PAGE TWO EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS by special correspondent THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1930 STATE GRANGE SPONSORSHIP OF MEETINGS Stayton The state grange will sponsor meetings in Marion coun ty to discuss the hydro-flectric power blu measures on the Novem ber ballot starting Tuesday after noon at Sublimity at the Catholic Foresters hall at 1 o clock, spon- sored by the Community club and local grangers. Charles Hottlnger will be chairman. Other dates and places are Tuesday evening at the Ml. Angel auditorium at ociocrc. Wednesday at 3 o'clock at Oervsls Dy tne romona grange ana local or ganizatlon. Wednesday at 8 o'clock at Sil ertoa by the chamoer of commerce and local grange. N orris Ames presiding. Thursday at 2 o'clock at Jeffer son In the Masonic hall by the local club and grange. . Monday night, 8 o'clock, at Sa lem Labor hall by labor organiza tions and grange. Ex-Governor Pierce and Ken neth G. Harlan of Portland will discuss the measures. Hie public Is urged to attend these meetings. t6Hvertjn At the next noon luncheon of the chamber of com merce on Monday, Charles C. Hulet o( Albany, master of the state grange, has been Invited to attend and address the chamber and all other members attending on the subject of grange measures on the ballot. The chamber extends invitations to all who can and care to attend tins meeting and that it may be best for euch to secure reservations for the luncheon in advance, either at the restaurant or with one of the chamber officers. LOUIS FOX DENIES CHARGES IN COURT Dallas Louis Pox. Independence, entered a. pica of not guilty to both charges preferred against him. The date of his trial has not been set. Charles Parker of Buell pleaded guilty to the charge of obtaining money under false pretences. He was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary but parolled to his brother under certain conditions which are as follows: all checks passed must be made good in 30 days time and he must report once a month to Judge Walker either In person or by letter. W. E. Gilbert Indicted on two counts of obtaining money under fair pretenses pleaded not guilty to both charges. His trial has been bet for October 23. I NEW WORTHY MATRON CHOSEN AT STAYTON Stayton Acacia chapter No. 63 of the Eastern Star held Its regu lar meeting Tuesday evening with a good attendance. Mrs. Ellen O. Lambert was elect ed worthy matron to fill the va cancy In that office caused by the removal of Mrs. Rose Beedle to California to make her home. W. H. Hobson was the Installing offi cer and Mrs. Grace Nelbert, marshal!. TURNER ENDS C. E, MEETING Turner The annual convention of the Marion county Christian en deavor union closed with a large registration during the three days session. Miss Margaret Shoemaker of Eu gene was the song leader, and Miss Josephine GUstrap of Turner, pi anist, the latter delivering the ad dress of welcome the first night of the convention which was held in the Turner Christian church. On Saturday evening the annual ban quet aponsored by the Turner Christian Ladies Aid society was served to 50 Christian endeavor guests. Many prominent church workers ot the state gave splendid addresses during the convention and helped to make the session a success. The three day convention was an Inspiration to Turner young people and community, many of the young people of the county being guests in rurner nomes during the meetings. STURGIS IS FORCED TO REMAIN IN BED INTERMEDIATES FORM FOR WINTER PROGRAM Monmouth Twenty-four mem bers of the intermediate Sunday .school of the Evangelical church met in the church parlors for a business and social meeting. . Mrs. L. L. Hockctt was elected president, and Harold Good treas urer, the latter to succeed Dorothy Bark, who is now a member of the senior league. The evening was supplemented by games and refreshments. Books Dilmer Crowley of Tide water, who has been helping with the farm work during the illness of Prank Sturgls, returned to his home Monday. btur Bis was seriously in lured about 10 days ago in an auto col lision on the Pacific hihwav one- fourth mile north of Brooks, when his car was hit by a south bound motorist. Sturgls received a badly wrenched back and has been con fined to his bed ever since. He also received some broken ribs and several cuts about his head. Sturgls was returning from his ranch at ALsea and had his car leaded with apples when the acci dent occurred. Hhis car was demolished. NEW WOODBURN SCHOOL HOLDS OPENING RITE Wood burn Dedication of the new Lincoln school building mill take place Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the