PAGE TWELVE CREDITS SCOUTS WITH STARTING 'SHORTS' CRAZE Indianapolis irt Boy Scouts, Dot collegians, started the shorts-in-atead-of-long-pants erase, declared S. L. Norton, Indianapolis area Boy Scout executive. - ."Sir Robert Baden-Powell, found er of our organisation, got the idea in the Boer war," be said. "We adopted shorts In America at least as far back as 1918 and 850,000 scouts were wearing them before the college boys ever thought 01 It.1 "The English and Irish scouts wore snorts for years before they were adopted In America. Some of the soldiers wore them In the world war and after all It Is Just going back to what our forefathers start cd knee pants. "It was a long time before the scout masters and executives could come around to the Idea but they wouldn't wear long pants on hikes now," Norton said. Shorts also were given the ap proval of the Indiana state board of health when the head. Dr. Wil liam King, said they exposed the body to more air and sunshine and therefore were healthier. "People may not look so good In them but they should dress ac cording to comfort Instead of style anyway," be said. WOMAN SLAIN AS A WITCH New York OR The body of Mrs. Delphlne Ryan, 73-year-old widow, was found Monday In the dumb wai ter shaft of her apartment on East 134th street, and in the flat was a not saying she had been slain In hatred and revenge." Police Immediately began a search for one of three persons who roomed and boarded at the widow's home. Mrs. Ryan had been missing since last Thursday morning. The note left by the slayer said: This murder Is one of hatred and revenge. She Is an old witch who has seen the world for the past 80 years. Sho has lived In the reign of thirteen states. She should have been burnt at the stake." The body was found, bent over with the head resting on the knees, on top of the dumb waiter. It had been forced down the shaft. The head was crushed by a brick wrap ped in cloth. INFANTS ARE BAPTIZED West Salem Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Baker had their baby son baptised: In Ford Memorial church Sunday j morning, lie was given the name of , Charles. In the evening, Mr. and j Mrs. P. Folk, had their young son : baptized, giving him the name of Robert Kaster. Rev. M. A. Groves was the officiating minister at both baptisms. In an effort to save the life of his wife, W. C. Durford, 55, of Car diff, Wales, gave 52 ounces of his blood, but without avail. DRESSES A large assortment of travel prints, flat crepes and satin crepe dresses in the newest Fall styles. 10 .95 New Umbrellas New Fall all silk umbrel las, 16 rib with tip and handle to match. $2 .98 Rayon Slips In wrap around and princess models, in all sizes and colors each - 98c 1H North Liberty St. Hurricane Levels Santo-Domingo Buildings Associated Press telephoto by a hurricane. CAN FISH SWIM? SEALS MUST BE TAUGHT, CLAIM Seattle, Wash., (IP Young seals have to be taught to swim: they don't take to the water like ducks or fish. Dr. George Haley, professor of biology at St. Ignatius 'college, San Francisco, brought that Informa tion with him when he returned here after a tour of the Prlbiloff Islands, where a federal survey showed 900,000 seals this summer. "A young seal thrown in the water will drown," Dr. Haley said. "They must be taught to swim, taking it by degrees at their mother's sides." The seal population on the is lands has been steadily increasing since the United States. Great Brit ain and Japan reached an agree ment toward the protection of seals foraging off the islands, he reported, the rockeries will eventually reach their maximum population of 4,000, 000. he believes. Dr. Haley returned here on the federal boat Penguin, which carried $1,000,000 worth of seal skins con signed to a St. Louis fur company. The United States receives a per centage of the profits and gives 10 per cent to Great Britain and 5 per cent to Japan as part of the protec tive agreement. Since the three nations agreed to protect the teals against wanton hunters, the population of the Is lands has lncreaed at the rate of about 7 per cent annually, Dr. Haley reported. Seals spend their winters off the coasts of Washington and Oregon, returning to the Prlbiloff Islands during the summer. COBBS VISIT FKIENDS West Salem Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cobb of San Francisco were Monday Silk Hosiery Pure thread silk hose in full fashioned Kayser & Humming Bird. Begular $1.49 and $1.95. A won derful value for $1 00 Blankets Part wool double bluiik ets, 72x84 $4 .33 Downstairs 8 to re Phone H71 ,-ir-.