PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAU3M. OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1930 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE Coat, And Botti By Harold Graf 1 fZ" Y OH I 1- ; i - " . ' 1 ' Mf XATALll SVHKtt IWCOLH Chapter 4 THE BOLTED DOOR "Why, yes," Wtrelow said in It aly to ttat coroner' aueston. "Kane aeemed well. H mad X hod dtamar Ot the Cosmos Club; he at very moderately, so much so that I com mental on It, and he told me he ovas overweight." He paused and looked at -Jack out of the orner of his eye, attceted by the tat ter's heavy breathing. "Kane said tie had been troubled by attacks of vertigo." "Oh!" Cooner Penfleld leaned forward and pulled down the sheet spread over the dead man, expos ing nis head and aaouiders. "Was Kane wearing a coat whan you picked htm upf maked the coroner after a brief pause. "No," replied Winslow. "He was Just as he Is now," pointing to the once white shirt, now torn i blood stained. "He was lying hud dled on his right side when Glover, Jack and I brought him in here." Suddenly Wlnslow's feelings mas tered him and he covered his eyes with a shaking hand. "Kant and X have been friends for mam years," he mumbled. Ooaoner Penfleld nodded sympa- thaUeally. "I understand, Mr. Wlns- iaw," and he looked across at Dr. lawnard McLane, who, wtth Thome, had been a silent witness of Abe avana. "My colleague," bowing slightly to McLane, "will tell you that In a case of accidental death such as this, an autopsy will have to be Held." Winslow's hand dropped from his eyes and a startled look crept Into them. "An autopsy oexe? itt stam mered. 'No, at the morgue," then, read Ing the protest trembling on Wins low's lips the coroner added: "I can realize your feelings, Mr. Wins low; to have your friend taken away and his body subjected to an examination seems horrible to vou; but, I assure you, sir, the law must be complied with." Winslow's glance dropped to the floor and for a second he could not speak; then he looked up and caught McLane's eye. "Go with them, Leonard " he said brokenly. Do everything for Kane, and turning tie stumbled out of the voom. Within fifteen minutes the under taker's car had driven off, followed Immediately by that of the coroner, and McLane was about to enter his coupe when Wins low appeared at the front door. . "Just a moment, Leonard," draw ing close to the surgeon's vide. "How did you find Julia?" "Your wife was resting quietly when I left her before Coroner Penfleld came." Dr. McLane open ed the door of his car. "Should she show any further inclination to ward hysterics administer another dose of bromide. " But Winslow shook off McLane's1 friendly hand with a scowl winch! deepened as, reentering the house, he aaw Jack talking cacrerly with Ebia's trained nurse. They both looked up at his approach. Jack was the first to speak. ; "Can I do anything for you ki town. Dad?" he asked, aifd almost before Winslow could answer, he held up a bottle. "You are sure, Miss Kline there Is nothing else! Miss Chase wishes?" . 1 ''Quite sure." The nurse con sulted her watch. "I have to give her the medic hie before ten o' clock." 