WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN The Absent-Minded Professor That Sent His Wife To The Bank And Kissed His Money Good-Bye Wasn't So Absent-Minded After AIL CapitaljJourna Rat par word : Oae inaerUon. 2 ceuta, three insertions ft cents; on wwk eeatet on month is mti; ene rear pet montfe. 20 udU; mtalmum et ad M oeot Not taken over phont un leu advertiser bai monthl? eo ooarrt. No allMaaoa for nhoae arrass. Want fed nuit bt In tot 10 am. dar of pub! taction. Ileal Estate and Auto ade by T pa das pre-loue to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES aivtno ft-ROOM Enirllsh tvua home. liardwood floors, lull basement, lur- iiiice, n replace, giratfe. 'renas. $3600. Nearly new fi-r. home, hard wood floor, well built, fully mod ern, double sraruge, paring pd. Cloie to senoo. lrrmn, 12050. 4-room modern home; 2 hard wood luwn, iuii oh seme in, mrnace, fln?iln.ce, Haraiie, close to school. 4ovt) to Loau instirance. MELVtK JOHNSON, 330 U. 8. Bank nldg. rlioue PAIR SPECIAI J? iuwi ir rlnwt in estate. Good 8-r plastered houM. Fireplace. Lot 06x140 fe'iQO Half Cash Buy a 4-r. cottaw In North Salem thai la wail worm aiuoo or mora. Love Net - 2130. New modern 3-room bimeatow. .Near, ana cieau, tumiiipu-i uiiitii. Caraae. lawn and shrubbery. See It. c BECHTEL or TllOStASOW 341 State St. Hoom 4. a BARGAINS IN HOMES mtm haw several 4. ft and 6-room new and practically new homes tor sale wltlt eaay terms and price right. See us about them below you buy. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 920 SUte Street. Plione 1737. SMALL houM In Dallas, rent for $16 a month, always has tenant. Owner leaving and will sell for 6000. Best Investment tn Oregon. Address box BH4 DMIls. Oregon. P2!-.? FOR SALE FARMS 30 ACRE SNAP A real farm. A real bargain. Half ful tivated land, balance fine pasture and tlm!er. Good 7-r. house, barn, poultry house, two pood wells, 3 miles from town. Price :t&00. Terms. See B2CHT3L or THOMASON 341 State St. Room 4 0 FOR SALE, trnde or rent. 100 acre farm south of Sulem on Pacific LUih way. 127 Elmore St. Lebanon. b230 FARMS 0 A. near Woodburu. $115 per acre. House, barn, creek. 50 a. cultivated, finest of land. $1000 down. 122 A. with two sets of farm bldgs. Orctiard. running water. 25 a. tim ber, 20 a. alfalfa, good for farming or stock raising, $135 per a. Reason able terms. . $ A. 4-room houne. well, chicken house. 23 rods of paved road. $2750; $500 dorn. $1000 to Loan Insurance t MELVIN JOHNSON, 920 TJ. 8. Bank U229' bid, pnone u. HALF ACRE CLOSE TO PAVEMENT. Just outside city limits, 4-room house, giiruge, "woodshed and chicken coops. Price $1100. little down. bal. easy. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Healtors 20 State Street. Phono 1727. b FOR SALE Miscellaneous FRESHMAN all-electric, screen grid radio, beautiful cabinet. like new, $55; $5 monthly. Sea Mr. Jans at Ceo. C. Wills' music store. c230 DISHF.S, llnau and utensils; Seth Thomas manttla clock. Bohlman. mu nicipal auto camp. South Winter. c338 FOR BALK amnotlx. nice tumatoca 65c fau deuvered. Phone 2730J. c233 TOMATOES "The firm canning va rieties " at the Brown Tent on Rlver- alde drive. Bring boxes, 232 FOR SALE Alrdale TJplancrer breed, the kind used for deer hunting. 1375 Market. c229 nnFAT DANE for Bale. Good watch dog. Phone 3547J after 6 pm. c231 BOY'S OVERCOAT, size 12. Phone GREAT DANE. 4 months old. Price reasonable. 645 Howard Bt. FINE toned Smith & Barnes piano for 1. -1 iritrau hnv RfU Dallas. Orecon. ' c3att LADY'S winter coat, fur trimra cheap. Phone 3667J. cj KRAUT cabbaaa lc lb. Clark. West atayton. f corau f hMW rarrncer or win trade for beef cows. Bt. 9, box 6, Port- r-.D iDn rnnnrHt Mrs. W. N. Shnrp Rt. 3. box 308 Salem. Ptt. T8F4. 0328 WE CAN aav yott money on doors, windows and paint. Let us figure 00 your cupboard work;. Lowest prices on all kinds of boiMlnr Pettes. BulWlna SvpplT Cox. 17$ . Phone 487. ! If t" criMrta inmhw vtiviow. dUOIS, rubberized roofing. 435 Dlvtston. cflafl TNSirtiE in Far men Mutual, nates DIm .nfimnhlla. Wm. A. PerSPl, ffcnt Phone Q12M. C248 PEARU tor sale. Choree Cornice. Bosc and Fall Butter peara, 60c bushel. Wallace orchards, rft. 1. box 110. c231 BOSCH radtoa at MUler'a. Cll 2397 lor aemonauatran. tjtdw nnlM 50c Dr box and up. Bring boxes. Fresh apple cider NURSERY STOCK STRAWBERRY pUnU. UanhU. Tri ple X tor Ull planting, eitra tooA .1 m thmtunil Vtrtnr ButflS. Au- krn"-lIi' ror. art Rt. X d?29 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK HriRSP- nUn B-ft rllse drllL B. Wal law. Rt. 1. box 133. 228 FOR SALE one 8-year old Jersey, easy milker, gives ft gallon a day, ao 2 year old heifer. William Vogt, Alrlte. Oregon. 