-,.', of devasted Santo Domingo afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hunt at their home on Second street. Mrs. Cobb made her home with Mrs. Hunt for some V. e, when a young girl and will be remembered as Miss Jessie McCrlston. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb are spending their two weeks vacation visiting friends. TELEPHOTO USED TO SELL MANSION Hollywood, Calif. ) Brilliant strokes of business No. 1: Having Interested Burton Holmes, the noted lecturer, in a $50,000 home In Whitley. Heights, a salesman, to his dismay, found out that Mrs. Holmes was 2500 miles away In New York and what husband Is there who was going to buy a home his wife had never seen. Whereupon the enterprising salesman hired a photographer, got a picture of the house, and sent It by telephoto to Mrs. Holmes. To which Mrs. Holmes made a significant reply: "What's the kitchen like? Came another telephoto of the kitchen. Result :Today Mr. and Mrs. Bur ton Holmes are the new owners of a stately mansion In Hollywood and a real estate salesman Is happy. Select Your Fall Tailor-made Suit Tomorrow! Mr. Tarbill, representative of Kemp Booth Co., Ltd., importers of fine English and Scotch woolens, will be at our store all day Wed nesday wtth his Fall line of woolens for custom tailoring. We invite all of our regular patrons and every man who is inter ested in fine clothes, to "see this extensive showing of exclusive woolens. Our tailoring department has grown steadily from year to year. If you want a suit made to your individual measure in the season's newest styles and made right you'll see these new woolens, tomor row and select your pattern. . TRICED FROM Clothing THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON where thousands were killed PRISONS PROVE FAILURE, CLAIM OF SOCIOLOGIST Los Angeles (LP) Treatment of criminals under the present prison system In the United States has failed to accomplish its objective and should be supplanted by a more modern and scientific method, ac cording to Dr. John Lewis Cillin, visiting professor of sociology at the University of Southern California. "We have been sentencing a crim inal on the unscientific principle of 'what he has done,' when we should take into consideration 'what Is the matter with him?' " Dr. Cillin con tends. The courts should decide a law breaker's guilt and on conviction the criminal should be placed in the hands of a state board of experts for correction and should remain in charge until cured, the doctor be lieves. "States whose sentences run from one to 10 years and one to 14 years are progressing, but a legislative body is not qualified to decide If the maximum sentence is sufficient for the criminal's treatment. This should be left In the hands of qual ified scientists." '655 and Woolen Mills Storo TEACH NAVYMEN USE OF WIN PRESSURE TANK New London, Conn. IIW The navy is slowly but steadily going about tbe huge task of training Its entire submarine personnel in tbe use of tbe "lung," underwater respiration device by which men may escape from the depths. In order to simulate actual depth and pressure conditions without sub jecting the men to the dangers of actual escape In the ocean, naval engineers are building a tall tank which may be flooded and entered through a lock at the bottom. The tank, equipped with a spiral stairway leading to a platform at the top, towers 12 feet high over the submarine base here. When flooded to the top It. holds 240,000 gallons of water. . When tbe tank la pumped full, a group of sailors to be trained will enter the control room or lock at the base. The room will be dry when they enter and they will study tables attached to tbe walls telling when to breathe while ascending and how many breaths to take at certain stopping points. Then they will attach the lungs and turn val ves to flood their compartment When the pressure within equals that without, they will open an es cape hatch, similar to that being In stalled on some of the newer sub marines, and send up a buoy carry ing a heavy rope, knotted at the points where they must pause for decompression In order to avoid 111 effects caused by too rapid a change of pressure. The tank will enable tbe navy to speed Its training program. The program of the submarine force calls for every officer and enlisted man to be experienced In use of the escape device. BOTANIST ENROUTE TO SPEND LONG VIGIL Tokyo (LP) Dr. J. P. Rock, noted American botanist and explorer, sailed recently from Yokohama en route to Ll-king, one of the most inaccessible districts of China, where he Intends to take up a res idence of 10 years to study the life, literature, customs, ceremonies and habits of the Nashi, a Tibetan-Burmese race. For the past 10 years he has lived at Li-King, spending only four months of that time within the am- its of civilization. He returns now X to make another 10 years study. At various times he has contrib uted data (or the Smithsonian In stitute, Harvard university and the National Geographical society. He has Just presented the Congression al Library In Washington, D. C, with M3 original books written by the Li-Klng people In their native tongue. 