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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1930)
I PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 By Harold Gray I LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE The Finn su, IT" " -TZ . VI 1-- Vrrwa: V ait II. - I IV AT THKf BfcT Hfe -' - ' It NATALIE SUUNIK LINCOl Chapter 34 LAafBEBT'K LUCK Tt'BNI "Where to?" aakad Inspector Mit chell as he let In the dutch. "So you mind returning toward Oakland?" Thome aeked. "My car la parsed hallway there." For answer Mitchell turned the corner and drove hi the direction of the highway. "I reached the Wlralows' toon after you left," be said. "It took the locksmith a good twenty minute to get the door of that attic room open; he aald the lock was jammed, a if some one had tried to open It and had failed." "Humphr "I thought ao, too." agreed Mit chell dryly. "And I huroph-ed a whole lot more when I got ttutde the room. Man, there wasn't a dam ned thing in ttl" , Thome atared at Mitchell unbe lievingly. "You mean you could find no clews?" "Ho clew and nothing else, either retorted the inspector. "Jack Win star's so-called workshop hadn't a stick of furniture in it, not even chair. Old man Winslow was bowl ed over when he taw the place 1 thought he'd die on our hands from shock. His eyes buteed out of his head and his face actus!!; grew purple. "Did he have a stroke?1 "Mo. As soon as he got some whis key aboard he was all right. Lam bert also declared that Jack's work shop was fitted up as a labortory, for experimental work. It's demn fljhy, to my way of thinking, Thome "It 'Is," agreed Thome, thought fully. "Why nut a took on the door of an cmnty room?" "And some one Jammed the lock trying 10 get the door open," nip plenuMitnd Mitchell. "Ranged if I unders'-i-nd it. Bay, wha; took you to that boarding house tonight?" "I went there to find some clews to Jack Winslow present where abouts," Thome explained. "And X was just leaving wren Mrs. Siou' young daughter found Mrs. Law rence deed upstairs." "Oh. hoi Bo Master Jack knew Mrs. Lawrence?" "Perhaps," shortly; by a half truth he had diverted further oues- tioning to other channels. "Have you had any news of him?" Mit chell smiled wryly. "No," he ad mitted, "But, . ... I If he's still alive, he's got to be in contact with someone, some time he's got to get food to live." "And money to live on," added Thorne. -"Prom testimony at the In quest, he was badly strapped for funds. It makes me think, Inspec tor," Bpeaking irore slowly, "that Jack isn't so far from home. Mitchell nodded grimly. "He's In cahoots with some one, thats cer tain. I'm having Lambert shadow ed." "Why Lambert particularly?' quickly. "His manner this evening when we found Jack's workshop empty was so uneasy that It aroused my suspicions," explained the Inspector. "And In removing the furniture.. . .. "Without the knowledge of the other inmates of the house? Oh, come, Mitchell!" "Easy as pie, with the elevator," retorted the older man. "Run the elevator to the attic, fill it up, take It to the basement and choose a time when every one is out of the house who could be the wiser?" "Is the furniture and chemical apparatus in the basement?" "No." acknowledged Mitchell. "It could have been taken away from there in the same stealthy manner. I find that