MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON PAGE SEVEN OREGON TO BID FOR NATIONAL LEGION SESSION Portland (U The Oregon dele (ra tion will make a determined effort to bring the 1931 American Legion convention to Portland, it was de cided here Sunday at a meeting of Uie state executive committee of the organization. Oregon delegates will campaign Vigorously for the 1931 convention at tlie national convention in Bus ton next month. A carload of fruit, nuts, smoked salmon and other pro ducts will be on exhibition and dis tributed at the state booth. Announcement was made that Portland will be one of lite eight points to cut In -on the national broadcast by the Massachusetts and Boston posts to advertise the nation al convemon. The broadcast is sche duled for Thursday at 6 pm. Pa cific coast time. President Hoover and national officers of the Ameri can Legion will be heard. Governor Norblad will be Oregon s sneaker, and will go on the air at 6:25 pjn. A report showed that the women's auxiliary had given $3500 to patients in the United States veterans hos pital here during the past year. The fund was used to purchase cigar ettes and other commodities not provided by government service. Chairmanships announced by Btate Com manger BigKS and ratified by the executive committee follow: Past Department Commander 8. 8. George, Eugene, and seven district commanders, membership; Julius C. Morctand, Estacada, hospitalization and rehabilitation; George Koehn, Portland, Americanization; Judge Jacob Kanaler, Portland, child wel fare; Brazier Small, chairman. Sa lem; Harold Warner, Pendleton; Lane Goodell. Portland; Francis V. Galloway, The Dalles; Paul McDon ald, Medford; Wilber Henderson. Portland, and Ben Dorris, Eugene, legislation. W. J. Chamberliin, Cor vallws. aeronautics; W. W. Bellcber, The Dalles. Boy Scouts; Donald Mc Leod. community service; Jack Da vis, Bend, drum and bugle corps; Sergeant -a t-arms, William T. Low ctt. Antelope; J. W. Mclnturff. Marshfield, judge advocate; C. M. T. C. and R. O. T. C, Henry Akin, Portland and Ross Sinclair, Portland; Roy "Spsc" Kecne, Salem, baseball; Francis Herr, Baker, convention fact finding: Jerry Owen, Portland, publicity; Ben Fisher, Washington, D. C, formerly of Marshfield, F. L D. A. C; T. Raymond Conway, Port land, highway safety; W. Verne Mc Kinney, Hillsboro, chairman; Irt McSherry. Salem, and J. E. Halli burton. Hermlston. Oregon Legion naire: H. B. Huntley, Springfield, reforestation. . (Continued From Page 6) Into piece and Ferguson shambled wp to them. "Is this 'ere woman a botherin' of ye? he questioned, touching his linger to his cap visor. And witn an appraising glance at Mrs. Lawrence, "Mr. Winslow don't permit no tres pass in,' ma'am. Elsa pressed the blunted stub of tier pencil against the pad as she wrote down the figures in blind haste. Thank God Ferguson had cornel The effect of the gardener's pres ence on Mrs. Lawrence was marked; fhstantly she was a su avity. 'Just stopped for a friendly word.' she announced glibly, "seeing this young lady through the garden gate, sitting here so lonely. Well, I must be off." and she waved her hand coquettishly at Elsa as she sidled through the gate which the scowling Ferguson held open for ner. (To be Continued) PIG HAS EXTRA LEO Fond du Lac, Wis., (IP) A four month -old pig on the farm of Wil liam Woock, Burnett Corners, Is thriving Just like his normal broth ers and sisters although he must carry around an extra leg, having been born with five. HOSIE HARRASSED Birmingham, Ala., IP Hosie Fisher. 69-year-old NegrO, was lock ed in county jail here twice In the same hour on separate charges of liquor law violation. He gave $100 bond the first time and had re turned home and was consoling himself with a bottle of corn when officers discovered him and hauled him back again. AWAIT SCHOOL DATS Hazel Green Several Hazel Green students will commence their school activities In Silverton high school when the school bus commences traveling Monday with Arthur Bine- gar a?aln serving as bus driver. the school bus being his property. Hazel Green students will Include Leonard and Nora Rutherford and Helen Davis. James Schneider will - tain attend the Catholic academy In Silverton and use the bus daily. FcetTIiatltcli BuriwCradk BetweenToes QmchlyRdimd Resinol Ta SOAP cool tired feet The OINTMEN1 Ink Into th Irritated akin. Its soothing med ication starting th healing at once. SUSPECT IN KIDNAPING MYSTERY 1 -av mv-; Associated Press PA of Mrs. Delia Budd (Inset, below) Identified Charles Edward Pope, 67, New Vork apartment house caretaker, as Frank Howard, who two years ago kidnaped her 10-year-old daughter Grace (inset, above). Cellars of houses where Pope was employed were searched for traces of the missing girl. AGRARIAN REVOLT RUMBLES IN CHINA Peinhig (IP Revolution a r y rumblings among the farmers of China, which have been increasing in volume for the past two years are