2 TWO fine large, fresh Holsteln cowa, heavy milkers. C. T. White, Turner HORSES for sale. Just off work, 1200 to 1600 pounds. Plows and scrapers, 1040 Ford street on Turner road. e231 TEAM 2 miles southwest of Mt. Angei. Carl Rentz. g228 DR. FRED W LA NOB, VetannsnaM Office 629 8 Commercial Pbooe 1 Residenee phone 16W6 FlltDV A.ta tnr ! nr tmril 1 -3 down, oalsnce one year Red barn.' N. Commercial and Columbts Nelson B-ob Prinne 705: IBS N Htgh St e FOR SALE WOOD WANTED, wood to put In or p!lt. need work. Phone tM. i. 8. PUrehnn. eea49 WOOD ot til kinds. Phone 376M. eeaa WOOD SAWING. Phone 11. eeJJ7 NICK fu .n4 oak wood. Id Phone 2ST19J. Stortz. er241 SECOND growth. Phone aiPlt. tt332 FOR WOOD, 8AWINQ PhcMie 34C5M. C&U Zander. ee239 WOOD 8AWINO. PHONK 1C25R ee20 WOOD. L. C. Kelly. Phone iSnJ. eeMa WOOD 8AW1NO. PHONE 1131. 8PBOKQ BROS eel ALL K1ND3 ol DRY M D. Haytlcld. 72 FJ t22 SHPD DRY WOOD COAL. SALEU ftiEi. CO. Pnoo. 1L iu be. ee FOR SALE WOOD OUUEU your wood now. Deal IB-Inch inaide alat wood mlaed at Cobba at HtLcneij uo., pcx coxa uam car Phong BH 34ff 8 17th St re FOR SALE POULTRY 80 WHITE Leghorn pullets, 5', moi, old II each. P. O. box 744. Pooua 333. Dallaa. fifjo WANTED market poultry, any kind, any time, any quantity, phono 133F2 LeJsJHuKhryf HELP WANTED JOBS OPEN TO MEN WHO kOLLOW MY ADVICE Wa are anxious to send our literature to men of all ages who want to aet Into electricity, radio or automotive work. Hundreds of, men have already aeut for this In teres tins book and us a resutc are now rutin ing good in these nrofesMlons. There ! absolutelv o obligation ou your part. The book will be sent by mall and no salesman win can. just send me your nama and address and mention whether it is electricity, radio or automoive work you are Interested tn. J. A. Rosen krantz President National Electrical and Automotive School, 4006 So. Fig ueroa St. Dept. 11-C, Los Angeles, Cat. fJ2B' WE HAVE an opening for a young man who la willing to work. Must be neat, have sales ability and ambi tious to advance In our organization. The rlht man ran establish himself in a "position of permanency which will Increase In value aa his ability warrants. Eolf Electric. Luc, 347 Court St; g229 Ladles! Make S5 to 15 dally SELLING XEdA3 CARDS For Northwest Mfr. over 100 designs extremely different: GREAT BOX SPECIAL. 22 CARDS SELLS 61. SAM PLE IUT FREE; WE DELIVER. SID NEY B. COHEN CO.. INC, 1967 Eighth Ave West. Seattle. Wash. b223 WANTED middle aged lady for house work In small family. Call at 670 North Summer St. R22B AGENTS WANTED WEN FALL IS HEREl SELL XMAS CARDS See Sidney Cohen Co. ad. under "Help Wanted." Ps22:t' SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, credit man, typist and office manaeer. 35 years 01 age. open ior position witn rename concern, excellent reiercnces. Boa 147 Capilal Jourual. h233 GOOD pra ileal nurse and housekeep er. I'lvier invalid or eider ly people. airs, anecsau. mune 444 souui High. h230 EXPERIENCED farm manauer. dairy. man, herdsman and showman wants position with a good reliable fanner. R. O. Allison. Wood burn. Ore. h228 EXPERIENCED stenographer desirw part or full time work. Box 142 Cap ital Journal. h228 YOUNG woman, well educated, desires work. Pleasant manner, good tele nhone voice. References. Box 143. Cao. Ital Journal. h228 EXPERT chimney sweep and furnace man, six years tn Salem. Work satis factory or money rerunued. can rt. e. North n ess. Phone 110- c236 Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED $1500 on first mortgage se curity. Box 146 Capital Journal. 1230 WILL take wood on radio or piano. S?c Mr. Janz, Geo. C. Wills Music store. V4Hi WANTED: trailer. Bohlman munlciual auto camp. South Winter. 1230 WANTED, Small farm, good soil, well drained, good water, ore nam. electric. it.v. Hts.te nrlfp lmnr(iviniptita. in rcome. Uil R. Pfeiffer. Lewlston. Mon tana. 12i9 WANTED. S500 Drivate loan, let mort gage security, box capital jour nal. 1229 TO MY PATOONS: IV Krtgbuum. biui moved from Capitol Super Service Station, corner Center and Front to J. B. Krlgbaum Station, 805 Capitol street at Market. Phone 1247, Salem. ure. xour patronage is- soncuea. au old accounts please pay at this sta tion. 1232 RAVE your pianos tuned and re paired by Alfred Burman at Geo. C. WuTb. 1230 DOGS boarded m a real dog hotel. E B Flakes Petland Farm. Pacific hlgh- rvflv TiryrfY. f FOR RENT HEATED sleeping room, 372 North Winter. J233 FURNISHED house, garage $10. Rural. 