THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISFATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT FAUB THREES TURNER SENDS MORE STUDENTS TO COLLEGES Turner Turner Is represented at the following colleges by graduates of the Turner high school who are entering college this fall among them being Wlllette Jessee, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jessee of the boys' memorial home, who left Mon day morning for Eugene Bible uni versity where he will specialize In evangelistic work. Waldo Riches entered the Mon mouth Normal .college Monday, this being his second year there. WU lard Bear left for Albany Monday afternoon to enroll at the college, this being his first year. His moth er, Mrs. C. A. Bear, accompanied him to Albany. Fa ye Barber, graduate of this summer's class from the Turner high school, enrolled Monday at the ' Capital business college in Salem. Miss Emma Schifferer is also a stu dent at the Capital business college . this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Fehleman (Avalyn Delzell) of Anaheim, Calif., who have spent part of the summer here with Mrs. Fehleman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Delzell, will leave Sunday to enroll at the Ore gon State college at Corvallls, - Fehleman is a graduate of the col lege and will take special work for his Master's degree. This Is Mrs. Fehleman's senior year and she will snecialize in home economics and Journalism. Miss Thelma Delzell, sister of Mrs. Fehleman, will also enter Oregon State college where she will major in music and art. 8 he la a former grade teacher of the Turner school but the past year has taught in Ix Angeles. ERECTING DWELLING Broadacres The basement and foundation are completed for the Joe Brown residence and carpen ters are busily engaged in framing , the dwelling, which will have six rooms and will be modem. It is near the Broadacres store. MRS. APPLEBY OS VISIT Mt Angel Mrs. R. O. Appleby left for The Dalles, where she will spend a week as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. w. R. Taylor. COOKS AT SCIO Honmere Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cook left here" for Sclo Sunday . morning to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Miller, and they will stal in Sclo for some time, where he is engaged In carpenter work. ATTEND BIBLE STUDY Hopmere Among those attend ing the Bible study at the John Dollnsky home Thursday night were Mr. Vendon and Mrs. Kennedy of Salem. Mr. Vendon entertained with songs. ATTEND ILL MOTHER Lyons Mrs. Ida Worthington of Ouswego and Mrs. Maud Meimister of North Bend are here with their mother. Grandma Shelton who is seriously 111. SII1LTS IS HOME Scotts Mills H. J. Shuts, who has been working near Otis, Ore.. the past month helping clear stump land, has returned home. Mrs. Shilts spent the last week there with him. Marlon Mrs. W. O. Simmons and son, Johnny of Albany were visitors at the home of her husband, W. O. Simmon, who is telegraphic clerk at the Southern Pacific depot at Marion. SALE VISITED Gates A number of people from Gates vicinity attended the sale at the Hadley Robson place in Fox Valley last Saturday. Amity Mrs. P. S. Hitchings of Seattle who has been visiting In Amity for several weeks at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mccarty has returned to her home. CAMPUS CALLS TO JEFFERSON YOUTH Jefferson Students of Jefferson and vicinity who are attending col lege this year are Verna McKee, Florence Thomas and Elizabeth Loc ney, at O. A. 0.; May Myers and Jean Smith, Willamette university; Mary Louise Fontaine and Elizabeth Aupperle, Behn ke-Walker business college, 1-ortland; Oarnett Whedbee, Northwestern school of commerce, Portland. RECORD CROWD AT CHURCH REUNION Turner Rally day and the annu al homecoming of members and friends was observed at the Turner Methodist Episcopal church with a record attendance. The Bible school classes were shortened and each class featured a number on the program. Mrs. Burgoyne sang ft solo, with Mrs, Ivan Hadley play ing the piano accompaniment. Sev eral beautiful numbers were sung by the choir and Rev. J. Mickey of Salem, pastor of the local church. sang