agitating Chinese intellectuals here far more than the course of politics and civil wars. An agrarian revolution, they point out, will be more far-reaching in its effects than a mere political revolution, and will affect 60 per cent or more of the population, who earn their living from the land. The Chinese philosopher. Dr. hu Shih. and the group of thinkers of which he is the head, are devoting much of their attention to this problem, which they consider the most serious in China today. They feel that if any government can control the larger portion of China. they must act decisively first of all to placate the farmers, or an up rising equal in intensity to any which has ever occurred in this land of uprisings, is lnevtable. In many parts ol China during the past few months, farmers have taken matters in their own hands. They have established their own armies, and set up their own local governments. They have resisted bandits and soldiers alike, often successfully. A number of battles have been fought between inde pendent armies supported by farm ers and so-called government troops of one faction or another. These independent armies are Invariably labelled "communists, although the label is a misnomer in many instances. The communist movement has gained considerable ground In some of the southern provinces, but independent agricul tural governments have appeared in the north as well, without any communist connections or princi ples. DELAYED BY HASTE Yellowstone Park, Wyo., (IP) Hurrying to snap a desired picture, Harry warimgton, 17, focused his eye on the scenery, missed nls loot ing and fell on a pointed rock which pierced hu abdomen. Physicians at the Mammoth hospital said the youth would recover. RARE VIOLIN SHOWN Logansport, Ind., (IP) An Italian violin, made by Guameruis, at Cremona. Italy. In 1740, and valued at $100,000. was shown to friends and music lovers at Logansport by John Mash f not, Cincinnati antique collector. Mashinot, who upcover- ed the violin in Cincinnati three years ago, and the co-ownes, the Friar club of Cincinnati, plan to present the instrument to the Vat ican museum at Rome, it is said YOUTH- BREAKS ARM Brush Creek Robert Moe, 13 yeaf old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moe broke both bones of his right fore arm Thursday while cranking a car. He is at home and lamenting be cause schooHB to begin soon and he will be seroiusly handicapped. Plymouth, Eng., (IP) A fox-ter rier here has been taught to bal ance itself on the top of bis nose on its owners head. 1 , ',4?.!i;5- T'JifiT. tor"'"- Ope Air Circa Act Daily Horse Show O! tticea- Auto Show Livestock Exhibit County Displays alsm now to attend GANGLAND SHOWN IN CAPITOL FILM Gangland was never before de picted on the screen so cleverly, realistically and entertainingly as it Is in "Born Reckless," the Pox Movietone feature with Edmund Lowe as "Louis Berettl" which open ed at Blight s Capitol theater Sunday. Those who think of a gangster as a soulless, inhuman machine and who attend "Born Reckless' have a few surprises in store for them. They will learn that racket eers are regular human beings, moved by the same emotions which affect ether people. Aside from a brief interlude over seas during the war, most of the story's action takes place in and around New York. Lowe Is superb in his sincere and convincing por trayal of the gang leader, and Catherine Dale Owen Is both love ly and effective as the society cirl. The other featured players are Lee Tracy. Marguerite Churchill, war ren Hymer, William Harrigan, and Frank Albertson. GIRL SMOKERS IN LONDON ARE COMMONPLACE London OB Dauchter. mother and grandmother In London amokc cigarette whenever and wherew um Uk and no on la snocKea. The city baa become accustomea to the fact that the weaker aes desires a lew puffs of a strong cig aret, so, aa they naively put It over here, there you are then. A few year ago a woman wes not allowed to smoke In the paddock at Ascot. They do now. Billboard and newspaper advertising In America depicting a lovely girl nouing a cig aret of a popular brand brought pro tests from religious bodies. Similar advertisements In London attract passersby and readers. The girl brain-child of the artist Is far more beautiful probably than the model who posed for It and certain ly more so than the average London girl Special dentifrice advertisements are directed at the woman smoker. They emphasize the necessity of a girl avoiding discolored teetn caused by cigarettes. If she wouia maintain her popularity and not be shunned by those who knew her when when her teeth were white. Other advertisements will point out to Milady that the cough which Is so irritating Isn't caused by Lon don's damp, cool climate but by clg arets and urge her to change to one Immediately that will assure her a cool throat. Most of London's theaters permit smoking. Therefore it Is more un- usual to see the mother-in-law there than