TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON Too Often Beauty Is Only Rouge Deep. CapitaljJoumal CLASSIFIED ADYtBTlSlNO BATES: " Rat pet word: One insertion, 3 cent; three insertion ft cent: one week 6 cent; ont mouth So cents; an veer per month, 30 eeuur, minimum per ad 35 cenu Not taken over phon an less advert Her has monthly ac count. Mo allowance fox phone rronv want ads must be In by 10 am. day ol publiactlon. Real Estate and Auto ads by 7 pjo. day prcvlou to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES IIA fid A INS IN HOMES We have several 4. 5 and 6-room new and practically new homes lor sale with easy terms and prices right. See US BDOUl XRTlil oeiore IUU uujr. LEO N. CHILD8 CO., Uoaltor 320 State Btrcet. rnone i izi. SMALL house in Dallas, rents for $18 a month, always has tenant. Owner leaving and will sell tor ttiOO. Bent Investment lfl Oregon. Address bo" 884 rial Inn. OrriQil. 0228 WE HAVE a prospect lor a good 5-r, mnfiorn hnns. Price must bo rluht. and well located. Do you want to sell? See BEAKS & tul-rxu, la a. FOR SALE or trade for light cur. 3 room I.UllflC. Cilia iJifc wn mount hill. Price $1350. Inquire 1S ... 227 FOR SALE FARMS HALF ACRE CLOSE TO PAVEMENT. Just outside city Uinlts, 4 -room house, garage, woodshed and chicken coops, Price SHOO, little down, bal. easy, i.ro N CHILD3 CO.. Realtors 320 Slate Street. Phone 1727. b KINOWOOD TERRACE. Salem's beau ty spot, 3 acres, fine res. or hospital site. One-fttth down, long time on balance. Easy payments. Call E. E. Woods. 710 N. High St.' I)2'i7 PICK YOUR CHOICE Then con:o and look it over: 5 Acres, (air hime and barn, some bearing cherries and fruit. Only 3'i miles of Salem. Reduced price 91350. 5O0 down. 10 ACRES. Extra good land. 5-r. house. . email bai n. 7 acres in bearlr.3 fruit. Nuts and b?rrtes. A good income ranch. Will let household goods and 10(1 miirts of canned fruit ko with place. North of SPlem. only 1 nnlo from Pacific highway, on Howell Prairie. Ttr.s Is a sood buy for 3a50. All in cultivation. 89 ACRES 98500: 3J mis Salem. Coed house, barn, electricity, ga rage, poultry house, family orchard. 5 A. strawberries, 30 a. cultivated land. 4 cows. 3 horses, poultry, crop In barn, and all machinery. Dandy pluce. already to no. Would cx chnnoe for larger place. CO ACRES. 8 acres In 3 ycsr old fil berts: 8 0. In 3 vear old strawberries. Borne timber. Price 03000. This U a B0 ACRES. Modern ranch. Tine home, bath, electricity, fireplace. Large modern Hip Poof barn. poultry house. All good dark sell. Electric water svstem. woven wire fencing. About 12 miles northwest Salem. Tlits plice 1ms to be seen to be ap preciated. Better lock this over be fore you buv. 155 ACRES. Good plcsterei 7-room house, with bath. Fln dairy b-mi. good silo. 3 poultrv houses. 80 a. cultivation. Some timber, running water, out tn the good Mollala dis trict. Would xenon for a place from 40 to B0 acres. Th's niace Is a dand". What have von? For farms See SEA"8 ft TCCKE?. Realtors 104 S. Coral. St. b FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE cheap, one double tir.it Empire milker in good shape. F. C. Manse. V.95 Shipping St. Slem. c237 TOMATOES "The firm caunhw va rieties." at the Brown Tent on Rivsr filde drive. Brlug boxes. c232 25 ACRES good ensilage corn, 3 miles S. E. Turner. E, J. Beckicy, Bt. 1. Turner. c227 FOR - SALE Alrdale Uplander the kind used for deer huntln; Market. - b;t?ed. C333 GREAT DAME for sale. Good dog. Phone 3547J alter a p.m. FOR SALE some high school Phone 14B4W. BOY'S OVERCOAT Size 12. 384W. GOO',5 used 3 h p. battery FalrL'j.nk Morse engine. 1397 S. equlpt 12th. c227 GREAT DANE. 4 months old. Price reasonable. 645 Howard St. c230 FINE toned Smith & Barnes piano for sale cheap. Address box 834 Dlla' Oregon. c-3 LADY S ?.!n:er coat, fur trimmed. cheap. Phone 3C67J. c338 KRAUT cabbage lc lb. at place. T.'A Clark. West Stay ton. c323 i trnTTRM fnvr. hparr anrlnrer or Will trade for beef cows. Rt. 9, box e Port land road. 223 CRAPES. Concords. Mrs. W. H. Sharp Rt. 3. box 308 Salem. Ph. 78F4. c228 WE CAN.aive you money on doors, windows and paint. Let us Ilgure on your cupboard work. Lowest prices on all kinds o! building specialties. Building Supply Co., 170 N. Front St. Phone 487. c229 ALL KINDS lumber, windows, doors, rubberized roofing. 435 Division-. c229 INSURE in Farmer Mutual. Rates 35c. Fire, automobile. Wra. A. Pcrsev. aKcnt. Phone 912M. c248 PEARS for sale. Choice Cornice. Bftc and Fall Butter pears. 50c bushel Wallace orchards, Rt. 1. box 110. c231 BOSCH radios at Miller'. Call 2397 lor demonstration. c244 KIPK Grnvenstein apples 50c psr box and up. Bring boxes. Fresh app'.e elder dally. Puritan Cider Works, West Sa- leiv r33B NURSERY STOCK BTR AW BERRY plants, Marshall. Tri p!e X. lor fall planting, extra good. , H per thousand. Victor Saxton, Au rora. Ore. P.t. 2. d223 FOR SALELIVESTOCK HORSE, also 8 ft. disc drill, B. Wal lace. Rt. 1. box 1C0. e229 FOR SALE one 8-year old Jersey, easy milker, gives 5 gallon day, also 3 year old heifer. William Vogt, Atrlte. Oregon. e228 TWO fine large, fresh Holateln cows, heavy milkers. C. T. White, Turner. C22B BOR&ES for sale. Just off work. 1300 to 1000 pounds. Plows and scrapers, 1040 Ford street on Turner road. e331 TEAM 3 miles southwest of Mt. Angel. Carl Rentz. e328 9 FRESH cowm, 3 heavy springers. Guernsey. Jersey, with second calf. East side Park and D Bta. C. C. Wtt sel. e337 UK. FRED W. LANOB. Veterinarian Office 579 B Commercial PbOM 11W Kesidence phone 1606 DAISY cows (or sale or trade. 