2v ACRX farm equtpt, furnished and irafurniaAe bouses, large farm on shares, - TR1PP-HOGAN, 180 N. Commercial. J228 FOR RENT houses $15 to 845; furn ished $20 to $75. If you want the best See BECHTEL or THOMASON, 341 State St. Room 4. -J ROOMS COMFORTABLE, CLEAN. WELL FURNISHED. tiOUU HtUS, With or without board and with or without garage space. Good meals, walkmg distance. Just one block north State Capitol building. No. 1130 Che meketa St., first door east of Royal Court Apts.. rates very reasonable. Give us a trial. Phone 1539. The Alex andria, ATTRACTIVE room In modern home, close tn. garage If desired, cooking privileges. Phone 1404M. J232 7 ROOMS, bath and garage, walking distance, newly papered and painted throiiehrtiit. New floor coverings. Ph. 1I4T afternoons or evenings. J232 FOR RENT Several 4 to 6-room furrrrsned house. Unfurnished: 1275 S. I3th St. 4 rras. AIR SO: 31ft S. 18th St. 5 rms, 617.50: 214(1 Bwtst St.. 4 rms. $17 50- 505 S. Mtn hi.. rms. si .au: o3 a. iota oi- Lb rms.. SIB: 635 ThomDson St.. 6 rms. exxrs PWTton. yi Market St.. 6 rms 625: 420 Bush St.. 6 rms., $25; 442 S. 2Jrd St. 5 rms.. $27.50. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. i AVAILABLE Oct. I, lovely furnished heated 3 -room apt., sleeping pwui, fireplace, garage, 359 N. Liberty. Ph 1700. t' oiiDVTqHPn fi-rry-im house. Ramie. gas, furnace, garage, close to Lincoln acnooc ynone xiaoaa. i CTRAU hoatert rooms, close to state house. Phone 111GW. Oarage. J22& Drvtu ttniM nwfv decorated. bhock north of statehouse. trarage, 825 Chemeketa at. rnone mon. POR RENT, houses In all parts of the city $15 to $45; furnished $20 to $76. vnnr hrtiiw buntlna a Dleasure if you m to BechUI-Thomaaon, 3 autoa at yonr aerrure. 341 State St. Room 4. J" THREE room furnished house, gas at electricity. Fnone aouna. a. bm. iw mAnth. reejtonable. 600 3. Church St. Phone liHOM. 1228 2 MODERN tore rooms, heated. 41 at. . ' ROOM house, bath, partly turnlshj d. 1850 K. winter. Inquire 434 .NT1 caDitoi. nv.Trn s-rnnm furnished apt. 007 N. caoltaL .n. turn. mnriwn convenience, mm, out bulldlnf. ner month. Phone 1UP12. J228 raee. 1U Chemeketa St. J228 MODERN 6-room bungalow. Phone 1351. J231 POR RE7TT: office space, lnll,hed or unfurnished. Call 1009 : 40 Bank ol Commerce building. J31 . nv.w , house. 1230 North LlbertVr 1230 aMDn .nH RDTIM In DrlTSta hom Reasonable. Phone 2624J. J230 FOR RENT HAZEL apartments, one or two looms, well furnished. XJfil Havel Ave. Phone 1U39YV. )2VJ 4-HOOM duplex. Phone 1008. J330 HENDERSON furnished apts. 1006. Phone J248 HALIK'S modern apartments, fur nished or unfurnlahed. 401 front St. Phone 3 or 1&68K. J 8-ROOM Houaa for renL bath. trnrairt Opposite Junior high school, $18 per wuiun. mum ao. 34o4' WELL furnished apartment. $32; ga rage available. 4,73 North Capl tol. J346 2-ROOM furnished house. 435 Dlvt- alon. J230 NICE furnished aoartmeiita. 606 Cottage. jaaa APT. 664 South Com'l. Pbooe Emma wurpny urowa. aiiaw. y GOOD PIANO In tuna, for rent; rent applied on purchase If desired. Tall man Plana Store, 38ft and 3V6 South 12th street. J242 APARTMENT, 445 6. Winter. J2-J4 modern house. North Com'l. 735 1333 ROOM and BOARD, near captfol. 860 Chemekcta St. Phone 3667J. J2J1 THREE garages for rant down town wet ion Phone t&34J PATTON apartments, down town dis trict. Nicely furnished, private bath, etc. For Inspection call Patton'a Book store. FOR RENT, newly renornted house. $27.50. Close la. 208 North Liberty St. Phono 1834J. 1 PIANOS. Phonographa and sewing machina for rant. H. I. BUfS Furni ture Oo. f LOST AND FOUND LOST, Shropshire ram from east end State St. Boy Bremmer, 24B3 State St. k229 FOUND. Revolver. W. W. Oeorge, Mar lon. Ore. k22 LOST: Fox terrier dog with heavy col lar, between Salem and Jefferson. J. E. Mitt. Aurora, Ore. Rt. 3. k229 LOST: Purse containing $10 and small change, drivers certificate, Oregon Packing Co. ticket. No. 2909. Ptnder return and receive reward. k228 MISCELLANEOUS CLEAN YOUR PURNACH: Our vacuum system eliminates dust and soot. Phone B86. Roaebraugn Co. m251 REAL ESTATE 6-ROOM modern house on new lot in North Salem. Paved street, price $2750. $750 cubh, balance $2000 straight loan. ACRE and new 4-room house at city limits. Price $2750; $50 down, bal. $25 a month. CONCRETE building. 3 Stories, lot 250 feet deep. Price $25,000. Exchange for acreage to $12,000. Prefer north. 12 BUNGALOW courts, located In Portland. Monthly rental 6500; always iuu. nice sas.uoo. exenange xor a- lcm business property. 9-ROOM house in Rose City. Portland, strictly modern to exchange for Salem residence. 6-ROOM modern house In North Sa lem. Paved street, corner lot. Frloe Quouu, jutcnango xor rortiana resi dence, S. M. EARLE. Realtor. . 