a solo with his daughter, Mrs. Ivan Hadley playing tne accordion accompaniment. The pastor. Rev. William S. Bur goyne, delivered tne sermon. Re membrances of Rally day were pre sented to members of the congrega tion. Among the former members attending were Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and daughters, and O. A. C. Moore, of Salem, Rev. and Mrs. J. Mickey, of Salem. PICKARDS SHOWING STOCK, STATE FAIR Marion Ovid Pickard is exhibit ing six head of the famout Plckard cattle In the state fair at Salem, and Mrs. Pkkard Is also entering her game chickens, which have won many prizes. DISTRIBUTOR CALLS Independence Mrs. J. G. Mc intosh who spent over the week end Jvlth friends In Portland, re turned home Tuesday accompanied by James A. Martin. Mr. Martin proceeded to Cor vallls on a business trop and re turned to Portland Wednesday. He is distributor for fire extinguishers and made a satisfactory demon stration to the fire chief of this city. MITZNER AT CAMP Marion Albert Mltzner, who has been visiting at the home of his mother and friends of Marion, left to resume his employment at logging camp near Detroit. WINNS HAVE SON Marlon A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winn of Marion Sat urday morning. It was given the name of Charles Leroy. ATTEND FAIR - Amity Mrs. Hettle Shields and sister, Miss Fannie Walker and Mrs. Julia Coulter have gone to the state fair at Salem where they are camping lor tne week. Dallas In view of the fact that next week is Fire Prevention week and also' to the fact that a belief is current that existing file Insur ance rates on business properties in the city are excessive, W. S. Muir was appointed to Investigate commercial insurance rates at pres ent in force here in order to make comparison with similar rates in other towns. Dr. Pemberton and Staats and Mrs. C. N. Bllyeu will fill out the health schedule sent out by the United States chamber ox commerce. DANDRUFF LUCKY TIGER, world's largest " kMisrP MX inraarwtsita. Haifam i tMtnty rex krs. A rrvrnLrm- kkm. Uometm d and run and aealp Irrftsttona. Safe for MQito, ennarcn. uainnueo. Breier Days Mean The Year's Biggest Money's Worth! Doesn't that sound enticing in these days when most of us are obliged to do so much "penny-pinching !";- But, during Breier Days . . . SPENDING IS SAVING. It sounds paradoxical. It is a truism, nevertheless. Breier days are meant to make your money-go further. We give you irrefutable proof of this in our BREIER DAYS VALUES . . . Here's just some of HUNDREDS of con crete examples. HEN'S PART WOOL UNIONS DOUBLE BLANKETS ... MOLESKIN BLAZERS LADIES' SILK DRESSES 98c $l-49 $1.69- $5.90 DEPT. STORES 141 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET HEALTH CLINIC HELD, MOLALLA Molalla There was a health clinic held Monday at the Molalla gram mar school. Miss Berj'le Blosser, teacher of the first grade was as sisted by Julia Poglesong and Doro thy Klecker and tested her pupils lor weignt, ne)gnt, tnroat, eyes and ears. , - The pupils of the other grades were alternated in other rooms. Lola Fluke was on hall duty and directed the pupils to the correct rooms. Miss Edna Welch, assisted by Am elia Marson and Margaret Wlllard took the weight, height and tested the eyes of the pupils. Miss Louise Andreus assisted by Helen Elbotte tested the hearing. Miss Edith Baker assisted by Isobelle Kerr and Evelyn Slpp tested the teeth and throat LINN COUNTY AGENT ISSUE FOR BALLOT Albany, Ore., Linn county Tot- ers wlU vote in the general election in November on whether the coun ty will have county agent, mem bers of the county court stated, as the resolution was filed with the county clerk, who will put the mea sure on the ballot. The Issue has been voted down twice at previous election by unn electors. Members of the county budget board voted last winter to place tne issue on tne ballot. BARBER TO LEAVE Silverton Elmer Lukes, the genial proprietor of the Evergreen barber shop on Oak street, closed hie place Tuesday and Is preparing to move with his family to his old home at Lestervllle, S. Dak. Lukes received word from his father, who is alone since his wife died some months ago, to bring his family and