THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1930 ADVANCE PAID CLARK COUNTY PRUNE GROWERS TJie Clark County Washington Co-operative association handling dried prunes has made an advance payment la Its growers as follows: ?.Os and larger, 3 cents a pound; 40-59, 3'i cents a pound; 60 and .smaller. 2 cents a pound, according to tlw weekly dried prune review from t!e federal crop reporting wrvire In Portland. In enerl, the report states, that there has been no particular buy ing activity with growers atking prices rang in? lrom 4 1 a to 5' ; rrnts far 30-3.Sk. A few small lots are rrprted bought at 4 cents (or with a straight 'c drop for each S point decline in size to 3'i cents for G0-&. In ndl!tion, the report states, there Ins been practically no fcell ln? of dried prunes by northwest ern jKickrrs. Ilolh export and do inest'c domand continue very dull not it Islanding the prosiects of anialUT northwest tonnage except nt prices about 'V cent a pound lower than packers' quotations. rackeiV quotations f. o. b. Portland dorks in 25 pound boxes are 30-40. 5 to C cents; 40-W. 5 to 5; &0-6G. 4'; to 4"i cenU. The California state depnrtuient of auricu'ture quotes the market be direct leased ire as follow.-,: ' The prune market in Caliiornla continues quiet with most packers still nickin? lots careiiillv. and small quantities of prunes are be lni p'irch!i.sed daily in coast areas. Adduinnal fruit Is brint? taken on c.pen contract. Prices to growers for exceptionally large French mtcs are practically unchanged from a week ago. but medium and small sizes are lower. Quotations tn Sonoma and Napa counties show considerable variation and were as follow : 31-40s at 3 to 3';e "basis 4l-43s at to 3lic 44-30 at 2'3 tt 3c 51-M.s at 3li to 3c O.i-Ws at .2', to 2"iC 61-70s at l'j to 2c 71-101s at li to l3.c A recent release of the California crop reporting service says: "Certain areas of the state have reduced their estimates of prune production but only to be equalized by increased outlook in other areas. The stale condition remains at 60 and the forecast at 234,000 tons. It should be taken Into account, how ever, that other factors than pro ductlon alone will be effective In determining the actual tonnage of dried prunes processed. Smaller sizes than expected, heavier drying shrinkage than usual or the actual lack ot harvesting due to a dis couraging price outlookfor small sizes can materially reduce the fin al dried tonnage. It seems that at this time there are produced tn the orchards sufficient fresh fruit to process this forecast tonnage." BANK -NOTE Cilltl. MODKHT Anes Mosjoukin. whose features are to grace Russia's new bank notes, has been proclaimed by the government as 'a beauty with struugle in her eyes" She also Is declared to be one of the most modest girls in tlie country. When the government asked a committee of leading artists and sculptors to find a beautiful face that would symbolize the spirit of modern i Russia, Hie members were warned that It laA moat nrfKtu. tha. courage and fortitude that comes uaru wor. Aner traveling about the eouutrv fu- m-tr making sketches of more tnan loo uiuurtB. i if memoer chanced to see Ah'nes huri-vum thrmuii . mn gestcd street in Moscow. Her face w iMmiuy niaaen, &jt the ex Drewion of her dark av tilt of her chin convinced hun his que was ended. The next day the committee gathered at her modes home and unanimously cliose her. Antique Attracts Callers At Fair; Quilt Wins Prize zera mis. Mali! Chapler of Portland, mho formerly lived at Zena and nas known then as Mable fatrk'k. had an infre.stm? exhibit at the state fair this year, taking first prize In its class and drawing a great deal of attention. It was an antique bedspread made 91 years ago by Mrs. Chap ter's maternal grandmother and whoso name. "Mis. Hannah Mer rill" and the dat?, -ia:9 ' are woven into tiw spread. Wool for the spread had been washed, carded. ana tn? thread spun by Mrs. Mer rill herself who then wove it Into the beautiful cloth, the design of which is artistic and very intricate. Th pattern Is of a roe woven through of dark blue on a white backnrotmd. Splendid care of the spread has prewned it in excellent condition although it has been used soire. LOCATES SQl'E.lKfcRS Loveland, Oolo. (LPi D. D. Kebler had a squeak in his car that no garat-e man could fix. While Kes ler had the spark plugs out of the engine, a made her nest in one of the holes. Five young mice were found in the nest when Hes ter Investigate! the trouble. HOSS DECLARES