THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON ' PAGE FIVE Society, Clubs and Music Priscilla Club Opens Season Noted as the capital city's oldest informal needlework club and Its membership Including a group ol matrons prominent In social and club activities, the Priscilla club opened its 23rd season Thursday when Mrs. S. S. East entertained lor the club members with a lunch con at the Elks club. The luncheon was especially Interesting as it marked Mrs. East's return to social life in Salem following a year spent In traveling in the south and on the Atlantic seaboard. Covers were placed tor 12 at the smart luncheon, with great baskets of tall flowers effectively centering the attractive table. Members of the Prlsclla club at the present time are Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Sr., Mrs. Fred Steusoff, Mrs. W. s. Mott, Mrs. Ida Babcock, Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mrs. J. B. Craig, Mrs. 6. 8. East, Mrs. C. M. Eppley, Mrs. A L. Brown, Mrs. Kittle Graver, Mrs. George Dunsford and Mrs. Walter Buchner. The list Includes several charter members of the club. Mrs. C. M. Eppley is president of the organization this year, Mrs. E. E. Thomas Luncheon Hostess In compliment to her sister, Mrs. Vernon R. Day (Esther Palmer) of Astoria, Mrs. Edwin E. Thomas en tertained with a charmingly In formal luncheon Wednesday after noon In her home. Covers were placed for Mrs. Day, Mrs. George Rhoten and Betty Merle Rhoten, Mrs. George R. K. Moorehead and children, Bruce and Van; Mrs. Willard Simpson and daughter, Marilynn; Mrs. Horace Baker and son, Bobbie Sam, aand for the hostess. Mrs. Thomas, and her small daughter, Laura Lee. The afternoon was spent Inform ally with conversation and taking kodak pictures of the children of the buests and hostess. The group also organized an Informal art and needlecraft club, to meet every sec ond week during the winter season. Mrs. Day will be a guest at the Thomas home for several days. Mrs. McGilchrist Entertains Club Mrs. William McGilchrist enter tained her bridge club Tuesday afternoon in her home. Prizes for the two tables of cards went to Mrs. William Evans and to Mrs. Elmer Scellars. Mrs. McGilchrlst's guests Includ ed Mrs. Ben Pound, Mrs. Charles Bauer, Mrs. Irwin Smith, Mrs. Fred Stump, Mrs. William Evans, Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. Elmer Scel lars, Mrs. Flora Thomas and Mrs. George Barnhardt of Lenoir, North Carolina. Hostess Committee Named By W. R. C. Members of Sedgwick post, Wom an's Relief Corps, will take an ac tive Interest In the management of the Grand Army of the Republic building at the state fair grounds during the coming week, keeping the cottage open for visiting mem bers of all patriotic organizations. Mrs. Cordelia LaBare and Mrs. Net tle Schramm will remain at the t ' I No Friend Like An Old Friend For thirty-five years millions have 6hown preference for Shredded iWheat over all other cereal foods and it's so easy to Understand why,' It's the whole wheat in its most digest ' ible form. The crisp, crunchy shreds encourage thorough chewing and the more you chew it the better you Jike it. So easy to serve a quick break fast because it is ready-cooked. Deli jcious for any meal. SHREDDED tattt bi Rum building throughout the week as hostesses. They will be assisted on Monday by Pauline Clark and Fannie Bard. Tuesday. Minnie Baker and Rose Vorls will be hostesses. Mary Ney hart and Jennie Martin will assist on Wednesday, and on Thursday the hostesses will include Lizzie W. Smith and Hattle Cameron. Rose Hagedora and Louina Alley have been assigned as hostesses Friday, and on Saturday, Bessie Martin and Clara Adams will assist. Miss Betty Atwood Honored At Party Miss Doratha Cannon entertain ed in her home at' Morningslde Tuesday with an Informal evening of bridge complimenting Miss Betty Atwood, who Is leaving soon for southern California. The guests presented a farewell gift to Miss Atwood. In the group were Miss Atwood, the honor guest; Miss Lottie Nash, Miss