WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Up-to-date -What, Is Home Without Mother? "Modern." CapitaljjtJournal CtASBlFlfcll SIlVEUTISLNQ - ItATKHt Rtte pel word: One Insertion, f mdu; three Insertion ft ctuu; on week 8 cent; one month it6 cents; one year per month, 20 cent; minimum per Ml 35 cent Not taken over pboot un lets advertiser has monthly ac count. Mo allowance lor phone errors. Want ads must be in by 10 im. day ol publiactlon. Real Esut and Auto ads by 1 pan day previous to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES WOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOU a HOME fstrmount Hill Bargain: $'2900 buys a good 5 -room house Willi larue sleeping porch, lot 50x150 on p,cd street. Furnace, all plas tered, bunxalow style, S500 cash, balance 3 years at 1. PHICED TO BELL: 2750 buys a modern 4 -room stucco bungalow, practically new. base mrnt. furnace, garage, payed street $150 cash, balance $31.20 per mouth to Include Interest. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT: 1250 buys a neat garage house, ex tra fine lot, on paved street with east front. A HEAL BARGAIN. EAST 8AI.EM HOME: $4750 buys a modern 5 -room home, nil extra lurire rooms, full basement, furnace, flreolnce. hardwood floors. double gurnue. lot 75x110 feet, paved sweet. A kkajj liui. wueiii hnlnnrn terms. REAL ESTATE A PIRE INSURANCE W H OHABENHORBT&CO. Realtors 134 8. Liberty Bt. Phone S15. a222' urtHHTINfl MAN'S CHANCE Immediate possession of a comfort able o-room nome in r.iiat ohiciii, Price (3250: ftiooo can be worked out, bal. easy. If you wish a home and em ployment, let us show you this. LKO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. a HOUSE for salp, 1446 Broadway. a225 OW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT HOME Prices are low and terms Ilk rent. A remodeled S-room house In good location tt $18.70 per month. Price si juu. , Almost new 4 -room bungalow. Base ment ana iuiuuvc. vmji mon i ii. Good C-room house, corner lot. Base ment, only 2hoo. $30.B0 per month buys this baxvatn Por Heal BnrKauw SEE STEGNER 275 State St. a223 FOR SALE FARMS PATM HA RO A INS 3750 will buy 20 acres with a good 7 -room nouse. Dawmrai, uai.ii, bui- i.r a nrrfs of Drunes. 2 acres fil berts, electric lights available. This place is a Dargain. u auuw uu $6100 buys 20 acres close In. 7 -room nome. i acre oi ul-ihu orchard. 2 acres Drunes. family fruit, running water. By putting In a small dnm. a large portion of the place could be IrcUiated, several ac res of sub-irrlgiJw. soil. $1000 cash will handle th) I place, balance 3 years at 6;' Interest. $4500 buys 10 acres 4 miles out, on market road, close to main Pacific highway, oest ox son. xei us buuw you this exceptional Duy. ainnn wilt hnv 17 acres on main Pa cific Mphwiiv. in orchard. 5- room house, barn, chicken house. ' This tract Is offered below value ana must oe seen, ui u ynn:i.ireu. ...... . 4 111. t,llf flUU Duyn ti ncrcr witu vus,u- lngs, running water, best of creek UOltOm SOU, Q'l uuica "um $2000 buys 3 acres close In, 3-room creek through the place, fine bot tom soil. Terms $50 down, and $20 per month. $2200 buys 5 acres located close to the Swegle school, new house and good welt. $50 down, $23 per month. In terest 6 $1000 buys S acres of fine prairie soil, all cultivated, close to pavement on gravel road, and can be handled for $25 down and $10 per month. $2650 cash will buy 6 acres, all In or chard, on main Pacific highway, new house and good well, family fruit. If you are looking for a bar gain, let us show you this place. $650 buys on acre dose In. all In fine beating apple trees, and can. be bought on terms of $25 down and $10 per month, Interest 9. $3850 buys one acre In dalem Heights, improved, with a good 8-room bun galow. It can be handled for $500 down. If you are looking for a small acreage at a right price and on reasonable terms, see W H. ORABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515. b222 47 A. FARM on paving near Salem. Elec Old house, 4 acres cherries and walnuts, prune orchard. $7500 and will take clear house In Salem. This can be made Into a very fine proper- WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 S. High St. b FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Reed woven baby carriage In fine condition $15. Phone 6WM. c223 PIANO SNAP: $600 player piano, plain mahogany case, can't be told from new. Revert. Can be had for balance due, ol $227. Easy terms, Tallman Piano store. 385 8. I2th St. c223" CABBAGE IVfC del. Phone 77F5. C226 CANNING peaches, prunes, pears and tomatoes at Thompson's stand, mile north on Pacific highway. Phone 1H50. BURBANK prunes, a fine large can .nlng variety, 50-75C bushel. Phone 97F13. H. W. Bowden, boot 113, Route 8 c223 FINEST canning tomatoes, fresh from field. Right prices at stand west end of Marlon-Polk bridge. c226 TOMATOES 75c a bu. li miles west from corner of Commercial and Mil ler Sts. on Riverside drive. Bring box es. c32 PEACHES 50c box. Zimmerman's. 2 miles north Pacific highway, no Sun day trade. C222 PLOWING and general team work Well rotted fertilizer. Phone S45J af ter 6 p m. c223 BOSCH radioa at Miller's. Call 2397 lor demonstration. C244 ft ACRE prune crop, n. Salem. Buy er to h arrest. P. C. oax 714 Eugene. Ore. C223 HC-VZY -OUty lbs. lor $5. Phone 8P5. C224 FARM property and Automobile In surance now at lower rates. Wm. A. Persey. agent. Phone 912M. c222 MUIR es FOSTER, canning peaches. Egan Bros, 3F11. . C FOR SALE electric range In good or der, four burners, oven and broiler. Phone 1808M. c222 THREE plate Universal electric range cheap. Phone 120SR. C224 PEACHES from C. M. La Pbllett or. chards. I proved Bbertas. J. H. Hales. Mulrs, late Crawfords. Orchard prices. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. Phone 2374J. Direct distributors. c222 RIPE Gravenstetn apples 50c per box and up Bring boxes. Fresh apple elder, dally. Puritan cider Works, West S lem. 0928 FOR SALE Miscellaneous BED ROOM suite. Unytsg washer. other lurnlture. 1480 Mission. c224 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK POR SALE: three young gentle Jer sey cows, neavy mincer, inquire- in house on rhiht oast Salem cheese fac tory. e224 POR SALE, shorthorn cattle, priced very reasonable. Roes Bowman, falls City, Ore. e224 2 FKE8H cows, 3 heavy springers, Guernsey, Jersey, with secoud calf. East side fart ana u si, v. u. wit- zel. e237 GOOD extra heavy suau young mules. kc. i. vox u oaicm. ea 40 8HOATS from 60 to 90 lb- $ gen tle work horses. Rt. 9, bos 6. e223 POR SALE, good nice, large Jersey heifers, one fresh one soon. 3rd bouse cast of Turner. c222 TWO voting Guernsey cows, one fresh, tne oiner soon, d-s-i a. unurcn. e.n DR. FHED W. LANUK. Veterinarian Office 629 S. Commercial Phone 1198 Residence phone 16fltt DAIRY cows for salt or trade. 1-S down, balance one year. Red barn, N. Commercial and Columbia. Nelson Bros Phone 705: 185 N High at FOR SALE WOOD WOOD SAWING. Phone 1313. NICE fir and oak wood. Ed Stortz. Phone 2039 J. ee247 SECOND growth. Phone 21F13. ee232 OLD and 2nd growth fir, airy length. Prompt delivery. Phone 12F13. ee222 Irt-TN nlrt fir S3.50 delivered. Tele phone 3F22. . ce225 GRUB OAK WOOD. F. C. Pitts. Phonr 87F31. ee223 for WOOD. SAWINQ call Zander. Phone 3465M. e239 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1025R. ee240 WOOD. L. C. Kelly. Phone 1573 J. ee23B WOOD SAWING. SPROED BROS. PHONE 1131. eeWl ALL KINDS of DUY WOOD, M. D. Mayfleld. WOOD SAWING. Phone 1819. ee225 GOOD DRY 4-foot old f:r 68.50 per cord. - Write M. E. Morley, BubMmity. ee224 DRY 16 Inch old fir, 4 ft. fir, oak, ash, old fir and hill slab.C. 0. Har baugh's Transfer and Fuel! 830 High land, phone 1390. ec?24 ORDER rour wood now. Beat 16-inch in&lde slab wood mixed at Cobb Si Mitchell Co., $5 50 per cord from car. Phone 813. 349 8 12th St. ee' S11EO DRY WOOD & COAL. SALEM FUEL CO Phone la ?M Trade St ee T FOR SALE POULTRY 12 RHODE Island Red hens, also breeding cockerels. K. I. Jennings, Rt. 3. box 47. 1224 WHITE Leghorn bens 3 to 4 lbs. 60c each. P. J Esgler. Rt. 6. box 71A. 1223 HELP WANTED SOLICITORS: Want five more solic itors on petition proposition. Pay ev ery night. Local men and women, qualified voters preferred. Call 3709 after 6:30 for appointment. i;222 JOBS OPEN TO MEN WHO c'OLLOW MY ADVICE We are anxious to send our literature to men of all aces who want to get into electricity, radio or automotive work. Hundreds of men have already sent for this interesting book and as a result are n w making good In these professions. There Is absolutely no obligation on your part. The book will be sent by mall and no salesman will call. Just send me your name and address and mention whether It is electricity, rndlo or automotve work you are interested In. J. A. Rosen krantz, president National Electrical and Automotive School, 4006 So. Flg ueroa St. Dept. 11-C, Los Angeles, Cat. B222 WANTED, 25 pickers for Evergreens. 2'bC lb. Bring camping outfit. Phone 34-7. Withers & PhUlppL Sclo. Ore. WANTED, 20 blackberry pickers, cul tivated and trained patch. A. E. Bouf fleur. Phone 17F21. g224 WANTED. Salesladies. Phone 1987W after 8. g222 HOP PICKERS wanted. Meet truck at cast end Center St. bridge at 6:15 a. m. Goeser. g223 100 BERRY PICKERS for Evergreen blackberries. Extra heavy crop, good picking, long season. Families prefer red. Call 1264 N. Winter. Before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m. g2B2 WANTED, newspaper solicitor, one who can produce. Must have ear. See circulation manager. Capital Jour naL g225 WANTED woman for general house work, steady work. Box 280 Capital Journal. g922 SELL XMAS CARDS Make $5 to $15 dally: big cash bon uses; spare or full time. Represent Coast Factory -that can give custom ers A-l service. Big values: Business and Personal use; postage paid. Sam ple kit free. We deliver. A-l box ass't. 122 cards) sells $1. Act quick. Sidney B. Cohen Co, Inc. 1957 Eighth W.. Seattle. Wn. g222 WANTED bl.-.ckberry pickers, good berries. Shacks and tents furnished. Egan Bros. 3F11. . . g' Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED: Fryers, any kind, any am ount, any time. Phone 133F2. Lee Hatchery. 1227 WANTED, the best house I can get for $12. Box 135 Capital Journal. 1224 HAVE your pianos tuned and re paired by Alfred Burman at Geo. C. Will's. 1230 J. A SNEED, WELL DRILLER, 915 N. lath St.. phone 2404J. 1225 DOGS boarded in a real dog hotel. E B. Flake's Petland Farm, Pacific hlgh wnv. north 1 FOR RENT HAZEL APTS. One or two rooms, well furnished, 2201 Hazel Ave. Phone 1939W. J223 FARM FOR RENT Another 160 A. ranch. Fine Dlace. Ex tra good house, barn, grannary, gar age, machine shed. All in tip lop shape. All fenced and cross fenced, all In cultivation. Have cows, horses, full line or good farm mchlnery. 