FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1W) THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAOS KWK MARBLEHEAD IS TYPE OF SQUASH LITTLEKNOWN Marblehcad aqua&h seem to need an introduction to the Salem housewife. Well acquainted With Hubbard, banana, crook -iec and the little DinLsh or Table Queen fiauasli. Mr. Salem regieeU the giant of the family and the most delicious one In the whole category of snu&sh. The sue Is urobably what causes the housewife to pass ui this finest and smoothest grained of all squash, lor the Mar Uieuiutl iirow 1mm 10 p;:irts on up, principally up. The size should not be a detjrent. for erocenes handling this aqiuuJi atislocrat cut it Into desired elaes, so that even the smallest of families may buy without waste. Marblehcad is similar to the Hubbard squash, only twice nice. It is never stringy, the meat i being of an exceptionally smooth1 quality. Unlike the Hubbard, which Is very hard to peel, the Marble head aquash can be peeled easily with a small kitchen knife. Tike skin comes off easily, the knife she lag UirouKU- the flesh witltout the peel breaking and coining off ui chunks. This makes cooking the Marblehcad squash and mashing it for aervuig a very easy and simple lart of preparing a meal. Squash pies are declared by many to be far superior in richness and quality to pumpkin pies, and the pie made from Marblehead squash arc really delicious. Baked or steamed, for serving as a vegetable, this variety of squash if rich and dry; but its pre-eminent quality is its smoothness. Tlie vegetable market continues to present some of the most at tractive offerings of the ysar. The fall fruits and vegetables are now In, and the major portion of the summer vegetables are still on hand in excellent quality. Green string beans, green peas, green corn, rad ishes, mustard and spinach greens. and lots and lota of fine tomatoes recall the summer. P-adubes and lettuce are in excellent condition. Green and red peppers add a note garnishes in addition to other uses. Some of the later vegetables that stosk the market are sweet pota toes, Brussel sprouts, and some tine cauliflower. Firm, crisp cabbage heads are an inspiration not only for salads but for some of the fine baked dunes, such as stuffed cab bage with chopped meat, tomatoe and green pepper. FOXES ARE ROVING ON VALLEY FARMS Sclo Three foxes valued at $1500 escaped from the kennels of Dr. S. C. Browne in Scio Monday night. One of the little animals, valued at WOO, was recovered on the Thay er farm at Scio by means of track ing hounds, but the other two stUi were at lare Wednesday. SPANISH PIONEERS HONORED IN FETE 1 J. I 1,1 g, -J 1 I 1 if . 7. . is4iA -! 111 -Hh mmmm AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT IS NEEDED, CLAIM Or t on 's xil agricultural in- dumy ik-marxis the protection and! Impetus thai eta be aivea n oji sus depsrUueut tA agriculture. ; This to the opinioo oJ Hector UcPlieisou, chairman ol the JuUH commission far administrative re organization which was instrumen tal in placing the cabinet Sorin o( government amendmsne n the r4ovwnber ballot. t Twenty-two states now bare de partments of agriculture," Mc pherson declared. "Yet many of them do not have the aaricultura! activity en)oyed sty thlt state." A good beginning toward crea tion oi a department ol agriculture eouli be nude by the combination oS 13 department heads, commis sioners and board members now -making up the state's present so calkd department ol agriculture. These olticials' activities would be centered hi LOCAL-GROWM CITRON FINE FOfi PRESERVES When, you go Into the grocery (tot doti't pick up the object that looks Itfc round, smaU-alzed water melon and try to buy it tor fresh fating for the family, lor you will only be dissappouited. The object ia a citron, nice fresh vitron to caiiy grown. They form a base or make themselves some ot the sxwt deUcioua and whoiesome preserves that can be sound. Last winter a citron was put in a back corner in a local grocery store and completely forgotten until kT-i late in January. And it waa in most perfect condition, jSut for keeping that way it need the con ditions it had in the store, a cool, dark place. But who wants to keep a citron in any place but candled or preserved in spiced syrup? PYTHIANS SPONSOR CARD PARTY SERIES Monterey penfntuia. Cat., obaerved h first vU.t of P or tola and 4uni ptro 6erra in Santa Crua at its 1Stt birtttday party by donning the costumao of t!i Spanish dona and matting merry. C. Hebcrt Young, chairman ot tht cummitte paya honor-to Miss Marct'a ftostron. S HELTON HONORED ON BIRTHDAY DATE Sclo A dinner In honor o( E, C. Shelton's 63rd birthday and the sixth birthday anniversary of his grandson, Reid Shelton,' was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolia 8 tie I ton. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shelton and Mis Marie Lane, Sclo; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shelton and son. Reid; Mr. and Mrs. Judson Beardsley and Bet tie Jo, and Fern .Reed. Salem, and Mrs. AUen White, Washougal Wa&h. Pineapple fingers gayly colored In scarlet, vivid green, or golden yel low are a confection that promises to be popular this winter. It is put on the market by an eastern cook who makes a specialty of fine pre serves. From the same kitchens comes an exceptional quality of grapefruit marmalade, and stem ffinger dipred in mint. PROHIBITION LAW VIOLATOR NABBED Dallas L. H. Schneider, arrested Tuesday night lor violation of tlie prohibition laws, was Wednesday fined t'ioO plus costs ol $5.35. Failure to pay his fine will cause him to be confined in the county jail one day lor every $2 involved. In the absence of Judge- Gregory Schneider was taken to Wet Salem where he was tried before Judae El mer D. Cook. lite Chinese dishes? Why not make them yourself, then? Water eliestnut, bamboo shoots and bean sprouts and combined in a canned product; or you can buy bean sprouts by themselves. These, with the many Chinese noodles and Chinese sauces can supply the "magiti's" for mast any kind ot Chinese dish desired. Hubbaid The Krt?hts cf Pythias and tile Pvthian. Sisters of Hubbard Single department J and sponsoring a sertes of five pams io oe c?so k me i-vuwwi hall. These parties will be con ducted up'n the Barlow Grange card party style and will alternate with the parties given by that or ganization, and will be held trie second and fourth Monday of each month. The first one is set fo October 13 and will be under the management of Mrs. Alma Jesse, Mrs. Buth firauner, Avon Jesse, Julius Stauffer and Eitotig Mc Laughlin, Chicken pie is delicious for sup per, dinner or lunctteon. A variety M seasonings such as green peppers, parsley, onion and puniento improve the flavor. AUTUMNAL FRUITS ATTRACTIVE FOOD Pea r, apples, peaches, grapes goodness, but what a lot of nice fruit one finds on the market these days. Pears look so luscious and so "autumnish that every basket is t temptation. The russet-col ored Base pears are in, and they've got a h!ner flavor than mast other varieties. Big yellow pears, little green pears, medium sized yellow green pears are all with us, and will be lor some tune. Fating apples are not flooding the market to any appreciable extent to date, but one has several varieties to select from. Grapes are just in their prime. Huckleberries and cranberries are seasonal, A few boxes of strawberries were found earner in the week, but the berries are def initely a thing of the pa&t. Melons too, are vanishing. Local grown ice cream melons are in nice shape, but cantaloupes and water melons are almost gone. Calavos from southern California are on the market, extensive usual and the mention of calavos brings ua to the question whether they are fruit or vegetable. Which ever they are, they are nice in sal ads. A new salad to use calavos is one of finely shredded cabbage and minced pineapple. Use a very mild niayonaUe dressing thinned cream. The winter stand-by fruits coming into the market in nice shape. We mean, of course, oranges, grapefruits and bananas. head under the proposed govern mental form, he said. The real agricultural work of Oregon now is carried on by t.'e Oregon State college department of ! agriculture. Keeommenaations for i a $50,000 appropriation lor inves-l ligations fo soils, pest?, dairy cat tle and poultry weie made in the governor's 1929-39 budget, a paltry 5im in view of the extensive work being carried on in agriculture in the state, it is held by mam'. With the cabinet form of govern ment, California established a de partment of agriculture to protect her extensive fruit and vegetable