LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIF p-' By Harold Cray. r , Y VATALll SVHNIR UNCOLU Chapter 29 A CONFESSION "And you know some other things too. Right?" promptea inorne son If. The butler nodded. Then why not go to Mr. Win low?" questioned Thome curiously. For the first time Lambert did not look directly at the detective. "The ad says to come to you," he pointed out. "Besides, Mrs. Winslow wouldn't let her husband give me any money, if she could help it." The man passed his tongue over his lips. "She's not generous, and, tho she pretends to be fond of Mr. jack. she really hates him." Seeing the unbelief In Thome's expression, Lambert added hastily: "Oh, I can prove what I say, but on one condi tion" "I don't bargain. Lambert," re torted Thome with stem emphasis, "Say what you have to say quickly or leave." Lambert hesitated. "At least prom ise to leave my name out of the Hills-Mercer stock brokerage af fair." he pleaded, in genuine agita tion. "It will kill my chances of an other place If they found I played the ponies and the stock market. I don't know how you got wise to my being In with the bucket-shop gang: Just keep It to yourself, sir. and you can have half of this 'ere reward. Thorne sprang up. "Get out. Lam bert." he ordered, throwing open the door: but the butler stood his around. "If not for my sake, promise for the sake of young Miss Chase," he begged, his watchful eyes trying M read his companion a face, "l ve seen you looking at her when she wasn't noticing. Ood knows, she needs a Iriend." Thorne paused. Lambert had with unerring Instinct advanced the ons plea he could not refuse. "Go ahead, Lambert," he directed "But recollect, I make no promises and if you lie to me," his firm mouth closed ominously, "I'll make you suffer for it. Where Is Jack Winslow?" Lambert came closer and, unin vited, took a chair at Thome's el bow. "On an old canal boat, the Jenny Wren, above Great Palls." The but ler spoke rapidly, casting frequent, uneasy glances over his shoulder. "The old couple who own the boat are devoted to Mr. Jack: he be friended their only son. The boat is berthed in the canal beyond Lock Tavern Club. I know," with more emphasis, noticing Thome's skep tical air, "because I went with him when he took the things from his workshop to the boat." "And why did he do that?" Lambert shook his head. "I'm not sure," he admitted evasively. "We smuggled them to Mr. Jack's car that night, Tuesday, I mean, and I brought the car back to tile garage without Peter, the chauffeur, be ing any the wiser." "And .the other servants, didn't they see you taking the things away In the car?" "I dojjed their food at supper; oh, not to. hurt,' but by eleven o'clock they were all asleep, dead to the world, and Inspector Mitchell didn't have any one watching Oaklands then, so we got off unseen." Thome leaned forward. "How about Ferguson? He doesn't sleep In the house." "No. but he eats there, and he got his share of dope along with the rest." Lambert laughed mirthless ly. "The dirty dog!" "You don't speak admiringly of your coworker," commented Thome, dryly. "Jealous, eh?" "Of him? Say, what are you talk ing about?" The scorn In the man's toice was unmistakable and Thome's eyes twinkled. "That lobster I Why, he wouldn't have been kept on but that Dr. Kane recommended him to