THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 10.30 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE DEVELOPMENT IN CANBY AREA COMPANY PLAN Orejon City n. Organization of "the Oregon Exploitation company," w hich will control seven smaller or ganizations, has been announced Ju-ro. Those forming tlie company ea y they are obtaining lea&es on thire thousand acrea of land In the Canny district and much of this land will be placed under Irrigation. The announcement a made by Maurice Doretnui, ofliclal oi the company. Dorenius said the Canby Rivers Picking company will be formed to pack Koods for shtptxn east In carload lots. The Canby Rivets Irri- WOOLEN MILLS AGAIN RUNNING FULL TIME Portland M A. R. Jacobs, presi dent ot tlie Oregon City wuolen oul Is aunounced Wednesday tlie Oregon Cuy plant resumed opera tions on a full time basis this meek. A greater demand fat our pro ducts has been noted," Jacobs said. BIDS OPENED ON COAST HIGHWAY Portland W. H. Lynch, fed eral bureau of public roads district engineer. Wednesday opened bids on the graduig of five miles of the Roosevelt highway in Lane county Kern and Kibbe, Portland, sub mitted the low quotation of $440,929. The project Includes some ot the nation company, started 20 years F"1 a,11"u w u" V1 "llirc ago. will be reorganized to sell water I '" T con" from the Molalla river for irriga tion purposes. Doremus said the Canby rivers ice plant and the Can by Rivers box slwok plant will op erate for the holding company. A bulb and ginseng company will be operated by Ben Cummmg mid Max Boulanger, bulb growers of Canby. Doremus said present plans call lor a fish hatchery in which both trout and gold tuh will be planted. The company also plans to erect a riinnery, Doremus said, but this plant may be Joined with tlie Ore gon City cannery. struct ion of a 700-foot tunnel open ing out onto a 600 foot concrete arch bridge over Cape creek. MONMOUTH ART CLU3 ELECTION IS HELO M'NARY TO ASK FOR LAND FOR TRAMWAY Portland tT United States Sen ator Charles McNary, Oregon, said he would introduce a bill at the next congressional session asking the government to set aside 100 acres in the Mt. Hood, national for est for construction of a proposed tramway up Mt., Hood. The only obstacle hindering con struction has been the inability of promoters to secure the required ground acreage from tlie govern ment. Senator McNary said. The law limits a donation to but flrre. Monmouth An active and Inter esilna year is beirg planned by the Art club. At the liist meeting of the season, discussion of the type of work to be taken up resulted in a decLnou in favor of the study of pottery. New members admitted Included Orvetta Andrews, John Lehmann, Ellen Sornio, Lovenge Burkholder, Ills Hanbiirg and Earl Steward. Oltioers for the year were also elected as follows; president, Gen evieve Groves; vice-president, Nan IHtf; corresponding secretary, Ella Sampert; recording secretary, Polly Cluue; treasurer, H alley Johnson; monitor. Marie Conser; and report er, Dorothy Cockerham. WELCH'S .'.AVE OlRL Molalla Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welch are the parents ot their first child, a daughter, bom Monday, October 13. at the St. Vincent hos- nttul In Portland Sh welshed five' eight pounds. Mrs. Welch was formerly Miss Shirley Robbins. RALLY DAY AT MILL CITY IS HUGE SUCCESS Mill City The rally day service held at the Church of Christ last Sunday was well attended. Sever al out of town guests as well a members were present to enjoy the ooralon. The church was decorated. Vir ginia creeper was used effectively and potted plants and cut flowers weie placed artistically about tlie