'I'll be back with It,- and snatch ing up his overcoat and hat, Jack was halfway to the garage before Winslow moved from the front door. It was with slow and heavy tread thnt lie joined Thorne In the card room. "That girl's sent for more medi cine," he muttered, and, catching Thome's stare, "Elsa Chase al ways wanting medicine bah " "But In her Invalid condition" "Ah. that'-s Ihe point." Winslow's ynlep fell ahmvrt 1o a whisper and to make certain they wee alone. "Is she a cripple?" ftMTDc regarded him with etor tied eyes. "You mean " "Wa had doubts, my whe and I oh, no matter now what gave rise to them and I sent for Kane." Winslow cleared his throat, a ner vous habit with him. "Kane ex asaiaad her lost night -Well, what -did bo find out?" ml dont know," with an expres sive gesture. "Kane died before I saw sum again." "Where were you while Dr. Kane was interviewing Miss Chase?" he asked finally. "Here, playing poker,"- briefly. "Kane went sumight to bis bed room evidently after making the examination, for he had left his suit case upstairs." "Suppose," Thorne'i soft tones quickened, "suppose wo go to Dr. Kane's bedroom. Winslow paused before a closed door and opened It, standing back to permit the detective to enter first On a btmeau lay a leather bill folder with the cad of a match protruding from It Deftly with a steel instrument, so as not to leave finger marks, Thorne opened the bill folder. Within the leather lay three matches with red tips and blue tops. 4 " "Thome, come here!" The im perative call was low pitched. "This bathroom door Is locked." Try too other" "There is none; this is the only entrance to the private bath belong ing to this bedroom." Winslow drew out big handkerchief and wiped the beads of perspiration off his lore head. "Kane fell out of the win dow of this bathroom." Thorne reached the door and ap plied his eye to the keyhole, then kneeling in a less cramped position, ne uxk irom nis pocaet wiiat p- peared to be a small box with glass ends. Hon ing it to his eye, ne again gazed through the keyhole and the small box, a periscope, in effect, enabled him to see all of the tilehned bathroom. To be Continued) DOCTOR IN HOSPITAL Mt Angel Dr. A. F. . flchier baum underwent a major operation at the Coffey sanitarium, Portland, Taesday morning and at the present time is getting along as good as can be expected. LEAVES FOB BOISE eilverton Mrs. Albert Webb lias left for Boise, Idaho, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Muriel Garret, hus band and new baiy which was born some time ago. Mrs. Webb will be gone about two weeks and Webb Intends driving to Boise and get her. VISITORS AT COAST Silverton Mrs. Bertha M or ley and son Woodrotr are spending the week at De Lake. They expect to be home the last of this week or the first of next. Mrs. Ed Minor and daughters Ruth and Edna of Oregon City are visiting old time fiends. The Minors lived on their place on west till) lor many years until Uiey movod to Oregon city about four years ago. teMt HOW fcyt now cm GOT KMVKIHR!& TVtewse. too PTfl "foO. Ht Mfc H 60W TO SfcVA. M WCU lAKfc THKT 0 I Jkw MOW TO &Tt BACK to THfi Bonn athd VT 8 MESSA&&" TO Ttv-V. lu' KBOUT "MW it vvp.: V FPV W t V AT I SW TV' tASt Tut WWTO OH v got n T lr VltM Of .1 a. r kr TU CMc. T REG'LAR FELLERS Bump Of Knowledge By Gene Byrnes "DO VOU EVEft ' not VEErW 'fTuT'.i .'wV IN THeX . ( SASS v ( OFTeN'.J jL f FOIST CJm fiku I SECON' Bffa fn.m.M.0 .-i fil TAILSPIN TOMMY A Hazardous Take-Off ! U; OI.BNN CIIAFI'IM mr.i HAL rOKBES Unable to take off with his heavy load from the muddy field, tommy is trying the novel experiment of letting most of the air out of his tires to allow great ER WHEEL. TRACTION FOR, THE LIMITED RUN AVAILABLE TO HIM.' S25 GOLLY.WHATADIFFERENCe A LITUB AIR MAKES .'THE SHIP) f LOOKS LIKE A HEN HUDDLED OVER A BUNCH OF EGGS.' I tf ur Ir I CAN GET IT OFF . THE OROUMD.WHO ; CARES ?.' --- KTaS"L 'S'WRE THAN WE DID ZA P nc MC Vli iuc'iCaij cucu (JZZP7 . rr4T5feS2&SSMS I Yfff. WwKwA. i " Ml lUrjOFfk vfadQ n idiw. 7 fMM . 