live with bun. GUEST IN JEFFERSON Jefferson Mrs. Addle Hutchin son, who has been spending the summer at Bremerton, Wash., and with relatives at Curtin. Ore, is visiting at the home of her daugh ter and son-n-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. O. VanWlnkle. VISIT CHRISTENSF.NS Marion The guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George ennstensen, are their daughter. Miss Florence of Salem, who Is employed in the Hunt Brothers cannery, and Victor Brun zeL who Is employed on a hay baler near Mt. Angel. HAS. OPERATION Lyons Little Delbert Berry un derwent a tonsil operation at the Deaconess hospital in saiem Tues day. Lyons Mrs. W. H. Swank with her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Downle and daughter Bernlce spent Sunday In Albany with her daughter, Mrs. Lons Trask and family. Mrs. Downle Is a sister of Mrs. Swank. Approach of Nut Harvest Recalls Priest's Efforts Hopmere Nut harvest from the noted filbert and walnut plantings on the Leroy Murdick place will soon begin here. The nuts raised in the Murdick orchard are regarded as an exceptionally fine variety, and the trees have a peculiar history, the original stock came from Ger many. Rev. rather schauner who gained considerable fame as a plant wizard for his hybridization of the Jessie Curry rose whli was awarded the grand premium of the Portland rose show, and who experimented extensively in the culture of a per fumed dahlia, obtained the nut trees from the Rescika gardens at Shaw. Rev. Father Schauner, parish priest at Brooks, 30 years ago, lost much of his own valuable horticul tural plantings when fire destroyed the Catholic church at Brooks. He subsequently went to Portland, and later to Padra Pacific Botanical gardens at Santa Barbara, Calif., where he was hailed as a second Luther Burbank for his success In propagating plant life. . TOWN LOTS NEAR BROADACRES SOLD Broadacres A. L. Whitney closed a deal recently, selling 18 town lots near the Broadacre station to A. O. Johnson, who plans to start building very soon. Johnson is a brother of I. o. Johnson of Donald and an uncle of Jack Johnson of Broad acres. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson arrived In Donald some weeks ago from Art- zona and decided to locate here. ENTER COLLEGE Scotts Mills Averltt Dunlgan and Marlon Thomas left the first of the week for Corvallls where they will he students of O. A. O. This is Marlon's second year. Averltt will enter as a frestiwan. WACONDA SCHOOL OPENS Hopmere Little Billy Egan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Egan, was registered In school for the first time Monday when the new term opened at Waconda. Miss Gladys Brown Is the Waconda teacher. DOCTOR RECUPERATING Mt. Angel Dr. A. F. E. Schler- baum, who recently underwent a major operation at tne coifey nos pttal, Portland, has recovered suffi ciently to leave the hospital. He left Tuesday for Gear hart, where he win stay. lor a snort time. GARAGE REPAIRED Independence The roof of the Pomeroy tt Mattlson garage on main street Is being treated to a new covering. Roll roofing Is be ing used. Scotts Mills Guy Syron, road patrolman of district No. 43 has a inm Af nun nnwaHn Yi nM crusher near the D. Lawrence place for repairing some weak spots In his Scotts Mills Mrs. Marie Phillips of Valsetz visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Myers recently. SHEEP KILLERS AT INDEPENDENCE SHOT IndeDendence-T-Sheep-kllllnff does were found Monday morning on the Davidson-Hedges ranch near the Rocky Point barn, and were caught In the act or killing nice fat lamb. Tljey were soon victims of the dead ly aim of a high-powered rifle and two shots put them both out. Several head of sheep have been killed by dogs during the summer on this and adjoining ranches. FALL IN WELL SENDS WOMAN TO HOSPITAL Amity Mrs. Ray Jones, who was seriously Injured last week when she fell to the bottom of a 30 foot well on the Jones place has been taken to a hospital in McMinnviUe for treatment. SILVERTON FOLK AT HOLY NAMES MEET Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dom- mogalla, daughter, Jean, Fred Up hoff and daughter, Betty, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Dom