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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1930)
TI'KSn Y. SFPTEMRER 23, 1&10 PAGE srx THK CAPITAL JOUKNA!,, SALKM. OiUXiON lit llHro'd (Jray LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIF I7 rsaj M4r4tS FtNreR. f SVAE HN&nT STUCK tlv4X WOVO tCtVOSt ve)i. wovi.x vMxxa COIAvi 0NN V1VTH (aOyUC UP EvERX oh iwt jo6 fvNT Loovcee J SHS tVV-V. VvlORtM OUT I IT MATALIt SVMStn UXCOL OUT TO. (At TVAS OLT CPTtHc tT- mm Chapttr 71 HOUSEHOLD INTRIGUE Pulling away the ahawl which enveloped her head. Thorite recog nized Lucy, the housemaid. "Stop moanlml" he whispered sharply, giving her a shake to em phasize his meanini. Now," as the gurgles coated; "what are : ou do ing prowling about thr home?" "I ain't up to no harm," she pro tested, her voice hoarse from (right. "Just on my way to see eh " "Who?" a ah paused. Getting no answer hit right hand slid to ward hit htp pocket; he hated to threaten a woman but Lucy caught the chill aVnilflcance o! the gesture. "Dont shoot, mister!" she en treated, raising both hands In sup plication, and thereby releasing her hold on an envelope, until then tightly clenched In her right hand. Thome caught the paper as It flut tered to the floor and turned It over. Elsa Chase's name was written In pencil on the sealed envelope. "Where did you get Into?" he de manded, and bis fingers closed on her arm with no gentle grip. "I want the truth, or you go with me to potlee headauarters." Lucy winced. "I'll tell," sot Whined, terrified at the mere sug gestion of arrest. " Twas In Lam bert's room." And he gave It to you?" "No." Her cyea fell and she plucked nervously at her shawl. "Lambert wasn't there when I took the envelope from under bis pillow." "When was that?" "Just now." she admitted. "I heard Lambert creep out of the mom. oh. a long time ago." 'Did you nut out tb light In the halls?" awliuy. "N-n-no." she protested, drawing v In her breath with a tucking noise. "If I hadnt promised I never would nave moved out of bed tonight." "Whom did you promise?" "Her that wanted the note." "Mis Rl Chaser with patient persistence, "Ain't her name on It?" the In quired anxiously. "Didn't I get the rlfht note in the dark?" The envelope It addressed to Miss Chase," he responded. "But why were you carrying it In the opposite direction from the stair case leading to her bedroom?" The Question confused Lucy and for a second she did not reply. - "But I wasn't," she said, tears rolling dTwn her rheelca. "I was taking it to Mrs. Wmslow." "At this hour?" skeptically. ' "It's God's truth." 8he was plead In now, sobs almost choking her .voice. "Mrs, Wlnslow promised a hundred dollars If I found Lambert sneaking about. I taw htm droo this letter after dinner, but ! das sent try and get It till I was sure he'd ion." "And you could not wait until morning to give it to Mrs. Wlns low?" asked Thome curiously. "I was hist going to slip It under her door." explained Lucy, gulping back another sob. "8he'd a seen it the first thing In the morning." "Go to your room," Thome di rected. "Say nothing of what has happened. If you do," again be aprwoached her and she shrank away, "I'll tarn you over to In spector Mitchell." With an articulate sound relief and promise combined. Lucy fled from the room. Thome kept behind her making Qertaln that she re turned to her own quarters. A mo ment later he tried Lambert's door. It opened to the touch and, locating a light switch, he pressed the but ton. Lucy was rtalit, the butler was not there, nor bad the bed Been slept in. A look In the closet showed his hat and overcoat were missing. Thome stroked his chin thought fully; evidently Lambert had been in such haste