PAGE THREE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1930 EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT COURT NAMES OFFICERS OF FORESTERS OLD RESIDENTS NORTH HOWELL AT HOMECOMING Stayton Fall activities in fra ternal work began at Sublimity with the regular meeting of the St. Bonl lace court, Catholic Order of For esters. The season was ushered in with a good attendance at the meeting. Election of officers took up the prin cipal part of the evening. The following officers were elected for the annual term beginning Oc- ha ! n t ianraa Rll-haiia- V C. R., Anthony Schrewe; R. S Leo Odenthal; P. C. K Frank A. new F. S., Edward J. Bell: treasurer, fames "'I'F . diubmi, ' r. . , innnh 'Zimmerman anil Lawrence Boedtghelmer; conductors, Bernard Mlnden and Emandus Frank. Arrangements have been made at this meeting of a membership cam- -..a menu aativitlaa frr tha ' winter months that are approach ing. HUBBARD GIRL HAS FAREWELL SURPRISE lThharrl Miu OrvA Barrett save a farewell surprise party honoring Miss Agatna vogei, aaugnu-r 01 mi mi Mrs narfield Voaet. The hon- miI miaef nhn frrnriiiatarl f mm Hubbard high school last June, ex pects to attend scnooi in nampa, ' Idaho, this school year and will leave soon. t:,vt. hm miu Anita Ravens. uim ucUn Vncft. MIah Varan 8mol- Disky, Miss Louise Voget, Miss Oun- nirianorl Mlsjl Affatha V0- get, Miss Irene Scholl, Miss Elvira Bcholl, Miss Taletta Voget, Miss Martha f?at"ltff Miss DOrOthV Scholl. The high score in the card play during the evening went to Miss Agatha Voget, with low score . to Miss Taletta Voget A midnight luncheon was served. SILVERTON SURVEY HAS HEALTH TOPIC Silverton Mrs. Helen M. Wright man has as her guest this week Mrs. Frank Wray of Portland who will visit here while her husband is see ing about their ranch near Baker. Mrs. Wrightman's son, Edgar, who Is spending a few weeks at home has had as his guests, Milton Rice, son of 1-ortiand school superinten dent and William Peek, both fra- ternltv brothers of Sigma Chi. to which Edgar belongs. Last week Walter Kelsey and Ed- -a- mV a haalrh curve" nf Silver. ton for State Health Officer Dr. Striker. These surveys are being made of every city and town in tne state. Kelsey and Wrightman are both members of Nu Sigma Nu fra ternity. Wrightman will leave Thursday for the University of Oregon where he has been appointed to make physical examinations of entering Ireshmen. He will enter the Univer sity of Oregon medical school In Portland this fall as a senior, this being his eigiitn college year. MEETING ADVANCED Amity The Baptist mission circle wilrmeet Friday afternoon in Mc Minnville at the home of Mrs. Eve- i r Mn Th naaiilar rlnta fnr the meeting was Friday, Sept. 2a, but as the state fair meets that week the circle will meet a week earlier. HARPERS ARE HOSTS Gervais Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper entertained ar a family din ner Sunday when covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Schwab and . nhiUnm nf Anrnra Mr. and Mrs. John Cutsforth and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth, Rev. and Bet ty Cutsforth. VISITS IN TURNER Turner Floyd W. Hutchens of McMlnnville visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Pra ttler In Turner. He Is a brother of Um, U-ntViar HlllfhrTL- haS KOne Into the rabbit raising business quite extensively ana wnne the Schaefer rabbit farm west of town. Unionvale Deer hunting has call- , ... , nrrn will Marlev and daughter Ellen to Baker, for a week and a portion or tne time wkj wm be guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. n i ., Tt.n, laft Rat.llrriaV. Wavne JTVIII.MCJ. in,. -. ---- Woodward and Herbert Owens went to the hills back of Carlton, and E. t. Viele and son Harold also went back of Carlton. Tney leu ounaay MOTOR TO COAST 0..Y.1; Mr anH Mm JOS. T.U- lay and sons, Vincent, Herbert and Ralph, spent the week end at the coast, returning home Sunday eve ning so the boys could enroll In the school. hti t CT ART TRACHlNfl i..riiis viia jncsie Richards -till begin teaching at the Riverside school September 22. Miss Richards H a former Aumsville nigh school . .. - .rrint nf Oreffon iuuch miiu A normal. Last year she taught at whit-son an her sister, Miss Grace Richards, taught the River tide school. unvra Tn rRlMnil JU .i 1 -., . .... . - Aumsville Mrs. Blanche Albright ft... .. tn Tjhannn whera she ill teach school. Mr. Albright lamlit tha advanced trades Of the Anmfll erhool for the DSSt tWO years. aff-iRR HUNTERS LEAVE TuirfAn Amnna t)u man (if DaV- ton who left for various places to apena a lew aays acer uuiiwug Herman Louis and Alfred Sweeney ahn laft Qstnrrla fnr PriTUTVille Sild V. H. Rockwell and Arthur Novak went to Roseburg and