TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE You Don't Get Fat-Headed Feeding Your Mind Rich Food. Capital jUournal CLASSIFIED AI1VERT1S1NO RATttft Rats per word : Out Insertion, t cents; tbm insertions ft cents; on week 8 cents; one month 25 cenu; one fear per month. 30 cenu; minimum per ad 26 Moti Not taken over pbone un less advertiser bu monthly bo count. Mo allowance Cor pbone error. Want ada muit be In by 10 a.m. day of publ taction. Real Katate and Auto ada by 1 DA day previous to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE room house, close in, full basement, furnace, 2750. Easy terms. . t l.mom enttair. tra raize, corner lot 66x 135, paved streets, fruit and shade irees. aauu; tstuu tusii, wt .r.mm ftnttaua. ear iui a. lot 76x150. paved street, near school, $1150; $100 casu, flU mummy, w LISTON -MORLEY Masonic Temple &2091 SPECIAL nrrMMitR RTPV.KT home COUPLETS LY FURNISHED for $4500. A real bargain. Call fcr appointment. SE Mrs. Ellis with rvs m run na rn PMltnn 550 Ktntf Street. Phono 1727." a FOR SALE FARMS "rvrrrituPP BTIV FOR ALL CASH 26 acres sandy loam river bottom. 23 acres In cultivation, balance Iir tim ber, 6-room plastered bouse, good barn, poultry bouses, bog house, well fenced, close to school on good road, 13850 cash and assume 3WU on eon lis loan terms. - 1st Nat'l. Banfc bldg. . FOR SALE Miscellaneous nvtija u of hit a1m O raven (.'hi auDlcs 40c UD. Call 17F15. C120 ELBERTA peaches now ready at Pet iy s orcnarai on ma. BARTLETT canning pears 50c bushel NO. 1 White wheat Hie lb. IV miles north Brunk's corner. Rt. 2, box 141 C209 oidti vtt iwnra asc brlna boxes. 8a lem-3Uverton highway, Rt. 7, box 127 .1 p Ooode. C210 PEACHES 50C bu. Phone 61F13. c210 .STRAWBERRIES 10c; tomatoes, cab bage, cucumbers, prunes, hi. bwm, a Phnn 77P5 at noon. CllJ m ni c tiB-i. rar,ntntr nrs deliv ered Salem 60c. Phone 1785v4. c312 CANNINO peaches. S1.25 per bu. at orchard 7 miles north of Salem on River Road or at stand at Waconda corners. 10 miles north on Champoeg road. Bring boxes. Asplnwall Bros. c21J PEARS 26c and 40c. Wallace road. box ?.. Phone our is. USED LUMBER for sale. 2x12 dressed 4 sides; ax ana ao mw - tic. Bhlplap, Rubberold roofing. 435 nivl.tnn atreet. C2U 70 ACRES oak timber. 91.15 stump-on- Rnx S30 Canltal Journal. c210 ., . . Vn.lu SKI fiawuo, wnue titer " . . 1 Chlckerlng 47; Wcaser MB: pollard .hi. iwornss w. " ttis! Krakaur 78. Meesner S87. Terms $5 per month. Investigate these snaps an once. Atmuwu r" 12th St. cal not over 75c bu. Phone MM. Walter HONEY Sixty lbs. for $5. Phone 8F5 FARM property and Automobile In surance now at lower rntes. Win. A. Prntv. airent. Phone vraM. CANNING PEACHES. Pears, Apples. PEACHES and all kindst fresh fruits mile south Waconda on Sslem-Cham mm veseuiuies. mviucu o.. A.nlnw.11 RF21 C217 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 20 HEAD sheep to let out on shaxea k October 10: 1170 Smith St. ells WANTED Pall freshening cowl. Phone R9F21 evenings. 20 DR. FRED W. LANOB. Veterinarian Office 529 6 Commercial Phone 1198 DMtHnr nhnne 1686 PAIRY cows for sale or trade, 1-3 down, balance one year. Red barn. N, commercial and Columbia. Nelson Bros. Phone 705; 185 N. High St. e FOR SALE WOOD FOR good dry wood delivered, phone 1800. , , 212 WOOD SAWINO.. SPROKD BROS PHONE 1131. ee231 ALL BUNDS of DRY WOOD, - 73F2. M. D. Mavfleld. ee228 WOOD SAWINO. Phone 1619. ee32S GOOD DRY 4-foot Old fir 66.50 per cord. Write M. E, Morley, Sublimity ee224 DRY 10 inch old fir. 4 ft. fir. oak. ash, old fir and hill alnb. C. XJ. Har bough's Transfer and Fuel. 838 High land, phone 1990. ee324 PLANER wood 63.50 load; slabwood 62.75 load: 2nd growth fir 43 50 load; fi. aa Innrl. Tn CV "a Fual Yard. Phone 2985. 212 --. T- . mVav r AH Phririr 3731) Phone 2 3 30 J ep209 WOOD. L. C. Kelly. Phone 1573J ee2l0 WOOD sawing, speedy and accurate service. Phone 1223. ce216 ORDER jour wood now Best 16-lnch Inside slab wood mixed at Cobbe & Mitchell Co., e5 00 per cord from car Phone Bia. swouinov SUED DRY WOOD & COAL. SALEM F'fFI fP Pnnf H "S? Trti-'f yt "f FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE White Lenorn pullets X JK OI11.L nunc smn from, trtpnested stock. Gehrig Brecd 1;; F:rm, SllVfron. Ore. fM HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED wood cutters for old fir. 645 Kerry after 7 p.m. g211 25 BLACKBERRY pickers. Cultivated nnri tralnfrl natch. A. E. BoufflfUr. Rt. 2. Salem. B203 WANTED Experienced realty sales bian. Good exchange man preferred, LISTON -MORLEY AOITNCY, Inc. Masonic Temple g209 WANTED, evergreen blackberry plcli ers. pay 2c; 1 Vi miles east of Broods. Jfgjt:e McCoy. c-0 SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED stenographer. Phone h?10 Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED 2 or 3 good heavy logger trucks. Phone 2360W after 6 p.m. 1299 HAVE your pianos tuned and re paired by Alfred Burman at Geo. C Will's. 1230 J. A. SNEED, WELL DRILLER, 915 N 18th St.. phone 2464J. 1225 WILL tmde an electric range lor on wood. 233 Chemeketa St. 120 POGS boarded in a real dog hotel C B Flake Petiand Farm. Psclftc high- FOR RENT ISLCEI'INO room, 2-room or sinwle apsr indent. 