mogalla's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey In Portland. Sundy Mr. Dommogalla, who Is president of the local Holy Name society. Father J. Scherbring, Mr. Uphoff, John Wlndschlegl, all of silverton. and Father Franc scner- bring of Sublimity, all attended the state meeting or tne Holy Name so ciety which was held at the Blessed Sacrament parish. Father Toe Scherbring of the local St. Paul parish, left Sunday night for Omaha, Nebr., on a two weeks' business trip. His brother. Father Frank Scherbring of Sublimity, has just reteumed from a six weeks trip to Boston, Mass., where he attend ed a national meeting. HAYESYILLE PUPILS TO ENTER PARADE Hayesville The Hayesville stu dents who received the health and honor roll buttons at school last spring are requested by Mrs. Mar shall, the principal, to meet at the main entrance of the state fair fairgrounds Saturday morning at nine o'clock for the annual health parade. If any student wishes fur ther Information, Mrs. Marshall may be reached by phone. STATE FAIR HAS JEFFERSON CROWD Jefferson Among the people of Jefferson and vicinity who attended the state fair at Salem Wednesday, were: Dr. and Mrs. J. o. Van Win kle, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKee, Jean McKee, Mervlne Thurston. Keithel Smith Earnest Kerr.T. A. Cooper, Mildred Kottnoir, Loel Biiyeu, Frame mast Fontaine, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Buck ny, Marjorle Fontaine, Mrs. J. O, ner, Mr. and Mrs. Quy Johnston, Mrs. Roy Hlxson and son Junior. CALIFORNIANS LEAVE Scotts Mills Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirkpatrick, who have been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Koro for some time, have returned to their home in Los Angeles, cam. SON TO SMITHS Hopmere Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Smith ol the smith xarm nere, are receiving the congratulations of their friends upon the birth of ft son wnicn occurred in saiem m- day, September 12. vurrnc UMivrRfiiTV TTftftmpm Hftrruw iVuilr -Tr liftft. enrolled as a ire simian at tne uni versity oz Oregon. CLINIC SLATED Gate The first dental clinic for the county this school term was held at Oates school house Monday after noon with Dr. Estil Brunk in charge and Miss Brlatzka, school nurse assisting. Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. - R. E. McCaw are the parents of' a son born September 20, at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. McCaw near Jefferson. RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A Battle Creek physician says, "Constipation Is responsible for more misery than any other cause. But Immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexan Or derlies has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the sys tem Into the lazy, dry. evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosens the dry food waste and causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. - Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rerall Orderlle at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c today at the nearest Rexall Drug store. Perry's Drug Store, adv. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTT'TTTTTTTTtTtTtTttTTTtTTTTTt 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTT Smart and Serviceable Jefferson Herman Miller of YoncaL'a, former Jefferson resi dent, was In town Tuesday calling on old friends. MARKET ROAD GETS GRAYEL TREATMENT Hayesville Graveling of the new market road started the first of the week. Teams are busy yet with the graveling on the road, but If wea ther is favorable that will be finished in a couple of days and then the graveling can progress more rapidly. Jimmy Kappahn is directing the graveling. Two other corners, knonw as the Pitts-Wulfmeyer and the Fuhurer corners will be cut down so at to take out the sharp curves as soon as the teams and the "cat" go off this road. BROADACRES SALE REPORTED SUCCESS Broadacres Mrs. Maude Pendle ton's sale Monday was well attend ed and things sold well Mrs. Pen dleton has rented her farm to Cyril Krupicka, who has been a tenant on the Hunt farm for three years. Mrs. Pendleton plans to live in