FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930 PAGE TWO EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS . by special corkespon dent WHITMAN GETS CHIEF'S TITLE ANOTHER YEAR Wood bum Member of the Wood burn lire department at a recent meeting elected the follow lne officers: C. E. Whitman, chief, (re-elected): Marshall M. Hicks. assistant chief and secretary-treasurer; - Edwin Becker and H. K. Hicks, captains, and Oeorge D. Jones, president. The firemen decided to hold a 'meeting, every week for .practice with the new fire truck, to famil iarise themselves more thoroughly with the location of hydrants throughout the city and to plan the best way of fighting any fires that may occur. - POSTAL EMPLOYES L HOSTS FOR OUTING i - : Ellverfon Miss Ina Harold and Mrs. Clarice Johnson, both of the local postolf Ice force attended the annual picnic Mrs. Herman Schel- berg gives at her farm home a lew rnlles east of Sublimity, this week, i About 40 guests attended, coming from Salem, Stayton, Sublimity, SUerton, Albany and Oregon City. h. basket dinner was served In the grove through which runs a stream. I bridge'discarded I Aurora Roadnmster Johnson and County Commissioner J. E. Smith, were In Aurora recently looking over road conditions In this territory. .. Road Supervisor A. C. Snyder has been supervising the removal oi the bridge at Fargo, which will be replaced by a con crete fill. Three teams and live men have been employed to do this work. MISS TODD HOSTESS Monmouth Mist Jessica Todd, dean of women at the Oregon Nor mal school has Miss Delia Wilson of East Stroud sburg, Pa., as a house guest. Miss Wilson Is a teacher of geography In an eastern normal While here she visited Crater Lake. paradise Inn. and the coast. On her return trip she mill visit Vancouver, B. C, Banff and Lake Louise. ' OUTING IS ENJOYED Jefferson Mrs. Helen Edwards, Grant Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, Captain and Mrs. Norman McMahon and children, Mary Louise and Norman, Jr., of CorvalUs, and Miss Jean Sprang of Portland, were Quests of Mrs. Kate Spragg recently. The group motored to Greens bridge, where a picnic dinner was enjoyed In the park. Mrs. Spragg 's daughter, Jean, who Is connected with the Portland dispensary, has recently returned from an extended trip east, where she attended clin ics In Boston and other eastern cities and also took a post grad uate course at Harvard university. MAKE BUSINESS TRIP Hubbard Robert Poinsette, 97, and L. A. Beckman, local banker, spent Wednesday In Portland on business for the former. They were accompanied by Mrs. Beckman and Mrs. Neva McKenzle. RILEYS AT COAST Hubbard Dr. P. O. Riley and Dr. Ethel Riley are visiting the beaches. In a card from the former he re ported that Seaside was their home Just then. Jack Curry, manager of the Hubbard Enterprise of which Dr. Riley Is editor, is keeping shop by himself during the absence of the editor. NUSOMS HAVE SON Waconda Mr. and Mrs. Alln Nusotn are receiving congratu'a tions upon the arrival of a 104 pound baby boy at the Salem Gen eral hospital early Monday morn ing. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. The baby has not been named, Mr. and Mrs. Nusom have another small son. AMITY VISITOR I.EAVES Amity Mrs. Ruth Blair Town send, who has been spending the summer here at the family home south of town, has returned to Cal ifornia. Mrs. Towmend is a teach er In Uy school of Centerville, Cat NIXON FAMILY MOVING Amity Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nixon are moving this week into their new home on North Trade street, re cently purchased from H. S. EUts of Bandon. MRS. MILLER LEAVES Lafayette, Ore. Traveling across the continent by automobile, Mrs. Percy Miller, her daughter, Aieen, and son, Abcrt, both high school students, left here Tuesday for New London, Conn. Mrs. Miller's hus band is in the U. 8. navy stationed on the Atlantic coast near New London. The family will locate there. Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watkins and daughter. Vera, and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wed die are spending several days at Newport and Ynchnts. C 1 liU sstrraj nnuinr aai mwrw-m S 14 INSTRUCTOR SOUGHT BY DAYTON BOARD Darton The Dayton school board Is busy trying to find an Instructor to fill the vacancy caused by the death. August 17. of Prof. Earl MoT' In, science and history Instructor and athletic coach. It Is thought that within a few days the place will be filled as several applications have been received. OLD SUGAR BOX HAS INTERESTING CAREER Dallas We do not have In our midst any airplane endurance .fly' era. tree sitters, bicycle riders, etc. here but we do have something which we believe will be hard to duplicate, never mind better. Mill D. Grant, rural mall carrier, early Thursday forenoon exhibited an old sugar box In which he has carried mall on his route since December 19, 1903, or a total of 28 years, months and 1 days at the time oi this writing. The sides are Intact although Grant confesses he has renewed, the bottom several times and the sides are re-lnforced with numerable nails. It has been in daily use with the exception of Sundays and holidays and at tunes In the old days of horse and buggy has held Its precious load with only the protection of a paratln robe. RECEPTION GIVEN BAPTIST MINISTER Dayton A full house attended the reception honoring Kev. A. a. Balrd, the newly appointed Baptist minister, and his family of Dayton at the Baptist church. George H. Jackman represented the Methodist congregation In an address as did Rev. W. L. Strange from the Evangelical congregation and J. W. Lorett, the Baptist church. The program included a reading by Mrs. Theodocia Magness, a piano solo by Mrs. John snippy, and a vocal duet by Misses Esther and Beryl Hadiey. Mrs. L. D. Krake and Mrs. John Shtppy were the commit tee In charge of the refreshments served during the social hour fol lowing the program. ALBERT VODER HOME . Hubbard Albert Yoder, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. Yoaor ttuooara arrived home the iflle of this week from Greeley, Coio., where he has been attending summer school for the third consecutive summer. Yoder Is a teacher In the Banks district school, where he has been employed for the' past five years. He.wil! be home for several weeks before going on to Banks. BACK FROM MONTANA Monitor Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bat- tleson and family returned Thurs day from Montana where they spent the summer. LEAVE FOR SOUTH Monitor Mr. and Mrs. George Colclazler left Thursday morning for Los Angeles after visiting friends here Tuesday and Wednesday. IDAHO WOMAN GUESTS Independence Miss Lucile Boyle, of Boise, Idaho, arrived here Mon day evening to spend a few weeks aa the guest of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Lee O'Kelley. on south Third street. She was met in Salem by the O'Kellys. BONNERS HAVE SON Wood burn A son was born on August 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bonner, who reside near the Belle Passl school on the Pacific high way. The young man has been named Vernon Jack and he is the first boy In the family of three children. VISITS PORTLAND RELATIVES Turner Evelyn Jensen, voune daughter of H. P. Jensen, Turner hardware dealer and blacksmith. Is on a two weeks' vacation in Port land with relatives before the open ing of the local schools. Recent guests at the Jensen home were Oeorge and H. P. Jensen, Jr., of Wisconsin, who are nephews of Jon sen, and before leaving for their eastern home also visited with rel atives In Aumsvllle. APPLE ORCHARDS CALL Donald Leslie Eppers and Bud PfMlriWnn llMl'a In rkHnll aa- UjuuJ River and signed up for work in the aUllle nrrlmrri. U'hari. hnth van employed last fall. The apple har vest wiu Dcgin uie latler part of Roptcmber. SHORT TIME INVESTMENTS 12 Months Note $1900.00 Tost $340.00 , 6 Months Note $1900.00 Cost $970.00 Amounts $500.00 to $2500.00 Amply Secured and the highest type of Investment Loans Investments Insurance Hawkins & Roberts Inc. 2tS Oregon Bldg. MILL CITY TO OPEN SCHOOLS SEPTEMBER 2 Mill City The M1U City high school and grade school is In first class condition for the opening of school on September 2, the day foi' lowing Labor day. Some of the teacher have already arrived and are making plana for the Incoming school year. The 15 teachers who will com mence work Tuesday morning are: high school. Miss Ethel Hlckey, principal; Miss Marguerite Looney of 'Jelleraon; Birdean Feese, port- land; Lois Zimmerman, Silverton, and Sven Ellason, Astoria. Grade school, T. J. Means, Philomath, prin cipal; Vllma Pearson, Monmouth; Bonnie Haack, Marlon; Vivian Al berts, Salem; Minnie Tatom, Philo math; Floy Wright, Portland; Eu genia Sommers. Dallas; Zetla Hal ley, Olympla, Wash.; Graal Herrlck, Stevens Point, Wis., and Helen Kins. WILLAMINA BANKERS SEEKING JUDGMENT Dallas The Wlllamina State bank Wednesday filed a claim seeking judgment against G. G. and Katn erlne Grace Slttser, John and Ceclle Warren and Thomas Kirk for UK sum of $940 with interest at 8 per cent from April 1, 1929, until paid. The