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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1930)
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Another Easy Job: Being The Garbage Collector In Scotland. CapitalJiJournal CLASSU'IKD AllVKUTlSLSa BATtHl Rat per word: One insertion. t otuia; three tnsert.ona6 nuu; ont Mk S mdu; on mouth 2b oenu; one year per month, 30 oenu; minimum per Ad 2d cent Hot taken ovtt phone ua tew adfertiser hu monthly ac oouut. Mo allowance tot phona rrora. Went ads must be tn by 10 a n. day of pub) taction. Reel Batata and Auto ada by 7 p-nx deji previous to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSES For aale at sacrifice prices: $3500. New strictly modern 4-room, overstuffed furniture. Snap. $2350. Cozy 5-room, overstuffed fur niture. Snap. ... . $1750. 5-r. bouse, good furrjJture.Ideal location. $950. Nye Beach cottage, 4 rooms, fur- OooTcrms on all of them. SEB BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State St. Room 4 - a HOUSE BUYS $2450 buys 4-room house with base ment, furnace, located in South Sa lem $150 down, will handle this property and 127.60 per month. $2(100 buys 5 -room modem house with huMmont located close to the Les lie school, large lot. east front. 4200 down ana ouiance rerun vu $2800 buys 5 -room moder nhouse with Viaumunt fiirnnsv 3 laraa lots, lo cated In N. Salem. 4300 down and balance 425 per month. $3750 buys new 4-room modern house located on paved street, east front. lilt itniun halnnr tirmi. $3900 will bur s 6-room modern home with nook, located In the Englewood district, full basement, furnace and firanifti double azaraize. east front. A real buy for the money. $300 down balance terms to suit. W. H. ORABENHORST & CO. Realtors 134 o. noerty ot. rnoiic ma u WE HAVE a prospect for ft good 5-r. modern house. Price must be right, and well located. Do you want to sell? See SEARS 4f TUCKER, 184 S. Com'l. at. THIS IS A BUYERS' MARKET Take Advantage of It. 4a n,H ViniiRf with nice irarden. $1600. 3 rooms and bath, lot 50x137, nice oak trees, paved street, cor-; ner lot with street paved and paid, garage. i $3000. Beautifully decorated new, strictly modern home. Lame liv ing room, dining room and bed rooms, attractively papered. Kit chen In latest colors with pretty tile drain board and Inlaid lino leum to match. Hardwood floors throughout, garage, large lot, paved street. SOCOLOFSKY & SON 1st Kattoual Bank bldg. a226 FOR SALE or trade for light car. 3 room house, extra large lot on Fair mount hil Price $1350, Inquire 188 Rural Ave. "227 BARGAIN, 6 large rooms, bath, nook, double garage, full basement. 2 yenrs old. $3050. Inquire 1635 N. 19th. a220 $4850 Reduced from 46300 Fine English type home, east front lot with several large fruit trees, good farden spot, fenced In back yard for he kiddles. 7 nice airy rooms, tile drain board. 2 sets of plumbing. A REAL BARGAIN at 44850. Shown by ftppolntment. SEE Mrs Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Btreet, rnone nt HOUSE for sale. 1440 Broadway. a225 FOR SALE FARMS ACREAGE BUYS $2650 cash will buy Improved 5 acres on main Pacific highway, new house, well, all in orchard, A snap. $8000 buys a fine improved suburban home Just in the edge of the city on paved highway, 7-room strictly modern home, barn, garage, family fruit, and walnuts, an aero and a half of bearing cherries. If you are looking for real value, let us show you this place. $1500 buys 5 acres located In Salem Heights with 150 cords of standing fir timber, balance stump pasture. $4500 buys 43 acres .a good house, basement, fireplace, water system. 8 acres of prunes. 2 acres of filberts. 3 acres of cherries, 8 milesrfrom Sa lem. This place Is an exceptional buy and can be handled lor $1000 $4750 will buy 10 acres located close .. to Sllverton road, good 4-room house, large chicken house. lamuy rrrM rt filbert, some prunes. $500 down will handle this piaoe. If you are looking for a farm or small W.H. ORABENHORST CO. Rwltora 134 B. Ll Deny pi. rnone og. KINOWOOD TERRACE. Salem's beau ty spot. 3 acres, fine res. or hospital site. One-fifth down, long t me on balance. Easy payments. Call E. E. wrru-wii. Tin N Hlffh St. b227 FOR SALE 30 ftcre farm sultsble for garden, bulbs, or dairy; or will trade ior smu nuw v " h226 47 A. Howell Prairie farm, on Pudding river, some beaver dam 45000. 44 A. near Stay ton. good bldgs. and level land. 43500; 4500 cash. 50 A, 1 mile east Woodburn 45000. 40 A. S miles N. E. Salem. 44500. These are all good Improved farms at bargain prices, come in and see them. Valley Land Co., 164 N. Liberty. b225 PICK YOUR CHOICE .Then come and look It over: I Acres, fair house and barn, some bearing cherries and fruit. Only 3'4 miles of Salem. Reduced price 41350. $500 down. 10 ACRES. Extra good land. 5-r. house, small barn. 7 acres In bearing fruit. Nuts and berries. A good Income ranch. Will let housenoia goods ana inn ouarts of canned fruit go with place. North of Salem, only 1 mile irom facmc nignway, on riowe.i Prairie. This is a good buy for 43850, All tn cultivation. 89 ACRES $8500 ; 3',4 mile Salem. Good house, barn, electricity, ga rage, poultry house, family orchard. 6 A. strawberries. 30 a. cultivated land. 4 cows. 3 horses, poultry, crop In barn, and all machinery. Dandy place, already to co. Would ex change for larger place. $0 ACRES. 8 acres In 3 year old fil berts; 8 a. In 2 year old strawberries. Some timber. Price 43000. This is a Bg'acreS. Modern ranch. Fine home, bath, electricity, fireplace. Large modern Hip Roof barn. poultry house. All good dark soil. Electric water system, woven wire fencing. About 12 miles northwest Salem. This place has to be seen to be ap preciated. Better look this over be Fore you buy. 155 ACRES. Good plastered 7-room house, with bath. Fine dairy brn, good silo. 9 poultry houses. 