PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1930 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE Untouched By Human Hands By Harold Gray. Br NATALIE SVMN&B LINCOLN CH APTER I FAMILY SECRETS "You may leave the coffee, Lam bert," as tlx butler lifted the small electric percolator to put It back on the Invalid's tray in front of Mrs. Wins low. "Have the others dined?" ''Yes, madam. Mr, Thorne has re turned." "Good. Ask him to come to my boudoir, Lambert, and tell Dr. Mc Lane I will be greatly obliged if he will join us there." "Very good, madam." But still Lambert lingered. "If you please, I'll not be here tonight." "Oh!" Mrs. Win low's thoughts, which bad strayed elsewhere, came back to the servant with a rush. "This isn't your usual night off, Lambert." "I'll take It instead, madam." The butler's manner was perfectly re spectful. "You won't be needing me tonight," with a placating smile which disarmed his mistress. "See that the house is leaked up before you leave," directed Mrs. Wlnslow. "And tell Lucy to come the instant I ring. The moment the door was safely closed behind the butler, Mrs. Wlns low left her easy chair and went over to the telephone. She lifted the instrument to her ear and spoke Into the mouthpiece. Ferguson's throaty tones came over the wire. "Yes, ma'am." 'Ferguson?" then sure of his iden tity, "You are to carry out my or ders implicitly." "Yes, ma'am." "Be watchful tonight, Ferguson, and on your guard when Lambert is around. "I will ma'am, don't you be afear ed." She replaced the telephone and crossed the room to her boudoir. She entered it Just as Lambert showed Thorne and McLane in through the hall door. "You gentlemen already know each other," she said, turning with a touch of eagerness to the physi cian. "How is Arnold?" "Resting quietly; he dropped off to sleep soon after regaining con- sclousness," replied McLane. "How are you feeling?" "Oh, quite myself." Mrs. Winslow's white, pinched features contradicted her statement, but McLane forbore to comment. "My husband,'' she continued, turning to the silent de tective, "had a heart attack Just be fore dinner." "I am sorry," exclaimed Thome. I found a telephone call to come here, but had I known I would not have disturbed you." "I sent for you," she broke in. "I understood from my husband that he has retained your resvices pro fessionally to" she hesitated "to investigate the mysteries mysteri ous happenings out here," correct ing herself. "Arnold said that while you had not definitely promised your aid, the check he had offered you was not left on his desk." "I took it." Thome's eyes never left Mrs. Winslow. "Frankly, Mrs. Wlnslow, Dr. McLane'' statement as to the result of the autopsy alter-, ed my decision. "Ah, I am glad." She rose, and with a sudden graclousness which ! sat well upon her: "My husband1 will be equally pleased." 1 "But tell him that I shall not cash the check now," Thome's pleasant mnnner matched hers in courtesy ''Can I do anything for you ?" "You have already given me great comfort," suavely, although her heart was beating swiftly. "I will tell Arnold when he awakens that Dr. McLane and I have your prom ise to undertake the case. Poor Ar nold, to have another attack at this time. Shall I sit up with Arnold tonight. Doctor?" Mrl,nne shook Ms hend. "Miss I Kline will look after him," he said. Mrs. Kinslows tired face light ened and returning the friendly pressure of his hand she bowed to Thorne and withdrew to her own room. In the hall tho physician hesi tated, then spoke under his breath: "Come this way. Thorne." And side by side the two men walked the short distance to Arnold Wins low's bedroom. Winslow lay sleeping partly on his right side. The doctor turned back the sheet and blanket, which were pulled up to his chin, and ex posed his throat. On the white flesh bruises were distinctly visible. With a movement so deft that it elicited McLane's silent commenda tion. Thome drew out a small mag nifying glass and studied the marks on the skin, then gently replaced the bed covers witnout disturbing the sleeping man. It was not until they were in the lower hall once more that the de tective spoke. Was he choked Into insensibil ity?" he asked, in little more than m whisper. 