Sa lem and will move there about Oc tober 1. Her son and daughter will enter school in Salem. The Utter Is a senior In Woodbum high school. AMITY STUDENTS TO ATTEND STATE FAIR Amity Tne Amity schools will be closed Friday as that day. has been given as u holiday for the students anad teachers to attend the state fair at Salem. HELPS IN RESTAURANT Mt. Angel Mrs. F. B. Roy croft of Portland Is helping Mrs. Jake Scharback In the Scharback restau rant during the absence of Mr. Scharback, who Is at a Salem hos pital recuperating from a recent Ill ness. GROKKEN IS BUILDING Broadacres John Grosser. Is building a house on his property here. Hopmere Mr. and Mrs. John Dollnsky and children motored to Pedee Sunday to be guests ox Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Speer. WILEY IS SLEEPY; FLIVVER WRECKED Grand Island Worth Wiley, far mer of this locality who had lost much sleep since delivering garden produce to market during the last month, fell asleep at the wheel and wrecked beyond repair bla Ford "pick-up 1 on the highway tlx miles north of Newberg. He and bla 9-year-old daughter, Mary, escaped uninjured. DALLAS WILL SEND PRUNES TO BOSTON Dallas T'.ie women of the American Legion auxiliary net Wednesday evening In the cham ber of commerce rooms and packed some 1500 sacks of prunes for dis tribution at the Legion national convention in Boston next month. The distribution will be supervised by Mrs. Dorothy Eakin, committee woman for the first district. MOLALLA SENDING YOUTH TO COLLEGE Molalla Among those from here who are attending O. A. C. this term are Donald Bauer, Wayne Bauer, Jack Gregory, Miss Bemetta Everhart and Kenneth Ridings; bus iness college, Miss Marjorle Davis, Richard Zcnger; Portland Medical school, Charles Holm an; State Nor mal school at Monmouth, neanor Heiz, Blanche Daugherty, Esther Dun ton, Vivian Chindgren, Lena Dunrud, Mrs. Carrie Tison and Miss Alma Larkins: and at University of Oregon are Carvel case and Gor don Wilkowskl. MEN BUNTING DEES -Jefferson A. W. Brown and D. T. HamiU left early Wednesday morn ing for the coast mountains In the vicinity of Waldport where they will spend several days deer hunt ing. ULMANS HAVE GTJEt-TS Mt. Angel Mr. And Mrs. Charles UUman had as their guests recently Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duffey and Prank Carter of Portland. New Winter Coats witK , Rich Fur Trimming Cleverly manipulated fabrics, fashion these coats and never have furs been used in such an abundant . fashion or in such a variety, while fabric treatments, Beamings, and geometrical designs, individualize the coats and lend a silhouette more slender, and mora youthful than ever. We have just received ft beautiful c:sortment of these smart coats which go on display tomorrow and we hope every woman who is searching for new coat will see them. 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Ore. BEAUTIFUL Q NOW' ON DISPLAY NEW FORD CABRIOLET (CONVERTIBLE) The words be luxe are a fitting description of the beautiful new body types now on display at the showrooms of Ford dealers. Everywhere tliey have met' with distinguished favor because of their striking lines and colors and the quiet richness of the upholstery, primming and appointments. These new dc luxe bodies nre offered in addition to the standard Ford line and include the De Luxe Roadster, Dc Luxe Phaeton, De Luxe Sedan, De Luxe Coupe, Town Sedan and Convertible Cabriolef. - The De Luxe Roadster and De Luxe Phaeton are upholstered in genuine Bedouin grain leather, in tan harmonizing with the swagger Jops. The spare wheel is carried forward on the left. The new colors for these two types arc Raven Black, Washington Blue, and Stone Brown. The wheels are finished in a complementary color. The De Luxe Sedan, De Luxe Coupe and Town Sedan are up holstered in soft luxurious mohair or Bedford cord, ojitional with the purchaser. Wide, comfortable mnible scat is standard equipment" in the Dc Luxe Roadster and the Convertible Cabriolet'. Flan To see these new de luxe bodies this week and arrange for a demonstration. You will find much to admire in their sprightly appearance and the high quality so evident in every detail. .'4