George Hea der went to the hills back of Carl son. Some who had planned to go. because of rush of work, gave It up. Aurora Wlnfleld Atkinson, who tea Kaan vlalttnrr rrlatlvei in SaC- ramento, Calif, has returned borne and will resume his duties as prin cipal of the Estacada grammar school. rlnrlh VTnwall The "Come Home nlanin mnwir1 bv tha North HOW ell grange was so successful that t anil na mana an annual rvpni. After a week of rain tne sun came out Sunday morning to matte i nartaat riav a lift tha naif PrflV'P. MIT mnnrllnv tha imnn eTOUnda and tha Methodist church, which is now owned by the grange ana is tne mmmiinltv rantar WAS filled With mini nf ratianhnnl renewlnff Old acquaintances ana masing new uiiw. At tne noon nour approximately 300 people were served at the long tAhlaa Rnraarl under the trees. w m Htavana Offlt rm rmin 01 the dav. The meeting was called to order bv sinaing "America." follow ed bv "Auld Lang Syne." Stevens Introduced tne wortny master oi North Howell grange, Mrs. Daisy Bump, who made brief remarks of greeting. E. O. Wiesner, past mas- tai Mialrnmart all nraaent and com nawl Ha nlrl 'lav- with tha naw These remarks were responded to Dy jonn it. ccoit ana uBrs muu Innaa Mnnv nthara annka brief ly expressing their appreciation of uie invitation w -come uuuic. Mrs. Flora Hcdrick sang "When Vn,i anri T ajara Vnnntr Macffla" and Mrs. Martha Vinton chose for here solo, "Motncr U' Mine. Jen nie Cllne Van Trumo gave read- Inira and also W VL Bunn. The program was brought to a close with all singing "000 bo witn xou Till Wa Meet Acaln." nva-BH f-nm a rilctanaa who registered, were Mr. and Mrs. ntairri RaiiDhman ijinnrpv kpiii ly, Mr. and Mrs. William Williams and family, Portland; Bessie Baugh- man wrigiu ana aaugntcr, uwyiuic Ellen, Camas Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Harding Baughman, Camas, Wash.; A. .". Steele. Albany: F. A. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Fletcher, Mrs Flora Hedrick and sons, Adam Rural w 17 V1 1.. 1,1 Mi anrl Mrs. Is. H. Van TrumD. Salem: Mrs. S. T. Hooart, Mr. ana Mrs. rtoscoe Tinaiav and riaushter Marearet Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sawyer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dick man an.1 enn Rpiina Mr anri . Mn ITanrv .lnhnurn anrl Mr. and Mrs. Qle Vorseth, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vorseth and lamuy, Amanaa vorsetn Mills, Mr. ana Airs, nar tnn .lark A F Hnhart. Silverton: Lola De Sart Patterson, her his- ter, Mrs. J. E. Murpny ana aaugn ter Josephine, Agnes Jefferson Wills and Irene Jefferson Russ, Portland; Al Kcene and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hugill, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones. Mr and Mrs. F. a. Dickson and family. Senator and Mrs. S. H. Brown and son. ECONOMY CONTRIBUTIQNS FROM EVERY DEPT. IN THE HOUSE IE C B A A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ; ON EVERY PURCHASE MAKING THEIR Arr E ARAJN CE TOMORROW and Holding Full Sway Until The End of Next Week ONE TABLE FULL OF ALL SORTS LADIES' UNDIES In Italian silk and rayon, dance sets, bloomers, combinations and French panties. Lace trimmed and applique, qualities which run as mgti as ?2.50. 98 c for choice Full Fashioned SILK HOSE The famous Kayser and Hummingbird in all the prevailing Fall colors pair ... $1.00 This is an excellent buy for little money. COSTUME SLIPS Fast Colored Flat Crepe In the new longer Prin- $1.69 cess length BR0WERS ARE HOSTS Tiimnr Mr anrt MM. fieorce nivi.inr an f jart twin H rottntlv for a group of relatives and friends, in cluding Mr. and Mrs. Marry runer and their daughter. Miss Helen of AnmBvillo HarnlH C.Ctrik ot SclO. Floyd Brower of Seaside, Mrs. C. H. Grigsby ana aaugnier, iuiss jaw of Marysville, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. TJrmor orn tht narPTlt of ; Mrs. Grigsby and Floyd Brower, and Harold Cook is meir granasun. GRANGERS TO DINE Sidney The Ankeny grange held lis regular meeting at the Wentel hall recently. It was decided at this meeting to give a clam chowder feed at the next regular grange supper. The regular grange social evening will eaiuraay. , . CONES ENTERTAIN Donald Sunday guests at the. O. A. Cone home were Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cone and children, Mr. and t at t rmlcan- all nf .mlvpr Creek tt,ha-mn Plrlnn Con of Forest. Grove and Emll Shollmier of Port land. Mrs. Dolsen, wno win leacn the primary grades in the local school, will live at the Cone home. ATTENDING PRESBYTERY Woodburn Rev. E. W. Blew and n iir ifdn nf tha Prashvtorlan church and Bascom Hughes of the Bethel church are attending i- , . raalwlii arhiah maatjB ftt lamrjIfVC rirawjKij ... - Corvallls Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. CARRICK HOME AGAIN m 1,.. nilkarl rarrlolr nlrtaR, RATI limil-VUirei,, of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cai-rick, pro prietor OI WW Amity rum; aw.t, 1 k-- Uaan nan) 111 fnr Kavaral l wiiv iiaa r.j months In a Portland hospital, was brougnt to we lamuy iiuin- c Sunday where he will stay for three months, recovering from a recent 1 operation. LEAVES FOR SOUTH I i.4.rrimM Mn M H. Gen- I temann left Monday on the Shasta 1 1 nmiiea mr wuiiwua t,.,mc - visit with relatives for a few weeks. runUmonn htm a larce dairy near 1 this city and helps to supply Mon- mouth ana inaepenaence wiui um. 1 VOGETS ON TRIP n..kk.