430 N. Libeity. i210 FOR RENT FOR RENT modem home. 6 rooms, beautiful lawn, flowers, shrubbery. Rout reasonable to right party. See owner. 1005 Ferry St. i h i m HUNT HOUSES Large list 612 to 645; Furnished $20 to $65. Kent your house of Bechtel or Thomason, n you want mi oe. 31 oiace os. kiwqi . J FOR RENT 4nrl Vimia nn W. aids of H. Pa cllic highway, 4 rooms " 1342 Waller St. 6 rooms 616 1275 S. 12th St. 4 rooms 616.50 505 S. 18th St. 4 rooms 618 1270 N. 31st St. 4 rooms 625 680 Lareiie St. o rooms su 1635 N. Capitol St. 5 rooms 640 1096 E street. 8 rooms $50 LEO N. childs co.. Realtors 320 State St. Phone 1727. l NfW S.rnnm bungalow, adults. 415 N Cottage. Phone 1577R. J210 6-ROOM modern cottage, S13. Inquire 556 Union or 605 S. 19th. J210 MODERN cottage. 737 Center. J212 MODERN room. 737 Center. J312 STATE apartments. 1320 State St. De sirable 3 -room corner apartment, nlcc iir fiirninhpfi . Electric refrlueratlon. Concrete building, near statehouse. ga rage, adults, 630 to 640. Phone 2011 or 2818J. J232 win M.ni.hsi4 rtntna Qlfi Rnllth 33rd street. Inquire at service station 21st and Market. 1209 a.nonM furnished house. S64 North Church. 1200 FURNISHED 4 and 6 -room houses Phone 585J. J2W FURNISHED apartments, 444 South High. unnrDM K.rnnm hmiu. Call 313AR ROOM and BOARD, near Capitol. 800 Chemeketa at. rnone jooj. jaa FURNISHED apt. with garage. 785 Court St. 1211 2 ROOM apartments nicely furnished tnr hniick-onlTiF rmtm ttl VttV ttSB- onable. 343'i N. Commercial. J216 unnFRpI t mnm hauae. 895 H. 15th Phone 2624J. , 1211 S ROOM furnished apt., steam heat. electric range ana electric reiricer ator. 655 N. Liberty St. 1160' 3 -ROOM furnished apartment. Lights ana water, uau aiier a p. m. w North Front. J200 4-ROOM Dunlex. 320 South 14th Phone 1005. J209 3 PiiRNTSHFD hauseheetilna rooms. 435 Division. J209 Rl.FEPINf room, kitchen nrlvllcite. 372 N. Winter. 1211 APARTMENT? 340 Union. J214 ONE ROOM apartment 9 month. In cludes garage, wood, light, water. Rinuuiood anartmenis. West Salem. J 223 THREE garages for rent, oown town section rnone r 3 -ROOM apartment, well furnished and clean, rates reasonable. Adults 475 . Capitol. 1217 PATTON apartmcnu, down town dis trict. Nicely furnished, private bath, etc. For Inspection call Patton's Book store. j FOR RENT, newly renovated house. 127 50. Close In. 268 North Liberty St. Phone 1834J. r PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing machines for rent. H L Stiff Furni ture Co. HENDERSON furnished apts. Phone 1005. J322 a-pnnvr furnished anartment. con venient to three schools, 1690 South Church St. Phone 2518J. j2U RTBirTLY modern, furnished 5-rm, bungalow, 2119 N. 14th St. Phone 1386 J. 1311 3-ROOM furnished duplex 620; also 8 -room well furnished home or part of It. Phone 2403J. 1214 ROOM and BOARD for two In beau tiful modern home near statehouse and schools. Twin beds. Phone 1838 J. J200 3-ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat, electric range and electric re frigerator. 555 N. Liberty St. J209 GOOD BUY. downtown hotel, furni ture, lease. Box 443 care Journal. 1209 FURNISHED house 618. North Capitol. Furnished apart menu 615 to 620, 411 North Summer. Phone 630. J209 LOST AND FOUND LOST, brown tooled billfold, contain ing money, laano an vers license, eic Reward. 440 Division St. 2Qq MISCELLANEOUS ASTROLOGY, palmistry, advice. Max well, 1244 x StstPhoneUOniJi INVALIDS cared for. Convalescent and rest home AaManrf Ora. ml 99 REAL ESTATE BUT A fully modern 5-rm. house In fine location, 63500. small down nmt. TOUR money la well Invested In this xuny equippea cnicxen rancn for only 64OO0. HOME is where man dwells. It can also earn you money. Ask us about tne apartment nouse DroDosltion we have listed. NOW is the time to buy your nome. -rm.. Dam, garage, nice lot. shrubbery, flowers, lawn. 61200. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 325 State Street. Phone 1354. n209 5 ACRES H mile from city limits, east. 6 room house, electricity, small chicken house, garni; e, 93300; very easy terms. 10 A. with new house, full basement, furnace, hwd. floors, elec. available, some fruit, 64500. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. HlRh St.. n 4-ROOM. 10 BLOCKS from statehouse. SlflOO. Nearly new. Corner lot. garage, 6300 cash, bal. 625 per montu. 4 -ROOMS AND BASEMENT 42100. Furnace, garage, 6250 cash, bal $25 per mo. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW 63000. Modern, close to Parrtsh school $300 cash, bal. 625, per mo. 6-ROOM ENGLISH 63350. Modern, near Leslie school. Oa rage. 300 cash. baL monthly. We have a number of good buys In grocery stores, bee uustit wiui ANDERSON & RUPERT 169 S. High St. nl09" OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING Don't Let It SUd! 10 Acres, 4-r. house, barn. 7 a. In fruit and nut trees. Running water. 3 ml. Salem, only 91750. WIU give terms. 