EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCH S WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1930 PAGE TWO JEPSEN RITES ARE WEDNESDAY FROM STAYTON Stayton The funeral services for Harry Jepsen were held Wednesday afternoon from the church in Mill City with burial In the Stayton L O. O. F. cemetery. Rev, Bates conduc ted the services. Jensen, who was 35 yean old, was born In Denmark and came to Mill City cenen year ago where he has since resided. In company with Tom Ingaa of Mill City he had gone to Portland Sunday and when near Canby, on the return trip about 10 o'clock the car skidded on the wet pavement and Jepsen was thrown In such a manner that his neck was broken. He was rushed to the Ore gon City hospital where he died at 6:it0 o clock Monday afternoon. He leaves his mother, Magdaltn Jepsen. three sisters and one broth er In Denmark, one brother, 81g Jepsen, MIU City, one sister, Jennie Kofford of Oakland, Calif. ' The funeral was In charge of W. A.' Weddle of Stayton. WILLARD WOMAN'S r CLUB DEFERS MEET Waldo Hills The Willard Wo man's club will not begin Its autumn work this month as rumored but will hold Its first meeting the lirst part of October. The club has many interesting plans made for its win ter's work and these will be out lined by its president, Mrs. Karl Habcrly, at the first meeting of the season. AUMSVILLE EDITOR BUYS TURNER PAPER Turner The Turner Tribune of fice has changed hands a number of times since spring. F. P. Rowley, edi tor for seven years, sold the paper establishment to Aubrey L. Fletcher, then of Salem, who is now owner of the Stayton Mail. Fletcher disposed of the paper to Sanford B. Sparks, former Stayton editor, who sold it recently to Charles Clark of Aums vllle, the latter having taken poses sion. Clark is also editor of the Aumsville Star. HEALTH CLINIC HELD Mill City The Marlon county health clinic was held Tuesday af ternoon for the first time since a short recess after school was closed. Several women hnrc taken the ad vantage of this opportunity to have their children examined. Mrs. H. M. Ladd and Mrs. Arthur Allen are In charge of this work. SLASHINGS ARE BURNED Gates The lirst heavy shower of the fall was welcomed on Sunday evening with unusually heavy thunder and lightning. It rained sufficiently for some slashing burn ing. C. D. Johnson has a large piece of slashing on the north side of "Tater" hill which he Is burn ing. MOVE FROM GATES Gates Mrs. Charles Brown and children moved from the Brown home east of Gates to MIU City. Milton and Lorena Brown were popular Gates high school students and will be missed as will Leslie, who was a pupil In the Intermediate room. WAYNE BARKER HOME Marion Wayne Barker, who has been employed on a signal gang for the Southern Pacific railway at Canby. was home for a visit with Ms family and friends of Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Barber and family motored to Albany Sunday. ARRIVE FROM IOWA ' Mt. Angel Peter Erpelding and son Joseph, of Bode, Iowa, arrived here by motor Monday to spend sev eral weeks looking after his farm interests. He owns the large ranch west of town, now being farmed by L. Rutherford. Erpelding formerly lived here and is visiting with rel atives and friends. WELLS GOING EAST Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Virgil R Wells of near West Wood burn are leaving this week on an extended trip east. They will make St. Louis, Missouri, their major stop, to visit relatives and friends. They formerly lived in St. Louis and this Is their first visit there in ten venn. a a u waaw I A HUBBARD RALLY DAY SERVICE SCHEDULED Hubbard "Rally Day" has been set for September 11 by Rev. Olen S. Hartong. pastor of the Feder ated church of Hubbard. A spe cial program Is being prepared by the program committee assisted by the pastor. It Is expected that all friends of the church will attend all of the services that day and the church dinner held possibly the day before. DAYTON MEAT STORE SALE ANNOUNCED Dayton A deal has been made whereby Leo Reicbert of McMinn- ville became the owner of the Day ton Meat company's business con ducted by J. E. Proffltt for several years In Dayton and possession was taken Monday morning. The building was not Included In the deal and It will be leased by the new owner. A strictly cash basis la to be maintained. Buying local livestock Is announced by Mr. Relchert. He Is owner of two other meat shops, one at Forest Grove and the other at Oregon Cloy. The rural meat truck routes will be discontinued and the help- In the shop for the present, will be from McMinnvllle. T. Tcague, the meat cutter for several years will be employed buying and selling