sum of $269.56 which Is assess ed against the property Involved as taxes. They also ask to be allowed $12 as abstracting fees and $100 at' torney's fees plus the costs and dis bursements of the suit. GAUGE IS PLACED Aurora Oeorge W. Pry city re corder and water superintendent. has installed a new heigh th gauge In the city water tank. This gauge will indicate automatically the amount of water contained in the tank at all times. WILL PICK BOPS Lincoln Ray Kennedy and -his three daughters. Lillian, Isabel and Myrtle of Lincoln, accompanied by his brothers-in-law. Howard and Allan Wilton of Port Townsend. Wash., went to the hop yards near Jefferson Wednesday. Mrs. Kennedy and small son remained at home. DILLON TO GRADUATE Molalla Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dil lon left for Eugene "Thursday. Dil lon, who has been taking up ex tensive work and who attended the University of Oregon during the summer, will graduate Friday in a class of about 200 and receive his bachelor of science degree. Dillon is principal of the grammar school here. PUMPS ARE INSTALLED Aurora Several new automatic pumping systems have been install ed In the rural districts lately, by the Molalla Electric company. Among those having made recent purchases were R. A. Wright and William Stanke. BEACH TRIP ENDED Amity Mrs. H. C. Broadwell and sons, Roland and Richard of Glad stone, accompanied by Mrs. Clara Broadbent of this city, returned Tuesday afternoon from Rockaway where they have been staying lor the last two welts. Mrs. Broadwell and sons left the same evening for their home at Gladstone. HOPMERE VISITORS Hopmcre Mrs. McDanlel and the Grant girls of Salem were guests at the M- C. Smith home recently. Mrs. Neva - Kelley of Portland came Saturday and to stay over Sunday with her son. Howard Kelley and to visit with her parents. Wood burn Mrs. H. Q. Barklage of Seattle Is a guest this week at the. home of Mr. and -Mrs. P. W. Scttlemier. On Wednesday Mrs. SctUemier and her guest drove to Albany where they visited at the home of Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Leech. STOP THAT ITCHING Vou won't flirt to wait relief follows the first comforting touch of Resinol Friday Saturday Also Comedy Fables News Continuous Shows Saturday 3-11 p. M. GRAND SAVAGE STORE SOLD TO PORTLAND PAIR Waconda Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell of Portland have pur chased the J. C. Savage grocery store at Waconda Corners and hare taken possession. Mr. and Mrs. Savage are staying at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough in Salem, where Mr. Savage Is con valescing from a severe Illness. They plan to spend the winter In Los Angeles, Cain, u Mr. Savage health permits. MEN'S BROTHERHOOD AUXILIARY TALKED Turner Mrs. Earl Bear entertain' ed Wednesday evening In her coun try home with an Informal party lor a group of inends. social eon versation and a humorous reading entitled "The Twelve Husbands" by the hostess furnished the evening's entertainment. -Plsns were talked over of the pos sibilities of the organization, of an auxiliary of the Methodist Episco pal Men's brotherhood and further arrangements win be made at a meeting next week. Guests in the group were Mrs. Neal Edwards, Mrs. Douglas B. Parkes, Mrs. Lawrence Edwards. Mrs. U. S. Talbot, Mrs. Lawrence Roberts, Mrs. Jeanete Edwards of Corvallls. Mrs. William S. Burgoyne. Mrs. R. Lee Thlessen, Mrs. Earl Pearcy oi Salem, Mrs. Earl s. Pra ttler and the hostess, Mrs. Earl Bear. LICENSES ISSUED Albany Marriage licenses have been Issued from the office of the county clerk the past two days to the following: Leonard Beeson May- field. 25. Gladstone, and Alice Mil dred Miller, 22, Eugene; Alvin Lloyd Shirk. 45. and Abbie M. Smith. 36, both of Baker; Robert D. Young. 23, and Zeila E. Russell, 22, both of Le banon and Ralph Schmidt, 20, and Stella Scott, 18, both of Albany. SUVER RESIDENTS LEAVE Suver Mrs. Gyp Thurston and daughters Jane and Joan, who liave been spending the summer -on the Fred Stump farm left Suver this week for their home in Portland to attend school. Miss Eleanor will re main with iter father until school starts at the University of Oregon where she will attend school this winter. Thurston will remain for some time looking after interest in the warehouse business. MOVING TO HOSK1NS Suver Archie Keller and family of Berry Creek will move Sunday to Hoskins where Keller will take charge of the W. S. Alcorn farm. HOP PICKERS CALLED Suver Local people began pick ing the early hops at the Crocker yard Tuesday and late hops there