1-3 down, balance one year. Red barn. K- Commercial and Columbia Nelson jB-oo Phfne 705- IRS W Htgh St e FOR SALE WOOD WANTED, wood to put In or spilt. Steed work. Phone 430. J. 8. Palrchllea. ee249 4-FOOT fir wood $2 50: I-inch 3: 4-foot oak MM Wood is 6 miles NW. of Dallas, not delivered. R. X, Waltnce. .Dallas. gc227 WOOD of mil kindi. Phone 37S3J.ee339 WOOD 8AW1NO. PbOM 1819. e347 FOR SALE WOOD NICE fir and oak wood. Ed Stortr. Phone 3939J. e241 SECON D growth. Phone 21F1S. e332 pnn wnnn KAWINa call Zander. Phone 34U5M. ee39 WOOD SAWINO. PHONE 1635ft. ee340 WOOD, L. C. Kelly. Phone 1573J. ee'i3B WOOD SAWINO. SPROED BROS PHONE 1131. ee331 ALL KINDS Of D&X WOOD, 7'JFJ. M. D. Mayfteld. eX8 3HKO DRY WOOD A COAL. SALEM FUEL CO Phone is 1 rane ct e- OUDEH your wood now. Seat 16-lnch inside slab wood mixed at Cobbs Ac Mitchell Co.. 5 60 per cord tram oar Phnne Blfl 349 S 11th 8t ee FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED market poultry, any kind, any time, any quantity. Phone 133P2, HELP WANTED WE HAVE an O DC 111 III! for a VOUIlK nun who Is willing to work. Must be neat, have sales ability and ambi tious to advance In our organization. The right man can establish himself in a position of permanency which wilt Increase In value as his ability warrants. Eoff Electric, Inc., 347 Court St. gaau WANTED girl to help with housework and care for children, lii5 Fir St. g33T WANTED rlri lor ncneral housework Must be experienced. 60 E St. g227 . Ladies! Make 5 to 15 daily SELLING XMA8 CARDS For Northwest Mfr. over 100 designs extremely different; GREAT BOX PLE KIT FREE: WE DELIVER. SID NEY B. COHEN CO., INC.. 1957 Eighth Ave.. West. Seattle, wash. WANTED middle aued lady for house work in small family. Call at 070 North Summer St. g228 WANTED, prune pickers, families pre ferred. 904J. F. A. Legge. g227 AGENTS WANTED MEN FALL IS HERE! HELL XMAS CARDS See Sidney Cohen Co. &d under "Help Wanted." ggz-'y SITUATIONS WANTED KVPSrilFNCED fjrm manaser. dairy man, herdsman and showman wants DOdttiou v.'tta a Rood rename farmer, fat. G. Allison. Woodburn, Ore. h2U8 EXPERIENCED stenographer dcslre3 pun or lull time v,oxc box l-ia cap ital Journal. h228 YOUNG woman, well educated, desires work. Pleasant manner, good tele phon? vole?. References. Box 143, Cap ital Journal. h228 EXPERT chimney sweep and furnace man. six years in saiem. worx satis factory or money refunded. Call R. E Northness. Phone 110. c230 Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED, email larm. good soli, well drulned, good water, orchard, electric ity. State price, improvements. In' come. Url R. Pfeiffer, Lewiston, Mon tana. 122E WANTED, 5600 private loan. 1st mort gage security, box iio uapiioi jour nai. uu TO MY PATRONS: B. Krlgbdum has moved from Capitol Super Service Station, corner Center and Front to J. B. Krlgbaum Station, 805 Capitol street at Market. Phone 1247, Sslcm, Ore. Your patronage Is solicited. All old accounts please pay at this sta tion. 12 J2 HAVE your pianos tunua and re n.ilrud by Alfred Burman at Geo. C. Will's. 1230 CHILDREN cared for by dny or hour at my home during iiur v. ecu, uoou referenc-a. Phone 431J. 1227 DOOS bourded in a real dog hotel. E B Flake's Petland Farm. Pacific high way. north. - t1 WANTISD. Improved acreags for In come property. Close In. Good used mcycie. ii .as on stucco wont, injt o. 12th. 1227 WANTED to buy. 25 or 30 young ewes. L M. Purvtne. 553 S. 12 Lh. Salem. Ore. Phono 2311J. s227 FOR RENT ROOMS COMFORTABLE. CLEAN, WELL FURNISHED. GOOD BEDS. With or without board and with or without guiugo space. Good meals, walking distance, Just one block north Stato Capitol building. No. 1130 Che meketa St., first dggr east of Royal Court Apts., rates very reasonable. jive us a inn. ruone um. xne Aiex andrta. J333 ' ATTRACTIVE room In modern home, close in. Garage if desired, cooking privileges. Phone 1404M. J232 7 ROOMS, bath and garage, walking distance, newly papered and painted throughout. New floor coverings. Ph. 1147 afternoons or evenings. J232 FOR RENT Several 4 to 6-room furnished houses U-afurnlshed: 1275 S. 12th St. 4 rms. 11650: 318 a 18th St. 5 rms. 17.50; 2140 Berry St.. 4 rms. 17.50; 605 S. 18th.SC. 4 rms. 617.50: G45 S. 18th St., 6 rms.. 818: 035 Thompson 8t.. 6 rma $20; 2005 Market St.. 5 mis. 25; 420 liusn St.. e rms., 920; 4 9. ujra st. & rms., $27.50. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtor 320 State Street. Phone 1727 J AVAILABLE Oct. 1. lovely furnished heated 3-room apt., sleeping porch. Tirepiace, garage, son n. j-iDeny. rn i7oo. r FURNISHED 6-rcom house. Ran:;e. gas. furnace, garage, close to Lincoln school. Phone 1186M. J220 ATTRACTI VE 3 -room house, clean, npAtlv furnished, bath. &dtase. In quire 1165 Hlne3. J337 STEAM heated rooms, close to state house. Phoue 111CW. Garage. J229 T-RftOM houw. newlv decorated. U block north of ctatehouse, guragt, 025 Chemeketa St. Phone 1116W. J229 FOR RENT, houses In all partu ot the city $lo to $45; Iurni3hed 823 to ova. Ynur houfie huntlnc a Pleasure If you go to Bechtel-Thomason, 3 autos at your service, an hiaie ot. woom s. j- THfEE room furnished house, gas or electricity. Phone jji FOR RENT clean 3-room apartment. Garage. By week or month, reasonable. 