stock for J. E. Prolltt. The pur chase price was not made public. PURCHASE OF SILO MADE BY DUNNIGAN Hazel Green Maurice Dunnlgan purchased a 40-foot Indiana silo from Peter Stevens at Albany re cently ana Is assembling and rats tag the silo with the assistance of his father-in-law, Fred Chapman, of Hayesville. Nearly every farm of any size has from one to two silos now In this community. Most of them were filled with inch and oats and are about ready to be reiiuea with corn in the near fu ture. Rutherford, Schneider and other farmers have their own en silage cutters which they operate on weir own and other farms. WATCH IS MISSED Suver A cold wrlsttratrh mU teriously disappeared from the aMjre ownea oy rrea stump. It to wriievca it was pocKetect while Stump was working in the rear of the store. MRS. MASON LEAVES Jefferson Mrs. George C. Mason left for Victoria. B. C. Mondav for a short visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Gil bert, who are soon to leave for Chi cago where Gilbert is employed. She will also visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mason at Port Townsend. Wash., before re turning home. Miss Virginia Mason accompanied her as far as Portland. CALLED BY FUNERALS Hayesville Miss Hlldred Mason of Portland has been spending several days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mason. Miss Mason came home in order to at tend the funeral of her cousins who were killed in the accident at Tur ner Labor day. , AVERS' ARE CALLERS Marion Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Avers and son Loren Ayers of Eugene stop ped off to visit friends of Marion. They were on their way to eastern Oregon where they will visit Avers lather who owns a ranch near wa rion school and Mrs. Ayres taught mic. Ayres was principal of the Ma ine Intermediate room for three terms. THOMAS FAMILY MOVING Alrlie Mr. and Mrs. Jay Thomas and children, Geraldine, Howard, Eugene and Blain, have rented a place near Junction City. They will move this week in order to be ready by the time school starts. TIOME FROM CONDON ' Mt, Angel Miss Angela Cot t mire has returned from a two weeks' stay in Condon where she visited hei father. Miss Cot t mire will stay at the home of Miss Rose Hissing while continuing her studies at ML Angel academy. GCESTS KERR HOME Suver Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr had an their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and sons, Nor man and Wlndal, of Airlie; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conkey -f Men mouth; Mrs. Anna Brown and Yvonnf Kerr. -wUk GEORGE O'BRIEN MYRNA LOYIUCIU BROWNE LAA.A "ur GanK" Talking; Added ry tht wln(J 11owi, VALLEY SCHOOL OPENING DATES ARE DISCLOSED Dayton Monday, September S2 is the day scheduled for opening of the Wheatland school. The new school bouse WEI be completed at that time as work on the building Is progressing splendidly. Painting the outside Is now being done. Miss Maud Williamson of that vicinity 1 the teacher. The Fairvlew school will begin Friday, September 1. to give stu dents a chance to get boots oy regular class work Monday, Sep tember 23. Mrs. Dale Fowler of Grand Island and Miss Claire Wagner of Dayton are the teach' ers. Webfoot school will begin Sep tember 22. Mrs. Vernon Foster Lsi the teacher. The Plcasantdale school will not begin before September .22 and there Is a possibility of one week later. MACHINE AND TRUCK OP KOSANKE'S HIT Independence John Kosanke, farmer living south of town, had a double misfortune Monday when his son, while driving the family car to the hop fields, was struck by an ap proaching car at a cross-road. The car was somewhat damaged and oc- the Kosanke truck ran into the the Kosonke truck ran into the truck belonging to John Holt, in the same vicinity and put it over the grade. Both cases are pending set tlement. FAREWELL IS GIVEN THOSE WHO TEACH Labish Center A farewell party was held at the home of Mrs. Bun honoring the Misses Constance Weinman, Grace Klampe and Em ma McClaughery who are leaving for various points to teach school this fall. The guests present were the Misses Constance Weinman, Emma McClaughery, Grace Klampe, Marty Sewell, Naomi and Irma Horns -chuch, Frances Klampe and the hos tess. Mrs. Burr. Miss Weinman will teach at Suth erland, in the high school and Miss McClaughery will teach in the grade school at Meridian. RETURNS TO HEPPNER Hopmere Mrs. Art Jackson of Heppner. who has been spending a month here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanon, and with her brother, William Buchanon and family, has gone back to Heppner. RETl'RN TO JEFFERSON Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Looney and