DEATH REPORTS NOT COMPLETE Fatalities due to traffic accidents In Oregon during l2 were an even ttlr Anrn mit .... oflicially reported soon after the " i:ie year, oecrecary o state HlKI KfllH THiiroluv fnllA check of the records. This showed wuue the number announced by tlie division was 203 Uie actual number of d eat lis caused by traffic misnaps was z. "Recent surveys among the rec Ofds Of the traffic Hllldnn Mnu said. together with outside sources vi imormauon, ai&ciase that our system was not complete. But we have reorganized, and with the de velopment of our new plans I am ouie uiai urcgun win not nere alter milk nv 1xM ilnims almur Its fatal traffic accidents." The hai for fnmiMiHn tnlitti . tv..., (itiaitij at fit 1st tia fn rtnm i i . n.;t1. ntla er states Is to take the number of acaius per million gallons of gaso line consumed. Even with the addi tional ca:,es disclosed by tlie re- cneck uregon Miowea a decrease in as compared with 1928. In 3f9,858 gallons- of gasollr.e used. iuliu m i.wu to earn minion gal lons Tn 111' Hi tha ririn ao K) The Montana ratio for 10'9 was i.w, laano and Wyoming z.w. PILOT PAY AVERAGER $550 A MONTH NOW Washington IV Aviation's "hard times" are not reflected in pilot's salaries, the department of com merce finds. Pliers ou air mail and passen ger routes are paid from $300 to $8o0 monthly, according to pay schedules in effect for the latter THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON Ready to and happy, because... a clear skin makes for popularity DODTLY VIGOR JLJ natural skin fresh' ness come from the source healtar red- cells. When vou tire easily or your skin is sallow and pale or broken out, common sense suggests that every pos sible step be taken to correct it. S.S.S. should be your safeguard. It restores the red-blood-cclls to normal. The system tones up, skin eruptions and sallow complexion disappear. Your appetite picks up your whole body ia strengthened, invigorated! If your vitality and clear akin are slipping away front you try S.S.S. Get the large size bottle. At all drug stores. GoP-4?3 blood- ?i ' r k a -i VI" f M 1 flr&mvvL teal' Builds Sturdy Health Health restored Mr. Florence Altcnt Detroit Mich., ten tent S.S.S m provrd my appetite and re tnred my to$t weight. 1 think it tronderful. My great' eil urpri$e tco that there eould be anything trhich could make me feet and look $a much better in to thort a time. Work is now a pfeojiire.' Ifoull go a lonwayto equal these values Keep Smiling with Kellys Eize PRICI 29x4.40 . .9 5.55 29 x 4.50 . , 0.20 30x4.50 . . o.:io 28x4.75 . . 7.10 29 x 5.00 . , 7.93 31 x 5.25 . . .75 29x5.50 . , O.05 32 x 6.00 . . 12.00 Other litri proportionate- low 11 JX LIBERAL ALLOWANCE on your old tires toward a set of KEIXY REGISTERED BALLOONS SELJLY Xotta Miles tires are strong and tough, the way Kelly builds all its tires. They have a wide, thick tread of pure rubber. They're not only good looking they are good. Extra strength and service have been built into them at every point, Kelly Lotta Miles tires are the best tires ever offered to the public at anywhere near these low prices. They are guaran teed for life. Valley Motor Co. Sales FORD Service ASSOCIATED DEALERS LINIM F.T AND NASH Court and Church SMITH AND TOWNS END Both Stations - DOt'GLAS McKAY Chevrolet Salet and Servfc BOTH SERVICE STATION 31K and Market Street! TRIANGLE SERVICE ST A. Cottaie and Falrirounds R4. fRIEM AND CASFELI. 34th and Bute street ALL KELLY dealers are Independent dealers half of 1939 and the first half of 19JO. The average salary U $550. where In tlie early part of 19J9 tt wan Airplane and engine mechan ics averase nil a month, tlie lowest reported monthly salary beui 1J5 and the higluut Sl5. DECREASE SHOWN FOR HAZEL GREEN Hazel Green School began In eant Tuesday morn inn with marked decrease In enrollment. The primary room enrolled 23 srnoiara which is a Jom of 13 com pared to last year and the upper room has an enrollment of 33, a low oi lour. Mrs. Flora Hedrlch Is principal and Miss A lira fitauffer. primary learner. Three new primaries in clude Helen ZlelUislti, Fumi Com is. and Joseph ada. Tlie Huftord, Brundige and Landers families have mowd from tlie community and the Grenquist family pUn on leaving soon. Cen-als Ben Jelderks has left for Corvallis where he will be employed d.irin the winter. Avoid Embarrassment of FALSE TEETH Dropping or Slipping Don't be embarrassed again by having yuur teeth or drop when you eat, talk, laugh or sueez. Jut ay r inkle a little Fabteeth on