Georgia Nash, Miss Jane Har bison, Miss Roberta Varley, Miss Kathryn Rowe, . Miss Dorothy Krebs, Miss Constance Krebs, Miss Charity Watson, Miss Jessie Coop er, Miss Annabelle Hitchcock and the hostess, Miss Cannon. Tenth Birthday Anniversary Held Little Miss Janet Mae Fryer en tertained ten of her friends on her tenth birthday anniversary re cently. The early part of the after noon was spent at a miniature Tom Thumb golf course, and re freshments were served at the tea hour at the Fryer home on State street. . . Those present were the Misses Jean Probert, Marjorle Pickens, Sally Rydell, Vivian Noth, Phyllis Fisher, Lucy Fisher, Barbara Crttes, Betty Crites. Jean Molr, and the hostess, Janet Fryer. Press Club At Thomas Home . . Members of the Salem Woman's Press club were guests Tuesday at the E. E. Thomas home, with Mrs. Thomas as hostess, assisted by Mrs. Wayne Pettlt and Mrs. Ralph Cur tis. Large baskets of autumn flow ers were arranged effectively about the living rooms, and the tea table was centered attractively with pink and orchid asters and cosmos flank ed by tall pink tapers in green crystal holders. The afternoon was spent Inform ally with bridge, the prize for high honors going to Mrs. Stephen Stone, and the consolation prize to Mrs. C. A. Sprague. . The first meeting of the season fov Hal Hubbard auxiliary members, United Spanish War Veterans, will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the armory. Plans for the coming year's work will be ar ranged. Beautiful Women Use Mello-glo Beauties who guard their complex ions use MELLO-GLO Face Pow der only. Famous for purity Its coloring matter Is approved by tnc Government. The skin never looks pasty or flaky. It spreads more smoothly and produces a youthful bloom. Made by a new French process, MELLO-GLO Face Pow der stays on longer. adv. CROWN DRUG STORE WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT um untm Rhu a Past Noble Grands Entertained The Past Noble Grands associa tion held Its first "at home" meet ing this fall Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Gertrude dim ming, with Evelyn Naderman. Florence Yarnell and Lena Peebles as assistant hostesses. Members present, In addition to the hostess es. Included the president, Ida Hochstetler; Louise King, Edith MacElroy, Bertha Wolf, Clara Shields, LaMolne Clark, Addie Hammer, Sarah Hutton, Wilda 81egmund, Etta Hodge, Ethel Fletcher, Hazel Price and Amy Mills. At the close of the business meet ing a very pleasant evening of sing ing and conversation was enjoyed, with the hostesses serving refresh ments later, Plan Homecoming Friday Evening The women of the First Congre gational church are sponsoring an informal "homecoming" for all members and friends of the church Friday evening at the home of Judge and Mrs. George Rosman on Capitol street. The committee in charge includes Mrs. W. D. Clarke, Mrs. W. E. Hanson and Mrs. Charles Ward. Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Sr., and Mrs. A. N. Moores will assiGt about the rooms. An Informal program of mu sical numbers Is being arranged, ... 3i88 Johnson Hostess Thursday As a compliment to her small friends before the opening of school and studies, little Miss Mar jorle Ann Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Johnson, entertained with an afternoon of miniature golf Thursday followed by a dinner at the home of her parents. Little Miss Johnson's guests In. eluded the Misses Marylee Fry, Patsy Livesley, Barbara Craln, Wil da Jerman, Harriet Crawford and Betty and Janet Byrd. . ... Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Roth are re ceiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Clara Bell, Septem ber 14. Scellars Are Hosts At Evenina of Cards Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scellars en tertained with a delightful evening of bridge Monday at their home In the Royal Court. Pour tables of cards were In play, with the high score nrizes eolne to Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, the second high honors Tjolng to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stamp, and low to Mr. ana Mrs. Lyman Steed Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bauer, Dr. and Mrs. Ben P. Pound, Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrist. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stump, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Steed and Mrs. Flora Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. L&ger of Ber keley, CaL, are guests at the A. E. Wickert home on North Capitol street. They accompanied their niece, Merle B. Lone, who has been visiting with them during the sum mer, home. They will spend a few days visiting In Portland and The Dalles and will return for fair week. Mrs. Lange is a sister of Mrs. Wick ert. ' Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Taylor entertained with a din ner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. La ger, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wickert, Merle Lange and Albert Wickert, Jr. Several social affairs are planned for their pleasure during their visit. von nassec the noonday T7ifi make the doun road happy by keeping your ttrength and. health. An unfailing learning of a rundown condition it the diminishing of the red'blood-cellt A DEFICIENCY of red-cells in the blood is usually followed by physical exhaustion, loss of appetite, under weight, nervous ness and pimples and boils. When your red-blood-cells are only 80' you are NOT, yourself 60 is very dangerous. Common sense suggests"tha every possible step be taken to correct such a condition. Take S-S-S. before each meal. It will itfa r.ius klura iktwlR, Uik f rrt-felw. calli. One swill akraw stmicLowt ' W ll Tatei 5d j' ' ',"''(' Rebekahs Observe " Anniversary Monday In observance of the 79th anni versary of the founding of the Re be kah lodge, the Salem Rebekahs entertained with an Interesting pro gram following their regular busi ness meeting Monday evening. A large number of members and vis itors were present. The program In cluded a piano solo by Lucille Mo sher, an address on the founding of the Odd Fellows order, by Grace Taylor; a vocal solo by Maxine Sau der; tribute, by Evelyn Cummings; vocal numbers by Lyman McDon ald, accompanied by Mrs. McDon ald; a Hading by Veda Denon; a vocal solo by Fred Minnon; reading, Lola Schultz; and the program clos ed with a fancy drill by the Rvbekah drill team. , Refreshments were served by the committee in charge of the evening, Louise King, chairman; Luela Eng strom, Grace Robinson, Cora Van Pelt, and Myrtle McClay. At the short business session. Grace Henderson was elected to membership In the local Rebekahs, being transferred from the Vancou ver, Wash., lodge. Exodus To College Starts This Week Miss Kathryn Laughridge left Thursday for Eugene to enter the University of Oregon for her soph omore vesr. Her pnrents. Mr. and of Life ? build up and enrich your blood, give you new lifo and vitality! Your appetite will pick up you will feel like yourself again! Keep the down road bright by keeping youc Ted-blood-cella fighting- for you. Get the large cue. At all drug stores, qs.s.s.c. Builds Sturdy Health Mrs. c. N. Laughridge, motored to Eugene with her for the day. Miss Laughridge, a member of Gamma Phi Beta social sorority. Is on the big sister committee for freshman week which starts at the university next Sunday. Other Salem girls on the big sis ter committee, and who plan to leave for the Eugene campus Fri day, Include Miss Julia Creech and Miss Maxlne Myers, members of Kappa Kappa Gamma social soror ity, and Miss Frances Martin, ... The Woman's Relief Corps will hold their regular session Satur day at 2 o'clock In 'Miller' hall. ... Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., and Mrs. Earl Flegal mo tored to Portland Wednesday for the day. ... Mrs. Walter A. Denton was In Portland Wednesday attending the luncheon and committee meeting of the executive board of the Oregon i Learned About Foods From Her' learned about foods" from Mrs. Kennedy next door. I noticed that every morning she started out with a shopping basket but it wasn't until I ate one of her delightful dinners that I learned why. Now I go with her and we '" both buy our foods from the "West's Favorite Food Stores" because we get the best quality and price when we make our own personal selections. Prices Effective Friday to Monday, Sept 19, 20, and 22 (Riion. GJll&ClE' JUST RECEIVED ANOTH JARS ALL SIZES PURITAN MALT Special price for three days only. Buy a case. )Q (12 cans) , per can J 7 1 Per case $4.59 RICE Best Quality Strictly fancy Blue Rose : 1 Qr 3 pounds ...v ; J-aC RINSO Large Packages, A? 2 packages xOi APRICOTS Our Braqd fruit in good syrup No. 2'2, 3 cans PEACHES Rosedale Yellow Clings in good No. 2'2. 3 cans OYSTERS Gulf Kist, Extra Standard No. 13 cans PRUNES Italian Variety Large size fruit, 4 lbs 25c SUGAR Golden C Every cook has use for brown sugar, 4 pounds -25c Quaker Oats Co.'s New Breakfast Food Sensation Quaker Crackels, per package ..... 14C WHEAT, CORN and OATS blended into a delightful properly balanced ready cooked breakfast cereal. You'll like it! PEN JEL Insures more and better Grape Jelly and Peach Jam. Now is the time! Per 1 4 package .... MacMarr Coffee We really do make new friends and customers each week. Our price war rants it. Our sales prove QF it. Per pound OOV OzY-MacMarr Markets-sfe MARKET No. 59 STATE & COMMEHCIAL ' BAMBERGER Nice for meat QKn loaf, 2 lbs OtJL LARD Lard is advanced. We still sell it OP n 2 lbs. for tdO, FULL CREAM 174 N. COMMERCIAL ST STATE & COMMERCIAL STS. federation of muslo dubs. The luncheon and business session was the first held ' by the executive board, of which Mrs, Denton 1 a member, this season. ... Mrs. Earl Flegal and her small son, Earl, left Salem Thursday morning for Portland, - where they will go by train to Denver to oln Captain Flegal. Mrs. Flegal was ac companied to Portland by her par ents. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee 8tefner, whose house-guest she has been dur ing the summer. Capt. Flegal left for lue post in Denver a month ago. after spending the late spring and early summer season here. ... Uolalla Miss Dorothy Shepherd, daughter of Mrs. Ira Shepherd, and Forrest Ferguson of Oregon City, son of Fred Ferguson of Portland, were married Monday in the pesence of a few relatives and friends at the home of the groom's grand mother, Mrs. Mne Ferguson In Ore- Pure Cane c & H-or 100 lbs. $459 Fruit Brand - , T a 05 " ' ER SHIPMENT OF FRUIT NOW IN STOCK PINK SALMON New Pack rived. Happyvale Brand 1 pound tall CANNED FOODS AT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES - Large 44c GOLDEN CORN MacMar Del Maiz Our best brand. f No. 2, 3 cans '. tL Brand Large syrup, n PEAS Mt. Sweet No. TtV dozen , MARKET No. ?9 j;4 N. COMMERCIAL STEW BEEF ROASTS AS LOW AS CHEESE gon City. Rev. Samuel Liruje read the ring ceremony, . - ; The bride was gowned In light blue crepe de chine and carried a bouquet of brides rosea, Fred Ferguson, Jr., brother of the groom, was best man. Light refreshments were served following the ceremony. The young couple will make their home In Portland where Mr. Fer guson Is associated with his father in operating a dredge. SIMEKALS HAVE GIRL . Bllverton Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Simeral of over East Hill are the parents of an 8-pound girl. PR0UP SoMDOdlcCitMpif frMMft(ff7 i visas OVtff W MILLION JABS USCP YEAPiy 20 LBS. 95c just ar- 10c .... (Limit 6 cans) MACMARR MILK Conforms to our high standards for quality that's why it bears the MacMarr label, O Q Tall cans, 3 for CiOi Vernon Fancy 2, 3 cans 44c Quality 44c MACMARR FLOUR We guarantee it to be always uniform also to please you be the judge. (Pi QQ 49 lb. sack 4A.Oi Per barrel (196 lbs.) $5.39 ORANGES Just received a carload of Juicy Or anges, medium size. While stock lasts Specially priced at, QP (JtJs 2 DOZEN 69c MARKET No. 990 NORTH CAl'lTOL SALMON 1. or whole. Nice " K to bake, lb MILK Quarts - lie Pints 6c Kept under good refrigeration - 25c lb. 19th & STATE STS. 1990 N. CAPITOL ST.