to see the wife, husband and mother-in-law all enjoying a peace. ful smoke. One motion picture bouse sends an usher up and down aisles spraying perfume Into the smofce- mled room. Unlike most of her American sis ters. Miss London carries her own cigarettes. She has, it may be said. a most fastidious taste and dislikes the thought of perhaps ruining an evening or a matinee engagement by using a strange brand her escor! for the occasion may be carrying. There is no shyness about them as they walk boldly Into a tobaccon 1st shop and 'purchase their favorite clgaret. They may even complain a bit if it Isn't in stock. Most of them carry automatic lighters and it Is not unusual, notwithstanding how shocking to the American school teacher abroad, for them to pause a moment on the sidewalk, light their clgaret and walk nonchalant ly on. During the summer the office girls repair to a downtown park where the after-lunch clgaret is as import, ant as the small sandwich and or ange that comprises the noonday meal. Many may be seen smoking PRAIRIE DOG TOWNS FARMERS' P0BLEM Lawton. Okla. iTPV The prairie dog towns of western Oklahoma are just another problem to the farmer. - Although the animals are not ao numerous as in the past, they still cause much damage. A demonstra tion of methods of eliminating the pests was held recently on the Port Sill Indian school farm near here. The area Is heavily infested with prairie dogs. Gas was turned into the under ground towns of the animals. Those not killed were driven from the farm. TJnemnlovment nav 1 helnv drawn oy zio.ouo mamea women in isng- lana. No Substitute for Mother Nature Old Mother Nature has no su stitute when aid is needed for tor pid, constipated liver. That's why Carter's Little Liver Pills are made out of pure vegetable calomel. Starting thirty ounces ot bile flow ing freely, they thoroughly cleanse the body of all waste. Aed bottles. All Druggists. Insist on Carter's by name. Take Carters. Adv. Aspirin BEWARE OF IMITATIONS LoOK (or the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package as pictured above when you buyrtspmn, Then you'll know that you are get ting the genuine Bayer product that thousands of physicians -prescribe. Bayer Aspirin is SAFE, as millions of users have proven, it does not depress the heart. No harmful after- ffTprt fnllnw its use. Bayer Aspirin is the universal antidote for pains of all kinds. Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache Genuine Bayer Aspirin is sold at all druggists in boxes of 12 and in bottle, of 24 and J 00. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manuiacture oi monoaMutauucaici atop busses In the evening euroute bom from work, A royal tardea party la now per haps th only (octal affair at which no woman wui venture to light a dgaret, although newspapers recent ly on Inside pages reported the fact that queen Mary occasionally In dulges in her clgaret. It was observed that recently good many women were asnoknur at a garden party la St. James palace, and most ot them were middle aged. MEXICAN CHIEF, SHORN OF POWER LIVED IN EXILE Tucson, Arts. (LP) There resides in this border town a rancher who has a good idea of how Napoleon felt when he was MnlshM to St. Helena to ponder the vicissitudes ox war. He is the former General Pran- isco Robles Manao.. 160-pound ex- under-secrtary of war of Mcndco, commander of Sonora and the con queror of the Yaquis. Today, he is a political refugee front bis na tive country. In the 1929 Escobar rebellion, General Manso served as comman der of all rebel forces in northwes tern Mexico. With the defeat of his army by the federals, he was driven across the International boundary, leaving behind him a fortune ac cumulated after years of tabor In his home at Ortiz, sonora, Mexico. Despite his comparatively low es tate here, the once noted military leader may look across the boun dary of his mother country to a number of economic achievements which still stand as monuments in Ortiz to his enterprise. In making his escape, lie left behind 6.600 head of cattle, a $25,000 light and power system, a modern water works which he founded, extensive ranching in terests, some 200 mites of improved highways in and adjacent to Ortiz, and modern barracks housing some 2,000 soldiers whome he commanded. "Whatever glory that was once mine was wiped out in a moment," he said, smiling sadly. "But I still have my wife and four children and I am a good rancher so per haps I should not be despondent, There still may be brighter days ahead. And the once highly honored fed eral officer, clad now in dungarees, goes about his work as any otter Mexican laborer. And occasionally from his lips sound Mexican Na tional anthems he loves so well, in cidentally, one of the General Man- zo's favorite historic characters Is Napoleon. AFRICAN COLONY OF PORTUGUESE IN DIRE STRAIT Angola, Portuguese Vest Africa UP) After five lean years, this onse prosperous