'I would say so, cryptically, "but his wife claims it was another heart attack." McLane picked up his hat and overcoat and with a signifcant jerk of his head In the direction of the card room, led the way there instead of toward the front door. "Mrs. Wins low's statement that her husband has put the Kane case in your hands has decided me to speak of certain facts," he hesitated, then with a quick, friendly smile; "perhaps I'll regret my impulse, but " with an appraising glance at Thorne standing gravely by him, "I feel you will respect my con fidence." "I will," and the finality of the tone pleased the physician. "It is not my custom to discuss conditions I find in the homes of my patients," he weqt on. "A doc tor is frequently looked on as a father confessor, and we cannot help becoming aware of information not intended for publication." "I understand," supplemented Thome quickly. "Suppose I ques tion you," and as McLane nodded his acquiescence; "Where did you find Mr. Winslow unconscious?" "In bed," succinctly. "Mrs. Wins low said he fainted in her boudoir, and that with the help of Lambert she got him to his own room and on the bed when he fainted again. He regained consciousness soon after I got here and dropped off to sleep. It so happens," McLane leaned against a comer of the larger ma hogany card table; "that Winslow came into my office ten days ago. complaining of failing eyesight; so he underwent a stride physical ex amination at the request of his oculist; the tests gave no informa tion of any heart trouble." "How about his blood pressure?" "Just above normal; nothing to have produced this condition," with a wave of his hand toward the cell ing. "I told him to quit drinking bootleg liquor and perhaps his sight would improve." "Is he a hard drinker?" quickly. "Not ordinarily, no." McLane hes itated. "I Imagine Mrs. Wlnslow did not always approve of some of the stag parties he gave," with a reminiscent chuckle, then sobering Instantly; "by the way, she's the gray mare in the stable and no body's fool." "And yet she told you her hus band was ill from a heart attack?" McLane shifted his weight to his right foot. "Perhaps she was kid ding herself," he suggested; "you can never tell about a woman." Thome's eyes gleamed under his heavy lashes. "Is Mr. Wlnslow at tentive to other women?" he asked, quickly. The doctor shook his head. "Not met nknW - COME . NMNl -ThKTS N GOOt 60KT- "OOt'T scared- )Vir HI, A - - a Vofi GONE i THt.-Vcfe WST U6H"TfcHN' AHT HOT EVEt A CSOX SV2E TMV. TO GSiAfc HOV OF- , ( HVVAPH. EMET3j V I GET TO TFfc.ST ASE. THAT VJA-- THE'i'U COME. R6HT i? TO fAE. BviT Twe VNOfVT LEX ME TOUCH EIA STW-W 5 Lov- THEYRE THKT FRVENOLM THEttE MUST , BE SOME VslPCA TO TOOX. W I m mm .1'- ' V REG'LAR FELLERS Pretty Fair Alibi By Gene Byrnes &ET VT WHEN TOO (SET HQrAE I &HTltf - 49 III TOLE TOU I not h.Am- &he:said if enybody slapped you on ONE CHEEK. TO TOI hi THE OTHER J 'but i 6otM &OCK.ED ON THE 2?a HOSE T I AN' t ONEY SOT I ; VOHE NOSEl TAILSPIN TOMMY Bodging Cloud Bursts By ULF.NN CIIAFFIN ana UAL FOUHESX MIGHT AS WELL , m tsj b'-i rc; c i etc., A MAGICIAN COULDN'T THROUGH THIS I HERE'5 MY FLYING- ORPER ! W 1 w. . . . , . . . . :j OF IT WHILE I DODGE jV these rLoub ryt I BURSTS.' srK STORM AREA t HfVHAlT INBREAK IN OUR. vmiv t r favor! HAVE TO k Tiodc-? Vy CHECK ON NUMBER OF a HJKfc. w PERSONS STRANDED ON "V TO PAY RIDGE NO Efigf RAIN HEPORTED THERE -Sfr