It's been Mr. and Mrs. wioslow's custom to spend a great deal of time in town." "And Miss Msa Chase, recollect, she Is an invalid." "And for that reason not able to soe what Is going, on." triumphant ly. "The cook's more or less of a fool; Peter, the chauffeur, ditto." "How about the three others: I Lucy, the maid; the nurse. Miss Kline, and Sam Ferguson?" asked Thome. "Have you questioned tnemr" "Only the first two." Mitchell's active mind veered oft at 1 tangent.) "Bay, that Lucy Is cookoo; she be lieves In visions and all that," vag-1 uely. "She talked to Jackson about! some shadow chasing her across I the lawn some nights ago say. Is I that your car?" as they made bend in the road and his powerful! lights fell on an automobile -parked! near a culvert. On Thorne s quick I affirmative, be drew up at the aldel 01 the road," If you are out 01 gas, how era you going to get to Oak- lands?" "Jim's bringing ma some.'' "Why spend time waiting, 111 run you out there." and giving Thome j no opportunity to decline, he step-1 ped on the gas. As they turned into I the winslow estate, Thome noticed I a man detach himself from the pro-1 tectlng shadows of the tall hedge. I "Jackson." explained Mitchell, as! the detective lifted bis band on I reoogiuzlng the Inspector's car. J "They may not know it, Thorne, but! every member of the Winslow house hold is under polios surveillance. He slowed down as Jackson camel up to them. "Mr. and Mrs. Winslow motored! Into town lust after you left, In spector," he reported. "They haven't I returned. Mitchell glanced at his compan ion. "How about it, Thorne? Want! to stay or come back tomorrow morning?" "Stay," briefly, and Mitchell con tinued along the drive to the man sion. "Keep your engine running," Thorne suggested a moment later as they came to a stop before the front door, "It'll drown our talk. Tell me," his voice was lust audi ble, "have you gone through the garage, the gardner's cotttage, with a view to Jack's being concealed In I ouner place?" "I have, first thing, and so thor oughly that I know Jack Winslow Isn't there." . "What operatives did you have I about the grounds while you, Jack son and the locksmith were In the attic tonight?" be asked. "Spencer and Morse; they were relieved at nine 0 clock." "Good. Let me have those papers I you took from the drawer in front I 01 Mrs. Lawrence; 1 11 return them tomorrow." Lambert answered the door bell with such promptness that Thorne concluded he had not been far away. Mr. winslow isn't In. sir." he I stated. I'll wait," announced Thorne. "Have the servants all retired, Lambert?" Except Lucy and myself, sir; we are waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Wins low to return." "And whot-ls detaining them?" 1 nave no idea, sir." Thorne took out his nine and to-1 bacco pouch and proceeded to fill it leisurely, an me while -keening a I watchful eye on the butler standing ngiaiy ueiore him. l,ambert," he tossed the match! Into a brass tray on a table near by. Tiaynig the stock market Is a dan gerous game." The butlers eyelids oulvered.l "yes, sir. "Almost as dangerous as double crossing the police." Lambert stood I like a graven image, but his cheeks I had grown an unhealthy color. "Who Is vcrar employer, Lambert?" Mr. winslow, sir." "And who pays you the most I Mr. Jack Winslow?" Lambert