800 bu. sraln. about 25 tons ha v. Will sell all stock, feed and 65 turkeys, over 100 nena, xor siouu, ana rem uie piace for $400 per year. This will stand rigid investigation. Better hurry. SEARS A TUCKER ,84 8. Com?. J FOR RENT, furnished, good, modern 8-room house at 1353 Eyewater St., West Salem, on highway. $15 per mo. Will sell place on easy terms. Inquire 150 Klngwood Ave., West Salem, or of Kelson at Ladd and Bush hank. J228 PARTLY furnished, apartment, 701 N. Church St. 3223 ftOOD s-room house. Owner. 1178 N Commercial. J226 2-RCOM ftrmtarwf apt. $9 month: 1 room $5: 1290 Oak. Phone 1088. J223 2 AND 3 rooms, nicely furnished, cheap. 585 Highland Ave. J223 FOR RENT furnished apartment, fur nace and fireplace, $18. Phone 11 75 J Garage available. J223 ROOM and BOARD reasonable, 430 N. Summer. J226 HALIK'S modern aixirtments, fur nished or unfTrrntshed, 461 Front St Phone 9 or 1508R. J HEATED sJeeolns room 372 H. Win' ter. J 227 FOR SALE 30 acre farm, suitable for garden, bulb or dairy; or will for small house or ecrese?. Pnone 3545 J. J 22 4 HEATED 3-room upt. furnished, (507 W. Cottage. J227 FOR BENT 8-ROOM House for rent. bath, garage. Opposite Junior high school. $18 per monin. rnone mo. izsi' FURNISHED 5 -room bouse, aarase &. basement. 1310 N. Winter St. J227 ATTRACTIVE 3-room house, clean. neatly furnished, bath, garage. In qulre 1165 Hines., j223 FOR REMT furnished houses: $22.50. Cozy 4-r. bungalow, fireplace, 2 beds. Garage, located at 2125 4th St. Modern 7-r. House South Salem. Fireplace, furnace, dou- Die garatte, mv. Others at $18. $20. $25. up to $75. UNFURNISHED: $13.50. $is, $.. $30 and up. Houses for sale. Easy payments. See BECHTEL-T1IOMASON 341 State St. Room 4. J FOR RENT, furnished country home. modern conveniences, reasonable. Call evenings. Rt. 6. box 142. J 224 8-ACRE orchard with sorue fruit, near Salem. See 275 N. 20th St. J224 FURNISHED apt. heat, lights, garage $25. 1040 Leslie. J227 FOR RENT 5-room house, $15. 774 S. 18th St. modern. J 224 WELL furnished apartment, $32; ga rago available. 475 North Capitol. J248 30 ROOM furnished rooming house. Phone 2403 J. J225 GOING to California, will rent my 8 room well furnished home, close to university and statehouso to respons 1 ble people. 360 N. Capitol. J223 2 FURNISHED rooms near school, ga rage If desired. Phone 1185M. J232 FOR RENT 2nd house past Valley Pkg. Co. on W f side of N. Pacific hi- way. 4 rooms $12 1375 S. 12th St. 4 rooms $10 50 319 S. 18th St. 5 rooms 17.5Q 505 S. 18th St. 4 rooms 17.50 1130 Fir Street, 5 rooms IS ttt5 Thompson A to. 6 rooms .. 20 2 L42' N. Com'l. St. 5 rooms .... 25 442 S. 23rd St. 5 rooms 27.50 130 9. 24 th at. a rooms ou 1835 N. Capitol St. 5 rooms ... 40 LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. )' 5-ROOM house furnished. Adults. $15. Rear of 233 S. Church St. j2244 BOARD and ROOM In modern home. near capital and school. 1144 Center! ot. Jm 13C5 J224 FURNISHED house, call 1938 Ferry St. evenings. J224 MODERN four-room cottage. Electric range, partly furnished, 737 Center. J 223 APT. 604 South Com'l. Phone Emma Murphy Brown. 2173W. J GOOD PIANO In time, for rent; rent applied on purchase If desired. Tall man Piano Store, 385 and 395 South 12th street. J242 APT. for one or two girls employed. Fireplace, garage. If desired. Phone FURNISHED 5 2694 J. room" house. Phone 1222 3-ROOM apartment, 1248 Chemcketa St. J227 APARTMENT. 445 S. Whiter. 3 PRIVATE garages, 3o3 N. Liberty. Phone 1700. ) MODERN house apartments, 735 North Corn! J233 ROOM and BOARD, near capltol. 860 Chemeketa St. Phone 3867 J. J231 ONE ROOM apartment $9 month, in cludes garage, wood, light, water. Klngwood apartments, West Salem. 1223 PAT TON apartments, dowu town dis trict. Nicely furnished, private bath, etc. For Inspection call Pat ton's Book store. 1 FOR RENT, newly renovated house. $27.50. Close in. 208 North Liberty St. Phone 1834J. m j PIANOS, Phonographs and sewing machines for rent. H L, Stlf! Furni tuve Co. 1 HENDERSON furnished apt. Phone 1005. J 222 FOR RENT, Sleeping rtoms- for gen tlemen. 205 Oregon mam 1 LOST AND FOUND LOST, Lady's black purse. Fairgrounds road and 4th street. Reward If left at Capital Journal. k224 LOST, Monday, silver chain, large amethysts. Leave at Journal office. Reward. k224 LOST. Bulova wrist watch, $3 reward. Phone 859J1. k224 LOST $25 reward for return of my banjo lost between Macleay and Stay ton Saturday nite. Walt Dozlar, Stay ton. Oregon. k228 LOST, linen table cloth. Leave at Journal. Reward. k223 LOST, notebook containing driver's license. Return to Capital Journal. k222 MISCELLANEOUS HAVE Installment bonds to trade for wood or car. Box 279 Capital Journal. m223 REAL ESTATE 320 ACRES sublrrlgated ranch In Kansas, all stocked and equipped. Buildings very good. Income this year $6500; 54 bead of high grade Jersey and Holsteln cattle. 14 head of horses, 35 head brood sows, 125 tons alfalfa in stack, barn full of hay. Price $25, 000 with a $5000 fed. loan. Exchange for property between Salem and Port land, either business or ranch. ACRE and new 4 -room house at city limits Salem. Price $2750; $50 down, blance $25 a month. GOOD lot. close to N. Capitol St. Price $000. No mortgage. Would turn Into iirst payment on ciose-in acreage. A NEW concrete building, ground floor stores, apartment above, to ex change for n farm. Prefer north around $20,000. Must not have much mortgage. If any. 10 ACRES on pavement, 4-room house, tlpr. liBhtjt. water svstem. cow. chick ens, equipment, for sale at $2350; $00 down, Daiance airaiiyyu. 