224 N. High. Phone 2242 n23T - HEAL FARM BUYS 80 A. farm. 30 in cult. New farm bldgs. U a. fruit, lots good timber, springs, stock, tools, machinery, $4500. Take residence for Dart 1 15 A. farm near town, good bottom laud. 20 In. cult., more easily clear ed. Bldgs., lots wood, timber. Snap $oooo. Taxe residence. See our Exchange list PERRINE dc MARSTERS 21 2 Gray Bldg. WE HAVE 40 nice acres 11 slles of Silem. amnll lmorovements. 30 acres tillable, stocked and equipped, xor nnlv S:150Q. A V kk i nice new moaern twai house for only 02100, with $oo down, $20 per month. A VERY good 8-room modern home worth $4500 for small farm. WE HAVE 3 good 5-room modern nouses to rent a. McCILCHHIST & PENNINGTON 209-10 U.S. Bank bldg. Phone 140. ; TIMBER given away. Ten thousand cords 01 Dcaumui itmoer ana ou Mu res of good land 16 miles from Salem nn a crrnvflled countv road. 40 oercent la suitable for piling. All for $2500 cash If taken this week. There never was such a fine buy in me wuiam- John H. Scott, 1180 Court St. Phone BsM. 125 EWES on shares. Chris Ne It ling. Stayton. .iam CONFECTIONERY, lunch and dance hall, near iairgrounas. mis win pay fnr at leaiit half Its cost during fair. 6 ACRES at city limits, 3-rm. house. good piummng, cnicxen nouso aim tinraire. beautiful trees and grounai $4750. Will take suburban home with one acre. DOWNTOWN income prooercy wnere lot will increase In value rapidly. $10,500. WINNIE PETTY JOHN. Realtor 175 8. High St. I nnnn s-r house with ftreDlace. gar age and woodshed $1000. Small down payment, men aio. GOOD 3-r. house, bath and basement. and garage, asuu. cunau oown pay msnf thn SI I Ml. rjnnn n.r hnusA. basement and gar age. SlBOU; sou czsn, iuea Fire Insurant and Loans a Specialty k SqUAKK UKAla RL.U1IH Phone 470 EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGES 50 ACRES. 15 a. fruit. 4 a. strawber ries. Elect? ic water system, 3 acres Soting walnuts; good 6-r. bouse. :irn 24-34. Garage and 2 poultry houses. On good road. Trad Xor dairy farm of about 100 acres. 56 ACRES. 6-r. house. Barn 40x40. Ga rage and poultry house, 30 a. cul tivation. Place was appraised at $7200. Our price only 64750. This Is a bargain, only $1150 down pay a if-RES. Good 6-r. cottase. bam, garage and poultry house. Most all In fruit, walnuts and berries. A Dlendld money making place. cows, chickens. 2 horses, wagon, harness and all tools and machin ery. 7 miles from Salem. Price for all $8000. Terms or would consider some traae. . 256 ACRES. Good 7-rm. house. Barn, electric lights. 100 a. In cultivation, Some good timber, running water, nHniri Pric a 12.000. will take email-place in exchange. Close to Salem. This place is mtlea of Salem, good roaas. mi Act) cn nn 4-r. house, one or. house, Urge barn, garage, poultry house, machine and straw shed, 125 a. plow land. 5 good springs. Fenced fnrH If VOU Want B good stock farm here it la. Trade for smaller place or one or two good houses In Salem. Price only $75 per For Exchanges see SEARS at TUCKER 184 S. Com'l. nn isia. b-qitttv in 65 acre stock ai poultry farm, good buildings, electric fight, gravel road, value $4800. for improved acreage or house in 8m. (Wnff. box 327 Dallas. nn229 mv in fiaim sell or trade. Will consider your trade. What have AUTOMOBILES 26 Dodge Truck 29 Ford Rdstr 29 Ford Coup 3$ Essex Sedan 27 Chee. Coupe 24 Overland Sedan pord sedan witn lupc. ... EIKER AUTO CO. Cor. Lib. Ferry St. .$365 00 , 365 00 . 385 00 , 31500 . 260 00 , 85 00 . 45.00 AUTOMOBILES FRANKLIN 10-O 1934 deml-eedan. let down seat, good: Urea, new paint. Car in good condition, ajoo. win oarnon- jtrmLa. R R Everlv. earn Valle Motor Co. qaa VALLEY MOTOR CO. USau vAHtt 1029 Tudor Sedan 1929 POrdor Sedan ....... 192U Sport Coup 1929 Town Sedan 192B Chevrolet Coupa .... 1925 Master 6 Bute Tour. 1924 Pordor Sedan 1926 Coupe 1037 Star Coupe $423 476 600 350 , 190 90 150 . 176 Terms Trade SEE - VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center At Liberty Bt. Phone 1906. q FINANCIAL LOANS PERSONAL LOANS Made on Live Stock, Automobile, Household good and other securities. Monthly payments can be Deferred. NATIONAL LOAN A FINANCE CO. T.lrnari hv Htate. 410 Bank of Commerce Bldg. I LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE on plain notes, endorsed notes furniture and pianos. All trans actions strictly confidenttaL STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Bldg- and floor. Corner 8 tale and High. Office hours 10 a.m. to 6:30 PJn. Telephone 832. Licensed by State r FARM LOANS 5Va. amaU expense. P. U Wood. 341 Slate St. r" WE HAVE plenty of rnouey to loan on farm and city property- Loa- Interest rates. Hud kins Mortgage ft Investment Co. stiller Store bids Phone 2219 r WE HAVE TUB MONEY To refinance your present noma ox farm loan; also to assist you to buy, build or Improve. Long; terms, tr rates. Pay off any tune. See us first- DELAWU St EUJB 290 N. Church Zt. Phone 2830 r HAWKINS A ROBIRTS. Inc. fOT CltV and farm loans. Rates and costs low est available. Prompt service. 