colony and cornerstone of the Portuguese African empire finds Itself with an almost unpar alleled economic illness gnawing at her vita Is. The trouble is both economic and political. It was caused primarily by the heavy slump ot coffee, rubber and other raw materials on which the prosperity ot the colony depends and was lately aggravated by an armed rebellion. Among the measures taken by the Lisbon government to meet the unrest Is the "Colonial Act." Under this decree the high commissioner ship Is abolished and the supreme authority vested In the minister of colonics at Lisbon. Certain pre rogatives of the high commissioner. such as the riant to arant conces sions and obtain foreign foans, are withdrawn and the post is changed Into a governor-generalship. The first official to hold office. under the changed conditions, was Colonel Bento Roma. He succeeded General Filomeno da Camera, whose dismissal was demanded fol lowing the assassination of the de puty high commissioner. Lieuten ant Moraes Sarmento. But Col. Roma was confronted with sui a staggering problem that he sent In his resignation. senhor Antonio Ollverla Salazar, Portugal's financial wizard, who is acting colonial minister, Is putting the finishing touches to the com prehensive "Colonial Act" of which he Is the author. An agricultural state bank will be mated to lend money to planters at a low rate of in teres'. The present pro.uoi tlve rate on loans was reduced July 1 to relieve the monetary tension. The treasury will open a credit ot 30,000,000 escudos to the colony and the National Bank of Angola will be throughly recoganlzel. It was charged that the weekly bal ance sheets of this institution wate faked in order to cover up the par lous state ot colonial finances. The exodus of black labor to he Transvaal mines Is a source of worry to the government. To count. eract this mass emigration, the gov ernment Is planning to lower the native tax and reduce the hoars of work. The leader of the mutiny against the high commissioner -as CoW'.wl Oenipru. He was chief ol staff cf the jrarrison of Loanna, ana twice defied th (wsnuaent. in one la-' stance threatening to arrest any governor sent from Lisbon. As the colonial army aided with turn, the government refrained from taking drastic measure aaclnst the rebel officer, although the cruiser vasco da Oama was sent to make a dem onstration at Loanda. During the mutiny the port of Loanda was closed to foreign ship ping and a state of siege was pro claimed thereby adding to the trade depression. STONE AND PAtfNB SMASH Oldham, Eng. (IP) Two witnesses named Stone and Payne testified In a window-smashing case here. HOME DECORATION TALKS NO. 5 . tC2 by ojaxuua-i. COLORFUL FLOORS More and more as I go into the new modem homes 1 find that the vogue for color hu extended to the floors. Not longer are floors dull, tonren- Uu night sod this morning 1 was able to walk on it. Quick-Step dries over night, producing a surface that is hard and Cough and colorful. Any Strt. It is sold St most good paint and hardware stores 1 understand, and comes in 8 beautiful colors as well a the Clear. uonal. uninteresting. It is sound decs- that gets hard wear calls for Quick ration to have them colorful, and our modem home owners evidently lie at last accepted the great color move ment. Now we find floors colorfully painted to lighten up interiors Uddng natural brightness. Old floors do not necil to be torn up to be in accord with modern color practice. There is a wonderful new floor finish on the market, called Quick-Step. It is made by the General Paint Corporation, who also manu facture Fler. I have used Quick-Step myself. Any one can use Quidc-Step, because it flows so smoothly. It's just as easy to work with as Flex and you know how easy that is. LISTEN TO FAY FRASER OVER YOUR RADIOI Every Tuesday and Friday morning at 9:30 Miss Fraser will take up a special problem in home decoration and show how it can be solved. Lis ten to her over KFRC KHJ, KM J, KOIN, KOL, KVI, KFPY and let I painted the somewhat worn lino- b you how you can Increase leum in my kitchen a gay corn yellow the beauty and charm of your home. and at course ni not aBowed. la approach cm loot." The oonaslnn for sc. Ferret m- a portion was staging of th most elaborate French and Italian army manoeuvres since the war an this region, prior to which, LeMatln says, there was a good oal at talk of war arson! the mountaineers ol this action. If. Ferr Is af th opinion that the maneuver quieted this unrest, along with adoption ot a more conciliatory diplomatic tone' between the two countries. FRENCH WRITER FINDS BORDER FORCES WEAK Paris (IFS Thar the French are far behind the Italians In fortlfytng the common frontier through the Alps Is the reasoned JudKments of George Ferre, star reporter of Le Matin, who has lust completed a thorough inspection of that frontier. Whereas the French -Blue Dev- Its" occupy only a half dosen scat tered