auditorium of the school and s program ot Interest has been prepared. Open house wiu be held during the day In order that all may visit the building and Inspect its many conveniences. The program will open with selection by the high school band followed by America" by the audi ence. Superintendent V. D. Bain will tell the purpose of the meet ing and the presentation of the building will be made by Con tractor Andrew Presthus and Ar chitect C. N. Freeman and the building will be accepted by L. E. Thompson, chairman of the school board. Responses wilt be given by Mrs. W. J. Wilson as president of the Woman's club; W. H. Bailie, presi dent of the Woodburn chamber of commerce, and W. H. Broyles. mayor of the city. A vocal duet by Mrs. V. D. Bain and Mrs. Jack Hansen will follow and the address of the evening will be given by James M. Burgess of Salem, from the state department of education. The pro gram will close with a selection by the band. . Every one Is Invited to call dur ing the day and inspect this mod- dern school building of which Woodburn is Justly proud and to take part in the dedication cere monies. COY NEB LEAVES HOSPITAL Woodburn Dell Coyner has re turned to the Virgil Wells farm af ter spending five weeks In Dr. Smith's emergency hospital with a broken leg which he received while cranking a truck. He is now able to R't around on crutches. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS AT IVERSON'S Silvertoo The Miitouarv society of the Methodist church met at the hooit of its president, Mrs. H. J. iversou on East Hul Tuesday alter- noon. Part ot the afternoon was spent listening to talks and papers to questions louud In the Missionary paper. The next meeting will be held at the home of Orandnia Fa ye on McCIalna street. SPEEDING MOTORIST CAUSE OF ACCIDENT Jefferson Too much apeed In making the curve In front of the D. H. Looney residence four miles north of Jefferson, caused a Los Angeles car to crash Into a car driven by Merle Chrlstenson of Al bany, Wednesday morning about 9:30 o'clock. The Chnstenson car, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Merle Chrlstenson and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cederlund and baby, all of Albany was on Its way to Salem and was traveling on tlie extreme edge of the pavement. The Los Angeles car was traveling south at a high rate of speed and the wom an who was driving evidently lost control of the car which cut across the pavement striking the Albany car with such force that It over turned. Aside from minor bruises none of the occupants were Injured, but the car was damaged considerably. The other car had one fender torn off, All responsibilities) were assumed by the California car. A traffic officer who had been following this car from Salem, but waa de layed In getting behind some other cars, proceeded to follow the Cali fornia car after the accident. Gervais Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Kep- pin;er left for Taft Tuesday where he will be employed in the Joe Dc Jardln store for a month or more, rlminfr th? busy san. 1 Today MONMOUTH LEGION WOMEN APPOINTED Monmouth The following mem bers of the American Legion auxil iary have been appointed to act as chairmen of the various commit tees: hospital, Hattie Schwletzer; child welfare, Alice Suntee; pub licity, Alda Smith; community service. Myrtle Tllton; membership. Ira Powell; unit activity, Alda Smith; Americanism Fldac, Ruth Lorence; poppy, Marie Cumnlsky; music. Francos Ortind. I2RA r J BZ wy rj 1 -leal j? IT'S FAMILY NIGHT 50c for each FAMILY MINTED ANGEL Tomorrow JACK HOLT In VENGEANCE LABISH CENTER HAS SERVICES SCHEDULED Labhh Center The services of the Evangelical Community church lor Sunday are as follows: Sun day school at 10 o'clock, preaching at 11 o'clock by Rev. Schruerman. . Christian Endeavor at 7 o'clock, evening. The topic, "Marks of a good citizen," will be discussed un der the leadership of Jlmmle Sewell. TEACI1KKS ALL BAC K . Waldo Hills All teachers were back on duty Wednesday morning after their two days' attendance at the Institute at Salem. Miss Lois Anne Riches to teaching at McAlpln where there are eleven pupils this year. Mrs. Helen Paget Is in charge of Center View and Marden Ovcr oss and Mrs, Neal Verrier teach at Evergreen. WELLS FAMILY HOME Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Virgil H. Wells returned Saturday from ail eastern trip of four weeks, dur ing which they visited Mrs. Wells mother Mrs. H. B. Rayney near St, Louis, Mo,, and brothers and sisters Of Mr. Wells. Carty and Albert Wells, Mrs. John Farmer and Mm. Richard Wammack and