006 S. Church Bt. Phone 1870M. J 228 3 MODERN store rooms, heated. 481 Front St. J 3 ROOM house, bath, partly furnish ed. 1850 N. Winter. Inquire 404 N. RENTALS 4 -room house. Basement, furnace, ga- ra.de 420. furnished 4-ronm house. Furnac. fireplace. Only $20. 6-ROOM bouse. Basement, fireplace $25. FURNISHED garage house, only $10. 7-ROOM bouse. Basement, furnace, only (20. For Rentals see 8TEONER 375 State St. J227 HEATED 3-room furnished apt. 607 N. Capitol. J231 FURNISHED country home, modern conveniences, fruit, out buildings, $18 per month. Phone 111F13. J238 5 -ROOM furnished house, furnace, garage. 1811 Chemeketa St. 1238 MODERN 6-room bungalow. Phone jj FOR RENT: office space, furnished or unfurnished. Call 1009: 409 Bank Of commerce bunding. - jzai 5-ROOM furnished house. 1230 North Liberty. J230 BOARD and ROOM at 1334 S. Coml Phone 3572M. J237 FURNISHED apartment, furnace, flre- n nee. ais. Aoaiiionai room avausn e. Phone H75J. J227 FOR RENT RENTALS 3-rm. fully modern house, close In $25 5- 1 ;n. 3 bedrooms, good location ,$20. 6- rm. house south Salem, 420. 5-rm. house south Balem $12. 8-rm. strictly modern, dose to Par- J. P. tTLRICH CO. 335 State Street. Phone 1354. 237 BOARD, ROOM $6 week. Garage free. 1445 Oak. 1227 FOR RENT 3 sleeping rooms, double beds, furnace beat, modem borne, 340 North Church. J337 0-ROOM house and garage, tee me at 19&U Mantes alter e p.m. BOARD and ROOM In private home. Reasonable. Phone 3624J. 1330 HAZEL apartments, one or two looms, well furmabed, 3J61 Hazel Ave. Phone 1U30W. 124tf 4 -ROOM duplex. Phone 1005. 1330 HENDERSON furnished apis. Phone 1003. J24U HALIK'S modern apartments, fur nished or unfurnished, 461 Front St. Phone 3 or 1568R. J- HEATED sleeping room 373 N. Win ter. J 227 HEATED 3-room apt. furnished, 607 N. Cottage. J237 8-ROOM House fan rent. bath, garage. Opposite Junior high, school, $18 per montn. rnone jua- FURN1SIIED S-room house, garage 8s basement. 1310 N. Winter St. J227 FURNISHED tftt. heat, livhts. sarase $25. 1040 Leslie. J237 WELL furnished aoartment. $33: ga rage available. 473 North Capitol. J246 3-ROOM furnished house, 435 Divi sion. J230 NICE furnlslied anartments. 696 N Cottuge. 3229 APT. 604 South Com'l. Phone Emma Murphy Brown. 3173W. 1 GOOD PIAiiO In tune, for rent: rent applied on purchase if desired. Tall- man iano oujre, u una guo oouui 12th street, 1242 3-ROOM apartment. 1248 Chemeketa St. J227 APARTMENT, 445 8. Winter. 3 PRIVATE garages, 359 H. Liberty. Phone 1700. 3 MODER M house, apartments, 735 North Com'l. Ja33 ROOM and BOARD, near capltoL 860 u nemexcta at. rnone 3pojj. jji THREE garages for rent, oown town sect inn rnone PAT TON apartments, down town dis trict. Nicely furnished, private bsth, etc. For Inspection call Patton's Book stores ' FOR RENT, newly renovated house $27.50. Close in. 368 North Liberty St. Phono IS34J. J' PIANOS. Phonographs end sewing machiDa for rent. H L. BUtl Purni- rure Co. y LOST AND FOUND VLLL party who left spotlight In boat Dleas call at 435 Locust Ave. and pay for ad. k237 LOST. Shropshire ram from east end S:ate St. Koy Brcmmer, 3493 State vl FOU LOST: Fox terrier dog with heavy col lar, between Salem and Jefferson. J. E. Mlt J. Aurora, Ore. Rt. 2. 1 k229 LOST: Purse conUlnlne 810 and small change, driver's certificate. Oregon Packing Co. ticket. No. 2600. Finder return nnti receive rewarq. K22i MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Jiomo for 3. dogs by Oregon wumano society, rnone idiu. ut. Moorchouse. m227 CLEAN YOUR FURNACE: Our vacuum system eliminates dust and soot. Phone ftBfl. Rosebrough Co. m251 REAL ESTATE MODERN S ROOM Will trade on a modern apartment no use oi 4 apartments, pay dincrence. NEW CONCRETE BLDO. in business district, value $5000. Trade lor smaii acreage improved. COZY 4-ROOM HOUSE Bath. Corner lot, close to school and cannery, itmu, MODERN 6 ROOM new. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, nicely decorated $2700; $250 cash, bal. monthly. Sco Gelser with 169 S. High. 11237' PRICED TO SELL Most Ideal for Poultry 14 Acres, small 4-r. house, barn and good poultry house, $250 cash down. rrice awou. 20 ACRES 11600 Cozy 4-r. house, barn, poultry bouse. gooo well water. 41 ACRES $3750 Extra rood soil. 20 a. cult., bal. Das ttire. Smalt 4-r. house, large barn, hen house, spring water. a ACRES $1500 Not far out, best of soil, 6-r. bouse, garage, some iruit. If You Are from Missouri we can show you and prove t' that thn above nronertles are der-prlced. Best buys In the v. for the money. Sse BECHTEL-THOMASON 341 State St. Room 4 n REAL FARM BUYS 80 A. farm. 30 In cult. New farm bldrs. f a. fruit, lots good timber, springs, stock, tools, machinery, $4500. Take residence ior pare. 145 A. farm near town, good bottom land. 20 in. cult., more easily clear ed. Bldpa., lots wood, timber. Snap eaou. iaxe residence. See our Exchange list PERRINE & MAR8TER3 212 Pray Bldg. WE HAVE 40 nice acre3 11 miles of Salem, small improvements, 30 acres tillable, stocked and equipped, for only R3500. A VERY nice new modern 4-rcom house Ir only $2100, with IM down, eiin ner month. A VERY good 6-room modern homo worth $400 for small fuim. WE HAVE 3 good 5-i oom modern nouses to rent ot szd. McCILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 309-10 U.S. Bank bldg. Phone 140. n' TIMBER given away. Ten thousand cords of beautiful timber and 80 ac res of good land 16 miles from Salem on a gravelled county road. 40 percent is suitable for piling. All for $2500 cash If taken this week. There never was such a fine buy in tn Willam ette vnllev. John U. Scott, 11C9 Court St. Phone 125 EWE3 on shares. Chris Nettling, Stay ton. P228 CONFECTIONERY, lunch and dance hall, near fairgrounds. This will pay ror ai least nan its cost aunng iair. 6 ACRES at city limits. 