208 Ore gon Building. . PERSONAL LOANS on salaries, furniture cars, endorsed sates, repayable 1-20 months. Borrow nfelv (mm Salem's own and largest finance company, uuicx ana nones. service. Licensea oy slsib. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 2nd floor 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone 1200. Office hours 3:33 to u p. m. BORROW money on your personal orooeity. Pal back, in monthly In stallments. WILLAMETTE LOAN UUBAarAHX Lieemed by Stat 605 Bank of Commerce Bldg. r MONEY to loan on real estate. Priv ate money. lowest rates. T. K. Ford. First National uanx. r- LOANS 6 on WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS Andeisoo k Rupert 100 8, High r FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6',, Wilkinson, O. 8. Bank bldg. F. L. AN INSTALLMENT LOAN Is Eas to Re nay Why not let us explain Its advantages over a Krai But luanr ANDERSON & RUPERT 169 S. High Street Correspondents Equltahle Savings 6c Loan Aas'n LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Reduced Tou keep your automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce your payments. Ad- . dltional money loaned. Strict-' ' - ly confidential.. We hrndl our own paper. EIKER AUTO CO. Corner Liberty and Ferry Rt8 Phon 121 Salem. Ore. 1 BUSINESS TODAY'S OPPERINO Furnish lrja and lease of large house, close In. bringing good income. For sale at a bargain, or will apply on the purchase of 6-room house, preferably nortn. sec Mrs. sins witn LEO N. childs CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. AUTO service partner, man. Help grease and polish cars $B day, share nraflts. Small inv. Box 144 Journal. DIRECTORY LLOYD E RAMSDEN. bike and bicycles, 387 Court street. BATTERY SUPPLIES R D BARTON. National Batteries. starter and generator work. Ferry and High streets. dflKOPKACTOKS Dn. O. I.. SCOTT, ehlronractor. 256 High street. Phones 87 61 2104J. O DR. H. B. 8COFIKLD. X-ray. Phone 21 94. 4i First Nail nana mag. CABINET WOKK JACOB WBIZEL, Cabinet work and refinisning. Furniture repairing, m 1591. 239 Court et, Salem. o' CIS TRACT IMS J. A. KAPPHAHN, General team and power shovel contractor, excavating and grading, uruce phone iw, Kee. 124F11. o E.M.ttAVINU SALEM ENGRAVING CO, Cuts of all purposes. Tel. 943. IW u. uommerciaj street. KLECTltlCAL M ITI.ILS HALIK ELECTRIC (JO 461 N. Front St. Electric contracting and repairing. Appliances and Fixtures. Phone 2. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO- Electric lighting fixtures and electric ranges pnone sou. 41 court street. CUT flowers and floral nieces. DellV' ery. C F. Bretthaupt. florist, 612 SUte street roone usu. LEE GARBAGE CO. Prompt service. Phone 1561. o235 MKRCII.INT TAILOR M. A. ESTES. fin tailoring. 125 North L.iDerty street. MATTKK.MHES RLNOVATtll MATTRESSES renovated. We renovate all kinds of mattresses, called for ana delivered. Best of work guaranteed. Capital Bedding Co., Portland road. rnone iv. INSl KAM K CHAS. BPURL1N Real Estate and Insurance, 17ft South Hign st. pnone 634. Pl.t MI1ISU PLUMBING and aeneral reoalr work Phone 650. Graber Bros. 154 South li oerty atreew THEO. U. BARIt. Plumblni. bestlnt.' sneet metai woru, 1H a. uoromerciar street riA.NO TI N Kit OEO. C. WILL, plancat. phonographs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Kepaiiing phonographs and sewing machines. 432 6tat St. Salem. Oregon. (-TI)Vl USD STOVE IKPAIKIM) STOVES FOB SALE REBUILT and repaired br expert. All kinds of wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop basket snd books, logsn hooks. Salem Pence and Store Works, 263 Chcmeket. St. B. B. Fleming. o HCAVAXntK CITS OARBAQE CO. Prompt service Phone 2110 SALEM SCAVANUER Phone 17. SOOS GARBAGE CO. reliable strain Phones, office 3175; Res. (MJ, o DIRECTORY SALaUd OA Hll AGE CO. fag prompt and continuous service. Charles Sooa and Carl Sooa. Phone 3126 or 698J. TsVtNHPKK AMI STOHAGB CUMMINS A HORT3CU. local and long distance hauling. Phont MOI: Res. mP2 or 1267R. . WATKIa, COMPANY OREGON -WASHINGTON Water Serv ice company. Oil ices corner com mercial and Trade streeu. Bills pay able monthly. Phones 34. WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIB1NO or money back. The J ewer Boa. 178 M. Uberty. Salem. LElsALS NOTICE TO CKEU1TOHS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE; STATU Or OKEOUS, rUH i nx, COUNTV OP WAHION. In the Matter of the Estate of kva t.oiitsk rrckleY. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of admintatratrlxahlp upon the estate of Eva Louise Beckley, late of Mar ton County, Oregon, deceased, have been Issued to me out of and under the seal of the Counts Court of said County. All persona having claims against said estate are requited to present them, with proper vouchers, to me at my residence at R. P. D. No. A RntniYL Orunn or ta James W. Mott, attorney for aald estate at his oxiice as no. 1 im w irst prihwu oaui. Building. Salem. Oregon, within six mouths rrorn tne oate 01 tnia notice. KVA U. RECK LEY. Administratrix of the estate of Evn James w. Mott, Attorney for ad inlniatratrix. Sept. 10. 17. 24: Oct. 1. B NOTICE OF BONO SALE 8ealed bids will be received by the nndersianed until the hour ot 1:30 o'clock p.m., on Monday, October 8, 1990, and Immediately tnereaiter op ened by the Common Council ot the City of Salem, Oregon, at the city hall In said city, for bonds of the City in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars, described as follows: City of Salem Water System Bonds In the amount of Ten Thous and ($10,000) Dollars, In denomina tions of One Thousand ($1000) Dol lars each, numbered one (1) to ten (10. Inclusive, to be dated October 1, 1930, and to mature October 1. 1950. said bonds to bear interest at the rate of four and one-nau U'.ai percent per annum, payable semi annually at the office of the city treasurer in Salem, Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for two per cent (2) of the par value of the Donas made payable to the city as a guar antee of good iaitn. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Winlrce, McCulloch fc Shuler will be furnished the success ful bidder. The right Is reserved by the com mon Council to accept any or to reject all bids in the Interest of the City. MARK POULSEN, City Recorder, Salem, Oregon. 229 THOUSANDS FLOCK TO FAIRGROUNDS (Continued from paw 1) of Portland In front of the main entrance attracted hundreds of peo ule during the morning hours' with a troupe or performing anurmo me center ot interest. Advancement of the events Lone Oak track a half hour earlier Thursday la announced by Herb Southerland, program director who has arranged an additional race. The leature of the afternoon will be the parade of purebred livestock in front of the granatana rjegin ning at 3 o'clock. The program opens with a concert by the Asiiley cook band at 1 o'clock with. th. first race, a 2:12 trot, starting at 1:30 o'clock Instead ot 3 o'clock. Tuesday waa officially known as State Orange and Ladles' Day with a short Drogram at the pavllllon tn charge of too. Mary Flint Mccau, of Brush College, state lecturer for the grange Rain Tuesday- afternoon dlscour- aged many from attending the grounds as they had planned and the day saw enry 6750 on the grounds with 4860 paid admissions reported by J. E. McCUntock, of Roseburg, cashier. Total receipts for the day were $2892.75 as com pared with $4589.75 In 1929, a com parative loss ot $1677. Itemized receipts were season tickets, $62.50 atralnst $142.50 last year: single ta- missions, $2171 against $3063; grand stand, $485.75 arainst $846.75 and night horse show, $193.75 against $517.50. The drum and bugle corps of Capital Post No. 9, first place win ners and state champions at the annual American Legion convention at Baker last month, had not made any arrangements to appear during the fair up to noon Wednesday. Should they make an appearance in uniform, it is generally understood that they would be admitted free of charge. Because of the small crowds the fairgrounds police have not been kept busy with finding or restoring lost youngsters, the main Item of interest along this line being a goat that was found on the. grounds and turned over to Chief ot Police W. A. (8mlllng Bill) Tyler, of Port land. He admitted that he had someone's goat at first and before getting rid ot the beast decided that hig "goat was being had". Thursday Is officially Portland. O. A. R, Willamette Valley Day and livestock review day and Is expected to attract a large crowd. BIRDS DEMAND WORMS Superior, Wis. (LP) One resident here kept his lawn sprinkler going day and nhjht for weeks. Every morning scores ot robing and other birds congregated to breakfast off the worms that came to the surface. One day he turned the water off. The next morning he was awakened by the birds demanding that he turn the water on again. Helena, Mont. (IP The slate-fed eral crop reporting se-vice In Its monthly survey of agricultural con ditions said this year's sugar beet crop would be the best in several seasons. Sugar beets, the report said, probably will prove the best crop In Montana this year. LEADS 1930 CALIFORNIA ENTRY " - 'rr-rmanmiiiaisa Carl Handy, husky guard, captain, CatHanita'. 