80 a. cultivation Soma timber, running water, nut tn the good Moll i la dis trict. Would exchange for-a place from 40 to 80 acres. This place Is a dandr. What have vou? For farms Bee SEARS TUCKER, Realtors ' 184 8 Coml. St. b FOR SALE Miscellaneous GOOD used $ hp. battery-equlpt Fail bank Morse engine. 1807 S. 12th C227 GREAT DANK, 4 months old. Price reasonable. 545 Howard St. C230 ELECTRIC light fixtures, gas beater. Fruit Jars. 276 W. 14th. c225 RUBBER tired parambulator, Condition. 45. Phone 37B3W. FOR SALE good used rug 0x12; mat- trs. Phone 3683J. C225 F&t SALE ' girl's black winter coat With gray fur. Size 14. Good value at low price. 870 Mill St. , C223 FOR SALE Miscellaneous A TRACTOR attachment for a Ford car. all complete, car and all, for 476 cash, or wood. Also a 10-14 Case trac tor recently repair ea, reaay ior wors. Also 3 horses and some farm tools, and geese for aale or trade. John H. Scott. 1180 Court. Phone 022. c3S5 WB CAN save you money on doors, windows and paint. Let ua figure on your cupboard work. Lowest prices an all kinds of building specialties. Building suDDir uo. 17U n. rroni at. Phone 487, C239 FOR SAJJE: Eight Jiorserower boiler, three Horsepower motor, three -lntfi air compressor; iexG0-ln. air tank; 474 Ferry. Phone 364. C320 ALL KINDS lumber, windows, doors. rubberized roofing. 3Q Division, ca-j insure in Farmers' Mutual. Hates 35c. Fire, automobile, Wm. A. Psrsey, agent. Phone 812M. c248 BEAUTIFUL Inland Alaska Mink cape, good as new at Vi price. Writ box 13B capital journal. . ww PEARS for sale. Choice Cornice, Bosc and Fall Butter pears, 60c bushel. Wallace orcnaros, Kt. l, do no. ci-ii- CABBAOB mc del. Phone 77F5. c226 FINEST canning tomatoes, fresh from fluid Rluht nrlces at stand west end of tiarlon-Polk brldse. c226 TOMATOES 75c a bu. lty miles west from corner or commercial ana Hit ler Sts. on Riverside drive. Bring bx- BOSCH radios at MlUer's. Call 2397 for demonstration. c24 HONEY Slxtv lb, far ft5. Phone 8K5. C226 MUIR & FOSTER canning peaches, Egan Bros- 3F11. c RIPS Gravensteln aDDles 50c Der box and up. Bring boxes. Fresh apple cider dally. Puritan Cider Works, West So lem. C22B FOR SALE LIVESTOCK TWO nice young gentle Jersey cows, fresh soon. 178 North 25th St. e225 HORSES for sale. Just off work, 1200 to 1600 pounds. Plows and scrapers, 1040 Ford street on Turner road. e231 HORSES, carload from Umatilla coun ty. Good, gentle, young farm chunks $25 up. Guarantee or trial. At Jack son's bam, Woodburn, H. Baumer. e226 TEAM 2 miles southwest of Mt. Ansel. Carl Rentz. e8 2 FRESH cows. 2 heavy springers Guernsey. Jersey, with second calf. East aide Park ana u Bis. v. u. wu- zel. e227 OA. FRED W. LANGB, Veterinarian Office 529 8 Commercial Pnous 1198 Rcsklenre phone 1608 DAIRY cows lor sale or trade. 1-3 down, balance one year. Red barn. N. Commercial and Columbia. Nelson Bros. Phone 705: 185 N. High St. e FOR SALE WOOD WANTED, wood to put In or split, need work. Phone 430. J. 8. Falrchilcs. C&249 4-FOOT fir woou 42.50; 16-lnch 43: 4-foot oak 43.50. Wood Is 6 miles NW. of Dallas, not delivered. R. E. Wallace. Dallas. ce227 FOR SALE Maple wood 4 foot length. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. WOOD of all kinds. Phone 3765J. ee229 WOOD SAWING. Phone 1819. ee247 NICE fir and oak wood, Ed Stortz. Phone 2939J. ec247 SECOND growth. Phone 21F13. ee232 1 n.TN nlri fit UK fift rii.11vt.rtt4- Tnln- phone 3F22. ee225 FOR WOOD, SAWING Phone 3405M. call Zander. WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1625R. ee240 WOOD, L. C. Kelly. Phone 1573J. ec23B WOOD SAWING SPROED PHONE 1131. ALL KINDS of DRY WOOD. 72P2 M. D. Mnyfleld. ee228 WOOD SAWINQ. Phone 1819. ce225 SHED DRY WOOD Si COAL. BALEM FUEL. CO Phone IS M Trsrli St ORDER your wood now. Best lG-luch inside slab wood mixed at Cobbs & Mitchell Co., 45 50 per cord Irom car Phrme B13 349 8 13th St ee FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED market poultry, any kind, any time, any quantity. Phone 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. f" HELP WANTED JOBS OPEN TO MEN WHO FOLLOW MY ADVICE We are anxious to send our literature to men of all ages who want to get inio eieccnciiy, raaio or automotive work. Hundreds of men have already sent for this interesting book and as a result are now macing gooa in these professions. There Is absolutely no obligation on your part. The book will be sent by mall and no salesman will call. Just send me your name and address and mention whether It Is electricity, radio or automotve work you are Interested In. J. A. Rosen krants President National Electrical nng Automotive ocnooi, tuuo do. ri?- ueroa ot. uepi, ii-u. liOS Angeies, CaL g225 PRUNE PICKERS drive out South Commercial St. end pavement, turn right quarter mile. Wcekis Dlcking. Lone Maple orchards. g22G PARTY not afraid of work, capable of supervision, locally desiring quick re muneration, can mnKe a proiitabic connection with Mfsr. Address 1683 Folsorn street, San Francisco. g225 WANTED, prune pickers.. families pre ferred. 0O4J. F. A. Lcgge. g227 WANTED girl to help with housework & care for children. 1845 Fir St. g22j WANT ladv cook and H. K. No kids. $20 mo. box 140 Capital Journal. g220 MIDDLE a ted lady for all around kit' chen work, must be neat In appear ance. Apply In person, Black Bird Inn, Rlckrcau, Ore. g225 WANTED about 75 prune pickers. Br liia camDlna cauioment. uooa dick. ing of 75 acre orchard 7c per buahel. Powers ranch, l mile southeast cot tnge Farms, E. G. McCarty. g2'J5 MALE HELP WANTED WE HAVE AN opening for ft young man who la willing to work; must be neat, have sales ability and ambitious to advance in our organization. The right man can establish himself In a position or permanency which will in crease in value as bis ability warrants. Call In person. 10 s.m. to 12 Tuesday, RicRS Radio Service. 