3-rm. house, Rood Dliimblne. chicken house and garage, beautiful trees end grounds. mvmj. win tax suDuroan name witn one sere. DOWNTOWN Income proorfy where tot wm increase in vaiue rapidiy. $10,500. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 8. High St. n L UNCH room and confectionery in good location. Stock and equip ment ior sate at suw. O KE acre, 5-rm. house In vVley town, and 33 a. river bottom land for $3000, W1U consider some trane. O NLY M000 for fully eoulpt chicken ranen, over oo cnicxens, 4 a. 01 srrawDerriee contractea at c. Good buildings. K EEP this In mind. We write fire and automobile insurance. We aiso rent nouses. J. F. ULRICH CO 333 State Street. Phone 1354. n337 REAL ESTATE GOOD 6-r. house with fireplace, gar age and woodshed $1000. tknal down payment, then $16. GOOD 3-r. house, bath and basement. and garage, souo. omau oowa pay mpnt thnn ail M OOOD 4-r. house, basement and gar age, $1600; $50 cash, then 430. Fire Insurance and Loans a Specialty Phone 470 EXCHANGE Real Estate OOOD TRADE 30 A. farm, good soil, 3C a. seeded, all cultivated land, bldga. fair, on paved road, close to school, owned by wi dow not able to run farm. Will trade for 4 or 6-room bungalow In Salem. Price $4250. Bechtel-Thomason. 341 State St. Room 4. nn EXCHANGES 50 ACRES. 16 a. fruit. 4 a. strawber ries. Electric water stem. 9 acres young walnuts: good 6-r. house. Barn 24-34. Gar ace and S Boultrv houses. On good road. Trade for rialrv firm .nf about IOO acres. 55 ACRES. 6-r. house. Barn 40x40. Oa- race and ooultry house. 30 a. cut- titration. Place was appraised at $7200. Our price only $4750. This is a bargain, omy auou oown pay- on AfTDRS Good 6-r. errttace. barn. garage and poultry nouse. Most an in fruit, walnuts and berries, A splendid money making place. 4 cows, chickens, 3 horses, wagon, haniKi and all tools and machin ery, 7 miles from Salem. Price for an BHUOU. Terms or wouta consiarr 356 ACRES. Good 7-rm. house. Barn. electric lights. 100 a. in cultivation. Borne aood timber, running water. springs. Price $13,000. Will take a small place in exchange. Close to Salem. This place Is llli miles of Esaicm. gooa roaas. 311 Af!PES: nns 4-r. house. One B-T. house, large barn, garage, poultry bousg. machine and straw shed, 125 a. pTow land. 5 good springs. Fenced and cross fenced. If you want a good stock farm here it is. Trade for smaller place or our or two good houses In Salem. Price only $75 per ForCExchanges see SEARS ii TUCKER lO-t a. LOIU l, m $2500 EQUITY In G5 acre stock and nrv.iltrv farm, nood bundinas. electric lights, gravel road, value $4800. for improved acreage or nouse in wifin. Owner, box 327 Dallas. nn229 wink home in Salem, sell or trade. Will consider your trade. What have you? Add, box 884 Dallas, Ore. nn328 TO TRADE Salem fl-rm. house and 6 lots. Interested In southern California. Call 2393 J after 7:30 evenings. un227 TO TRADE Salem 6 lots and 9-rm, hmiM fnr form. fAll after 7 " eve ning. 2393J. nn22? AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1929 Ford 2-door sedan, perfect condition. See Hunt at Valley Motor Co. Trade and terms. q229 uoAMk'MN in.n 1024 deinl-sedan. let down seat, good tires, new paint. Car in good condition, $300. Will demon strate. R. B. Eyerly, care Valley Motor Co. - Q339 VALLEY MOrOR CO. USED CARS 1029 1929 1028 1929 1923 1925 1924 1926 1927 Tudor Sedan Pordor Sedan Sport Coupe Town Sedan Chevrolet Coupe ..... Master 6 Bulck Tour. Fordor Sedan Coupe -.. Star Coupe Terms Trades $425 475 305 600 350 . 190 00 Center Ac Liberty Sts. Phone 1905. q 26 Dodge Truck $365.00 29 Ford Rdstr aoo.uu 29 Ford Coupe 385.00 28 Essex Sedan 315.00 27 Chev. Coupe 260.00 34 Overland Sedan 85.00 Ford Sedan witn Lut. .... 4500 EIKKR AUTO CO. Tor Lib Ar Ferry St FINANCIAL LOANS ' PERSONAL LOANS Mode on Live Stock, Automobiles, Household goods and other securities. Monthly payments can be Deferred. NATIONAL LOAN & FINANCE CO. Licensed by State. 410 Bank of Commerce Bldg. r LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE on plain notes, endorsed note furniture and pianos. All trans actions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 313 Oregon Bldg., 2nd floor. Corner State and High. Office hours 10 am. to 6:30 D.m Telephone 933. Licensed by State FARM LOANS 6 small expense. P. L. Wood. 341 State St. r WE HAVE olentv of mouey to loao on farm and city property. Low Interest rates. Hnriicins Mot-tease Ac Investment Co. Millers store bldg. Phone 3219. r WE HAVE THE MONEY To retiuance your present home or farm loan; also to assist you to buy. build or Improve. Long terms, )' rates, ray 011 any time, see us urst. DELANO & ELLIS 290 N. Church St. Phone 2830 r HAWKINS & ROBERTS, Inc., for City and farm loans. Kates and costs low est available. Prompt service, 308 Ore go a Building. PERSONAL LOANS on