-l Mr anrl Mm (V-taV VO- ' nuwam 1 get and daughters, Taletta, Louise and Esther, nave kii nuooaru ,UI los Angeles ior a visit wu 1 tlves. They expect to reium ion""- bard in octooer. voget is tire inr prletor of Foshay dairy farm which he has recently leased to Bill Smith. MRS. MARTIN LEAVES Ai,m.vMa Mrs. Millie Martin left ; Sunday evening for Los Angeles, where sne win visit n wot 11.H there and whom sne naa not , 1. aaara Rha Will SUrO 3eea lur 1 7 , visit her nephews before returning , home. CONTINCES RADIO STUDY Hubbard Franklin de Kspina- , se has returned to the Oregon lnstl- tute of technology lor lunner roiu tudv. While in Portland is - home with the O. P. lmrxrurne family on Vancouver avenue. 1 spent the week-en in Hubbard with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. de , Lesplnasse. Pratum Dan Blschoff, who has, been visiting friends for several days 1 at Okanasan, Wash., has returned. This is the lowest price quotation on record for such a quality. GEORGETTE CREPE for formal dress in an immense range of about 80 shades. WASH PRINTS AND GINGHAMS WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES Latest Fall Fashions Coats Two outstanding groups at prices which will appeal in stantly to all ladies who are interested in up-to-date styles and yet who can not afford to pay a big price for them. and .00 .00 Ordinarily you'd pay consider ably more for each and every nnp nf those coats. Kicht now, however, they come to you at a very low price considering their excellent quality and style. Nearly all of them fur trimmed in all the pre vailing colors and materials, including all of the new features of this season. Dresses Here too, we feature just two groups for this particular oc casion but they are par-excellence and will hit the popular fancy the moment you lay your eyes on them. Here they are at and $ .75 4 In a big range of pat terns presented for the first time during fair week- -I A A yard 36x50 Cotton BABY BLANKETS A beautiful quality with novelty borders for this $1.00 occasion at They were bought to sell at $1.50 and are satin bound Satin, crepes, georgettes, Tra vel Tweeds, solid colors and ;,,,.,! a,aaa ,, I AG Wo'll' let you be your own judge what these dresses are worth regularly. Come and see for yourself. We would like to mention a host of other items worthy of notice but lim ited newspaper space prevents us from doing so at this time. Come and see them nil. 5 Piece Set RUFFLED CURTAINS $1.69 yd Included in this lot are qualities which formerly sold up to $2.95. Wool and Wool Rayon SWEATERS 40-INCH BLACK SATIN CREPE The kind you have been paying $2.50 .(P-J Q for, now, yd. Pi-.V7 for the college girl and high school Miss. As long as our sup ply holds, at -$1.00 and $1.98 Surely a low price The New Dull Finish Grenadine Twist SILK HOSE Piquot top, new French heel, in all the latest shades $1.65 DOWNSTAIRS SPECIALS Worthy of Special Mention FAST COLORED SMOCKS Flared bottom. Princess style .. .00 for choice HOSE Regular 25c children cot ton ribbed Blankets at Very Low Prices 72x84 PURE WOOL soft fleecy blan kets, plaids, stripes THE FAMOUS BEACON INDIAN ROBES A beautiful quality, hand some patterns FULL SIZED DOUBLE BLANKETS in handsome plaids and (PI QQ stripes a P LUO You'll save money in buying blankets right now when the price is away down. MILLINERY SPECIAL New Fall Hats in a range of new colors. Values to $4.05. Fair Week Special $1.95 In a variety of pretty borders $1.00 pair Well worth $1.50 Crepe Slips Wrap-round style Extra Special $1.00 EXCELLENT QUALITY SILK UMBRELLAS In solid colors and fancies, plain and crooked handles, tips to match. Featured especially for fair week $3.95 3 Downstairs Thrift Store Contributes Among Many Others Kiddies' 3-4 Length English Ribbed COTTON HOSE ' Qualities which sold at 35c a pair 10 c pair RAYON HOSE Regular 50c quality silk clocked Ladies' and Misses' 3 Fairs for $1.00 It's a wonderful low price for such a good quality. Another Exciting Item White OUTING FLANNEL which had been 25c A fair week special (J Open Saturday Until 8:30 P. M.