020 Court St.. Dallas. Ore. g225 LIFE TIME lobs, rood dbt. about 50 ooo gov. positions open each year for men and women. Ages 18 to SO. Our short intensive course of training fl's you for the one you may choose. Ask for Information. Box 139 care- Journal- WANTED blackberry pickers, good oernes. enacjes ana tents iurmsnea SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERT chimney sweep and furnace man. ail years in Salem. Work satis factory or money refunded. Call R. E. Northness. Phone 110. c236 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, cashier 4c typist wants full or part tuna work. Box 141 Capital Journal. h226 EXPERIENCED girl wants office or stenographic work, BOX 130 Capital Journal. h225 WANTED Jobs as truck driver or clerk Ins. or any good lob. References, Siewart Stephens, $05 North High. Phone 7C5. h225 Miscellaneous WANTED HAVE your pianos tuned and Dalred t Alfred Burman at Geo. Will's. 1230 Miscellaneous WANTA DOGS boarded In a real dog hotel. C B. Flake's Petland Fsrrn, Pacific high way, north. t WANTED, Improved acreage for In come property. Close In. Good used bicycle. Bids on stucco work. 1897 8. 12th. 1227 WANT travelling companion to Okla homa, starting Monday. 985 Broad way. 122S WANTED to buy, 25 or 30 young eves. L. M. Purvine, 653 S. 12th. Salem. Ore. Phone 231 1J. s227 FOR RNT or Bale. 65 acre stock and poultry farm. Good buildings, electric lights, gravel road. Arthur E. Sackett, Dallas. 1228 J. A." 8NEED, WELL DRILLER. 015 N. 16th St.. phone 2464J. 1225 FOR RENT 5-ROOM furnished house, 1230 North Liberty. J230 BOARD and ROOM at 1234 S. Com'l. Phone 2572 M. J 227 FURNISHED apartment, furnace, fire place. $18. Additional room available. Phone 1175J. J227 RENTALS 5-rm. fully modern house, close In 425 5- rm. 3 bedrooms, good location ,420. 6- rm. house. south Salem, 20. 5-rm. house Vuth Salem 412. 8-rm. strictly modern, close to Par. rlsh, 450. J. F. tJLRICH CO. 325 State Streat. Phone 1354. J227 $25 MONTH. For rent, fining station and repair shop. See BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State St. Room 4 ONE, two or three room apartment furnished, partly furnished, or un furnished. Price right. idudd, 485 s. Commercial. J225 3-ROOM furnished house, with saraue. Adults only. 351 N. Cottage. 225 BOARD. ROOM $6 week. Oarage free 1445 Oak. J227 FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms, double beds, furnace heat, modern home, 340 North Church. J227 FOR RENT sleeping room, first floor adjoining bath. References exchanged. Phone 1151W; 645 N. Winter. J235 6-ROOM house and garage, see me at iwdu aaarsec aner o p.m. ji BOARD and ROOM In nrlvata home. Reasonable. Phone 2024 J. J230 UNFURNISHED five room house and garage. 1231 Marlon St. Phone 2442M evenings. J225 FOR RENT: Four room modern house with garage, basement, lurnace, nrc nlace. on naved street. $25 Dcr month, also 12-room modern house, double garage, partially furnished, well lo cated, suitable for apartments, on paved street. 440 per month. Phone i4i or inquire oi owner, aiw uregon Building. Salem. J226 5-ROOM modern furnished house 427. Owner. 705 North High. J226 FOR RENT Lovely Colonial home to particular people. 460 per month. Modern 6-room bungalow In excellent condition near Hollywood district, 440 per monm. 5-room house, corner lot and close In, $35 per month. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. HAZSI, anartments. one or two looms. well furnished, 2261 Hael Ave. Phone 1939W. . J249 LARGE pleasant room 3 blocks from 2 schools. 554 N. Liberty. ' J225 room on 1st floor. Furnace heated. with board, near schools, at 1698 So. liberty. J225 DESIRABLE room In modern house, with every homo privilege to lady em ployed. Phone 2777. J225 4-ROOM duplex. Phone 1005. HENDERSON furnished apts. Phone 1006. J248 RENT 412 mo. House, garden, chicken park. Fine well water, electric lights, garage. Wallace road, close In. Phone 1038W evenings. Or see Moyer at Steusloff Market. J225 FOR RENT, furnished, good, modern 6-room house at 1353 Ecgewater St., West Salem, on highway, $35 per mo. Will sell place on easy terms. Inquire 150 Klngwood Ave., West Salem, or of Nelson at Ladd and Bush bank. J228 GOOD 6-room house. Owner, 1178 N. Commercial. 1226 ROOM and BOARD reasonable, 4"0 N. Summer. J226 HALIK'S modern apartments, fur nished or unfurnished, 401 Front St. Phone 2 or 1568R. , J HEATED sleeping room 372 N. Win ter. J227 HEATED 3-room apt. furnished, 607 N. Cottage. J227 8-ROOM House for rent, bath, garage. Opposite Junior high school, $18 per month. Phone 486. J232 FURNISHED 5-room house, garage & basement. 1310 N. Winter St. J227 FURNISHED apt. beat lights, garage 425. 1040 Leslie. J227 WELL furnished a past men t, $32; ga rage available. 475 North Capitol. 248 30 ROOM furnished rooming house. Phone 2403J! J225 JtOOM U BOARD In beautiful modern home near statehouso and schools. Phone 1838J. J 7-ROOM modern house. N. Maple Ave, $30 per month. Phone 058. 1226' 5-ROOM modern house 420. 1188 Ma rlon St. Phone 1556J after 5. J226 2 -ROOM furnished house, 435 Divi sion. J230 NICE furnished apartments, 696 N. Cottage. J223 HEATED 3-room furnished apartment, 607 N. Capitol. J220 FOR RENT: Apartments 5-room close In, furnished apt., first floor. Uarnife. T. O. Albert, 864 Mill. J22G APT. 664 South Com'l. Phone Emma Murphy Brown. 2173 W.. J; OOOD PIANO In tune, for rent; rent applied on purchase if desired. Tall man Piano Store, 305 and 395 South 12th street. J242 3-ROOM apartment, 1248 Chcmeketn StJ J227 APARTMENT, 445 S. Winter. J234 3 PRIVATE garages, 350 N. Liberty Phone 1700. J MODERN house. North Com'l. apartments, 7?5 233 ROOM and BOARD, near capitol. 800 Chemeketa St. Pfcone 3667J. THREE garages for rent, OO wn town CTion mope -iw i- patton anartments. down town dis trict. Nicely furnished, private bath. etc. For inspection can rations book store. J FOR RENT, newly renovated house. 