50 Acres, no bldgs., 26 a. cultivation. 8 a. filberts. 3 years old. 6 a. straw berries 2 years old. Running water. The strawberries should pay for place. Price only 43000. Good road. 70 Acres. 6-r. house, good barn, large hop barn. Good land, about 2000 cords good timber. 4() a. cultivation. all fenced. Price 67000. Will consider some iraae. 80 Acres. Pair 4-r house, irood barn. 20 a. cultivation. Price reduced to 61600. 160 Acres 68000. Good 4-r. house, large dairy barn, poultry nouae, 4 a. strawberries. I1-; a. mountain b1r-k- twrrlp f-amlttf orchard. 3 (rood wells. All fenced. 5 cows. 2 horses and all implements. Trade for smaller piace. 18 Acres. Extra trood modern 6-r. house . Lights and pumping house and plant. Fine land. 8 acres in peaches, cherries and -prunes. Bal ance good strawberry land. This is a o?.r.;a:n at ojow. as itie imprun mnts are gsod. 8E SEAP5 & TUCKER, Realtors 184 9. Com l. St. n journal Want Ads Pay. REAL ESTATE 160 A. farm. 100 in cult- btdas. Um ber, fruit, water system; only $3500, ;ooa irrma. k A. farm near Salem all In cult. 32 A. farm near town, good modern blags- gooa sou. iwuu, veaiss. 3 good bungalows for rent. rsnniHE at mahoiaiw 212 Oray Bldg. n EXCHANGE Real Estate Salem property. 1887 B. 12tl pn210 EXCHANGE A fl-room house with two lots near Portland to trade tor home In Salem. SEE Mrs, Ellis with LEO N. childs CO Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1737. nn WE HAVE 40 unimproved acres and a gooa saiem lot clear to traoa xor Salem home. 20 acres with fair Improvements 4 miles saiem. worth 67500, ana wiu fair flnlmn hnm. aood 7 room s&iem home to trade for equipped small farm. 2 good Salem houses to trade for farm. We nave stouu private money to loan an or pari must oe gooa seouriiy, Close In partly furnished 7 room house to rent at 630. MrniliCHRIHT Xi. PKNNINOTON 200-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phono 140 uu VOR RAI.K nr TRADR 8-room house, almost new to trade for sinaii piace 5-room house, almost new, a bargain. Look this up before you buy. House and lot for small tract, FOR SALE 320 acres at 650 per acre, 614 miles from Salem, FOR SALE. 160 acres. 140 cleared. A line xarm. HQI ARK I IK A I, HKAL1 Y UU. 202 u. s. Nat'l. Bank Bldg. nn MODERN 7 -room plastered house In Eugene, newiy pamtea ana psuvrra, to trade for eoual value In Salem John Palmer. Orand Ronde. Ore. pn209 I HAVE an exceptionally good acre age located right, close to business, valuable property. Will trade for good farm. H. M. Evans, 275 State St. Phone 1061. TRADES TRADES TRADES Tuesdav and Wednesday Sneclnls: 620.000. A real stock farm. 375 A. well Improved for a smaller farmx. 22.000. A fine 347 A. stock farm, good bldgs. for a smaller farm. 25O0. Fine 8'i A. sandv loam toll. Best In the valley. Fair blags. Tiade for larger place. 610.500 Fine farm 105 A. Ideal for dairying; 65 a. farm land. bal. good pasture, with 2 springs and running water all year, fair bldgs. Trade for smaller piace. UUtOE APT. HOUSE One of the largest and best paying apt. houses in the city. iTaae ior good farm. MOD HOMES Vnr kin tur month. Including Interest, No down payment. Price 1500, $2000 ana up. n mrrwnrr THflMASON 341 State St. Room 4 Shown hv aDDolntment. No Informs tion given over phoue on above list ings. AUTOMOBILES SAVE 6200.00 on late 1929 Chevrolet sedan. Just nicely broken In. Fine condition, box luts care uapuai jour nal q310' FORD. A pick-up. 1920 model, driven scout ouuu muca. rnon ur iiiquue, fii-aw Coffee Sbon. Monmouth. Ore gon. Q209 SPECIALS pna r.AHnn day 1929 Pontlao 2-door sedan. . .$735.00 1939 Fontiac coupe ozd.uu 1925 Pontlac coupe 675.00 1028 Oakland cabriolet 695.00 1027 Oakland sedan 495.00 1928 Ford, model A Tudor... 485 00 1928 Oakland coupe, like new 636.00 1926 Oakland sedan 425.00 1926 Essex coach 295.00 FISHING CARS Ford touring I 60.00 Overlund flouring oa.uu Star four with enclosures.... 95.00 Ford coupe 95.00 UCUVSK1A9 Dodge H-ton 6 50 00 Dodge screen delivery 195.00 Pontlac panel delivery 885.00 WOOD-WHEATON MOTOR CO., Inc. Oakland Phone 2125 Pontlac 350 N. High St.; 645 Chemeketa St. q VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY USED CARS 1938 Standard coupe 6390 1929 Closed Pickup 435 1926' Tudor sedan, new paint... 185 1926 coupe 150 1924 Fordor sedan 115 1927 Essex coupe 225 1925 Bulck touring 190 1927 Chevrolet coupe 335 1924 Star touring, licensed 60 1928 LlRht delivery 85 Overland touring, licensed 30 192a t-oupc. ncensea a Terms Trade VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center b Liberty Phone 1995 Jrt TVvtfre Truck 6365,00 39 Ford Rdstr 365 00 39 Ford Coupe 885 00 28 Essex Sedan 315 00 n Chev. Couoe 260.00 24 Overland Sedan B5.00 fora ocann wun lisc. .... i.w EIKER AUTO CO. Cor. Ub. 6c Ferry St. FINANCIAL LOANS LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE on plain notes, endorsed notes furniture end pianos. AH trans actions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Bldg, 2nd floor. Corner State and High. Office hours 10 a.m. to 6 :30 Dm Telephone 932. Licensed by State FARM LOANS 5'3. small expense. F. L. Wood. 341 State St r WE HAVE plenty ol money to loan on farm and city property. Low interest rates. Huiiklns Mortgage Investment Co Millets Stoie bldg Phone 2219 r WE HAVE THE MO.JEY To refinance your present home or farm loan; also to assist you to buy, b' '!d or Improve. Long terms, low r..' Pay oil any time. See us first LJl.lUL1 J X. r- LLilO 200 N. Church St. Phone 2830 r WHERE TO BORROW MONEY; On automobile, furniture, livestock, per sonal oiiccts and otner gooa sccur itiea. National Loan & Finance Co. (licensed by state) 410 Bank of Com- rrercce. saiem, ure. PERSONAL LOANS on aalarlca. furniture, cars, endorsed notes, repayable 1-20 months. Borrow safely from Salem's own and largest finance company. Quick and honest service. Licensed by state. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. 2nd floor 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 1200. Office hours 8:30 to 6 p. m. r HAWKINS e ROBERTS. Inc, for city and farm loans. Rates and costs low est available. Prompt service, 208 Ore- gon Building. BORROW money on your personal property. Pay back in monthly In swuments. WILLAMETTE LOAN COMPANY Licensed by State BOS Bank of Commerce Bldg. r MONEY to lc" on real estate. Priv ate money, lowest rates. T. K. ford. Pint National Bank. r AN INSTALLMENT LOAN Is Easy to Repay Why not let us e-piain its td vantages over a straight loan? ANDERSON Sc RUPERT 169 8 High Street Correspondents Eou!table Savings V Loan Ass'n r FEDERAL FARM LOANS 54 Wiikinson, U. B. Bank bldg. . F. L FINANCIAL LOANS Sit LOANS 6Vt WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS Andetson 6c Rupert. 169 S. High r LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Reduced You keep your automobile; We par balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce your payments. Ad ditional money loaned. Strict ly confidential We handle our own paper. BIKER AUTO CO. Corner Liberty and Ferry Sts. Phone 121 Salem. Ore. BUSINESS Opportunities. GARAGE and service station for reut. Good, live proposition at "Brookslde." Pacific highway, north. W, L, fuller. Brooks. Oregon. U209 DIRECTORY BICYCLES LLOYD E. RAMUDEN. bike accessories and bicycles, 387 Court street. BATTKttY ht PPLlt; R. D. BAFATON. National Batteries. starter aud generator work. Ferry and iiimm:y swlkfs EXPERT chimney sween and furnace man, six years in Salem. Work satis factory or money reiunaea. can k. e. North ness. Phone 110. o224 FURNACES and chlmneva cleaned Ac refaced bv an exoert furnace man 1 luse steel brushes and a vacuum clean cr. van 4oocm. mix HlltOPKACTOKS DR. O. L. SCOTT, chiropractor. 266 N High street. Phones 87 A 2104 J. o DR. H. R. BCOFIKLD. X-rav. Phona a iws. ei4 nrst wat i Bank Bldg. CAIUNKT WORK JACOB WEIZEL. Cabinet work au! reflnlshlng. Furniture repairing. Pn C'k.N TRACTORS J. A. KAPPHAHN, General team. and power shovel contractor, excavating ana gnuung. uiiice puons iwv, ttes. irii, o- ENO HAVING SALEM ENGRAVING CO. Cuts of all purposes. Tel. 343. 1B0 n. commercial stree LLtCTItlCAL 81PPLIES HAL1K ELECTRIC CO- 481 N. Front sc. Kiectric contracting ana repairing. Appliances ana fixtures, rnone 3. " FLEENER ELECTRIC CO, Electric lighting fixtures and electrlo ranges rnone vav. ii uourt street. CUT flowers and floral Pieces. Dellv ery. C. F. Brelthaupt, florist, 513 State street, rnone au. 51 LK CHANT TAILOR M. A. ESTES. fine UUorlng, 126 North uueriy aired. IN.SLUANCE CHAS. SPURLIN Real Estate and Insurance, 176 South tiign at. rnone t3. PLUMBING and general repair work. Phone 650. Grabcr Bros, 154 South Liberty street. THEO. M. BARR, Plumbing, heating sheet metal works, 164 S. Commercial street. PRINTING ROWLAND PRINTING CO., Masonic Temp to basement. Phone 1512 MATTItKSSKS RENOVATED MATTRESSES renovated. We reno vate all kinds of mattresses, called for and delivered. Best of work guar- ameea. capital uity tseaamg fjo, Portland road. Phone 19. PIANO TUNER GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phonographs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phonographs and sewing machines. 432 State St., Salem, Oregon. STOVES AMI MOVL REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and repaired bv exoert. All kinds or wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooks, logan hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa St. R. B. Fleming. o 8CAVANOER CITY GARBAGE CO. Prompt service rnone dw. SALEM 8CAVANGER, Phone 167. SOOS GARBAGE CO reliable service. Phones, office 3125; Res, 893 J. o" SALEM GARBAGE CO, for prompt and continuous service. Charles Soos and Carl Soos. Phone 3125 or 898J. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CUMMINS As HORTSCH, local and long distance hauling, phone 2462; Res, 129F2 or 1287R. . WATER COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Water Serv ice company. Offices corner Com mercial and Trade streets. Bills pay able monthly. Phones 3 4. WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money back. The Jewel Box. 278 N. Liberty. Salem. LEGALS TAXPAYERS NOTKK The board of equalization meets on the second Monday In September of eecn year ior tne purpose oi examin ing and equalizing the nsesbment rolls of Marion county, Oreiton. All persons desiring to protest any assessment on said rolls must do so according to the following provisions of the law: "Petitions or applications for the reduction of a particular assessment shall be made In writing, verified by onth of the applicant or his attorney and be filed with the board during the first week It Is. by law, required to be In cession, and any petition or application not so made, verified, and filed, shall not be considered or acted upon ny tne ooara . OSCAR A. BTEELHAMMER, County Assessor. Aug. 10, 20; Sept, 2. NOTICE TO KL1MTOKH Notice is hereby Rlvon that the un dertflgned. Reglna E. Kerber. has been duty appointed administratrix of the estate of Adam E. Kerber, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon. Marlon County, and has been duly qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are re quired to present them with the proper vouchers within six months iTom ine oaie ai inn nonce iu nam administratrix at the office of E. K. Plaseckl. 400 Bank of Commerce Building, In the city of Salem in said county. Dated and first published August 26, 1930. REGINA KERBER. Administratrix of the estate of Adam E. Kerber, Deceased. S. K. PI AS EC K I. Attorney for Administratrix. Aug. 26-Sept. 2-0-16-23 11 KN MOTHERS PIGS Logansport, Ind. (LP) Four baby pigs on a farm near here have as their proud "mother a hen. The real mother of the pigs died at their birth and they were adopted short ly after by the hen. She stands guard as they eat and spreads her wings over them at night when they sleep. Reading, England (LP) Nennlss Allricht wa. all wrong, according to police officers who brought him to court after he had driven his car over the sidewalk and knocked down a man and a woman. Speaks Here v, s-.. -J A 1 ."ALTER M. PIERCE PIERCE TO OPEN CAMPAIGN HERE (Continued from page 1) whom also enjoy the support of Oswald West, Pierce's traditional political enemy. likewise, it discredits persistent rumors that have been circulated over the state identifying Pierce as supporter of the independent candidacy of Julius Meier and con fers upon Bailey the weight of Pierce's sponsorship not only among the Pierce democrats but also among a strong grange following the farmer governor enjoys. Farm problems, agricultural de pression and their allied manifesta tions and causes have xor years been the topic of serious thought and research by Pierce and his selec tion to sound the keynote of the campaign to be fought out along those lines assures an Intelligent and understanding analysis of the apparent issues. The meeting is .scheduled to open at 8 o'clock with August Huckestein presiding and with the candidates on the platform to make their bows and respond to introductions with five minute talks. To Pierce they will concede the privilege of fir ing the initial broadside of the campaign In the home town of Senator McNary and Congressman Hawley, with whose records the former governor is expected to deal critically. For the first time in several years the democrats are fully organized at the customary time for opening the fall campaign, and have already accomplished much through indi vidual missionary work over the districts by the candidates them selves. Among the party leaders there Is a general feeling of opti mism over the -progress reported. For weeks Bailey, Delzell and Hawley have been moving here and there over their territory meeting the voters, shaking hands and de livering talks to large and small groups. Bailey reports after a tour of the eastern Oregon country that he is exceptionally pleased with his reception there, and Delzell Is in receipt of encouraging tenders of support from every section of his district. Delzell's latest Jaunt fas Into the Coos Bay country where he addres sed a Joint meeting of 500 grangers from Coos, Curry and Douglas counties at Norway Grove, Sunday, sharing the platform with Charles C. Hulet, state grange master; George Palmlter, former master, and others. During his Coos coun ty stay Delsell was the guest of Russell C. Dement, one of the po litical warhorses of the county, who is assisting in the organization of the county to defeat Hawley. "Both among the grangers and the people of Coos county generally I found a significant dissatisfaction with political conditions and an en couraging sentiment favorable to the retirement of Oregon's present congressslonal delegation," said Del zell. Delzell was expecting to arrange a conference with Bailey and Wat- kins and officers of the state and county campaign committees Tues day afternoon or evening to iron out further details of the campaign organization. ENOUGH'S ENOUGH Valparaiso, Ind. (LP) Six mar riages to the same man are enough, Mrs. Clara Knoll has concluded and she has stated positively that when she obtains a