family have returned to their home in Jefferson, after spending the spring and summer at Port Orlord, where Looney has been engaged In contract work on the Roosevelt highway. EMPLOYMENT IS OFFERED Amity Miss Florence S nod grass, members of the June graduating class of Amity high, has gone to McMinnvllle where she has been employed for the winter. MOVING FROM SCIO Scio N. B. Moses and family will move to Albany about September IS, occupying the residence of a family are temporarily absent The Moses family will be missed In the rural region southwest of Scio, where they have been engaged in farming for a number of years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Moses have been in declining health for some time and they will lease their farm for a time, hoping to recuperate and later return to country life. ML Angel John Klin linger re turned to Brawley, Calif, after spending two months here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Kim- lincer. fTftis Month- IK rvRTLANI) uAS & OlKF in .ft? at j dv vgZ And No Additional Down Payment on any Modern Smoothtop Gasrange with automatic oven heat regulator costing $100 and up, or $10 on STUDY RESUMPTION PLANNED AT DALLAS Dallas Beginning September 14 members of the Zion Mennonlte church will resume the study of the book of Revelations, which mas dis continued when the union services were Inaugurated. There will be the usual German preaching at the morning service. TURNER MARSHAL'S APPOINTMENT MADE Turner The city council met in special session on the second day ax ter the regular meeting date, the regular meeting having been post- poned as several councilmen were absent. George Given was officially appointed night marshal, following his tentative appointment a month ago. One bill from Marion county for gravel used on the streets was ordered paid and another for grad ing was tabled for further discus sion. Other smalt bills for varying amounts were ordered paid. The Jail cell in the city hall is still uncom pleted due to a delay In making a change in the construction of the door, and the floor is yet to be placed. Routine discussion took up the remainder of the meeting. Coun cilmen present were D. S. Riches. C. C. Martin. George Crume, L. C. Ball, a. S. Prat her, mayer, and H. R. Peetz, recorder. HAZEL GREEN WILL HAVE NEW JANITOR Hazel Green Ralph Gilbert, chairman of the local school board. has announced that the first meet ing of the board will be held this week at which time a janitor wilt be hired and plans for various im provements which are to be com pleted before school commences, are to be discussed. School will begin Monday. Sep tember 29, with Mrs. Flora Hedrlck of Salem as principal and Miss Al ma Stauffer of Fruitland, as pri mary teacher, both of whom were employed in Uus district las; year. HOMECOMING READY North Howell The homecoming at North Howell wilt be held Sunday at the North Howell grove. Anyone who has ever lived in North Howell is asked to bring lunch and come for the day. Coffee, cream and su gar furnished by the grange. SHAWS VISIT DONALD Donald Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw visited Mrs. Shaw's mother. Mrs. Anna Case, living west of here. The Shaws have been at The Dalles for several weeks where Shaw was engaged in trucking during the grain harvest. They will return to Gresh am to reside. RETURNS FROM IOWA Hopmere Ervin Carbaugh, a bro ther of Cat Carbauffh, now of Ger vals, has come back to this neigh borhood from Iowa, where he went a year ago. MOVE TO MILL CITY Gates Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gall have moved from the Fluke place west of Gates to Mill City, a family by the name of Fa mum have bought the Fluke place. The Far nums are from Mill City. BARTHS END VISIT Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barth and family .returned to their home in Portland altera spending a week at the home of Mrs. Barth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob DlehL Mrs. Dlehl returned to Portland with them and will tsay there for a week. VISIT IN PORTLAND Turner Mrs. Clifford Ensley ac companied Mrs. Frank Lyle to Port land where she will visit for a week with friends and relatives. Mrs. Ens ley will be the house guest of her friend. Miss Bernlce Nelson. Mrs. Frank Lyle and daughters. Miss Elaine and Jean of Portland spent the day In Turner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiper, of the Clov- erdale district. Mrs. Ensley was Miss Vivian Colvin of Aumsville before her marriatte last fall. mm? or Ftir anv . Vau vwixawre, (Coal, Wood.Gas or Electric) Nmif ifiiVli t. .... a new range selling at $50 STAYTON LEGION POSTELECTION HELD FOR YEAR Stayton