that he had over looked delivering the letter to Elsa. By such narrow margins, Justice was served. Ten minutes later Thome ap proached his own room and taking a small awl from his tool belt, he sIlD-nrd It intldA th key hole of his door to poke out the block of wood which had been put there to pre vent anyone from spying on htm. The awl shot through the hole to lis full length, meeting no obstacle. Thome withdrew the tool and ap plied his eye to the keyhole there was no light In his room and, by the tame token, there was no wood In the keyhole. He turned the knob and pushed against the door. It was still locked, apparently, for It would not open. Taking out the key, which he carried In the pocket of hit trousers, he Inserted It In the lock and opened the door. It was an Instant or to Dtrore Thome entered hit bedroom, first taking the precaution to slip bis hand around the aoor jamo ana turn on the lights. No one was m slaht. Closing and locking the door, he looked down on the floor. Some distance away lay the woon en plug. Its smooth surface bore unmistakable scratches where tome sharp Instrument bad been Jammed Into It. With revolver cocked and ready. he went Into both closets In the room and then into the bathroom, only to return Immediately, con vinced that no outer numan kwb besides himself wat there. Had the unknown who pushed the wooden Dee out of the keyhole don to simply for a look Into his bedroom to see if he was were, or had the Intruder, provided with a kev. com Inside and gone out, re- locking the door? And was that intruder the remarkable dancer whose shadow he had seen for the second time silhouetted on the drawn curtain of the dormer win dow of the locked room In the at tic? He frowned In bewilderment he reached around and pulled the reading lamp by the tide 01 tne neo closer to him. Then picking up the elvelooe he had taken from Lucy. he examined the words; "Miss Elsa Chase" carefully through his mag nifying glass. Undoubtedly it was Jack Winslow's writing. So that was how he communicated with Elsa through Lambert. For a moment Thome hesitated. then taking up his penxnue ne ran one of the blades under the flap of the heavy, linen-lined envelope and looked Inside. It was empty. The next second the room wat plunged In darkness and Thome, resting on nts muows, prcpurcu iw a long vigil one tnougnt upper. mast In his mtnd. Had Lambert, true to his trust, gtren the eon tents to Elsa, and Intentionally left the sealed euvelope as a decoy, or had Lucy removed the note Next morning, when Arnold Wins- low entered the dining room for breakfast, it was to find his wife oreriared to wait on him. instead ol the servants. She was In a" far from amiable spirit. "Arnold." Her husbana winced at the severe pronouncement of his given nam. "The tervants are de moralized: Lucy 111 in Bed, mmoeri absent." She put the coffee pot and cream pitcher on the dining table at his elbow. "It is best to dis charge Lambert." Winslow's spoon rattled against the tide of his cup as he stirred his coffee. "Discharge Lambert." He repeated the words mechanically. My dear, after all these year ol faithful service! Impossible." Hit wife's thin lips closed In their most obstinate lines. "You must let me be the best Javlite of his worth," she said. "Sometime a servant can remain too long In one place, and," picking her words with care, "I feel Lambert lias out lived his usefulness as a butler." The steaming coffee cooled with the quantity of cream Winslow poured into it. He emptied his cup before replying, sipping It slowly. "Do as you think best." He smiled across at his wife. "Your Judgment It always sound. Send Lambert to me when he returns." Wlnslow puttied aside his plate, the