8. M. EARLE. Realtor 224 N. High St. Phone 2242. n225 STOP THIN K ACT I Acre. Good plastered house, large barn, good well. Located about mile B of fairgrounds on Sllvertoo road. Price $1500. Will give terms. tn ACRES Si 750 Fair buildings, has about S acre In walnuts, cherries, inoeris. peacnea ana hal. unod strawberry land. Will give terms. Located 3'j miles out. Has a living stream on place r.nd two springs. 16 ACRES $8925 North Howell Prairie Land lfndern 6-r. house with water and light system, good barn. 8 acre In cherries, peaches and prunes, balance une strawoerry iana. SEE SEARS A TUCKER 184 S. Com'l. St. n WANTED, good car as payment on house and acre on North 21st St. Price $2250. Box 129 CaplUl Jour nal. n223 REAL FARM BUYS 80 A. farm. 30 In cult. New farm bldgs. 5 a. fruit, lots good timber, springs, stock, tools, machinery, $4500. Take residence for part. 145 A. farm near town, good bottom land. 30 In. cult, more easily clear ed. Bids., lots wood, timber. Snap $6500. Tare residence. See our Exchange list PERRINR A MARSTEHS 212 Gray BWg n HOME AT A SACRIFICE Unable to meet the mortgage of $1600. will sell my equity for $400: 6-r. house lastered. basement, furnace, bulrt-lne. good lot on Fairmount street, makes it cost you only $2'iOO and I loose 81000 See my aents SEARS TUCK ER. On Iv 4 days left to buy. fry Journal Went Ads REAL ESTATE GOOD 5-r. house with fireplace, gar age and woodshed $1000. Small down payment, then $10. GOOD 3-r. house, bath and basement, and garage, $800. Small down pay ment, then SL1.50. GOOD 6-r. house, basement and gar age, siouu; sou caan, weu Fir Insurance and Loans a Specialty Phone 470 BARGAIN OP A LIFE TIME 178 acres of fine land. 100 cultivated, 10 in crops, lots of fir timber and pas ture. New plsstered house, good gravel road, place well located. It you have $3000 in cash or that much In clear property priced right, corns and see us; balance 10 years 6V. Place worth nearly double what you will be paying. Wm. A. Band or Jacob Wanner American Fidelity Building. n223 WILL sell amaU 8-room house and barn, chicken run. lour lots or mr for Fordson and plow, disc. Owne. 015 South 20th. Salem. n224 EXCHANGE Real Estate POR EXCHANGE 40 acres not far out on naved road. well fenced, some cleared, bal. pas ture and tuiiDer. creex, iair set oiogs. Owner will exchange even for a good 5-room house In Salem valued at $3000. Good 4 -room house on caved street, close to school and bus line, large lot with some shade trees and creek in rear. Price $2200. Will take vacant lots up to siauu as pan. LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1737. I NEW modern 7-room house, fine loca ttnn rlnK ta schools, larza lot. Clear. Trade for 3 to 10 acres with good buildings, within 5 miles of Salem, prefer north or west. Address box 122 Capital Journal. nn222 DUPLEX for Salem home, rents for stta. ana mgmann atb. imno NEW modern 5-room Long Beach, Cal. home for sale or trade for what have youl 1145 N. 17th. nn223 8KLL or TRADE $2735 A. B. Chase grand elec. reproducer. Sell at sacrifice to rename party or iraue tor reai es tate, vacant or Improved. Address P. O. box 429 Salem, Ore. f- nn234 WE HAVE a good close in modern e room house worth $4500 to tradeior a farm and will pay difference or as sume. 5-ROOM modern house, bargain, can sell $50 down, and $25 monthly. A splendid 20 acre chicken ranch at a bargain and can use Salem home. We have 2 good 5-room modern hous es for rent at $25. McOILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 200-10 U. S. Brink bldg. Phone 140. nn AUTOMOBILES 1929 CHRYSLER "65" coach. Sell or trade reasonable. Salem, Rt. 7, box 193. - Q226 FOR SALE late model Do Soto 6 se dan, original finish with beautiful dark green upholstery, run 10.000 mues. nas naa exceptionally bwju care. Will sell reasonable, good light car accepted In trade. Terms arranRed to responsible party. Address box 134 Capital Journal. q!20 VALLEY MOTOR CO, USED CARS 1029 Tudor Sedan $425 1929 Fordor Sedan 475 192U Sport Coupe 385 1029 Town Sedan 600 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 350 1925 Master 0 Bulck Tour. 190 19:24 Fordor Sedan 90 1926 Coupe ' 150 1U27 scar uoupe ro Terms Trades SEE VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center A Liberty Sts. Phone 1005. q A SAFE PLACE TO BUY Today's Specials You can't afford to miss seelne this selection: Terms of Course. Compare our Prices 192B Master buick- Brougham, o tires, looks like new $750 1929 Pontine coupe, B wire wneeis ouu 1927 Studebaker Dictator sedan. Rubber like new 400 1927 Stude. Victoria Big 8 Com mander 535 1927 Essex 4-dr. Good tires .... 250 1027 "50 Chrysler; 3 of these to select from at 300 1927 Star Coupster 100 1825 Chrysler "70" touring 100 1928 Chev. cabriolet. A real bar gain 335 1924 Chev. Touring 30 WILLAMETTE MOTORS, INC. Chrysler Dealers Liberty Chemeketa. Phone 1132. q222 CERTIFIED AND GUARANTEED 29 Hudson air Standard sedan, original finish Inside and out extra good, run less than 13.- iwi mllM Nw ear urvlcc and guarantee $1090 nit stuaeoaKer Lommsnaer eeaau roflnlahMl nvprhauled. and guaranteed 795 90 Essex Challenger coupe with rumble seat. Wire wheels, ertinr. wlnrt wlntra. Manv oth er extras. Price 725 M Ruir-tr ntnrtrinrrl 2-door aeann. extra good 675 ZV Essex (jnaucnger coaca, new rubber, finish good Inside mnei nt rutwr car mrvice and guarantee 675 "28 Rupmobtle sedan, leather up holstered 425 26 Hudson Custom-built 7-pass. sedan 395 "36 Chevrolet coupe, lots of ex tras, A-l In every respect .. 