427 50 Close in. 288 North Liberty St. Phone I834J. T PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing mschioa for rent. H. I Stiff Furni ture Co. I tlfmMi 205 OrenD ! LOST AND FOUND LOST: 1 Jersey heifer, 1 year old. Lib eral reward. Pbone 3011J. J. D. Rav k225 LOST 825 reward for return of my banjo lost between Macleay and Stay ton Saturday nlie. Walt Dozlar, Stsy- ton. Oregon, k220 REAL ESTATE REAL FARM BUYS 80 A. farm. 30 in cult. New farm bldtrs. $ a. fruit, lots good timber, springs, stock, tools, machinery, $4500. Take resiaence ior pan. 145 A. farm near town, good bottom land. 20 In. cult- more easily clear ed. Bldgs., lot wood, timber. Snap $05O0- me resiaence. See our Exchange llftt PERR1NE 4c MARSTERS . 813 Cray Bldg. 0 REAL ESTATE 320 ACRES subirrigated ranch In Kansas, all stocked and equipped. Huildiiiirs very aood. Income this vaar $6500; 54 head of high grade Jersey! uo nuuiciu tame, a? iienu ui uuiaca. 35 head brood sows. 125 tons alfalfa in stack, barn full of hay. Price 425. 000 with a $5000 fed. loan. Exchange for property between Salem and Port land, either business or ranch. H ACHE and new 4-ronm nous at city limits Salem. Price $2750: $50 down, blance $25 a mouth. e. GOOD lot. close to N. Capitol St. Price iwv, no mortgage wouia turn uw first payment on close-in acreage. A NEW concrete building, ground floor stares, ansrtments above, to ex- change for a farm. Prefer north around $20,000. Must sot have much mortgage, u any. 10 ACHES on navement. 4-room house. else, lights, water system, cow, chick ens, equipment, for sale at $2350; $500 down, balance arranged. 224 N. High St. Phone 2242. n228 125 EWES on shares. Chris Neltttng, Btayton. n228 WANTED; MORE LISTINGS OF CITY, FARM AND SUBURBAN PROPERTIES for sale and exchange, X have Just returned horns from my wheat farm in Washington and WILL DEVOTE ALL MY TIME TO THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, AND DE SIRE TO RENEW ANY OF MY OLD LI8TINOS not disposed of ftnd ADD AS MANY NEW LIorlNUa A3 rua- SIBLE and will appreciate any old or new listings at an eariy aate ana WILL EXERCISE MY BEST ENDEA VORS to find, buyers or satisfactory exchanges for any properties listed. SEE WELLS TALLMAN, 411 Oregon BUIiatng. nzzo WOR S'JO PRH MONTH vim mn nwn vour own home. No down payment, just $20 per month ln- ciuaing interest, a reai vw.y o-juui bungalow, has bath, elec. lights, case ment, furnace, newly painted and tinted Inside of nous. Price $2000. All clear, paving paid. Why pay rent? it vou muse rtnt. sea us. we nave houses from $15 to 445; furnished $18 to $7o momn. See BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State St. Ruom 4 I CONFECTIONERY, lunch and dance hall, near fairgrounds. This will pay for at least half Its cost during fair. 6 ACRES at city limits. 3-rm. house, good plumbing, chicken house and Karaite, beautiful trees and grounds, 44750. Will take suburban home with one cere. . DOWNTOWN Income property where lot will Increase In value rapidly. 410,500, WINNIE PLTTAJOIKT. Realtor 175 S. High St. L UNCH room and confectionery in good location. Stock and equip rjent for sale at S1350. O NE acre. 5-rm. house in valley Sown, and 22 a, river bottom land for 43000. Will consider some trade. O NLY 44000 for fully equlpt chicken ranch, over 300 chickens, 4 a. of strawberries contracted ftt 7c. Good buildings. K EEP this in mind. We write fire and automobile Insurance. We also rent houses. J. F. ULRTCH CO. 325 State Street. Phone 1354. n227 WE HAVE 40 nice acres 11 miles of Salem, small Improvements, 30 acres tillable, stocked and equipped, for only 43500. A VERY nice new modern 4-room house for only 42100, with 460 down, 420 per month. A VERY good 6-room modern home worth B4500 for small farm. WE HAVE 3 good 5 -room modern houses to rent at 425. . MfGILCHRIST & PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank bldg. Phone 140. n TIMBER given awfty. Ten thousand cords of beautiful timber and 80 ac res of good land 16 miles from Salem on a gravelled county road, 40 percent is suitable for piling. All for 42500 cash if taken this week. There never was such a fine buy In the Willam ette valley. John H. Scott, 1189 Court St. Phone 622. hm "POSITIVE BARGAIN" 8 acres not far out on good road. In clover sod. no bldgs. Price 41200; cash $200, bal. easy. i.tpo w cHir.ns CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phona 1727. GOOD 3-r. house with fireplace, gar age and woodshed 41000. Small down payment, then 415. GOOD 3-r. house, bath and basement. and garage. auu. omau aowu ment. then 41150. GOOD 6-r. house, basement end gar age. $1800; $50 cash, then 20. Fire Insurance ana Ians a Specialty Phone 470 EXCHANGE Real Estate TO TRADeT Salem 9-rm. house and 6 lots. Interested In southern California. Call 2393J after 7:30 evenings. nn227 TO TRADE Salem 6 lots and 9-rm house for farm. Call after 7:30 eve nings. 2393J. nn227 74 ACRE timber farm S miles west of Carlton. Clear, stocked and equlpt. Value 43000. for house and lot In Sa lem or Portland. M. K. Weir, Carlton. Ore., Route 1. nn225 AUTOMOBILES FRANKLIN 10-C 1924 demi-sedan. let down seat, good tires, new paint. Car in good condition, 4300. Will demon strate. R. B. Eyerly, care Valley Motor Co. q22Q 1029 CHRYSLER "65" coach. Sell or trade reasonable. Salem, Rt. 7, box 193. q22fl FOR SALE late model De Soto 6 se dun. original finish with beautiful dark green upholstery, run 10,000 ml ss. has had exceotiona IV gooa care. Will sell reasonable, good light car accepted in trade. Terms arranged to responsible party. Address box 134 Capital Journal. q!2q VALLEY MOTOR CO. USED CARS 1029 Tudor Sedan 425 1929 Fordor Sedan 475 1928 Sport Coupe 365 1929 Town Sedan C00 1923 Chevrolet Coupe 350 1925 Master 6 Bulck Tour 10 1924 Fordor Sedan 90 1926 Coupe 150 1927 Star Coupe 175 Tarms Trades SEE VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center 4c Liberty Sts. Phone 1995. q' CERTIFIED AND GUARANTEED 2ft Hudson six Standard sedan, original finish lnclde and out extra good, run less than 13. 