. Towler. La Grande, chairman; Hugh Coleman, Baker, and Leo Hallenberg, Nyssa, District 2, Umatilla, Morrow, Gil liam and Wheeler B. W. wheatley, Pendleton, chairman; W. P. Poul son, Hcppner, and H. G. Bronson, Milton-Prccwater. District 3, Sherman. Wasco, Hood River, Jefferson, Crook and Des chutes counties G. W. Ager, Bend, chairman: J. L. Breckenridge, Hood River, and C. W. Boettlcher, The Dalles. District 4, Lake, Klamath, Jose phine, Jackson and Douglas H. P. Jcwett, Central Point, chairman; H. J. Buhlman. Grants Pass, and E. E. Evans, Chiloqutn. District 3, Coos and Curry Lynn Parr, Marshfleld, chairman; Lowell Smith, Port Orford, and L. P. Linn, Myrtle Point District 6, Lane, Linn, Benton and Itacoln B. V. Moote, Engent, chairman; H. W. Adams, Corvallls, and G. E. Pinherty, Albany. District 7, Marlon, Polk, Clacka mas, Multnomah outeide of Port land R. R. Turner, Dallas, chair man: Vern Bain, Woodburn, and G. D. Barnett, Oregon City. District 8, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill P. E. Fagan, McMinn ville, chairman; Prank Bennett, Tillamook, and B. W. Barnes, Hllls boro. District 9, Clatsop and Columbia J. J. Jandrall, Seaside, chairman; A. C. Hampton, Astoria, and O. D. Byers, Rainier. District 10, City of Portland Norman C. Throne, chairman; C. E. Cleveland and Hopkins Jenklu. Members of the state high school athletic board of control are John L. Gary, West Linn; Austin Land reth, Pendleton, and Paul T. Jack son, Klamath Falls. D PREMIUM GASOLINE." AT NO EXTRA COST V3 PUGET SOUND SCORES WIN OVER LINFIELD Tacoma (Pi Colleg. of Puget Sound scored twice in the last half to defeat Llnfleld college 12 to 0 here Friday night In a northwest conference football game. Chet Baker, logger fullback, led the at tack. It was the first conference vic tory of the season for Puget Sound. DALLAS HI BEATS SHERIDAN, 6 TOO Dallas Coach Shreeves boys travelled to Sheridan Friday and retrlved themselves in the graces of the fans by winning their iirst away game. The ilnai score was 6 to 0 in favor of Dallas but the score docs not indicate the super iority of the local boys over their opponents who had very little of the ball. The lone touchdown came in the second quarter, when Bill Cadle scored, but he failed to con vert for the extra point. Lineups: Dallas Sheridan Kllevcr LE Ashton Morrison LT Ladd Fischer ..LG Crowe McCann C Brown Hayter RO Russell Quick AT. ..... Hamilton Pern ber ton ....RE Hare Moser Q O. Markee Frack LH L. Markre Watson RH Hallway Magnen&on Cadle F Ztpoet Fully Referee: Agce. Umpire: Merri- field. Head linesman. Harrison. Chicago Gary Leach, Gary, Ind. knocked out Jimmy Moore, New York, 47). Hollywood, Cal. Cecil Payne, Louisville, outpointed Ign&clo Fer nandez. Philippines, MO), Mutual Savings & Loan Association A Sulcm Institution Organized in 1910 Place Your Savings with Us Let us finance your home on weekly or monthly payments 142 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET No More Worry For Those Who Use Gilmore Blu-Green Gasoline Ask the reliable repairman. He will tell you thai 81 of engine troubles are caused by Carbon .-. it necessitates frequent valve grinds, causes overheating and knocking, scores cylinders' and reduces power, speed and economy. The consistent use of Gilmore Blu-Green Gasoline will stop carbon worries. It contains a patented (U. S. Patenf No. 1654259) ingredient that loosens up carbon accumu lations and cleans your motor. Drive into Independent Service Stations and garages where you see the Lion Head and fill up with this guaran teed carbon removing gasoline. ELM LBLLQJ-OjREEH r a cm iwic ILLAHEE CLUB TOURNEY DRAWS NEAR THE END Play In the Presldentli cup golf tournament at the Illahe Country club ic rapidly n earing the end and next week will likely decide U championship with O. A. Chase, who defeated F. C. Cone, playing either F. Shafer or R. Abst In the first flight. The latter two have not played their match. The second flight has been de cided with Eddie Raffety winnlnf. The third flight finds Chas. Ga brielbon matched witn Chaa. McEU henny. The winner of this match will meet Dr. Robertson. James Sean beat B. Thomson after a hard match which went 36 holes. He is scheduled to meet Ellsworth Rickett tn the semi-finals of the third flight. 8. W. Smith will play Metcalf In the semi-finals of the fifth flight, while Paul Johnson meets E. K. Bragg la the finals of the aiita fhtrht. The winners of each flight win bo bracketed next week for final play in the tournament. Many members of the Ulahee club have the idea that with the coming of winter rains, play over the course is automatically stopped. This is far from being true. With the installa tion last spring of the drainage sys tem, heavy rains have little effect on the course, and play may be re sumed immediately after rain quit failing. Forest Grove IP Pacific univer sity swamped Albany college, hero Friday by a score of 63 to t when Art Charlton of the Badgers snow ed the way with W, 62 and 73 yard runs. 05. QVIilllk