other relatives in the atate. Mr. and Mrs. Wells left Port land over the Union Pacific on the Portland Rose and enjoyed Orepon rain from Portland to Nampa, Ida lm. 1 .. . POLLYWOOD?. or" Ifome of 4.0 C Talkies LAST TIMKS TODAT VAN 4 SCHENCK Pm n -1. Winning Vlvj tlW Ratter? at Honarlaadt la. ReesU Iots J. C. Xaffrat Benny Robla - Mary Doraa neal Lang-lb.! Real Manx II Its! Real Itanrhall Thrill-.! A Home-Una! Appealing Styles Economy Department Second Floor Pumps and Oxfords $.95 Values in the lot up to $7.85 Guaranteed Silk Hose, full fash ioned, new shades $1.00 'We Lore the KMdiea" Buster Brown Shoe Store HAZEL GREEN'S ENDEAVORS SEE GOOD PROGRAM Hate! Green The local Chris tian Endeavor society gave an in teresting program recently, the theme being "Onward and Up ward." The program opened with a cor net solo by LeRoy VanCleave ac companied by Nora Rutherford Rev. 6. E. Long read the scripture lesson from Timothy which was followed by a song service and -responsive readings. Exnogene Wood gae a reading and a mixed quartet composed of Rev. Leila Luckey, Rev. S. E. Long, Guy Looney, Br and Clifton Clemens, gave several selections, Tlie program closed with an elaborate pageant basd on the sub ject and entjtled "Needs of Serv ice." included In the pageant were the following groups with Helen Davis as reader and Charlotte Van Cleave as Statute of Liberty. In dian group. Gene Kuenzl, Virginia Parmentler. Mexican group, Emo gene Woods, Harold Kuenzl, Edna Rutherford and Josephine Woods. Negro group, Arthur Clemens and Glen Looney. Chinese, Iola Luc key. During the pageant solos were sung by Iola Luckey, Clifton Clem ens and Leonard Rutherford. FACULTY IS GIVEN DINNER BY LEADER Scio A party for the new mem bers of the Scio school faculty was given at the horn? of Prof. P. A. Oallegly, principal. Tuesday evening by th hold-over members of the taff. A banquet was served at o'clock. Among guests present In addition to teachers mere Mrs. Har vle. Mrs. Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs E. C. Shelton. Scio, and Mrs. Pent ney of Roseburg. GEER ABOl'NO AGAIN Waldo Hills A. A. Geer who has been HI for the past few day Is up' .Samaritan hospital and about again and was able to return to fits work with the road erew Wednesday. Mrs. Geer to at Portland with an aunt who is under medical observation . at tlie Good Bligh Capitol TODAY TOMORROW n y CHARLES ROGERS NANCr CARROLL ZEIHA O'HEAi JACK HALEY A MAN EL ao o uctiOn Q Qdramaunt Qichm ELSINORE Would he turn cold to her raresae aa h ought power? Wowld the fthadow at ffkvrj dim tils tUIom of lore? Sea for yourself, tb moat daring dramatic dorwment m hi Ity I tut the has evr arearatcdt Today Tomoirow vn wa r TODAY TOMORROW TALKING MONKEY COMEDY SOUND NEWS tat r- t' 'r - 5s4 VL Ui -4 db T"f Says HI '14 A - k aJW ft-"" ' tiw v.j? ixv . j w - : mini in is win inmtinnrM.aHHn'iina'i iwn iL.tmiJ - S$ f 1 (I At . f -1 Gen. Otto H. Falk One of America's Trading Industrialists. President, Allis Chalmers Mfg. Company Vice-President, and Director, The Faflc Corp. (manufacturers of steel cos tines, etc); Direc tort Fine Wisconsin. National Bank, First Wisconsin Trust Company, Wisconsin Tele, phone Company, Milwaukee Mechanics In. suranoe Company, National Enameling and Stamping Company, Granite City Steel Co., the Falk Investment Company, President, Public Safety Commission of Mil. waukee; Regent of Marquette University; Di rector, Merchants and Manufacturers Assn. of Milwaukee. "The days are gone uihen a manw factum can achieve national ac ceptance for his product merely through a fast advertising expends ture. Today's intense competition demands that a product he identified with a quality distinctly its own. And so I, as a fellow manufacturer, admire your enterprising use of the Ultra Violet Ray in the 'Toasting' of the LUCKY STRIKE tobaccos." LUCKY STRIKE the finest cigarette you ever smoked made of the finest tobaccos -the Cream of the Crop THEN "ITS TOASTED." Everyone knows that heat puri fies and so TOASTING removes harmful irritants that cause throat irritation and coughing. No wonder 20,679 physicians have stated LUCKIES to be less irritating! Everyone knows that sunshine mellows that's why TOASTING, includes the use of tho Ultra Violet Ray. fs toasted Your Throat Protection ogoinst irritation against cough ( Consistent srith its policy of laying the facts before the public The American Tobaeco Company has Invited General Falk to review the reports of the diaUngrnaheil men who have witnessed LUCKY STRIKE'S famous Toasting Process. The statement of General Falk appears on this pare, f 1,30. Ta. A mrW , . Trtttn CV. UFn