000 miles. New car service and guarantee $1050 4 B.uaeoaaer ommanoer seaan rrftnljthMl. overhauled, and guaranteed TJ5 Kssez unauenger coupe witn rumble seat. Wire wheels, trunk wind wlnn. Manv (.tri er extras. Price 724 ia Bulck standard 2-door seian, extra good 675 29 Essex Challenge coach, nw rubber, finish good inside and out. new car service and guarantee 67S "26 Hupmobile sedsn, leather up holstered 426 2fl Hudson Custom-built 7-Daea. sedan SOS 26 Chevrolet coupe, lots of ex tras. A-l In every respect .. 235 36 Easel coach 176 BTATB MOTORS. INC. Hudson Essex Studebaker Httih & Chemeketa. Tel. 1000. 26 Dodge Truck 4365 20 Pord Rdstr 365 20 Ford Couds 385 28 Essex Sedan 315 00 27 Chev. Coupe 260 00 24 Overland Sedan 85.00 Ford Sea tin witn Lic 46 00 EIKER AUTO CO. Cor. Lib. At Ferry St. q FINANCIAL LOANS LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE j on plain notes, endorsed notes furniture and pianos. All trans- 1 Actions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 912 Oregon Bldg, 2nd floor. Corner State and High. Office hours 10 am. to 6:30 pjn. Telephone $32. Licensed by Bute r FARM LOANS sm & k. flop., ail em&a.- small vtptDM. WB HAVS plenty of mousy to loan on farm and city property. Low Interest rates. I Hud kins Mortgage ft Investment Co Millers Store bldg. Phono 2219 r WE HAVE THE MONBY To refinance your present home or farm loan; also to assist you to buy, build or Improve. Long terms, low rates. Pay off any time. Be us first. DELANO ft Fl.l.ia 290 N. Church St. Phone 2830 r HAWKINS 4t ROBERTS, Inc., for City and farm loans. Rates and costs low est available. Prompt service. 208 Ore gon Building. . . WHERE TO BORROW MONEY: On automobiles, furniture, livestock, per sonal effects end other good secur ities. National Loan 4c Finance Co., (licensed by state) 410 Bank of Com mercce. Salem, Ore. r PERSONAL LOANS . on salaries, furniture, cars, endorsed notes, repayable 1-20 months. Borrow safely from Salem's own and largest finance company. Quick and honest service. Licensed by state. GENERAL FINANCE CORP." 2nd floor 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 1200. Office hours 8:30 to 6 p. m. f BORROW money on your personal propei ty. Pay back tn monthly In stallments. .. WILLAMETTE LOAN COMPANY Licensed by State 605 Bank of Commerce Bldg. r MONEY to loan on real estate. Priv ate money, lowest rate. T. K. Ford, First National Bans:. 5V LOANS 6W WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS And ei son & Rupert 168 S. High t FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6V F. L. Wilkinson, U. S. Bank bldg. r AN INSTALLMENT LOAN la Easv to Rena Why not let us explain its advantages over a strnigni loanr ANDERSON & RUPERT 109 8. High Street rnrrpinondent Equitable Savings & Loan Ass'n r LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Reduced " You keep your automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce your payments. Ad ditional money loaned. Strict ly confidential.. Wd handle our own paper. EIKER AUTO CO. Corner Liberty and Ferry 8U. Phone 121 Snlem. Ore BUSINESS Opportunities A BUSINESS, past years net Income S163 per month. Sell $700 cash. Phone 2393J evenings after 7:30 for further OLD established confectionery and luncn business ior saie or lease, new ly equipped .good business, good loca tion. See owner. 1326 State St. Phone 2911. u23Q WANTED to lease or buy service sta tion or small store. Phone 1625R. U226 DIRECTORY LLOYD E, RAMSDEN, bike accessories ana bicycles, iai uourc street. hATTKKY SUPPLIES R. D. BARTON, National Batteries, starter and generator work. Ferry and High streets. CII1KOPUACTUKS DR. O. L. SCOTT, chiropractor, 228 N. High street. Phones 87 4s 2104J. o DR. H. B. SCOF1ELD, X-ray. Phone 2194. 414 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. CAIUNLT WORK JACOB WJKZEL. Cabinet work and rcfintshfng. Furniture repairing, Pb- 1591. aau uourt et paiem. o- CltNTKACTDKS J. A. KAPPHAHN, General team and power shovel contractor, excavating and grading. Office pbone 1299, Bee. ENGRAVING SALEM ENGRAVING CO. Cuts of all purposes. Tel. 343. itw a. uommercuu street. ELECTRICAL KLPPL1LS HAL IK ELECTRIC CO- 401 N. Front St. Electric contracting and repairing. Appliances and Fixtures, pnone a. - FLEENE3 ELECTRIC CO. Electric lighting fixtures and electric ranges Phone 980. 471 Court street. CUT flowers and floral pieces. Deliv ery. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 012 state street. Phone 380. LEE GARBAGE CO. Prompt service. Phone 1561. 0236 MKKCHANT TAILOR M. A. ESTES. fine tailoring, 124 North Liberty street. o MATTKKSNKS ItENOVATfcl) MATTRESSES renovated. We renovate all kinds of mattresses, calico ior ana delivered. Best of work guaranteed. Capital Bedding Co., Portland toad. Phone 10. INMl KANfK CHA3. SPUULIN Real Estate and Insurance, 175 South High St. Phone 634. o PLUMBING and general repair work. Phono 650. Graber Bros. 154 South Liberty street THEO. M. BARK, Plumbing, heating nhc?t metal works, 164 a. commercial street. PIANO TI Milt GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phonographs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phonographs una sewing mscnines. j .otaie ot.. Salem, OregonJ KTOVKM AM) STOVK IthPAIKINU STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and renal red bv e inert. All kinds of wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop bankets and hooks, logan hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 282 Chemeketa St. R. B. Fleming CITY GARBAGE CO. Prompt service pnone 22o. SALEM SCAVANGER. Phone 107. hoos OA it rage co reliable service Phones, office 3125; Res. 698J. o" HALEM GARBAGE CO. for Dromot and continuous service. Chsrles Boos snd Carl Boos. Pbone 8125 or B98J. TKANHFKK AMI STORAGE CUMMINS 8c HORTSCH. local and long distance hauling. Phone 2462; Res. 129F2 or 1287R. . IVATKK COMPANY OREGON -WASHINGTON Water Serv ice company. Offices corner Com mercial and Trade streets. Bills pay- able monthly, pnones 3 a. WATCH ItKPAIRIMl GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money back. The Jewel Boa. 178 N Liberty. Salem. Aurora Mrs. Frank McAllister and- son have lone to Seattle to spend a few weeks as cuest of her mother. Mrs. McAllister will also visit her sister at Port Townsend, Wash. LEGALS NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that 1 have impounded one large buck sheep with thick short wool, found at large on the streets of the City of Salem on September 17. 