AND ITS NEAR, , IF A SHERIFF IS IN THAT GANG I'LL BET HE'LL BE MAD ENOUGH TO SWIM DOWN AND LICK THEM BANK STEALERS SINGLE- l UAuncn' iLWmMLW-l r NO SHERIFFS IN t . M TRYING TQTALK 1 h COTTON CANPANYWAY. H YOURSELF OUT" KK-IMK1. JfM KtCUfc DOAl I Kthem bank stealers & of a party? KrOTrYZ are at a I 6 SNGLe i SA HOW ABOUT j v i W ' ( PRtIIUM AND DUMB DORA A (tSweU" Of The Ocean By Paul Fung (Continued on Paste 7 ACKOSS Sernt of ft Q'udi maito,' ere l'recli lota- NhiKinir T!rt Unit of elef trleui fiiHcll7 Municrnn iuh tlu rue rrrt Wiitutf t Article M ml rriitl Uyself iU in a hitler I'rliK'i'lj llnllun rum II j Df f OHM'll VrRi-liililft OH Ann. till Tiie bitirr tPlrh FfBilnlnt Bum Kurtu biilMlnR lii'tve utulon French rlter Miue npproafli Hiiml Initra rnt ( robbrri DrBlh Olirii-hiitiilcd blow 1'hcp cofrrlnf Nlormed li Mint of ll (ieoritn Kilo I rhurarter AiiMiiinikal Una Btrlnlllfroil tnrk Solution of Yeiterdiy'i Puzzl S'AiNlEl AD!SI Ira c e ERAS M E VV S onH S SJE N EBP A li AlDlE arQ NATE EDEN sIeInId unit 0. Ilrllart 1. Word of ' nolrtna oilftlt I. Vlty In New York Dili M. MlKrali IM. On ch ohii II, Bmnlltil Inlri nbbr It. Itlblionllfco flu it i Ti. rhiie fr. rlrri nbbr. It, Ito tqaar fS. ARitlnttl If. Fnirlc'i neit HI. Cfialrlie fit. Lfit II iliind St. Sippllrnlloni DOWN 1. At dliUnrt t. Nurrow ronft t, WelrJf land mfitunra 4. IbII Uiilih ft. l'ofm t. Ilrnlerrnlnrfl T. Mnk bHIiiT 5. Hftvlmt noodcB Sroprllrrt Inirlnr f Mil hi II. Kitxnl ol arfact II. Uiholdl II. wild . II. rorlcnti J It. Tnbleland dfl. Hpati of hofMI tS, Hhofmakart mall nail ,j li, 'ur.ildt4 tlKUTM IS. Knroarairt IS. II overfund o( it. Vounit dtmoni SS. Mrlnl fndtcuer 8k Ilemollia S7. Notion Iff. Ilnrk of tb neck 41. Wot basy 41. Kmployor 44. One of n nnclcnl rat 4 . IndlRo plant 4H, Staff it. Ilrpcut , 4. Mark of ft blow It. Hoily of water 4H. Itnil birds tt. Mill Klrl WHO tlnttfd Wonilrrtand I. Aitlitard taK CI. Arllat'a stand ti. Tribe of lurarlt Tar. IT. :It fort t. silkworm 10. Ood of war 7ft. Orlntal ahlp rnptala 74. Knock 77. Kaa irod HA. Coaceralsf la 13 U S 1 7 S If I ; 1' I" I' : SL LJlA H J? 1 4o -4i 42 43 M 45 4U y:7j . 4f Sa ft TT-. S3 -Ja luU -iluJ 1 1 1 r-i 1 i 1 l1 1 1 i I OH, MR. MIOAS.THIS ) STEAM YACHT IS SIMPL.-V TOO WONDERFUL. FOR WORDS' tin IMP, Hnnmr S,rvif ...i I .1.1,1. r... IT'S X' 1 tM PERFECTLY I NOT TOO ) APPOINTED ) FRESH IN EVERY ) now MUCH) .. I f l ' " . . I I I OVDMT KNOW y IT'S ALL RKSMT, SOT A "UULDfT V, WAV J DOES A I urrnecaAi I II HAVE COMB Z 1 TX I ' fCZl OTHERS I UKE J SO SHORT J f f( LIKE THIS uJi U n. if 1 -v,'i I J "ELLV " f V" "toP COURSE NOT 'Jjj(i f FORSOT,.- S JVMEANTO f MV DEAR CHAP-- 1 flffo ONE OR TWO ) SAV VOU DON'T ) L I NEVER COUNT ' 7 M.U..ON J W IP JIT Z-THE PENNIES ) ' BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I jf DHODYTHEYVE 0OILT A ) TI II -& M WEUL THANK H FT PT" ; " -- - ' J v - ( ORT, 6R- WOOuO jf 1 MINIATURE 50LP COOR-v .IU. i Vk (SOOONe (.f il f V-t " ' ' X iS YOO MlNOTHROW- ! .1 OM1H6 ROOF CM eoiMQ MM IT-b osie -- I ' fidh " Y 'NGoPThat 1 tmTX,, 1JX t would "J :-J-krrr - --WJr boono- j - Inll Ftar 8 MUTT AND JEFF Mutt's Daddv Was A Grand Old Man By Bud Fishe' r I wisn -that cop WOULfe STOP HOOWblMGl Me OFF THIS BEKicH- ! IT'S Trt OHLV THIUXJ 11 TMVOR. CUtR MMX THAT FlTTl Mt. HCM COtAet TH LAW WW. ' IP c uiAl -ft TAI6 THC ccusut ee all thc BumsI IM1KC WORLD X COULD START AN STOP WITH tOU'. WllHf DON'T VOU XAORk?. IX WANT TO J WORK BoT PAPA UAWTS I Mt TO SO Back to collcgc: T I Ho I VOOR OLO I MAM? WHAT oe J MCDO FOR A T- HE MAKtS SUN GLASSES FoRCCLlPSeS.HCSCTS SO MAT UJHCN Trte SUN SHWtS THAT H FROTHS CMOUCM AT THe MOUTH TO SHAMJ VICMNA! BoY.THAT'i Soj MAD. WAS HC IN TH WORLD NO, HC NU6(6 GOT THAT MAt. BUT HCS A TCRRTBLt 60LFCR. Ht PLAVS such A BAD GAM& OF 60LF THAT He. THOUGHT THe r THOOSAND ISLANDS WtX5 tvot: f I KSST I C' .1 ' 1 I "