salaries, furniture, cars, endorsed notes, repayable 1-20 months. Borrow safely from Salem's own and largest finance company. Quick and honest niCNERAI. FINANCE CORP. 2nd floor 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 1200. oinee hours b:30 to 0 p. m. r- BORROW money on your personal propei ty. Pay back In monthly In stallments. WIIXAJJETTE LOAN COMPANY Licensed bv Stnta 603 Bank of Commerce Bldg. T MONEY to loan on real estate. Priv ate money, lowest rates. T, K. Ford. First National Bank. 5Vi LOANS ft'ift on WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS nndmmn & Rupert 169 S. Htgh FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6. P. L. wiiKinson. u. o. uanx oiag. AN INSTALLMENT LOAN Is Easv to Renar Why not let us explain Its advantages over a sxraigni loanc ANDERSON St RUPERT 169 8. High Street rnrritvndnti Equitable Savings St Loan Ase'n T LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Contract Refinanced Payments Reduced Tou keep your automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce your payment!. Ad ditional money loaned. Strict ly confidential- We handle our own paper. EIKER AUTO CO. Comer Liberty and Perry At. Phone 121 Bnlem. Ore BUSINESS Opportunities A BUSINESS, past years net Income $163 per month. Sell $700 cash. Phone 2393 J eveniugs after 7:30 for further Information. U227 OLD established confectionery and lunch buslneas for sale or lease. New lv eou ddm .aood business, food loca tion. See owner, 13-' Stat St. Phone 3911. U230- TODAY'S OFPERIMn Furnishings and lease of large house, close In. bringing good income. For sale at a bargain, or wilt apply on the purchase of 6-room bouse, preferably norm, bke Mrs. eiiis witn i srn n fHii iw rn RMttnra 320 Stat Street. Pho:ie l-7. BUSINESS Opportunities AUTO service partner, man. Help gresse and polish cars $8 day, share profit. Small lnv. Box 144 Journal. UZ-'H DIRECTORY LLOYD K. RAM3DEN. blk. ccuKriK ano picyclefc 3B7 uourt .irtet. BATTKRV 81TI-LIK.3 B. D. BARTON. National Butlerl., starter and gcoermtox work. Ferry ana High .treeu. IIIKOrKAtTOKS DR. O. L. SCOTT, chiropractor, 3911 N Hlgft street. Phones S7 tt 1104J. o DR. H. B. SCOF1ELD. Z-ray. Phon. 9194. 414 First Natl Bank Blag. CABINET WOHK JACOB WVZEL, Cabinet work and reflnuhlug. Furnltur. repairing. Ph. lotfi. ijv i;ourt cfc. oaietn. o- t'lSTK.tCTOKS J. A. KAPPHAUN. General team and Dower ahav contractnr. axcavauas and grading. OIXlc. phon, 1398, Bea. ENtiBAVINU SALEM ENGRAVINO CO. Cuts Ot all purposes. Tel. 343. 130 N. Commercial street. l.l.hXTKICAI. Ml I'PLIKS HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 461 N. Front St. Electric contracting and repairing. Appliances ana rimurea. rnone a. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO, Electric lighting fixtures and electric range Phone 930. 471 Court street. CUT flowers and floral pieces. Deliv ery. C. P. Brelthaupt, florist, 613 Stat stroet. Phone 380. lee garbage CO. Promnt service. Phone 1561. 0335 MKIU'llANT TAILOR M. A. ESTE3. flue tailoring. 135 North Liberty street. o MATTKICHHKS ItKNOVATtU MATTRESSES renovated. We renovate all kinds of mattresses, caned ior ana delivered Best of work eusranteed. Capital Bedding Co Portland xoad. rnone rj. IXSl 11ANCE CHAS. 6PURUN Real Estate and Insurance, Vtir South High St. Phone 634. o PLI M1IINU PLUMBING end general repair work. Phone 650. Qraber Bros, 164 South Liberty street. THEO. M. BARR, Plumbing, heating sheet metal works, lei a. commercial street. PIANO Tl Ni:it GEO. C WILL, pianos, phonographs, sewing machines, sheet music and ptano studies. Repairing phonographs una sewing macnine. x state Bt., Salem, Oregon. STOVES AM) SIOVE KlJ'.AlHlNtl STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and reoalrcd bv exDert. All kinds of wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooks, logan hooks. Salem Pence and Stove Work, 363 unemexeta at. k. b. rieming. SCAVANftER CITY GARBAGE CO. Prompt service pnone auyo. SALEM 6CAVANGER. Phone 167. SOOS GARBAGE CO.. reliable service Phones, office 3125: Res. 808J. o 3ALEM GARBAGE CO. for nromnt and continuous service. Charles Boos and carl soos. pnone 3ixa or oohj, TUA.NSKLK A SI) HTOKAOB CUMMINS fc HORTSCH, local and long aisiance n aunng. rnon viuj, Res. 120F3 or 1287R. . WATER COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Witter Serv ice company. OH Ices corner Com mercial and Trade street. Bill pay- ftDie montniy. fnoncs a s. U'ATCII ItLPAIRlNfl GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money back. The Jewel Box. 178 n. jjiocrty, aaiem. LEGALS . NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I have imnounaea one large duck sneep wun thick abort wool, found at large on the streets of the City of Salem on September 17, 1930. Said sheep is now being held at the city barn on East Ferry St. and will be so held for the lengtn or Time proviuea oy law. uwn, er may have same by paying cost. Dated September 18. 1930. w. 8. LOW, Street Commissioner. Salem, Oregon. Sept. 18, 19. 30. 33. 