1000 YANKEES AID PROGRAM IN SOVIET RUSSIA Moscow (LP) American engineers and other specialists are penetrat ing the whole complicated web of Soviet economic life. Wherever a gigantic piece of Industrial construc tion Is under way, one Is certain to find American experts at strategic posts. - They are to be seen in the largest of the current undertakings, such as Dnlepestroi, Magnitostroi, Tractors trol, etc. But which always seems most remarkable also In smaller, out of the way places and enter prises. American geologists are at work In Kazakstan, studying the natural resources. American mining engineers are at several points In Siberia. Experts from New York. Chicago, a dozen other American centers are stationed all the way from Moscow to Vladivostok, from Bakou to Murmansk. The usual estimate of the num ber of Americans already on the Job here Is 1.0O0. Facts For Fat Folks Women are apt to take on weight after 40 If they don't watch out Kruschen Salts and modified diet is an Inexpensive way to keep free from fat. Mrs. C. L. of Shepardsville, Ken tucky, writes: "I have reduced 24 pounds In 31 days with Kruchen and I ate three meals a day." A New York woman lost 14 pounds with one bottle of Kruschen Salts. Get It at Perry's drug store or the Capital drug store or any drus store in the world and take one half tea spoonful in hot water before break fast every morning don't miss a morning one S3 cent bottle lasts 4 weeks Millions take little daily health dose. adv. DEM TUESDAY, 'ETHER MOVIES' GO UNLICENSED 'TIL IMPROVED Washington (AT Permission to transmit "ether movies" on any ol the wavelengths now reserved for the transmission of sound programs will not be given until visual broad casting reaches a far higher stage of development, says the federal radio commission. This view Is set forth In an an swer to the appeal of the Short Wave and Television Laboratory, Inc., of Boston to the courts of ap peals of the District of Columbia from the commissioner's refusal to permit television transmission on the broadcast frequency of 1,370 kilocycles, "Television IS not yet ready to offer to the public as a whole," the commission says. "It Is not yet pos sible to forsee exactly or with any degree of certainty just what en gineering development will take place In the highly technical field of radio activity." Although certain short-wave channels for experimental purposes have been set aside by the com mission. It feels, however, that the manufacture of visual receiving sets TOPS CURTAINS SEATCOVERS ENCLOSURES Upholstering COMPLETE AUTO KETRIMMING Ham's Top Courteous Service 267 SOUTH COMMERCIAL We offer yott SPECIAL TERMS on the MO NT AG during our ANSTAXION delivery NOW start -payments To place a Montag Grculator Heater in every home in this locality, where heat is needed in quantities and at an economical cost . ; ; we, as yaur Montag dealer, hare prepared an offer that is within the reach of every purse. During this, our demonstration week,' YOUR OLD HEATER WILL BE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT ON A MONTAG CIRCULATOR HEATER ; ; ; and the balance will be arranged to suit your convenience. Plan to come in today : ; ; as our demonstration lasts just one week. Wuimiuietk Xfl jEM xmmizS SEPTEMBER 9, 1930 as well as transmitting apparatus Is "still highly experimental." it la therefore opposed to licensing . broadcast station to synofironlze with experimental television eta- tlons. ' Eranston, 111., (UV-Taking ad-' vantage of the curative properties of the ' sun's rays - Is expensive, Thomas Anda. 25. aava. Amtu at Calvary beach by Evanston po lice while sunning; himself m bath- i a charge of Indecent exposure. OPTOMETRISTS Specialist In the Art and Bcl ' ence of prescribing and fitting glasses. MORRIS Optical Go's. New Type Deeper Curved Lena 301-2-3 First Natl Bank SALEM, ORtOON f AUTO GLASS BODIES FENDERS RADIATORS Wrecks Rebuilt QUALITY WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES & Body Shop PHONE 578 V