235 '90 Essex coach 175 RTATE MOTORS. INC. Hudson Essex Studebaker High A Chemeketa. Tel. 1000. a 20 Dodge Truck $365.00 29 Ford Rdstr 365.00 29 Ford Coupe 385.00 28 Essex Sedan 315 00 27 Chev. Coupe 260.00 9 Overland Sedan 85.00 Ford Sedan witn Liihu. .... 45.00 EIKER AUTO CO. Cor. Lib At Frrry St FINANCIAL LOANS WE CHARGE 2 PER CENT On unpaid balances. Whv nav 3 ner cent when you can borrow Cor 2 per cent? Loans on Pianos and Furniture Without removal OREGON FINANCE CORPORATION 309 Masonic Buiiaing Salem, Oregon Organized by Salem Buwmese Hen Por protection to Borrower (Licensed by State) 1-223' LOANS TO ff,lniRr PEOPLE on plain notes, endorsed notes furniture and piano. All trans actions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Bldg., 2nd floor. Corner State and Hhrh. Office hours 10 -m. to 0:30 pm. Telephone 993. Licensed oy state F. L. wood. 341 Sti WE HAVE nlentv of maesev to loan on farm and city property. Low Lnurest rates. Hudx tne Mortgage A Investment Co. Millers Store bldg. Phone 2219, r WE HAVE THE MONET to refinance your present home or farm loan; also to assist you to buy, build or Improve. Long terms, low rates, ray on any time, see us lire. ntUJhNO St ELLIS 290 M. Church St Phone 2830 r HAWKINS A ROBERTS. Inc.. for City nd farm loans Rates end cost low est svailsbte Prompt service. 20g Ore ion Building. FINANCIAL LOANS WHERE TO BORROW MONEY: On automobiles, furniture. Livestock, per sonal effects and other good secur ities. National Loan Jt Finance CO, (licensed by state 410 Bank of Com mercce. Salem, Ore. r PERSONAL) LOANS on salaries, furniture, cars, endorsed notes, repayable 1-20 months. Borrow safely from Salem's own and largest finance company. Quick and honest service. Licensed by state. t ' GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 2nd floor 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 1200. Office hours 8:30 to 8 p. m. r BORROW1 money on your personal propei ty. Pay back In monthly In stallments. WILLAMETTE LOAN COMPANY Licensed by State 605 Bank of Commerce Bldg. r MONEY to loan on real estate. Priv ate money, lowest rates. T. K Ford. First Nsttonal Bank. r FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6. P. L. Wilkinson. U. B. Bank bldg. r iV, LOANS on WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS Andeison & Rupert, ico s. Htg-h r AN INSTALLMENT LOAN Is Easv to Repay Why not let us explain Its advantages over a airing in toanr ANDERSON A RUPERT 169 8. High Street Correspondents Equitable Savings A Loan AsVn LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Reduced You keep your automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce your payments. Ad ditional money loaned. Strict ly confidential. We handle our own paper. EIKER AUTO CO. Corner Liberty and Perry Bts. Phone 121 Salem. Ore. BUSINESS Opportunities A BUSINESS that will realize 60 Investment. $300 cap. needed. Write P. L. Johnson. Rt, 2. box 30 Turner, U224 WOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE Fully eaulDDed. best of location wd areal money maker. If Interested In this line, call at our office fox full de tails. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 329 State Street. Phone 1727. A BUSINESS, past years net Income $163 per month. Sell $800 cash. Phone 2393J evenings, after 7:30 for further Information. U222 SERVICE station, garage and equipment- also good house. Pacific high' way. at Fairgrounds. Immediate pos session. Owner will sell cheap as he has other business. Alvie Davis, 2390 Fairgrounds. uiz DIRECTORY LLOYD E. RAMS DEN, bike accessories and bicycles. 387 Court street. BATTERY HLl'l'l.UlS R D. BAJ'.TON. National Batteries. starter and generator work. Ferry and mgn ireei. CHIMNEY 8WKEPS EXPERT chimney sweep and furnace man. six years In Salem. Work satis factory or money reiunaeo. wau it. b. Northness. Phone 110. o224 CIIIKOPK ACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, chiropractor. 256 N High street. Phones 87 A 2 104 J. o DR. H. B. SCO FIELD. X-ray. Phone 2194, 414 First Nan Bank mag. CABINET WORK JACOB WWZEL. Cabinet work and reiinisnmg. Furniture repairing, rn. 1591. 239 Court d, Salem. o CONTRACTORS J. A. KAPPHAHN. General team and power shovel contractor, excavating and grading. Office phone 1290, Ilea. 124P11. o ENGRAVING SALEM ENGRAVING CO. Cuts of all purposes. Tel. 343. 1B0 N. Commercial street. TltlCAL SLPPLIES HAL1K ELECTRIC CO. 461 N. Front St. Electric contracting and repairing. Appliances ana Fixtures, rnone . FLEENER ELECTRIC CO, Electric lighting fixtures and electric ranges Phone 980. 471 Court street CUT flowers and floral pieces. Deliv ery. C. P. Brelthaupt, florist, 612 State street. Phone 380. MKiailANT TAILOR M. A. ESTES. fine tailoring, 125 North Liberty street. o MATTKKSSK8 KbNOVATED MATTRESSES renovated. We renovate all kinds oi mattresses, caued lor ana delivered. Best of work guaranteed. Capital Bedding Co Portland road. Phone 19. INMl ltAM K CHAS. SPURLIN Real Estate and Insurance, 176 South Hltih St. Phone 534. o Pl.t MIIINO PLUMBING and eeneral renalr work Phone 650. Qraber Bros. 154 South Lioerty street. THEO. M. BARR. Plumbing, hea tins sheet metal works, 164 S Commercial street. PIANO TUNER GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phonographs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies, Repairing phonographs and sewing machines. 