moistened his dry llM.I He nasn t any money, air." True. Only the hope of a large I W AfA - COURSE tAOwTHT LfcT VfA KVtOvM HOV4 IVU. It MA- ICS. GET K iti " tM.yvtj TV' ' 1 1 (Continued on Page 12) AL'lUtao I. Act eallea t. Kft-tBaptS IS. Mop 14, Ureedy It. Oral 15. rarest II. Trial IS. Culling- parti 9.L ulosBjr uanua IS. UbhohihI hurira wHh Bolaj retplrs tioa St. Mharp crlasi lans 4. Oi who saws timber fi. lliirdrn oa tl. Ignited ts. tlermaa cltr Jk Mallte ot lienmark 9S. slate ibeep BS. Kaarl M. fratinrS Ifl, ternatloiial In Brans S. ltettwrcd at. Adherent! of Ih BttBary St. Cereal grata at, :Blral auitl a bar. SB. Tirlre Hts SL Permit as. roadar 44. Trap 44. aner otlJi aaelleil Solution ot Vestsraay's Puzila .rUAinLMKna)APS JM A SUnMeUa 4 J. A bp tHI g uysllb e s UJiS A 3 eflT JeCJ mAlsH 1 n gIIs E n eur o tJjl fi 2t.E-- N BJSj" S CaMi eUSp 0 rTtICj nr. 14. Tropltal trail! 4T. Door kaoeatr 44, t soaula era' 44. Thota latino pari la (aray 15. Ilnofi ot laealhl II. Wllbla 44. lleeertef II, ptarroirt eoaia. laral 44. Call Hani 44. Octal Lais II. floral loans at. :air 44. Meepi gas BOWS 1. Paabloaag S. Caklae Saaibe-r t. TBIa or llllla rajart ealloa i labahllaal 0( f:lna (. IrMtKiat -Cams a, i.anra lulia 1. K1U1 a. TanarS a. HM Jalat la. Tblnaaat II. Uirda that waft la walaff If. laiUalor IS. ilaaia Sab IS. urol laarlrl a. Mirala SI. Jlriilrnl 14. Allka Si. HaaaaS -IT. - g. praiMaat St. ilrchaalra eB- Saetor's BUS tl. Kola OTer oa la llab oat o 44. Hbefft laltara ANT - Hlanna tola 41. Blllrh I4 To faaa Sevra 44. Diahoatlaa 41. Director 44. AueadeS ti. ASIrautlte II Vallej 44. ftqaaeea . Walllas lllcta 44. MaMrt 41. Osa are la oaooaeS to N U. Coaaaaa M. rraMra foe pabllralloa 41. baderataBBHI 44. Leap lain of the aaa 44. MI BBS ' F V K - f I6 f I' i f'ty " ' 't l. 17 i Mi 31 1 - JJ-1 IT"" " " """" ?15 f wrwr ! Ijf 3j" " j Jt: 1 - w sr -"-sr , 1 -. is! j42 4) 44 " 4i "" 41 -m. - -J Si- .! J ' So Si S2 S3 7T w r r ""r tr - -ri ' ' ' I I 'in1 - 1 lRv&HT KLOrrt.l VYA- iiiST . fi. BVvTtST I I r, -ffl J i ece 1 Ctke a - T 'T ATI 4 CtVtsA Str U loev. in ' Liu ! 1 1 RrfeW 'arnr f.i iwimvi ti n -xi tfrrrr-..,. rr: m ' "Tiag THi' I f ILUI I'll V,m lJT- rCM.lfV 47.- BAf lif -:-CJ, VzurHil IB - n I u vx -msy v m wifar ivmitj t f mha lu sza t7sx !S. NrSUH rc2iJ i ....(eVWn'I tSgfllll Lffl Jr3 J I EEG'LAR FELLERS ' suvwLiraiiK : . p ' s 4ajr w-a8 ma J a g JUS TME AAE'. TQjgi' SEE AHY fe, I DOmV SE.E SVVALLOWE.D f I sp A TT OTJTW nnna-Tia-xr . . . -M B-a m ST I 1 sara w a I a Am at mi : Jan d i a v,iu-r tuiuuiim lutiorn. marie vr iilrnn chaffin mr.3 UAL FOUKEal I And what does n BWTmw " WMWr j wu"an and vve re had " wr... V sake! TOMaiv "V THAT CRAZY PILOT Ail V jf' b. H A. Ht be WCE LETS ON PpR. -'n W jejy ToMKINS AND , . . . : - . . j DUMB DOEA Rod Gets A Kick Out Of Winning " Rv Pa, - OP VOU IVS THE PATE TDNISHT. ) I I ! J z" SO ODT I yWAsfl4WiW'4 i Xifl vreV ir 1 MeJ?.r ; ur T j ,r r-r v 1 LfW nHrjJffgygT"" Fr:?;:7:3j J!ii 1 1 - --- -. BRINGING UP FATHER Bv George i, I f WOWBONTHifTHg 1 j T MOST E tr 111 OE7NR MB: IT b TMREfi ) I NL' H. (j 'IVi VOU MAD BEXT-tR ciO MrvJaTf" 4-A J Ci. VER-f . V ), LORD BfVS'WS- CAM 11 " ( iV j ---Al ' t - MUTT AND JEFF lt'i Either The Truth Or A Scenario " ; : : y Bud Fisht DRMH STICK . ( !Ia iPicKUPHiiiAaritrPtis 444TrTr if I'-if'56 1 so k-vi J JjtL