and at the Purvine yard will begin next Monday. They expect the pick ing to last about three weeks. LET ER BUCK Silverton Ernest Ekman, George Rubbs and John Hoblitt left Thurs day morning In the Hoblitt car for Pendleton where they will attend the roundup. BRUNDIDGES AT COAST Hopmere Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Bmndidge and two children are spending their vacation at the coast. They will take In the dif ferent resorts along the beach on their way to Newport, where they intend to stay for a few days. GREATER TALKIK KUASOX NOW OX LAST TIMES TODAY Attend the Matinees and avoid the - evening crowds ' mmw .m fwaifllfic VKU3UK TKUU lAKOUJUh GtlBOtl EMEaY HEODA UOPPf P Our Gang Comedy Mctrolono Newsv ON SCREEN SATl UIIAV and bl .NDAY OOPER ( Man From .Wyoming) ON STAGE FANCHON AND MARCO'S "GREEN DEVIL IDEA" VEATTRIJfO 1. fKOI.KO BATES Dancing MILKS AND COVER Adaelotsts ItOlinT CILIIERT Talking Fiddle 1IARVKV KARULA , . Impressionistic Dancer HIT A MM Lyric Soprano HOI.I.VWOon STUDIO (1IHI.9 DENT FUNERAL SERVICES HELD Amity funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at i o'clock at Macy and Son's under taking parlors In McMinnvllle for Mrs. Margaret Alice Dent, who passed away Monday at her home south of Amity. Mrs. Dent was born In Safin. Mich, May 7. 1871, and la survived by her husband, Anthony Dent, two sons, Milton of Oakland, Calif and Olen of Amity; one brother, Thomas Sullivan of Oakland, Calif, and a sister, Mrs. May Abbey of Salem. Rev. A. F. VanSlyke, pastor of the Christian church of McMinnvllle, conducted the service at McMinn vllle and Interment was In the Hopewell cemetery. Amity chapter O. K. S- had charge of the service at the cemetery. FEED FIRM IS BUSY . Turner The Turner Oregon Feed and Oraln company are busily en gaged In storing grain following the harvesting season. Both night and day shifts are being used, numbering eight men are actively rushing the work along. The mill warehouse Is nearing its capacity with truck loads of grain being hauled in dally. K. Lee Thlessen Is local manager of the Oregon Feed and Oraln com pany. HERSHBERGERS HOSTS Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Andy Raber and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas C. Yoder arrived In Hubbard Wednes day to spend some time with their friends the Jake Hershberger family in East Hubbard. The vlsl' tors are from Millersburg, Ohio and have been traveling lor a month. They came to Hubbard from Can ada. LVTLES IN SALEM Woodbum Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lytle have moved from Woodburn to Salem and are residing at Fifth and Madison streets. The Lytle cottage in Woodburn will be occu pied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fergu son. MISS BRAMLETT ILL Dayton Miss Bessie Bramlett of the Pleasantdale vicinity was taken to Dr. E. M. Reluel's hospital In McMinnvllle and operated on for appendicitis Thursday morning. Miss Esther Nichols also of Pleas antdale will be her nurse. DIXON'S ARE HOSTS Scotts Mills Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Dixon had as their dinner guests Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ewell and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Cooper of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dixon of this place. The evening was spent in playing tennis. BURNETTS HAVE GIRL Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald E. Burnett are the parents of a 7(4 pound daughter. The little miss arrleved Tuesday at the Bungalow maternity home in Sa lem and has been named Carolyn Mary. Burnett Ja Instructor In vocational agriculture at Wood burn high school. MRS. McADOO CALLED Cervals Mrs. I. V. McAdoo left for San Francisco Wednesday. 8he received word of the illness of her grandson and will remain until he improves and will be accompanied home by her son, wife and baby. Sensation - i3 OLD DALLAS GROCER LICENSED TO MARRY Dallas A license to marry was Issued Wednesday to Jacob P. Klle ver, 23, of Garden Orove, Calif, and Feda Neuleld. 