432 State SW Salem, Oregon. STOVES AND STOVE RKI'AIRINO STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and renal red tr? exnert. All kinds ol wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Bop DnsKeta ana nooks, logan noou. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa St. R. B. Fleming. 'O KL'AVANfibK SALEM SCAV ANGER. Phone 167. SOOS OARBAOE CO., reliable service. Phones, office 3125; Res. B98J. o SALEM GARBAGE CO. for prompt and continuous service. Charles Sobs and can soos. Phone 3125 or bsbj. TRANSFER AM) STOKAOK CUMMINS A HORTSCU. local and tone distance hauling. Phone 2402; Res. 129F2 or 1287R. . H'ATKK COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Water Serv ice company. Olflcea corner Com mercral end Trade streets. Bills pay- able monthly. Phonea 3 4. WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money back. The Jewel Box. 178 Liberty, oil em. At an International barbers' con test held recently at Budapest, Hungary, the victor, who was awarded the title of -World's Cham pion Barber," shaved bis vtctlm" in 45 seconds, breaking the pre vious world's record by two seconds. As a substitute for an automo bile horn a French engineer has invented a device with a micro phone placed In front of the dri ver, who whimpers warnings which are broadcast by a loud speaker In the radiator. LEGAaLS NOTICE TO rRKBlTOBS No. 7647 IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON, POR THE cmiNTT OS UAklON. In the Matter of the Estate of KVA LOUISE BECK. LEY. Deceased. Notice 1 hereby given that letters of admlnistraulxshlp upon the estate of Eva Louis Beckley, late of Mar lon County, Oregon, deceased, have been Issued to me out of and under the seal of tne county uourx or saia County. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present tnem, witn proper voucners. to me at my resiaenc at k- r. u. no. A. Ritlfxn. OrMrnn. or tn Jam W. Mott, attorney for said estate at hi on ice at no. nu nm national mdi Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. EVA M. BECKLEY. Administratrix of the estate of Eva Louise Beckley. deceased. James w. aiotu Attorney ror ad ministratrix. sept. IP. 17. 3; PCt. 1. B DISTRIBUTE TICKETS FOR TREASURE HUNT (Continued from page t) be able to hear. There were still some minor arrangements to be made in connection with the pro gram Wednesday and known num bers on the program will Include se lections by David Smith, Jr., the small Salem lad who has been heard on previous occasions and a skit directed by Charles Knowland. Newell Williams wiU be the offi cial announcer of the program. Merchants cooperating with the Salem Ad club for fall opening are: Emmons, O. F. Bretthsupt, Hamilton Shoo Co.. Aaron Astill. Moore's Blcrcle Co., slack's Prr's Drue Store, Sfwsr Store Ho. Sit, Wm. Gshltdorf, Ledd Bu3li. Ounnell Ss Robb, Dr. O. L. Scott, Lcs Newman OaUn BUM. BusUr Drown. Uldset Market. Smart Siwclslty Shop, French Bhom Ranker Hat Shop, Hamil ton Furniture Co.. Plckms Ar Barnes, Blachs Ooldrn Rule, Montnomerr Ward Jt Co., Butt FKrwer Biiop, Wretern Auto Supply Co., Imperial Furniture Co., white Houm Restaurant, Mans Snop, Geo. C. WIU, Capital Drue Btore. Roth Oroeerr Co., Pacific Morthwest Public Service Co., Th Spa, Flerncr Electric Co.. Neuman's Pain t Store, Perry Drue Store, Adams, florist: Kay's Cost s Dress Shop, Fu'.oi. Plssly Wisely No. 1. Plevtr Wieely No. 3. Army A Nsvy Store, Directors Dept. Stare, First National Bank. 1L F. Shanks. Jew eler; Tyler Drue Co., Daves Tostiery, Smart Shop, Price Shoe Store, Portland Gos ft Coke Co., Worth's Dept. Btore. Johnsons. Ladles Readr-to-Wean Eolf Electric Co.. C. J. Brier Co.. E. W. Cooler Grocery, sellers, Elliott Dry Goods Co., Williams Self Service Btore, j. Bishop's. Square Deal Hardware Co., U. 8. National Bank, Hamilton Furniture Co., Andersons Candy Shop. Woolpert Hunt, Lloyd X. Ramsden, Vanity Bat Bhoppe. Max O. Burcn, Central Pharmacy, Adolph Clear Btore. Arehsrt St Aldrteh. J. W. "Doc" Lewis, Uarsarets Baby Shop, Fashlonette, Oscar D. Olson. Cross Market. Bailey Gro cery, Kafourr Bros., H, L. SUft Furniture Co., Steusloff Market, The Jewel Box, Howard Corset Shop, Shipley's, Metro poUyisn of Deleware. Atlas Book Store, F. W. Woolworth Co., Footheslth Shoe Co. Hallk Electrte Co., Pattern Book Btore, Scheie Clotbine Store, Commercial Book Store. SALEM POPULATION PUT AT 26,266 (Continued lrom page 1) creased by 11.4 percent In states thus far reported in the farm census. A census bureau announcement Wednesday gave the Oregon state total as 55.259 farms as against 60. 209 in 1930, a gain of 5053 farms. The greatest gain in percentage was in Columbia county, which now has 1667 farms as against S91 In 1920, a gain of 68.2 percent. Josephine coun ty, which now has 1107 larms gamed by 60.5 percent Preliminary figures announced Wednesday by the census director indicated since 1929, fifteen Oregon counties have Increased their num ber of farms. 