divorce from William Knoll on a petition now pending, she will not remarry him. The couple have been divorced six times In nine years, and each time re-married, whereupon, Mrs. Knoll charged, he immediately forgot each time the text of his promises to reform. FREE FOR ALL ON FARM East Palestine, O., (LP) In a re cent free-for-all fight on the farm of Orie Hawkins here, a large rat nabbed a small chick. A cat got the rat and a mother hen attacked the cat, throwing It on Its back. Then the rat gave up the chick, but the cat gave up no rat. The rat lost. TIMBER WOLF BEEV Portland, Ind. OP A large, gray timber wolf was reported near Port land by Charles Kanter. He said the animal easily was Identified as It was crossing a field. During the past two winters, several reports have been made of stock killed by wolves In Jay county. Just after giving $100,000 to play ing-fields of Sutton, England, I sausage and Ice cream manufac lurer died recently. OBJECTORS TO TRADE STREET VACATION BUSY That the ordinance committee of the city council probably will ask for a written opinion from City Attorney Trlndl, on the validity of the Trade street vacation ordinance, and rumor of a distinct movement bv objectors to attempt to invoke the referendum on the measure if it passes the councl, were the out standing developments In that con troversy Tuesday. The source of the reported refer endum movement could not be as certatned, though there was a pos slbilty that it might be In north Salem. Mayor-Elect Gregory of Hollywood said he had not heard of It. Indications are stronger than ever that the ordinance committee will report the bill back without recommendation.. . Doubt in the minds of tome members of the committee as to the validity of the vacation ordinance bill rests on the possibility, they say, that it follows too closely Portand ordinance that is based on a state law applying only to cities that an oort districts. The statute in Question, while aulte liberal in its provisions for street vacation, could not apply to Salem, it Is said, because Salem Is not a port district. Since the law was passed for the benefit of Port' land and other port cities it Is as sumed that the Portland ordinance is based on that statute. One member of the committee savs the general attitude of the courts has been that vacations to be valid must be shown to be for the public benefit and not entirely for private benefit. While there Is another doctrine, it Is said, that the courts should not inquire into the motives of street vacations, that doctrine cannot apply in the Trade street case for the reason that the ordinance Itself states that It Is for the benefit of the Oregon Pulp & Paper company. This member thinks a simple vacation ordinance might come nearer standing the legal test than the pending one with Its recital of reasons. TEN OF FISHING BOAT CREW LOST (Continued from page 1 mlral Nulton ordered boats lower ed immediately, and the freighter stood by six hours while an inten sive search was made for survivors. He did not report the cause of the accident, declaring he would reserve his comment for United elates steamboat inspectors, who pre pared to start an investigation Tuesday. Two of the survivors were found clinging to bits of wreckage, and Edward Landstres was louno, ex hausted, on the beach of Sisters Is land, a mile away. The Orient was washed toward the island and was found in U feet of water, her trapped crew still In the hold. An attempt was started to reach the boat and recover the bodies, ANDREE PERISHED FROMJXHAUSTION (Continued from page 1) the third member of the party. Andree's body, sitting, with a loot encased in Ice and a rifle and oil stove by its side, was found near the base of a mountain. A skull nearby evidently was Andree's. The body had greatly aeterioratea ana was not much more than a skeleton clothed In arctic apparel. In the pocket of which was found a mon ogram by which it was Identified. The teeth in the other skeleton, found nearby, partly covered with stones, may solve whether it is Nils Strindberg or Knut Frankel. the other members of the party. Tuesday, nearly a month alter tne discovery of Dr. Horn and his as sociates are anchored in the small harbor here awaiting the Swedish battleship, Michael Bars, which will accompany it to Trormoe, nearby, and later to Sweden where the re mains will be honored in death, and their discoveries meted the nratse of fellow Scandinavians. Dramatically uie nttie scaler Bratvaag sailed Into Hasvik Bun day. after a search by Swedish off! cial vessels and news expeditions which covered a wide area of the north seas. Dr. Horn there noti fied the authorities officially of hL discovery, news of which had al ready reached the world through the captain of the scaler Terningen. Then, without awaiting an answer he took the sealer to Skjaer Island to an alt the Michael Sarg. SWALLOW RECAPTURED Wallklll. N. Y (IP) A chimney swallow released at Ooerge School, Pa., more than three years ago. en tered Joslah H. Phlnney's home