23. of Rlckreau. Klle- rer was a resident ov Dallas until about two years ago when he moved to California to take charge of a grocery business there. FAIliSClOOL YEAR OPENS SOON Falls City Fall City schools will begin September IS, according to advice liven by Prof. Dale Ickes. The high school laculty Is as follows: Dale Ickes, Mabel Hatch and Gla dys Svensson. Grade school: Mrs. Frances 6peerstra principal, Sher man Foster, Ina Graham, Irma Locke, Miss Wells and Miss Hollo welt Miss Graham teaches the first grade and-the other teachers are not yet assigned their grades. Four of the teachers are new, and there are at least ten new students moved to town. BIRTHDAY PARTY IS GIVEN LITTLE GIRL Kingwood Mrs. Amnion Orice of the Mountain View neighborhood entertained with a blrthiay party for her ycung daughter. Miss Irer.e, compirmenung tier seventh birth day. Refreshments were served. Those present were Janet Wilson, Virginias chwartz, Shirley Adams, Francis lynch, Wilson Clork, Her bert Schwartz, Aramon Adams. Elaine Lynch and tin younj hostess Irene orice. yOU CAN'T AFFORD IT NO MATTER bow maay fine silks and woolens you own, you can't afford to wash them io bot water. Because, cveo if you hare the price of new ones, you can't re new the tender skin of bands that emerge red and swollen from bot wash basins. If you think that only hot water can get clothes clean, here's news for yout White King Granulated Soap, a pure vegetable and nut oil soap, will yield quick, cleans ing suds in cool or lukewarm water. Ginghams and prints will stay bright. Vbite goods wash whiter, and your bands will re main smooth and soft. White King Granulated Soap Is condensed. You will be sur prised to nod how little is re quired. It's the safest and yet the most economical soap you can buy. Have you tried it? At your grocer's. m CENDWl MOTORS RADIO resenting A the onfstaiicHng Hadio-Iiioxograpii Here (s one of the most unusual values In radio today the splendid Queen' Anno radio-phonograph, illustrated above, for $198, less tubes. This hnnd-f sonic period model of the new General Motors Radio provides the best that modern science ean contribute to radio reception and phonographic repro duction and, in addition, oilers cabinetwork unrivaled in the whole radio field for genuine attractiveness and distinction. This fine instrument is equipped with the Tone Selector a remarkable new feature of the General Motors Radio which enables you to emphasize bass or treble at will. With the Tone Selector you can actually "tune" radio reception and phonographic reproduction to please your cart The Queen Anne radio-phonograph is one of five distinctive period models) of the new Ceneral Motors Radio, ranging In price from $136 to $270, leas tubes. Any model may be purchased on the liberal CMAC plan of a small Initial payment and convenient Installment. PRODUCT OF CENERAL MOTORS RADIO CORPORATION The New GENERAL MOTORS RADIO 347 Court ROUTINE BUSINESS GETS CONSIDERATION Donald A meeting of the board of school directors was held Tues day evening and several business matters taken up. Mr. Etaley sup plied the wood for the next season. School will open September 19. Mrs. Julia Dalmas. of Portland. will return to he principal and teacher of the upper grades, and Mrs. F. j. Dolaen win teach the primary room. Mrs. L. O. Glesy Is chairman of the board this year, other mem' bars being O. B. Acherson and Lyle Yergen. STAATS IS HONORED Molalla Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Staats were In attendance at the Willam ette Valley Advent Christian con ference Sunday and Monday at routdale. Staats was elected vice president of the organisation. BUSINESS IS GOOD Hopmere C. W. Masdin of the Pierre Asplnwall farm, reports a god demand for vegetables and peaches. He could have had an order from Portland last week for several tons -of sweet corn. POLLYWOOD Borne of 25c Talkie TODAY and SATURDAY TALI 1 Special Colored Mark Hennett Comedy "Jazs Mamas" Also Fables, Serial and Kews Bennett goniery fi i Thm Qutt Amns Rrndto-phonofraph $19, lu rub Street MRS. MOISAN GIVES PARTY FOR VISITOR Gerrals Mrs. O. J. Molsan en tertained for her house guest, Mra. Tom Laird Wednesday afternoon. A social time was spent when the hostess served refreshments. Her guest were Mrs. Sumner Stevens, Mrs. Joe Scheible, Mrs. O. T. Wads worth, Mrs. S. D. Manning, Mrs, Harold Asplnwall, Mrs. Otto Schwab, Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth, Mrs. Robert Harper, Mrs. Frank Cannard, Mrs. Perry Sceley, Mrs. An tone Dejardln, Mrs. U. D. Kenning, . Mrs. Sam Brown and the honor guest, DICKEY IS GUEST Molalla C. A. Dickey, who Is an accountant in a large lumber mill at Tacoma. Wash., la visiting his mother, Mrs. Alwllda Dickey, and brother, Tweed, who live on Dickey Prairie. "Dickey was born and reared here but left here in 1911 and this is the third time he has visit ed here in the U years. iiiii NOW PLAYING! Brendal ci(ij Inimitable lUkAJ Swedish nr Comedian . M ills 2 Act Vitaphone Vaude Uie Talking Newsreel and Comedy With BELLE BENNETT MARION NIXON value in a coHiliihation SUNDAY Salem