21 have decreased. Those that have added farms are Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Oant, Jackson, Josephine Klamath, Kake, Malheur, Polk, Union and Washington. Those that have dropped farms are Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Dougles, Gintam, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marlon, Morrow, Multnomah, Sherman Tillamook, Umatilla, Wal lowa, Wasco, Wheeler and Yamhill. Klamath county, where consider able development has been under way for years. Increased the largest number and the greatest percentage, going from 789 farms in 1925 to 119s or 51.8 per cent. Clackamas show ed the largest decrease in number, 259, and Jefferson the largest per centage, 27.4, LA FOLLETTE WINS DEFEATING KOHLER (Continued from page 1) date Kohler was. He was charged with fomenting a dynasty; with being a demagogue; with stirring up discontent His an swer was a repeated demand the state vote out Kohler as a member of the administration group which he held responsible for unemploy ment and the business depression. President Hoover was linked with Kohler In responsibility, by progres sive leaders. Farmers and working-men alike endorsed his declarations. He car ried a large part of the labor vote. though Kohler had been eonceaea an equal chance. The rural district which more than once voted "Uid Bob" Into office, responded with consistent majorities. Kohler Is a millionaire, "which shall rule, man or money?'' i the question posed by LaPolIette supporters. Shock head waring, fists sink ing. "Phil" went through the cam paign like a thunderbolt The La PolIette fire and ngor, iirst mani fest In 1899, showed no abating In the second generation. But the re sponse of the voters was even greater for the third of the La Pollettes than ft was for the first of them, when he made his initial run for governor. Gov. Kohler used nil airplane to travel from town to town. The crowds that came to greet him so nearly equalled those of LPollet te's few persons were willing to predict his defeat Mot only dkl LaFoilette sweep everything before bim, but his rurv nlng-mateg In the official cabinet apparently did likewise. Soft-spoken. "Sol" Levltan, who gave the only bright touch to an otherwise grim campaign, was renominated for state treasurer the fifth tune. In congressional races results re mained In doubt, although at least live progressives wen assured of reriominaUon. They were Henry Allen Cooper of Racine;; Hubert H Peavey of Washburn; James A. Ft ear of Hudson; Charles A. Ka ding of Watertown and George J. Schneider of Apple ton. Although victorious by a land slide in the state. LaPolIette lost nearly three to one In his home ward at Madison. The tenth ward vote was .142 for LaFoilette and 630 for Kohler. PROHIBITION FAILURE; PROSECUTOR RESIGNS (Continued from page 1) suggested local option as a sub' stltute. TutUe's statement comes at a time when he Is being hailed as the chief hope of New York repub licans to lead their ticket to vic tory In the approaching stat elec tion. Such prominent republican leader a Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler nave declared that Gover nor Roosevelt and the democrats will sweep the state unless the re publicans can put up strong gubernatorial candidate who fa vors repeal of the dry law. Tuttle, In his statement, said he did not wish to be considered a candidate for governor, but strong is his popularity throughout the state that an effort to draft him at the state convention appears almost certain. Many of the opinions offered by the New York prosecutor tn his statement are similar to thou pre sented by Ambassador Dwight W. Morrow, New Jersey senatorial can didate, and Governor Roosevelt. Tuttle, however, docs not believe that federal government should fade completely from the prohi bition picture In event Volsteadtam Is discarded. He suggests two con stitutional guarantees to supplant the 18th amendment These are: 1. A federal law to prevent re turn of tne saloon system and li quor traffic. 2. A measure empowering the na tlonal government to assist states which desire to retain prohibi tion. This would be effective against interstate smuggling of liquor a problem the dry states might not Be able to cope with alone. Tuttle, a prominent churchman. nas long been an active temper ance supporter. He said be had ar rived at his conclusions about the 18th amendment "very reluctantly." NORBLAD PICKS BOARD ADVISORS, PARDONS (Continued from page l ing laws, Is without authority to act in connection with a number of ma jor crimes such as murder and as sault while armed with a dangerous weapon. The pardon board will hold meet ings regularly at the state peniten tiary, and win confer with Governor Norblad In connection with such cases as are referred to them by the executive department. The governor said be bad a number of applica tions for pardons under advisement at the present time. Governor Norblad announced that his message to the 1931 legislature would include a recommendation for a permanent pardon board, each as are In operation th many other states. Within the next 10 days or two weeks. Governor Norblad will ap point a committee to conduct a com plete survey of the penitentiary for the benefit of the 1931 legislature. This survey will cover all phases of tne institution, ne said. SHAMROCK LOSES MAINSAIL, AND RACE (Continued from page 1) dtcate against syndicate. " "It's a pity this had to happen when the weather was favorable to us and we seemed to have a fine chance of winning a race," Sir Thomas said. 1 think we were ahead when the sail came down." Sir Thomas asked yachtmen about htm as to the length of time necessary to repair the damage and seemed relieved that his chal lenger could sail out again Thurs day if necessary. He will leave decision as to the next start to his skipper. Ned Heard, to whom he plans to talk this evening but be seemed anxious to help carry the races to a con clusion as rapidly as passible. The accident created consider able excitement aboard the Brtn, and several British yachtsmen aboard Indicated surprise that Harold a, skipper of the enterprise, did not turn back and call oix the race for the day. U. 8. 