The American Legion. met at the park Monday night with 35 members present. Most of the eveninz was spent In routine busi ness and nomination and election of the officers for the next year. The following officers were elect ed: J. L. Pounds, commander: Floyd Fleetwood, vice-commander: George Duncan, adjutant: Dave John, Jr. finance; Ben Chamberlain, chap lain; W. V. Adams, historian; 6im Etzel. sergeant at arms. The executive committee was lected for each district as follows: Tom Tate, Sublimity and Union Hill; Fred Albus. Stayton: William Bodeker. Lyons and Mill City: Hugh Weitman. Aumsville and West stay ton: Paul Pietrok. Scio. The officers will be Installed at the next meeting which will be held on Monday, October u. ALBANY PLANNING FALL STYLE SHOW Albany Albany's annual fall style opening will be held Tuesday eve ning, September 18, the night pre vious to the opening of the Linn county fair, it was announced by Ray McDevitt, chairman of the committee, following the meeting of the Advertising club, Tuesday. Tues day's meeting was the first fol lowing the summer vacation. COAST PARTY HELD North Howell A coast party was held at Neskowin Sunday by a group from North Howell. Those making the trip were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Esson, Eva Nell, and Zan, Mr. and Mrs. Sherm Cosniler, Edwin and Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cline and son George. Raymond and John Paulson. George Weisner, Irene Be gin, Mabel Drake. Maxine Philips and a girl from wooaourn. SECRETARIES GATHER Dallas In her capacity as secre tary of the local chamber of com merce Mrs. C. N. Bilyeu will go to The Dalles Saturday to attend a meeting of the Oregon Secretaries' association. The subject under dis cussion will be the Important one of state-wide development. GUESTS BENNETT HOME Labish Center Mrs. Reul and son of Los Angeles, Calif., are visit ors at the home of Mrs. I. D. Ben nett. During their visit there they havj motored to Pasco, Wicsh., where they met their nephew, Mr. Carry, who returned to Labish with them. COLLIERS HAVE SON Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Ward Collier are the parents of an eight pound son born at their home Tues day, September 9. The baby has been named Ward Junior, and is their first child. MOVE TO HAYESVILLE Hayesville Hayesville has another new family, R. L. Phillips who has moved his family Into the Dr. Parr home. Phillips is employed with the P. E. p. company In Salem. VISIT IN M.VRION Marion Those visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Chris- tensen were Dr. and Mrs. Orville Wills and children Orville and Ber tha, Mrs. Nelson and daughter Edna and Victor Brunkel of Salem. Mr. Wells Is a meat Inspector for the Cascade Packing company at Salem and Brunkel is employed near Mt Angel on a hay baler. MRS. LeDOl'X ILL Mt. Angel Mrs. Louis A. LeDoux underwent a major operation Mon day at St. Vincent's hospital, Port land. The operation was performed by Dr. Joyce of Portland. Her hus band is the owner of the Service garage here. more, tf worth mm J stiff rrvrAr,. to $100. J CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR GROUP HAS MEETING Airlle The Lewis vUle Christian Endeavor society held its regular meeting at the houe of Theodore Boyer in LewisvUle. A large crowd was present to enjoy the evening. An annualy community picnic was sponsored a week ago by this group on the Verne Osborne place on the banks of the Luckiamute river. TEMPORARY BRIDGE DRIFT CREEK ROAD Waldo Hills A temporary bridge has been placed over Drift creek, where the new county bridge fa going in. The bridge Is not being used by motorists during the work ing hours of the road crew but a few of the venturesome are trying it out at other times. They are experiencing considerable difficulty in malting the grade from the bridge to the old road and the greater number are taking the detour. Following the rain Sunday night It was feared that ths new portion of the 'road which is in use would be impassable. However, the rain only settled the dust and served to pack the loose dirt, making travel more pleasant than before. The bridge. It is expected, will be com pleted about October 1. PARSONAGE IS READY FOR TURNER PASTOR Turner Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Gil strap and their daughters have mov ed into the residence across from the Turner Boys' memorial home that belongs to Mrs. C. A. Davis and j was occupied for a number of years i by "Uncle Ira Pierce." The house has been refinished on the interior and necessary plumbing put in and other modern improvements made, i for the residence to be used as the Christian church parsonage. Rev. , Gils trap