points on the mountain range, and then only in peacetime garrison, M. Ferre observed that the Italians had strangely fortified a veritable chain along the entire frontier from Mentone to Mount Tende, concentrating at certain strategic points. M. Ferre further observed mat military roads leading to the fron- tier from the Lombardy plains nan been widened and strengthened to nermit the passage of heavy artillery and that tracks hal been laid at four principal points for bringing ud railroad artillery. The guns of Monte Gramondo can easily dispose ot our flimsy for tifications at Mont AgeL." M. Ferre writes, adding that "probably Monte aramondo was not the only emin ence so equipped, althought I could see none of the rest wltn my glasses. FlaUsburg. N. T. tUV-A tip that a smuggler was making successful trips .Jrom Canada to the United States with liquor resulted in th arrest of Edward Gad or ot Bouse Point According to Customs offi cials. Oador was eauipped with a specially made vest which could carry 10 pints of whiskey without any noticeable bulge. Silverton Mrs. Alt Hewitt re turned Thursday evening from a four weeks' trip to Metherhin, Sas katchewan. Canada, when she had gone to see about her wheat Inter ests. She also visited friends and relatives around there. Has Your Back Given Out? 2 Meals Day, Plenty water, helps stomach "Since I drink plenty water, eat 1 good meals a day and take Ad lerika now and then, I've had no trouble with my stomach." C. De Forest Unlike other medicine. Adlerlka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisonous waste which caused gas and other stom ach trouble. Just ONE spoonful relieves gas, sour stomach and sick headache. Let Adlerlka give your stomach and bowels a REAL clean ing and see how good you feel! Perry's Drug fitore. adv. Back ache Often Varna of Disordered Kidneys. If miserable with hackarhe. bladder imtationa and getting ud at night don't take rhanmsl Help your kidneys at the first aigTtofdisorder.UseDeaa'sPifl. Successful for more than 50 years. Endorsed by hundreds of thousands of grateful users. Get Urxm's today, bold by deal 1 era everywhere. Doan's ills IS V: m 4y APiuimnc I sKasWMfi WHEN EMERGENCIES Bring Them "Back Home" . by Telephone HOLIDAYS over . . ; children back at school ... friends scat tered . . . grown sons and daughters off for the city again. ... But there is one sure way of bringing them "back home" all through the year. By telephone! It takes but a few min utes and is reasonable in cost. Please see front pages, telephone directory, for reduced evening charges, Tire Pacific Telephone AMD TELECEArU COMPANY COME . then you will appreciate the value of your National Bureau Location Marker In the eilcnt darkness of night . in the rural lonesomeness of broad daylight A call for helpl - Accident, sickness, death, fire, theft, violence an unexpected emergency has arisen, requiring immediate assistance. Possibly life is at slake! Your first thought is of the tele phone ! What a comforting thing the telephone is at such times instantly ready to serve you in emergencies. But hovr will you direct the physi cian, the ambulance driver, the veter inarian, the Crc department, the sheriff to your home? Will you waste precious time in giving long, involved directions as to roads and turns to follow ... and then spend minutes perhaps hours in agonizing uncertainty as to whether or not the person called really under Stood your directions? Or, will you simjdy state your Notional Itureau Location Marker numt fir faftf STM confident that the help so urgently needed can reach you without delay definitely and certainly? , Day and night your National Bureau . , Location Marker stands by the roadside as beacon to direct the anxiously awaited assistance to your door. Here is protrctioii protection to your 'family, livestock, property insurance stgainst the terror and worry that ac company emergencies in rural districts, where unmarked homes are difficult to find. Soon a representative of the National Bureau of Locations and Statistics wui call upon you if yon live outside the limits of incorporated cities in Marion or Polk Counties nnd cxpluin how you may secure a National Bureau Location Marker which both locates and identi fies your properly. Arrange then to have your properly marked in accordance with this simple, national farm locating system, which makes the farms of each county as easy to find and reach as borne in a city, whose street and house number are known. Tour National Bureau Location Marker will prove it value apain and again. In emergencies and as a means of directing friends', or prospective buy ers of your produce, to your home, it will render a service many timed greater than Its very nominal installation cost. Decide now not to be without this convenience and protection. NATIONAL BUREAU of Locations and Statistics Wetlcrn Divitiotutl fcotntMu-fer Portland, Oregon " of salicyucacid. Oiasft nils