8. Kane oft America's Cup Course (By radio to the Associsted Press The third race of the ser ies for the America's cup Wednes day ended disastrously for Sham rock V, the British challenger, three quarters of an hour after the start. jftratlntt It along on even terms with Enterprise, the defender, Shamrock lost her main sail, which billowed down, half on her deck and half In the water, she immed lately lost way and came about. The main halyard which holds the MAMIE BATTLE SCULPTOR STILL IS UNSELECTED Paris (IP The French Beaux ArU has decided after looking over scora of projects, that there is not a living sculptor capable of carnne out of stona a monument to per petuate tha great turning point of the early days of the World war. the first battle of the Mame. After asking for models and stn dying the submitted designs, tha government, through the Beaux Arte has deckled to postpone for tha time being all plans to build tha monument, rather than erect est the Mame banks an artistic eyesore. or a monument which falls to cap ture for future generations, the sprr It of that epic battle. There has been much complain, that the Focb equestrian statue at Cassel, and the Joffre monument at ChantiDy, as weO as the thousands of war monuments erected In at. most every French village, lack es thette virtues. The Beaux Arts felt that the monument on the Marne battle fields must be original and rude in conception. The designs submitted were declared to be better fitted for a public place in some city. Most of them were along the general lines of columns supporting a lantern, One of them called for an enor mous block of reinforced concrete, weighing about 500 tons, without artistic touch or any effort to touch up its grandiose mass. The Beaux Arts Judge felt that nothing abort of a mass group of hundreds ot bronze or granite soldier figures could convey the impression of mil ltary Importance of that battle. Beaux Arts officials estimate that 10,000 tons of granite and bronze have been used up In war memor ials over France, without producing a single outstanding work of art CALIFORNIA GETS EDITORIAL MEET Chicago, (IPV-California was as sured of the 1933 convention of the National editorial association by the action of that body's execu- - tive committee in session Wednea- day m Chicago. The? 1991 convention beRinninf: May 23 goes to Atlanta, Ga, Although the meeting tn 1933 was not definitely awarded to the west coast the California delegates were assured that the committee meet next year wrroM decide In California's favor as plans for holding one convention in Alaska were abandoned. After the police had enforced a government ban on an "Irish Re publican Army" meeting in Belfast, Ireland, recently, eommunists plac arded the wails of Muitown Ceme tery with red posters. Profits from the city water and light plant are providing a new $20,000 "white way" for McPher son, Kas. big wing to the mast head, had carried away. Enterprise started to come around when the mishap to Shamrock oc curred but then turned back on the course, apparently determined to sail out the race and claim the vic tory, even though it be a walkover. The tug Susan A. Moran, carry ing the race committee, steamed over to the disabled Shamrock as did the Erin, Sir Thomas Llptonl steam yacht. The chaJienger s crew, however, hauled In their big sail alone and then Captain Ned Heard turned his boat back toward the starting line, running ahead of the wind In only her top sails. The rest of the big spectator fleet stayed close by for a few min utes and then set off after the Enterprise, footing it away for the 15 mile mark. The mishap came s iinexpectedly that It took everyone by surprise. especially this press boat. Attention on the Kane was cen terel on a bobbing case to the wat er, which as it drifted past, was identified as being a case of Scotch whisky, or perhaps a case that had held Scotch whiskey. Up to the time of the mishap, Shamrock had given the best per formance of the series, and had shown every indication of making a real battle of Wednesdays contest. She hsd the better of the start, going across almost bow to bow with the defender but in the wind ward berth, which gave her a largo advantage. To this slight margin she had clung with grim deteirnirmtion un til the accident to her rigging. The Enterprise was creeping op, how ever, and It appeared only a mat ter of minutes and miles antit she would take command. It was not believed the accident to Shamrock was serious enough to require extensive repairs, but with, Wednesday's race gone she had a staggering margin to overcome. En terprise would need only one snore victory after Wednesday to clinch the cup. An announcement from the committee boat said It could not be determined Immediately whether the challenger would bo able to race Thursday. Enterprise rounded the half way mark at 13:M:15. It had taken her two hours, 14 minutes and 1A sec onds to complete the 15 mile wind ward leg. She had ahead of her a 15 mile run back to the starting line In front ot the wind. The American defender Enterprise crossed the finish line at 3:33:50 scoring a hoUow victory in the third of the series of races tor the Amer ica's cup.