1930. Bald sheen Is now being held at the city barn on Bast Perry St. and will be so held for the lemrtb of time Drovlded bv law. Own tr may nave same oy paying costs. Dated September 18. 1030. w. Qj LVWi Street lotummiorirr. Bale! em, ureg tfon. Sept. 18. 19. 30. 22. 23. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until Che hour of 7:30 o'clock, p.m., on Monday, October 6. 1930, and immediately thereafter op ened by the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the city hsu in said city, for bonds of the City in the amount of Ten Thousand ; Dollars, described as follows: City of Salem water System1 Bonds In the amount of Ten Thous-1 and ($10,000) Dollars, In denomina tions of One Thousand ($1000) Dol lars each, numbered one (1) to ten (It)), Inclusive, to be dated October 1, 1930, and to mature October 1, 1050, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of four and one-half (4tt percent per annum, payable semi annually at the office of the city treasurer In Sal$m, Oregon. Each bid must be -accompanied by a certified check for two per cent (2) of the par value of the bonds made payable to the city as 8 guar antee of good faith. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Win tree, McCulloch 4c Shuler will be furnished the success ful bidder. The right ts reserved by the Com mon Council to accept any or to reject all bids In the Interest of the City. MARK POULSEN, City Recorder, Salem, Oregon. 229 KXKCI'TOK'S FINAL NOTK'F. IN THE Cl-TTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OUEQON FOR MARION COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of W. E. MILLER, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, executor of the estate of W. E. Miller, deceased, has filed, his fmal account of said estate and the countv court of Marlon County. Ore gon, has fixed and auuoluted the 24th day of October. 1930, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m. of said day In the courthouse of said county and state as the time and place of bearing any obtectlona to such final account, and for the settlement and allowance thereof. Dated this 20th day of September, 1930. AUO. HUCKSTE1N. Executor of Estate of W. E. Miller, deceased. kwvies jfe PAflf! altnrnevi for the ex ecutor. Sept. 20, 27; Oct. 4. 11 18 NfVTH'E OF FINAL ACCOUNT TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE roiiNTY OP MARION. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank E. Mull, deceased. NnMrtn la herebv alven that T. L, noirinn th administrator of the abovtr entitled estate has filed his final account herein as such admin istrator, and that the date of the hearing and settlement on said ac count has been set for Monaay, me 21st day of September. 1030, at the nOUr Ot 1U :UU OXIOCR Wl nmu date at the County Court Room in lit a Pnurt. HniiHft at Salem. Marlon County, Oregon. All persons objecting to said account and the settlement thereof are hereby required to file their objections thereto tn writing prior to said date. Thts notice is pub lished by order of the Honorable J. C. Slegmund, County Judge, and the time prescribed in saia oraer ior pun licatlon hereof is once a week for four weeks commencing on the 23rd day of August. 1930. and ending on the 2Utn aay oi eeptemoer, iwju. T. L. DAVJUaUH, Anmmiatrator. Tnriinn Hill Farm. Salem. Oregon. JAMES W.-MOTT, Attorney for Estate. 104 First National nana oiag- oaiem. "?on. rirst puoiicauon nmu 40. Last publication. September 20, 30. Aug. 23. 30; Sept. 6. 13. 20 NOTICE OF HEARING OF OIUEC- X1U9 IU tlAU A.tUini KOTTPT? TS TTEREBY GIVEN that LADD Se BUSH TRUST COMPANY, a corporation, as the duly appointed, nukliftfd and acting executor of the last will and testament and estate of LILLIE BELLE IRWIN, aeceaaea, nas duly rendered and presented for set tlement and filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon a final account of Its ad ministration of said estate, and that Tuesday, the twenty-third day of Sep tember, 1930, at the hour of ten (10) o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court in the Marlon County Courthouse In the City of Salem, County of Marlon, Rtflt-M nf nmirnn. have been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and the place for hearing of ob jections to said final account and the settlement inercoi. Dated ana nrst Duouinra in tweu- ty-third day of August,1930. LADD & BUSH TRUST COMPANY. a corporation, as awcuwit ui ure Last Will and Testament end Es tate of Llllie Belie Irwin, deceas ed. CARSON 4c CARSON, Attorneys for Executor. Aug. 23. 30; Sept. 6, 13. 