your plHtes. new, ettremely fine powder elves a wonderful sense of comfort and security. No gummy gooey taste or feeling. Oet Fateeth loany at tapitoi jJrug store or any othr drug store :flr. PAGE N1NG POWER SURVEY OF SNAKE RIVER IS UNDERTAKEN A ten year survey ox water power resources of the 3nake river dram age will be completed this fall when a crew now operating deep tn Sal mon canyon comes out to "civiliza tion.'' The survey, according to W, O. Hoyt. hydraulic engineer of the United States geological survey, has located 100 dam sites for power de velopment and 25 reservoir sites for water shortage. In addition to this hundreds of miles of river surveys have been made r.nd maps drawn, vey hire been made Not least of tlie results of the RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A Battle Creek physician say a. "Constipation Is responsible for more misery than any other cause." But Immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexall Or derlies has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the sys tem into the lazy, dry, evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosens the dry food waste and causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexall Order He at night. Next day bright. Oet 24 for 23c today at the nearest Rexall Drug Store. Perry's Drui Store, adv. survey will be a complete report on irrigated and irrigable lands In the Snake river drainage. So wide reaching are the tribu taries of the big winding river ttiat wraps itself around tlie state that tlie survey has Included by far the greater part of the landed area of Idalio, while part n; it has extended over Into Wyoming near the head waters of tlie south fork and Into Oregon where the Owyhee and oth er tributaries course. Scio Mrs. Clara Berger was In Portland and Seattle on business this week. Mrs. Rudolf Wesely hav ing charge of the stove during the absence ot tlie proprietor. If Stomach Hurts Drink Hot Water Nentrallrr Stomach Arlrilty, Pre tent iuoU I rriiieiitutloii. Slop llidllitloii "If those who suffer from IndlgeA. tiou, gaj. wind, or flatulence, stom ach acidity or MUrneKi, gastric ca tarrh, heartburn, etc.. would take a u-HsiHKHiIul of pure Binurated Mag nesia in half a of hot water immediately after eating they would mum forget they were ever afflicted With stomach trouble, and doctors would have to look elsewhere for pa tients." In explanation of these words a well known New York physi cian f.tated that most form of stom ach troubles are due to stomach acid ity and iei mentation of the food (vtntpnrs of t he Mii'-iach combined with an Insufficient blood supply t the stomach. Hot ?'aler increa-ses the : blood supply and Hihui&ied RU jiiesu. which can be readily obtained at anv reliable diug store, lu either tablets or powder, iiisuntly neutral izes the excessive stomach add and stops food fermentation, tlie com bination of tlie two. therefore, bein marvelously succeshful and decidedly nr.. fm hi, in th iiko itf art if ictu 1 di gest an ts. Btlmulatus-or medicines for j ttidinestion Savings deposited Today or Tomorrow earn 4 INTEREST from the First of the month Savings Dank Interest National Bank NATIOIS-MHIDANK inSolorillgcoqon THE OREGON SHOE CO. Will Force Out Thousands of Pairs of Shoes and Oxfords with Drastic Reductions in Prices We have no competition in these values: Men's Scotch Grain Oxfords Just received hrge shipment, all sizes, direct from Great Britain. Equal to $10.00 and $12. values. While they last at $7.95 Men's High Top Veal Boots 14 and 1G inch tops, all sizes, three prades. Any of them equal to $10.00 and $12.00 boots go at $5.95, $7.95, $3.35 Women's New Fall Pumps Satin Kid Leaf and Coco Brown, Kid, Black and Brown Suede, High and Cuban Heels. $8.00 to $10.00 values-. $4.95 and $5.95 Men's New Fall Dress Oxfords Black or Brown, heavy or light soles, both for winter and finer dress wear. All sizes $4.95 and $5.95 Women's Arch Support Shoes 'All the new patterns and lasts. Others get as high as $7.50. Our price $3.95 and $4.95 Ladies' New Style Pumps & Ties High and Cuban Heels, Velvet Patent and Kid. Won derful $6.00 and $7.00 values go at $3.95 Girls' Sport Oxfords Brogue's late sport patterns In all the new; leathers and late styles. The best value in town at $3.95 and $4.95 Women's Comfort Oxfords Two strap slippers, low rubber heels. All sizes, best quality. $2.95 ""1 $3.45 MEN'S 50C DRESS SOX All dm, dozens of patterns, 3 P"irs $1.00 S)IEIE(S()$f SHKSDIB CO e 326 State St. Next to Ladd and Bush Bank r