crops. Each year, the state spends nearly $1,000,000 to carry on agri cultural surveys, crop estimates, quarantine and Inspection work in addition to what is appropriated by the department of agriculture of the University of California. Tne state employs regmarty 273 persons wtnie nearly 200 others are engaged in special auaramine work, it was shown. It is the opuahon of those deslr ing an agricultural department in the state 'government that Oregon should at least spend a quarter ot the sum spent by California to pro tect an industry that is nearly as great in proportion to that ot her sister state. OREGON POTATO SKIPPING OPENS HEAVY SEASON Potato shipments from Oregon to neighboring states am underwaf m the most important production cen ters of the state, according to Sey mour Jones, state marketing agent. Prom T5 to 100 carloads ot pota toes have moved from .the Klamath Palis district to date, Jones said. paAOJd tuafi ati J&J MonaidraT Ois quality to be excellent. Other sections slowly are get ting shipments ready although car load Jots hav been few so far. A good frost would be helpful tn speeding up shipments, Janes stated. A generally good state crop was expected this year oy tarmera, Jones said, weatner ana growing conditions have been most faror- able he declared. Jones leaves here this week for a visit to Klamath Palls. In antt cipatton ol heavy shipments he will consider placing another inspector at won: rnere. with The Netherland East Indies has rescinded the government tax company bonuses to employ ?s. FIRST SEWING FOR YEAR IS OFFERED Mt. Angel Til first sewing circle ttfter turn th owner k' Martac ni that It aatoc to M piabatng to defend his place and : two coiicetts ui Ssiem aast sinrtriaik prapectr vttti sultan at elected ; Plans an tela mad to sW cat trutalUttoo ttiac he mar be man; cMUtrea u passible over to ante to catch the tAievej. BAND IS B0OTO Independents B. X. Moertssrfi frry and Dr. M. J. Sutler, rtpreseM aUves ol the Lion club, vers pics. eat at ft I o'clock assembly THurs a7 at the Independence trammg school, mm) V!J sSswit the V. S. Salem frf tlte ouocect When you are atxxrt to put awJ your steex oi Jellies, fasa an pre serres, place a small buirl si feaa in the closet wiwre the? a storaftV as 11 kBe; the air in. thus sre- vcnllii( moid liout faUwrUif as B xuir. PIONEER RESIDENT OF PRAIRIE TAKEN Ropmere Mariff Grolule died re cently at Bouan, Mouc, at the age et toa years. Mrs. Groluie was born and raised on French Prairie at St. Louis, Ore. She was married here, the first time at St. Louis, to a Mr. Pitit. She was a sister of Mrs, Char Sea Le J Brua and the late Mrs. Louie Lem- of the season, gii-en by members ot ery oJ St t.ouii. Her daughter the Young Ladles' Sodality at the home of Miss Mary Bigier, Tuesday evening, was attended by a large number. The eirls brought articles' to sew tor the Thanksgiving church bazaar. The negtt sewing ctrcie will be held In two weeks at tiie home of Miss Hilda Eberie. The hostesses in charge of Tues day's affair included the Misses Mary Bigier, Eustelle Bauman, Irene Begin, Loretta Barr, Gertrude Bartnick. Antsnia Baker, CLemen tiie Bernt and Gertrude Arnica. PHILLIPS HAVE GIRL Mehama A daughter was born October 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton PhUHps at the home of Mrs. M. E. Phuups. She has beea named Bar bara Ann. married Alex La Fiemm ol Brooks, at whose home she died in Mon tana, Mrs. Groluie was well known by all old-timers in this vicimt? who marveled at her age. VALUABLE BOVINE STOLEN, HUBBARD Hubbard While George Leffler, dairyman, was driving his son and daughter to Molalla where they attend school, a valuable cow way stolen from his barnyard. Mrs. Le? fler, who remained at home did not hear anvthina of a suspicious char acter during the evening. Two years ago- the larger part of the temters wsi stolen irons trc V re vour Ioun?sters A XAtidertyreaJdajted ? Botled or candled apples, colored red, serve as an effective garnish rtf fltso ran be vet j, will bring you real drip coffee Tlie heavy American, breakfast is a thing of the past. This is probably a wise thange. But the American temperament goes to extremes. The skimpy breakfast is as bad as the heavy one. Young, growing botlies need H-O Oats. It is the balancing food for under-breakfasted folks. New