1t30 omdin aVun. GREAT BRITAIN SPUR NATIONAL POULTRY TRADE London (IP) The estimated value of the 1930 poultry industry of Great Britain Is 28,000.000 poundsor $136,080,000. To Increase this Indus try the Britis ministry of agriculture is spending $558,900 hi educational research enterprtzes. Sex linkage, inbreeding, diseases. management and feeding are the subjects treated by research stations. One of the most Important devel opments under the plan to Increase the total poultry output, is trie plan of the country era laying trials. In 1920 there was but one trial. Tina year there have been 2fL Another phase of the work done hy the ministry to promote better flocks is a drive to destroy rat and various rodents that Infest England. Wales, Northern Ireland and Scot land. Specimens of rat trapf, pois ons and other means of destruction together with particulars of a pol son bait recommended by the mlnbt try for use on poultry farms, because it is comparatively harmless to fowls and other domestic animals, are now exhibited throughout Great Britain, Models of poultry farms on rat- infested, the other rat-proof also are displayed at agricultural centers. In England and wales five insti tutes are at work studying various phases of poultry culture. In Scot-, land the Rowett institute near Aber-, deen, and roval veterinary colleges in the east, north and south of Scotland all are giving Instruction on poultry farming; i The ministry of agriculture main tains a research station at Hillsbor ough and its laboratories at 6tor mont to assist in Industry in north ern Ireland. It la- from northern Ireland that a great number of eggs are shipped to England. By modern trtuuportation the eggs laid In nor thern Ireland are on the breakfast tables of London 24 hours after the poultry farmer collects them. MYSTERIOUS HOLE Akron. Ohio (ifV-There Is a bit; hole in the back yard of Mrs. J. B. ttaocoex's nome here. It wasnt there when she went to bed the other night Hie next morning she found It a foot in diameter, seemingly without bottom. iu NEBRASKAN PILOTS ARKANSAS m kt.-x Capt. MILAN U. of Milan Crelghtsn, Itapound captain .1 th. 1230 University el CARL HANDY J w. jeeeebite. rscsa raoc. COOKING FROM -VACUUM TUBE IS SUCCESSFUL HT..hlnlnn fi 01 Hoi tnvncHtTA. tions Into (losslbUitles of the shart- ...... .a, .(annum tlhA fftW hope of producing radio waves wmcil ,'m qq Wg lanmy cuusuis, provide wireless illumination, for homes, reduce pain and cure dis ease, according to Dr. Willis R. Whitney, director of the General Electric research laboratories. elmnllflwt miM.hDi.fu.. anff . M AtLtn In th. .n.t ml nrnHtiinn? large Tolumea of radio energy are prooiema now racing aoiubioa. v. au of the new power Immediately will open up lines oi aavanoe m uww try and therapeutics hitherto closed to science. Dr. Whitney stated. In experimenting- with the tube, it was found that by placing u wire over table at a distance of a few feet from a radiating aerial, which was a copper bar about 10 feet long, a sausage In a glass container sus pended from, the bar was soon cooked thoroughly. Tha tube from which this power was produced was two teet long and five Inches In diameter. Different applications of tola tube have been under Investigation. For generations- neat naa oevn bjju.u te btt useful la alleviating pain and . itkauM Ruvnl'.V medical research has indicated that fever temperatures la the hitman body are destructive to- certain disease germs. The new vacuum tube produces thai heat, causing blood temperatures w jkw w dearees Fahrenheit In, 1& minutes Dr. Whitney stated that aa yt the hign-power snors-wav. luura are being usee for experimental . mr-ri 4W. tslr BOW before the Investigators Is to bring them into practical usesuMieas . a reasonable cost and discover their nosslbultles for service to the world. EAKLY PREPARATIONS Lamar. Colo. (tPI Someone In Prowers county made early prepara tions for Thanksgiving. Eighty-two turkeys were stolen from flocks of two rancher, living near Lamar. -a,,i5?' CREIGHTON Arkansas Jaeacfercd Prvaff rser. tatkle tram Gothenburg, Nek, le Arkanasa football team. HvtU. 1 BIRTHS, DEATHS MARRIAGES MATHS Cook At the nn Rruifta A. Monday night, Samuel Cook. TL Sur vived by eon. E&rt J, ot Balem, aod two late re, Un. Herman Clayton et Micsreau. man Mia. scarr waeUtturn, Belli ni Li am. Vlaaii VutMnl avtaa. Thursday at 1:30 o'clock from tha w. T. Rigdon and Son mortuary. Rev. SmiiUWktw niiirimrinj JUlCanBeU CUVta view cemetery. Shortrlttoe