23. NOTICE OF IlKAItlNO OF OIMEC TIONS TO FINAL ACCOt NT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PRED J. 8CHWAB, as the duly ap pointed, qualified and acting execu tor of the last will and testament and estate of JOHN SCHWAB, deceas ed, has duly rendered and presented for settlement and filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon a final account of his administration of said estate, and that Friday, the twenty-fourth day of October, 1B30, at the hour of ten (10) o'clock In the forenoon of said day. at the courtroom of said court in the Marlon County Courthouse In the City or Salem, County of Marion, State of Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time ana ino piacc ior mo neurinu vi ju jections to said final account and the seiuement inereoi. Dated and first published the twen- fv.trilrrl rlnv nf R ft item her 10:t0. vnv.n .T SflHWAB nn Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Estate or John Schwab. Deceased. CARSON it CARSON. Attorneys for Executor. sept 23. au: uct,. i, h. m VflTIPK TO f'Hi:ilITlltS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the CountjP of Marlon duly made, renaerea ana en tered of record In said court on the eighth day of September. 1030. nutriTTT H PARR umlh rinlv aonolntcd as administrator of the estate of CHARLES A. PARR, deoeasea, ana thst said Dwlght S. Parr has duly qualified a such administrator. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to present the same, with nroner vouchers and due verification, to said administrator at 214 United States National Bans: Btiilriln. Salem. Oreeon. within six (6t months from the date of the first publication or this notice. Dated and first published the ninth day of September, 1930. DWIOHT S. PARR, as Administra tor of the Estate ol Charles a. rarr, CARBON St CARSON, Attorney tor administrator. Sept. 0. 16, 33. 30: Oct. 7 NOT If K TO CRKDITOHH Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, Reglna E. Kerber. has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Adam E. Kerber, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, Marlon County, and has been duly qualified. All person having claim against said estate are re quired to present them with the proper vouchers within six months from the date of this notice to said administratrix at the office of E. Plaaeclcl, 409 Bank of Commerce Building. In the city, of Salem In said county. Dated and first published August REOlNA'fe. KERBER, Administratrix of the estate of Adam K. Kerber, Deceased. I. K. PIASECKI, AttArnrv for Ad ml nfitratfic. Aug. 26-Bept. 3--16-33 Needlework Over 200 Years Old on ' Display at Fair Needlework more than 200 years old and quilts that boast of 100, 80 and 50 years ot service are included in the 240 entries and collections of , CHAMPION JOE ROGERS, Jr. a ho was the indlvidnal hleh-scorlnt contestant in the Feur-U livestock judging team competition at the state fair Monday. He Is s member of the Polk countr team and trees near Independence. He scored 835 out of a possible 900 pomLe. CLEARING WAY FOR BAKER PROJECT Ttnlcrr tiPi An nirreement to at tempt to settle dltlcrencea between Elwood Mead, reclamation bureau commissioner end land holders on th Rclr.r irrigation nroiect in Thief valley. -ith a view of clearing way for construction ol tne project was reached ot a meeting of the cham- h.e nf mmm.m. nnH fAWfiT Powder section residents Monday night. Kepresentatlve Koocrs jsuikt pointed out the seriousness of hesi tancy In the project. tvu. riifftiiir.v It was aald. Ilea In the estimated value of certain rights of way the government reiusca 10 pay more than $35,000, a second ap nr.is.1 fiirurp Th land owner wants 146,000. A proposal that ranchers In jjOwer iowaer section ...,vuu or $12,000 difference between the two valuations was endorsed at we meeting. Butler said Mead promised the project would be constructed when difficulties had been iron t a oui. JOINT CONTROL OF LONGVIEW RAICROAD Waslilngton (U?) The Northern Pacllic railroad, Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation com- oanv and the Great Northern rail wav atDlicd iointly to the Interstate commerce commission Tuesday lor authority to acquire ana operate w miles of line on the Longvicw, port land and Northern railway, extend ing from Longvlew Junction through Longvlew to vaaer junction, wasn, Acquisition of the lins would in sure the three roads permanent ac cess to Important industries at Long- view. Crvstal Bay. Lake Minnetonka, Minn., (IP) It takes a persistent fish to get away from Mrs. V. W. Toberman of Minneapolis. While fishing at Crystal Bay last week end Mrs. Toberman had caugnt a number of sunflsh. She was using a tiny hook and worms. Suddenly her bobber went under. Her line broke close to the pole before she could land the fish and he got away. The next mornin? Mrs. To berman was fishing at the same place asain when she saw a bobber Iloating nearby. She rowed to th snot and this time lrnded the fish which slill had her tackle securely hooked in his jaw. KGALS NOTICE OF BONO SALE Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m.. on Monday, October 9, 1930, and Immediately thereafter op ened by the Common Council of the City of Sal?m, Oregon, at the city hall In said city, for bond of the City in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars, described as follows: City of Salem Water System Bonds In the amount of Ten Thou and ($10,000) Dollars, in denomina tions of One Thousand ($1000) Dol lars each, numbered one 1 to ten (10), inclusive, to be dated October 1, 1930, and to mature October 1, 1950, said bonds to bear Interest at the rate of four and one-half (4H percent per annum, payabfe semi annually at the office of the city treasurer in Salem. Oregon. Kach bid must be accompanied by a certified check for two per cent (3) of the par value of the bonds made payable to the city as a guar antee of good faith. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Win free, McCulloch & Bhuler will be furnished the success ful bidder. ' The right Is reserved by the Com mon Council to accept any or to reject all bids in the Interest of the City. MARK POTJL8EN, City Recorder. Salrm, Oregon. 229 - t needlecraf t made in the textile department at the Oregon state lair I this year. Mrs. il. B. Manchester, Portland, superintendent of the de partment, is entnusiastie over tne quality and quantity of the exhibits placed In that division, and states! that they are far superior to tne, 200 entries made bk 1929. One of the most valuable exhibits is a quilt made In Winchester, Vir ginia, In 1729. Almost solid quilting, with quaint Calico prints in sun burst pattern, distinguishes the quilt, every inch of which was sewed by hand. Champoeg chapter Daughters of the American Revo lution, of Newberg, have their hand-made quilt in the division, but not in competition. The collection of quilts is much larger and a number of new adaptations of old designs are shown. Colorful cotton applique quilt Is arranged like a tulip garden ( with a border and corner of tulips. A "ninety and nine" or "Rock of Ages" quilt, made of 19,808 pieces, has been entered by a man from Philadelphia, Pa., and a log cabin" design quilt. made entirely of alpaca, has a re cord ot more than a century .of service. An article valued at $500 dollars Is the bedspread of solid lilet which is shown at the fair. The prettiest display of woven bed spreads ever shown here is a fea ture of the department One spread is hand woven and is more than 100 years old. Another spread is of wool handclipped, carded and spun by the mother of the entrant, and the spread was woven by the fath er of the entrant. The spread Itself is more than 80 years old and has been in constant use. Needlepoint stools and chairs, no one knows how old, aro shown in a. special case. Attracting consi derable attenlloh Is the gored nightgown, made with high neck and long sleeves, every stitch by hand, and known to be made more than 50 years ago. Special atten tion is drawn to the crocheted silk foot stool made by "Grandma Smith of Lebanon, 92 years old and almost totally wihid. Tapestry wall hangings, hooked and clipped wool rugs representing many scenic pictures, prove re freshing after the conventional de signs featured at other fairs. One of the outstanding, tapestries Is that of a lake- and- surrounding trees faithfully pictured In a frame of green felt. Framed pictures of needlework, allowing some exceptionally fine pictures of roses, brought blue ribbons to a woman who had never done any needlework until she was 55 years old. Wool embroidery pic tures and some exceptionally fine work in the large class of samplers and cross-stitch silhouettes are an added feature this year. The only entry of Its kind, and one that is quite valuable, is the screen em broidered with an elaborate grape design. More new cases, which keep the quilt entries protected under glass wero a contribution from the fair board which the department finds most useful. One of these cases contains the "zoo" the collection of toy animal which includes ele phants, bears, poodles made of Iceland wool, and dogs, cats and rabbits made from rabbit skins One cas3 is devoted to a display of new class, needlework by girls from 14 to 18 m age. Mrs. Manchester has as her as sistants in the textile department, Mrs. D. Pengra of Portland Mrs. Curry of 811verton, Mrs. Beulah Hidden of Blalock, and Mrs. Mc Gowen .of Portland. Judges in the department were Mrs. John An nand of Portland, Mrs. Woodruff of Albany and Miss Roberts of Portland. GANGSTERS FACE iippiiinv TDIIIQ Chicago (IP) Edward "Soikc" O- Donnell and "Dago"' Lawrence Man gano, both listed among Chicago's "public enemies," Tuesday faced the ordeal which gangsters have learned to dread. They were scheduled for arraign ment in the court of fc-so John H. Lyle on charges of being vagrants under an old law of 1874. Their at torneya indicated they would ask for Jury trials. It was anticipated that Judge Lyle, following his cus tom since a city-wide war against criminals was launched, would act their bonds at $10,000 each. Mangano, sought by police since Judge Lyle last week ordered that every one of thf city' 29 "public en emies' be brought before him, was arrested at his home. OTJonnetl walked into a police station, declared he was tired of "dodging the cops" and said he was ready to stand trial, Both men were released after fur nishing bond for tlietr appearance Tuesday. The pair, both notorious for sev eral years among tne gangster lead era of Chicago, were the second and third of the 26 men arrested since Judge Lyle's drive was started. Dan- ly Stanton, the first, was tn a police cell when Lyle's orders were issued last week. HAN Jl AS 18 NAKED Montrose, Colo. UP) Summer heat has melted snow high up on the San Juan range until It is practically barren, a condition that many old residents do not recall as having, existed before. BIRTHS, DEATHS; MARRIAGES DEATHS Cook At the residence on Bout 4, Monday night, Samuel Cook. 77. Sur. vived by ton, Bart J., of Salem, and one sister, Mrs. Hannah Clayton of RickreaU. Funeral services Thursday at U0 o'clock from the W. T. Hig don and Son mortuary. Rev. Oallowaf officiating. Interment Cltyvlew cem etery, 8hortrtdge At Klamath Pall Sept. by widower, Carl P. Sbortridga of 8a 5Seil. lem: Mr. Frank D. Bllgh. Salem; brother, F. A. Rhodes, Salem, Funeral service WqLnesday at vMun irun, un w. i. ugaon and. Son mortuary. Brown At tha i-eldttr 09S rvw treet, Sept. IB, David B. Brown. 