Mrs. Winslow." Thome smothered his surprised ejaculation. Lambert was, indeed, telling him news. "So Ferguson knew Dr. Kane In the past?" He stroked his chin while never removing his gaze from Lam bert. "Did he see the doctor private ly on Monday night?" No. sir:" Lambert spoke itn pos- itlveness; "only when the doctor was dead. You remember, he found tiie body lying on the ground." Why did Jack Winslow attack his uncle on Tuesday afternoon? No lies," striking the desk a resounding blow with his fist. "They quarreled over Miss Chase: at least that's the part I overheard," mumbled Lambert. "I I was pass ing and and the door was open and they were both loud-spoken. Mr. Jack was broken up about it, when he came to his senses." Oh, so Mr. Jack has brain storms. has be?" Lambert nodded sorrowfully. "Like his father before him, sir, I under stand. Mr. Jack reeled out of the den and begged me to help htm get away. I suspect," speaking In a con fidential whisper, "Mr. Jack tnougnt he'd choked his uncle to death." "Lambert." the detective spoke slowly, Impressively, "was It before this scene with his uncle or after It that he arranged with you to get his belongings out of his workshop In the attic?" "Before, sir," the response was snoken with the promptness of truth. "And why," Thorne leaned closer in his earnestness, "did not Jack Winslow take his personal belong ings with him his clothes: appar- ently he left without even a tooth brash." "He had a bag full of things on the canal boat already." "You mean 'all ready.' " swiftly, "for a quick get-away? Lambert, your words Imply premedlated mur der " "They don't neither." protested the butler hotly. "You're putting words l i my mouth I didn't say. That there bag's been on the canal boat for a month or more. Mr. Jack's very fond of fishing and co noelng and he used to sleep on board the Jenny Wren sometimes when fishing late, and the boat was down this way. "Did Mr. Jack see Miss Chase be fore leaving Oaklands Tuesday af ternoon?" he asked. "No, sir." Forestalling further questioning, the butler added swift ly, "Mr. Jack wasn t In shape to see any one. least of all his sweetheart. He told me to tell her she would hear from htm in' a day or so and not to worry." "You gave her that message?" "I did." "Did you tell her that Mr. Jack had gone? "No." Lambert supplemented the gruff monosyllable in some haste, reading the scorn In Thome's eyes. "Mr. Jack said he would write her where he was and full particulars how to get to him. "Did he do so?" Lambert nodded. "The note came last night, under cover of one to me." And you gave that note to Miss Chase?" persisted Thome, sternly. - Again the butler averted nis eyes. "I- was in the devil's own hurry-to get away," he admitted, swallowing hard. "Then, too, Miss Chase had made me mad " Ha. in what way?" The detective was watching his companion as a cat watches a mouse, ready to sprlng' You tried to extort money" nis jaw snot oui you curi Lambert winced, "sne gave me money of her own free will," he whined. "Twasn't that. She's been trying to prejudice Mr. Winslow against me, and get me fired." And so you held back Mr, Jack s note?" "No. I didn't, exactly. But I left It on my pillow for Lucy to take to her the next morning. She has It by now." Thorne shook his head. "Lucy preferred to have Mrs. Winslow