here via the fireplace recently. The bird was identified by the bureau of biological survey of the V. B. de partment of agriculture through a numbered band on Its leg. INURED BUT WIN NEB Little Falls. Minn. IP) After win ning three other events, Edward Vlner, 12. entered the blindfold race at the Congregational Sunday school picnic here. He tripped over a fel low racer, crashed Into a tree and was knocked unconscious. When be regained consciousness he found a large egg-shaped lump on his head, which he promptly forgot as he was presented the prise for winning the blindfold race. Banished I , .5. s "t ) I I ft sKtiisOn t. ,, , - - , t WU. RANDOLPH HEARST HEARST EXPELLED AS ENEMY TO FRANCE (Continued from page 1) "The French government has always expelled foreigaam who are con' sistently hostile to France. "Mr. Hearst Is Rvnco-pnoeM and we prefer that he should do his criticising outside of France. The Horan affair of 1928 formed only a part of the reasons why Mr. Hearst was asted to leave." The publisher arrived In Paris at 9:30 a. m. Monday and left at 4 p. m. for London without waiting for the expiration of the 30 hours grace accorded him under the ex pulsion order. London (JPy William Rand Vh Hearst, American publisher, arrived in ijondon Tuesday. Mr. Hearst, asked about his expulsion from France said: "I have no complaint to make. They said I was an enemy of France and a danger in their midst." The publisher continued: 'The reason for our strained re lations was the puolieation of an Anglo-French treaty, two years ago, by the Hearst newspapers." "Officials were extremely polite," continued Hearst. "They made me feel quite important. They said I could stay little while longer If I desired, that they would take a chance on nothing disastrous hap pening to the republic. But I told them X didn't want to take the responsibility of endangering the great French nation, that America had saved it once during the war and I would save it again by leav ing." Paris The Havas News agen cy said Tuesday that an order of expulsion had been served on Wil liam Randolph Hearst, American newspaper publisher, and that Mr. Hearst would leave France Tuesday evening in compliance with it. No reason was given for the order. Harold J. T. Horan, a Paris cor respondent for the Universal Ser vice, one of the Hearst news organ isations, last October was expelled from France for his part In securing for publication In America In the Hearst papers and other members of the Universal Service association. documents connected with the sec ret Anglo-French naval pact. Horan was charged with having obtained the documents from the French foreign office in a manner considered unethical. The Anglo American Press association expelled nun zrom its mem be ran lp in con nection with the affair. At the time the French press assailed Mr. Hearst as responsible for the naval accord leak. The so called secret accord provided for a cruiser arrangement between France and England. Publication of Its terms aroused a storm of protest in Europe and America, where ac cusations were made of a new Anglo French military alliance. The pact subsequently was disavowed, STATE TO ADVANCE LANE COUNTY FUNDS Continued from page 1) Of the uncontracted portion there is a stretch of 5.3 miles, including the section around Heceta light house that will be handled as a for est project and probably be con tracted for grading In October. This is a scenic stretch and will require heavy construction. The county's share of the cost will be 25 percent, the state and the federal shares to be arranged later. The other un contracttcd mileage lies between China creek and the Lincoln coun ty line, 8.2 miles. The uncompleted portion of the Sulslaw highway is 19.5 miles be tween Rainrock and Florence. Sev en miles of this is already under construction, leaving 12.5 to be con tracted for grading, part of It at least to be done In 1931. The entire unit is a forest project, the county's share to bts 25 percent. After completion of present con tracts on the McKenrte highway there will remain 14 miles to con struct between a point eait of Doyle hill and Nimrod. It is believed this will be on the 1911 program. On the Willamette highway Is an uncontracted stretch of 6.2 miles be tween the east end of the present construction and Oakrldge, includ tng a bridge to be built across the Willamette river about three miles west of Oakrid;e. This will be a for est project, tlte county to pay a third of th eo-t. Tata ntc'riwny tt now graded 16 miles east of Lor.cU and 18 mlls of that unit is unuer con .tract for surfacing.. BIRTHS, DEATHS MARRIAGES BIRTHS Bartlett To air. and Mrs. CIfsy Wine Bsrtlett, Rt. 4. box 0 asi.nl. a son. Thomas Alva, August 30. Rlsteen To Mr. ana Mra. Robert B. Blstssn. ax. s, elm, a son. Mar urn Robert, August 28. Lehman To Mr. and Mrs. Otto 1. Lehman, IMS H Capitol street, a daughter, Deloris Irene, August 29, Phillies To Mr. snd Mrs. Char lea I. Phillips, Rt. a, box 164, Salem, a son, Rollsnd S. Phillips, August 