At Klamath Ha ftenfc 20. Jewie A. Shortrldge, 4Sv Survive DV Widower. Carl 9. &h net rid era at Ha. lem: parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Rhodea. Salm altF. Mr. fHnk n Bllvh. Salem; brother, p. A. Rhoeea, cuuem. eunerai servLcee Thursday a 3 o'clock from the W. T. Rigdon and Son mortuary, Rer. Oeorge Swift of- ii mating, aasiscer oy vnactwicit enao ter, O. . S. lirroent ciurvlew cem etery. Mathews In. tnia eitv Sen. 9Sk, Lewis Mathews ol North Em ad, 7V. Ru&band of Mona, resident of the Old; People's heme. Salem; father ot Clyde' Merrltt of San metro Calif.; brother of Hiram and. George Malhewa. Ba; Francisco. Announcement or runerat later by W. T. Rtgdao and Soav , Vtzel At tha residence, tea tfnrth. Liberty, Sept. 24. Elizabeth BTtzel, 69, Survived) by widower. Michael; six eons. John, Ignatius, Ralph, Charles.' Andrew and Hillary, all of Salem: five daughters, Mrs. C. Welgte of Kansae . and Mrs. Leo Karl in, Mrs. B. Houston,, olwj, iuu Aiantotrui, mu oi BsUlin. two slaters. Mrs. Bail Wesalaaer and Mrs. Oeorge Stetler, Kansaar and two brothers, Andrew and Peter Schoen feldt, Chicago, lit: AiinouneeiiietUa of' funeral later bf Salem Mortuary Co. BIBXUS Harpst To Mr. and Mrs. Chester William Harpst. LaComb, at a local hospital, a daughter. Marietta Jean, Sept. 20. . , M.tMLtSS. LICEXSCS ' ' Andt Krlanlk. 31. Oretrou. city antt Bos. Wtncaual. 21. stolajla. Nek Tarresdal and Prance. GsnOke. Both leeal, bntth BUvertoa. J. Wayne Jones. 21. and Edfth Ken dall. 20. both Newbera. Benjamin P. Hall, 77, Woodbura and NeUle CX Bakor. 03, Albany. CLIJa COMPETITION : . KEAR1TC0MPLETE (Continued from, page 1) and Frank Grieves, City at Port land. 280, fifth. Sewing I Esther Zlnuner. Mult nomsh, first; Mary Rutrt Koon, Lane, ..second;- liUcllle- Ihshnell, , Portland, third; Helen Michael,. Lane, fourth;- Elisabeth Ruther ford, Wasco, fifth; Oerdon Wiley, Deschutes, sixth; Blanch On burn. Lane, seventh'; Helen Deaa Morris, Pout, eighth and) Claire Ox borrow, Hood River, nintki Cookery I Esther Zlmmei, Mutt nomah, first; lone Kanstiom, Clat sop, second; Nellie Van Zetteo, Portlaad, third r Msudne nnderoUl, Lincoln, fourth; Jeanette Held, Portland, filth; Vera Franklin, Multnomah, aixtb; Virginia Win ston, Douglas, seventh; Mary Pin kerton, Sherman, eighth and Bet ty GUliland, Uraatlllav ninth. Continuation of awards featured the 4-H club projects Tuesday wrih the following prise winnera an nounced for boy and girl leub work, ers: Cookery IT Anna Prang, Polk, first; Audrey Harper, Lane, sec ond; Margherlta Scarpem, city of Portland, thrnt: Waive Flues, City of Portland, fourth; Virginia Faust, Multnomah, xtitn; zena orimes, Lin, sixth; Alice Ihgram, City of Portland, seventh; Bthel Johnston, Clatsop, elghtta, and Marguerite MacPherson. City ot Portland, ntntlr. Canning. Kerr Srjeeau Christiena X Van Zetten, City of Portland, first, and Mudred Osbum, Lane. second. Canning. BaB Special. Dfr. I Melho. Andrews. Lane, first, and ETtzabeth lwtherford, Wasco, sec ond. Canning. BaD Special. Dir. H Melba Andrewa, Lane, first. Bee Culture project Dorothy Mead. Polk, first: Melvtn A. Han sen. Sherman, second; John Mead. Polk, third; Delmer Smith. Jack son, fourth, and James Howard scbeer, Hood River, fifth. Vegetable Gardening Joe Mc Quillan. Polk, first; Carl Benscheldt, Tillamook, second; Elmo Gardner, Washington, third; Peter deBoer, Malheur, fourth; George Bacher, Douglas, fifth; Robert Ragsdale, Polk, sixth; Fred Qosnell. City of ' Portland, seventh: Ida Muller, Washington, eighth; Ewald Bad macher, Ctty ot Portland, ninth. and Wasco Van Dornolln, Washing- ' ton, tenth. Home making I Alice Ingram, Portland, llrst; Ruth Holcomb, Clackamas, second; Beth Jop, Jack son, third: Elizabeth Rutherford, Wasco, lourth, and Mary Rutrt Koon, Lane, fifth. Room Improvement Beth Joy, Jackson, first; Kenneth Dunn, Lane, -second; Alice Ir.gram. Portland, t third; Monroe Davie, Jackson, . fourth, and Etna Davis, Jackson. Illth. , Silk handbacs suspended front . bars ot brilliants are vogue in Paris. 4 Slugging Klein Developes Into Fast Fielder New York, ftl Chuck Klein, yews PhAaaVlpma outfielder whe to aetee prin cipally for his slvfficing abil ity, has alwwn that he la a brilliant fielder as well. Klein has 42 assists ta kie credit, setting a new majer leateme teeord for as) a.1 fielder. The eld mark of 39 was held Jointly by Harry Nile, of Use St Loeui strewn and Michael Mltrhell e Cin cinnati. Kiel, akw has set a new national league record for two base hits aa a check up e the eeftetal tlgeres brought has total for the season to 59, three above the record set by 4 nntbaatj of Philadelphia tn lsB.