style H'O cooks ia a to 3 minutes ... the quickest hot break fast. H-O Oats are toasted and the flavor stirs the appetite. Evea a sinaU dish added to the morning meat demonstrates the "staying quality of this remarkable cereal. The Hecker H-O Company, Inc. Buffalo, N.Y, 4y Only one dollar is ttie price of the GOLDEN WEST COFFEE MAKER the perfect DRIP coffee making system. Made of lustrous aluminum (6-cup capacity) it eliminates all the guesswork from coffee making. Put your Golden West coffee in the Maker, pour in jump, inc-boiiing water, and let it drip. No boiling, no percola tion. And the result is the most wonderful cotfecjwu ever tailed; and each making brings the same delicious drink. Buy the Maker through your grocer. If he Is out of stock, drop a card to Cloaset & Devers, Portland, Oregon, giving . 1 ri nil . your grocer s name, ana your mancr w uiu ay." " promptly, delivered through him, TTt-V&i'. GOLDEN WEST ANDTHf... COFFEE . GOLDEN WEST COFFEE MAKER JUST f OUR IN 80II.ING WATtR. S!7 this Mtacutout nuMt or LIFEans HEALTH Tkr srtrWrf nml, btrm n( h ntmat tl. Cnniamt fat, minrral tmll: rat in, pha$htH, tf t Mrch. Vitui (tmnH far & rtmlitt laws y tfw ktndly fet( . friendi W an mmnk.nd. M . th4 tntri W )'0, rttpm the Mtr m lMA(y thau wa it ih mt rtsnf ttraw lW . HER DOCTOR'S BABY-MILK FORMULA AMAZED HER My face must nave shoim my sur prise." write a mother irnro Ithaca. ! N. V., "as I read the formula my cJoctor save me whm t ie& tiie hmpkai. He! ked me what was tli matter, and 1 1 had to adm;t I liad :wtr heard ol Car nation Milk baby food. He iite mt tt was the best ever, 1 decided to U5 st and I am CcTUu?,iy gSad I did. Jiaby wc.2hed 6 potmen 2 1 ounces at birth and ht earned an average of 1 M ounce day. tie u very , akepa all muht and has a kweiy disr mitton. HittlcshisirL Infactthc doctor tellt me that he is rwrf-fct" Ferhaot it will ifprj? srvne retdm of this hitle column to learn, as this raother dfd. that tatrsiwterwd evz orated mnk such a C amatwa. it beine prescribed by trie very best rvaby pe ciahsta. 1 mustainfesstrucitaimohtsiir- Driset toe. tnetun, when t cealiae chat this familiar miiu, known fix more than thirty year, has now been found to be better than raw's milk in any oh& form a a food tx the tiniest tabic However, tne reaaoa u no longer cnystwy, ic u sunpiy tint CarnaU' tn v. tuarveiouMy easy to $ugeu it rj wUii biluea tiiey can easily take mows of it to nourish Uuan, to bud their utile dogscs strong and &&a. Science taya that thlaeaxy diaestitiutty comes trom the seat ueaunetu vtssav thtt milk recet vet. Very firt. oft tarda are irm&i, whkhrannot tax tbrhaif ' deiicsie iinmti.ii. The btrtter-fat. too, t in hrT grairrt eavlf diverted. oi i.te hurrxrung 3 act 3 to tdok pttifiic, judsn farm the lettert 2 get, is that C'jmJtrm it fuit at notrittotrt 3 the bf A VtJjad mt'tk. But amader Uiat Carralk -a it rut pure wholf miHc ith wster Uren oat and a3t th fond vdlue Ifft ia. and ytw will wee whr this it so. Carnation eontaiRt eft tim food ekinents of on!': fresh Irani th coir, inclodinc the riumim. The onif anjJementt ned?d are oranee juoa and oar Mtew oil. mw a part of the diet of even breast- fed babies. Carnation M.Bc evoet front nnft owritrf henit. it ix evaporated: ia snot fas cwwiVrwntrj, tnea aeaxea cnoi sterilirrd, 6o when you get it it U abso lutely pure, trte aaie mrik. that money cnuld bar. Yoa d-m't have to bait of patfeuriae it when you prepare th baby's iNwfcas a real tavinf ot vxic tor the busy mother. ( Ijn t he surprised: if ynw doctof rccotntuead Carttsuoe MJk. And don't hesitate to write ( the new Csr natioa hooic, iUhy-Feeding Suapii lied ' ti' tree, andiou the Carnauoa, Cook Book. To get them write Larnatiui) Cumanya, Alhera t'dc Irront art Loi ciir St Foctland. ( 5 llllltl MILK' srtxlucotf m OttfM ft Your baby deteryea tfu tura projection Cvnatie Milk i ptf9ci(y ( heat-txcaiW jjfiry every dioaerooa gens and arr tight aeahnc keep cut coataminiirioo. Wrnmonw baby pecUliti recommend Carnation became it ia easier to di'iott than, any other form of cow nuttc, Ami it imyot MnourUhins the best bottled ulk coo- j taku all the miatr?i, vitasnav and other food eSetnenta that any m!k rn upr!y. (Set rtciff xb&rr "from Contented Cows 25 01ncej for 23 cents 4aaa atoat. JV : 1 BS 0 -tr m w aja errcenr it's double acting