see it first," he announced softly. With a bound Lambert gained his feet, his face livid. "By she double crossed met The lying 1" He raved (Continued on Page 7 it. it i 1 t. t. & its. .a M. ACHOHfJ Ulnar. aprlaf JfatlTo metal Ilh of f reo aarba Chief tut of Inn Off ft Hist ilk Aaraaa AltfrnfttlTft Ilarrowlag aalmal Amnvr Taar on a tMM BHlflaas danoMlatsUott Mark ch4m Ultft- fort IHII Of aartlaa Harrow ft! A aetloa Toward Mala fatal Hal Artltlelal UlfllOM KrflaeUd HU. la adillTlda AfflrtaatlTll dlaltrlle Kind of Hawaiian data I'maMM Hmall foaa4 ark JUarrltt Solution o Yeitorday'a Puula A R i olio L a rIeJtJu li THSPP ft B R I P iiisl I Rll IP E SflC JR. A 35Te ntjihjom rJlElSTSUOlOO MI II. Twlre ! S. Cuf alia at . nitr of a oar lata rotor tf. l ar.Bl M. Bearrar 1. Armor taafcar M. doted mm 4. Hanoi, ft, Uafora ' DOWH I. Tally . Ilaaraw faitlral ft. IN tiara matera . Hdiaaa laitaaa a. Hun ch a raft art . Oallda J, Took a chair a. Plana aarfuM t. Tropical flaa I. JIclpi II. Ulvar ta Heollaad It. Ktlal It. City of tka laaala towaP tl. Adalt lady ola 14. Aet ft Happllrattoa 1A. raakard if. rioorllk plal lorn of a ably If. Volraaa SI. Arid . TraralaJ yr tloa af m road tt. Irian dramatist 15. Prtaara foe taallealloa laale dramas 41. Flirt aloft 4ft. Horahla 4H. rnrlah 41. Trap if, Atiowaaet for wail U. Idanllral at, ft firm eat af a r Ire-la fit. Tha bHIrf teteb a, nryailr tt. Ayalai artlU tt IT "7777 - .: - ,,, f '1. :,t, 2 ,. W Z4 "it'TTf''" l7"7!5? 3T57 jT Sj UiL; 43 t 44 k)4S 4 ;. 4J AS 4f ss . . sTfZ,! . - a jy . - ' " JK K Rnh', vx. rmh! tO CO At - aVS MHE.N IT STARTS TCk PkN NfeAe GOT VM MOOX W K TvGKT HOUSC- CReV A,r4t XmVNS , HtV. OFF B -J - f t WaVitoVl-' REG'LAR FELLERS HERE'S thvvt APPLE k I BOR.R.OWED M.T(V' VESTECOA.V ! JSf By Oene Byrnes) . -T"i I x I '1? OW borrowed TWO vee H ( thats FUMkjy! W i i APPLES ESTF ROW' J TWO ) A MISTAKE IN I rT- ' V Iy -i 'em'. yWF-, TAILSPIN TOMMY The Boys Don't Mean Maybe! By oi.enn (HAtiiN and UAL I'OKBtsT DUMB DORA A Case Of Mistaken Identity By Paul Fung WHAT'S TUB MATTER WITH CORA? V, HERE'S A BIUUONA1RE CRAZY ABOUT I HER AMD TONIGHT I OlSTINCTLV MBARD her refuse him a datb i II lIUST BECAUSE THAT SAP-HEAD, I II ROD WAS COMISK3 OVER v ) CrS ELS 7 SO A"5 ROO'S BOSS , I f "3hr I DOSQON6 IT-IT'S TV) m :1LJWL J filVE ME A FAIR TRIAL. IK I f IS MAXIMS HIM WORK $zMshL O'CLOCK,' BEAT IT i 5 . THATS AU. I ASK JL I OVEBCTVMe. YOU SU VOU YOUNCi ' -" ', 1 CAN E.XPL.AIN JTi V - J I CAM COME OVER KC S I UPSTART.' J7 WHy- Cr-C C " -O'V 6VRYTHINS J - I WHAWHIL6, j 1 I i N-l-J- DAD! I ... : 'Vr-JS L, '----',.- 1 r BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMunuq I WIRE ARE VOUR ) TI f ) I y , , (piO VOU SES ANV-1 THE COOK WAS COD-FISH BALLS, j WOW" I M THH3 OF'A GOLP I PRACTICIMG M THE V 1 SIR- I CHOKING.' O-O-O-rtW! W BALV,SR? V ' 1 KITCHEM AND LOST m jBIMttl MUTT AND JEFF She Tripped The Light Fantastic ' By Bod Fisher ' live SFfcNT "Wirty CewTi intuit Oftuctl f-me emm PRueNeasii1 iijf wen., (aj Powt oancc Vi surc.this is m . kl -,ug . r -.- -u....n i HAU. AND I'Nft f..T SOMVJ , i?3.? TRY 4 ktti BCTTRTUN MUTT"U Trie !MllftN ' f .' W( T6 VWAUT2. "V A 50010 SHAMPO Ol H1. IStfT MuTT IN V - s"M l-AY. - BRtA'Hfe IN fi FACft. 7? J Mice! UUBE' T 6LASi - t THlM TOeRC S I )i JAit7j sozokANO pYHMe-JomP ) rlfck'.V: I 77 . ? A RAWING IMSTVMCTori J ! ,