20 NOTICE OF IIKAU1NG OF OIUEC- wcvTtr-E la HEKFHV GIVEN. That ESTON M WILLIAMSON, as the duly appointed, quollfled and acting exec utor of the Inst will and testament and estate oi lkau m. wiluamouk rinroRncd has riiilv rendered and pre sented for settlement nnd filed in the County court oi tun oiato oi urcifuu for the County of Marlon a final ac count of lils administration of said estate, and that Tuesday, the thir tieth day of September, 1930, at the hm. nf i,n Mm n'rlnrlc In the fore noon of said day. at the courtroom of said court in me jvinriou wwmy rmirthniiM In the Cltv of Salem, County of Marlon, State of Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and the place for the hearing of objections to saia imai account ana iue bciuwhcui Dated and first published the thirteenth day of August,' 1030. pKTnN u WILLIAMSON, as Executor of the Last Will ana lesiameni, ana Estate OZ Lean m. wiiuamwo, uc CARSON ft CARSON. Attorney! for Executor. Aug. 30. Sept. 8. 13. 20. 27 MOVE TO KILL STREET YACATIONPLAN DIES (Continued nam pa,e 1 be voted on at the next icgulu meeting. ' The sldermen rotlng to deny the petition were Hughes. Kowltz, Pat ton and Purrtne. Thoee voting not to deny It were Averett, Dancy. Hendricks, Johnson. Kuhn, O'Hara. Olson, Vandevort and Wilkinson. Townsend was absent. O'Hara explained his vote by say ing that he wanted It submitted to the people and would contend (or that when the measure comes up for final action. Insisting that the hearing was a regular Judicial procedure, and that the council, for thli occasion, was a regularly constituted court, Attorney John Bayno for the ob jectors made a number of motions and objections relative to proced ure. While these appeared to be tacitly granted by the council no one acted as umpire of the' con troversy as judge would do In court, and what the record will show to an interesting guess. It probably will be for Ulas Bdlth Burcb, the city's stenographer, "to use her own Judgment as to what goes Into the record. Bayne tint called for Carl Heln Une, resident manager for the pa per company, to return to the stand. He first appeared last Monday night. At that time, tes tifying about the use of Trade street as a thoroughfare, he said he had man count all cars, other than trucks employed In the district, that used the street tn a day, and that there were only 21 of them. Bayne asked Helnline to repeat this testi mony, and then moved that It be stricken from the record as hear say, since Helnline had not made the count himself, no one ruled whether the testimony should be stricken or not. Vandevort wanted to know' what Bayno meant by moving to Strike the testimony. "Thts Is no court," Vandevort said. Yes, It Is," Bayne replied, "Just as much so as any court In the land, and rules ct evidence apply here." Bayne's next move was to ob ject to a further proceeding of the bearing on grounds that there was no evidence before the council that two-thirds of the. property owners of the city had signed the paper company's petitions. "I move for a non-suit and dls- missal of the petition." said Bayne. Attorney Keyes claimed that the necessary two-thirds had Been tabllshed when the council adopt ed the. ordinance committee's re port on the sufficiency of the pe titions and by an affidavit of T. M. Hicks that the necessary two- thirds had signed. Alderman Kowlts thought the council should receive all the evi dence offered and later decide what was relevant Keyes asked that Hick's affidavit be admitted as evidence. Bayne objected that an affidavit was not acceptable In court as eviaence, No one ruled on Bayne's motion for non-suit and dismissal of the petition, or on Keyes offer of the affidavit as evidence. It Is pre sumed the Lord will straighten out the record. Bayne then called for Dan Fry. Mr. Fry said he wanted to make a speech before he went on the stand. In the absence of anyone to say him nay he made It. "I think." he said, "that before the council accepts this petition as containing the names of two thirds of the property owners I should first determine whether there are that many. I am not prepared to swear whether there are two-thirds or not But I don't think there Is anywhere near that many. This whole proposition of closing a street that has been In use for IS years Is so absurd and preposterous that I don't see how anyone can think of It While other cities are widening their streets we are cutting ours down." Mr. Fry then took the stand and was sworn. He testified that he had property on the street that would be damaged by the vaca tion. He said he had known the street for 48 years and that it had always been in general public use. He added that he had counted cars parked In the street at one time, some of them In the middle of the street because of the con gestion. James R. Linn, next witne-s call ed by Bayne, said that traffic in the street was always very heavy around 5 o'clock In the afternoon, also during the day In the busy season and always in the morning when trucks are taking from the freight warehouse the goods con signed to Salem business houses. "The congestion In the morning is such that some of the trucks have to wait their turn," he said. "Fruit growers going to the can neries use the street regularly be cause oi tne congestion on com mercial street. I consider It one of the most Important thoroughfares in saiem." Alderman Vandevort challenged Linn's statement about fruit trucks using the street. "I had a man on watch there all day yesterday and today and he didn't see a single one," declared Vandevort. "I saw three trucks with trailers myself about 2 o'clock this after noon," Linn retorted. Linn said that Commercial street from Ferry to Trade Is a general parking place for the automobiles owned by paper mill employes, and that they fill the street so it is al most Impossible for other cars to park In front of the Marlon hotel. the Marlon creamery and other bus iness places. Replying to questions by Bayne and Alderman Hushes, Max O. Bu ren said that Trade street between Commercial and Front had been the city's busy ahippicg district since be first came to Salem in 1889, mat tne vacation would handicap the South ern Pacific company in doing busi ness with the merchants and be detrimental to all