73. Survived by widow, TUizabeth J, chil dren: Mrs. Ruth E. Swart and Oeorge both of Salem; Bert A.. De Uolnes, Ia.: Thomas I . of Los Angeie; brother of Wallace Brown. Des Molne. la Mrs. Belle B. Thompktns, Mrs. O. W", .uu mis. IJ. xj. annuo, aJi mucin. Funeral service WarinairiH dan 01 at 1 :30 o clock from the w. T. Klgdon and Son mortuary. Interment I. O. Ob F. cemetery. Herr At tha rmMtiM tn iha rt..- tral Howell district Saturday evening.' Sept. 20. Peter-Herr, 76. Survived biL WldOW. LOUlse! two r-rlllHrrn Mr ona Mary Witzel of Salem and Elvm tt. ji tvrutm nowcii arsirjct; mx grandchildren; one brother, Simon ot vices Tuesday at a o'clock from the Mennonlte church. Prat urn. Interment Prat urn cemetery under direction of W. T. Klgdon and Son. niRTns Green To Mr. mrl Un Rnv rinuM Rt. a. a daughter, Cathleen Ann, Aug," Burnett -To Mr. and Mr. Ronald Edwin Burnett, Woodburn, a daugh ter, Carolyn Mnry, August 26. Loury To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B. LourV. 1110 Sural Ave. a. Aauahtmr September fl. wmward To Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Winward. 1SU5 S. Com'l- a son. Gam- aid XJord, Sept. 10. , MARRIAflE LICENSES ' Vernon Van Orsdal, 21, AumsviC. route 1, and Alice Clougu, 10, Turner, route 1. Larrenc K. Andrews, 23. and Thel " ma lUttou. legal, both Salem. Floyd Staigcr. 21. and Astrld Ander son. 20. both Sllverton. Eugene J. Doan. and Millie Thomp son. both legal, and both Salem. O. E. Newell. 22 and Nell Martin. 20. both Molalla. - Glen Mcsorley, 24, Salem and Doro thy B. Perkins. 17. Aumsville. .-, Harry Thomas Kemblc. 42. Salem and Idamae R. Dentus, 34, Albany. TiiccnAv eccc Din SECOND DAY CROWD una jrcAi. r cbuij wtwu uie imw this year Is Loren Luper, formerly of Albany, who has just completed a five-year engagement with the fa mous Arthur Pryor band. Luper Is a slide trombone artist and will be heard In solos during the night horse. show. : , , ... : The day was officially designated as State Grange and Ladies' day. and In commemoration, a special pragram was given during the morn ing in tne agricultural ouueung un der the direction of Mrs. Mary Kint McCall, Salem, route 1, state lectur er. The program opened with the of ficial state grange song, followed with a flute solo by Miss Avis Hicks, Brush College grange; vocal solo,' Mrs. Martha Vinton, accompanied by Mrs. A. B. Wel&ner, North Howell grange; reading, Mrs, P. M, Hill, Fairfield grange; vocal solo, Mrs. A. E. Utley, Polk county; address, Edith Tozler Wether red. Oregon City and a solo, Ruth Palmer, accompanied by Mrs. F. J. Runcorn, Fairfield grange. Wednesday will be the big day of the fair, closely followed by Thursday, designated as Portland day. The main event on Wednes day's program Is the governor's derby, 1 1-16 mile running race with the winner to be crowned by Miss Eleanor Norblad, daughter of Gov ernor and Mrs. A. W. Norblad. The Jockey of the winner will be pre sented a silver cup by Mrs. Ray Hartman, of Salem. Stores of Salem are closing at noon and residents of the district In general will trek fairward. State and county offices also lock their doors. Judging of the minor livestock di visions and In the 4-H dub nro- Jccts, which got under way Mon day, was continued Tuesday which also saw the start of the judging in all cattle and horse divisions. Judg ing In the dairy, poultry and rabbit departments was being wound up Tuesday and should be completed by Wednesday noon. AH flnrnt awards were completed Tuesday noon. Paid admissions to the fair grounds Monday were 2098, of which 1275 paid at the gate; 823 at nint and 107 for the horse show. Every department, with the exception of single admissions, showed an in crease over the corresponding di visions for the same day lost year. Season tickets sold were $352.50 this year against $347.50 in 1929; single admissions dropped from $1097.75 last year to $842.73 this year, while grand stand receipts were $77.50 against $60 lost year. Nearly 4000 persons- were on the grounds, the balance being account ed for by passes. Total paid at tendance for the day was $1,175 as compared with $1574.50 the opening day in 1929, a decrease ot $199.50. Monday was set aside as Com munity day, with Dr. P. O. Riley, of Woodburn, president of the Mar ton county federation of community clubs, In charge, assisted by tlie Greater Clackamas county union and the West Side community clubs of Portland. Mis Ada Johnson, Portland, won the $10 cash prize of fered or the best costume, appear ing as f 1930 flapper. Two of the gubernatorial candi dates spoke briefly from the new pivllllon after efforts to attract a. large crowd to the grand stand had failed. PEACEFUL PLACE Florence, Colo., (IP This city does not know what a crime wave is. Nearly two months passed with out a single arrest Not even a trat flc law violation reported.