is local pastor of the Tur-' ner Christian church and with his family has resided in the house near the tabernacle since coming to Tur ner more than a year ago. MEETINGS RESUMED Donald Meetings of Venus chap ter, O. E. S. wer eresumed after the summer vacation. Routine business was transacted. A social evening will be enjoyed at the next meeting with a committee composed of Mrs. Nona Yergen. Mrs. Ida Yergen and Mrs. Maude Pendleton. BIRTH IS REPORTED I Donald Friends here have receiv-' ed news of the birth of a daughter I to Mrs. Williamson of Portland, who was formerly Miss Fay Pendleton, daughter of Mrs. Maude Pendleton. VISIT HOPMERE FRIENDS Hopmere Miss Connor and her son, Ira. of Chiloquin, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gib son Osborn. Accompanying them from Chiloquin were Mrs. T. L. Osborn and sons, Leroy and Eldon of Roberts station. VISITING IN PORTLAND Amity Mrs. Clara Knight of this city is spending the week In Port land with her daughter, Mrs. Chase Thomas and family, and other rela tives and friends. Mrs. Thomas Is a teacher in a Portland high school. Gates Mrs. Robert Schroeder of Mill City has resumed her music class at Gates after some weeks va cation. When Fit! Dorsay Sings you'll realise why Paris adores her . 1 .ttiftla U1E HIWEOi fNV The dames just j-ii hrl kA br can'' 'ie''5 'ov'n9 Tt Y 'hQf mighty man l rtCM c L A G L E N M Especially when Vic's w Al!s latest role is as peppy 7H fSl ' I S any ofner bi9 'JltfcM luccesses like "The m tm cock Friday Satarday The Sky Hawk Xn AU-Talklng. All-ThrlU-lng Drama of Darin Birdmen MEETINGS RESUMED BY EASTERN STARS Amity Amity chapter No. 7. Order of the Eastern Star met In the Masonic hall Monday evening. This was the first meeting of the chapter since the summer vacation which started the last of June. A social evening waa enjoyed after the close of chapter. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Latimer gave descriptions of their recent automobile trip to their old home in Texas, At the next meeting. Monda evening, September 15, there will be Initiatory work and a supper at the close of the chapter. CONVENTION MUSIC IN CHARGE OF MELL Dallas Carmen MelL a former pastor of the Christian church In Medford, was a visitor at the local church Sunday evening, when he sang several solos at the service. Mell Is nationally known for his musical ability and will have charge of the vocal part of the musical program at the International con vention of the Disciples of Christ at Washington, D. C in October. DIVORCE SOI CUT Albany C. J. Moore filed papers in circuit court here late Tuesday through his attorneys, seeking a di vorce from Mary M. Moore on the ground of cruel and inhuman treat ment. The Moo res were married in February, 1918, at Vancouver, Wash. pOLLYWOeDii Home of 25c Talkies TODAY and T1UKSUAY The Most Talked About Talking Picture NORMA Daring honest- honest ttaA&UmH, sensational ! 4UtUKIMt Norma .Shearer's finest! Also Talklna Educational Comedy, Patho Sound Review and Act Today and Thursday World" and iVlri IBs- 1 ("heater V 4 Morris Conrad - .Wf omery Hot For Paris" WILLIAM HARRIGAN LILY AN TASHMAN AIointMAUTa!Wnf Fox Movietone Comedy Hit DimM ey IRVING CUMMINC! NIGHT SHIFT PLAN OF COUNTY SHERIFF Dallas Deputy Sheriffs Floyd Senter and Rea Craven are working on the night force out of the sher iff's office during hop picking. This arrangement was carried out last year by Sheriff T. B. Hooker and has proven successful. Donald Miss Martha Eseen ot Camas, Wash., Is spending some time here with her sisters, Mrs. J. A. Bush and assisting the latter during the rush season In the meat market. GRAND WED. THURS. COLLEEN Footlishtf Fool anaR FOOIS Abo COMEDY NEWS 4 ACT BUSINESS BETTER WORK MORE You will b interested in the Busintss Revival, now in pro gress throughout th V Cr D System. Wa hsva determined to make busintss batter. (rO agents are lengthening thtir working day, stepping t little livaliar, and taking advintag of vary business-creating move. EARN MORE This extra effort is bound to increase earnings. Van Fleet cV Durkee have arranged to augment these earnings with round $3,000 in cash awards. V O D men who operate their stations in the most intel ligent, business-like mannerwill receive a substantial addition to their September incomes. SPEND MORE To do their part, the winning station operators have agreed to spend every cent of their bonus money for things they need. At this time, everyboby is eager for a revival of business. We have taken a definite, concrete step in that direction ... a step towards transforming a desire into a fact Join with us. , Station No. TU Cheek & Ashby Capttol and Coart Street MOTS-14