25. DEATHS Blade At th. residence, Sept. 1, William R. Blade. Survived br his sons Frank, Montreal, can.: Claude, Ku rsks. Call!.; Fred, Salem; daughters! Mrs. John J. Roberts, Salem; airs. Osrtrude Cameron, SUvarton; Mrs, Kenneth Bauer, Seattle; and twelve grandchildren. Funeral arrangements as announced br W. T. Rlgdon and Son are as follows: Services with the Rev. W. Esrl Cochran, Calvary Bap. tut church, officiating, Wednesday, at 1:30 o'clock la the Rlgdon and Boa chapel, Brlggs Mrs. B. O. Brlstgs, S3, allied in Turner aecldent Monday. Resident of Turner for 21 rears and member of the Christian church. Widow of W. A. Brlgga. Survived by the following children : Mrs. Bern Lee Baker of Tur ner and Herbert and Harold Brlgga, both of Portland. Funeral announce ments later trocn Clough-Taylor. Bergman Funeral eervloea for th lata Kdward St. Bergman, 48. will be held Wednesday, Sept. 3, at 3 pm. in the Rlgdon mortuary, with the Rev. Taylor of Portland, officiating. It was announced Tuesdsy by Rlgdon and Son. Robertson Mrs. Arthur Robertson. 41 years, died Sept. 1. Wife of Arthur Robertson, Turner: mother of Mr eret snd Albert. Survived bv laterm Mrs. Witter and Mrs. I. L. Roberuon, both of Turner, and Mrs. Guy Chap man, St. Helens; brothers. l. P. Bar nett, Salem, and Harry and Henry of Turner. Funeral arrangements will bV announced later by Rigdon and Son. Brfctat Mrs. Lois Brlsst. BeDt. 1. ase 30. Wife of Herbert Brian, and daughter of A. E. Robertson. Turner. Sister of Margaret and Albert Robert son. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by Rlgdon and Son, Robertson Aliens Robertson, aire 17, bept. 1. Daughter of A. K. Robert son. Turner: sister of Manraret and Albert. Funeral announcements later by Rlgdon and Son. Barnett Inea Barnett. IS. Bent. 1. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bar nett. Turner. Sister of Mrs. Rav Ba ker, Salem; Mrs. Merle Bnsley, Misses Stella and Lorraine Barnett, Turner. Funeral announcements later by Rlg don and Son SIX BALLOONS DRIFT TOWARD . COAST IN RACE Cleveland (JP Six huge gas bags, bearing the bids of four nations lor victory in the 18th international Gordon Bennett balloon race, Tues day nreaumablv were drifting in a northeasterly direction toward the Atlantic. Definite knowledge of their pro gress was fragmentary since they faded into the night sky after the start of the race late Monday, but early reports and a study of at mospheric conditions indicated they would drift In a general northeaster ly direction toward the Labrador coast or perhaps shift southward to Maine. In the event they followed the St. Lawrence valley, they were expected to reach Toronto, Onr, Tuesday morning. Predictions of brisk winds from the southwest promised a long race of from BOO to (00 miles that will keep the balloons In the air prob ably until Wednesday noon. The longest distance traversed from the starting point determines the win ner. Two of the bags were reported at 12:30 a.m. B. S. T over Erie, Pa, heading out over Lake Erie, but their Identity was lost in the dark ness. It was considered likely the others were blown out over the lake earUer In the race. Previous reports placed the Bel gica, piloted by the veteran Capt. Ernest DeMuyter. the City of De troit, with Edmund J. Hill In charge, and the City of Cleveland, In the hands of Roland J. Blair, grouped within a few minutes of each other at Geneva, O., near Lake Erie, at du3k. Earlier the other three were seen over East Cleveland, 35 miles from the takeoff. They were the Barmen, piloted by Dr. Hugo Kau len, Jr., of Oermany; the Pierre Plshbach, piloted by Albert Boltard of Paris, and the Goodyear VIII, piloted by Ward T. Van Orman of Akron, O. A report one of the balloons was flying perlously close to the surface of Lake Erie alarmed race headquar ters, but a diligent search by coast guardsmen failed of results and con fidence was felt that all were sale. A seventh balloon, In wluch George Hlneman and Mllford Vanlk of Cleveland took off ahead of the International racers to show wind velocity and to establish a duration and distance record for free bags of 35,000 cubic feet capacity, also was In the air somewhere east of Cleve land Tuesday. The racing balloons are of 80,000 cubic feet capacity. Toronto Pi The French balloon In the Bennett cup race, piloted by Albert Boltard. came down near Bcamsvllle, Ont., at 12:30 p. m. E. B. T.) Tuesday, a report to the Toronto Star said. Beamsvllle is in the Niagara peninsula. Another balloon was reported to be in the vicinity of Niagara Falls, Ont. STUMP TELLS TIME Kenosha, Wis.. CIP Fred Ryd berg. garage company employe. Is able to give the time merely by looking at a tree stump located tn his front yard. A sun dial consid ered technically perfect was con structed on the face of the stump. Madison. Wis. (IP) Many vic tims already have ben stricken by hay fever In the southern part of the state hot weather and early maturing of plants having advanced the season approximately tlx weeks. It was reported here