bacon and eggs untasted, and rose. (Continued on Page 12) 41 I.. IN s, liaHalar k fctataaalloa a, Wa)byra4 Is, aaHaa mt IS. KagailfS It, Caaala IS. Hrlatlaa law llaa II. Maaa aralbtart 14, Cnfat It. Oartrahtg la. tarrlril II, t'lrl iwimaa S, Tiikrit lino CuMoily as, tl HNirn l man t1t Imprint ta. Audi I.hiIb ta. llraaly por tra)rl St. a.iatraa It. llrdirrt arrflt 15, Jamlil Ijps II. HC4tr St, Flaril aaatllt Sa, hl aarrrt II. t'nnl Ik llrlal faitaf era ta. liiaari (a. Rtllrb la. Htmwt aa, etarlnBS solution el Yeaterdat'a Puzztt m t o wiTga i nme We aIt h yfwL MsHlAMNlejB fIe efjjaclR ASHsOjL o Si c 'EkMplH yr " iA lBSa b)q tLi en EE i B eI&Bm ao aim Hs aS i u ii.3e tWe ak Be d 41 Attraaale 41. Cardinal aolal 47. Miiaalala la 4,'rMa 41 llnklag jaaw. bar 4. Heart ta. la fayar at tt. Loot attar Down I lamia i. rallM a. Aaaartal a. rUwat t. A aaara at Kaalaat a I'la I. Ily a. Had merry aa . Amairaa by In bar ta Baeblaaa aaa la areclla alrrl balWIagt II. llefura IS, Wralh 17, I'rritarral la brlna fa. French aaapflrt ft, A brattn ef Odin St. llohammadaa nolila ti. l i it am ail ta. airlkaa llahtr ta. tailrra IT, llparatls taiat Sa. Vruna II. Thoaaatfal tt. Hrgacnrrf at tva rartt la tluaal lint SS, Beaaaa ST. Vary warm It. Pnrinrr ralcr 41. I'aradlna 41. Tata oaa't way 43. Orraa 41. Hatlla ' 41. Ilrrar 4;. In taia tkal -v " 'JiL-lL .sM , 25 2I iM.,ZJ -2i f , : w. f 34 TT., 3 3? "iJ-'M "T- rr nana- vyo. ataW. a :! .-3f .w.40 41 42 aaa. tilt 43 44 45 H' 4k 7J.4.J 7?4i 5T & T7i : OJr-- "UrA'c. MOVNa- VMfeXV- I TO TH SvANtx van Mca.gVJbt4 dftf -K tajlwxwt CMS VMt.l U,U VAttt IX Tww&vjfcv-a - . I m i r, . m n REG'LAR FELLERS By One DyTKS 9 -itTzf TOO. ) ( I DIDKl'l af- t-VO WOMDER. 4ji YOU DIOK' WHE.K I tf MY EAR ! T TAILSPIN TOMMY Humping Into An Old Acquaintance! By CI.ENN CHAFF1M and UAL I'UIUtCal nCHEIRTAXI SlDfT- swipeo and piled INTO A LICKStniRS STREET CORNER BY A HIT-AND-RUN DRIVER TOMMY AND SKEETER ESCAPED INJURY BUT WHEM SKPETER RE006' NIZfDTHE DRIVER OF THE 'CRASH r?M AND LEAVE 'EM"CAR AS ONE OF THE CANE CORNERS BANK ROBBERS WHO CAUSED THE BOYS SOrlUCHCEFUPTrlt? RtyER.THE-AVIATORS' TEAtPERATURES WENT INTO A STEEP CUMB.' 559 lgf DUMB DORA The Reception Committee By Paul Flint; Vtau.,ctOCl r VwaVS GOaMaa OH. DORA I FOR THE LUWk. ZM VtVS, t KNOW BESlOtS ITl.U CSWE ME CtaVbCB TO WEAR I L Ji -p, af , XL"t- -TO SOM8 CMAR1TV BAZAACt C I DORA PETE,OORA-OOMT Y ROD ISMT RaTH, MV NEW OAMCIMQ COSTUME- NO, OAQ.IVI f a.S ' M1N1 ) f- rL ' WITH MILTON Mt3AS,BUT I'D Y h u-S BE A SAP" rS 1 BUT MBS KINO POSITlVEUyb tSOlbaS OUT WtTM J i .1 I'.V. TZw J Ai-lj!.' RATHCRGO DANCaNtS . -fl-lC 1 ' A BILLIONAIRE-- ROO Gk. Op CUTS J rao TONia-rr- r-TN 1 ,. - '" :rr EVE " "r'T' BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus 31 ( weuu.suEss HOf 1 1 (well.oalin3- f crs STARrrusr rJ I ( I i- ' ooctorcomeover) 11 ANDUSTENTOTH6SOLP I HAVE A J iLB-ira, I I WAVE DECIDED 3 A-r otr I I 4. ARGUMENTS- THERE'S MO r -L"oA V AUEAOV ft 1 TO GIVE UP J fe""fY AT ONCE! ffieSSS i OUT Or. IT frdi SFUCUE J S M1MIATTURE f . MAS PAaMTED tinWl lawn Strata, ha. Cttat txra JajMa laiaraat- ' - ' i,,,.. 1 l1!1 MUTT AND JEFF Instructions For The Instructor Mott: Yoo H6RC. Araiai r ISetMi tiK x X'M V.HAJ HAPPtWtD THIS TIM; blt fOU aVALK IM OVJR. sixeP AN aVAlM UP IN A JCaVCXtR'S WINTJOU) By Bud Fisfcc Hi wantta TrK A DANCING LC5S0N : VNoPtl lT I C AN S I 50B6; WcajtVHTj 6(MM A WaMi TS I. CAM LT VS ruiUATTA VfxJ rt VAiftS AM I tl At.-I I I at I AAilk I tZ.T ill 15 vaa. nirTDfll - 'w I 1 i a 1 1 t " i " - . n MiiADiSfa'. r?i - a. . . 111 n i . M? I ITIMe; 1 r.B5BMAAu VT,",",'VtfJ I"" ? A6 THAT ? A. UfcSSOf 1 W cvV WC3. rvf 't lmi L AWM;J Sarai rm iw'Www.tx tv j aj-s a I v rwn niwKi rn a -i : . i n -is?ss