rooms. Mrs. Gladys Stone. Mrs. A. Roca and Mrs. W. A. Guienwater were in charge of the decora ttous. Alter the morning worship a bas ket dinner was served In the bas-i ment. Tlie teUow&hip progtam. which had been planned was: song service and devotional, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Powell; special num- bers by the boys' home. Turner; pi ano duet. Mrs. Darl Phillips and Mrs. Clifr Phillips; duet, Dale and Harry Monroe; reading. Mrs. L. C. Chance; solo. Mrs. Prank Powell; and the introduction of visitors. Tlie evening and morning wor- sh u included special ntimoers, t Duet by Mrs. Lloyd uunivan ana Mrs. F. L. Kerby; guitar solo, Mr. Thomas of Salem; acoordion solo. Walter Lelsy; vocal solo, Luenbel uunivaii ana several nuinucia vj the choir. METHODS STUDIED BY GROUP AT SCIO Scio A committee from the Charles F. Walker school of master methods students met at the home ol Miss Ardytli Snellen in Bclo Wednesday evening to plan a get together meeting of teachers with pupils and their parents from this part of the state. Among those pres ent were Mr. Gio- of Portland, Mr. Williams and daughter, Cloy dean, of Portland: Miss Lillian Pe terson and brother of Turner, and Ancel Burton of Scio. Mr. Clover and Mr. Williams are to represent the school ln this territory. YOUNG PEOPLE TO OFFER SERVICES Dayton -Christians and Sunday" Is tlie subject of the topic of the Baptist young people's union aerrire to be held at the Dayton Baptist church next Sunday evening hen Miss Violet Senn of Dayton, sho Is a student at Unfleld doleje, IU be the leader. CURRENT EVENT PROGRAM AIDS GRADE PUPILS and Mrs. Giles Thomas, Mrs. Emma Miller and Mrs. Ella Wars, all o( Suyton; Mr. and Mrs. Ollbert Stay ton of Washougal. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and Ml. and Mrs Charles Carter, of DertU; Mr, and Mrs. W. K. Winslosr, of AuuuvlUe; Mrs. George R. Goin and daughter, Edyth. of Philomath, and Ed L. Jrters of Albany. College Comedy And The Spoilers Top Theater Bills "Maybe It's Love. comedy ro ma nee of college day, with a cast headed by Joan Bennett, .Joe E. Brown and James Hall, Is nounced as the current attraction at the CaiJltol theater. A fast-moving story of campus lite It presents one of tne most au thentic pictures of undergraduate days. "Maybe It's Love" is an orig inal story by Mark Canfield adapt ed for the screen by Joseph Jack son. Miss Bennett portrays a lovely ! collegiate belle who succeeds in gathering an "all -American" loot ball team to fight on the gridiron for her alma mater. Joe E. Brown has tlie funniest role of his career as a "has been" football star pushed into the background by the arrival of tlie "all -Americans." James Hall has the role of a pigskin star oppo site Miss Bennett in the leading male part. Laura Lee provides many amusing moments as tlie campus cutle and sweetheart of Brown. PEAKCE'S HAVE SON Scio Mr. aud Mrs. Dave Pearcc are the barents of a son born Octo ber t. Molalla The eighth grade of the Molalla grammar school under tlie direction of their teacher. Principal W. E. Dillon, nave organized and elected the following oft leers: Amelia Marson, president: Mar garet W 11 lard, vice-president; Lola Fluke, secretary; Johnnie Marson. treasurer; Billy Conn, aergeant-at arms. Each week the class has prelim inary drill When the roil is called each member is to answer witn current event Item or In case they do not know one they are fined two cents. In this way they are encour aged and urged to read tlie daily newsnaners. The fourth and fifth grades have also organized and have elected the following otticens: George Moore, president; John Heath, vice-president; Doris