1 MOTOR TRIP SOUTH Mill City Mrs. C. T, Haseman, Jack Haseman, Mrs. J. C. Raines, Peggy Raines and Mrs. R. C. Hase man left Wednesday morning for southern Oregon. They will motor south to Medford to Port Orford and south to Crescent City, Calif., by way or tne Kooseveit nignway. EXTENDED TRIP PLANNED Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmidt and son Ocorge left Wed nesday on an extended California trip. They will be guests at the home of Mr. Schmidt's sister. Mrs. Paul Weiss at Reo Vista, who owns large theater in that city. They win also visit with relatives and friends. Schmidts farm a large ranch west of town. Ant oss t. IlTtnfns of play A. 11 Hi Mr hi elir tfrstrtiyr-il for ft In in nit j t I nlmiir It. Frdnl tiictt It. Hrnt nl Hi 1 nltrrtlt of Wain 14. Hcirintt Shiknucliuietll capo 1C l-iihuldui in, Tolrrnlilf ID. Hulatliin SL fill browa t. r SS. S) m but for Uihlum ttb C hnnc ths aiimv ol ll Inimrrn 15. 1'rnn.r fentlrrflr 4. f'tiplirplri It Tliu. I W null ilnr ti. fnrlnlar-il 40. hlnlrt ntibr. 4L Son of liui 44. ('omNWn vatt Ik Aiiirrlenn Mrtliolltt rtlflnt 44. frvrtdta Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle pAjftA o Ea r U L I J IP e a'n'e'm O NiEilC A L OWE U i-IiHE l1s:eJa c esBno AlLlgiNiEHRjAlN SOMlA P t ilN'T BSL R E MrIL T E FNjEBfJ u E sis BMAh-ts jESjPlO U Effe'Sfl IS BR oisiH B(lo r e'lieTi J EiRlo S EHtJE A S EjA NT DIl siJBc olAjs jJjKLR s e ""IHsIh IlnT B RJA Ts" p s ITBTiA ml He in i"Rfirf OjL EJAiT EiSliD E C LlAlR E BJilElEKsaaaEjsjTjEiD , Member of a aiuuuatifl order t. Hemalned IS. Aln conk, turn II. Per tod of llffht il. Luniif mica Uiiokirliorli molittirt It. Orlahi tl. The rrram tl. Mronlic oit IS. Flnt nome of a morle star t4. Hons nrnrrt It. Art of tuiidlaR tl. 1 unit Imple meat 4M. 4rlirtri tnensams tL Itelure IS. Vokur dm tree oi poii i ion IS. Dlprd water frm a boat 4A. WiMiina blrf lilelanra murker M. J-Bilniat a lair It. ruyiim rare! 61. F.sprpsilon Collar to a ir na ire SR. Hhttrl tlrv St. Kirn hottest ac l'wlbio tbHIert 1. Crafty Down L Kafaira of the liland t l.Mna t. A war 8. Hlnirlnir rolf 4. ImllrWaaJ pur. toraaaa ft. l!aaiHUd Htotal a tlaale f. Vmn Indian 4L l.eiral clalni 41. Mm k for roiiettnir neat 4K Kortrteca . 49. (intra of tit falrlea Ml Frowa water tl. Vmtm U. TmasfrfiimJoB St. I.HHv rhllt 44, Heerel mUl. tary aeat ' 2 r v s v i7 v if j imfi - (; ii i ,i,,.i i mtmmmm jL -ii'it- irfi r" . 'ii 4t 42 -t 7 . 44 4T Am- JA 'n'tf ; . ' ' J 4q 5o si S2 si . st ss 3 7" : "T S ;. loo DUMB DORA The Tide's Coming In By Paul Fuiir aTLAST.-! JUMPN rt, LEFT THE OARS GOSH' I ( VfiBE WW.OUT f GOODNIGHT.' f Wl&Wr S NOTHiMSjl WE LAUNCH THB ?&!g?Srf-3 OM THE BEACH! WE'RE NOW WHATU. 3 THE BOAT'S W WE'RE J ' WE'RE f ( eooosmp J ' vS' " DRipntG ) ' X -vedo? V leaking at snkins1 J I SUNK J f BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus DALKiKTER HAO ME PUT T IM THE "f "t-T (E UblN& IT FOR A MlUlATl ID? , . 9 S LI4TSK1-IF MSU COMETO KW 1 BV gOLLV. ITb ALL.' JARVIS- COMt 7 I WOOS,E EVENJ MEMTIOM " ' " I HEAR NOW- IM THE MEHE - I V 1 J I M'NAroRE QOlf.OOR ,-fe. . V MORKJIM" THE BUTLER HAb ALL THE. J "imBV . FURNITURE IKJ A - - Al I I W I t.. ?Vr?""' : 8 J U vi lalum rORE 1 I 1 1 mV room S tllBl i ij-r- aa w ni iu k- s ik i r oji . i i i - y f -v . u i i i i -sr-1 ' - r) ' 4 ISSt. latT PeatafeSTrtee; lac. Creat KHUIa rifJa rewrvwf i MUTT AND JEFF Good Goods Come In Little Packages By Bud Fisher AWT it rrRAN6e mj I " f who's "anVBodv- I ( BtRfc s FeJ Jj-is just thc rr)Erii-T -r t, BWtAKS? HMt AM A H-v It" V Pick DOT I I l?OLST- ANP X'fA0 I .PPopesSIOMAL I GOIF CflllDr 1 1 v i-' J