business In Salem. Bayne himself took the stand as the last witness. When he had fin ished Alderman Patton made his motion that the petition be denied, anfl Hughes seconded It Dancy pro tested, declaring that be didn't think the application was before the coun cil. I am tired of fooling with this thing," said Hughes. "If there Is no thing before the council what are we taking ail this evidence for7" Mayor Llvesley said the applica tion was before the council and has been for a long time. Alderman Purvine said he thought Patton's motion was the wrong pro cedure, and there should be no vote until the ordinance was Introduced. Patton said Purvine was probably BIRTHS, DEATHS MARRIAGES DEATHS Brown At tba tMidnM Ofi sw street. Sept. 19, David B. Brown, 72. Survived by widow, Elizabeth J, chil dren: Mrs. Ruth B- Swart end Oeorge .. uuw im ousm; oeri a., ues Motnea, S-SSS" i&a"VttW Mr, Bell, BT Thompklnj. sira. Ol W. Moon and Mrs. D. c. uintn. n Funeral services Wednesday. Sept. 24 f i.v uuuck innn ins w. r. itlgoon. and 8on mortuary. Interment I. 0 ft F. cemetery. MorltB At Mtriene nmr TOiwtVa Sept. 20, Saltna Peterson Mo rite, 7$, Survived by the following children: Mrs. Minnie Jamison. San Bernardino, Calif., Mrs. A. B. Johnson. Portland, P. A., John J and Mrs. H. C. a"' all of Salem. Funeral services Mon day, sept. 22 at 1 :30 o'clock from the W. T. Rigdon and Son mortuary. In terment Cltyvlew cemetery. Peterson At the residence. 174T Broadway. Sept. 20, John H. Peterson, a. tsurvivea oy widow. Mane; ana two children. Theodore C of Salem and Mark w. of San Francisco, Cal. Funeral services Monday Sept. 22, at 3 o'clock from the W. T. Rigdon and oon mortuary, xatermcni Jbee cemetery. OBITUARY MRS. ROSA MILLER - Sclo Mrs. Rosa A. Miller, 82, an Oregon pioneer who crossed the plains by ox team with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Brenner, in 1853, died at her home near Shelburn Friday. Rosa Brenner was born in LaFay. ette, Ind April 12, 1(48. Five years later she removed with other mem bers of the family, to Oregon. She was married some years later to James Miller, who died February 22, 1B12. The Millers lived all their life In Oregon In the Shelburn and Sclo districts. Mrs. Miller was a member of the Presbyterian church. Surviving relatives include the fol lowing daughters, Mrs. Etta Mania, Sclo; Mrs. Kate Trexler, Anaheim. Calif.; Mrs. Rena McClain and Mrs, Nona Kulken, Shelburn; a son, M. D. Miller, Shelburn' and a brother, William Brenner, Sclo. Funeral services will be held Sun. day afternoon at 2 o'clock from tho Sclo Christian church. Interment will take place In the Miner ceme tery, near Shelburn, named for the Miller lamuy and believed located on one of the old Miller donation, land claims. SPAULDING PLANS PART TIMEOPERATION (Continued from pare 1) percentage of these will be employed during the winter months coming up In our curtailment program depends entirely on conditions and I cannot mnfci a guess on It. Our curtailment will be In the nature of cutting down the number of days In each week's run and not the shutting down of the plant entirely, as has been re ported. We may work one or two aays some weeks, maybe three or four other weeks, Just as conditions war ren t. Naturally we hope the business will be stimulated where we would have to work full time. But It Is our opinion that one of the quickest ways It could be stimulated would be for the entire Industry to get down to brass taoks, manufacture lumber against orders and the readjustment period would be greatly hastened to a point where everybody would be back on the Job and employment conditions become normal again along with a normal stage reached In business conditions. The sash and door factor is not affected by the curtailment only in. sof ar as building conditions effect It We will turn out finished lumber from that factory lust as fast as needed and with as big a crew of men as we can use under the condl. tlons as they arise. "As to the bog fuel, we nope wo have that problem beat for the win ter. I expect to know by night" ARRIVE FROM NEBRASKA Mt Angel Mrs. Joseph Lauby and daughter, Caroline of Lexington, Neb., nave amvea in ml juigei to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Lauby. Lauby drove to Portland to meet them. Accompanying them also were Mr. Lauby's niece and nephew, Viola and Bernard Lauby. Viola, will attend tne acaacmy ana Bernard the St. Mary's school dur ing the coming term. correct, and withdrew his motion. But Bayne and the mayor agreed that the petition and the ordinance were separate issues, so Patton re newed his motion to deny the peti tion. Attorney Keyes argued his cass briefly. He cloimed the right to In troduce his ordinance for vacation. He said the Southern Pacific and the Oregon Electric companies had Joined tn the petition, and that al though all of them were heavy users of the street they held that the va cation was necessary. He scored tho objectors by pointing out that all of them except Fry owned property far removed from the point at Issue. Attorney Bayne. In his wind-up argument, stressed the assertion that the proposed vacation was for a private and not a public Interest, therefore that the city, under tha law, was without authority to de clare the vacation. "I know petitioner after petition er," Bayne said, "who actually say they are opposed to the vacation. How were they Induced to sign? By economic pressure, which Is mart contemptible method." Alderman Dancy moved that tb courtesy of the floor be extended to August Huokesteln. This was a sur prise to Huckesteln. Nevertheless ha made a rousing speech for vacation. "It Is not a question of what tho paper company is going to give yo in return," he said. "It la a question of what the company has already given you." The vacation ordinance was Intro duced a few minutes later,