Pederson, secretary treasurer. These grades under the supervision of Miss Edna Welch, have parlimentary drill once a week. RELATIVES ATTEND LAST GOIN RITES Jefferson Among the out-of-town friends ana relatives who attended the funeral rites for Mrs. Blanche Jeter Ooln at the Christian church Monday afternoon, were E. H. Jeter. Mrs. Bert a Hoffman, Mrs. Orpha Bergham and Virgil Ooin, oil ot Portland: Mrs. Anna Stayton. Jame B. JetT. Mrs. Betty Staytn. Mr. Among llie established classics of the old silent screen. "Tlie Spoil ers" with Its famous fight scene, and gripping dramatic situations, has always been classed as a leader. Since It was first fumed In 1813 by Sellg It has been recalled as one of the films' greatest features. Mow comes Paramount with a sound and talking version of this famous Rex Beach tale of the Alaskan gold rush days, atarring Gary Cooper, Kay Johnson and Betty Compson. It Is to be the feature of Satur day's and Sunday's biU at the Elst- 32 GOOD REASONS WHY YOU Should go to REIER'S FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SILK DRESSES New Pall Dresses Values to 17.43, now $5.00 EVERY REASON a worthwhile saving . . scores of other reasons just as good, feature this big week-end Bargain Carnival. If it's values you want ... go to Breier's. No. 11 SOILED BLANKETS Here Is a real buv, slightly soiled blankets or tt! DISCOUNT Zd io No. 12 BED PILLOWS Made of heavy ticking and all new features or r discount No. 21 .MENS HI-TOP 6HOES-A11 leather. 10 Inch top shoe Qjr Q with good sole iDO.JO NO. 22 BOYS HI-TOP SHOES Boys' all laether shoe for school flQ QQ -r OO.VO No. 32 BATH ROBES Heavy flannel bath robes for aU tlie family- $1.98 to $4.98 No. 2-tADIES HATS FREE A hat with the purchase of any winter coat S16.75 to $39.50 No. 3 RAIN COATS Any rain coat priced to I7.9i PfT HK Now iDOilO No. 13 PART WOOL BLANKETS A part wool double blanket QO QQ Size 60x80 , t5.Oi7 No. 14 COTTON BLANKETS Lare block plaid double (1 HQ blankets 56x80 LIU No. 23 MEN'S OVERALLS Blue and white stripe, hi-back, ' (CI 1 A good weight Ol.AU No. 4 WASH DRESSES All new prints and made in neat (1 flA styles tBA.vU No. 5 GIRLS' RAYON BLOOMERS Girls' rayon bloomers In OQ sizes 6 to 12 sS7l No. 6 WOMEN'S RAYON BLOOMER3 A licavv welaht rayon bloomer. yQ Sizes 36 to 42 iVK, No. 15 Men's Underwear No. 15 Medium weight cotton, long or short sleeves and long l-gs OtW part wool union suits for QQf. men in size 36 ot 40 DOC Part wool winter weight (PI O underwear for men ....u'l.OtJ No. 24 BOYS' OXFORDS Boys' black oxfords, all leather, steel - (go QQ plates on heels B.UO No. 25 MEN'S OXFORDS Men's ox fords In black or fP'l QQ brown ' )U,VO No. 26 SILK AND WOOL BOX-Men's lilt and wool sox OKi Only, pair ldO No. 7 RAYON AND WOOL HOSE A good hose for winter wear fQ New shades, pair '. 07l No. 8 OUTING GOWNS Women's out ing gons with long 7Q sleeves i wt No. 16 WOOL BLAZER Men's heavy wool blazer, leather PQ QQ trimmed DO.70 No. 17 MEN'S CORDUROY PANTS Corduroy pants In dark (PI QQ colors OL.VO No. 18 MEN S CORDUROY BREECH ES Lace or button legs. (JO ( Dark colors iDU.tU No. 19 MEN'S MOLESKIN PANTS A heavy weight moleskin for winter wear No. 27 LOT 197 WORK SHOE Men's regular $4.98 work shoe, (PQ QQ now tDO.iO NO. 23 LOT 2079 WORK SHOE Men's 8 Inch work shoe. Regular PQ QQ price 8498, now OO.fO S1.98 No. 29 WOOLEN SOX Men's heavy wool mixed sox, 9K pair No. V RAYON BED SPREADS Rever sible rayon bed spreads, (j0 QQ 85.00 value at 3.l70 No. 10 LADIES DRESS SUPPERS A good assortment of slippers. (0 AQ values to $48 at I.ii7 No. 20 BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS Llnht colors, belted or (to JQ elastic waist DEPT. STORES . r M IN IMI W8BT 141 N. Com'l St . No. 30 BOYS' HEAVY SOX A good sot to wear In heavy shoes. Kfl Colored tops No. 31 BOYS' YELLOW SUCKERS Keep the boys dry with one TEACHERS ARE FORUM GUESTS Silverton Members of the school faculty were guests of the chamber of commerce at the monthly dinner meeting held at the Methodist church Wednesday evening. The program was cut short by N orris Ames, president, in order that all might attend the grange program at the K. of P. hall at f o'clock where political talks were given. Teachers were Introduced by Ro bert Ooetx, superintendent of schools. Principal ot each school in turn introduced the saff the staff at the school. Short talks were giv en by Coach Davis, on athletics; Miss Trotter, the teachers' associa tion; M. O. Ounderson, poultry and corn 6how to be given November 20 to 22. It was decided that a committee be named by tlie board ot directors to meet with members of tlie grang es and the county court retarding the appointment or election of a county agent. Ml1 MPS AKE St BSInlNG Scio The epidemic of mumps which seized this community some time ago, seems to be subsiding to some extent, arrordinc to reports FIREMEN GUESTS INDEPENDENCE InopendenotvThe firemen were (uests of the chamber of eommeroe Tuesday evenlnf at a banquet given In their honor, at the Presbyterian church. Following the banquet era. talk were given on lire fhrht tntr and fire prevention, and the merits of several good flrt fighting apparatus were dlsctMied. The matter ot better equlpmeni U being considered by the city coun cil and the chamber ol commeroa will cooperate to the extent of see ing that the proper equipment will be put over. Several demonstrations have been made during the past lew weeks by large pumpera to Interest the offi cials and clUsens In the different macnines. The present apparatus U dremed quite insufficient THE NEW ERA BRINGS NEW LOW PRICES FULL FASHIONED PURE SILK HOSE The newest styles with French heel, In shades of Promenade, Oak, Tan, Brown Leaf. Mauve Beige, Plage, Fall Night and other popular Fall sliadea Tlie New Era price 95c gasjs!!s 235 North Liberty Street Phone OPEN SATl'RDAY I'NTIL :J P. M. IB M . BILL HEER Stilcy's Master Blender Fir mtrt than 47 years Bill Hccr has blended and tested syrups. A sample from each batch tf Staley's Syrups must pass the test ofkis educated palate at each step in its making. Taste this EL LOW Golden Syrup some folks call it my Masterpiece" V XT- ' 4 Staley' Master. Blende Vaticakes at their very best re served swimming in Staley's mellow Golden Syrup, with that true old time "sugar-house flavor." 1 TOTS of folks swear this Golden Syrup of ours is the tinest ot Jj all my blends. It has the true old-time sugar-house flavor that I learned in the Old South nearly fifty years ago, when we cooked our syrups over open wood fires. "For flavor I use the finest premium grade of syrup from the first run of the best cane sugar refineries. But the real knack is blend ing at just the right times and just the right temperatures so as to bring out all its mellow smoothness and pure golden color. "Just taste this Golden Syrup. You'll see what a difference it makes to be extra careful in the blending." Ask your grocer for Staley's Golden Syrup. Serve it with pancakes, waffles, hot biscuits and muffins. Delicious I And so inexpensive, too. Write for our Recipe hoot STALEY SALES CORPORATION, Decatur, Illinois Staler Golden Srsur comet in the Btui can Staley's Syrups Wended by the Master Blender Three other delightful Asvm perfected bjr Bill Hctr and blended uader hb penoasl lupcn uioa Carn-At Wlirri (rriUkl) Mru Fuvoaro (prtm UUI) SoacHtm Fuvoaso (trm hUl)